• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,945 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 15 The Shores of Gold and Libertalia. (Edited)

It was two months since I have gotten more members on my crew, as well as for my original crew members are now my Pirate Crew Officers and have gotten used to being officers on my crew. We have managed to gather and fight for the missing pieces of the ShroudBreaker and now have arrived at Morrow’s Peak Outpost to speak to Captain Grace Morrow. With something that I wanted to do since we came to the Sea of Thieves, especially The Devil’s Roar.

“Why are we doing this, Captain?” One Griffin Pirate asked me.

“We need to lay these lost souls to rest, where their Captain now lives,” I told not just my female Pirate Griffin Raider, but also the whole crew who were getting off the ship to restock supplies for the Shores of Gold that lay just north of our position. Behind my DragonGuards, there were wooden coffins, that held the remains of the first Pirates to enter The Devil's Roar and gotten killed by one Stitcher Jim, who is missing at this point.

“I want to see the bones of the first Pirates, who entered The Devil’s Roar and were killed by Stitcher Jim when he was serving the Gold Hoarder Skeleton Lord. Who now is missing.” I continued to tell my Pirate Nakama.

“Captain William Hunter Singh! It’s good to meet you at last,” A voice came from the Gold Hoarder tent. It was Captain Grace Morrow. She was a pretty tall light brown Pegasus with a shadow black mane. “I take it you’re here for the ShroudBreaker?"

"Yes, I am," I told her then added, "I have something that is needed to be done before we head out."

Grace looked at me with a confused look on her face then looked behind me and saw the coffins with a sad face. "I think I know what is needed to be done to rest my crew." Then she asked me, "Is that traitor, Jim with them?"

"No, he is not, right now he is missing from the sights from EveryPirate, even my Dad does not know where he is," I told her.

Grace gave me a strong face, "As long as he's punished for his crimes,” Then Grace’s face became sad, “Myself and my crew will be at peace now."

"Anything to better the lives of the Pirates of the Sea of Thieves," I replied, then Grace handed the ShroudBreaker to me, “I should stay and see that your crew is finally at peace,”

“No,” Grace said firmly then softly added, “When you have lost some of your crew members, you will bury them," I nodded, then headed back to my ship.

I then boarded the ship alongside my Pirates and tied the ShroudBreaker to the railing near the helm. "So that's what the ShroudBreaker looks like," one of the Zebra Pirate's said with curiosity.

"Yes, with this, we can get to the Shores of Gold now," I told him and then said to the whole crew of the Prince, "Set sail for the Shores of Gold! Head north! Through the Shroud!"

"AYE AYE!" The crew said to my order and began to set the sails and turn the Prince to north head for the Shores of Gold.

(Cue Sailing for Adventure from Muppets Treasure Island soundtrack)

“Sing lads and lasses!” I said just like Edward Kenway in Assassin’s Creed 4 Black flag.

(Song end)

“Hey, Captain,” One Yak Pirate called out to me after we finished singing, “Should sea be red?”

“Yes, it should be, why?” I asked my Pirate Yak. Then he pointed at the water. It was not blood red, like the waters in the Shroud should. "That's new. Let's check the book."

"William, if you're reading this part of the letter that I have not sent to other Pirates who have done this tall tale already, you would have noticed that the waters around the Shores of Gold are not blood red. The reason is that the combined powers of the ShroudBreaker and your ship is making the Shroud move away from the island that's now known as, Tribute Peak. I have a task for you to do as soon as you land on Tribute Peak. I need you to build a Pirate Haven when you have free the island from the Skeleton taint that has plagued other island. No doubt you know what I mean by Skeleton Taint.” I read aloud for the rest of the crew to hear it.

“LAND AHOY!” One of my Pegasus Scouts called out to EveryPirate onboard as they all went to the front of the Prince. “There it is, the Shores of Gold is there, lads!”

As I saw the Shores of Gold, I could tell that there was a reason as to why it was called the Shores of Gold. “Ready the Rowboats!” I told my crew.

As soon as myself and my crew landed on Tribute Peak. One of my Pegasus Scouts reported back saying that there is a massive group of Skeleton Pirates further inland. They were saying that their numbers are in the hundreds.

“So, Rathbone has made himself an army of undead Pirates,” I said to myself, "I should have seen this coming back when we defeated him the first time,"

"It's alright, Will," Twilight said to me before I made myself angry, "It looks like we won't face him in the tombs down below,"

"Thanks, Twi. Now to drive the undead from this island!" I said to rally my crew to my side, to which my crew all yelled to get ready to fight.

(Cue Black Sails theme song from the Black Sails soundtrack)

My crew march up to face the Skeleton Pirate Army. The Skeletons took one look at us and began to prepare for a fight for their undead lord, Rathbone the Gold Hoarder. The Skeletons with Cutlass and Boarding axes charges us only for most of the Skeletons to be taken out by a volley of flintlock pistol bullets.

Those who have managed to survive and get close to the front lines were met with a new toy that Trixie Lulamoon made for my Griffin Raiders. She calls it the Blunderbomb. It’s like the Firebomb but filled with shrapnel instead of the fire and act like a real grenade and a Grapeshot when loaded into a cannon.

The Yak Cannoneers loaded and bombarded the Army of Skeletons as the skeletons tried to fire their cannons at my crew, but my Pegasus Scouts shot the undead cannon crews and fired on the Skeleton Captains commanding the grunts.

Then I heard, “I demanded to fight your leader one-on-one!” Rathbone called out to myself and my Pirates.

“If you do then you will lose!” Rainbow yelled back.

“So, the heroes of Equestria has finally arrived in the Sea of Thieves. I wonder if your human Captain is with you lot?” Rathbone said as he came in front of his Skeleton army.

I began to walk towards Rathbone. “Those heroes are my friends and companions, Rathbone,” I said calmly to him.

Rathbone had the look of surprise on his skeleton face, “You’re an Alicorn now, William Hunter! Oh, come on!” Rathbone groaned, then began to charge at me, “You will not rule the Sea of Thieves!”

(Cue He’s a Pirate from Pirate of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl soundtrack)

The duel between myself and Rathbone started.

Rathbone started by teleporting away as he was charging me with his Gold Hoarder shovel. But soon reappeared to try to attack from behind me, to which I block it and broke his defence like in Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag by kicking Rathbone in the chest and throwing him and shooting him with four pistols shots. Rathbone was getting angry and tried to do a shockwave attack but he didn’t think about my wings. As I flew into the air I soon came back down and began to attack him like a trained fighter who is not going to lose the fight.

As myself and Rathbone fought. My crew and Rathbone’s army fought each other. Cannons firing, skeletons getting blown up and my Pirate crew were winning the battle.

It was time for some moves that may seem familiar to those who watch One Piece.

"Nitoryu Iai!" I said then attacked the undead Pirate, "Rashomon!" The Skeleton looked surprised at what I can do now as I sliced the undead grunts away.

"What the hell was that?!" Rathbone said to himself.

"Nitoryu!" I said again but this time a different move, "Nanajuni Pound Ho!" Sword slash beams came out of both my Sword of Souls and Briggsy's Cutlass.

"How is William doing this?" Twilight asked herself.

Now for the finishing blow to Rathbone as I put away Briggsy's Cutlass and begin to draw out my Sword of Souls, "Ittoryu Iai!" Rathbone charges me but never hits me, "Shishi Sonson!"

The duel with Rathbone ended as the world became a private place for me and Rathbone like it was in the Assassin’s Creed series, after killing an important target.

“You’ve lost, Rathbone. Your army is being destroyed as we speak.” I told the dying Skeleton Lord.

“You think you have won by killing me?” Rathbone questioned me, “I hope that Flameheart will end your family and conquer the whole world and beyond!”

“I know that Flameheart will be stopped by whoever it is that will fight him first,” I countered him.

Rathbone laughed at me, “You wish, you bucking fleshy. Someday I will return and you will be the one I will kill first. Without your Ferryman to save you.” then Rathbone was defeated and burst into a pile of gold bones.

The partying lasted for the rest of the day as more Pirates came to the Tribute Peak and celebrate with us. Twilight counted around eight thousand amount of Pirates who have come to join me and build the first Sea of Thieves Pirate City named Libertalia.

(Cue Libertalia by Ye Banished Privateers)

The next day, Pirate began to work on building the port and a song began to be sung by myself and my Pirate that now number eight thousand and six hundred Pirate including my friends as I became a Grand Pirate Admiral.

(Song end)

As the crowd quieted down. I pulled Twilight in for a kiss as my, no our Pirates continued to build our town of Libertalia.

End of the Maiden Voyage Arc. But not the end of the story.

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