• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,945 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 2 A New Beginning Part 2. (Edited)

I just sat there, eyes and mouth wide, at Celestia just confirmed that the Sea of Thieves is in the world of Equestria. What she said just kept replaying in my mind, again and again, as Celestia giggled like a schoolgirl that has a crush on someone. Sure I had played Sea of Thieves the game, read the books, played the tabletop game and collected the merch as much as My Little Pony, but not as much, but it is real in the world that I love so much? Admittedly it is overwhelming.

"I take it you're surprised at what your mission is?" Celestia said as she recovered from her giggling.

I was still sitting there and just nodded at the Princess. "And don't worry about a ship for you and your crew, I already have one in the works."

I soon snapped out of my shocked trans and shook my head and said, "I'm sorry, but did you just say that the Sea of Thieves is in this world and you want me to sail to it?!"

Celestia smiled "I know it's a lot to take in, but I'm sure you will be a fine Captain of your crew of friends,"

"But surely there is someone better than me to go to the Sea of Thieves?" I said "Not that I'm not honoured by what you just offered to me or anything, surprised and overwhelmed. But why me,"

Celestia then said something that I'll never forget, "Because you know the place better than my finest explorers that the kingdom has to offer," "And because I know you will do myself and Equestria proud,"

"Plus," she continued "you need real friendship and adventure and maybe love,"

The last word made my cheeks feel warm and gave me the confidence to do the Princess and Equestria proud, but then I realised one small problem and asked, "Where do I begin and who do I recruit?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow, "Where else and who else do you think?" she said in a knowing tone.

My mind clicked, "Oh, you want me to recruit Twilight and her friends as soon as possible, If you're alright with it that is,"

"It's alright, of course, you will have to defeat," Celestia took a deep breath in and said "My Younger Sister, Luna, with them and prove that you are an ally, not an enemy,"

"It will be a challenge, but I sure that I will do you proud," I said "And don't worry, I will be gentle to her,"

Celestia smiled, "I know you will do a great job. now I will let you get back to my student," she said rising from the picnic, "You have a chariot to ride on,"

Myself, Spike and Twilight headed for the chariot, and then I saw Twilight's big brother, Shining armour, standing on the platform. When Shining saw me, he was about to charge me, not before Twilight stood in front of me and explained everything, Including what Celestia said about me being Twilight's 'bodyguard', and you can guess that Shining was very sceptical about this.

"I have no issues about this if what you are saying is true Twi, but I still don't trust this bodyguard that the Princess has given you," Shining said with caution in his voice then he turns to me, "You better not do anything to harm her or I will hunt you down, regardless of your stature as Equestria's Privateer." Yes, Celestia made me into, to my surprise, Equestria's first Privateer.

"I wasn't even going to harm her anyway," I said "I may be a Pirate, but I'm not that kind of Pirate,"

"But you said your not a Pirate!" Twilight said in confusion.

"That was before your Princess made me one," I countered calmly.

Twilight sighed "Anyway, we should get going, promise to write everyday B.B.B.F.F?"

"I promise Twi," Shining said and turn to me, giving me a glare of pure distrust.

We soon boarded the chariot and then took off as Twilight looked back to Shining Armour with a sad look on her face. "Are you alright, Miss Sparkle?" I asked carefully.

"I'll be alright," Twilight said, looking ahead to the destination.

The flight was pretty quick as we soon landed in the town named Ponyville. "Feels pretty peaceful here," I muttered then sadly added, "Unlike my world, so many problems,"

"What was that?" Spike asked.

"Nothing Spike," I said softly. As we began to walk through Ponyville, I couldn't help but feel like all the eyes of Ponyville were on me the whole time, looking scared and started backing away from me, that was until we soon came across a familiar pink pony coming our way, smiling like there's no tomorrow.

"Come on Twilight just try it, you'll see," Spike said as Pinkie stopped in front of us three.

"Uhhh, hello, what's your name?" Twilight said, trying to be careful.

Pinkie jump into the air gasped and whizz over Twilight, Spike and myself. We all look at each other.

"Just go with it I guess," I said again pretending like I don't know Ponyville. Twilight just rolled her eyes and continued walking to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's checklist," Spike said as we head through the gates of the farm, "Number one, banquet preparations: Sweet Apple Acres,"

I took a deep breath in through my nose, exhaled and smiled, "Smells like apples," I said, "I wonder what the apples taste like here,"

"Heehaw!" A shout came from one side of the dirt road, as Applejack galloped to an apple tree and kicked it and the apples fall from the branches then smiled proudly.

'I wonder if the Sea of Thieves will test her strength and honesty' I thought to myself as Twilight sighed.

"Let's get this over with," Twilight said as she walks up to Applejack, "Good afternoon, my name is Twilight Sparkle-" Twilight was soon cut off not from a hoof-shake but a tackle from Applejack.

"I don't know what you want, but I'm warning you now, back away from my farm now, Pirate!" Applejack yelled at me, thinking like the first time Twilight saw me awake, only I have my Pistols and my Cutlass on my body this time.

"I'm just a bodyguard for the pony you just tackled," I said trying to defuse the encounter, "I'm only a recently hired Pirate by the Princess, and I would never harm an innocent,"

Applejack stared at me and then took some steps towards me and look deep into my eyes, and I should mention that I was, in this world at least, around the same height as big mac.

"Okay then," Applejack said, "I believe you, and now know you will not harm my family or me,"

"Thanks, Miss," I said that got Applejack to chuckle.

"Please, call me Applejack, Miss just makes me sound old," Applejack said.

"Sounds good to me," I said smiling as I helped Twilight back on her hoofs, "Any way we're here to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration, are you in charge of the food?"

"As sure as sugar we are," Applejack said, "Want to try some?"

"Yes, please!" Spike and I said together, much to Twilight's disinterest.

"Well, as long it doesn't take too long," Twilight said begrudgingly.

Applejack soon rang a triangle and called out to her family. I ran to the table, taking Twilight and Spike in my arms, "Soup's on everypony!"

Soon the Apple family galloped to the table where Twilight, Spike and myself was at, "Now, how About I introduce you to my family?" Applejack said.

"Thanks, but we need to get-" Twilight said before getting interrupted again.

"This is Apple Fritter," Applejack began as apple-flavoured treats came pouring on the table, "Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp..." Applejack took a deep breath in, "...Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith come on now Granny, we got guests,"

"Wha...? Soup's on?" Granny said as she sauntered to her family, "Hold on, I'm coming,"

Twilight spits out an apple treat that was shoved into her mouth, "Okay, well, I can see the food is coming along nicely, so we'll be on our way,"

"Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?" little Apple Bloom said with puppy-dog eyes.

"I'm sorry, but we have a lot to do today," Twilight said, and everyone groaned in disappointment.

"Fine," Twilight said after giving in, then everyone cheered and began to feast.

"Food is all takin care of," Spike said after leaving the farm with myself and Twilight, poor Twilight was lagging behind us with a big belly full of apple treats.

"I had too much pie," Twilight groaned from behind as I try to comfort her.

"Well, that's why you don't eat all of everything in front of you," I said "And I know I ate a lot then you, but that's because I'm taller than you so, I have to eat more than you," Twilight just glared at me then turn to Spike.

"What's next Spike?" Twilight Asked, "And it better not involve more food,"

Spike looked at the sky, "There's supposed to be a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the sky,"

Twilight looked up, "Well, she not doing a good job now, is she?"

Rainbow came ramming into Twilight into a muddy puddle. "TWILIGHT!" I cried out, running to the two crashed ponies, "Are you two, alright?"

Rainbow was the first to get up from the mud, "Yeah, I'm alright, thanks for asking," Rainbow said.

Rainbow then took one look at me, gasped, smiled ear to ear and pounce on me like Tigger, rolling for a bit and Rainbow was on top of me, "Oh my gosh!" she said and then in rapid-fire said "A Pirate, are you a Pirate? Oh please be a Pirate, can I join your crew? Oh please let me join your crew? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction to me. It's a nice change of pace for me after all the ponies I've met have been either mean or scared, "Okay, okay," I said at last, "But can you get off of me please?"

Rainbow sheepishly smiled and got off of me. "I am so sorry Captain, sir," then she looked at Twilight, "Here, let me help your First Mate out,"

"I'M NOT HIS FIRST MATE!" Twilight yelled as Rainbow grabs a cloud and begins to bounce on it to make rain to fall out of it, soaking poor Twilight.

"Oops," Rainbow said sheepishly, "How about this?" she then flew around Twilight very fast and created a small tornado messing up Twilight's mane and tail in the process.

"My very own Rain-Blow-Dry, no, don't thank your quite welcome,"

"Uh, you may want to have a look at what you have, done," I said, pointing to Twilight and struggling to hold my laughter.

Rainbow, Spike and I couldn't hold it anymore and burst into laughter holding our stomachs, "I take it your Rainbow Dash?" Twilight said in an annoying voice tone.

"The one and only," Rainbow said proudly "Why, you heard of me?"

"Well, we heard you are supposed to keep the skies clear!" Twilight said.

"Sure, I'll do that in a minute," Rainbow said, "After I finish my route,"

"For what? Twilight pondered.

"For the Wonderbolts, of course," Rainbow said, again in a proud voice, "They're going to perform at the Celebration tomorrow, and I'm going to show them my stuff!"

'Let's see how fast she is.' I thought.

"The Wonderbolts you say," I started, "surely they wouldn't accept a lazy pegasus, who can't keep the sky around Ponyville for at least a twenty-four hours, now would they?"

That must have mad Rainbow mad, "Hey, I can clear this sky in ten seconds flat!"

I crossed my arms, "Do it in five seconds, lazy bones,"


She then took off at, to put it lightly, a very, very, very, very, fast speed that thrown off all other background ponies from their hoofs, including Twilight, Spike and I to the ground and may have caused more than five Sonic-Rainboom, IN, A, ROW.

Literary five seconds later, Rainbow Dash, who may be the fast living creature in of all fiction besides Sonic, may have just beat Sonic's best speed at Hyper Sonic levels.

The whole sky is clear and then some for other faraway towns, as Rainbow landed in front of us, panting like there's no tomorrow left, "There... Five Seconds Flat..." she said at last between deep breaths, "Now... about... me... joining... give me a sec... your crew,"

"After all that," I said still shocked, but quickly recovered, "Yeah, you're on my crew,"

Rainbow gave me a silent yay, "Just let me getting a big nap, then I meet you after the Celebration," and then she fainted.

I chuckled at her, but when I looked at Twilight and Spike, they were both glaring at me. "I think we should get her to a hospital, now," I said as I picked her up and went to find the Ponyville Hospital.

To be Continued.

Author's Note:

Well, that last bit was fun.

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