• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,944 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 1 A New Beginning Part 1.

Author's Note:

My first story is not only a Human-in-Equestria one but also a crossover with my favourite game of all time, Sea of Thieves. I don't know when I will be uploading the next chapter but I will try to get it out as soon as possible.

Don't cry because it's over. smile because it happened. The first time I heard that quote was when I watched Dr Wolf's video on the ending of Friendship is Magic. I don't know what video it was, but it was that quote that made me overcome the inevitable end of the show that I have come to love.

When I finally watched the last episode ironically called 'The Last Problem', I knew myself, and many Bronies out there will say that there will never be something like this again.

The next day, I was on my way to work at the local supermarket where the most important thing happened to me; I died in a bus crash by an idiot truck driver, who thinks he knows all the rules.

When I finally awake from sleeping for some strange reason, I soon released I was not in my world anymore, but instead, to my liking, Equestria home of Ponykind of all shapes, sizes and colours. More precisely, the Canterlot Royal Library where I was on a couch was still a human and dressed in what looks to be a Pirate Captain's outfit. I wore a white dress shirt with a dark blue vest, a pair of pants with red on the waist and the private area and the leg part of the pants were coloured red, a couple of pirate boots with armour plating on the feet and the shins of the shoes, a dark red greatcoat with black buttons, and a black tricorne with a white feather coming out of the hat, the feather seems to end behind the back of my head.

I soon look at the table where I assume my weapons are. Eight Flintlock Pistols, all made out of black iron and sliver, and a Scottish Basket-hilt Sword, all of which are human-sized. I was about to pick one of the weapons when a blast of magic came right past my hand.

"You better not, Pirate!" A voice came from my right; it sounded aggressive. And there she was, the future Princess of Friendship and Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. But this Twilight was a Unicorn, not an Alicorn.

She was looking at me with determination to defend against me for just looking like a Pirate Captain and an unknown creature.

"Who are you, what are you, and what do you want, Pirate?!" Twilight said in an angry voice.

I soon raised my hands in defence, "I am no threat to you or Equestria," I said in a calm voice. "And I'm no Pirate despite looking like one," I added.

"And why should I believe you?" Twilight countered.

"A real Pirate would have either grabbed a Pistol or a sword and would have killed you by now. Or run away from this place. Of which I am not going to do both," I countered back calmly.

Twilight then looked a little shocked at what I said. Spike stood behind her, a little scared of me and what I said to Twilight.

"So why and how are you here anyway," Spike said that quickly got a glare from Twilight.

"To be honest, I have no idea," I said, then sadly added, "other than the fact I died just to get here."

"Wait," Twilight said with confusion in her voice ", You died, but how? you look alive to me?"

"I..." I was just about to answer that when Spike burped a letter from his mouth and began to read it aloud.

“Why now of all times?!” Twilight said, clearly hoping that the letter comes later and not while she’s ‘interrogating’ me. Spike was going to read the letter, but Twilight told him no.

“Now now, Miss,” I said, try to calm her down, “Let him read the letter,”

Spike cleared his throat and continued, “My dearest, most faithful student, Twilight, you know I value your diligence and that I trust you completely... But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books!”

Twilight gasped at what Spike had just read aloud, clearly surprised at what her teacher just wrote to her.

"Well, sounds like your teacher wants you to stop reading whatever you were reading," I said to Twilight.

"I also want to meet this 'Pirate' that you were talking about. The Royal Guard will be coming to you as I'm writing this letter." Spike continued.

As Spike finished the letter, for now, four royal guards appeared at the doorway of the library, all of whom wore golden armour and wielded iron spears in their hoofs. The guards all had identical armour, mane and coat colours.

"I take you're the royal guards going to escort me to your Princess?" I said with a knowing tone in my voice.

"Yes, we are, sir." one of the guards said in a gruff voice. "If you will, please follow us, sir."

"I'm going to leave my weapons here with what's your name, miss?" I asked Twilight, pretending like I didn't know her at all.

"Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said hesitantly, "And I'm Spike," Spike said happily, earning another glare from Twilight.

"This way, sir," the leading guard said. As we left the library and headed for the castle, ponies noticed me and began to slowly back away from the guards and me as we headed for Princess Celestia in the castle. But then we headed for the castle gardens, through a gate, and then the guards stopped at the garden's opening that I had never seen before. But there she was, beautiful as always, Princess Celestia sitting on a picnic blanket with some food laying on it with a pot of tea and teacups.

"Hello there, good sir," Celestia said in a cheerful voice, "It's so wonderful to see you, at last. I hope the guards didn't give you much trouble."

"It's good to see you too, Princess," I said with a bow of my head. "And no, the guards didn't give me trouble. but I think I may have scared your Ponies on the way here,"

Celestia sighed, "As I feared. My Little Ponies are not as welcoming as they were in your version of this world. My Little Brony," My eyes went wide as she said those last three words with a smug look on her face. I lost my balance and went face-first on the grass.

"How do you know me? you never meet me, that I'm aware of." I said after recovering from that fall.

"I know things that you know, like how you and others sometimes call me Trollestia," Celestia said with amusement on her face. "But I did do a huge favour for you,"

"Wait, you save me from that crash?" I asked, to which Celestia nodded. "But that doesn't explain why I am dressed like a Pirate?"

"Perhaps that's what you wanted to be for a long time? besides being a pony." Celestia said, gesturing me to the picnic blanket to which I sat down on one end of the quilt from Celestia. "And don't worry about your family, their all right, as long as your all right, that is."

"Yeah, I'm going to miss them, but they were jerks to me anyway," I said with truth and sadness in my voice. "My life back home, when I was younger, was not the best,"

"No need to speak more of your past, Mister," Celestia said with a sad look on her face, "I already have seen your history, and let me say, I am so sorry for not intervening sooner to save your life from the cruelty of your fellow humans,"

"It's alright, Princess," I said to reassure her, "It's all in the past,"

Celestia smiled. "I was hoping to save you from your family, but, against my judgement, I know you would have freaked out from seeing Equestria and me if I had brought you here as a foal."

"But that's not the main reason why I brought you here, William Hunter. I have brought you here to make friends with the ponies you love so much and go on adventures with them..." Celestia pauses then stands up on her hooves.

"In the Sea of Thieves!" Celestia finishes as I do a spit take from the tea I was drinking.

"WHAT!?" I yelled in disbelief.

To be Continued.

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