• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,945 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 26 A Pirate's Life Part 2.

We landed on the beach, and soon we made our way into the island's caves. More voices came from nowhere as we found an abandoned campsite with a fire burning a ghostly green light.

"Burn bright, accursed light, upon tales old and ill deeds, long past..." As I used my lantern, the voice said that I was holding with my mouth like an Earth Pony would light it with the new flame called The Flame of Souls.

"Looks like we have to find some torches to proceed," I said with a lantern in my mouth.

After going through the caves and after many 'DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES' LATER.

"Since when did Pirates make a waterslide?" I asked my crew, who all shook their heads 'NO'. "Well, we might as well take this route down this slide," I said as I jumped into the slide while yelling: "AWHOOOOOOOOOOOOO..." like Maui from Disney Moana, then all of my crew followed me.

I saw a lot of shipwrecks ahead of me in the distance. Enough to make a small town of Pirates.

"At least that was short..." Rares said as she looked out over the cliff. "At least the 'town' ahead has some kind of Pirate charm,"

"I wonder what we will me-," Pinkie said.

"DON'T Pinks," I said to my hyperactive friend with my hoof in her mouth. "The last thing we need is you jinxing us like you always do,"

As we made our way into the 'town', we heard a voice nearby. "Yo ho, yo ho, a Pirate's life for me..."

"Who's singing?" Flutters said with a little bit of fear in her voice.

"And more importantly. Why that song?" I asked myself.

"Ahoy down there!" The voice now came from above us, "Ye paid the warnings no heed, and set foot on Sailor's Grave while ye still draw breath, at the risk of marooning yerselves here for all eternity... Now that be what I call true Pirate courage!"

"Who are you? And where are you?" Gilda asked the voice for where the voice was.

"I'm up here, maties," The voice said again as we all looked up to see a hanging cage with something in it. "Arrr, but this be no way to hold a conversation. Climb up here and lower me cage. I'll make it worth yer while..."

"If you say so, mate," I said as I used parkour to get up there, but with no magic, I have no grip on my hoofs.

"That didn't work," Gallus said as one of my Pegasus Scouts spotted a way to get up there without magic or wings.

After going through some pullies, Twi made our way up to the cage, and we saw something that we weren't ready for. "You're a skull?!" Twi and I said together.

"Yes, and?" The talking skull said. "Ye're one to talk. Ye not from this world or the Sea of Thieves, are ye?"

"It's a long story," I said with a heavy sigh.

"I knew we would be finding the dead here," Twi said as she looked a minor freak out at the sight of a skull that talked like a normal creature. "But this is different,"

"Yes, well. This be the Sea of the Damned," The skull said but let's call him the Cursed Captain or C.C, "Well, are ye going to lower me cage or not, Horse?"

"Don't call my wife that!" I yelled at him as I swung my Sword of Souls in my mouth at the rope.

"AAAAUUUUGGGHHHHH!" C.C yelled as he fell to the ground and landed with a loud crash of iron meeting undead dirt, "Uuugghhh... Me head, It's killin' me..." Twi and I made our way to the ground, "Aye, it's not exactly a dignified reunion. But I do welcome bein' back on the ground..."

Rares screamed, "When you said that he was a skull, I thought you were joking,"

"He never jokes on adventures like this!" Was the response of the whole crew of the Santiano.

"Well, I'll be," C.C said as we looked around at us with his skull. "I thought I'd seen it all. But now. Creatures of myth an' legends are standing right before me eyes, even though I don't hav' any to speak of. Dragons, Griffins, Pegasus, Unicorns, and all of ye talking an' wearing clothes as we humans do,"

"How nice of you to say such things, mate," I said to C.C, "I was hoping for you to be our guide through this land,"

"Right, but, I'd hoped the fall might bust open these here bars, but it seems I'll be needing another favour from ye... If ye can hunt down me mutinous crew and find the key to me cage... Well, once I'm free, we might be able to strike a bargain," C.C said as we began to look around for the key.

As we looked around for the key, I found a shipwreck with familiar music, like something from a tropical setting.

"What the..." I said as I went to read one of the journals.

"What is this ship?" I heard Twi ask as I walked over to a journal.

"This says..."

Somewhere in the Caribbean, by Captain Kate Capsize.

Today, I sold my beautiful glass-bottomed boat with more than a little reluctance.

I could hardly bear to let her go, but she’s too small and too slow for the kind of lengthy sea journey I’ll be embarking on. So it’s bye-bye boat.

I have a pressing need for a galleon, something that will see me through thick and thin as I head out on a journey to find the man who framed me.

Luckily, that same man once chartered my glass-bottomed boat and led me to the location of a particularly spectacular shipwreck.

It’s a shipwreck I intend to salvage, repair, and use to track down the dolt who had me sent to jail in his stead. A dolt named Guybrush Threepwood.

My eyes went wide as dinner plates at the name of GUYBRUSH THREEPWOOD! "What?" I said in a small voice that could make Flutters proud, "Guybrush Threepwood is real!?"

"Guybush Creepwood?" Twi asked me, but I didn't listen to her as I went around the wreck to find more journals on Kate Capsize.

"There's another, it reads..."

Raising the Mad Monkey, by Captain Kate Capsize.

If I’m to locate Threepwood and teach him a very pointy lesson about having innocent people locked up so you can steal their beverages, I’ll need help.

I knew I’d need the help of the local authorities, but infuriatingly, Governor Marley turned out to have eloped with non other than Threepwood himself. Yuck!

Fortunately, if there is one thing we’re not lacking in this part of the world, it’s bureaucrats. Governor Phatt was ready and willing to meet with me.

I must confess that it turns my stomach to think of my pieces of eight going to feed that man’s endless gluttony, but I’m willing to do what must be done.

Besides, if what I hear about Threepwood’s honeymoon destination is true, I’ll soon have more than enough treasure in my hold…

"Honey, slow down!" Twi said as the rest of my crew came to see why I was taking so long. But I didn't listen to them.

"Another one!" This time was going a little fanboy crazy at the moment.

A Headless Monkey, by Captain Kate Capsize.

THREEPWOOD! A name I shall take great pleasure in etching into a gravestone with my own dagger for what he did to my new ship’s pride and joy.

I’d quite forgotten that the witless, hopeless, clueless buffoon previously removed the head of the figurehead that gives the Mad Monkey its name!

One day I shall take great pleasure in tying the selfish swindler to what remains of the figurehead and parading him around the port, but until then…

Making do, I have returned from the shipwright with a new nameplate for our ship. Together, my new crew and I shall sail on the Headless Monkey!

That’s a name that a certain Guybrush Threepwood, pirate pretender, and his job-ditching bride Governor Elaine would do well to remember…

"What's happening to William?" One of the human Pirates asked the others as I ran and talked like Twilight, learning new knowledge.

"FOUR FOR FOUR!" I yelled in excitement and fanboy joy, and this one is the one that made me go Twilight Lesson Zero likes of crazy.

A Fateful Pursuit, by Captain Kate Capsize.

Did Guybrush Threepwood make it to the Sea of Thieves? I may never know for sure. I, on the other hand, never arrived. Also, I think I might be slightly dead.

The Headless Monkey is a wreck once again, already part of the weird pirate town they’ve got going on here. There’ll be no salvaging her this time.

I do still have a ship, though – my little glass-bottomed boat! How can it be here, in this strange not-life fully of ghostly voices? Maybe I shouldn’t ask.

My crew are off in the tavern, and I don’t think they’ll be leaving any time soon. They’re at home here in a way that I can never be. I miss the sunlight!

I am going to set sail, find a way back to life and then… Well, let’s see what the seas have in store! I’ve realized revenge isn’t worth living, and certainly not dying, for.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA," I laughed like a mad pony. Now my crew were starting to question my sanity. "Guybrush Threepwood is in the SEA OF THIEVES!"

"SOMEONE HOLD HIM DOWN!" One of my crewmates said but to no success, as I kept on running like mad.

Fresh Waters, by Captain Kate Capsize.

I have a ship, she has a name. I have a crew, we have our course!

The Sea of Thieves is a legendary pirate paradise, home to some of the most feared marauders to ever sail the seas – or so the stories go.

Naturally, only Threepwood would be arrogant enough to presume he has a place there, let alone treat it as a romantic getaway spot for his honeymoon.

If he’d been sailing alone, I’m sure he’d be marooned by now, but while Elaine has seriously bad taste in husbands, she’s a capable pirate.

I have to assume that Threepwood somehow made it to the Sea of Thieves. And that means I must do the same.


I stopped with a mad pony's face on my face and then fainted on the ground.

"William?" I heard Twi call out to me then as I awoke from my Pirate fanboy craziness.

"Ugh... What happened?" I asked my crew as they all looked a little unsure about what happened.

"You went a little crazy..." Twi said to me with a soft voice, "And now I know what you mean by Classic Twilighting,"

I sigh a big sigh, "Sorry, everyone. I just found out about a possible new ally that has entered the Sea of Thieves,"

"It wouldn't be this 'Guybrush Threepwood' you were talking about as you were running around like a mad Pirate?" A Griffin Raider asked me.

"Yes," I sighed. "He is, or in this case, was a fictional Pirate from the human world in the 21st century. From a game series called 'Monkey Island,"

"Well, at least ye didn't die on us, laddie," C.C said to me as two of my Dragon Guards move out of the way for him to see me. Now he was back in his old original body. "I didn't think a creature like ye can get so crazy for something so small over some books,"

I sigh again, "I'm so sorry, mates. I hope you can forgive me," I said.

All of my crew forgave me one by one as we made our way to the Ferry of the Damned and nearly lit the Well of Fate with the Flame of the Damned.

"STOP!" The Ferryman yelled at me as I lifted my lantern to the floating brazier, "The Cursed Flame you carry has no place within my Well of Fates. Do not attempt to meddle with power beyond your comprehension..."

"Sorry, mate," I said to the Ferryman, "But the soul we seek is down below your ship," I then lifted my lantern to Well, and it began to sink into the hold of the Ferry and exploded, showing some stairs that let's down into the ship's brig. "Stay up here and keep an eye on the Ferryman for us, please," I said to my pirates as I went down into the Ferry's brig.

"Now to find this soul..." I said as I went down into the brig and began to hear a voice that sounded shockingly familiar.

"Come on, doggie," I stopped in my tracks with a cartoon sounding shocked stop. "Come to Jack and get the bone. Come to Jack and get the bone, good boy," I stopped in front of the man that I looked up to as a kid because he was so awesome and a Pirate Legend among Pirate Legends, and I once thought of him being a Pirate God.


To be continued...

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