• Member Since 13th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Darth Severus

Brony, Star Wars nut, Former Marine, BA in English, minor in creative writing, OCD and on the Autistic Spectrum

Comments ( 23 )

I am very interested

...This link cannot be removed until the game is beaten. Please enjoy your game."

Define beating the game. Does Spike has to finish Chapter 3? Does Spike has to go through Shadow of Raven/Hutt Cartel? Would he had to go even further into Ethernal throne?

The point is Spike is effectively stuck there, because MMOs don't have an ending.

Sorry I didn't define that, he only has to go as far as chapter 3 to 'beat the game'

Dealing with Traitors what?

Spike was sent after people who betrayed Nem'ro

Did nobody notice the TFS reference?

For Twilight being so smart she's pretty dumb when it comes to video games

Wasn’t there one where spike was a sith warrior? What ever happened to that one?

I deleted it and restarted with a different story. At first Spike was going to be the main character in all of the stories, but now there's two stories for Spike, Gabby, Thorax, and Starlight, one for Republic and Empire. I figured it would take too long to finish the Sith Warrior story, so I went with one of the ones I've actually finished the storyline

It's not porn, but it will have sex

Ah well it sucks that you deleted it but oh well. Keep writing my friend

Yeah, the only storylines I've finished are Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter, I've never gotten farther than Chapter One in Sith Warrior, and I haven't even made it past the prologue on the Agent

Twilight was watching Spike beat up the captain, as were her friends. When she saw him drinking from a flask, her eyes widened, "He's been drinking!? I'm going to kill him when he makes it out of this game!"

Spike is in a Video Game, NOT in real life Dumbass!

Twilight sighed, "I told mom and dad he shouldn't be playing games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, but did they ever listen? No!"

Twilight, SHUT UP! Those are really Good Games.

Spike was the one drinking from the flask, not the captain


I was actually talking about Spike the whole time. Besides, he won't be like a Drunk Addict or something. Plus, I doubt the drink can affect him in the Game like real life.

are you going to add Anuli to the team it is :fluttershysad: to see him die

Chances are yes, I felt really sad when he died, and even though my Bounty Hunter was a light-side aligned character, I wanted to turn the Eidolon to the Hutts, but making Mako happy was more important to me than revenge

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