• Published 16th Aug 2019
  • 8,582 Views, 474 Comments


Never in all my life would I ever imagine that I'd end up in a variation of my little sister's cartoon. For some reason I'm stuck in Equestria as Bizarro, except every"pony" looks like their Equestrian Girls counterparts with wings, horns, and tails.

  • ...

Reunions and Goodbyes.


My foot tapped nervously on the wooden floorboards of the Friendship Express train station, slowly creating a noticeable dent in the wooden surface with each impact. Seconds ticked by at an agonizing pace as I waited for the next train to Ponyville to arrive, I silently prayed for Trixie to be alright. After her episode at the hospital, the staff subdued her and took her back to her room for the safety of herself and the other patients.

While Trixie was physically better, she wasn't doing well mentally. It hurt me to know that Trixie was suffering like that, not even trusting the ponies around her after what had happened in the Everfree. Twilight believed that it was a side-effect of the medicine we gave Trixie, which only added onto the pain I felt. I only wanted to help Trixie, and in my stupid haste I only ended up hurting her even more. Some "friend" I was.

I fucked up everything and ended up hurting Trixie in ways that I couldn't even imagine. While I had the reassurance of my super hearing to let me know if somepony was a changeling, Trixie didn't have that luxury. To her, anypony and anything could have been one of those monsters in disguise. And her fear and paranoia would only get worse unless she got the help she needed, and we fully intended to do just that.

Twilight and I sat at the train station on the outskirts of Ponyville around midafternoon waiting for the next train to Ponyville. Twilight had successfully managed to contact one of Trixie's relatives who sent a letter via Magic fire to tell Twilight that she'd be coming to Ponyville on the next available train.

I was so grateful that Trixie had somepony out there who cared enough to come help her, she needed all the love and support she could get after what she went through.

I was also amazed to know just how much Trixie's Great Aunt cared for her. Apparently, she and Twilight had broken a few dozen laws by using Magic fire to send letters to other cities. It turns out Magic fire could only be legally used to send letters within small communities, the only exception being emergencies or letters to higher ups in Canterlot. The reasoning behind regulating it so strongly was because the mailing and shipping industry would take a major hit if everypony could just light a candle and send a letter, leading to hundreds of ponies losing their jobs in a matter of moments.

What's more, there wasn't a way to check what was being sent though Magic fire, so somepony could send a bomb with a magic candle and kill someone with ease. It made me realize just how dangerous and beneficial magic could be. After all, Trixie was able to blast a giant hole through solid concrete like it was Styrofoam.

If Snips and Snails hadn't pushed her out of the way, Twilight would have died if she were hit, it would have been all my fault. I was so surprised by what was happening that I didn't even move a muscle until after Twilight was pushed out of the way. I had super speed for Christ's sake, and I didn't even try to use it! How the fuck am I supposed to help anyone if I kept fucking up like that?!

You just have to try harder. Next time, you need to focus on protecting Twilight. My mind reasoned.

Yes. Yes, I'll protect Twilight better next time. Not just her, but Trixie too. I thought as the sound of a train whistle went off in the distance and was soon followed by a train popping up over the horizon. Unlike the colorful train that ran layer in the day, the early train was worn down and old. Paint chips clung to the sides of the carriages in desperation, trying in vain to keep the original designs that once decorated the train. The parts of the decorative surface that weren't falling apart were covered by equally colorful graffiti of caricatures and bubbly letters that spelled illegible words.

The old train slowed down and rolled into the station with whining in protest as they glided against the tracks. The only thing that stopped the train's wheels from screeching were several well-placed muffler enchantments that were carved into the wheels of the train. When the train finally came to a complete stop, the train whistle sounded off twice and the door of the train opened up.

The faint sound of a weak heartbeat was the first thing I noticed as the other noises of the train died down, followed by the sound of two squeaky wheels rolling on the carpet of the train.

"Now, now sunny, I can take care of myself." An elderly voice in the train stated weakly.

"Sorry, Miss. Protocol dictates that all the elderly are to be escorted off trains for their safety." The firm voice of a stallion replied. I head the older mare scoff before she was pushed out of the train by the stallion.

"Are you calling me old? I'm only in my fifties!"

"And you don't look a day over forty!" The stallion replied as he tried not to offend the mare.

The stallion was nopony special, pegasus, blue hair, olive colored skin, typical stallion. The mare on the other hand, she had my complete and undivided attention. She wore a dull burgundy shawl scarf that covered most of her torso and partially hid the Cutie mark on her pink shirt, she also had a purple skirt that reached her ankles and a large brim sun hat that nearly obscured her horn. Her skin was a pale yellow with a brilliantly red mane that had streaks of greying yellow running through it, giving the elderly mare an immediately recognizable look, one that I was fairly aquatinted with after three movies and several dozen episodes of Equestria Girls.

"Mrs. Shimmer, it's great to meet you." Twilight said as she walked over to the elderly version of Sunset Shimmer.

How? How is she here? Why now? I thought to myself, as I watched them shake hands. I couldn't believe my eyes, Sunset Shimmer, the villain turned hero, was right in front of me. I always wondered why I never ran into her in Ponyville since she was supposed to be great friends with the other members of the HuMane Seven in the movies and episodes. And now, to see her as such an old mare only raised more questions in my mind.

“Bizarro, this is Trixie’s Great Aunt, Mrs. Shimmer. Mrs. Shimmer, this is Trixie’s friend, Bizarro.” Twilight introduced as I continued to stare at the older version of Sunset Shimmer with wide eyes.

“A pleasure to meet you.” Sunset Shimmer said as she grabbed a cane connected to her wheelchair and shakily attempted to stand up and walk over to me. I immediately walked over to her and helped her sit back down before I shook her hand.

“Hello, it am good to see you too.” I said as I lowered Sunset Shimmer back down into her seat gently.

“Oh, aren’t you sweet. Thank you, Bizarro.” She said. I only nodded in response before I stood by Twilight's side. I subconsciously checked to see how many hearts the older Sunset had to see if she was a changeling in disguise, but she was as much a pony as Twilight or Trixie. I checked again to be safe, and then again to confirm it, and each time I only heard one heartbeat in her chest.

How is she so... Old? She was like a teenager in the movies, there's... There's no way this is her, right? Shit, what do I know about Sunset? Uh, she was Princess Celestia's former student, she wanted to steal Twilight's magical crown, and she lived in a magical mirror world where she went to high school. How the hell is she so old?!

"Are you okay, Bizarro?" Twilight asked me, shaking me out of my stunned stupor.

"Oh, y-yeah. Bizarro am good. So, you am Trick's Aunt?"

"Great Aunt, though Trixie likes to tack on 'and powerful' whenever she can." Sunset Shimmer said fondly before she looked back at Twilight with determination burning in her eyes. "How's Trixie doing? You said she'd wake up soon, right?"

"Yes, and she did, but... Something happened." Twilight replied grimly.


After taking the necessary time to explain to Mrs. Shimmer what happened at the hospital, Mrs. Shimmer demanded that we went to the hospital as soon as possible to check up on her niece. Bizarro helped push her wheelchair over the gravel filled roads of Ponyville which, in turn, made me realize just how little of Ponyville was designed with handicapped ponies in mind, with the only exceptions being the hospital, train station, and the school house. Once Mrs. Shimmer helped calm Trixie down I'd bring this issue to Mayor Mare's attention so she could rectify it.

"How much longer till we get there?" She asked.

"A few more blocks." I replied. A familiar silence fell over us as we continued to travel to the hospital. For some odd reason, Bizarro would occasionally throw a glance at Mrs. Shimmer before seemingly throwing his attention somewhere else whenever Mrs. Shimmer would look back at him.

"So, Bizarro right? You seem awfully quiet. Got something on your mind?" Mrs. Shimmer asked Bizarro.

"Well, uhhhh. Me would like know more about Trick's family." Bizarro said with a strangely nervous smile.

"Oh, she actually told you her real name?"

" 'real name'?" Bizarro parroted.

"Oh yeah, you didn't know? My brother Jackpot had the 'genius' idea of naming his daughter Trick. I don't know how he convinced Showcase to agree to that, but he managed it somehow. Faust knows what I would have done if Cannon Fodder tried to give our foals a name like that."

"Who am Cannon Fodder?"

"My Husband. I shared him with my best friends, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria. Almost convinced Twilight to join us, but then she found Night Light and got with him.” She told us. I immediately stopped in my tracks and looked back at Mrs. Shimmer after she mentioned my dad's name.

"You... Uh... Did... Did you know my mom?" I asked nervously.

"Wait... Oh, Faust I'm going blind. Of course, your that Twilight. I can't believe I didn't put two and two together in your letter. Yeah, I knew your mother. Twi always loved doing her little experiments and what-not. Always causing trouble and stuff." Miss Shimmer told me. I tried to ignore her words, but they unintentionally hit me like arrows. A much more uncomfortable silence fell over us as I turned around and continued walking.

"She's proud of you, you know that, right?" Miss Shimmer asked me. I struggled to keep the tears hidden behind my eyelids as I hesitantly nodded. "Look, I understand it hurts, but it wasn't your fault. You know that, right?"

I... I didn't say anything as I just continued walking towards the hospital with Bizarro and Mrs. Shimmer in tow. I didn't want to drudge up those memories again, especially around ponies who weren't family. Bizarro thankfully read the mood in the air and attempted to start up a different conversation.

"Sooooo, what am Sunset do?"

"Not much. I can't do much with a busted leg, so I just helped around the house with Cannon Fodder for a while. I also ended up becoming a pretty good painter and sold some of the paintings I made under a pseudonym. Then when Cannon passed, Faust rest his soul, I took up house maintenance full time while Adagio, Sonata, and and Aria work at their cafe slash music shop." She told us. Bizarro and Mrs. Shimmer continued to talk for a while about a few things but I only picked up parts and pieces of their conversation as I stayed inside my own head for a while. I only rejoined the conversation when I heard Mrs. Shimmer mention Princess Celestia.

"-course, I was a spoiled brat who thought I knew better. I ended up breaking into the library and tried to finish one of Srtarswirl's spells when she found me. A 'grand' escape through a window and several stories later, I ended up with this wheelchair. I was too stubborn at the time to admit what I did was wrong and ended up resenting her for it. But, now everything is patched up between us, I even got an invite to the next Grand Galloping Gala."

"Wait, how did you know her again?" I asked Mrs. Shimmer.

"I was her personal student." She told me with a wave of her hand. "Anyway, I got the ticket a few weeks ago when somepony named Flash came-"

"Hold on, you were her personal student?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, I know, it sounds like a big deal but it's not a huge thing. I'm still a normal mare, besides I wasn't that good of a student anyway."

"No, I-I'm just surprised. You see, I'm her student too."

"Oh! Really? Tell me, does she still do that thing where she tries to hide cupcakes in a mini fridge under her throne?"

"She does that?"

"Oh yeah, that thing has more enchantments on it than her throne does." She told me in a hushed whisper as if she possibly revealed one of the most well-kept secret in all of Canterlot.

"How long ago were you student?" Bizarro asked.

"Hmmm. I'd say it's been about thirty years since then. Time sure does fly, huh? Anyway, that's enough about this spring chicken, what do you do, Bizarro?"

"Oh, uh... Well, Bizarro was assistant to Trick."

"Really? Huh, I'm surprised she took up an assistant. What's that been like?" Mrs. Shimmer asked.

Bizarro and Mrs. Shimmer talked about Bizarro's magic performances with Trixie, all whopping one and a half of them, and the practice that they put into it on their way to Canterlot while they were walking through the Everfree Forest. Mrs. Shimmer seemed surprised that Blueblood sent Trixie and Bizarro to the dungeons, stating that Blueblood was a nice foal when he was born and that she was disappointed to hear what he grew up to become.

We arrived at the Ponyville hospital soon after that and used the lift to take us to Trixie's floor. After her outburst earlier that day, she was moved to a more secure room that had aluminum lined walls to prevent patients from teleporting out of their rooms. As the lift slowly crept up to Trixie's floor I felt a noticeable change in the atmosphere as the temperature almost immediately dropped by several degrees.

"Boy, this is cold. Somebody should fix the thermostat, huh?" Mrs. Shimmer rhetorically asked with a playful smile as we came to a full stop on Trixie's floor.

"Why am it so cold? Bizarro am not like it." Bizarro said as he rubbed his hands together.

"I think Mrs. Shimmer had a point about the thermostat. I'll go talk to the front desk." I offered.

"Oh, why don't you take Bizarro with you, Twilight. I need some alone time with Trixie anyway." Mrs. Shimmer stated. There was an odd sense of firmness in her voice as she spoke which I brushed off without much concern as Bizarro and I returned to the lift to report the heating problem.

While I tried to shake off the chills I got from Trixie's floor, I noticed Bizarro staring intently at the ceiling of the lift, as if he was trying to burn a hole through it with his gaze alone.

"Is everything okay, Bizarro?" I asked him. Bizarro shook himself out of whatever state he was in before he looked down at me.

"Bizarro hope so." He replied almost emotionlessly as we reached the main floor. I wasn't entirely sure what was bothering Bizarro, though I believed it had to do with Mrs. Shimmer's safety.

I wanted to believe that Trixie wouldn't do anything to harm her Great Aunt, and I had reassured myself that the nurse in her room could help if anything happened. Which it wouldn't! Nothing bad would happen, everything would get better and that would be the end of that... Right?


I found myself in a familiar position, sitting in the same chair I sat in during Trixie's first night at the hospital. Nothing aside from the lighting and magazines in the lobby changed since that night.

A few familiar faces also filled the room this time, the mailmare, Derpy, sat a few chairs away from me with a magazine a foot away from her face as she tried to test her own eyesight. She was a grey pegasus with blonde hair and two golden eyes that looked in completely opposite directions, and she was wearing a brown mailmare uniform with her Cutie mark, three bubbles, displayed prominently on her hat and her satchel. I had, quiet literally, bumped into her a few times in the past when I was trying to practice keeping myself upright in the sky, and she was able to give me a few useful pointers like not focusing on your feet when you're in the air. She was a little clumsy but was overall an amazing worker.

Then there was Carrot Top, a yellow earth pony mare with orange hair that had streaks of green dye running through it. She was sitting near the front desk in her tan overalls and plaid shirt reading one of the newspapers that had a grainy photo of Jack Kreiger's ship on the front page. I averted my eyes and inwardly cringed when I remembered how stupid it was to summon him in the middle of town like that.

If I had taken two more seconds to think, I would have probably thought about taking his Token over to that abandoned castle in the Everfree and summoning him there. But no, I had to summon Jack without even thinking of the repercussions. What if he was a psychopath that ate babies or something, thankfully he wasn't but that didn't change anything. I had nothing to go off of but a minor description about his personality, if he had been a Displaced Cuthulu or something then the entire town would have been destroyed, all because I was too fucking stupid.

Aside from those two, the names of the few other faces that filled the seats of the lobby escaped me. As I tried to match a few names to their faces I noticed that there was a unicorn mare I hadn't seen before who was reading a magazine with a picture of teeth on it. As I tried to remember every unicorn I bumped into in Ponyville, I realized just how few unicorns I actually knew or met.

Aside from Trixie, Twilight, Rarity, Lyra, and Sweetie Belle, I didn't know of any other unicorns who lived in Ponyville. I didn't know if it was a race or species thing, but it seemed pretty odd to me that there weren't many unicorns in comparison to earth ponies and pegasi. I decided that I'd ask Trixie about it later and see why that was, if anypony would know the answer it would have had to be a unicorn.

I threw a quick glance at the clock that hung over the receptionist desk of the lobby, it had been a few minutes since Twilight and I came downstairs to wait for Sunset Shimmer to finish talking to Trixie. They'd probably be up there for a while since they hadn't seen each other in so long, not to mention Sunset would probably want to take her time to make sure Trixie was okay.

It was odd for me to think that Trixie and Sunset Shimmer were related in this world since they never interacted in the movies or the short episodes of Equestria Girls. I ended up chalking it up to another weird inconsistency between this world and the show, like them having tails or Twilight not having wings. I could have sworn that she had wings in the first Equestria girls movie, in fact, I was almost certain that she had wings like Princess Celestia and Princess Candy. But for whatever reason, Twilight didn't have them here. I felt like asking her about it, but I knew that'd cause her to raise a few questions of her own. The last thing I wanted to do was tell her, or anypony for that matter, that I had seen an alternate reality version of their world in a children's cartoon.

I idly wondered if every Displaced had to go through this, keeping the secret about their world being based off of a cartoon. Or maybe it's the other way around? I didn't really know, all I knew was that multiverse theory was a painful headache inducing bitch.

As I thought about what to reveal and what I had to keep a secret from my friends, I thought about my real life on earth. Back then, before I was a living wall of ugly muscle, I was a normal guy just trying to juggle school, a part-time job, and family. I never really intended to keep my actual human life a secret, it just... Kinda happened. With my Bizarro speak and my inability to say my own name, I never really got it across that I wasn't always Bizarro, and I wondered if I needed to tell them the truth. How would they react to me telling them that? Shocked? Hurt? Confused?

Well, yeah, they'd definitely be confused since I know I am.

I shook my head as I glanced back at the clock above the desk, another minute had passed at a painfully slow pace.

How would I even start that conversation? "Oh hey guys, me Bizarro, me lie to you when me say me Bizarro because me actually Bizarro." Yeah, that'd work out perfectly. I inwardly chastised before I closed my eyes and listened to the noise around me. I didn't pay much attention to what anypony said, only taking in their words as audible junk food for my brain to distract me from my thoughts.

I noticed that one part of the hospital was eerily silent, Trixie's room. There was no noise coming from her floor, as if it were just a nonexistent void in space. Her room had been deathly silent as soon as Twilight and I went down the lift. I was worried, but I understood that it was probably a silencing spell or something like that for privacy. Trixie had told me about spells that muffled sound or made it disappear entirely, allowing her to use a bit of clever misdirection in her performances.

It made me feel uneasy though, just listening to a void of space, almost like staring into the concept of nothingness itself. I was almost enraptured by the lack of sound, focusing intently on the disturbingly eerie silence that could have been shattered at any given moment. I was so focused on the magical void of space that I barely registered Twilight taking a seat next to me.

"Well, I told the staff about the heating problem. They've known about it for a while but can't figure out what's causing it." Twilight explained. I simply nodded as I kept my gaze locked on the tv in the corner and my ears pointed towards Trixie's floor.

"Bizarro... Are you doing alright?" Twilight asked. For the first time in a while, I actually answered truthfully.

No, I'm worried about Trixie. I don't know what's going to happen and I'm... I'm just worried.

"Yes, me am have faith for Trick. Me know everything will be okay." I told Twilight aloud. For once, I actually thanked myself for having Bizarro speak.

Twilight placed her hand atop mine as she stared intently into my eyes. "You're right Bizarro, I'm sure everything will be okay."

I took a moment to let her words sink in, trying to convince myself that what she said was an undeniable fact. I wanted to believe everything was okay, and for a brief moment, I genuinely believed that. It was a moment that lasted less than a portion of a second before the silencing spell on Trixie's room vanished with a thunderous pop that only I could hear. I waited for a few tense moments as I heard Sunset wheeling herself to the lift and called it up. My sudden change in demeanor didn't go unnoticed by Twilight as she looked at the lift slowly start to move up to Trixie's floor.

"I guess Sunset and Trixie are finished talking. See Bizarro, I knew everything would be okay." Twilight told me confidently. I didn't respond as I waited for Sunset Shimmer to wheel onto the lift and come down. I felt uneasy listening to the gears and cogs turn inside the shaft, screaming metal rubbing against screeching metal.

Seconds ticked by as the lift slowly descended to the ground flood and, for almost a millisecond, I could have sworn I saw the ghost of a scowl wash away from Sunset's face as her body came into view. As the lift finally made its way down to the main floor, I stepped forward to open the gate for Sunset Shimmer.

"Thank you, Bizarro." She told me as she wheeled herself out of the lift in a hurry. Whatever was causing the heating problem on Trixie's floor apparently found a way to the lift shaft, because the metal cage of the lift felt almost bone chilling.

"So, how is Trixie doing, Mrs. Shimmer?" Twilight asked the elderly Sunset.

"She's alright, but... We don't think Ponyville is the best place for her to be right now considering... Everything. So, Trixie and I are going back to Fillydelphia."

"Trick am leaving?" I asked in shock.

"Yes, we’re going back to Fillydelphia on the next train out of town.”

“But-but that’s an hour from now. Mrs. Shimmer, are you sure it's wise to move Trixie while she's..." Twilight let her sentence drift off as she tried to find a word for Trixie's current health.

"Yes. Believe me, she was adamant about going home to Fillydelphia. Don't worry, there are great doctors and support groups up there that'll take care of my little girl." Sunset Shimmer reaffirmed.

“Um… Am… Bizarro am… Am it okay if Bizarro come too?” I asked Sunset Shimmer. I didn’t want to leave Trixie alone after everything that happened. It was all my fault anyway, and I needed to make it up to her somehow.

Unfortunately, Sunset Shimmer mealy shook her head at my question. “Sorry, Bizarro, but Trixie needs to be with family, and she thinks that you should stay here. You understand, don’t you?” She asked, causing my heart to sink in my chest as I swallowed nervously.

Did... Did she not want me as a friend anymore? Did I do something wrong? Why? What did I do? Was it because of the Bacta? Was it because I gave her untested medication? Did I hurt her when I stopped her episode earlier? I questioned internally as I tried to search for a reason.

"Oh… Am… Am it okay if me v-visit?” I asked nervously.

“Sure, hun. I’m sure Trixie will write you a letter when she wants to meet up, just wait until then alright?” Mrs. Shimmer reassured me. "Now, if you don't mind, I need to go back up and help Trixie pack. Would you two mind meeting us at the train station?"

"Wait, you're leaving already?" Twilight asked her.

"Well the next train to Fillydelphia is only an hour or so from now, and I want to take Trixie home as soon as possible." Sunset Shimmer explained.

I wanted to argue, tell her that she could stay the night and leave with Trixie tomorrow. At least that way I'd be able to spend some time with her. But no matter how much I wanted to argue, how much I wanted to actually beg, nothing came out of my mouth. I could only open and close it like a goldfish as Twilight tried to make the argument for me. Unfortunately, Sunset Shimmer was adamant about leaving as soon as possible since it was what Trixie wanted, it was what she needed.

Trixie needed time alone, time away from me, and maybe that was for the best.

After Sunset Shimmer made it abundantly clear that Trixie wanted to go home to see her family again, she got back on the lift to get Trixie ready for the next train out of Ponyvile. After she was gone from sight, Twilight and I went our separate ways before we'd meet back up at the train station. Twilight wanted to get as many of our friends together to say a proper goodbye and I... I just needed to get through the hour and keep myself in check.

It was the absolute longest hour of my life.


The hour had flown by far too quickly for me, as if the time had simply vanished from when my Great Aunt, Sunset Shimmer, entered my room.

I stood next to my Greaty Sunset on the wooden platform of the Ponyville train station as we waited for the next train out of Ponyville to arrive. Bizarro, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Twilight were the only ones able to see us off since the other Elements of Harmony were busy at their respective jobs.

The Elements. He'd get to stay with the elements. They'd take care of Bizarro, and... And they'd become the best of friends.

I fought back any tears that threatened to spill through my eyes as I steeled my resolve to not cry. It wasn't right for a mare to cry in front of a stallion, even if I really wanted to.

With all of my clothes and props lost in the forest, I didn't expect to have anything to take back with me to Fillydelphia. But to my surprise, Rarity was adamant to give me a few new sets of clothing, free of charge, and even offered me a fair amount of beauty supplies and mane care products. I was genuinely surprised by the number of things she had given me, even if she was the Element of Generosity, it felt as though it was too much.

I was thankfully able to politely decline a few things. I never realized that Rarity had treasured our friendship that much, and it made me feel uneasy that I was leaving without giving her anything in return.

Bizarro and Applejack also packed a few apples for me to eat on the train, and Bizarro even offered me a few Bits in case I wanted to buy something. I once again declined his offer since I didn’t want to take advantage of his generosity, and I thanked him for being so thoughtful.

Bizarro and Twilight told me that their other friends all wished me well, and that if I was ever in town that I'd stop by for a bit to catch up.

We waited in relative silence that went unbroken for a few minutes after we all initially greeted each other at the train station. Minutes ticked by as Pinkie Pie kept trying to ignite a conversation about anything, but each time I tried to answer I felt a furious coughing fit take over followed by a sudden chill that would sweep over me. Twilight and Bizarro were concerned about sending me off, but my Greaty had reassured them that it was just a cold from that damn drafty room at the hospital.

Though, I wouldn’t have minded using my cold as an excuse to stay in Ponyville for another day or two. It had struck me as odd that Bizarro didn't want to accompany me to Fillydellphia, I thought it would have been nice to introduce him to my family there. I was certain my dad would have liked him.

I couldn't blame him though, Bizarro was probably happier in Ponyville, for all I knew it could have reminded him of Pencilville. I reminisced about his stories of his home, his family, his life, and everything from the mundane to the unbelievable, stories that completely enraptured me. I held those memories close to me, a warm feeling building up in my chest as I remembered how much I liked being near him.

And now he wants nothing to do with you. You should just man up and accept that. A fait whisper at the back of my mind concluded. My berating conscious had started to become more aggressive since I woke up in the hospital, each word became a knife that pierced my heart and broke me down. But my conscious was right, I didn’t deserve to be in Ponyville. I just needed to mare up and accept that.

As I glanced up, I saw the bright pink caboose of the Friendship Express chugging towards the train station. A puff of steam flew from the steam whistle as it came closer, allowing the few passengers onboard to know that the train would be stopping at Ponyville soon.

“Looks like it’s almost here.” My Greaty Sunset said as she turned to say her farewells to everyone who came to say goodbye.

As I was being strangled by a death grip hug from Pinkie Pie, the Friendship Express slowly rolled to a stop at the station, letting out a whistle to let the few passengers on board to get off.

After Pinkie Pie and I finished our hug, I went over to Bizarro, debating whether or not it was appropriate for us to share a hug. Thankfully, I didn’t have to ask that question because Bizarro’s arms wrapped around me gently as soon as he was able to. My arms latched around his torso tightly as my face buried itself into his arms, feeling his embrace one last time before my Greaty and I left Ponyville.

“Goodbye, Bizarro.” I said as I smiled up at him. “Thank you for everything. I’ll… I’ll miss you.”

“Me am miss you too, Trick. You am bestest friend.” He told me. A gentle smile touched my lips as I hugged him a little tighter before the sound of the train whistle alerted me to how much time Greaty Sunset and I had.

I tightened the hug for a second longer before I let go of him to give a hug to Twilight and Spike, even though I didn’t get to know the little dragon all that well, I was glad to know that he cared enough to see me off too.

We all said our goodbyes with smiles that failed to reach our eyes. what kind of mare would cry in front of somepony else. I fought back my emotions to keep a strong facade as I continued to wave out the window after boarding the train.

A few seconds later, the train slowly lurched forward, building up momentum as it moved down the tracks, leaving the quaint little town of Ponyville far behind it.

"I wish he came with us." I lamented as I looked back at the town disappearing behind us, rows of houses shrinking to nothingness with each passing second.

"Yeah, but your friend said he needed some time to find himself in Ponyville. I'm sure he'll come visit you from time to time." My Greaty said as she looked at the scenery flying past us. I only nodded silently in response before my Greaty started to cough furiously.

"Are you alright Greaty?" I asked in concern. My Great Aunty looked at shaking hand for a moment before she breathed in and exhaled out slowly.

"Fine dear. Probably just coming down with something." My Greaty reassured me. I felt inclined to see if something was wrong before a cold presence washed over my body. In an instant, those thoughts vanished and were replaced by my next objective, settling back down in Fillypelphia for the foreseeable future. Far away from Bizarro, far far away.

Bizarro doesn't need you, and you should forget about him. Forget, and never remember the truth.

Author's Note:

Hello, I do hope that you’re reading this and you didn’t just scroll past this comment. I’m Hotel_Chicken, the guy who wrote the story you just finished. In a way, this is kind of an epilogue, an ending that may never come. First of all, I want to thank you for making it this far, and apologize for not finishing this story. I don’t know if this story will ever be finished, I just know that I won’t be the one to finish it. And I'm sorry for that. I've placed the story up for adoption because I think someone else can carry it on, or maybe they could make it something better than what I laid out. I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen, and I can't say that I don't care. This story itself isn't what I miss. It's you. The people who comment, like, and the people who are happy to read my story. I feel terrible about doing this, terrible for giving you something you enjoyed only to abandon it. It feels like I just waisted your time and your enjoyment, and I'm sorry. Thank you all for reading BAnE, and I'm happy to know that you enjoyed reading it. As of adding this note, I just posted the rest of this story. Every idle thought for a future chapter, plans, ideas, skeletons of thoughts, are there. This isn't a conclusive ending for Bizarro, but it's all we'll have for now. I'm sorry again, and even if you don't think I need to apologize, I still feel obligated to do it. Thank you, thank you for helping me without even knowing it.

Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.

Comments ( 26 )

Hmm, got some kind of voodoo going down here.

Seems to be that sunset shimmer hasn't changed that much.

What the f### is happening

Oh now this is confusing, saddening and infuriating what is happening to Trixie.

Greatttt this Sunset is a brain washer and a manipulator. Wheeeeeeeelllpppp

Seriously wtf? Why can’t this mare have a break from evil forces interfering. I hope this ain’t a changeling, it certainly doesn’t seem that way since well bizzaro can “detect” them. We might a bizzaro rouges gallery in the future with this second possible villain. I do hope that bizzaro will try to train himself in the future, I do feel bad for this man with him feeling like a failure and not being able to act quickly. Yet I get it’s important for the story not have our protagonist like a Gary Stu, yet I’m genuinely curious now. If you had an overpowered character in the story like idk Saitama I guess from one punch man, would it benefit the story if that character was nerfed? Or would it just diminish the point of a crossover. Personally for me I’d think that they should stay overpowered unless the author wrote it if the character was from a time before they became OP. Like Goku before the namek saga, or before dbz.

Welp. Another life the devil.

…When Bizarro finds out…

You're dead.
Good luck!

You'll need it.

Actually... I’m thinking it’s either Darth Vader, or the Changelings who have his Lightsaber. I’m hoping for the former.

I think the same. After all, Hotel left Star Wars music at the bottom of the story.

Perhaps this Sunset is a changeling who has a more complete control of their transformation, possibly all the way down to a molecular level?

this sunset makes me think of Flemeth from dragon age origins for some reason

Earth One through Earth Thirty-Two Million. The question really is, where would you find your own Bizarro to purchase? The Bizarre course.

I read the crossover with Nox. Can’t wait to see what happens now!


I was gonna write a story where he hops into Equestria, but now it sounds a little redundant.

That idea's been done before, but you could totally make it your own. The last person who did it made the merchant sell magical items to ponies, but they never finished it and I'm pretty sure they left the website. You could totally male your own displaced story with the Merchant displacing another person who came to comic-con dressed as the merchant.

Who am adopting Bizarro's story?

I got a PM about someone wanting to adopt it about a month ago. But they haven't posted it or PM'd me since. I'm not sure if they're still adopting or not.

I see. Well, I hope the person is okay.

It was kinda obvious that was gonna happen, or I'm just paranoid.
The brain washing thing I mean.
Is trixie going to be used as bait like ever other superheroes friend or family ever.
Good story so far though even if it is kinda predictable.

Interesting lol it really should be soft canon with how many incomplete or deleted fanfictions there are.

I've been watching 4 years for an update

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