• Published 16th Aug 2019
  • 8,582 Views, 474 Comments


Never in all my life would I ever imagine that I'd end up in a variation of my little sister's cartoon. For some reason I'm stuck in Equestria as Bizarro, except every"pony" looks like their Equestrian Girls counterparts with wings, horns, and tails.

  • ...

the Dark Side delivers Hope.


The machines in the hospital room beeped rhythmically as they tracked Trixie’s heart rate and magical output, the noises moved in almost perfect synchronization with the second hand of the clock that hung over the door of the room. Tic, beep, buzz, tic, beep, buzz over and over again, creating a lulling pattern of sound that fought to send me to Princess Luna's Dream realm.

I reached over to Trixie's nightstand and took a sip of coffee, waking myself up so that I could tackle the text of the pages in front of me. I had buried myself in a book about changeling biology as I tried to ignore the constant stream of sounds being emitted from the various machines.

My hope was that, by reading a bit more about the creatures who left Trixie in this horrible state, I might be able to find a way to cure her or at least lead her onto the road towards a full recovery. But, nothing in any of the books about changelings or the medical books I had at my house could help me. Very little was known about changelings, not even "reformed" changelings knew much about themselves. All we knew was that when they arrived a nomadic race of pegasi, known as flutter ponies, vanished off of the face of Equis, presumably because of the Changeling Queen and her army taking all of them into their disgusting breeding dens. So, with none of the changeling related books helping in any way I turned my attention to medical books.

Medical magic was a completely different field of magic that I was unfamiliar with. I knew basic Medical magic for CPR, setting bones, and helping somepony who was choking, but I didn't have the magical expertise needed to be a doctor or nurse. While I had the ability to teleport myself and others great distances and lift heavy objects with my telekinesis I lacked the precision needed to teleport small cells out of the body or manipulate multiple surgical tools in my aura with precise movements. Even if I could, I still didn’t know anything more than the doctors of Ponyville hospital, and they were trained professionals who knew medical magic and mastered their craft.

It would take an actual miracle at this rate since Trixie was still showing no signs of improving. My heart felt heavy as I looked at Trixie’s peaceful sleeping form, questions raged in my mind about how long the doctors could successfully keep her relaxed and sedated enough to sleep. If a stallion were to accidentally open the door or even come near the room, Trixie would likely wake up instantly and be forced to act against her will.

I hated to think of that as a possibility, but since she wasn't recovering I had to prepare for any scenario. Including a more... morally questionable alternative to the problem. I hated to consider it, but that decision would ultimately be up to Trixie's family if she didn't recover soon. I made sure to use my contacts in Canterlot to find Trixie's closest relatives. Trixie had a father, but his location was unknown and Trixie had no mother or herd aunts that I could contact, so the only option left was a great aunt on her father's side of the family who lived in Fillydelphia.

I attempted to find her phone number in the yellow-scrolls but there wasn't a phone number listed under her name, it somewhat made sense since phones were only a few years old and not all older ponies liked the idea of using them. In the end I had to resort to sending a letter to her via Magic dragon fire. I knew that, legally speaking, I did something wrong by sending a letter to somepony using magic fire since it was only reserved for emergencies and contacting the princess, but I desperately needed to let Trixie's relative know how she was doing. I didn't know how long it would take for her to respond, or if she would even attempt to break the law and use Magic fire to send a reply, but I desperately hoped she would get it and send a letter back soon.

I closed another book that failed to give me any insight and placed it on one of the empty cots next to Trixie's bed. Since Trixie was under forced Heat she was assigned a room to herself so the Stallion nurses could work on patients without needing to don a full hazmat suit to help any patient who was put next to Trixie. So, I was able to use the empty cots next to her as a makeshift table and bookshelf as I read up on pony biology and every book available on changelings.

As I prepared to throw myself into another medical book I felt a strange surge of magic explode loudly outside the hospital. I rushed over to the window to locate the source of the magical disturbance, before the sight in the night sky nearly caused my jaw to drop.

Outside in the night sky a giant grey portal opened up, tearing apart Princess Luna’s night as it partially eclipsed the moon. Ponies of all races left their homes to look up at the anomaly, many of the stallions fainting from the sight of it. I wasted no time as I ran out of the hospital towards the crowd. I could have been faster if I teleported, but the enchantments on the Hospital prevented anypony from teleporting in or out.

As I neared the front of the crowd I saw Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash standing next to Bizarro. He had on a red short sleeve shirt with his symbol on the front and was wearing a pair of jeans and black sneakers, a different look from the costume he had worn for the past several days. I was able to notice a weird object in Bizarro's hand as he stared up at the crater in the sky. Spike was the last to join our group as we all continued to stare at the horrific sight before Rainbow Dash finally said what we were all thinking.

"What the hey is that thing?!" Rainbow Dash shouted out.

“Uuuh, Bizarro may do oopsy.” Bizarro said quietly as something began to come out of the massive portal in the sky.


After taking a shower and shaving off my face stubble and newly formed unibrow, I exited Rarity’s bathroom and walked downstairs with a towel wrapped around my waist. Rarity had kindly offered to wash my costume and gave me some clothes to wear while she washed them.

We ended up spending the whole day working on clothing designs on modeling clothes. Rarity loved it when I told her that I made my costume myself, and asked me to tell her about fashion back on Earth. I wasn't a big fashion person so I wasn't able to tell her about the most popular trends in fashion or anything. Instead, I told her about some clothing that fictional characters wore like Wonder Woman's costume, the design of Moon Knight's dark costume, and the colorful ensemble that Harley Quinn wore in Batman the Animated series. When she asked for a few pictures I was able to doodle some slightly average pictures of the characters from my memories and Rarity loved them all. She called them, "colorful, fun, and alluringly stylish."

The rest of the day went by like that, Rarity and I would talk, she'd get inspired, and I'd model and talk to her. She even set up a little makeshift runway for me to use as I showed off her designs. It was actually a lot of fun, and ended up being a great way to distract myself from everything. Once Princess Luna's moon graced the sky with its presence I decided to head back to Sweet Apple Acres with some clothes Rarity made me.

Since my Bizarro costume was still in the wash I had to wear one of my new outfits when I left. I was wearing a custom made red t-shirt with Bizarro’s reverse symbol magically ironed onto the front of it. Rarity had told me that she enjoyed doing it since she got to choose where the design would go for once. I was a little confused about what she meant by that so I asked her for some clarification.

I ended up finding out that Cutie marks were able to brand themselves to a pony’s clothes in several different ways; Sometimes they’d appear on the hip, shoulder, chest, or just turn into a nice hair pin or other accessory to wear. Don’t ask me how that works, I tried and the only answer I got was “It’s magic”. That’s it, no further detail other than it had something to do with magic.

Rarity, the mare who will talk for hours on end about a single type of sewing technique wasn’t the least bit interested in learning how somepony’s Cutie mark would appear on one of her dresses when they put them on. I would think she’d study it religiously to see how the possible placement would affect the dress. But no, she just trusted the Cutie mark to go in a good position. Though I was a special acceptation since I didn’t have a Cutie mark, so Rarity got to put her skills to the test by using her own magic to create an image instead of relying on the customer’s latent magic to take care of it.

Aside from a red shirt with my Bizarro symbol on my chest, jeans, and black sneakers I was also able to get a few light jackets, some festive sweaters for Hearth’s Warming, and a new grey colored flat cap which fit my head a bit more nicely than the last. Rarity had added my symbol to all of my shirts except two which I would have to wear when I wore the pants with my symbol on them or else she’d apparently call the fashion police on me.

I felt the urge to laugh at that remark but something told me she was being deadly serious about her rules, so I decided not to laugh. Who was I to complain though, I got free clothing! Of course I’d still try to pay her back for these clothes and the stylish suit she made me for Canterlot.

Taking off my costume also improved my mood a little bit after my revelation in the bathroom. It was sad to think that I'd be stuck looking like Hyde and Frankenstein's love child, but I tried to focus more on the positives. I had friends, I had super powers... I... I didn't have much going for me aside from that...

I couldn't see my family back on Earth, I couldn't read or write anymore, I looked like a monster, and to add onto my pile of problems I still knew nothing about being a Displaced. I had no idea if I'd even come back to Ponyville after going to another Dimension. For all I knew I could never even see Ponyville again once I was summoned by somepony someone.

As I continued to unconsciously walk back towards Sweet Apple Acres, I staggered slightly when I tripped over something lodged in the ground. I managed to catch myself with my other foot and glared at whatever trash was left in the middle of the road.

However, I froze as I looked at the vaguely familiar item that was partially sticking out of a hole in the ground. It was a small ornate pyramid made up of red glass that could fit perfectly in the palm of my hand, with strange symbols decorating the glass and golden frame of the pyramid. It somewhat reminded me of an ornament for a Christmas tree or a decorative paper weight.

I bent down and delicately picked up the beautiful and odd pyramid and held it up to my face to get a better look at it. I admired the patterns on the red tinted glass and tried to make out the strange symbols that were ingrained into the golden frame, though in retrospect even if I could understand them I couldn't read them since becoming Bizarro made me illiterate. Still, being illiterate didn't prevent me from marveling at the fine craftsmanship of the ornate object.

I studied the strange object more thoroughly for a bit before a painful sensation filled my mind as a stallion's voice spoke to me.

“I am Jack Krieger. I am a Sith, a lover of science, and most importantly, a brother. If you have need of me, say my name while holding my holocron and I will answer your call. Use of this token comes with a huge degree of trust on my part, and if you betray that trust, you’ll never see me again and my big sister will come after you.”

The voice finished with an ominous warning. I was a little confused at first before I was struck with a sudden sense of realization and childlike glee. I had gotten another Displaced’s token!

I nearly leapt for joy at the wonderful implications. There were so many questions I had about being a Displaced that I neglected to ask Darth Vader when he was here, and now I had a second chance to ask those questions! I’d be able to ask what the rules were, if I’d be able to come back to Ponyville, what would be expected of me, I’d have all the answers I wanted! And, the guy was apparently a Sith like Darth Vader was, so maybe they knew each other. A long shot sure but a shot nevertheless!

I GET TO SEE ANOTHER PERSON! I thought giddily as I held up the Token in the air like it was a divine gift from the Gods and spoke out the person's name, hoping that this wouldn't turn out like the last time I attempted to summon someone.

"Hello, Bizarro am call Jack Krieger. Me am need help." I called out, hoping that this Jack person could help me.

I had never heard of a Sith named Jack Krieger in any of the movies, so maybe it was a character from the comics or games. I also wondered if he had been Displaced by the Merchant like I was or if the Trader displaced him like she had done with Darth Vader. There were so many questions I had and I couldn't wait to ask all of them.

I was brimming with enthusiasm as I waited for Jack to appear, but that enthusiasm quickly turned into worry as a monstrous boom roared in the night sky. As I looked around for the source of the noise my heart stopped when I looked up at the night sky. High above all the residents of Ponyville, a giant grey tear opened up in the sky that ripped a hole through space and time itself with a loud and thunderous roar. My eyes widened in horror as I realized that I had once again acted prematurely without thinking ahead.

Shit, shit, shit! He said he was a Sith, not a Displaced Godzilla! Shit! I yelled in my mind as the seconds rolled by at an agonizing pace.

Almost all of Ponyville left their homes to stare at the giant hole in the sky, many of them gasping in horror and speaking silently as they waited for something to happen. I stood at the front of the slowly forming crowd as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie joined my side, followed shortly by Fluttershy, Twilight, and lastly Spike.

"What the hey is that thing?!" Rainbow Dash shouted out in alarm.

“Uuuh, Bizarro may do oopsy.” I stated quietly. After those words left my mouth something began to come through the giant portal.

A large spaceship easily the size of a football field drifted through the portal with the grace of a boat on the waves as it sailed through the sky. My heart pounded out of my chest as I looked at the underside of the giant ship. It was a mechanical marvel of science that would require several degrees in engineering to even slightly describe its appearance in detail.

It was mainly a steel grey color with place panels that accentuated the corners of the spacecraft. It had two large wings that stuck out the front of the ship like a pair of flat daggers, with a blocky bridge connecting the two. The bridge itself had a comparably small circular window for guiding the ship in the center with two small cannons beneath it, the gun turrets on both sides of the ship's wings were much larger in comparison. Both of the circular turrets scanned the area with predatory precision as the ship descended, possibly trying to find some form of combat or threat that it could annihilate.

Several small legs extended from under the ship as it lowered to the ground, allowing it to land safely and give enough space for the ship’s ramp to extend out. As the mechanical pistons of the ship whirled to life and pushed the door open, I felt an ominous presence standing at the top of the ramp as it opened.

At the top of the ramp stood a demonic looking man with his hands at his side, with one of them hovering over what looked like an ornate blue and gold lightsaber tucked under his clothing. He walked confidently down the long stretch of metal, his boots hitting the ramp with purpose as he walked over to us and eyed our groups critically. His gaze seemed to linger on me however, focusing on my face and the symbol on my chest. He didn’t take his eyes off of me even when my friends took combative stances and formed a wall between us.

He was a massive wall of muscle that stood a half a foot taller than me, with blood red skin and a fearsome set of black armor that encased his body. His face was long and narrow with bone spurs that jutted out from his chin and jaw, and his skin clung tightly to his skull as if there was no flesh in-between them. The most noticeable feature of all however were his eyes. Those gold eyes burned like two small suns, giving him an almost godly feeling, as if he had gained them by staring into the abyss of a black hole for millennia.

The power that radiated off of his body was intense, it was like an ocean of anger and pain had been trapped inside a single water balloon that was waiting to burst. It filled me with a sense of dread and despair that felt completely foreign to me, the only thing I did know was the amount of fear it filled me with. For some reason, despite the immense dread and power I felt from him, I didn’t feel afraid for myself, I felt afraid for my friends. I was more fearful of what would happen to them if the man decided to attack. I had only met Darth Vader so far and he seemed like a nice Displaced, but I sincerely doubted that all Displaced would have good intentions.

He stood a few yards away from our group once he finally reached the ground and stood there, humming in mild surprise as he looked at us.

“Interesting. In this one they are humanoid.” He commented idly with a strangely normal voice. I expected him to sound menacing and villainous, but instead he just sounded like an average person.

“So, you summoned me Bizarro?” He asked in a casual tone. Somehow, despite his appearance and entrance, his attitude had calmed me down and allowed me to realize how I was probably worrying about nothing. He wasn't an evil sith or anything, he was a human like me. I just needed to keep reminding myself of that and everything would be fine.

“How do you know Biz?” Rainbow Dash asked as she took a step towards the man who, in turn, raised his hands in a calming gesture.

“The same way I know about all of you, and I’ll leave it at that. Nice to meet you, Bizarro, I’m Jack Krieger.” He introduced himself, as he held out his hand for me to shake. After moving past the wall my friends had formed between us I walked up to him and accepted his handshake.

“Am good to meet you, Jack.” I responded.

“So, for what reason have you called me here? Is there trouble?” He mused as he broke off our handshake and looked at the stunned faces of the residents of Ponyville. Some stallions hid behind their herds while other groups of mares and stallions stood in front of their children, shielding the younger generation from the alien as they all gawked at Jack and his monolith of a spaceship with a mixture of fear and wonder.

“No trouble, me am find Token and thought me try to summon. You am Bizarro’s first. Well, first alive.”

“Alive? Well, that’s not ominous as shit.” He said as my friends started to approach.

“Bizarro,” Twilight started to ask. “Is that a… a Spaceship?”

“Yup, this right here is the Fury. Hell of a ship if you ask me.” Jack stated proudly as as he looked at the behemoth sitting behind him. “This baby could go from Horaca to Canterlot in a few hours.”

“Horca? Is that another planet?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I suppose you could say it’s on another planet.” Jack responded in a somewhat amused tone as he looked up at the night sky. “Huh, so the stars are different here. Interesting. I expected Luna to make the same night sky here.”

“S-so you’re an Alien?” Fluttershy asked meekly as she hid behind Rainbow Dash for protection.

“To you I am. I’m technically a Human.” He explained causing Twilight to gasp.

“A human! Bizarro told me about your kind, you’re from Earth like he is. So... Does that mean you're here to take him back to your homeworld with your ship?” Twilight asked with a mixture of hope and worry in her voice.

Jack shook his head as he explained why it wouldn't work. "Unfortunately it's not that simple. Even if my ship's hyperdrive was working and we could get to other galaxies, our homes are farther away than that. Though, we do have a plan for getting back to Earth.” He told our group, which definitely caught me by surprise.

“Really?” I asked with a feeling of hope burning inside of me.

“Yes, didn't you know? We send out Tokens to other universes, meaning that there’s a chance we can get back to Earth through our Tokens if we’re summoned there.” He explained causing my jaw to drop.

“What?! Me no hear that earlier! We am go home? It really possible!?” I asked with happiness swelling in my voice. A way home, a real way home! I could see my family again, I could be back home! There was actually a way home!

“Uh, am I the only one confused here? What the heck’s a Token? Is it like a present?” Pinkie Pie asked as she finally spoke up.

“And what’s a Displaced?” Twilight added on. Jack turned and looked at me with a confused expression on his face.

“Wait, you didn’t tell them?” Jack asked me.

“Tell us what, Biz?” Rainbow Dash added on as everyone’s eyes focused on me.

“Me was going to tell them at better time… maybe.” I offered weakly. Jack shook his head as he crossed his arms in a disapproving manner, like a parent scolding a child.

“Look, I could get not telling them about… Certain things, but you should tell them about the Displaced. My sister and I made sure to tell our friends.” Jack advised me. I didn't necessarily want to tell anypony about me being from another dimension, being from another world was already a big pill for my new friends to swallow.

“Fine…” I relented as I turned back to my group of friends and talked quietly so that nopony in the crowd would overhear us.

“Remember when me say story scare you? Story about many universe am scary, there am so much out there. Big heroes and scary baddies, really scary baddies who am kill lots or am eat planets like Galactus.” I told the group causing them all to gasp in shock.

“Wait, you met a Galactus Displaced?” Jack asked in surprise.

“No, but me no know what am out there. There am be anything in multiverse.” I reasoned. It was an absolutely terrifying concept, for all we knew Cthulu, Slenderman, and pretty much every other nightmare that was ever created existed somewhere out there.

“Hm, I guess that’s true. Makes me glad that not many people dress up as him.” Jack said in a contemplative tone. “I should probably prepare for something like that just in case, maybe get a few more med packs together for the empire.” Jack mumbled under his breath, causing my eyes to widen and almost pop out of my head.

“You am help Trick!” I shouted gleefully while the Sith lord raised an eyebrow.

“What?” He asked.

“Health pacs! They am heal lots in games, you help Trick!” I tried to explain enthusiastically.

“Again, what?” He repeated. Twilight stepped forward from the group to explain what I wanted Jack to do.

“A friend of ours isn’t faring well at the moment after she and Bizarro were nearly captured by a pair of changelings, and I believe Bizarro hopes that you could help her.” Twilight explained. “Do you have something that could help her?”

“Of course.” He replied without hesitation before he shook his head slightly, as if getting rid of a wandering thought. “I’d be willing to part with some medicine if it means helping somepony. Though I’ll need a scan of whoever I’m helping first, I don’t want to give them too much of a dose.”

“But you can’t.” Twilight interjected.

“Why not?” Jack asked, completely confused by Twilight's remark.

“Because Trixie is going through a forced heat cycle. If a stallion entered the room she’d immediately wake up and pounce on you. If you’re weak to magic like Bizarro is, then she’ll overpower you and…” Twilight trailed off as she shuddered.

“Don’t worry Twilight, I’m much stronger than I look. But, if it helps anymore, I won’t be the one scanning or applying the treatment.” Jack reassured us before he pulled out a large metal disc with a rounded bulb on the top. With the click of a button Jack activated the strange device, allowing the hologram of a thin gold and black colored robot with red eyes to appear in the palm of his hand.

“HK-55, I need you for something.”

“Response: Affirmative sir! Do you require cover fire on the meatbags in front of you?” The droid asked with an enthusiastic tone. My friends were put on edge by his question but calmed down slightly when Jack answered back.

“No HK-55, they’re friendlies. I need you for another mission, fill up your tanks with some bacta and come out of the ship. There’s somepony who requires medical assistance.”

“Sarcasm: Oh joyous occasion, I love helping broken meatbags.”

“Hopeful: Are you sure you don’t need me to kill something?” The hologram practically begged.

“Um, there am wolves in woods if he am want shoot. Oh, maybe he am get two heart Bugs too.” I offered. Jack thought about it for a moment before offering it to the droid.

“Would you feel better after killing some timber wolves and maybe some changelings, HK-55?” Jack asked the droid who seemed to bounce in place with joy at the prospect of going on a rampage in the forest.

“Compromise: Oh yes! Finally I get to practice my skills. I’ll be down immediately, master.” The droid responded before the communicator turned off and the sound of metallic boots thundered from the entrance of the ship.


As Spike and the rest of my friends tasked themselves with calming down the residents of Ponyville who were either hiding in fear or staring at the spaceship with awe, a thin metallic Stallion made of gold and an unknown metal exited the ship. He had a thin waist that supported a rather bulky chest that had a strange glowing rune in the center of it that matched his eyes. His expression was blank but somehow gave off the impression of a constant scowl, as if everything around him either annoyed him or irked him.

"Request: Master, please point me in the direction of the injured meatbag." The Sentry asked the red skinned Stallion.

"Twilight," The red stallion called out to me. "Would you mind escorting HK-55 to Trick? I have some things I'd like to discuss with Bizarro in private." He told me. I didn't really want to leave my friend alone with a stranger, but if I wanted to help Trixie then I had to escort the Sentry to Ponyville hospital. I agreed to the red stallion's request and quickly led the Sentry to Trixie, hoping that whatever he could do would help Trixie.

The Sentry walked silently behind me as he scanned the streets with his red eyes, the only sound he made were the quiet pistons and gears that turned inside his metal body. The sentry was truly a sight to behold, it was more advanced than any modern piece of technology on Equis aside from the stranger's spaceship.

Starswirl the Bearded had first created Sentries as a way to Defend Equestria when we couldn’t afford to send any soldiers or guards out for the task, but they were deemed too inefficient since a gentle breeze could knock them over and a single sentry would require three unicorns to control and puppet it. But this Sentry was millennia ahead of those old models, the way it’s parts whirred and spun with each step told me that it must have been comprised of more moving parts and enchantments than a tv or a train.

Not only that, but he was also quick and nimble on his feet as I led him to the Ponyville Hospital. It was a bizarre sight to see, almost like watching a skeleton walk around without any flesh or skin to give it structure and support. The musket strapped over his shoulder was also strange, it was composed completely of metal with no visible flint lock system to reload and fire it, it almost looked like it would work better as a bludgeon than as a long ranged weapon. This sentry was even more advanced than the ones in fiction, responding with quick answers and moving at a constant pace that some day guard trainees would envy.

I didn’t remember Bizarro telling me anything about sentries this advanced on his planet, but it could have been that he simply forgot about them and neglected to tell me. I mean, if I spoke to an Alien I doubt I'd talk about the intricacies of what a toaster or a phone is and how they worked.

"Query: How much longer until we reach my objective?" The Sentry asked me.

"Oh, not much longer. So you'll really be able to help Trixie?"

"Answer: I don't know, but if she dies it's her fault." He replied causing me to scowl at him.

"Why would you say something like that?!" I demanded.

"Answer: It is a likely possibility, you meatbags can die from the simplest of injuries sometimes. It would probably be funny if it wasn't so pathetic... Oh who am I kidding, it's still pretty funny."

"You're morbid."

"Retort: I'm realistic." He stated. I decided not to speak to him anymore after that. Thinking about the possibility of Trixie passing away was not a thought I liked to entertain at all.

I tried to forget about that morbid train of thought by focusing on the red Stallion who Bizarro somehow called here. From what Bizarro told me humans didn't come in a large variety of colors like Ponies do, so I had to assume that Jack was a Kryptonian surviver like Superman and the others who fled Krypton when it was destroyed. It was the only explanation for his appearance I had besides magic being used to dye his skin pigmentation.

I wondered if the other Kryptonian had powers similar to Bizarro. I had theorized that Kryptonians were the equivalent of pegasi on Earth while Humans were the equivalent of Unicorns and Earth Ponies, so if he was a Kryptonian then it was likely that he could do things that Bizarro could. But, they were all theories, I'd have to actually talk to him or Bizarro to confirm anything.

The rest of the walk to the hospital was nearly completely silent, with the only noise being HK-55's mechanical insides moving around. The hospital staff gave us odd looks as we entered but didn't stop us when they saw the advanced musket on HK's back. I wanted to reassure them that they were safe, but I was too focused on leading the Sentry to Trixie's room so her suffering could finally end.

I entered the depressing room that Trixie was staying in, nothing had changed since I went outside to first investigate the strange occurrence in the sky and Trixie seemed to be resting peacefully on her cot, blissfully unaware of the strange events transpiring around her.

"Query: Is that the meatbag who needs assistance?"

"Her name is Trixie, and yes." I responded a little harshly. I wasn't the biggest fan of HK-55's attitude and I questioned if he could actually help or if he only knew how to insult Ponies.

After I confirmed that Trixie was the one who required his aid, HK-55 nodded and walked over to her bed, pulling out a strange metal box as he kneeled down next to her.

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked as HK-55 started to press a series of buttons on the square device in his hand.

“Answer: I’m using this to scan her biology in order to determine how much bacta is appropriate for a meatbag of her size. Master would be livid if I failed to do an appropriate job. This should not take too long, once the scan is complete I will inject her with bacta so her injuries and other illnesses may be healed.”

“And what is Bacta?” I asked as HK-55 continued using his strange metal box to perform a green colored scanning spell on Trixie.

“Answer: Bacta is a mixture of kavam and alazhi bacteria combined with ambori fluid. Bacta is used for many purposes, such as rapid regeneration of organic components like nerves, skin, nails, and other useless organic materials. Since this meatbag’s damage is located near her hypothalamus the injection will either need to be given through her eye or the base of her neck at the brain stem.” HK-55 explained with an almost bored tone.

“So you’re sure it’ll work then?”

“Retort: It isn’t one of the most popular medications in the galaxy for nothing, even if you meatbags love to complain about how it is applied at times.” HK-55 responded, as he finished using the box on Trixie he held up his left pinkie finger. Before I could ask what he was doing a small needle popped out of his finger and he inserted it into Trixie’s neck. Trixie’s face scrunched up in discomfort when the needle broke her skin, but relaxed once I doubled the efforts of my calming spell on her. Once HK-55 was done he stood up and the needle went back into his hand.

"Analysis: The blue meatbag should recover soon provided she doesn't do something stupid like dying from something else after I wasted my time helping her."

"She'll be okay then?" I asked with joy overflowing from my voice.

"Conformation: I just said that. Would you like for me to simplify my explanation any further? Perhaps I could draw a picture."

"Thank you so much!" I said loudly as I embraced HK-55 in a tight hug.

"Demand: Get your hands off of me meatbag. I have only assisted because my master is kind and generous to weaklings such as yourself. Now, I must go complete master's second and more preferable task with extreme prejudice." HK-55 s said with what I could only imagine would have been a sadistic smile on his face if he had lips.

He wasted no time leaving the room and heading towards his next objective. I looked back at Trixie for a moment before I decided to follow HK-55, if he was telling the truth about bacta then I desperately needed to get a sample of it.


Despite the droid’s attempts to inform the annoying purple meatbag that HK-55 had no intent in continuing their previous conversation back at the organic repair facility. The purple meatbag designated as “Twilight” continued to hound the droid even as he began to delve into the dangerous forest full of potential entertainment.

Entertainment that the assassin droid hoped would finally compel its behavior core to produce at least a sliver of synthetic joy. The months of obedient service to his master were eventful but had hardly been anything but satisfying. Training with the master to hone his skills, assignments to protect the master’s property, even the chaos of a few emergencies, had yet to deliver the one thing the assassin droid has desired most.

Living targets to assassinate.

It was always the same thing. “Imitation: No HK, you don’t need to shoot it. Sorry HK, but I like this meatbag. No HK, you can’t torture the little white meatbag because blah, blah, blah.”

Pacification protocols dictated by his master had ruined every single combat encountered so far in their little universe. Griffon scouts who got too curious? Driven off with warning shots. Another Displaced who engaged the master in combat? HK-55 was ordered to shoot and disable their weapon rather than the Displaced himself. A despicable little white rodent throwing carrots? Shot using a blaster’s sinful stun setting. Not only that, but then he was commanded to fix the little bastard.

But this situation was different. Targets had been designated and the master’s orders were open to interpretation.

Play audio logs: Would you feel better after killing some timber wolves and maybe capturing some changelings, HK-55? The droid replayed in his synthetic mind. Those were the master’s words exactly. There was no designated limit on how many of these timber wolves he was allowed to terminate and the master used the word “maybe” when referring to the capture of changelings. With such open-ended language used in the master’s order, the master would surely understand if the assassin droid went above and beyond the call of duty to slaughter as many targets as it could feasibly locate. Armed with an exhaustive description of the appearance, biology, and capabilities of its targets, provided by the surprisingly knowledgeable purple meatbag, the hunt had initially begun in earnest.

But that hunt was suddenly halted when, once again, the annoying purple meatbag sparkled into existence with its magic in front of the droid as it examined the forest floor for tracks. HK-55 decided it would be a good time to turn off his audio receptors before the purple meatbag assaulted him with a barrage of questions.

He had already tried several lethal methods of making her go away, all of which were negated by a strong force field that would surround her body. What would follow afterwards would be a lecture about not resorting to violence, the magic of friendship, and other things that HK-55 didn’t care about.

“Statement: I turned off my audio receptors, I cannot hear you. Allow me to turn off your visual receptors.” HK-55 stated before he raised up his hand and fired a nonlethal flashbang at her, blinding the purple meatbag’s organic photoreceptors. By the time her pitiful eyesight had returned to her, the assassin droid was long gone with no trace left behind.

HK-55 turned his audio receptors back on as he stalked away from the purple meatbag, listening to the sounds of nature in the hopes of finding his targets sooner. Or listening to their wailing screams of agony, both were a good excuse to reactivate his audio sensors. He’d have to record their screams and save them to his audio files for later, adding them under M for meatbags. But he’d have to find them first before he could kill them.

In any ecosystem, predator species must establish a territory to safeguard themselves. Eventually, pack species such as these timber wolves would grow tired of bumping into different packs and must have threatened each other for various reasons, such as mating rights, survival, and resources located in their territory.

Once their territory is established, some predators will go to any length to protect their territory from rivals. For any rival could seriously put their pack in jeopardy and must be responded to by immediate force.

Not only was this a simple observation of how some organics operate and function in their given environments, it was also an excellent method in drawing out said organics efficiently and effortlessly.

HK-55 had come across the remains of some prey animal a while ago and had examined it’s remains to find traces of claw marks that had torn open its throat. Most of the meat was devoured in a fashion similar to regular canines, except for the traces of splinters and plant matter all across the body.

With the evidence that the assassin droid had finally entered his target’s hunting grounds, the assassin droid got to work by selecting a voice for his vocabulator to belch and scream to draw his quarry out. He didn’t have as large a library as 2V-R8 did, but he had enough to know the difference between “Please don’t kill me” and “I’m going to kill you” in about five hundred languages.

After filing through the voice files of several different meatbags, HK-55 decided to settle for the voice file on one of the loudest, most confusing, and most threatening languages from one of the most intimidating species in the galaxy.

HK-55 had to max the volume within his vocabulator as he perfectly imitated the growls and roars of a Wookie, causing several flocks of birds to rise from the nests in their trees to flee from the roars of the galaxy’s tallest walking carpets. As the roars echoed across the forest, a few minutes later, the echoes caught the ear of a particularly brutish timber wolf and it rose its wooden maw to the sky to howl before it was joined by a great host of its fellow wolves. The wolves journeyed across the Everfree in haste as they rushed to meet this newest invader to their territory.

When the host of wolves finally found the source of the noise, the roars suddenly stopped as the HK-55 saw the wooden meatbags. Woodbags? Plantbags? Fertilizer? It didn’t really matter, they’d still die like any other meatbag, so he would probably just call them meatbags for simplicity’s sake.

The brutish timber wolf growled and barked to a few of its lesser pack mates to surround HK-55 as it approached to inspect the intruder. The magical creature of the Everfree advanced with caution in its every step, ready to pounce on the strange creature when it gave so much as a twitch.

And if HK-55 were a filthy organic, he may have been twitching from excitement. He decided to activate his programing and let it take over his body, allowing him to dive into a blissful dream like state as he would slaughter the meatbags in front of him.

“Statement: I have waited far too long for this.”

[:First, deprive hostiles of clear leadership to sow disorder:]

HK-55 drew the BPSL25 – 1000 heavy blaster pistol from its compartment at the hip, and in a split second, the droid pointed the barrel at the sniffing unintelligent piece of tree bark and pulled the trigger before it could react.

With that, the once quiet peace of the Everfree Forest had erupted into a harsh chorus of howls and blaster fire.

The once towering alpha tumbled to the ground in a heap as the back of its head exploded outwards into sizzling splinters. The rest of the pack exploded into motion as soon the discharge of the blaster filled their ears. Too distracted to even realize that their alpha had been summarily executed in the fraction of a second.

They were all about to pounce upon the invader from all sides until the click of a flashbang grenade fired off in front of the assassin droid and halted their charge. Taken off guard by the sudden flash of light, HK-55 wasted not even a second of time to charge through the pack of timber wolves in front of him. Blaster pistol deafening the whimpers emitting from the timber wolves blinded by the flashbang.

[:Second, break through enemy lines and limit their use of pack tactics. Conserve blaster fire to disabling or headshots before blaster overheat:]

Six shots rang out as the heads of six timber wolves were vaporized from the intense heat of the blaster bolts. Each timber wolf had been in the assassin droid’s warpath and their bodies cracked underneath HK’s metal feet as he passed them. Three more wolves fell to further clear the droid’s path before one had enough instinct within it to pounce outwards blindly at the loud noisy thing approaching it.

Before its teeth could latch onto anything, a metal hand clasped around its throat in mid-air with a vice grip and held it aloft before it felt itself being twirled around as blaster shots continued to fill the air. Its claws uselessly trying to tear into the durasteel plated hand that gripped its throat. When the timber wolf’s eyesight had finally returned it had found itself being used as a shield to ward off its brethren as the assassin droid continued to fire into the horde of hostiles in front of him.

[:Hostile on sensors circling to flank while its pack holds this unit’s attention. Continue with the use of “meat shield” until the flanking hostile slows to ready a pounce for a more statistically favorable shot:]

The timber wolf noticed that one of its pack mates behind the droid was bracing itself to pounce at his back. Just as the packmate was about to pounce on the droid, the timber wolf in HK’s grip tore into the metal arm with a newfound ferocity to try and shift the droid off-balance and give its pack mate any advantage it could offer. Its actions were fruitless, however, as the assassin droid didn’t even seem to register his captive’s actions as he casually whirled his blaster behind him to blast the head off the pack mate before it could enact its sneak attack. The assassin droid didn’t even need to turn its head to see what he was aiming at as he made the shot.

Immediately after he killed its pack-mate, the droid placed the warm barrel of his pistol between his captive’s eyes before a blaster bolt vaporized half of its wooden skull as well.

[:Lastly, express approaching joy for the fulfillment of primary function:]

“Euphoric Statement: There is nothing like efficient mass extermination to make my old behavior core glow.”

A rather unlucky timber wolf howled pitifully as the base of its forelegs were incinerated and caused the wolf to tumble to the ground. The timber wolf tried to crawl away with what was left of its appendages before its skull was crushed under heel by the assassin droid as he gunned down a couple that tried to charge at the killing machine. Three, six, then ten more of the fierce Everfree predators fell to more blaster fire as they tried to hopelessly flank and attack the droid from multiple angles. Not a single blaster bolt missed their mark as the droid analyzed and calculated nearly every possible trajectory of attack from its prey.

However, one lone timber wolf got clever as it used one of its charging brethren as cover to get closer before they fell. As soon as the timber wolf covering it had fallen to blaster fire, the lone timber wolf pounced immediately to sink its wooden canines into the metal wrist holding weapon that spewed red death. Hoping that disabling the weapon for a moment would give the lone wolf’s brethren enough time to get close and rip and tear into the intruder.

HK-55 had already processed and evaluated a counter move in the split amount of time the lone wolf had pounced into the air and soared towards his wrist.

[:Blaster pistol is danger close to overheating. Engage cooling systems. BPSL25 model requires 1.96 seconds before regular operation. Propel weapon approximately 15 meters into the air to avoid weapon disablement and allow proper cooldown. Eliminate hostile in 1.50 seconds with hidden vibroknife in left wrist. Roll into the pounce to avoid being flat-footed, then commence the execution:]

With the click of a button and a flick of the wrist the blaster flew through the air before a set of piercing oaken teeth and claws ripped and tore into HK-55’s durasteel wrist. The timber wolf used its body weight and momentum to try and bring the machine low into a more vulnerable position for its pack mates. However, instead of resisting the wolf’s strength, the assassin droid rolled into the momentum created by the wolf to bring them both onto the ground. The wolf gave off a fierce growl and, through feral instinct, tried to use its newfound position over the droid to rip into what looked like its throat.

HK-55, drawing the vibroknife only then, sent his now free hand to grab the wolf’s muzzle into a vice grip, while his other hand rose up horizontally to plunge the vibroknife through the temple of the wolf’s skull. The blade hummed as the usually durable piece of timber offered next to no resistance to approaching blade. The arcane lights within the wolf’s eye sockets winked out of existence and the assassin droid pushed the now dead pile of wood aside to stand up and catch his blaster in mid-descent before leveling it at the next closest hostile on his sensors.

Expect, instead of the usual useless swarm of timber wolves, the assassin droid had turned his blaster upon a rather unusual new target. This timber wolf was far larger than any of its companions, even the alpha wolf he had executed from earlier paled in comparison. This new wolf even seemed to be growing bigger as its paws shook the earth beneath it with every step towards the assassin droid.

Instead of firing, HK-55 quietly observed the creature for a moment before he noticed that pieces of the smaller wolves he had killed before were quickly gravitating towards this new larger wolf, adding more and more bulk with each piece. Realization dawned on the assassin’s core processor when he noticed the small burn marks of blaster fire littered across a few sections of the wolf’s body.

[:Hostiles appear to have evolved a method for recycling their bodies once eliminated. This will require different elimination tactics going forward:]

The now gargantuan sized timber wolf was just a single step from HK-55 and it stood tall as it basked in the glory of its size over the assassin droid. The beast leaned in to roar a howling challenge to the now pitifully small quarry that had dared to challenge it in its territory, searching for weakness, and waiting to see if the strange metal creature would flee. The wolf knew that no amount of burning red death would be able to kill it fast enough before it ripped the metal creature to shreds.

“Observation: It is admirable that your kind could make such efficient use of their fallen brethren. However, you sadly suffer the same unpleasant flaws that most organics seemed to be programmed with. You make a lot of unimportant noise, suffer from a frightening lack of intelligence, and you somehow seem to think that size matters.”

After a pause, the gargantuan timber wolf growled as it got the sense that the small metal creature in front of it was mocking it. As the wolf growled, the assassin droid turned the blaster to hold it horizontality out in front of him before he bent his right wrist as a hidden compartment in the droid’s forearm rose to project a hissing nozzle. The nozzle of a class 2 Baragwin flamethrower.

“Addendum: Also, like most organics, you are astonishingly flammable.” He stated before the timber wolf began to reform in spite of the fire.

“Retraction: Not entirley flammable then. Perhaps acid would provide a more entertaining result.”

He would definitely have to record this fight so he could show his master later, perhaps he could use it as a prime example as to why HK-55 should always be allowed to use lethal force.


After Twilight and HK-55 left to go help Trixie, Jack took me to the backside of his ship's undercarriage which was a good distance away from the crowd of curious observers. Even though they were a fair distance away, I could still hear the mutterings of the crowd as they questioned what was going on and if they'd be safe. I mentally berated myself for doing something as stupid as summoning a Displaced in the middle of town, I should have done it in a more secluded area that wouldn't cause a panic if something like an eldritch abomination stepped out of a portal.

"So, what did you need help with when you summoned me?" Jack asked as he leaned against one of the legs of his ship.

"Bizarro am have questions. Me need know more about Displaced, and me were hoping you am know them."

"Really? Alright, I can do that easily enough. Let's start off with how my sister and I were Displaced and work from there." He told me as he began to tell me the story of how he and his sister, Katy, were Displaced as a Sith Lord and Undyne respectively.

The beginning was similar to mine, went to a comic con, saw a guy at a stand with a ton of props, bought one of them, and then passed out. I found a few things about their Displacment, those being who Displaced them and how they ended up on their planet. Firstly, my Merchant wasn't dressed up as an alien walrus from Mass Effect and secondly I didn't recall seeing any purple aura when I woke up. Then again it could have been possible that the Merchant wore several different costumes and that I had slept through my crash landing on Equis.

He also told me that he and his sister met the Merchant again after they were reunited. I felt anger swell up inside of me as he talked about how the Merchant toyed with them, giving them both an ultimatum if they wanted to get their Tokens.

Jack told me that he accepted so his sister wouldn't have to pay the price, but firmly told me not to ask him what that price was. He didn't need to tell me twice, if he didn't want to talk about it then I wasn't about to force him to tell me what the Merchant did to him. Knowing that sadistic bastard it couldn't have been anything good in the slightest.

He also quelled my earlier fears by explaining that we could return to our respective MLP worlds after we were done being summoned to another Dimension. I let out a thankful sigh of relief when he told me that, I didn't want to leave my friends forever. But then again I'd have to at some point when I got back to Earth, but I was sure they would understand.

I continued to listen intently as Jack told me about his time in his world. I liked the sound of his sister Katy and felt sorry for her when he told me about her dreams to become a pilot. I doubted that she'd get the chance to put all those years of study and practice to the test in a world without airplanes

When he told me that his sister had a collar put on her because of some prick in Canterlot I felt my rage boil over as I tapped my foot anxiously. If anyone even thought of doing that to Lilly then heads would literally be rolling.

Thankfully for Katty, Jack's new position as a Warden helped her out and Princess Celestia was able to get the collar off of her neck only a few days after it was forced on her. I admired how forgiving Jack was about the situation, I don't think I would have been too forgiving if Lilly and I were in their places.

I also found it somewhat interesting that Jack talked about the Princesses and other members of royalty so casually. It felt weird to hear the word Celestia without it being after Princess. In my mind it was the equivalent of calling the Queen of England Liz or Ellie. Then again, Jack and Katy were able to form a bond with their rulers that I couldn't even hope to achieve even if I tried.

"And that brings us up to now. Everything's alright, not perfect but definitely okayish. It'll be even better when we finally get home." He told me. I'm not ashamed to admit that I squealed for joy when he mentioned the last part.

"Me still no can believe we am able to go home! Bizarro am see family again and look normal!" I shouted gleefully causing Jack to flinch before he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh, there's one more thing about that. We're not entirely sure we'll return human." He told me causing my face to drop.


"Yeah. Think about it, my sister and I still look like our characters whenever we're summoned. It only makes sense that we'd look this way on Earth too. But don't worry, that's just a theory we have right now. For all we know we'll return home and be ourselves again." He told me as he tried to lighten my spirits.

It helped a little, but his earlier words still weighed heavily on my mind. There was a chance I'd still look like Bizarro, like a freak, when I got back home. What would mom say? What would Lilly think? Would anybody even believe me if I told them who I was? Would they still treat me like a normal person?

"Me... We am stuck like this?" I asked with trepidation in my voice.

"Maybe, but maybe not. Besides, I think it'll be worth looking like this to get back home." He said as he gestured to his own body. We were a pair of humans turned monsters by the Merchant and yet he seemed completely content with how he looked. Yet another thing I admired about the Sith lord, he was able to face his problems with a smile while I just wallowed in self-pity.

"Maybe... maybe you am right. Thank Jack."

"No problem man." He said as he took his hand off of my shoulder. "So what about you? Do anything cool in Equestria so far?" He asked.

I gave him the abridged version of my time in Equestria, telling him that I preformed with Trixie when she arrived, threw an Ursa Minor like a frisbee after I suplexed it, and made some friends in Ponyville before Trixie and I went on our way to Canterlot. When I got to that part of the story though I stopped and realized that Jack could help me with another problem I was having.

“Hey Jack. You am help lots but... Am it okay if me am ask for more help? It am secret thing.” I told him. He had already done so much for me by just talking to me and helping Trixie that I didn't want to ask too much of him. Thankfully, he nodded in agreement and rolled his wrist to tell me to elaborate.

“So, am you know Darth Vader?” I asked.

“Of course, he’s only like the coolest character in the original movies. Almost got a picture with him at Disney world too.”

“No, me am mean Darth Vader Displaced.”

“There’s a Displaced Darth Vader out there? Huh, I guess I should have expected other Sith out there. To answer your question, no, I haven’t met them yet. Why do you ask?”

“Bizarro lose his Lightsaber when me fight Bugs. You am have Force, am you able to find it?” I asked. If he could find Darth Vader's lightsaber then that would be another problem off of my list of growing concerns.

“If I can find an ancient ship in the middle of the ocean, I think I can find an item basically bleeding Force energy.” He stated proudly as he closed his eyes and floated in the air with his legs crossed. He held out his hand as if inviting the weapon to fly into his hand with a calm smile on his face before his eyes narrowed and he frowned.

“Strange…" He said quietly as he continued to hold his hand out. "I can sense that it’s on this continent but something is blocking me from finding it’s exact position. The best I can give you is that it’s somewhere south of here. Blocking Force powers isn’t an easy feat to accomplish. Whatever has your Lightsaber is either very powerful or has a powerful item helping them hide it." He told me as he opened up his eyes and stopped floating in the air with his force.

"I’m sorry I couldn’t help more.” He said as he stood up on his legs.

“You am help lots!” I defended. “You am helping Trick and you give me direction. You am also give Bizarro hope. Me sad when me stuck here, but there am way home. Bizarro see family again!” I shouted with joy, Jack smiled warmly as he patted me on the back.

“Yeah, we’ll get home eventually Bizarro, we all just have to hope.” He said to me before he took his hand off of his shoulder and held both his hands behind his back. “So, what was this Vader Displaced like?” Jack asked

“He am Force Ghost after he Deleted.” I explained.


“Yeah, he am explain it weird. God called Writer get bored and erase him, but it wasn’t god too. Then there were thing about tree and Frost. It am make Bizarro head hurt when he tell me.” I recapped to the best of my ability.

“I imagine a lot of things would.” He joked. I playfully punched him in the arm in return, though it was more of a tap since I didn’t want to break his arm after helping us so much. Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of a circular disk on Jack's belt beeping.

Jack took the item off of his belt and pressed down on the top, allowing a holographic projection of HK-55 knee deep in Timberwolf shards.

"Report: Hello master, I have taken care of the blue meatbag and I have eliminated 47 and a half enemies, all of which were the creatures referred to as Timber wolves."

"Disappointment: Unfortunately I have failed to locate any insectoid creatures, save for a few mosquitos which I electrocuted. I shall reinforce my efforts to search for the insect creatures and eliminate them quickly."

"Wait up HK!" Twilight shouted in the background of the hologram.

"What's going on?" Jack asked his Droid.

"Explanation: She hasn't left me alone since I left the the previous destination. She has been adamant that I explain how bacta works more thoroughly and provide her with a sample. I told her to go away or else I'd use force. However, when I attempted to shoot at her she raised a force field around herself. When my attempts to dispose of her through blaster fire, explosives, and strangulation failed I choose to ignore her. Should I attempt to use lethal force again?"

"No, just give Twilight a sample of bacta and head back to the ship. I can't sense any creatures with two hearts like Bizarro warned me of so at this point you'd just be waisting your time."

"Query: Are you certain? I could go for a few more days at least."

"I'm sure HK-55."

"Statement: So be it... I shall give a sample to the meatbag and return to the ship soon provided that I do not meet anymore hostiles." HK-55 said before the communicator turned off and his hologram disappeared.

Jack cracked his neck after his call ended and hung the communicator back on his belt. "So, do you need me for anything else?"

"No. Bizarro am not need more, you am help good." I told him.

"Great. I was worried that my first summoner would be more... Demanding." He replied "Hope you don't mind if I head on out now, got some stuff I'd like to do back home and I'm not sure how much time has passed there. For all I know, a week has already flown by while I've been talking."

"Ok. Oh, before you am leave, here am Bizarro Token. If you am need me, you no hesitate to call." I told him as I placed my lead Ring Box in his hand. As soon as it made contact with his skin his eyes widened as my mantra played in his mind, promising him and others like him that I would be there for them in a pinch if they called out for me.

When the mantra finished playing inside his mind a small portal opened above me and gave me another copy of my ring box, which I stuffed in my pocket for safe keeping.

"Huh, a Pinkie promise. Something tells me she'd like to hear about that." He stated as he put my token in his pocket. He then folded his hands in front of him, looking at me expectantly for a while.

"Um, thank you for help." I told him as the silence between us started to grow, becoming more awkward with each passing minute.

"Happy to help." He replied as he continued to just stare at me. Another minute passed in silence before I coughed into my hand.

"Me really like how you am help. Am there something you want in return?" I asked.

"Not at the moment. If I ever need you're help I'll be sure to call you."

"Ok... So, what now?"

"You end the contract."

"Contract?" I asked in confusion causing a look of realization to pass over Jack's features.

"Wait, didn't you summon a Displaced before?"

"Yes. Darth Vader am summoned long time ago." I replied.

"And didn't you complete your contract with him?"

"Me no know about contract."

"Really? That explains why you weren't saying anything. Well, you need to say 'Our Contract is complete' and I'll be on my way." He explained. Weird choice of words since this didn't really feel like a contract but hey, if it worked it worked and I wasn't going to question it.

"Alright. Our contract am complete." I said aloud. Jack looked like he was about to correct my grammar before a portal opened up in the sky for him and his ship to fly through.

"Huh. Close enough I guess." He said with a shrug of his shoulders as he held out his hand. "It was a pleasure helping you, Bizarro. If you ever need my help don't hesitate to ask. Who knows, maybe you can meet my sister next time." He told me. I gratefully accepted his hand shake, thankful for everything that he had done for me in less than a single night than most could have done in a week. I promised myself that I'd repay Jack some day for his help, it would be the least I could do to repay him for all of his help.

Jack walked up the ramp ship as it started to take off into the air. Once he reached the top of the ramp, he turned around and cupped his hand to his mouth.

"Hey Bizarro!" Jack called out. "May the Force be with you." He told me as he waved his hand goodbye.

A small smile graced my lips as I waved back. "And may Harmonic be with you." I replied, trying to repeat the words Darth Vader said to me before he left.

Jack looked a bit confused for a second before he just shrugged and continued to wave goodbye before the ramp finally closed. The Fury rose higher into the air with elegance and flew through the large portal in the sky. As the final parts of the ship sunk into the portal, it closed quickly behind it, leaving only Princess Luna's night sky in its wake.

The smile on my face grew wider as I looked up at the night sky with hope burning inside of me.

I'd return home someday.

Author's Note:

A special thank you to That_Weird_Dragon for agreeing to a crossover with me. Check out their story and give them a like, favorite, and a follow if you can, or just give them words of encouragement. Please show them some support for all the hard work they do.

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