• Published 16th Aug 2019
  • 8,582 Views, 474 Comments


Never in all my life would I ever imagine that I'd end up in a variation of my little sister's cartoon. For some reason I'm stuck in Equestria as Bizarro, except every"pony" looks like their Equestrian Girls counterparts with wings, horns, and tails.

  • ...

Life am Like…


After I finished my conversation with Twilight near the fountain, she and I said our goodbyes and departed. Twilight had planned to go back to the hospital to check on Trixie after she was given lunch. I, in the meantime, had nowhere to really be and nothing to do, so I decided to head on over to Sugarcube Corner. It was already about 1:30 in the afternoon and I didn’t have anything to eat for lunch yet, so I thought I might be able to grab something from there and talk to Pinkie Pie for a bit.

As I walked away from the fountain and took a shortcut through the marketplace I heard the hustle and bustle of all of the vendors and shoppers outside buying and selling their goods. I unconsciously listened to some random pony's heart beats, terrified that I'd hear a second beat in one of their chests. When I didn't hear anything abnormal, I relaxed a little bit as I used my other super senses.

The smell of fresh produce, flowers, perfumes, and scented candles all filled the air, cumulating into a pleasant aroma that drifted along the breeze. Unlike perfumes and scents form Earth, the products being sold had a more natural and subtle smell to them, allowing them to smell lovely while not becoming overwhelming and suffocating. I was pleasantly surprised by that, especially since I had super smell. I expected the market place to smell and sound horrible to me with my enhanced senses but, pleasantly enough, it never happened.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath through my nose, savoring the smell of roses, dandelions, tea leaves, and so many other scents I that I couldn't place. I was in such a euphoric and blissful state that I didn’t hear the sound of a certain Yellow filly shouting loudly, or the sound of an apple zipping through the air as it made it’s way directly towards my right cheek.

As the red fruit hit my cheek, it exploded on impact immediately, coating half of my face and hair in applesauce and apple chunks that clung to my skin like sweat on a hot summer day. The smile on my face vanished as my eyes shot open and I looked around in terror.

Where are the changelings!? Is everyone alright?! Where-

“Oh man gosh, I’m so sorry Mr. Zarro!” Applebloom called out. As I looked in the direction Applebloom’s voice came from I saw her rush over to me with a small green towel in her hands. A sigh of relief escaped my hyperventilating lungs as I realized that everypony was alright.

“Here, lemme help.” She told me as she held up the towel and tried to jump to my face. She failed miserably of course since I towered over her, so I made it a bit easier for her by kneeling down and letting her wipe off the mess while she apologized profusely.

“I’m so so SO sorry, Mr. Zarro, I didn’t think that would happen!” Applebloom told me as she looked at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen. It was like staring into the face of a sad kitten who was raised by angles.

“*sigh* It am fine Bloom.” I told her as she finished wiping off the last of the apple bits from my face and hair. I would have probably been angrier with her if she didn’t have the biggest damn puppy-dog eyes I ever saw before. Fuck Super vision, Puppy vision is where it’s at.

“Ya’ll okay, Bizarre?” Applejack asked as she walked over to me and offered me a hand up.

“Me am good. But what happen?” I asked after getting back up. I was still slightly confused about how and why an apple was flying at speeds Rainbow Dash would respect.

“Sorry again about that, Mr. Zarro. I was jus’ tryin’ ta get mah Cutie mark in apple sellin’. But I’m no good at it I guess.” Applebloom said as she rubbed her hands nervously and looked at the ground. “I’m sorry again, sir.” She mumbled as she walked next to us over to her and Applejack's apple cart.

“It am fine. Bizarro am no hurt, me am tough stallion.” I reassured her as I patted her on the shoulder.

“Phew. Ah’m happy ta hear that, Bizarre. I know a lota ponies would be upset about that, an’ rightly so.” Applejack said, getting back behind her apple cart and finishing her statement with a glare directed towards her younger sibling, who visibly flinched as she wilted under her older sister’s intense stare. "Seriously sis, ya don't throw the product. Ya especially don't throw it at a stallion."

“Ah’m sorry… I just wanted a Cutie mark.” Applebloom muttured under her breath as she refused to meet her sister's judgmental eyes.

Wait, how does a pony just get a Birth mark? I thought to myself, questioning just what exactly a Cutie mark was. Everypony seemed to talk about it as if it was something important, so maybe it wasn’t a Birth mark like I originally thought.

“What am Cutie mark exactly? Am it like Birth mark?” I asked. Applebloom looked up at me with a clearly confused look spreading across her face.

“What? How da ya not know what a Cutie mark is? It’s yer special talent in life. When did ya get yers?” She asked.

“Bizarro no have Cutie mark.” I told her. Her eyes seemed to widen in horror as if I told her an invisible murderer lived in her closet.

“N… No Cutie mark? T-then... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhh!” Applebloom screamed as she ran off in a panic.

“Ummmm…. Why am Bloom be scared?” I asked Applejack dumbly as I watched Applebloom run like hell out off the Market place.

“Ah, she’s jus worried she might not get her Cutie mark. I don’t see what the big deal is, plenty of adults don’t have a Cutie mark, an' they ain’t worse for wear cause of it. Why, my great uncle once removed, divorced, added, and then removed again, Rake Leaf, doesn’t have a Cutie mark. But, he still got a job up in Canterlot as a royal gardener for Princess Celestia, an’ he’s been workin’ there since before I was a foal.”

“So then why Bloom care?”

Applejacks shoulders slumped as she rested her head on her arms. “Cause fillies these days wanna grow up faster an’ faster, an' they think gettin’ a Cutie mark will make ‘em an adult.” Applejack huffed. “Sad part is, Bloom is growin’ pretty darn fast. Sure, she’s still a filly now, but then BAM! Suddenly she’ll be a mare an startin’ a herd and workin’ on the farm. I jus wish she was younger fer a bit longer ya know, help her grow up an be there fer her.” She told me.

I understood where Applejack was coming from, Lilly had grown up so fast that it didn’t even seem feasibly possible. One day she couldn’t say a single word and then she could suddenly say my name with so much joy that it made my heart skip a beat. She shouted my name whenever she saw me like we hadn’t seen each other for years, and each time I heard her I became more determined to be the best big brother I could be.

“Me am understand. They am grow up so fast.”

“Yeah, yeah that they do…” Applejack said as she gazed off in the direction Applebloom ran off in before she pushed herself off of the table and smiled at me. “Anyway, enough mopin’ around.” She said as she gestured to her apples. “Ya want some apples, Bizarre? Just bucked ‘em this mornin’.”

“Sure.” I replied. Twilight had been kind enough to lend me a few Bits during our temporary stay in Ponyville. Apparently, Equestria didn't believe in paper currency and only exchanged goods through golden coins called Bits that could be given out in quarters, halves, or full coins. I wasn't sure how Bits could have been translated into American dollars, but if I had to make an estimate, I'd say a full Bit was worth about two dollars. I was about to pull out half a Bit for an apple before Applejack held a hand out to stop me.

“On the house after the fast food incident with Applebloom.” Applejack joked as she held out the apple to me.

“It am no problem. Me am pay.” I told her.

“Keep yer Bits, Bizarre, I insist.” She said with a warm smile and a tip of her Stetson. The pride in her voice told me there was no way she’d accept my answer willingly without a fight. However, I would fight her if I had to.

I stared Applejack down for a moment as I thought of how to attack the situation. If there was one thing my mother was able to pass onto me, it was her stubbornness when it came to money. Try and try as you like, you could never get her to not tip, or take no for an answer when she offered cash. It made me feel bad whenever she would give me money for my birthday because she had already given me so much in life. She just gave and gave without even being asked to, something I looked up to and wanted to do too. And I was about to make that point abundantly clear to Applejack.

“Me am insist more.” I said.

“Please, what’re friends for?”

“Friends pay friends for food.”

“Not if they’re offerin’.” She responded with a little more edge in her voice but still held her smile firmly in place.

“Well me am offer Bits. In fact, me am offer double bits.”

“Well I’ll offer ya double the apples fer half the cost of one!”

“That am good offer, but— What am that?!” I shouted as I pointed behind Applejack. Once she turned around to look for the nonexistent threat I quickly placed double the amount of necessary Bits on the counter, took an apple, and flew off.

Dangnabit Bizarre, get yer flank back 'ere!” Applejack shouted as I flew away with a wicked grin on my face. I had technically just pulled a Bizarro and made myself get ripped off.

“HAHAHAHA! Bizarro am best Bizarro!” I shouted out with glee before I took a bite out of my expensive apple.

As I savored the mouth watering flavor of my apple I looked down at all of the ponies milling about in town and completely forgot all of the fears I had as I looked at everypony's smiling faces. The streets were packed for rush hour, Ponies walking shoulder to shoulder as they went through the busy hustle and bustle of the streets below. One would think that Ponyville would have a relatively sparse population since there weren't too many houses, but apparently most of the Mares had shared living arrangements and used space augmentation enchantments on their houses; So, a town that could fit probably 2,000 or so residents can actually fit about 6,000 or so. They could have probably fit a whole lot more if their population was more dense.

During my conversation with Twilight I was surprised to learn that Equis' total pony population was in the low millions, barely scraping towards 10 million. If I remembered correctly, Pennsylvania had about 12 million people living in it when I left. I had no idea how any species could survive, let alone thrive, with such a small population, but I essentially chalked it up to my least favorite answer; "Because it's Magic."

As I watched the ponies milling about their everyday lives with blissful smiles on their faces I saw Sugarcube Corner approaching in the distance with a certain pink pony bouncing excitedly as she waved to me. Finishing off the rest of my apple, I slowed my flight to allow for a smooth landing as I descended towards my objective, lunch and chocolates.

Pinkie Pie wasn't wearing her casual clothes as she usually did, but was instead wearing a bright brown t-shirt, blue jeans, and pink shoes, along with a brown and white stripped apron and a matching brown visor cap. She also had a ridiculously large pink pin button on her apron that had two blue balloons on the sides and one yellow balloon in the center, the same as the tattoo on her hip. After thinking about it for a moment, I realized that that must have been her Cutie mark and not a tattoo like I originally thought.

"Hiya B! How ya doooin'?" Pinkie Pie asked as my feet touched the ground. I assumed that Pinkie was currently wearing her work clothes since I couldn't recall anytime she wore a color as bland as brown.

"Bizarro am good. Talk with Twilight and Applejack earlier and it was nice. Now me need lunch and chocolate." I told her.

"Great. I'll be sure to give you something that'll fill ya right up, but first, would you mind doing me an ittibtytittywittysuperduperteenytiny favor?" She asked as she her pressed index finger and thumb against each other.

“Sure. What am Pinky need?” I asked as I walked over to Pinkie Pie.

“I just need to get rid of these... Scripts.” She told me as she held up a large cardboard box in front of her. The box itself was a brown and worn cardboard box that was painted the same color as Twilight’s skin and decorated with glitter and stickers with bright red words on it that I couldn't read.

“Scripts? You am actor?”

“Suuuure, let’s go with that.” She stated slowly as her eyes darted back left and right at a rapid speed. “Aaaannnyway, something came up and these are pretty much worthless now. Would you mind using your fire breath to incinerate them?
Likesoburntupnoponywillevereverbeabletoreadthemagainandcauseamasspanic?" She asked in one breath.

Burn scripts? Odd request, but why not? If she wants them gone it’s probably for a good reason.

“Ok.” I shrugged before she placed the box on the ground and got behind me to be safe from the fire.

Taking a deep breath in to prepare for the torrent of flames I would unleash, except I couldn't breath because I accidentally sucked up the box and ate it.

The box and papers flew down my throat instantly, defying any and all laws of physics as it scraped past the walls of my throat, sending me into a terrible coughing fit as a result. Thankfully, Pinkie Pie patted my back as I started coughing horribly after eating stacks of paper and cardboard by accident.

Mother fucking! Paper-cut in my throat! I thought as I continued to cough and hack furiously.

"Don't worry B, I'll get you some Chocolate milk licity-split." Pinkie Pie said as she dashed off into the confectionary building. After a few moments she came back outside with an entire pitcher of Chocolate milk with frozen marshmallows floating in it. I didn't question why or how as I drained the pitcher of sugary goodness almost instantaneously.

"Gee, I didn't think anypony could eat or drink as fast as I could." Pinkie Pie remarked as she pulled out another pitcher and handed it to me. Once again I drained the contents of the large glass without questioning why or how. Once the sweet throat cleaning goodness entered my system I removed the second pitcher from my lips and passed it back to Pinkie Pie.

"Thank Pinky."

"No prob, B. Sorry you had to go through that. I tried eating paper once too and it was terrible, no matter how much flour I put on it the Papier-mâché didn't taste any better. Are you still hungry?" She asked. Surprisingly, I actually wasn't hungry after that. The paper, despite having no nutritious value to speak of, filled me up as if I had eaten a steak with mashed potatoes on the side.

"No, no. Me am okay. Ugh, me never want to do that again." I lamented as I stood back up and patted my stomach.

"I don't think you'll have to, B. Oh, and a word of warning..." Pinkie Pie said sweetly before she pulled me close to her face and glared at me.

"The journals might be gone but that doesn't mean the story is. You do anything, ANYTHING, to ruin my happily ever after with Lil' Cheese and I WILL end you." She threatened cryptically before her cheerful disposition returned almost instantly and she patted me on the head. "But don't worry, I'm sure you won't do anything too bad. Just be your happy cheerful self and everything should be hunky dory. By-the-by, Rarity wants you to run over to Carousel Boutique for a bit, better not keep her waiting. Toodles.~" She said before she bounced back off to Sugarcube Corner gigging with each step.

I stood there, frozen in place as I watched Pinkie Pie prance off, both confused and completely petrified with fear by Pinkie Pie's weird threat. For some reason, after she said that, I felt a terrifying sense of dread wash over me setting off every warning signal in my brain. My fight or flight instincts were firing on all cylinders, screaming at me to run to safety, it was like when I found my Lightsaber but it was so much worse!

An instant after the door closed behind Pinkie Pie I bolted off over to Carousel Boutique to see what Rarity wanted. I needed to stay away from Pinkie Pie for a bit.


The rhythmic sound of the several sewing machines I had running rang in the air in a perfect uniformity, creating a euphoric sound that filled the walls of my boutique and, as a bonus, drowned out the racket the two little troublemakers upstairs were getting into. As the machines continued to move with the help of my hands and my magic, the sewing needle pierced the fabric underneath, adding another feeling of euphoria to wash over me as I continued my work with passion.

The joy I felt from doing my work was almost more rewarding than the end product. Once the dress or other clothing apparel was complete the gorgeous sounds of machines and magic would unfortunately cease, leaving me to the silence of my boutique as I waited for the next inspiration to strike me like a runaway carriage. If only I could afford a custom recording crystal so that I could lull myself to sleep at night with the delightful sound of progress. But, for the time being, I would have to make due with falling asleep to the sounds of the ocean breeze slowly drifting across the crashing waves. A pity really.

The wonderful melody of my sewing machines was unfortunately drowned out by a cacophony of loud bangs on my door, accompanied by the panicked yells of somepony saying, "Rare-Tea! Rare-Tea! Rare-Tea! Rare-" which was then subsequently followed up by the sound of wood breaking as whomever was pounding against my door appeared to have broken a hole directly through it.

"Oops." Came the voice from the other side of my now broken door. Releasing a heavy sigh, I stood up and approached the front door of my Boutique. I kept a calm smile on my face as I prepared a list of insulting words to say to the deep voiced mare who dared to interrupt me and damage my property. However, once I reached the door and opened it, I blinked in surprise at the sight in front of me. Standing a few feet away from me was Bizarro holding his right hand sheepishly as he gave me a small worried smile.

"S-sorry for door, Rare-Tea." Bizarro apologized with a genuine look of guilt etched into his chiseled face. I felt my anger slowly drain as I looked more closely at Bizarro. He was shaking like a leaf and a sense of terror radiated from his body, it was as if he had just seen a demon or had been told his favorite mane care product was out of stock. Although I guess the second one wouldn't apply to a stallion such as Bizarro.

"It's fine Bizarro, but are you alright?" I asked him, to which he nodded his head and swallowed thickly.

"Y-yeah. Just... Thing happen and Bizarro were freaked out. But me okay now, me just react too big." He told me as his posture relaxed a bit. "Me hear you want see Bizarro?" Bizarro asked.

"Yes actually, your timing is impeccable and absolutely perfect. You see Bizarro, I am in desperate need of your assistance for a while. I'd hate to ask this of you, but would you mind watching over my sister and her friend while they attend Diamond Tiara's Cute-ceñera? I would do it but I have to get an order for a Canterlot client done so they don't throw a hissy-fit. I just need you to watch over them and make sure they don't do anything too crazy, that won't be a problem will it?" I asked sweetly.

I figured since everypony else I knew had work or was at the hospital, Bizarro would be the best solution to my small predicament. I desperately wanted Sweetie Belle to get out and meet new ponies her age, but I was too scared of what happened to Trixie and Bizarro the night prior to let her and Scootaloo leave without somepony there with them. I knew what loyal changelings of the Queen were capable of, I had witnessed it first hand before and didn't want something like that to happen to Sweetie Belle or her friend.

I also couldn't cancel an order for Moon Calf and Smell Feast and go with my sister and her friend to the party. Cancelling an order for a Canterlot Noble, no matter the reason, is not a good business decision to make in the long run, lest you actually want your business burned with words and arson.

Bizarro mulled over my small request for a moment before he nodded. "Sure. Bizarro am do that." He said with a nod of his head. I let loose a small squee as I hugged him for his generosity.

"Oh, thank you so much Bizarro, I owe you one." I told him before I broke off the hug.

"You no owe Bizarro. Me owe you for clothes and door." He said as he gestured to the aforementioned broken door. Taking a quick glance at the hole I was mildly surprised by the size of it. It wasn't as large as my face or anything, but I would definitely be able to fit both of my arms inside if I tried to.

I thought about what he said for a moment before I nodded. "Fine, we'll call it even then. In the meantime, let me fetch the little troublemakers for you. Oh Sweetie Belle~. Scootaloo~. Time to go to your party~." I called out in a singsong voice.


The sound of two sets of footsteps echoed from the second floor and speedily approached the stairs before two small fillies came down with presents in their hands.

"So you're taking us?" The small white unicorn filly asked Rarity. The filly, who I assumed was Rarity's younger sister, had alabaster skin, emerald eyes, and a purple and pink mane and tail. She was wearing a pink short sleeve jacket over her pink and white stripped shirt, a a yellow frilly skirt that reached slightly below her knees, and a pair of pink dress shoes. She was clutching a small box neatly wrapped in pink wrapping paper close to her chest as she gave Rarity an expecting look.

"Unfortunately I can't dear." Rarity said as she let out a sigh. "I can't cancel these orders. But, worry not! I was able to convince a friend of mine to accompany you." Rarity continued as she gestured towards me. "He'll be able to accompany you two and make sure you're both safe. Now, run along, I have a tightly knit schedule to keep and a scarf I must knit." Rarity said as she gently pushed her sister and Scootallo out the door before she promptly closed it.

A short silence fell over our little group before a cough from Rarity's little sister broke it, giving her the opportunity to introduce herself. "Um... Hi, I'm Sweetie Belle."

"Hello, am nice to meet you." I said as I gave her a big smile, hoping that it would decrease the odd sense of tension in the air. My opened tooth smile seemed to have the opposite effect however as Rarity's sister recoiled slightly at the sight of my mangled and crooked teeth. I should probably go to the dentist at some point.

Scootallo rolled her eyes and walked over to me while she held her weirdly shaped newspaper wrapped present under her arm. Scootallo was an orange pegasus filly with a messy purple mane and tail done up like Rainbow Dash's hair style. She was wearing a black zip-up hoodie, a pair of dark green cargo pants, and two black sneakers with rainbow themes shoelaces which were tied in strange knots that told me she didn't really know how to tie them properly.

"Sup Big-B?" Scootalloo asked as she held out a fist prompting me to give her a fist bump.

"Wait, you're Bizarro?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yes. You am know Bizarro?" I asked.

"Yeah, Scootaloo was going on and on about how you nearly beat Rainbow Dash. The only other pony she's ever talked about so much is Rainbow Dash." She stated.

"Only because she's the coolest mare ever!" Scootalloo defended.I chuckled as Scootaloo puffed out her cheeks adorably and pouted, crossing her arms like a child.

"So, you two am know each other?" I asked the duo. Sweetie Belle nodded and wrapped an arm around her pouting friend's shoulders.

"We were best friends in Manehatten. We're both transferring to Ponyville's Schoolhouse for the next two years. Scootaloo went almost two months early because-"

"Because Rainbow Dash was here and she's awesome."

"-Because she's a total fanfilly." Sweetie Belle teased, prompting Scootalloo to stick her tongue out at her. "I wanted to spend some more time with my parents before I left, so I just got here this morning."

"And now we get to go to a Cute-ceañera for somepony we barely even know." Scootaloo pouted as she looked at her shoes. "We'll be the only ones there without Cutie marks." She said as she kicked a pebble.

"You still haven't gotten yours?" Sweetie Belle asked, causing Scootaloo to shake her head angrily.

"Of course I didn't. GAH! I wish we just got them already." Scootalloo lamented before she walked around me. "Come on, let's just get this over with." Scootaloo said as she walked down the dirt street with me and Sweetie Belle following closely behind her.

"So, what am party for?" I asked the young duo.

"It's somepony's Cute-ceañera." Scootaloo informed me. "I've never met her before, but my second cousin is going there. I'm living with her and my first cousin once removed for now, and I figured that I might as well learn about Dinky's friends. Though they'll all probably laugh at us..."

"Why they do that?"

"Because we don't have our Cutie marks." Scootaloo admitted.

"Why girls want marks so badly?"

"Because it's a sign of maturity and symbolizes who you are." Sweetie Belle explained. "Earning your Cutie mark is a right of passage that separates the foals from the adults."

"Yeah! When we get them, we'll be able to do whatever we want! No more adults telling us what to do cause we'll be the adults!" Scootaloo said happily.

“Being adult am not all it am cracked up to be." I told them. Scootaloo scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"That's because you forgot what it's like to be a colt. You're a full grown stallion, you get to do whatever you want."

"That no true. Bizarro still need follow rules like you, in fact Bizarro am miss being young, lots of adults am miss it. Let Bizarro tell you what me mom told me when me was younger.” I told them. Sweetie Belle and Scootallo turned to me and nodded their heads, waiting for my words of wisdom.

“Liife... am like toilet paper.” I stated firmly. Both of them gave me a bemused look, as if I said the dumbest thing ever.

“What?” Scootaloo asked.

“Life am like toilet paper. It am start off slow and stick to itself, and take long time to move. But, near end of roll it am fast and soon it am gone. Time am move different for kids. It am slow and long, but for adults it am fast and gone too soon. Enjoy slow toilet paper because life go too fast when you am older.” I explained.

“So… We should enjoy not having a Cutie mark?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“Yes and no. Me am say enjoy being young. You can enjoy marks, but enjoy rest of childhood too. What am you do for fun?”

“I like to sing.” Sweetie Bell said.

“I like using my scooter.” Scotalloo said cheerfully before she quickly became disheartened. “But those aren’t our special talents. I’ve riden my Scooter to the Everfree and back, and Sweetie Belle sings every other day.”

“So? They no have to be special talent for you to like. Bizarro am bad at chess, but me like playing even when me lose. You am full of potential, world am your oyster.”

“What does that mean?” Scootaloo asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It am mean possibilities am endless. You am have time to try everything, experience new things, living life, and having fun.” I explained happily, hoping that they understood what I was trying to say.

“Try everything… Like, looking for what makes us special by searching for our talents?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah! That sounds awesome. Oh, maybe we could be like a Cutie mark searching duo!” Scootaloo eagerly tagged on.

“Um, that am not exactly what me mean...” I tried to tell them, however it seemed that my efforts to explain what I meant fell on deaf ears as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo kept talking.

“Maybe we could be called the Cutasticly Fantastic.” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Oh, maybe the Cutie mark duo?”

“What about the Cutie mark Acquisition Program?"

"Hmmmm. Nah, that one doesn’t work quiet well either. Let’s workshop it on the way to Diamond Tiara’s Cute-ceañera. Oh, we could get our name making Cutie marks!” Scootaloo suggested as she and Sweetie Belle walked towards Sugarcube Corner. I simply shook my head and followed the duo as they walked aead of me.

We walked the rest of the way in relative silence, broken only by a few questions asked by Sweetie Belle about the symbol on my chest. They both had better reactions than Appleboom did when I told her about my lack of a Cutie mark, which is to say they were sill terrified by that fact but didn't scream and run away in horror.

Despite the party being in Pinkie Pie's lion den, I actually had a pretty good time. Pinkie Pie was back to her totally fun and lovable self when we entered the establishment, as if that intense moment earlier never even happened, a moment that I would try to forget unless I wanted it to haunt my non-existent dreams.

The toe tapping cheerful music was playing on a minute loop and being projected from an old gramophone in the corner that, for some reason, was hooked up to a small modern black speaker. With the party in full swing the guest of honor made their way down the stairs and the festivities began.

After walking over to the punch bowl I grabbed the ladle and refilled my cup and Scootaloo's cup. While Sweetie Belle was taking dainty little sips of her beverage, Scootaloo was drinking them like a sugar addict. Once I filled up the cups and turned towards the table I nearly dropped them both when I noticed neither of the fillies were at the table.

"Sweety Bell? Scooter?" I asked as I looked around for the pair of young ponies.

"Sweety Bell? Scooter?" I asked again with a little more urgency and worry in my voice.

"Howdy, Bizarre." Applejack said from behind me, prompting me to turn around and face her.

"Hi Applejack. Am you see where Sweety Bell and Scooter go?"

"Can't say I 'ave. I just got here a hot sec ago. Bumped inta Applebloom when I got in. She's wit her friends right no—" Applejack started to say before she looked over at her little sister struggling not to cry as two other fillies were pointing at her and laughing.

I felt a pang of anger rage through me as I looked at the scene in front of me, something I was sure Applejack felt too as she looked at her sister being bullied. Before either of us could take a step forward however, Scootaloo shouted.

"You got a problem with Blank Flanks?" She asked loudly. Applejack and I turned out heads to a punch table right next to the door where Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were hiding.

"The problem is, it means she's totally not special." The grey filly with white hair commented.

"No, it means she's full of potential." Sweetie Belle interjected as she and Scootaloo stood by Applebloom. A small smile crept onto my face as I watched the scene unfold.

"It means she can be anything, the possibilities are endless. She has time to try everything, experience new things, living life, and having fun. The world's her oyster." Scootaloo said to the two bullies before she turned her attention to the crowd. "She could be anything, and she can do anything to find out what her special talent is. All the Blank Flanks can." She stated proudly as she wrapped an arm around Applebloom's shoulder.

"Yeah, and she's not stuck as being stuck up like you." Sweetie Belle chimed in while also wrapping an arm around Applebloom.

"Ugh! This is MY Party! I won't let you talk to me like that!" The pink filly shouted at the group.

"Then maybe it am time we go." I added in after seeing Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stand up for Applebloom. "We am go throw own party. With cards and cartoons." I said as I scooped up Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "You want tag along Bloom?" I asked Applebloom, causing her to nod and hop on my back like a monkey.

Using my telescope vision I was able to see Applejack shoot a glare at the bullies before following us outside.

"Ya know what really sucks about bein' an adult?" Applejack asked.

"That you can no hit children?" I guessed.

"That I can't hit a filly." Applejack agreed with a nod of her head.

"I can hit her!" Scootaloo eagerly suggested before Applejack and I shot her a glare. "Um... It was a joke? Oh! Maybe I can get my comedy Cutie mark!"

"So wait. Ya'll don't have yer Cutie mark's neither?" Applebloom asked the duo in my arms.

"No. But we're trying to find them. Scootaloo and I even started a secret society for trying to find our Cutie marks." Sweetie Belle told her as she peered over my shoulder.

"Like some kinda crusaders?" Applebloom asked.

"Crusaders... I like that!" Scootaloo exclaimed. I chuckled at the groups antics as they shot ideas back and forth about Cutie marks and how to get them. Even if they didn't get my explanation totally, they at least understood the aspect of enjoying their childhood.

After letting the three fillies off of me so they could play in the park, Applejack and I sat on a bench and watched them as they tried getting their sand castle Cutie marks. It filled me with a warm sensation in my chest to see them all so happy without a care in the world. Memories of the book Catcher in the Rye flashed in my mind as I looked at them having fun, I finally understood that book's message about innocence and purity.

For those three, there was nothing wrong with the world. They weren't afraid of death or involved in politics or even worried about getting a job, they were just focused on laughing and having a good time. It made me long for the days when I was a child, playing in the park, climbing up the slides backwards, watching cartoons all Saturday. Life was so much simpler back then and I missed it dearly.

My peaceful reminiscing was cut short however when I heard a strange voice say my name.

Bizarro…” Somepony called out. I turned around to look for the stallion who called out my name, but was surprised when I didn’t see anypony taking too much interest in me. “Bizarro… Come to the castle…” The mysterious Stallion called out again. I spun around as I looked for the stallion, I expected him to be a few inches away from my face since his voice was whispering into my ears. However, there was nopony near near me except Applejack, who was looking at the group of fillies with a warm smile on her face.

You must travel to the castle of the Two Sisters, deep within the Everfree Forest…” The mysterious stranger continued to call out to me.

I felt the desire to run away swell up inside my chest, to grab the girls and fly away as fast as I could. It was a clear sign that I shouldn't heed the words of the stranger, but for some reason my mind and body were struggling to cooperate. As my body struggled to move and run until the voice was gone, my mind was whispering me sweet nothings about how good of an idea it was. The small voice in my head steadily grew, becoming a shout that reverberated inside of my skull several times until all of my thoughts were consumed by one word.


"Hey, Applejack." I called out to her causing her to turn and look at me.

"Bizarro need to... do thing. Am you watch fillies?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll keep an eye on 'em. Do whatever ya need ta." She told me. I quickly thanked her before I diverted from the group.

With great trepidation and an unwillingness to leave the safety net of friends I had with me, I left the park and made my way towards the woods. I walked with a slow pace like a man on Death row, cursing every foot step I took against my better judgment.

Deciding to circumvent the dirt path through the dangerous woods, I flew over the tree tops as I looked for the castle. After a few hours of searching and burning daylight I finally came across a large castle buried deep within the forest. The sun was just dipping under the horizon, allowing the twilight of night to reveal the castle before the night slowly started to encroach on the sky.

As I flew down to the decrepit ruins of the castle I was able to smell something in the air, something that had been lingering for a long long time. It was a strange smell to describe, it was almost like blood soaked cardboard and mold with a hint of something stale.

Flying through one of the holes in the roof I found myself in a decrepit throne room with two thrones atop a large staircase. One of the thrones was dark and perstine, made of a black stone that was covered in a purple velvet that had worn down from the weather, while the other throne was almost completely unrecognizable. The only hint of a throne being there was the seat and a shilouette of the throne's back burnt into the wall behind it.

The strange odor grew stronger but was now acccompanied by another scent, the burning stentch of sulfur and chlorine. The smell was so aggressive that I nearly wretched when the offending scent hit my nostrials.

Hello Bizarro.” A mysterious voice called out from everywhere at once. I tried to listen for a heart beat, breathing, footsteps, any sound that could tell me where he was. But I couldn’t hear anything.

“Who am you? Am you bug!? Show self!” I demanded. Suddenly, I heard the sound of breathing behind me, but it sounded like… Oh god…

I am here.” The terrifyingly familiar deep voice called out. I turned around fearfully, dreading the possibility that I was about to come face to face with the man who had plagued my mind for several weeks. Standing a few yards away from me in the doorway of the throne room was the ghostly apparition one of the most intimidating villains in fiction.

And as for who I am, I believe that is obvious. I am Darth Vader.

Author's Note: