• Published 16th Aug 2019
  • 8,583 Views, 474 Comments


Never in all my life would I ever imagine that I'd end up in a variation of my little sister's cartoon. For some reason I'm stuck in Equestria as Bizarro, except every"pony" looks like their Equestrian Girls counterparts with wings, horns, and tails.

  • ...

Bizarro and Trixie, Sitting in a Tree... surrounded by predators.

Author's Note:

Warning, this chapter contains violence, suggestive nonconsensual sexual elements, and descriptive scenes that may sicken or unnerve some readers. Reader's discretion is advised.


I hate this world. Truly, I hate this Godforsaken cartoon planet. You know what I hate most about it? Magic. God. Damn. Kick me in the balls... Magic. I thought to myself, seething in my own bitterness at my current situation.

While Trixie and I were walking through the Everfree Forest back to Ponyville so we could get another new wagon, we were quickly surrounded by a dozen wolves made of trees in the Everfree. And if that wasn’t enough, apparently evolution decided to take drugs and say, “Hey why don’t we make them indestructible and give them the ability to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers themselves into a Super Timberwolf?” Because fuck normal people who just want to go through the Everfree Forest I guess.

Nothing I was able to do to those bastards worked. Fire breath? Just made deadly flaming Timberwolves. Smashing them? They reformed! Freezing them with Freeze vision? The others would just regroup and headbutt the ice until it broke and freed their friend. I also couldn't fly away with Trixie since she was deathly terrified of heights, something I unfortunately learned on our trip towards Canterlot a while back; my ears were still burning after Trixie screamed her head off.

So, as a result of not being able to actually fight or run away from the Timberwolves, Trixie and I climbed a tree for safety, as we waited for them to just go away.

“Are they still there?” Trixie asked.

“Eeeyup.” I responded with Big Mac’s favorite word, not even bothering to look down as I could still hear the Timberwolves circling the base of the tree. Trixie and I were sitting on two different branches. While Trixie was hugging hers like it was her long-lost daughter, I just sat on my tree branch with my back laying against the trunk of the tree.

“We’re going to be here all night, aren’t we?” Trixie asked. I simply shrugged as I decided to just go with the flow. It was clear this planet had something against me. This wasn’t Murphy or Karma at work, this was something that just got its shits and giggles at my expense. Take for example when I arrived here.

A while before I was sent to Equestria, the Everfree forest used to be a small contained area between Ponyville and some place called Appleloosa. But then, somepony named Nightmare Moon came and tried to make eternal night or something, which apparently caused the Everfree Forest to grow around all of Ponyville because of the chaos. I didn’t know what the hell “chaos” had to do with spontaneous tree growth but knowing this place the answer probably boiled down to "It's Magic." Thus, I had yet another reason to hate magic.

“Bizarro, are you sure there’s nothing you can do?” Trixie pleaded.

“Bizarro am no good against bad guy that can re-build. Not even Lightsaber would do good.” I told her.


“Am nothing.” I dismissed. A long silence overtook us, only interrupted by the occasionally Timberwolf bark. I took the time to think about my old life back on Earth and how I'd probably never be able to go back.

I'd never see my friends, my family, my sister... I'd never be able to see her start Highschool, I wouldn't be able to tease her for getting braces, I wouldn't be able to congratulate her on all her accomplishments, I couldn't tease her, I couldn't encourage her... I couldn't do anything for her anymore. I had this whole cheesy speech prepared for her too when she started High-school about how the future was uncertain but was still worth living for, and how she'd make so many enemies but still make two friends for every one bully.

I managed to fight back the tears that welled behind my eyes as I tried to focus on something else. The silence between Trixie and I lasted for a while longer until I decided to finally break it.

“… So… What am Trick do after Ponyville?” I asked.

Trixie slowly repositioned herself on her tree branch so she could sit against the tree and be in a more comfortable position.

“Well, Trixie was planning on going to Las Pegasus like she originally wanted, and then go to Applewood after that. Then Trixie would play it by ear. Equestria is a big place with a large distance between cities and towns, once Trixie reaches Applewood, Trixie will be right at the west coast. Her options would be to take a boat, which she couldn’t with her wagon, go through the San Palomino Desert and try to find Saddle Arabia, or turn back around towards the nearest town.”

“Which am?”

“*Sigh* Ponyville… again.” She said dejectedly. Jesus, is that the center of Equestria or something?

“….Trick? Am ok if Bizarro am come along?” I asked.

Trixie looked at me with surprise evident on her face. “Really? You’d come with Trixie to Las Pegasus and Applewood? She thought you would stay in Ponyville.”

“Why Trick think that?”

“Because… Because you’re basically BFF’s with the Elements of Harmony there! And Trixie is just… me.” She said, as averted her eyes from me.

“Bizarro am have no idea who Elements of Honey am, but Trick am Bizarro’s friend. Me go with Trick if you want.” I told her which made her smile at me.

"Thank you, Bizarro. That means a lot to me."

"You am welcome." I replied. Another silence fell upon us for a while as I struggled not to think of Earth. Instead, I decided to focus on this world, mainly the Darth Vader of this world and what he had said. I was curious about Darth Vader’s words about the Elements, and his claims to being a good guy, so I decided it was about time I asked Trixie some questions. Both in the hope of distracting me from memories of Earth and to inform me on what I needed to know about the dead Sith Lord.

“Hey Trick? What am Element of Honey?”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Harmony, Bizarro. They’re the wielders of the six Elements that represent Harmony itself. Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, and Magic. They’re Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight respectively.” Trixie told me.

My eyes actually widened at that news. “They am Elements?”

“Yes, Trixie was surprised too. After Trixie discovered Twilight was the personal student of Princess Celestia, Trixie decided to ask some questions so she wouldn’t be surprised by some other outlandish news that would come out of nowhere. Trixie must admit that she was surprised that Newspapers barely covered the Elements.”

“Huh. Am weird. So they am super heroes?”

“Kinda, I guess.” She shrugged.

Another silence fell over us as we waited for the Timberwolves to leave.

“What about Darth Vader?” I finally asked. Trixie raised an eyebrow in response.


“Sith Lord. Me hear he teach Elements once. But me no know what Elements were at time.”

“Hmmmm… Trixie has never heard of anypony named Darth Vader. Odd name for a stallion, it almost sounds sinister.” She responded.

So, this was either just another fact Trixie didn’t know or… I didn’t even know anymore. None of it added up. If he was like me then maybe he bought something from that guy at Wizard World too. But did he decide to be a good guy or become evil? When I connected the dots that he married Nightmare Moon, who was apparently evil, I thought maybe he was a bad guy like the real Darth Vader. But then why would he say he taught the Elements? And why would he say he wouldn’t hurt anyone pure of heart? They could have been lies but something felt wrong with that train of thought. Why leave your spare Lightsaber in the middle of the woods for any random shmuck to find if you’re an evil emperor, and then lie about being evil? It didn't make any sense. In hindsight, I should have really asked Princess Celestia about Darth Vader. If he really was Spike and Twilight's teacher then she had to know about him. She might have even known what killed him...

Two questions kept coming to the forefront of my mind. What killed him, and what was the point of writing the word “Deleted” on his helmet? I didn’t even bother to wonder how I read that word when I’ve been turned into an illiterate version of Superman. For some reason I thought that that word was the reason why he died. It had a… power to it. Like that one word alone explained all of the horror I saw when Darth Vader’s body fell out of that portal. Almost as if it was a warning to others.

The whole situation filled me with a sense of foreboding and dread that I never felt before. Like my life could just end at any moment, and I'd be completely powerless to prevent it. What could I do against something that killed Darth Vader?

"Bizarro, are you ok?" Trixie asked, breaking my train of thought.

"Hm? Me am good. How am you?"

"Trixie is alright. She was just a little worried about you. You looked... lost."

".... Bizarro am in deep think. Many thoughts on brain."

"Like what?" She asked.

I looked at her for a moment before I turned my attention to the sky and stared at the clouds above us. "Bizarro am... worried. Me afraid others am here."

"Others? Like somepony else is in the forest?"

"No. Well, maybe. Bizarro am mean other aliens." I explained to her.

"O-oh! You mean your family?"

"No. Bad aliens. Evil bad guys who am stronger than Bizarro. Me am worried they come." I told her as I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged my legs. Bizarro might be strong, but I was certain that someone out their had a spell or something that could kill me in an instant, as if I were less than a fly.

"Well.... Trixie can see how that can be worrying, but you're a really strong Stallion. And if you need Trixie's help, she will be by your side in a heartbeat." She said. A small sad smile spread across my lips at Trixie's statement. Granted, she couldn't do anything against someone as powerful as Darth Vader in a fight, but knowing that she was so willing to help despite not knowing what the dangers were was... heartwarming.

"Thank Trick. You am good friend."

"Of course I am. The Great and Friendly Trixie is a spectacular friend!" Trixie boasted, causing me to laugh at her eccentric personality.


I was glad that I was able to make Bizarro laugh for once during our trip. Even before we got to Canterlot, Bizarro had been acting differently, he seemed to just disappear into his thoughts at random moments, completely shutting the outside world out of his mind. It was beginning to worry me slightly, and I wanted to ask him what else was wrong, but I knew he'd come talk to me when he was ready. Although, that didn't stop me from both worrying and wondering about what weighed so heavily on his mind.

Before we got to Canterlot I had just assumed that his change in behavior was simply nervousness brought on by the idea possibility of meeting the princesses. But if that were the case then he wouldn't keep acting so distant afterwards. Then again, it might have started off as nervousness but turned into despair after Princess Celestia informed Bizarro that she couldn't send him back home.

Another theory I had was that he was thinking of his little sister, Lilly Luthor if I recalled correctly. After coming to terms with the fact that Bizarro was a clone of an alien, it made me wonder if his sister was a clone of an alien too. If Bizarro was a failed clone of Superman, maybe Lilly was also a failed clone that came out as a Mare instead of a Stallion. If that was the case then maybe Bizarro was worried about what his cloned sister was doing and how she was faring without him. What if she was dealing with dangerous aliens or something, making the world a better place by saving Stallions and working hard? Then again, Bizarro did say his sister's Cutie mark was related to Minotaurian art. Maybe she was an alien artist, flying to different planets delivering art and making beautiful paintings. At least, I hopped that was what she was doing.

From how Bizarro phrased it, it sounded like he was saying that there were more than just kryptonians and ponies out there in space. It would be likely that at least one of those species out there wouldn't be too friendly. And if Bizarro was worried about them, then I think everypony should be too.

I shuddered at the idea of some alien that could pose a threat to Bizarro. He's so strong and powerful, if something could hurt him, then it could easily squash ponies and every other creature on Equis too. I doubted that a dragon could even take on the unknown horrors of space.

"Hey Trick, you am hear that?" Bizarro asked, knocking me out of my stupor in the process.

"Hear what?"

"Nothing. Me no hear wood doggies." He told me. I carefully glanced down from my tree branch and realized that all the Timberwolves had left.

"Do you think it's safe to go down?" I asked. Bizarro stayed quiet for a moment before nodding.

"Me am hear wood doggies going away. Me think something scare them. And if something am scare them, we am need to go now." Bizarro warned me. As I was trying to think of the safest way down, Bizarro flew over to me and picked me up Husband style so he could carry me down to the ground. Once his feet were firmly planted back on the planet I quickly got out of his arms and dusted myself off, hoping I could hide the blush on my face.

"Thank you, Bizarro."

"No problem. You am need help with bags?" Bizarro asked. I shook my head and told him I would be alright. After all, I could use levitation magic on the bags. I was reluctant to use magic around Bizarro for a while after I found out about his condition, but he explained that as long as the magic wasn't used directly on him he should have been fine if I just used it on our bags.

As we were walking, I quickly pulled out my compass to make sure we were still heading south towards Ponyville. We had already been walking, problem free, for the better part of a week and would reach Ponyville in another week or so if we continued our pace with no further complications. I was a little bit worried about our food situation though. In hindsight I should have asked Princess Celestia if she'd be willing to give us food or tools to use.

"Hey Trick, how am we buy new wagon?" Bizarro asked me as we were walking.

"Well, Trixie will perfooooorm..." I began, but trailed off as a sudden sense of realization hit me. "Oh right... We don't have our props. And, since everypony in Ponyville knows you can fly we can't really do those tricks... I guess we'll need to find some temporary work for a bit."

"Hmmm... Maybe me am work at Applejack's. She am offer job to Bizarro when me first get to Ponyville." Bizarro suggested.

"That's good. In the meantime Trixie will try to find some suitable work there as well. She would go attend some Foal's parties to make Bits, but she doesn't have any props. If Trixie remembers correctly they were hiring at Quills and Sofas."

"That am store?" Bizarro asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Apparently. Trixie thinks somepony named Flat Rate owned it, unfortunate name for a mare in all honestly. It shouldn't be too hard for Trixie to do, all she has to do is sell quills and sofas." I reasoned.

"It am still weird. Why am whole store de... deady... Why am store only sell that?"

I shrugged in response to Bizarro's question, having no real answer as to why a store would only sell sofas and quills. Honestly, I would be surprised if it didn't go out of business by the time Bizarro and I got back to Ponyville.

As we continued walking through the Everfree Forest, Princess Luna's moon rose high in the sky signaling to Bizarro and I that we needed to set up camp for the night. We were able to find a nice small clearing where we could set up a campfire to heat up what was left of our food.

Like every night prior, Bizarro would use his fire breath to make the fire while I would lay out some of our dirtier clothes to make makeshift mats to lie on for the night. Bizarro was kind enough to let me use his cape as a blanket to keep me warm, which made me feel... amazing~.

I tried to convince him to use it for himself, but he would just insist that I should take it. He's was just so nice, thoughtful, charming... sexy.

I blushed furiously as my thoughts trailed into more... lewd areas.

"hmmm. We am not have much left." Bizarro pointed out as he pulled out the last of our food.

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry Bizarro. I should have asked the Princess if she'd be willing to give us some extra food. We wouldn't 't even be in this stupid mess if I wasn't afraid of flying." I berated myself. Bizarro placed a firm hand on my shoulder as he looked me in the eyes.

"It am fine Trick. Me like woods anyway. Even though we need fight wooden dogies, Bizarro am have fun. Plus, Bizarro am understand fear. Truth is, Bizarro were afraid of flying too." He told me.

"Wait, you were afraid of flying? But you can fly." I pointed out. Bizarro lightly chuckled to himself as he looked at his other hand.

"Bizarro am not always know how fly. Me am not always so strong either. When Bizarro were young, me scared of flying. But, me get over it now. If you am scared, Bizarro no am force you." He reassured me with a genuine smile as he looked at me straight in the eye.

"Thank you, Bizarro." I said as I stared back into his bright blue eyes. It was so odd, his eyes seemed so cold and distant, but also held a reassuring warmth in them that made a silent promise to never lie.

As I stared into Bizarro's eyes he soon took his hand off of my shoulder and looked off towards the area we came from, unfortunately breaking eye contact with me as he stared off into the woods.

"Bizarro saw river near trail earlier. Me am go and catch fish for dinner." He said before he walked off into the forest. It felt nice to have a Stallion like Bizarro around. He made me feel safe, even in the most dangerous woods on the planet.

I was left alone with my own thoughts and a roaring campfire as I eagerly waited for Bizarro to return. In truth, it felt somewhat emaresculating to have a stallion do all of the heavy lifting, after all, I was the mare here. If anypony should be going out into the woods and looking for food it should have been me.

And yet, I didn't follow Bizarro into the forest, I didn't try to help him, I didn't even try to argue with him. I just sat there and accepted what he said while he doted on me, as if I were a stallion.

I was truly worthless. No, if anything, I was worse than worthless, I was a burden. If I wasn't afraid of flying than Bizarro could have just flown us back to Ponyville in less than a few hours. But nooooo, I just had to be a little brotherly and make us walk through this Luna forsaken forest.

As I breathed myself for not being a more marely mare, Bizarro came back to the campsite about ten or so minutes later. To my surprise, Bizarro didn't have anything in his hands as he made his way out of the thick foliage.

"Bizarro, did you not get anything to eat?" I asked him. A large smile made its way onto his face as he approached me.

"Bizarro, are you ok?" I asked him. Suddenly Bizarro was kneeling down in front of me on my sleeping mat with a hungry look in his eyes and a predatory smile.

"Hey~." He said sensually in a deep husky voice before he leaned in closer to me.

"B-Bizarro? W-w-what are you doing?" I stuttered out.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked with a seductive smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"I-I-I." I kept stuttering before Bizarro held up a finger to my lips.

"Shhhh. No need to talk. Let's make this special, Trixie~." He told me as he leaned in even closer. Soon, he closed the distance between us and pressed his lips firmly against mine.

It felt absolutely intoxicating~.


Gathering fish for dinner was an amazingly simple task, mainly because of a nice purple sea serpent named Steven who had a luxurious orange mustache, which I was honestly somewhat jealous of.

I'll also admit that his sudden appearance startled me for a second, causing me to leap a few yards into the air in surprise. Although once he started talking I was quickly calmed down by his charming personality and fun sense of humor. He thought it was absolutely hilarious that somepony was scared of him, since he was pretty much this world's equivalent of the cowardly lion.

Steven was pretty happy to scare someone by accident and it boosted his confidence a bit, so he wasn't offended by my reaction to him. He also thought that my stone medallion was cute, calling is a "Silly little trinket".

As a sign of good will, and as a weird thank you for being startled and making him laugh, he offered to help me catch fish from the river so long as I made a campfire for him to cook his share on. I naturally agreed and got to work using some sticks and my fire breath, something that had been much more convenient than I ever thought it would have been. Seriously, Superman didn't get nearly as much milage out of his ice breath as I did my fire breath.

After that, Steven handed me a decent amount of fish for Trixie and myself, and I made my way back to our campsite. I had been out for quiet a while, so I gathered some fallen branches for fire wood, since I thought that the fire at our campsite would be nearly dying when I got back.

As I was out gathering some extra wood for the fire however, I heard Trixie call out my name back from the camp site.

"Bizzaro!" She screamed in a panicked voice.

"TRICK!?" I shouted out in alarm.

I immediately dropped all of the fish and wood that I had collected and quickly rushed over to our camp site. When I got there in a few seconds Trixie was no where to be seen.

"TRICK!? WHERE AM YOU!?" I shouted to the empty camp site. To my great relief, Trixie suddenly emerged from behind a line of nearby trees.

"Oh, why are you screaming Bizarro?" Trixie asked. I didn't answer her as I decided to quickly rush over and grab her arms.

"Trick? You am safe? M-Me hear Trick scream and—” Trixie suddenly cut me off as she placed a finger on my lips.

"Oh, that? I just stubbed my toes on a rock. I'm fine~." She reassured me as she held me in a hug. I accepted her embrace and hugged her back tightly, letting my hear rate slowly return to it's normal pace as I held my friend.

"Bizarro were so worried. Me am glad Trick ok." I said. I didn't know what I would do if someone hurt her, she was my best friend in this crazy magical world.

"I'm fine Bizarro. Even better than fine in fact~." She giggled before she stood on her tippy toes and pressed her lips desperately against mine, I was absolutely shocked by Trixie's sudden show of affection. I couldn't do anything except stare at her with wide eyes as I heard our hearts race and... wait...

I quickly broke off the kiss, grabbing the blue mare's arm tightly and glaring daggers into her eyes in the process.

"Uh, Bizarro, what are you doing? Oh! Do you want to move this over to the campfire so—” She started to say, but I cut her off as my grip on her arms tightened.

"Where am Trick." I demanded the imposter who suddenly went wide eyed at my accusation.

"W-what are you talking about, I'm Trick." She told me.

"Then why am you have two hearts." I rhetorically asked as I leaned forward and glared at the fake version of Trixie. She seemed startled for a moment before a wicked grin split across her face as she looked at me menacingly.

"Oh, I'm going to have fun with you." She said with a coy smile, before a green glow surrounded her horn and teleported her away. I looked around for wherever the imposter went when I suddenly heard a bone chilling melody seemingly come from every direction at once.

"One, two, I'll be cumming for you~." I heard my predatory and apparently sex craved adversary sing.

"Show self! Where am real Trick!?" I shouted to the wind.

"Three, four, I'll make you use my back door. Five, six, our fluids will mix." The stranger playfully sung.

"Seven, eight, we'll stay up late. Nine, ten, I'll make us a breeding den.~" The predator finished in a whisper, as if she was directly over my shoulder. I instantly flew above the tree line hoping to see my mysterious imposter from above and get the drop on her.

As my eyes scanned the area I felt a sickening sensation all over my body that forcibly pulled me back down to the ground. I hit the ground fairly hard on impact, creating a decent sized dent in the earth beneath me. As I slowly got to my knees, I began to feel a similar sensation throw me against a tree as the vines from said tree were coated in a sickly green glow and quickly tied themselves around my hands and ankles. I knew that magic was at play, but for some reason it didn't feel as painful, I didn't pay it too much attention and chalked it up to the adrenaline that was pumping through my veins.

" 'Kiss me like you mean goodbye,' said the spider to the fly.~" My mysterious attacker said as she emerged from behind a nearby tree.

The imposter that looked like Trixie was quickly engulfed in a green flame that started at the soles of her feet and slowly crawled to the tip of her horn. Once she was fully enveloped in green fire, the shimmering flames subsided and revealed a terrifying sight. The best way I could describe the woman's new appearance was a mix of female human and Xenomorph.

The woman had black chitin armor that covered most of her body, aside from her joints, her lips, and oddly enough her chest and stomach. Her exposed joints were made of some off colored green flesh like substance that looked like exposed muscles with a thin invisible membrane covering it, but not hiding it. Her forearms and legs were decorated in a series of healed stab wounds, burns, and visible dents in her natural armor, some of the wounds created holes that tore through her limbs, but that didn't seem to impede her movements in any way. On her back were two translucent blue bug like wings that occasionally buzzed as she seductively walked towards me, her hips swinging like a model on a cat walk.

I barely noticed however as I was focused on her face, mainly her large cold blue bulbous eyes. Even though I couldn't see her irises, I could feel her gaze travel across my body as she bit her lower lip. As she came closer I also noticed that she was much taller than anypony I saw before, sans the princess. Unlike most mares or ponies in general, this... creature came up to my nose and her curved horn came up to my eyes.

She slowly pressed her body against mine as I struggled to break free of her magic.

"Oh, keep struggling. Mama likes a stallion with some fight~." She said in a much different voice than Trixie's.

"Where am Trick!" I shouted in her face, which caused her to recoil slightly from my near deafening shout.

"Owww. D-Don't worry, she's got someling to keep her company. Meanwhile, I get you all. to. my. self." She said, her fingers walking up my chest with each word. When she implied that something else was doing... THIS to Trixie, I snapped and used whatever strength I had to break her hold on me and grab her horn.

"WHERE AM SHE!?" I shouted at the weird creature in my hand.

"Oh, yes, pull my horn harder!" She creepily moaned. My lust for blood was quickly forgotten by her disgusting lust for... well, lust, causing my grip on her horn to loosen. Unfortunately, that was all she needed to prepare a spell and fire it right at my face, sending me into another tree before I hit the ground.

"Come on hun, we could be really good friends. The ones that are really beneficial." She teased.

"Bizarro be bug's worst friend!" I shouted as I flew at her and tackled her to the ground, somehow turning on the creature with my display of force, much to my chagrin.

"Oh yeah, talk dirty to me!" She screamed in pleasure, once again distracting me, allowing her to take the advantage as she blasted me with another magical beam, blasting me off of her and sending me several yards away.

"You hit hard for a stallion. I like that." The menace teased me. "After we're done breeding maybe we can—” I didn't listen to her finish as I flew back towards the campsite. Our battle had taken us a few dozen yards or so away and I needed to find Trixie and get out of here.

As I was flying back towards our camping spot I felt an all too familiar feeling encase my body and smash me against the ground. Another creature like the one I was just fighting walked towards me with their horn glowing a sickly green color. This creature was nearly identical to the one I was just fighting, except that it was a bit shorter and had larger wings.

"Really Elytra, you were having trouble with a stallion?" The newcomer asked as I heard my other rival fly towards us.

"I was just having fun, Discal. So, you're done with the mare?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, stuffed in a cocoon and ready to go back to the hive. She'll make a good egg capsule." The newcomer said with a sadistic snicker. My rage overtook me as I spat a torrent of flaming breath at the new arrival, allowing me to escape her telekinesis. I flew over to the one that held me down as the fire slowly dissipated from her body and grabbed her horn in my hand.

"WHERE AM TRCIK!" I shouted in pure unbridled rage. I was so furious that I didn't even register the loud cracking sound that rung out in the air as my grip around her horn tightened even more. Unlike the one I was fighting earlier, the creature in front of me didn't scream out in some type of twisted and sadistic pleasure, she screamed in pure agony.

The screams of her friend seemed to motivate the one called Elytra to act fast as she blasted me with another concussive blast of magic in my back that sent me spiraling to the ground. As I caught myself with one foot planted firmly in the ground I heard a sickening crunch and the feeling of warm liquid running down my clenched fist.

Not bothering to turn around and look at my attackers, I flew like a bat out of hell back to the campsite and made my way to the clothes I was going to use as a makeshift bed. Digging through the dirty clothing I was going to call a bed that night, I heard an animalistic roar of fury followed by another concussive blast of magic hitting me in the side. I looked up and saw Elytra flying at me with pure rage as she attempted to tackle me to the ground. In a moment, a single moment that lasted less than a second, a moment I committed to memory for the rest of my life, I ignited Darth Vader's Lightsaber for the first time.

I was completely blinded by the light but was able to hear the dull monotone hum of the Lightsaber, accompanied by the sizzling sound of flesh against burning metal, and the gurgling sounds of a creature slowly dying inches away from my face. The smell of her body being burned away by the blade invaded my nostrils, reminding me of fresh Buffalo wings from back home, it was both disgusting and disturbingly enticing.

As I cracked my eyes open I saw... Jesus I don't even know how to describe it. The life slowly drained out of her eyes as she stared at me with a mixture of fear and complete and utter disbelief. Her breathing hitched in her throat, almost as if she was begging for mercy as green blood sputtered out of her mouth.

As she finally died, she slid off of my Lightsaber, my weapon had cut a line from her stomach to the right side of her abdomen as she fell off of it. After her body hit the ground, I dropped my Lightsaber, turning it off in the process as it joined the fresh corpse on the ground. In a moment of clarity, I was able to hear the faint heartbeat of Trixie in the bushes nearby, but was too frozen in complete fear to do anything. It was only when I heard the sound of hundreds of wings buzzing in the east that I came to my senses and rushed over to the bush in an instant.

When I got there, I saw Trixie inside a translucent green egg sack in a fetal position as she floated in a green glowing liquid. Not wasting a moment I quickly ripped the egg sac in half and grabbed Trixie. Holding her in my arms, I was able to hear her breathing and heart rate slowly stabilize. I didn't have any time to thank any gods for her safety as a terrifying sound reminded me that we were still in mortal danger.

The rhythm of wings buzzing in almost perfect unison was getting too close for my liking, making me fly far away as fast as I could before more of those creatures could arrive.

Don't worry Trixie, we're getting out of here. We'll be safe. I thought to myself as I flew in the general direction of Ponyville.