• Published 23rd Mar 2019
  • 1,838 Views, 144 Comments

The BAD luck of my LIFE - Spirit Lunar

The story of a young Englishman (Anon) who came to live in France and had the misfortune to come across an old fallen lord. He will eventually become a young filly get adopted under the watchful eye of that who is believed to be his imaginary friend.

  • ...

Chapter18 : When you compare love to a rose, expect it to contain thorns.

I was in the darkness, I couldn't open my eyes, yet I could still hear my sobs and the cold slabs of the dark corridor where Lord Hatred had taken me below me.

Faces in the darkness appeared:

Those of Carrot Top and Blueblood:
"What do you want?"
"I don't want hurt you."

Their faces disappeared as Princess Luna's face appeared:
"What do you want?"
"I wish I wasn't me."

The Princess' blue face turned red as her face twisted into Lord Hatred's:
"What do you want?"
"Leave me alone. "

This one fell into darkness as the face of my parents came:
"What do you want? "
"I wish I could have been normal like my brother."

Darkness engulfed them while a head of Littlenight, who was blushing, stuttered:
"What do you want?"
"I don't know."

Finally, a sneering face that was mine appeared:
"What do you want?"

I woke up in a sweat as I spilled the wet towel on my forehead. Everyone was there: Cadence, Carrot Top, Blueblood, Night Sparkle, Celestia, Luna and even Cadence that I didn't know very well yet.

I watched them while they stared at me worried. Carrot Top threw himself on my neck:

"Are you all right, angel? I was so scared when I came back and you were gone!"

"Anon, I was so scared! Forgive me for not living up to the task! "Blueblood cried sideways.

"I'm okay! " I articulated as my voice was strained.

"We should all go. Let's give Anon and her parents some privacy! " Princess Celestia cried out.

"Come with me Night Sparkle! I'd like to get as much detail as possible about what happened downstairs. " Added Luna.

"Of course, princess. " Quickly said Night Sparkle as she performed a military salute as she left the room with the others.

"So what happened, Anon? " asked Blueblood as everyone had just left the room and he started brewing me herbal tea.

"I don't know, sorry, sorry! " I was sobbing my eyes out again. I'd missed my last chance to get my old life back.

"Calm down, Anon! It's okay, Anon, no matter what happened."

"Yes, Mom and Dad are here now. And for tonight, you can sleep with us if you want."

"Is it true? "I was wiping away my tears. I didn't want to be alone anymore.

"Of course, we understand you're scared alone with these seizures that happen."

"Thank you! Thank you very much! " I hugged them while I thought of a quiet night without trouble.

- Night Sparkle -

"So? What's the report Night Sparkle?"

I started talking when there was a shy knock at the door. Princess Luna motioned for me to wait while she asked the guest to come in.

The elegant silhouette of the second princess appeared as she discreetly entered. She looked at us and then turned her attention to her sister:

"Can I assist to the report of Night Sparkle, my sister?"

"Of course. Are you curious, too?"

"Curious but mostly worried about Anon. She was delirious in her sleep when we took her to her room."

"I understand. Sit down and we'll get started."

So I respectfully waited for Princess Celestia to take her place on her throne before beginning my narrative.

"First of all, I would like to apologize to my highnesses for my total lack of professionalism. When Anon arrived, I was asleep."

"I don't like to say that Night Sparkle but we'll have to talk about it again soon! "Gazed at me, the mighty blue longhorn beetle.

"I'm really sorry again, but I'm having a little trouble with my family right now."

"Which is?" Princess Celestia asked me worried.

"We're going through a rough patch with my partner. He blames me that I'm not home enough. And with three children, including a teenager and a toddler, the nights are not easy."

"I understand, it is sometimes complex to juggle the mother, the guard and the mare. Don't worry, I was thinking of reducing your on-call hours."

"Thank you very much Princess Luna. Shall I continue?"

"Of course. So Anon woke you up, but what was she doing?"

"I may be wrong, but she was on the floor when I woke up. She could have fallen on the floor with all this talk of trouble and stuff..."

"We'll see about that later. Please continue."

"When I saw her, she didn't recognize me because the hallway was too dark for her and she said she was afraid to come back. So I offered her to stay with me until the end of my shift when she started talking to herself."

"What was she talking about? "Asked the Sun Princess.

"I don't know anymore. I was trying to reason with her so I didn't pay much attention. She was talking about killing and promises. Things that would be forced to be done. But I got really scared when I realized she'd stolen my dagger."

"She took it from you? What did she do?"

"She started crying and threw it further down the hall."

"Really strange"

"Then I picked her up on my back and carried her back upstairs."

"You left the door unattended?"

"I'm so sorry, princess, but I was really scared for Anon so I didn't think about the door."

"No one is to go near it without our consent. It would be extremely dangerous for all of us!"

"Perhaps it would be wiser to put two guards at that door. I know you wanted to run your own security system. However, I'm afraid even your best guards can't provide a good defence on their own. »

"I admit it, I'll fix it as soon as possible! Anything else Night Sparkle?"

"No, Your Highness."

"Anon, wake up, my sweet little filly!"

I opened my eyes slowly. I had spent the night with my nice parents. Their coats were so soft that I felt like I had slept on a cloud.

Blueblood was there. All alone, which was probably strange. Where was Carrot Top?

"Where's Carrot Top?"

"She went to see Grape Capsule, he seemed really depressed this morning when we saw him. Come on, get up! I know a little filly who must be hungry."

My belly began to answer for me.

"No, not that one Anon, the other one's covered. Perfect, and so, this one's the butter knife that's used to... "I cut it clean through in those silly explanations.

" It's okay, I get it. The butter knife cuts butter. Can we do this another time? It's really boring!"

More than half of our table was covered with cutlery of all uses and shapes. The worst thing was that there were cutlery rests allotted to everyone. Even the glasses were color-coded for the glass rest.

"You must persevere Anon! You already know some of them."

"How much? Three and in an hour?!!"

"Don't be insolent! I know you can't stand it, but learning is a long way. And the most important thing is not the speed that counts but the skill that you acquire. How do you think Canterlot was built, in one day?"

"With all the magic I've seen, I'm sure it's possible. Please, I want to do something else. "Something that doesn't mess with the brain, for example.

He sighed, "All right, we'll continue tomorrow, then. And I'd rather tell you that we'll do a little bit every day!"

I sighed. "Can we just go see Carrot Top?"

I was looking for Carrot Top with Blueblood walking quietly behind me. He had told me that the last time they had seen them, they were walking in the large garden, which is where we went first.

It was after a little while of searching in it that we saw them sitting on a bench. Grape Capsule seemed really down as Carrot Top patted him on the shoulder in sympathy.

Blueblood took advantage of this and tightened his bow tie and took the most regal posture he could. Then, without further ado, we went to meet them where I was able to catch a bit of their conversation.

"I don't understand. We both love each other, and she told me this morning that she'd rather not do it anymore."

"Maybe she needs to take a step back from your relationship?"

"Who are you talking about? "Blueblood asked curiously, and did not hesitate to point out his presence to the occupants of the stone bench.

"No one, my prince. I mean Blueblood. Excuse me, Prince Blueblood."

He turned his head towards Carrot Top who shrugged his shoulders maliciously.

"And why is it a secret?" Pursued Blueblood.

"Blueblood, this stallion's private life is his own business!"

"Then why did he tell you everything?"

"Confidence?! " Said Carrot Top who didn't know herself for what.

I approached Grape Capsule as he gave me a brief smile and patted me gently on the head.

"Do you wish to know the truth, Prince Blueblood? The truth is, I feel pathetic. She's so beautiful and I'm just a stupid, clumsy pegasus. I just should have known she wouldn't want a loser like me! "

"Come on, don't say that, Mr. Grape Capsule. Even if I don't know who this mare is, I'm sure she's not insensitive to your charms!"

"My charms? I doubt I'll ever have had any."

"Of course not," added Carrot Top. "You're a very nice person who didn't hesitate for one second to come all the way down here for Anon's sake."

"In love, kindness is unfortunately not enough. Look at me, I'm just pitiful."

Blueblood seemed to hesitate for a few moments:
"If you agree, I'm ready to help you. I guess I owe you that much with all you're doing for Anon. Besides, I'm an expert in seduction! I could teach you some tricks."

"Blueblood mare or stallion?" Added Carrot Top innocently.

"What?" Exclaimed Grape Capsule, whom Blueblood was quick to silence by sticking a hoof in his mouth.

"It's a long story and I don't want to talk about it. Don't tell anyone!"

" It's true that it could be a story called: Blueblood Swap "

Blueblood removed his hoof from Grape Capsule's snout.

"It's promised, my prince! Anyway, I think it's very sweet of you to help me, but I doubt it will work. When would we start?"

"As of today if you are available, as long as I am not too much demanded by my royal duties."

"In that case, we'll leave you between stallions. We also have work to do with Anon!"

We had entered the castle while we had left the poor Grape Capsule in the presence of Blueblood.

"Where are we going?"

"I'd like to spend some time with Meteor Breath. I'd like to know what happened."

"Is it really any of our business? "I asked, frowning.

"No, you're right. But I'm dying to know. Come on, don't make that face. Don't you want to find out?"

"A lot. "Admit it.

"It's very nice of you and Anon to want to spend some time with me outside of the daily sessions but shouldn't you be enjoying being here with your family?"

"Of course, but first of all I wanted to thank you for accompanying us on holiday for Anon's well-being. By the way, she has a gift for you."

I took out the Trojan horse and handed it to him. It was a rather crude drawing of Meteor Breath and Grape Capsule standing with its hoof surrounded by a huge heart.

"Thank you very much, Anon. Are those love ponies?"

"Yes, it's you and Grape Capsule," I finished my sentence the most innocently in the world.

Immediately, the little mare began to blush deeply as she looked away.

"It's not what you think," she articulated with difficulty.

"Anon saw you," lied Carrot Top, who had planned everything.

" In that case, don't worry, I broke up with him this morning. I couldn't bear to keep the relationship a secret any longer anyway."

"What are you talking about? It's your right to date!"

"But I thought that... Your husband said he didn't want me to date because it would take my mind off Anon's health."

"I think I'm going to have a serious talk with him! Listen, are you in love? And yet that doesn't stop you from being Anon's psychologist? Then there's no problem. I'll talk to Blueblood about it."

"No, don't tell him it. I don't want to get fired!"

"But do you love him?"

"Yes. »

"Then you must get back together! He even went to my husband for advice on how to be a better stud."

"Your husband? I don't think that..."

"That was awesome everypony, cut!"

Everyone turned around. Discord wearing a beret and smoked-screen glasses ate popcorn while he watched us. Poor Meteor Breath fainted at the sight of the creature, she really was a sensitive mare.

Carrot Top sighed. "Discord, what are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "Carrot Top, I have three hobbies in life: having tea at Fluttershy's, making jokes to princesses and spying on ponies in their private lives."

Ugh, it just seemed so unhealthy. What if the ponies were... I don't want to know. Suddenly, as I was thinking, a huge flash dazzled me for a moment as a picture came out of my mouth.

I was looking at the picture and I noticed that I was making a horrible face in it. Carrot Top gave it a murderous look equal to Fluttershy's, which calmed the laughing creature down a bit.

"Dear Carrot Top, can you wake Meteor Breath up so that I can give him my precious advice."

"Which are?"

"Invited to take the Grape Capsule tea."

"I think Fluttershy has definitely rubbed off on you."

"You're not going to hurt me? " Meteor Breath asked uncomfortably from the back of her seat.

"Not at all. In fact, I've been following your romance with this beautiful pegasus since Canterlot!"


"Don't mind him. How are you feeling?"

"I feel very bad about breaking up with him. "She started crying.

"Would you like a handkerchief? "Offered Discord.

I think for a moment when I had an idea. "I know, let's take him out to dinner tonight and have a heart-to-heart talk!"

"Or just have tea with him."

"You think? "She asked timidly.

"Yes! " to shout out practically at the same time.

- Grape Capsule-

"Are you sure you don't mind, Prince Blueblood? I wouldn't want you wasting your time with me."

"Already," began Blueblood. "I'm not wasting my time with you because you're going to be great. Let's start, first of all, you have to be confident when you tell a mare what you don't have."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, if I'm here to help you. So, we're going to work on your insurance. Because if you don't have insurance, then no one will have it for you. So do you have any?"



"You're the one who said I didn't have one."

"All right, but what do you think?"

"I don't think I have any."

"No more conviction, it takes rage !"

"I don't know. " I Scream.

"All right. That answer's indicative of a yes."

"What? How could an uncertainty be yes?"

"If you're not sure you're sure then you're sure."

"I'm not sure I understand it all."

"The most important thing is not to do something but to do it with confidence. What you just did."

"So I need to be assertive when I talk?"

"Exactly. Now, we'll just bomb the torso like this. " Blueblood demonstrated.

"Prince Blueblood, I don't know how to pump my chest."

"What do you mean, you've never bulged your chest to please?"

"To tell you the truth, I've never tried to please anyone except the mare I just met."

"In that case, show me your muscles!"

"All right. »

I've been concentrated all these forces and then collapsed.


"So what?"

"Where's your show of force?"

"I've just made my show of strength!"

"I see. Well, in that case, I guess we'll just have to go with a nice outfit. I can lend you a tuxedo if you're careful."

"No thanks, I'd advise you to keep it. I'm not very skillful."

"I insist because by tonight you'll be the most skilful and gentlemanly stallion in Canterlot!"

"More than you?"

"Let's not exaggerate. You should start by aiming small before comparing yourself to the stars. »

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It's annoying!"

Before I could say anything, a pony on a bicycle ran straight at me and crushed my hoof, which made me scream. Then, while apologizing, he took out a letter and gave it to me, and left immediately.

"How shameless! I wonder what's in the letter? " Exclaimed Prince Blueblood.

I opened it awkwardly, but my crushed hoof hurt so much that I couldn't open it. Prince Blueblood proceeded to read it for me without first asking my opinion:

"Good morning, I've been thinking a lot about us and I don't think I should have broken up with you this morning. Please forgive me, I miss you. I wanted us to discuss this over dinner tonight, my love, at the best restaurant in town. And it's signed M.B. Do I know it? Those initials mean something to me."

"You must surely be mistaken, my prince."

"Can I see?"

"Of course."

We had spent the rest of the day deciding how to dress Meteor Breath for tonight's candlelight dinner. She was now so beautiful that it was hard not to look at her insistently.

She wore an elegant red dress and a few gold bracelets that made her irresistible, not to mention a touch of make-up. Discord, who for some reason I didn't know yet, had undertaken to do her hair. Despite my reluctance towards her, the final result made her look even more wonderful.

When she opened her eyes, she seemed not to recognize herself in the mirror so much she was captivated. A few minutes passed when she finally emerged from her amazement.

"I didn't think I could ever be that pretty. Thanks to all of you! " She hugged everyone in those hooves, even Discord, who seemed a little moved, and then she went out to dinner.

As she went out, she bumped into Blueblood who was about to come in. He looked at her attentively and then frowned:

"Where are you going? »

"I, uh... "Stammed Meteor Breath.

"I know, you want to try one of the hottest restaurants in town?!"

"Of course, Meteor Breath would just stop by and ask us if the outfit was appropriate."

"Anyway, you're very beautiful. Have a nice evening."

"Thank you, Prince Blueblood. "Then she left fairly quickly.

"And more seriously now. Can you tell me what these little secrets are? This morning Grape and now Meteor Breath, what are all these shenanigans?"

"If I tell you, will you promise not to get angry?"

"Of course not."

"What do you mean? Where did she go?"

"Blueblood, can you explain to me why Grape Capsule should be allowed and not Meteor Breath?"

"He's a stallion for sure!"

"I don't see the connection."

"He won't get pregnant himself."

"I... "Carrot Top turned to me. "Anon, could you go eat with your aunts. I need to talk to your dad!"

I got up from my chair and walked across the room to the door, falling a little more awkwardly and then turned around. Both of them looked at me and waited, it was obvious that they wanted me to leave as soon as possible.

So I took the path leading to the large dining room where Cadence with my two Blueblood aunts were waiting. They seemed surprised:

"Where are your parents? »

"They're arguing."

"Why about?" Cadence approached me to comfort me.

"I don't want to talk about it. "I just didn't want to have to deal with another debate.

"Then let's eat," Celestia suggested. "Eventually they'll come."

Several servants came to bring the food in various trays. Everyone seemed to have a different dish. I took the bell off my plate curiously to discover a superb strawberry charlotte.

I licked my chops and swallowed it in large slices. It was strange though, a dessert to start the meal? The servant must have been mistaken. Anyway, it was really excellent!

While I was eating my dessert greedily, I couldn't hear any sound of conversation around. I looked up curiously to find out why everyone was looking at me. What was wrong with them?

Even the little spoon that Princess Luna was holding in her telekinesis fell heavily to the ground. Then the taste in my mouth changed. I lowered my muzzle towards my plate and discovered a pile of foul smelling garbage.

I think at that moment I became even greener than I already was. To everyone's disgust, I began to spit out some of what I had in my mouth, realizing that it came from the pile of garbage.

Only a sneaky little laugh could be heard somewhere in the castle. And before I could say anything, the three princesses roared in harmony:


Soon afterwards, my dear parents, who had probably stopped arguing, came running to me while I vomited as much as possible of the filthy pile I had ingested.

"What's going on?"

"Anon, why are you throwing up?"

In the end, this problem had been beneficial to me. My aunts allowed me to take as much desert as I wanted instead of the stupid violet soup that was supposed to be the meal. I just hope it wasn't garbage again.

My eyes yearned for sleep as the day drew to a close. Carrot Top had finally finished reading the sixth book in the collection of stupid children's stories.

It was after a last kiss on the forehead and the recommended installation of a night light that I fell asleep comfortably in this cozy bed.

- Meteor Breath -

I smiled stupidly at Grape Capsule who looked really bad in that tuxedo looking back at me. We were waiting impatiently for the main courses to arrive while the most important thing had just been said. I cared about him and I would not leave him.

As we were discussing Anon's progress, my elbow, which was bent on the edge of the table, lost its grip, sending my head straight into the bowl of steam-stuffed leeks that was our appetizer.

"Is everything all right? "Asked my shy Pegasus doctor.

"I'm fine, just a little clumsy."

"No, you're not clumsy, you're perfect! Wait here, I'll be right back with a towel! "Then before I could say anything, he left.

I sighed heavily, he was so thoughtful that it made me uncomfortable. The mashed leek now stuffed on my mane made me think.

I felt torn. On the one hand, my work, which I love and which makes multiple ponies feel better. And on the other, my budding love with Grape Capsule. So why in the name of Equestria do I have to make a choice! "It's too hard! "I groan for myself, putting my head in my hooves.

"Meteor Breath?!"

I raised my head while an elegant pegasus smiled at me. She had a pretty white coat which gave her a very beautiful silhouette, while a cascade of yellow hair descended upon a face with beautiful ice-blue eyes looking directly at me.

"Flower Cloud?!?"

"I can't believe it. After all these years!"

"I'm so happy to see you again! But what are you doing here?"

"I had a business dinner and was just leaving when I thought I recognized you."

"A business dinner? So you changed your mind? Last time I saw you, you were rejecting this life your parents made for you. »

"Indeed," she sighed. "And you? The last time we saw each other, you were the most beautiful foal-sitter. I guess that's not the case now, is it?"

"Indeed, I became a psychologist."

"That's great, I'm happy for you. By any chance did you find a shoe iron after we broke up? I see a beautiful mare here and no one to take care of her."

"Flower Cloud?"

Grape Capsule looked at Flower Cloud with big eyes while she seemed as surprised as he was when she turned around. Then, without me understanding why, the two of them hugged each other in a soft embrace.

"I'm so happy to see you! But tell me, do you two know each other?"

"A little bit, we were... "I was watching her silently begging to keep quiet about our past relationship. "...friends."

"It's amazing how small the world is! Just think about the fact that me and Meteor Breath are a couple!"

"What?" She looked at me completely bewildered.

"Is everything okay, Flower Cloud? I know it might sound weird that your brother is dating one of your old friends, but you should be happy, right?"

"I'm just a little surprised. "She tried to pull herself together.

"Are you sure? I know you've never been lucky enough to have a stud in your life but you will someday. You're such a wonderful mare."

"I have to go, excuse me."

Then, without another word, she hurried away leaving a silence in the conversation. Grape Capsule promised to go and see her tomorrow to find out if everything was all right with her. For my part, I felt both sad and guilty for her.

- Flower Cloud -

"Another one please! "

"Are you sure, ma'am? You don't seem to be in any condition to hold another one."

"I pay so you obey! Since when can't a mare drink to drown her sorrow!?"

"Why are you crying like that? "Says the stallion who's been standing next to me for some time now.

"Do you think I'm going to tell the first stallion that comes along? In that case, you're wrong, I'll tell you everything. I'm just a mare who thought she'd found the love of her life in the space of a minute and had it stolen by her own brother who doesn't even know what sex is."

"Allow me to help you, I don't like to see brave ponies crying out for heartache."

"You're so sweet, can I give you a hug?" I approached him but finally fell to the ground.

"I don't think it's better in your condition. You're barely conscious. How much have you had to drink?"

"I don't know. But I think you're right, you're too high up for me. By the way, what do you know about heart stories, Mr. Mystery Stallion? We fell in love with a beautiful brunette who liked blonds?"

"Personally, I don't know much about romance except how to cure it."

"How? You give a medicine, a good night's sleep and everything gets better?! "

"You'll soon understand. I have a shop, follow me!"

"And why should I trust you?"

"Are you holding on to the love of your life?"

"Yes, why?"

"Then come with me and I'll explain everything to you in detail!"

Author's Note:

Hello, I apologize if this chapter took a little time to come out but I really did my best to correct my mistakes in addition to an personal problem. I hope you enjoy reading it.