The BAD luck of my LIFE

by Spirit Lunar

First published

The story of a young Englishman (Anon) who came to live in France and had the misfortune to come across an old fallen lord. He will eventually become a young filly get adopted under the watchful eye of that who is believed to be his imaginary friend.

The story of a young Englishman (Anon) who came to live in France who had the misfortune to fall on an old fallen lord. He will eventually be a young filly and to be adopted under the watchful eye of one who will become what one will believe of his imaginary friend but also of the author of his torment: Lord Hatred.

corrector :
Viper Pit

A big thank for you.

Chapter 1 : A Bad Day

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Every day that passes brings me despair. To leave for France was not among my best ideas. I had hoped that when I left the country I would get a better life than the one that my family wanted to impose on me.

I was once again a dismal failure. I ended up with a shabby job, questionable neighborhood and cheap apartment. To leave all my friends, family, in short, to flatten everything for it left a dirty taste in my mouth.

I woke up as usual that morning by the cold that still ran during the night because of that damn window that refused to close. By chance, rain and wind outside came with a certain force at the apartment.

The floor was soaked and the wind froze my bones despite the thick blanket that was on my broad shoulders. My bed was so bad that I had to get out of a niche.

I was heading to the kitchen just steps in front of my bed and began the usual process of wiping the rainwater from the floor.

While I took a shower the rain erased all traces of my labor. I shouldn't be surprised to have to take a cold shower so often. After a quick wash that did nothing to help my mood I got dressed.

I took the leftovers of yesterday's dinner, a sandwich, and went to see the neighbor below me, the stern figure explaining that the water seeped through the ceiling and soaked their own apartment.

I shrugged, having already explained the problem, and walked away without even a hello, or asking why she lived there.

I took my gray car and drove to my office. It is a dark turn that could be a mad scientist's if it were not my director's. A fairly normal man apart for his clothes, which were too colorful for this place. He tended, and also admitted, to use people as pawns.

He called himself 'The Great Master Manipulator'. It suited him perfectly, as he turned people against each other with hardly believable rumors. With him, I was entitled the rumor that I was a foreigner who spends his time criticizing the country in which he lives.

It didn't take long for everyone to hate me and refer to me only as the diminutive 'Plaintiff' or the slightly better 'English'. I passed through the underground parking garage where the old guard, one of my only friends here, was. He greeted me and opened the gate. I took a parking space and proceeded up to the offices. A group of my colleagues were hanging out in the corridors talking to each other and staring at me haughtily as they saw me coming out of one of the elevators in the tower.

I moved into my compartmentalized space which was a duplicate of all the other offices next to me and began my long day of welcoming directors from other companies wishing to see their brands on television with bribes.

I was used to it and systematically refused the tips from them to see their brands broadcast more on TV after a quick check of the broadcast content.

At lunch, I took another bag out of my lunch bag and ate it in my office away from the criticizing looks of my coworkers.

Toward the end of the lunch break the director called me into his office. I realized pretty quickly what would happen to me when I saw the sneaky smiles of the staff.

The director greeted me in a formal tone and then switched to a bored tone when explaining to me that I was dismissed following a so-called 'serious mistake' of accepting the file from the brand Kel-Vîn for a sum less than what he expected.

He explained, almost complaining about the hours he had spent rectifying his record with the company. This only took him twenty minutes worth of cash.

Disappointed and scared to find myself without a source of income here, I prayed on my knees crying to be forgiven. He called a security guard who picked me up by the hips and carried me out the entrance where he rested me gently. He wished me good luck and then went back inside.

The rain kept falling on me as I got up and walked back to the parking lot where I explained with tears in my eyes to the guardian, Gordon, my predicament.

He hugged and comforted me before telling me with some embarrassment that my car, also owned by the company, had been seized and all I had left from it was a box that Gordon had kept.

Sad like the rain in which I stood without an umbrella, I took shelter in a hypermarket where I waited for the downpour to stop, but it didn't. I eventually left the store to go home after buying poor quality wine.

The concierge grabbed me by the collar at the entrance and took me to my apartment, where the neighbor from below was furious. He snatched the bottle from my hands and pushed me to the floor, ordering me to clean the damp floor.

After my humiliation and boiling from anger since my neighbor stole the bottle as compensation. I lie down on my bed and begin to talk to myself so that my nerves, raw since the beginning of the day, could relax.

My anger got worse and worse. I had been working tirelessly all my life, only to have it ruined by my family and job, forcing me to live in a shabby apartment.

This idiotic band doesn't deserve me any more than I deserve to live this life of misery. All those stupid selfish people only think of themselves when poor people like me live in sadness. Sorry my friends, family, although it's your fault I disappointed you all.

During my ruminations, I heard a loud explosion in the bathroom. I stopped my train of thought and watched frozen in fear of that noise. Then all was silent, I dared not move for five whole minutes.

The handle slowly turns with the door's long, plaintive grinding noise. In the bathroom, everything was pitch black when I heard a metallic grating different from the door's.

A creature in red armor moved with incredible velocity to me in all of its splendor.

I stared at him without without daring to even breathe. The creature turned his head toward the window and entered the kitchen, examining the furniture as he peeled an orange from the basket now devoid of its only fruit.

Using a calm but falsely sweet tone, the creature proclaimed, " I don't want you to be scared of me! "

I didn't respond.

" I repeat, I don't like you being scared of me! " the creature roared.

" Sorry..." was all I croaked out.

" Do you know who I am, or even better, why I am here?" it announced.

" Not really... Sorry, do not hurt me!" I answered back.

The creature noticed me staring at the long, bleeding sword in his sheath. "I could kill you with that but it would be completely stupid of me," said the creature.

"Totally agree."

"You're right to be scared but you have nothing to fear, I'm not going to kill a being powerful enough to have resurrected me; and thank you, although it pains me to tell someone living in such a sordid place," explained the creature.

"How did I resurrect you?" I asked it.

"Let's start with the introductions first. I'm Lord Hatred and I both see and feed off your hatred; now who are you?" said Lord Hatred.

I didn't reply, stunned.

Lord Hatred tried again. "You are?"

"I'm sorry, my name is Mr. Anon and... that's all," I finally answered.

"Just pathetic. Do you want to know why you're not dead yet?" he offered.

"Not dead yet?"

"There is power here. No matter, I could just as easily kill you and leave, but the hate that boils inside you is most desirable," he explained.

Once again, I couldn't find the words to reply.

"Is it not awesome?" asked Lord Hatred.

"Yes, I think."

"All of this energy is a delight to me; know that I protect and watch to maintain such hatred but this place is really shabby," he said.

"Do you really want to help me?" I questioned.

"In a sense, yes. But I think that like everyone else you'll end up hating me so much, more than even your family," Lord Hatred replied honestly.

I questioned more. "How do you know about my family?"

"One: I know everything you hate and everything that hates you in this world, and two: you've been talking for a good ten minutes. So much that your poor neighbor called the guard that is going up at this very moment to smash you against some furniture," he said.

"What? Fortunately, I'm pretty sure you're wrong, and besides, the door is locked," I denied.

I heard footsteps rising quickly up the stairs.

"Sorry to contradict you, my savior, but he comes up with a key for every room. A strong hatred of you emanates from him, but I suppose that is another subject," Lord Hatred contradicted.

"Pity me, I saved you, so please help me," I pleaded to him.

"Okay then, hide under the table and let me handle this," he ordered.


The guard arrived in front of my door, unlocked it, and entered like a charging bull. From underneath the table I saw him approach Lord Hatred, who was standing and watching with disdain.

"Who are you?" the guard questioned Lord Hatred.

He answered back, "Your worst nightmare, you better clear out of here before I get angry."

"I don't know what this joke is, but a jerk in armor covered in red paint won't scare me," the guard foolishly asserted.

"Know that the last person to insult me was crushed by six different trains before succumbing," he threatened the guard.

At this the guard pulled out his taser and tried to fire on Lord Hatred, who wasn't disturbed as he gently pulled out his blade before slicing off the guard's head. The rest of the body slammed into the ground as the head rolled into the bathroom.

"Are we leaving now?" Lord Hatred asked me.

I didn't say a word.

"Fascinating, is it not?" he asked.

I remained silent.

Lord Hatred then joined me in my silence before I broke it. "You killed him!?" I asked, perturbed.


"But why?"

"You wanted to get rid of them, it's done," he calmly responded.

"But... You killed him. It's bad. You risk prison," I said to him.

"When the police come, neither you nor I will be here," he said.

"What! What will you do to me?" I recoiled as he stared and slowly moved toward me.

"I have to protect my treasures at any price."

Suddenly the embittered voice of my neighbor from below was heard as Ms. Giboulard cautiously ascended the stairs.

"It's okay Ms. Giboulard?" I said with uncertainty.

"Come with me!" Lord Hatred stopped suddenly and held out his hand.

"You scare me!" I refused.

"I hope prison will make you less afraid in this case," he reminded.

I paused. "Wait, no, I'm coming, but get me out of here."

I took his hand and had just enough time to hear that cursed neighbor shriek in horror at the dead guard.

I was suddenly sitting on a stone bench in front of a table in some kind of underground cabaret where Lord Hatred's armor was wearing a very elegant tuxedo. All of the decor was stone and there was a whole world here dancing and drinking heavily.

"Where are we?" I wondered aloud to Lord Hatred.

His reply told me little. "In one of the clandestine underground bars."

"What are we doing here?" I persisted.

"We are talking."

I tried again. "But still?"

"You breathe with your nose," Lord Hatred said.

"You keep me from getting the answers," I stated.
"That's the goal, my poor friend."

"Then I'll leave," I threatened.


The room was silent as I struggled to get up. I noticed two intense green beams coming out of the holes in his helmet, which actually were his eyes.

"You are now mine and I decide what we do and when!" he thundered.

The earth began to tremble under the fury of this being while lightning rained down.

I curled up and agreed weakly.

"Well, now I'd like you to draw one of those three cards which will decide your fate."

I sat down properly and noticed that everyone else was also returning to their normal activities.

Three cards, each of a different color, were placed on the table: a yellow, green, and black. I took the green thinking that it reflected a sign of vegetation.

He removed this set and made me choose between three forms: a cloud, star, or apple; I took the apple to always have food.

Then, surprise, three more cards of different sizes were offered. I took the smallest to have the least danger.

Finally, I was offered two identical white cards and I took the left one because that's the side of the heart.

"Ready to see your future?" He was now disguised as a seer.

"Why do you never take off your armor and instead disguise yourself?"

"I am my armor and I also really like disguises so let's go. You chose: the green card, therefore you will be green; the apple, so you will be an earth pony; the smallest card, you will be a young child; and the white card on the left, you will be female," explained Lord Hatred.

"What? You want to do what?"
"I've simply decided to send you to a friendly world chosen by a random factor and card taken in innocence. Any questions?"

"Can I leave?"



He once again refused. "No."


"It's recommendable, but I'm an atheist so no."

"Are you the demon? Atheist? If you exist then everything exists."

"Indeed, the most bizarre creature I have seen is a fairy dragon. Here's a picture." He showed me it.

"Pity, why me?"

"Do you want my answer?"


"So welcome to what I call my creation," he finished.

We both teleported.

Chapter 2 : New world and new body

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"Where am I?"

Only the darkness surrounded me, I could not see my own body in it.

I could still hear the same metallic creaking of armor, which I can easily guess is Lord Hatred.

A glove touches my shoulder when I turn towards the sound. I scream and try to escape it.

"I'm warning you that this is going to hurt!" said Lord Hatred's ubiquitous voice in a calm tone.


Suddenly four projectors lit up all around me as I found myself lying on an operating table that I was attached to with large belts.

Lord Hatred looks at me, sitting in a pleasantly furnished chair while smoking a cigar. Typing twice in those hands, I felt the operating table turn on by itself.

Sparks twirl around me. I feel my bones breaking, my waist diminishing, my nose tripling in volume. I struggle as hard as I can but nothing works. The pain becomes too strong to resist and after a final attempt to escape, I faint feeling my feet eviscerate.

I wake up in the same place on the table. My vision is still fuzzy but I catch a glimpse of Lord Hatred reading a newspaper. The table disappears and only the blinding white spotlight remains. Everything seems bigger and I can not feel my hands or toes.

I notice that I'm covered in a soft green fur when I try to see the extent of the damage. At the touch, I utter an adorable little high-pitched cry that alerts Lord Hatred of my awakening, who raises his head from his newspaper.

Calmly, he puts the paper on the chair as he gets up, putting his cigar in the ashtray before approaching as calmly as we would approach a frightened cat in the street.

I find myself barely at the height of his knees and begin to retreat, crawling. Unfortunately, this monster of metal is faster than me and grabbed me in his arms like a kitten.

He begins to caress my back as I struggled with this strange body.

"You are adorable!" he informed me.

"Let me go, you dirty monster!" I realized my voice was feminine and childlike.

"Let me show you what you look like!"

A mirror appeared suddenly in front of us. He put me down and went back to his pleasant armchair to continue reading.

Horrified, I was fixated on a blue-eyed green filly with a pink and black mane. I remembered that it was me and shook my head to see if it was fake. The filly perfectly replicated my movements. I turned to Lord Hatred.

"Make me anything you want, but not that!" I pleaded to him.


"Retransform me please and I'll do anything you want."

"No, you are a pony, and you will stay a pony."

I crawl towards him desperately and grip his left foot with my front hooves.

"Do you know that you look like one of those animals that cling to their master's feet to get on their knees?"


"No is no. In this paper you are accused of murder. If I had left you in your old form, he would have arrested you."

"But I wouldn't be a stupid filly! My life is completely ruined," I cried in despair.

Tears rolled from my eyes as I let go of Lord Hatred's foot. He continued indifferently reading his journal.

After a quarter of an hour, he put a blanket over his knees and picked me up, caressing my long black and pink mane.

Under the caresses and the nice blanket I fell asleep, too tired to fight. Lord Hatred murmured some barely audible words about the exploits of a certain Mondingus in the paper, but I heard little more.

I woke up feeling an icy wind attack my fur when I noticed I was not in the same place at all. I felt a lot of droplets burst on my soft coat.

I noticed that I was in what looked like a hole in the clouds, stuck in a very uncomfortable position. I got up on my front legs and clung to the walls that appeared to be made of wood.

Under the effect of my weight, what I thought was a hole turned out to be the inside of a barrel as it fell on its side. I was in a dark paved alley opening onto an avenue.

I walked down the path, my coat wet with a thousand questions in my head when I noticed a multitude of horses roaming freely in what was similar to a London neighborhood.

Afraid, I stepped back into the alley only to hit something hard. I turned and saw a horse dressed as a policeman with a brown coat, sky blue eyes and a striking chestnut mustache.

He looked at me sternly, lowering his head as I stuck to one of the alley walls again.

"Good evening young filly, may I know what you're doing outside at such a time all alone?" he asked me.

"I don't know," I replied, stunned that he knows how to speak.

"It's nothing." He straightened himself to look more friendly. "But," he went on, "go home, your parents must be worried."

"I'll go there immediately, Agent," I said, happy to be out of the woods.

"And don't wait outside," he advised before continuing his round in the neighborhood.

What is this crazy world, I thought. Horses talking? The WTF stuff on the neck looks pretty sad beside that. As I thought, I walked through the sad city that I did not know the name of.

The night began to dawn and I had no idea where I was going. My belly gurgled and I decided to return to my charming barrel.

But the night was dark and I did not really recall where it was. So I sheltered under a bridge lit by the lights of apartments, I huddled, shivering with cold.

Suddenly in the gusts of wind through the dark night I heard a noise above my head. I raised my head only to see the dirty underside of the bridge. A voice across from me took me by surprise.

"What are you doing here, my little one?" asked some sort of hybrid between a horse and a bat in shining armor with wide yellow eyes.

I screamed in terror at the sight of this creature straight from hell and rushed to slide out onto the pavement.

The bat-pony mare came across the usual fear from a pony who had never seen a bat-pony like her. The little filly falling painfully to the ground cut off her thoughts.

When she approached to try to help her up, she screamed, struggling to run from whomever approached her.

The young mare, the adult that she is, was good despite the desire to put an apple in the mouth of this filly with horrible incessant cries as she questioned what the filly was doing here alone.

The little filly, calming down, began her story in a delirium about demons, dead people and a monster in red armor. Finally, she took the filly in a hug with her wing to calm her as the filly cried.

She asked where the filly's parents were, but she persisted in telling the same crazy story where her parents live in another dimension. Defeated and without information, she decided to take the filly whose name she had learned through intrusive questioning to her home and wait for the next day to find her parents.


The monster grabbed me by the skin of my neck with its teeth without hurting me and flew with me. I screamed, terrified to be several meters above the ground at the mercy of this crazy hybrid.

I closed my eyes for the first five minutes of the flight but reopened them out of curiosity to discover a city dimly lit by the lights of the houses and a few lanterns.

Eventually we arrived at some sort of big hotel where the hybrid too me into the corridors after being greeted by the horse at the reception desk on the first floor.

She knocked on the door explaining the situation to her superior hybrid and positioned me in front of her so that I could not escape. She nodded and called another guard to take over the patrol.

Then she held me by the hooves and took me into a dark room where she turned on the lights.

"Do you want to eat something?" she asked as she opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water with her mouth.

"No thanks."

"Don't worry, I know you're scared of me but I promise I will not hurt you, okay? Sleep here tonight and then the princess will help you find your parents!" she explained.

"Who is this princess?"

"Princess Luna, the Mare in the Moon if you prefer."

"The Mare in the Moon?" I echoed.

"So you do not know the story?"


"You will have to take remedial classes because, no offense little one, this is one of the basic things we learn in Equestria."


"Stop making fun of me; you can take the bed if you want, the toilet is in the left corner of the living room. Don't hesitate to ask if you need me."

I nodded and looked out the window at the strange world around me. Outside, a heavy rain hid part of the landscape; despite this I could see a green statue that looked like the Statue of Liberty.

Tired, I headed for the bed so kindly offered by my protector, who was reading a newspaper like people while sitting like a dog in a chair facing the table. She wished me good night and resumed reading.

I lay down on the soft blankets of the bed and fell asleep immediately.

In the morning I was awakened by a hoof giving me a little shove.The broad-bred hybrid smiled at me and invited me to the breakfast she had prepared.

On the table was neither meat nor eggs, but a bowl of milk with green cereal. I found the taste strange but said nothing out of politeness towards the hybrid.

The meal went on in silence, after which she took me to see Princess Luna before leaving to see a conference in the city. In front of the doors guarded by two more hybrids, my protector stopped and explained that the princess could be quite impressive meeting her for the first time.

I shrugged, not knowing what to expect. The guards opened the door to make way for us. Inside I saw a large blue mare sitting on a chair having breakfast with two other guards with whom she was joking with. She turned to us and signaled for us to enter.

"Hello, what do you want from me so urgently, Night Sparkle?"

"Hello, Your Highness, I found this filly lost during a night patrol. She could not tell me where she lives."

"Poor little girl," said an stallion at the table.

"Tell me, my angel, is there not a place in the city that you would recognize to allow you to go home?" an another guard, who happened to be a mare, asked.


"Don't worry, we'll help you find your house, young filly!" imperiously said the giant blue mare who was even bigger than me.

I shook a little at her strong voice. Seeing my fear, she lowered her voice a little. "Sorry, I'm not used to this volume yet."

She asked what had happened to me and I told my story again, which gave me a skeptical looking audience.

"Poor child, she's taken a hell of a blow to the head," said the mare from the dining table, horrified.

"You have to find her parents and understand what her story is! Night Wings, have placards posted about her everywhere. Purple Aurora, make a patrol and ask all the ponies you meet if they know about a family missing a young filly," instructed the giant mare.

"Understood, Princess."

"Received, Princess." Then the two few out the window, not too late.

My protector, Night Sparkle, snored lightly at their passing. Luna smiled and looked at me.

"I'm taking you with me to the conference, maybe some ponies will recognize you. Honeymoon, take Ms. Night Sparkle to her bed!"

One of the guards at the door came and put my poor Night Sparkle on his back and then left. Their names are really weird.

Luna went to wash herself, giving me a small figuring of a pony with both wings and a horn like her but with a completely different coat and mane.

Then we went to the conference. In just one day, I had met a princess who would help find non-existent parents. During our carriage ride, she stared at me with her teal eyes and looked away when I looked back.

She ended up asking a question that had been bothering her for a while. "Anon, I have a question. Can I ask it without you getting angry?"


"Are you already going to see a psychologist?"


"Then I'll make you an appointment at the end of the day if we do not find your parents, although I do not want them. You do not have the attitude of a normal filly. Generally, they cry when they lose their parents and shout 'Nightmare Moon' when they see me." A small tear appeared at the corner of her eye.

I felt bad for her, but how could I? Who was this Nightmare Moon? I tried to reassure her. "You are a kind person, I know that I can trust you." Actually, no.

"Really?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes." Not at all.

"Thank you so much Anon, not all fillies are as understanding as you!" she said happily.

I blush at the compliment as we soon arrive. The conference was held in a huge ring-shaped building where the princess, accompanied by me, stood on a platform facing hundreds of horses in reporters' outfits with old cameras.

I was standing behind the princess as she assembled her notes behind a desk with a microphone. She turned around to smile at me and asked if anyone knew about a filly that disappeared, then she took me by a hoof and held me up to the reporters. It reminded me of a scene from a familiar cartoon.

They were eager to take pictures and notes. Then the princess rested me behind her and started her lecture while a hybrid drove me to a child's playroom where he took a magazine and sat in a corner, looking up at me from time to time.

Time passed while I was occupied before I heard the long grinding of a door as it opened that I would have sworn not to have seen a few minutes earlier. I looked in the opening, only darkness.

I stared distractedly at the guard, who seemed to not be breathing as if time had stopped. Then a long hand like the ones from the movies came out of the formerly nonexistent door, slowly moving towards me. I stepped back to the other door, only to find that it was blocked. The hand grabbed me and quickly pulled me into the darkness of its door.

A huge white flash occurred before my eyes before I realized that I was on a chair. Lord Hatred was sitting in front of me on a red leather armchair in behind a wooden desk. He was staring at me as he turned the lamp that had flashed in my eyes away.

"Hello Anon!"

"What do you want from me?"

"Is this how you are treating me, your only friend on this earth?" He turned his back and pretended to sulk.

"I repeat, what do you want?" I asked him.

"I just wanted to know if everything was going well for you," he replied, turning around.

"Well, can I leave?"

"No, I propose a challenge. If you succeed, nothing happens. If not..."


"I would be delighted to pass you off as an escapee from an asylum."

I had nothing to say to his statement.

"It is a challenge of the day. This one is simple, tell the princess that she is sexy," he offered.

"Are you sick in your head or what?" I retorted.

"Chosen: asylum."

"It's very disturbing. Besides, I'm not a zoophile."

"Invalid argument, you've chosen, you have until midnight."

"So I'm not going to end up in an asylum if I take on something like this?"

"Play well and nothing will happen to you," he said.

I was propelled at full speed into the corner of the room, where I left through the door that disappeared immediately. I came across the cube castle that I had been trying to build for an hour.

Time seemed to resume as the guard raised his eyebrows and came to help me up and assist with my pretty little cube castle so that I would not cry. I couldn't help thinking about this dilemma.

Princess Luna entered the room several hours later where she invited us to eat with her in a restaurant. We followed her as we were accompanied by a dozen other guards who were also invited.

We ate on the roof of a skyscraper with a small exotic garden overhung by a glass dome. The menu was essentially composed only of plants.

I made a quick order and saw to my joy that everyone was focused on the menu as I whispered to Luna. "Princess, I think this waiter said that you are very sexy," I said, innocently pointing to a passing server.

The princess turned a little red in her ears and asked me, stammering slightly, to return to my menu and stop listening to such stupidity. I was happy. Challenge accomplished, I thought to myself.

Some guards noticed Luna's embarrassment; some of them looking at me questioningly, to which I shrugged; pretending that I did not understand what the princess was so embarrassed about.

Nobody dared to ask the question and the subject went elsewhere, such as the magnificent speech of Princess Luna or the marriage of a guard whom I did not know was living in Canterlot.

I was finally going to be quiet before I was brought a herbal soup that made me grimace. Where are you, beloved meat that once brightened up my meals?

Chapter 3 : A session at the psychologist

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At the end of the meatless meal, the guards and Princess Luna returned to the conference and the afternoon went the same as the morning.

Later the princess, surrounded by three guards, burst into the game room and looked at the guard who was watching me, waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry, but nopony came to pick her up, Princess," my caretaker informed Luna.

She sighed and gave me a tired smile that my mother made when I was little and she came home from work. Luna hugged me.

She explained to the guards that she had to make a detour and ordered them to return to the hotel and rest.

I raised my eyebrows, wondering what she meant by 'detour'. Princess Luna waved to me from the front door with her head.

I went to her and we boarded her personal carriage again, where she sat comfortably on her side.

"What detour were you talking about earlier?" I asked her.

"You have to work on your memory. We were going to see a psychologist if we did not find any signs of your parents."

"Who's my psychologist?"

"Meteor Breath, a really sweet mare, during my convalescence she helped me a lot with the feelings of guilt I had," Luna explained.

We finally arrived at the end of our journey: a house with a garden just like the one in the neighborhood. It had a red stone facade invaded by ivy and a set of steps to reach the porch.

A golden plate was to the right of a beautiful brown door with a golden knob to knock. Luna promptly used this with her magic, smiling at me to give confidence.

A unicorn mare with a fiery mane, black cloak and violet eyes opened the door. She greeted us with a smile and ushered us into a modern living room with a wooden floor and large windows that brought in strong outdoor light.

She begged us to wait in the living room and served us cookies and apple juice on the coffee table to eat if we were hungry before disappearing behind a double door to end the session with her previous client.

Luna sat on the black fabric sofa and waved for me to join her. The food in the restaurant we went to was so disgusting that I basically devoured both the cookies and the bottle of apple juice.

Luna ordered me to stop eating like I was starving to death and to leave food for the others. Ashamed but still hungry, I stopped and lay on the couch looking down.

She levitated a children's book lying on the coffee table and suggested that I read it with her. She was very surprised that I could read that well at my age and I was astonished that the book was written in English.

Meteor Breath came out next to a blue stallion with green eyes who thanked her for solving his problem. She smiled at me and asked who the meeting was for. Princess Luna told her it was for me.

She smiled at me again, inviting me to come in and introduced herself as Meteor Breath. I gave her my name and she said that it was a pretty name. Luna, who was following me as we entered the room, was turned away from the session.

She rebelled. "Mrs. Breath, how do you want me to help this filly if I do not understand her problem?"

"Your Highness, If I want to be able to work with her so we can move forward, I must be able to bond with her. Now excuse me, I have work to do."

"How dare you, miserable–" Princess Luna was cut off by this unicorn that didn't really seem to fear her.

"Calm down, it's my patient and my session, so stay in the waiting room," she instructed.

She quietly closed the door to the stunned princess and turned to me. The room had a color scheme designed to put one immediately at ease.

The mare asked me what I wanted to do.

"You do not want to listen to my story?" I asked her; I was still hopeful that she would believe me.

"Of course, I'm sure it's very interesting."

It was then that I realized there was no hope of convincing her, but I repeated my story anyway in case a miracle happened. She took notes on her little purple notebook and her eyes became adorably teared up when I started to talk about the building guard's beheading.

The more I her, the more I wanted to hold her in my arms. She looked so much like one of my old cuddly toys from Earth. I do not know why her in particular but I had a very strong desire to snuggle with her.

At the end of the session after I told my story and answered a whole bunch of stupid questions like 'What's your favorite color?', the psychologist asked me to draw whatever I wanted on a blank sheet of paper while she went to get treats for us to conclude our session.

I started trying to write on the paper with my hooves but had no success; each letter turned out like a wave. As I tried I heard the repetitive noise of something banging on the window.

I cautiously approached the window until I saw a familiar set of red armor.

I murmured weakly, "Oh no."

"Oh yes," said Lord Hatred in his powerful voice. Then, with an powerful punch, he broke the glass into approximately ten pieces.

I quickly stepped back to avoid the splinters of the old window as he stepped through in a careless manner. He looked at me and disguised himself with a construction uniform.

"Mr. Anon, let me introduce myself. I am Lord Hatred, foreman. I think a redesign of this room is in order."

I was scared and shaking in a corner of the room. He lifted the desk with both hands, lifted it above his head, and threw it out the window.

"How nice to let off steam!" he proclaimed.

He grabbed me while I was paralyzed with fear and set me down in the middle of the room. He then ransacked the rest of the room, including the paintings and bookcase before disappearing at the sound of hooves.

Meteor breath opened the door; smiling as usual until she saw the devastated room. She dropped the packet of cake she was levitating beside her and stared at me with her mouth open.

I was shaking and noticed that I was crying when I felt my face hair getting wet. She slowly approached me and despite her hesitation gave me a gentle hug.

Then we left the room and she asked me to go eat the cake pack in the kitchen. I shook me head, and still trembling like a leaf from the brutality of the scene sat at a small table in the kitchen before eating the package on my back from Meteor Breath.

- Meteor Breathe -

I did not know what to think. My room had been destroyed in a few minutes and I found Anon on the ground trembling like a poor little thing.

I know that I have to talk to Princess Luna because she has to know, but knowing the princess she will go to hold this filly who seems to be in trouble internally. I thought until then to have recognized small behavioral disorders here and there, but to show such violence?

I took a breath and headed towards the Princess who was reading a magazine in the waiting room, having apparently not noticed anything. I wondered how worried she was before she tried to get my attention.

"Princess, I'd like to talk to you about Anon's case."

"I thought that it was your client and your session so therefore it was private," she retorted without lifting her muzzle.

"I know, but... how do you say... Anon seems to have a quite violent crisis."

"Specify." Worried, she raised her muzzle from her read.

"Well, first do not blame her. She seemed as devastated by her crisis as my room–"

"Your room was devastated?"

"Excuse me, I did not want to talk about it like this. Anon, while I was going to get food from the kitchen, destroyed my room."

"What? Show me!" Luna cried out.

"I'm not sure Princess, given your emotional difficulty with–"

"Show me and stop telling me about my emotional difficulties!" she ordered.

She walked at the speed of wind towards the entrance of my consultation room and was surprised, though less than I, at the quantity of destruction.

"How could she?" she whispered to herself.

"It looks like this filly is in the hooves," I joked awkwardly in a vain attempt to calm the atmosphere.

"It's no time to jest Mrs. Breath. I demand to see Anon!"

I mustered all of my courage and calmed Luna. "Only if you promise to be calm and conciliatory with her!"

"Okay, I'll be calm and conciliatory when I see her," she sighed.

Glad to have calmed what I thought was dull anger, I guided her to the kitchen where Anon was. Only an empty cake packet remained.

- Anon -

I ran away into the city, falling to the ground but not stopping, this body was a real disadvantage when running. The rain soaked me and most of my face was covered in mud from my failed landing on the house's lawn.

I had fled, and for good reason; Lord Hatred would make me look crazy in front of the psychologist and I would be locked up with real crazy horses. Luckily, I found my old barrel where I snuggled in.

Tired by my run in the streets, I fell asleep too tired to see the blurry blue silhouette heading towards me.

Chapter 4 : The departure

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I woke up when the sun tickled my eyelids. All of this was only a dream, I tell myself, I'm warm at home and... Wait, no, it's not hot at home and neither the blankets nor bed are so soft that they could be mistaken for a cloud.

I opened my eyes and immediately noticed a green muzzle in my field of vision. Lord, tell me I'm still dreaming, I pleaded. As usual no one answered me.

The room looked like a hotel, as it had night themed colors everywhere. If it was not a dream then I should be in my barrel unless... I swallowed slowly. The princess found me.

I got up from the bed and headed downstairs; falling a dozen times on the floor on my way to the window overlooking the same horse version of the Statue of Liberty. I thought of fleeing through the window, but the height dissuaded me.

Overcome, I went to the only door in my room, the one that led directly to the dining table where I first saw the princesses.

A hearty breakfast was waiting for me on the table where it was obvious that no one was waiting for me. Feeling my belly rumble like thunder, I headed for the table, falling down again.

It will probably be necessary to get used to that a bit. I climbed up to my chair, which seemed more difficult to climb without help.

Finally, I arrived in my seat and was about to devour everything on the table without knowing if I was supposed to or not when I saw a note. I picked it up awkwardly and read it.

Dear Anon, I let you rest at your leisure and enjoy this nice breakfast because I have to, but I would greatly like to discuss with you later today about your fugue and attitude towards Meteor Breath.

PS: I advise you be wise while waiting for my return; you can play with the toys I put in your trunk but do not leave the suite!

Cool, I'm going to make the princess explode me when she gets back from I have no idea where.

"At least Lord Hatred is not here," I say, eating.

Suddenly, purple smoke appeared in the room and—oh no—this psychotic being was in front of me.

"Hello Anon, nice day is it not?" he greeted.

"You're not going to break everything?" I asked him cautiously.

"Tempting—but no. I'm actually here to announce your new challenge!"

"Pity, what is it?"

"To wear a new turquoise dress!" he said, the mentioned dress in his right hand.

"What? Never in my life would I wear a dress, it's a girl thing!" I complained.

"I knew you would act like all of those idiots so proud of their virility as if it were a medal on their necks."

"I'm not an idiot, I'm a man, and not a girl; so I refuse to wear your dress!"

"Am I forgetting to mention this adorable pink bow for your mane that will delight you?" he taunted.

"Shut up, I'm sick of your kind of— (for vulgar language reasons, this excerpt from the dialogue has been deleted; thank you for your understanding) ...)"

"Whoa, I did not expect so much vulgarity mixed with hatred in you," said Lord Hatred.

"Go outside!"

"I think not, Barely Sugar." The dress and bow disappeared and then reappeared promptly on me. "Now let's play a game!" he said, one of his eyes turning red as copyrighted music played.

I suddenly found myself on an equine version of a Parisian street where I was sitting on a bench facing a beautiful sunset.

Lord Hatred, dressed as a striped referee, appeared before me.

He began a long monologue. "Here's the game: as you can see, you're a teenage version of yourself sitting on a bench in a mood that could not be more romantic. The goal of the game is to resist a flirt. Okay?" he said.


"Perfect, let's start."

He disappeared as suddenly as he came, and I noticed my teenage horse body panic as a ton of incessant feelings flooded my head.

A super cute stallion approached me and asked if I was not the star he had seen fall. For some reason, I blushed at the compliment and felt embarrassed about his build. He looked so strong and sexy that I blushed even more.

I had to resist for my dignity, but heaven, this stallion was splendid. He was funny, charming, and witty. Pictures of us with two lovely foals appeared in my mind.

I concentrated and ignored him while failing to cut visual contact. He smiled and grabbed a rose with his magic to give to me. I was sweating big drops—how to resist him—so charming, so sexy...

I stepped on him and kissed passionately while Lord Hatred came out of the bushes with an air more than delighted. He took a picture with an old camera that appeared suddenly.

Abruptly, the whole dimension collapsed and I was propelled by the vortex onto the carpet of the living room. I got up, and thank the gods—I was no longer a teenager. All of that was so intense and yet I could only repress a shudder as I thought back.

Whatever Lord Hatred had done to my brain had made me completely mad about a stallion. Besides, he was not that cute. What am I saying, I am neither a girl nor a horse so I must calm down.

After several minutes of calming down, I finally noticed from the corner of my eye that Lord Hatred was there, staring at me while drinking a cup of coffee.

"How? Why did you do that to me? You cheated, I was under the influence of whatever that was!" I accused.

"How good is so much hatred after all those amorous feelings?" he asked me.

"Answer me, you— (for vulgar language reasons, this excerpt from the dialogue was deleted; thank you for your understanding). "

"You are a true sailor at heart when you get angry. I harvest more hate; that's all. These effects that you speak to me about are puberty; in a few years you will be like that every day; during that period I feel that we will have fun," Lord Hatred explained.

"Daily? I do not want to spend my life here as a mare looking for a companion, so listen carefully: you'll take me home, okay?"

"In two days, my little one, okay?"

"Why two days?"

"It's a surprise; now excuse me, I have plans for my professional life."

Luna suddenly stepped out of my doorway as Lord Hatred disappeared a split second prior. I found myself sitting on the floor like an idiot while talking to an empty chair.

The princess grabbed me with her blue magic and put me on Lord Hatred's former seat before standing in front of me.

"I think we're going to need a serious discussion about you!" she said.

"Is this about yesterday?"

"Yes, and also what you were doing two minutes ago."

"I can explain everything, I was talking to Lord Hatred when—"

Luna cut me off. "You were talking to your imaginary friend?"

"He's not an imaginary friend!" I protested.

"You're the only one who can see him and he seems to be the scapegoat of your nonsense."


"Stop denying it and listen to me carefully. We will leave for Canterlot where you will go to the orphanage and wait for your parents," she said.

"But I do not have any parents here. They are on Earth!" My explanation was futile.

"I promise you that everything will be fine, we will meet your parent ponies from Earth and you will live happily together."

"Stop it, I'm not a stupid child. You will not find my parents here because I do not come from your ridiculous world of crazy horses!"

"How? You call me a horse and crazy while I dream. I think I won't punish you while I wait for you to get lessons in politeness."

"You can't order me around, you are not my mother."

"I'm not your mother, but I am a princess so I urge you to change your tone with me, Anon."

"Otherwise what?"

"Go to your room!"


A magic blue glow grabbed me and propelled me to the empty wall of my room, where my efforts to move that proved to be a waste.

A magic blue glow grabbed me and I was propelled to the empty wall of my room, where my efforts to move proved to be a waste.

"I'll leave you here so that you can calm down, if you are interested in doing so, little missy," said Princess Luna.

"Let me go."

I heard the door close behind me with a loud snap. I might not be mad at the princess, but Lord Hatred really pissed me off just now.

But it's not my fault; eeryone treats me like a poor thing while I'm a guy, a tough guy, who can break a wall with his determination. A jerk in fuchsia red armor will not make me miserable.

- 3 hours later -

I'm fed up, getting restless and hungry. My little filly belly has been gurgling for an hour now.

The doors opened behind me and I noticed from the corner of my eye that the princess was looking at me with lines of discontent on her face.

"Are you calm or would you prefer to stay here?"

"I'm calm."

"Well, I would like you to ask before taking Mademoiselle's dresses, Anon," said Luna.

"It's Lord... I'm sorry." I refrained from mentioning Lord Hatred in front of her.

"You can keep it if you want, but come on. The guards have finished storing the luggage."

"We're leaving?"

"Yes, try to follow a conversation from time to time."

"To Canterlot?"


"And I'll go to the orphanage?"

"Yes, time to find your parents."

"But what if we do not find them?"

"Then a loving family will adopt you."

"But I do not want one."

"Do not do it again, Anon, it's for your own good."

She held me with her hoof while we headed for the exit. I hated this dress. She squeezed my waist and added a skirt.

I am not a girl. Why did this thing turn me into one? Besides, why did he even take me here? Is he sadistic? If he wanted to humiliate me and make me suffer, then he was very successful. I boarded the princess's carriage without realizing I did so as my internal ruminations overwhelmed me. Why did I have to burn out that day?

I was cursed, stuck in the body of a little filly in a world of horses which seemed to annoy Luna for some reason.

I looked at the landscape around me with a sad expression, hardly thinking about it. My ears were sagging and the princes was constantly checking on me.

We arrived, silent as death, in front of a train station filled with a crowd of well-dressed multicolored horses. I felt a new opportunity to flee. Or...? Only far from this angry princess and her orphanage.

I do not want to be a child again and go back through school. When Luna and I got down, she dropped me for a short period of time. I started to run immediately, only to fly into the air instead.

Fly in the air? I was floating in a blue aura just like the one Princess Luna had around her horn at that very moment. She had used telekinesis to get me moving.

She took me silently into the train wagon. There she took a hold of me and looked at me almost maliciously.

"This is the last time Anon! Next time, I'll put you in a leash so that you won't escape!" Luna roared.


"Do not be sorry if you do not mean it. I know that the orphanage scares you, but you will always see Meteor Breath."

"I do not want to go."

"I will not go into this discussion with a stubborn filly!"

"I'm not a stubborn filly!"

Dinnertime came, and the great princess diplomat that she was in front of my continual refusal got upset and stuffed a salad in my mouth before proceeding to force me to eat with her damn magic that I didn't have. I bit her while struggling fiercely.

She screamed and called me savage, ironic coming from someone who savagely pounds me with salad while using her magic to force me to chew food.

She punished me in a way that I would prefer to forget as it was very humiliating. Yes, this bitch, sorry for the big words, gave me about thirty spankings that my back still remembers. Fortunately, she at least had the decency to remove her silver irons before doing so. I cried angrily for another twenty minutes after my painful punishment. I will take my revenge one day, but it is better to avoid doing so in the immediate future.

The end of the day was spent in complete silence. The trip lasted a full day and we spent the evening, night and all morning in this train where the dishes were all infected without exceptions.

At noon we finally arrived at our destination. The princess came out of the train with me; looking at me constantly while I looked as farm away from her as I could.

This city seemed different from everything I had seen in my world. Gilded roofs with strange shapes crowned the white houses.

"Anon, excuse me for disturbing you, but I have to go. My guards will escort you to the orphanage. I really hope you find your parents," said Luna.

"What? No, please. Anything but an orphanage," I say, clinging to her leg.

"Anon, I know it's hard, but it's temporary. Meteor Breath will come to see you, she is worried about you since you ran away."

"I do not want a psychologist; I do not want to go."

"Guards, can you help me detach her from my hoof please?"

The guards removed me as gently as possible from the princess's hoof before flanking me from the left and right as we headed to the streets of Canterlot. I would go to see the orphanage, then I would flee.

Chapter 5 : At the orphanage

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Dragged by the guards like a common prisoner; we crossed a multitude of streets all with colored horses passing through them. From what I saw and heard, the Summer Sun Celebration was underway in the city.

I did not care a lot for it to be honest. I was surrounded by hour half-horse, half-bat guards ready to lock me in an orphanage. I sighed heavily, my ears falling as low as my morale at that moment.

After ten minutes of walking through the city with my escorts, we finally arrived at the orphanage. At least that was what was marked on the dark house that dominated the end of the street.

One of my guards rang at the door while the rest stayed still beside me. A haughty mare with a gray coat, brown mane and bun on her head opened the door.

She glanced at the interloper who explained my case. The mare replied that she had indeed received a letter explaining everything in detail. The guards pushed me to the threshold of the orphanage and left quickly wishing the two of us good luck.

The mare looked at me carefully and circled like a predator around its prey before she told me to follow her.

"Welcome to the Canterlot Orphanage. I heard that you act in a way quite inappropriate for a mare your age. But don't worry, we will fix that!" she reassured.

Fucking Princess, she told her about my bad language and behavior problems. Arriving in front of a desk, she opened the door for me before going behind her desk.

"I want to be very clear with you, Miss Anon. I will not tolerate your incompetence ruining our reputation," said the mare.

"My incompetence?"

"Polite girls do not talk like that. How old are you?"

"I... do not know."

"In addition, you will need to make an appropriate medical follow up."

Yes... but no one believes me."

"If you want to talk about this crazy story I heard about in the letter, forget it. That is fake and a filly with manners does not talk about being a stallion in her past life."

"But it's true."

"I want you to know that I've made a commitment to make every little filly in this establishment into an established mare. Is that clear?"


"Well, let's not waste time; you're going to class today with your other classmates."

She took me everywhere in her tour of the school. From what I understood, it was not a simple orphanage, but also a school of female manners.

This place made me want to run straight back to my old life, when I was an average teenager playing Doom and For Honor before all this happened.

"I would like you to begins lesson is politeness today while we choose a room for you."

She pushed me to a classroom full of fillies that stared at me, curious. Each sat in front of another filly in a stool, who each had a tea set on a table before them.

A pink mare with a yellow mane named Luckette seemed to be the mistress. She kindly greeted me and asked me to sit down with one of the groups.

I picked one at the back of the class and took a seat next to two of them who were training to use the tea set. Then looked at me and then resumed their training.

From what I understood of the exercise; one played the guest who gave a friendly discussion while the other held the discussion and served tea.

Then the teacher came and asked me to switch with one of them. I had to play the role of the host. Annoyed but obliged, I joined in the ridiculous little game.

We were all silent for a while, before my partner tried to get me started.
"You're supposed to greet me and then invite me to come drink tea."

"Excuse me, hello, do you want to drink tea?" I asked bluntly.

"Less rude. 'Hello dear, how are you? I would love to have tea in your kind company.'"

"Then come with me and take it."

"It will be a pleasant pleasure, my dear friend."

"We're not overdoing it?"

"No, keep going. We are at your house and you're serving me tea. 'How is your husband's business?'"


"We're pretending, now continue," she said.

I really did not want to be a mare spending my whole life with a stallion. How awful!

"Well, he's fine."

"And how is his business doing?"

"It's doing fine; he sells tons of socks," I say, trying for some relaxing humor.

"What? Madam, the newcomer is being rude to me!" she called.

Why does she look so shocked? I was only trying to soften the mood and now she calls for the mistress as if I had said an insult.

The mistress came quickly and the little filly explained my story about the sock business. The mistress glared at me and told me to go to the corner.

"But I didn't do anything. You don't have the right to do this!" I protested.

"You are a very vulgar filly and I think you deserve a punishment," she scolded.

"I talked about socks madam, I wasn't causing trouble!"

"I said to go in the corner and stop traumatizing your peers," she repeated.

Frustrated, I stomped to the corner until I fell to the ground, which made the whole class laugh. I was punished for the rest of the course and had to remain sitting on the floor.

The buzzer sounded and the fillies left while the teacher kept me and the headmistress who came for the news about my first class.

"So how was her first class?" she asked.

"Bad, Madam. Just five minutes of participating and she was talking about socks," my teacher answered.

"What? Are you not ashamed, girl?" the director asked me.


Note to self, do not talk about socks in the presence of horses.

"I believe that a posture class for Miss Anon would be good for her. She seems to have difficulty with adopting a feminine approach."

"Well then, she's going there," the director agreed.

Female approach? What was this junk? Do not tell me she is talking about rolling my hips because I will refuse beyond imprecation. Me and the director, who was glaring at me and silencing all thoughts of rebellion, traversed a series of corridors before entering a new classroom.

A white-haired mare with salmon-pink eyes and mane saluted me and asked me to join the group waiting silently in a line.

This mare who seemed very fine and elegant with her movements asked us to copy her approach; that is to say, swing the hips to move the tail.

While trying, I fell a dozen times without success on my buttocks. The mare then gave another exercise to us that seemed even more ridiculous than the first and separately helped me.

"Look, do not use your bust to make a move. Use only the previous parts to do so," she explained.

"Why do we do that?" I asked.

"Well, one day if you want a stallion or a mare open to you, try this technique to get their attention."

"But what if I do not want to attract attention?"

"You do not do it."

"So it does not help me."

"No, you need to learn how to do it for if you need to," she asserted.

"I do not think I need it."

"Try, that's all I'm asking you to do for now."


"No, we do not say Okay. Understood?" she said.


I could not see myself doing the tease for a few horses, but I finally got there, earning me a congratulation from my proud teacher. I returned to the ranks triumphantly.

"Well, now that everyone is up and running, I want you to pair up with one of your classmates for the rest of the exercises," our teacher instructed.

Nobody wanted to get in a pair with me. I found myself alone and rejected as a mess. Throughout my life I had felt rejected by others and felt terribly wrong.

Seeing my loneliness, the teacher came to me and asked the others if they would turn into a group of three.

One group raised their hooves in answer and I headed for them. Both of the fillies were bigger than me. The two of them smiled kindly and told me that I could stay with them and be their friends.

"Now that we have trained groups, I would like you to walk single file in the most elegant way possible," said the teacher.

Elegant, Me? I did not know how to walk straight because it was so complicated. I first looked at my two comrades in my best attempt to be refined and then tried to copy them.

I fell flat on the third step, unable to coordinate myself enough to just walk. The teacher lifted me with telekinesis an set me down on my hooves. I tried again and fell back down.

I saw the confused look on everyone's faces as they looked at me, puzzled by my failures. Our teacher called Luckette from down the hall and came back.

"Sorry to finish the course early for you, Anon, but I think you might have a problem," my teacher told me.

Luckette, an old fashioned teacher with a red beret and pink blouse with white cuffs, arrived mildly annoyed.

"What's the problem Fleur dee Lys? Is it Anon?" she asked my teacher.

"Yes, I think her has serious difficulties walking," she responded.

"During my break!? Sol, I'll have to take her to the headmistress?"

"Yes please, I cannot leave my class!"

"It can not wait for the end of the course?"

"No, it needs to be taken care of now. Leave her at the director's and please explain it to them," my teacher instructed her.

Irritated by the interruption of her break, Luckette took me silently on her back so that I do not hurt myself and so that I'm not slowing us down.

She arrived at the headmistress's door, who said that we could enter. Luckette explained that I was unable to walk properly and then left, dismissed by the headmistress.

She sighed deeply and stared at me with her steel eyes while her hoof looked for a folder on her table. She grabbed one from the pile and suddenly gave me a sympathetic look.

"Ms. Anon, during your first class I received this document about your parents. I'm really sorry," she explained.


"Yes, it seems you lived in Saddle Arabia with your parents. Your father was a soldier who dies in the war and your mother, a prostitute."

"What? That's wrong, I—"

"Calm down, my child! I'm sorry, everything will be fine now. We will find you a loving family!" she sobbed, hugging me.

"Let me go, where did you get this file from?"

"A guard brought it from Saddle Arabia's archives following the Princess's search request to find your parents."

"I see."

"Back to your walking problem, I understand that you were already seeing a psychologist and I sent a form for a re-education request from a Canterlot doctor."


"Exactly, how can you be adopted and live your life if you do not know how to walk?"


"I know it's fast, but according to the reports from you psychological follow-up, it is important for you to have a family environment; so I decided to leave you free for adoption next week," she said.

"But... I do not want to."

"Those who say no are afraid to say yes. To clarify, every Wednesday afternoon, candidates for adoption will visit you."

What was I supposed to do?

A really disgusting thought appeared in my mind. What if I was adopted by a pedophile horse? Or a couple who beats children and reduces them to servants, or worse, slaves. God, if you hear me, spare me.

"You are released from class, I will ask Luckette to take you to your room," she said.


Maybe this is a new chance to run away if I have the day off and everyone else is busy.

"Mrs. Luckette is very busy, I do not want to disturb her. I can go alone," I offered to the headmistress.

"Oh no, I also learned what you are capable of when you find yourself alone. I do not want to have to completely renovate a room that was already in good condition before you arrived. This will not bother Luckette."


"There is no 'but's, Miss," she finished.

I quickly realized that my hopes for escape were over. My reputation as a violent fugitive was already spreading. Luckette, mumbling unintelligible words, led me to my room where I sat without softness on my buttocks as she left the door.

Fantastic, I am locked in a room sad and ready to die with the only lighting being the window as the sky darkened with a strong gust of wind and the beginnings of rain.

I did not know where I was. All of this happened so fast. I might never see my family again. But Lord Hatred promised to return me home in two days. Was he joking? I thought he wasn't and hoped this was true.

I contemplated further, sitting like a dog inside my room. There was a large window facing the gardens, a wooden chair and desk with what looked like an oil lamp. On the left there was a bunk bed, and to the right a toilet.

Wait, two beds? I'm going to sleep with someone? I heard a sudden movement from the top bunk. Unfortunately, I was too small to see or even reach it. A blue filly's head poked out and looked down at me with pity.

"Hello, what is your name?" she asked.

"Um... Anon. What about you?"

"Mine is Little Diamond. Do you want to play with me?"

"No thanks."

"Please, no one wants to play with me," she pleaded.


"You play right now, I'm taller than you!"

"I said no, now leave me alone."

I was raised by a pink aura up to those eyes.

"When I say play, we play. Is that clear?" she ordered.

"I said no."

The little unicorn suddenly crushed me, landing on top without any chance of resistance. Me, the filly who was supposed to have been a man at one point of my life. Humiliation all over again. That's what my life was all about.

"We're going to play Mom and the Baby. I am the mother because I am taller than you!" she explained forcefully.

"I will not be the baby!"

"You will play the part of the baby and will have a pacifier."

She hit me with this... magic that I did not have and rocked me despite my efforts to struggle. I'm tired of being the little one who obeys adults even though I am an adult!

After several hours of humiliation, I conceived a plan of revenge on this girl and Luckette entered the room. Dear Luckette would certainly get me out of this monster's hooves.

She looked at us then put two down two plated of orange puree with glasses of milk an left. No, Luckette, don't leave. At least that's what I would have said if I did not have a pacifier in my mouth.

She made me eat like a baby with servings of mashed food that I stopped spitting after she spanked me for spitting the second spoonful.

Luckette came back a few hours later telling us it was time to go to sleep. Little Diamond rolled me up in a towel which only my horrible green muzzle stuck out of. I was deposited on my bed while she returned to her own.

Hours passed and I could not sleep as my position in the towel was unbearable. I was thinking about the stupidity of life when I heard someone whistle from over by the toilet.

The bathroom light came on and the door opened. Lord Hatred was washing his... gloves? He turned around and waved a hand, inviting me to join him. Great, he barely missed my misfortune.

Suddenly, I found myself pulled to his feet still stuck in my cocoon. He picked me up in his arms and caressed the tips of my mane that protruded from the towel.

He closed the door behind him and gently lifted me up, still captured by that damn napkin, and put me next to the sink.

I watched him, terror in my eyes, and waited. He took a brush and put it in my hair. It was weird. At last he stopped and looked at me deeply. OK, that was super creepy. My body began to shake under the effect of his gaze and I finally wished that nothing had come to disturb my imprisonment.

He burst out laughing and dried a tear. "Anon, do you think you're really mad?"

"A little," I admitted.

"I am Lord Hatred, everything is in the name, I believe."


"To put it simply, one of my friends taught me a technique to scare. I just tried it on you. I feed on hate, not fear," Lord Hatred explained.

"You have friends?"

"Yes, I actually have many. Does it sound amazing?"

"How can hate have friends?"

"Now you live in the realm of love and friendship but ask me that question? I must specify that my friends are not from here and appreciate me as I am."

"How does that matter, what will you do to me?"

"You were awake so I came to announce the challenge of the day and have a little fun with you."

"Cool, see you later."

"I arranged to got to a dance floor. A young mare like you must have hobbies."

"Do I have to have another one? It's a girl thing!" I whined.

"The Return of the Sexist, release scheduled for November 8, 2019," he announced.

"But it really is a girl thing!"

"Sorry for the vulgarity, but look between your legs."

"You're upsetting me. Come on, what's your game?"

"I know! I wanted to suggest we go break the restaurant of one of the most chic hotels with me."


"I reassure you, no deaths, only breaking and a little fight."

"It's not dangerous?"

"You will be with me."

"Exactly. How will they not recognize me?"

"What if I tell you that we will change our appearances?"

"Like what?"

"A beautiful red unicorn stallion with a yellow mane for you and a sublime pink mare, yellow mane, for me. How does that sound?"

"Why not. What's the trick?"

"None, we'll have fun if we go; otherwise I can still do your hair."

"No thanks."

"Here we go," he said.

He snapped his hands and the room began to swirl quickly. It was soon replaced by hundreds of yellow lights, particles of dust in the shadowy nothingness that reigned now.

"Lord Hatred, what's that?" I asked him.

"I do not want to talk about it."



Then all of the lights fell to the ground shattering into pieces as the shrapnel vanished. Suddenly I was under a bridge in a alley, wind and rain pouring down.

I watched my body begin to change and form a red coat with a yellow mane. I was again a male, and although I wasn't human, it was already good progress.

A pretty pink mare smiled at me. She looked super cute. I blushed at this thought; I am a man, not a horse. I smiled shyly anyway.

"In case you can not tell, it's me, Lord Hatred," she explained.

"Oops, sorry."

"It's fine, it only proves that the transformation works well. I'm not too attractive for you, I hope?"

"A little, do you mind changing sex?"

"Technically, I'm asexual. Whether I'm one or the other does not bother me."

"I thought you were a man because of your deep voice."

"I can use any type of voice. Now before we start, I would like to teach you telekinesis, which will be very useful for the future."

After ten minutes of trying to lift a pebble off the ground, I finally succeeded. Lord Hatred congratulated me and we headed for the hotel.

"How are we going to flee after?" I asked.

"I will teleport us. We will play the role of a young married couple who argues and breaks everything," he said.

He suddenly clung to me, rubbing under my chin and sticking her rump to mine. I blushed very hard, but luckily my coat was red.

"Can you shift a little?" I requested.

"No, we are approaching our target. Let's start playing our roles."

"I know, but it's so disturbing."

"I wonder how you'll react when I kiss you."

"What? Absolutely not!"

"I'm kidding, look, different pairs of ponies are heading towards our target."

Stuck pretending to be young lovers, we arrived in front of a large building resembling a luxury French hotel.

We waited a bit because the entry line was rather long.

When we arrived at reception, Lord Hatred spoke. "Good evening, me and my husband have booked table 404 tonight."

"Good evening, madam and sir, your names please?"

"My name is Sweet Valley and this here is my husband Slow Brain," she replied.

"Everything is taken care of, have a pleasant evening."

Once past the entrance I turned to vex Lord Hatred. "Slow Brain, really?"

"Do not get excited, my Apple Sugar, this name is perfect for you," she said stroking my back.

If only she was not so sexy when she did that.

No matter, I had to remember that he is an evil monster who causes hatred wherever he goes.

We sat at our table like all of the other ponies. This one was at the middle of the restaurant. Lord Hatred sat down in front of me and leaned down to rest his head, looking at me lovingly.

It wasn't long before a waiter approached asking what we would like to order. Lord Hatred asked to have the same as me, Lasagne Verde with Buffala. To me it seemed to be the least strange and disgusting meal available.

We were served quickly and everything went smoothly until the end of the meal.

Lord Hatred looked at me. "Ready?"

"I don't know."

He suddenly shouted, attracting everyone's attention, "Do you want to break up with me? After all we have done together? I do not love you if you look elsewhere. You are a selfish monster without a heart!"

Well, everybody looked at me now like I was trash as I said nothing.

I had to quickly find a convincing reply. "I'm sick of your quirks. I am not your slave. Yes, I have found someone else, I'm not proud of it but it happened. Also, I did not say anything when you slept with one of my office colleagues."

"What?" Lord Hatred blushed a little.

"Yes, I know about your affair. I did not say anything and you dare to accuse me?! Pathetic."

"You filthy chick. You wanted me to pay for the meal and then break up, is it?"

"No, that is wrong. I'm not stingy!"

"You do not have a single bit on you and you dare to pretend that you were going to pay? You are dirty and selfish!" she said, sending a chair to whack the face of a stallion from a nearby table.

We started throwing more things at each other while the customers fled without asking to keep their leftovers, and in the process avoiding paying for the meal.

The restaurant eventually looked like a graveyard of broken wood from various chairs and tables, as well as cutlery and food scattered on the floor.

When guards wandered through the broken entrance of the restaurant, Lord Hatred and I teleported. We returned to the bridge where he or she gloated by waving their hooves as a sign of satisfaction.

"I congratulate you, with our intervention we have been a sparkling duo. Although your acting does need to be improved!" she complimented.

"Thank you, you really were not that bad, but I do have a question: why?" I asked.

"I love to destroy as that generates a lot of hate in a short period of time. I already feel it everywhere."

"Yes, but why with me?"

"It is always nice to break more. In addition, I think I like you! Idiotic, stupid, and obedient, that's why I like you."

"If you like me then maybe you could turn me into a human and send me home?"

"No, but you still tried."

"Can I at least keep this appearance?"

"What would hatred be without humiliation, Anon? I'll tell you: it would not be hate!"

"Ouch, my eardrums," I scolded.

"That's enough playing, it's time for me to take you back to the dormitory, girl!"

"No, pity me, anywhere but there. I do not want to become a filly again!"

"Too late."

Everything around me went black as I became dizzy for some reason. I closed my eyes and my voice sounded louder.

I opened my eyes to see Lord Hatred cradling me in the towel that had trapped me back in the bathroom.

"Good night, my little Anon," he said, kissing me on the forehead and throwing me like a rugby ball onto my bed on which I bounced.

I turned my head quickly but already the bathroom was once again black without Lord Hatred's presence.

I went to sleep afterwards because Little Diamond woke me up and forced me to drink the bottle of milk from last night. Then we went into the canteen while the director made an announcement.

"Dear fillies, please listen to me. We were going to go out to one of the oldest and most luxurious hotels in Canterlot today. However, that one is closed for the day due to problems. Fortunately, a nice mare from Canterlot's dance school decided to replace the trip!"

Oh no! All of the destruction and chaos will cause a whole day of dancing. Lord Hatred had me and I would have strangled him had he been under my nose.

"Here is Sweet Valley, a dance teacher from the Canterlot school who kindly offered this replacement day."


Chapter 6 : Dance class with a demon

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It was not him, yet it was him! She appeared to be a gentle, sweet mare but that did not deceive me. It was the same mare as which he had disguised himself. It did not do me any good.

"Hello children, as your kind director said, I volunteered to help you practice dancing for a full day. I also want to apologize because I am partly the cause of the hotel's closure and..." She began to cry.

"Calm down, Mrs. Sweet Valley, it happens to everyone; we all get carried away even if ... was rather violent," the headmistress consoled her.

"I... Thank you. Our lesson will begin once breakfast is over."

I did not know what he had in mind, but he had to be stopped at all costs. His public appearance would be enough to convince someone that he actually exists. However, I would still need evidence if I did not want to go to the psychiatric hospital since I was already being mistaken for a traumatized filly.

The fillies seemed full of joy at the idea of spending the day dancing with a mare who teaches at the famous Canterlot school. Their delighted little faces irritated me. They all talked so enthusiastically about dancing.

"Finish your breakfast, fillies, and join us and Sweet Valley in Professor Fleur de lys's room which she kindly lent us," the announcer said.

I sat on one of the canteen's benches as far as possible from my new 'friend' and was served by a cook. She placed in front of me a bowl and spoon filled with what looked like soft green cereal.

I pouted, which annoyed her. She ordered me to eat if I did not want a spanking, which made part of the table laugh. How can I even pick up the spoon? The other fillies used the magic of their horns.

I tried to pick up my spoon with my hoof, but instead pushed it to the edge of the table where I dropped it on the ground. The cook glared at me even more viciously and told me to pick it up.

I tried to crouch down to take the spoon but these damn hooves prevented me from doing so. I began to tremble before the growing impatience of the cook whose anger grew.

My comrades were silent and watched the scene in dead silence. Drained but resolute, I gripped it with my mouth. I felt its cold surface and stood up slowly so as not to drop it.

The cook did not calm down, but I relaxed slightly after resting the spoon on the table. The problem was that I still did not know how to eat with it.

I put my head in the bowl like an animal. The cook sighed and stared nervously while everyone else laughed at me. I think that was not the way to eat.

It did not take long for the headmistress to arrive accompanied by the cook screaming angrily. What's up with this crazy school? They stopped at my table and started talking to me at the same time.

"Anon, is it? I think you were raised in a pigsty and you should go back now!" the cook shouted. What?

"Mrs. Clear, can you calm down? This filly has problems with motor skills. I would appreciate it if you would stop yelling at her and scaring her." True.

"Headmistress no one has ever complained about my cooking skills. Honest. If she has problems, she should go to a center of I don't know what and let us have peace." Say no, Madame Director, please.

"I must say that you are honest. Let us remember that you are worth as you say you are and that you feed the fillies in our establishment. However, Princess Luna entrusted her to us under our care. I would find it very difficult to take her elsewhere outside her jurisdiction," the headmistress explained. In your face, dirty cook.

"Fine, but I would like her to taste my good food." Good food?

"Bring her a suitable bowl and I'm sure Ms. Anon will eat your food without making a fuss." Nope.

"Madame, I'm not very hungry," I said.

"Eat!" the two mares replied angrily.

I was brought a small bowl that the soup was poured into. The headmistress told me to put my hooves at marked locations on the bowl to bring it to my mouth. The taste was very special except it was completely different from anything I had ever known. I assume it was not so bad if I did not vomit though it was good enough.

After my meal in front of the cook and headmistress who watched my every movement, I left among the last to go to the much dreaded dance class. When I entered the hall, Lord Hatred, still disguised as Sweet Valley, gave out ballerinas and tutus to the students and asked us to put them on in the locker room.

My darling virility, where are you? Wearing a white tutu with other white ballerinas was the last thing that could happen to me in this world. Being treated like a little girl was not good for my male pride and this was the death blow.

She put down my dance gear and greeted me briefly with a honeyed voice and an angelic face. With the tutu and other ballerina equipment on my back, she told me where the locker room is.

I arrived in the locker room where everyone changed into the things on their backs in stalls. A stall? Why hide nakedness when you walk in here naked? Another weird new thing in this world more than strange.

I entered and removed the lock after having to put both hooves on the lock in question. By the way, I've done it six times already and my little neon green filly body is starting to hurt.

I watched my "dance clothes" still on the floor where I left them to remove the lock. What could I do? I did not even know how to put that kind of thing on as a human. I put my thoughts back on my ballerina shoes and tutu; I guess I was not going to have a choice.

- A quarter of an hour later -

These damn things do not fit and I can not put on this fucking tutu. Someone knocked on the door and I heard Lord Hatred with his angelic voice asking me if I needed help.

I hesitated, but Lord Hatred cut off any further thought when he unlocked the door. He began to give me a very wide smile and I began to tremble in my little body as he stepped forward.

"Ms. Anon, before starting the class I would like you to tie your mane!" he called.


"You heard me perfectly, but to tie your beautiful mane, we have to style it first!"

"What are you playing at?"

"Put your head in the air and tie your hair to it, Ms. Anon. Now let me do it."

"But I'll do it alone."

A young mare with good manners does not refuse help and accepts it with dignity."

"Stop your act, we're alone in the locker room! You will not force me to put on these clothes and certainly not tie my hair!"

"I can even do it without magic!" He walked towards me with a determined step.

"What? No, what are you doing? Wait!"

A few minutes later, I was ready. My buttocks had turned red under the force of the spanking and my body was still shaking from the shock. Under his appearance of a fragile mare lies an unexpected strength.

I also had a bun that was tirelessly pulling my hair and a tutu that hid the part of my body that was beaten. Elegant white ribbons covered and imprisoned my little legs. I had tears in my horrified eyes in front of the mirror from the pain, but Lord Hatred promised that if he saw a single tear come out, I have a big problem.

He took me by one of my hooves and walked towards the room where class had already begun. I felt so... feminine and sexy in my outfit that I blushed a little. I felt almost like a pervert with my own body.

All of the fillies had the same outfit as I expected and were chatting even more excitedly than last time in their crowd. I took a breath to calm myself and headed for the group.

Lord Hatred coughed to ask for silence, but failing to, said in a very authoritative voice, "Silence."

All conversations stopped and every little head turned in one movement towards him.

"In order to work in good conditions, we do not speak because you will not hear my information. For starters, we will be doing some stretching exercises. I will explain later how your dance lesson will take place. Start by putting yourselves in line!" he commanded.

Immediately all of the fillies lined up in front of Lord Hatred. I took a spot as far as possible from our teacher.

"Start by raising your head tall, ladies. Be proud of who you are, after all you are worth it. Raise your hooves one by one and turn three times in one direction and then in the other."

I looked up and twisted my hooves somehow. Then we did a whole series of the same type of exercise. Lord Hatred gave us a break for recess. I watched and listened to others talk about their dreams of becoming a star dancer.

I also noticed my flagrant small size compared to the younger ones. I felt so small and fragile in the face of this discovery. I felt Lord Hatred's gaze on me; he had been staring at me for a while without my knowledge.

A group of small fillies galloped up to me.

"Hi, what's your name?" asked the first filly of the group.

"Anon," I replied.

"I did not know that is your name, it's pretty. My name is Twist Star. Are you new?"


"Why are you alone? Come with us! My name is Lightning Blue," intervened a blue filly with green glasses.

"I do not know. Okay, I accept." Perhaps making friends is the best thing to do. She might be useful for my escape.

I felt the radiant smile of Lord Hatred, who saw me alone in the midst of others, change into a perplexed and serious expression in the face of my new friends. It could not mean anything good.

"Great, do you want to play catch with us?" they asked, giving me puppy eyes. It was so cute that I accepted in spite of myself. When I was pushed behind my back, I turned around and saw Lord Hatred staring at me with that false smile.

"Forgive me for disturbing you, but we are continuing the course now. Recess is over. And do not try to group together, you would argue too much," he said.

Why did he want to separate me from them? I wanted to understand so I pushed things.

"Please ma'am, I don't have many friends here and I wish I could be with her during class," I said.

"No is no."

"That is not fair," I said, pretending to cry. All stared at Lord Hatred, who asked to see me privately.

Once alone in the locker room with him or her; I do not know what to call it anymore. He smiled from ear to ear. It was pretty scary.

"That was perfect. Usually they cannot feel the slightest bit of hatred, but you managed to produce a large amount at once. If I hit you, it might increase their hate," he explained.

"You've done it before and my rump still hurts, so explain to me why you want me away from those fillies."

"Friendship is like chocolate. Too much at once and you will get a serious stomach ache."

"That means what?"

"How do you not understand my beautiful metaphors? How do you not get the meaning? You may be too stupid for that. To make it simple: do not worry."

"That does not answer my question."

"And I will not answer it. On the other hand, I know one with pee on it."

"What? Wait, no. Anything but that."

"Too late."

I suddenly felt wet liquid come out abundantly from the place I do not want to talk about and my outfit was wet with the foul smell of piss on it.

"We'll have to go get you a change of clothes. Miraculously, there is just one left in the dance hall."

"I do not want to go."

I definitely think that my buttocks will stay red after this punishment, which was more violent than last time. Lord Hatred thought that seeing me cry would provoke empathy in my classmates so he had to hit even harder.

I picked up my second set of clothes and went back to the locker room without even looking at the class, who watched me while whispering to each other. Lord Hatred arrived soon after I did with a sorrowful face.

"Ms. Anon had a slight accident while we were chatting, so please do not make fun of her for it. Start the table exercises while I help her change." Filth.

He turned around. "Ready, Ms. Anon?"

Then we returned to the locker room where he changed me with a face of arrogance and pure happiness to humiliate me again. I sighed heavily and waited for him to finish.

This bastard added a pink bow in my hair after perfuming me with an apple. I hate being his toy.

The course went back to normal and nothing more happened other than me falling on my buttocks often. Those fucking little hooves did not support my weight.

At lunch, I went to my new friends' table in the canteen. Even in front of them, I was a dwarf. I began to take an interest in what they were talking about.

These discussions were not unlike what one can have with his friends at primary school. They did not give me any useful information except that the thing with the summer sun was yesterday. They also mentioned royalty with one other princess, Celesniak I believe.

At the end of the lunch break, the headmistress was waiting to take me to my medical appointment.

"Anon, I regret to inform you that you will not be able to attend the dance session this afternoon," she said.

"What a pity." Rather a lot of luck.

"As you know, you need support. Dr. Remedy will take care of you. He is in my office. Come with me!"

I followed her the best I could to her desk, where a stallion with red eyes and a white coat waited.

"Hello, Ms. Anon I presume?" he greeted.

"Indeed, it is her. I leave you to the good care of our doctor, Ms. Anon," the headmistress said.

I found myself face to face with this doctor who was looking for something in his suitcase. He took out a notebook and pen, and after some courtsy to relax me, asked some questions. He asked me to perform some exercises like lifting my left front foot.

"They said you had been traumatized."

"Yes." I sighed heavily. He would not believe me anyway.

"Well, you sigh. Is there anything else you would like me to know?"

"No." So much.

"Your body may be trying to send a message about your accident. Do you remember anything?"

"No." Why is he like that? It becomes painful.

Another series of long exercises, ten minutes each, were done before he choose to speak with me again. This guy was a nuisance.

"Well, we're done here. Here are my conclusions about your state of health: you seem to have trouble coordinating your movements, ('swear'), and you do not seem to have any apparent internal sequelae. This must be due to your trauma, which is also the cause of your memory loss."


"Well, my job is finished at that level. We will start your physiotherapy session."


"Yes, but do not worry, It will be simple exercises to strengthen your hooves and coordination. Well, let's not start with the ball. You will lie on your back and fold and unfold your knees while lifting the ball."

This will be quick, I am a disaster. I could not fold all four at once so the ball fell all the time. The doctor had tears in his eyes as he thought of me, the filly who could no longer walk straight. I still managed one hoof.

The headmistress came back later with my psychologist, who was still convinced that I had wrecked her room. Then the doctor left and my psychology session began. She seemed happy to see me which was a surprise. Unlike the first time the director did not leave and instead just sat in a corner of the room.

"Don't be shy Anon. I am in no way angry with you," Ms. Breath said.


"Yes, you did not really want to; I came to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine. You came all the from the other city to see me?"

"Of course, you are my patient and I have to do everything in my power to help you. This warms my heart."

"Thank you, it's really nice of you. What are we going to do?"

"We are going to do an activity. What kind do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I'd rather we just keep discussing things."

"As you wish," she said, sighing as she stared at the heavy baggage filled with activities.

"We can do activities afterwards." For her carrying that load I wanted to do some of them.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I do not know," I say, thinking about what I could ask her.

"What if we talked about you then? I know that we met recently, but I would like to know how you feel, if it does not bother you and change how you live."

Well, apart from being stuck in this neon green body and being humiliated by a psychopath, all is well. "I feel good."

"You're sure? I feel that you're hiding something from me. You can tell me what's wrong; I'm not here to scold you."

"In fact, Ms. Breath, I do not know if this helps, but our guest speaker today told me that Anon peed on his gear during class." Oh, lord! This damn headmistress can not shut up. I feel like a moron.

"Well, how did that happen, Anon?" Ms. Breath raised an eyebrow is disbelief.

"It's Lord Hatred who—"

"Ms. Anon, I've already told you that story came straight from your imagination, so stop now!" the headmistress interrupted.

"Oh sorry." Lowering my head to stare at the floor, I shouted that it was true. I'm tired of being the little victim.

"Headmistress, let her continue please. Go on Anon."

Frankly, was it a good idea to tell them everything? Maybe it wasn't a good idea. Besides, I had no credibility. I tried one last time.

"Sweet Valley is Lord Hatred, who disguised himself. He beat me and used magic to make me pee on it!"

There was a great deal of doubt in this poor mare. She hesitated now. "Could I meet this Sweet Valley, Headmistress, if you don't mind? I would like her opinion." And shit.

"Of course, let's go."

When she returned, Lord Hatred stood behind her with an innocent face. "What's going on, Headmistress?"

"Ms. Breath, Anon's psychologist would like to ask you a few questions about your session with Anon."

"Oh, in this case I can help." She sat down on a chair in front of Meteor Breath.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. Sweet Valley, is it not? It's a pleasure."

"Likewise. So, what are your questions, I will answer them as best as I can."

"Thank you. Did you know Anon before?"

"Not at all."

"Did you hit him?"

"What? No, I do not hit anyone."

"Do you know why Anon peed?"

"It's my fault, I scolded her for being so stubborn and she started to pee."

"Do you know a Lord Hatred?"

"She told me when I scolded her that she would hit her if I did not obey."


I felt a magic aura catch me as Meteor Breath pulled me into a hug. I felt tears begin to flow. He had broken me into a fucking whiny green thing. I cried continuously as Meteor Breath softly whispered sweet things into my ear.

I saw nothing for an hour while I snuggled deeper into the coat of this comforting mare. I finally calmed down while ceasing to cry and took a normal breath. The gentle caress of Meteor Breath calmed me down. I fell asleep I think because I felt a fluffy surface and a sheet before there was nothingness.

- The Headmistress's Office -

"Well, this poor little filly seems to have big emotional problems. I must admit that seeing her in this state broke my heart," said the headmistress, moved.

"Me too, Headmistress, I have never seen such a case before. This poor little thing seems desperately in need of a stable environment. Do you plan to put her up for adoption? The sooner the better. Of course, my colleague and I will continue to visit her regularly."

"I'm glad to hear you say that because I has the same idea. A family environment with a certain stability and a lot of love would be best for her. I just hope she does not have another crisis like this, Ms. Valley was offended that we talked to her like that and almost left before I begged her on my knees."

"This mare seems to lack a real sense of empathy. Who would blame a poor little disoriented filly?"

"I must admit that I'm as surprised as you are, but what could we do? Everyone cannot understand what this poor thing went through."

- A Dark Alley -

More ponies who complain of seeing a monster here? What next? Apart from that little green filly, there is really no one who hangs out here. A little beast all the time.

The policeman entered an alley when he heard a voice. A shadow of a bipedal creature projected from the lamppost faces him. He hid behind a trash can and noticed the thing that was behind the shadow: a big beast in blood red armor. He tried to listen to it and figure out why it was talking to a light trivet.

"Is there no connection here or what? Hello, do you hear me? Yes, it's Hatred. Do you still agree on tomorrow? Ok, that works. I will bring a surprise with me. Do not forget the card game this time."

The policeman started to retreat for reinforcements when his hoof hit a bobbin, rolling to produce a long metallic lament.

"I remind you, I have company." He hangs up. "I already feel that I will have fun with you."

- Next Day -

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna! We found a body in a Manehattan bin!"

Chapter 7 : Interlude I

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In Ponyville, in front of Princess Twilight's castle, two ponies discuss:

"Carrot, I'm not so all over again. "

"Come on, it'll be okay. Trust me Blueblood. "

"But you know I do not really have a good relationship with Princess Twilight. "

"You feel worry for nothing. Look, Twilight to accept your apologies and all is well. "

" But if... "

"Stop, we've been thinking about it for almost two years and I think we're ready. "

" Really? I do not know, being a parent is a big responsibility. "

"We read books, ask the Cakes for advice and even pay in gem Spike to play the baby. So yes, we can not be more ready. "

" If you say so.” Blueblood said visibly nervous going in after Carrot Top in the castle.

Both followed the wide corridor of the main entrance until they arrived in the library where Twilight usually resided.

The room alone was illuminated by a single bright circle in the center where outside reigned darkness and darkness. The young couple clumsily advanced to the circle as the room closed abruptly.

A thud of a book falling to the ground was heard surprisingly. Whispers from the corners of the library were heard from the library as children's voices sang. Carrot Top and Blueblood were seated against each other.

Suddenly as it appeared, everything stopped. There was a sound of footsteps behind a shelf and an exaggerated sigh. Twilight opened the door at that moment. The library resumed its normal appearance, Twilight was surprised to find Blueblood and Carrot Top pale as death clutching one another closing their praying eyes for their lives.

She came to them who had not guessed his presence and touched them on the shoulder to make known his presence. The two screamed to become deaf and noticed that it was Twilight.

" What was that? "

"What? "

"The voices in the library and the creature who sighed." Carrot Top got away, Twilight did not understand anything.

" What are you talking about? "

"Something sinister in your library." Blueblood replied trying to calm down.

"Come with me, let's go to the living room with Spike. I'm sure we'll understand what's going on. "

She pushed the two ponies still terrified by their troubling visions outside the room and looking one last time behind her plunged the library back into the darkness. She hardly noticed the creature hiding behind the shelf that had been watching them closely.

Twilight took them to the living room where Spike, who was reading his comic book, was comfortably seated on the couch. She put them on it and asked Spike to get two cups of tea.

She sat in her turn, reflecting at full speed on those who might have frightened them in her library. She really did not understand anything. But there was a question to her. What was he doing in his library?

"What did you do in the library alone?"

"We were looking for help to start an adoption procedure.” Carrot announced trembling.

"Adopt? So you feel ready? "

"If we are not now, we will never be.”

Blueblood said trying to calm down.

"I see, and you were looking for me at the library?"

"Yes, but can we stay on the subject of adoption? I do not really want to talk about what's in the library."

"I assure you that I have never seen anything like it? But I would conduct my investigation afterwards, so you want me to help you do your adoption procedure? You know, I read the book on adoption laws only once. I'm not sure about being the best pony to talk about it.” Twilight felt embarrassed.

"But you know everything Twilight, you only once this book of two thousand pages retaining almost all of what he wrote!” Exclaimed Carrot Top.

"Let's not exaggerate, it's only two thousand pages.” She said uncomfortably.

"So, would you agree to help us? "

"Of course, I'd love to help you."

Spike came back with a tray containing the cups of tea that Twilight had asked.

"Thanks Spike."

"You're welcome, Twilight, can I help Rarity collect gems?" He said with puppy eyes.

"Of course Spike but be careful and stay with Rarity, okay? "

" Including.” Spike started on a quick military salute before galloping off.

"Let's go back to us, the only orphanage in the country is Canterlot. There are around twenty ponies ready to adopt, including ten boys and ten girls.” Enumerated Twilight taking out a parchment from his library.

"Wait, how do you know all this and where does this list come from? "

"Twilight asked me to inquire about the orphanage to plan a visit to bring them gifts and offer help to find a new family." said a pink pony coming down the hall stairs with a pile of levitating books.

“Blueblood, Carrot Top, I introduce Starlight Glimmer, my student and friend living here to learn the benefits of friendship."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Glimmer."

"Also, do not worry about me, I'm busy storing the books in the library. "

"Starlight, wait!" Intervened Twilight, "Blueblood and Carrot Top say they have seen paranormal things in the library. "

"Paranormal? "

"I'll explain to you later, let's go back to the subject of adoption. What do you need help with? "

"We would need your help to build a folder. "

"Of course, did you take the leaves? "

"Just here.” Said Carrot Top filing a packet of paper from his satchel on the table.

"It looks complex.” Starlight whispered sitting on a chair opening a zebrican book with a skull with horns as an illustration.

"I'm sure that by the end of the day, we will have finished filling out the file if we all get together.” Twilight said playfully and determine.

Chapter 8 : Disappearance and problems (again)

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"Dad, mom, how happy I am to find you!"

My family was there with me, I was with them again in our old house when I was in high school. The sun illuminated our entire living room with two large windows overlooking the garden. Everyone smiled and laughed with the heart. I felt just right.

Lord Hatred had kept his promise and sent me back to my world, I had warm tears at my parents' house. All resentment towards them was forgotten, and the midday sun made their tears meet me like pearls flooding my heart.

The whole life made me a party where all my senses were activated. My evening back with this creamy chocolate mousse, the sun always so soft on my skin, even my friends that I had not seen for a long time was there. Everything was perfect.

"Stand up Anon, today you come with me!"

I felt lifted and shaken in all directions. I became even greener than I was and did not even have time to scream. What was stopping me stopped and I saw Lord Hatred's blurry silhouette facing my snout.

Well, it was a fucking dream. No wonder there was sun everywhere. Before my reflections, Lord Hatred opened a vortex on the floor of the room and threw me in like a rugby ball before diving himself.

I fell headfirst on a red leather armchair in a sort of antique style bookcase with a crackling fireplace behind me. Hell, where was I?

Lord Hatred fell like a feather beside me and frowned:

"Since when have animals been allowed to sit on chairs? Get down there, you stupid bastard!"

I ruminated in front of him and got out of the chair where he sat down the next minute. He asked me to put myself in front of him. I did it reluctantly.

"Anon, do you know what day we are? "

"The day you promised to take me home. "

"Indeed, I'm glad you do not lose sight of your areas of interest. Well, let's go. "

The world whirled around me with purple and black spirals all around us before a burst of bubble sound came out of me.

I opened my eyes and immediately recognized the true statue of freedom from where I was, not that ridiculous equine version. I was in a small port lane next to the sea where workers were working on the handling of construction equipment.

I was overjoyed to finally be free, I would realize what happened in my dream and ... I noticed that everything seemed gigantic and that I still had my huge green muzzle in front of the face.

I screamed what caught the attention of a strange guy who stank alcohol a kilometer away from behind a garbage can. He looked at me and laughed:

"Still there hallucinations, you have to stop drinking."

I watched him incredulously return to his activity to search the garbage cans when I felt someone touch me. A woman with a smirk stared at me. Seriously, what's this alleyway where there are plenty of people?

"Hello Anon, you do not greet your friend?" This dog's son.

"Lord Hatred? "

"In-person, now do not move anymore. "

"What? What are you doing? "

Lord Hatred answered me with disdain and annoyance.

"I'm looking for a collar and a leash for you. "

He was not going to dare. I recoiled to find myself at the foot of the tramp who was watching us. Lord Hatred spoke to him.

"Could you be kind enough to help me attach it? "

"Of course, hallucination." He said, firmly grasping my pelvis and abdomen.

" Thank you." He took advantage of the help of this drunken bastard and tied me like a little puppy with this humiliating muzzle to keep me from talking.

I ranted and grumbled struggling in vain, this junk did not want to let go. When they had finished installing their torture devices, they put me down.

Lord Hatred took out a hundred dollar bill from his trouser pocket and handed it to the poor man who suddenly became euphoric. Lord Hatred smiled and pulled me with the leash he had put on me.

Damn, this crap collar was strangling enough already without pulling more. I could not even be heard because of this muzzle.

"Maybe I should have added an electric collar, who knows. You might walk at your master's pace."

This asshole wanted to humiliate me, drag me like a vulgar dog in the street. Fell did not help my case. He raised me and slapped me on the buttocks.

When we came out of the alley to enter the side of the city more animated, I saw dozens of peers of eyes rested on me. I reached out to try to understand the conversation about me.

"Looks like a cartoon pony."

"That she's ugly."

"What is this thing?"

"She seems to bite, look at her muzzle."

"Dad, can I go caress her?"

"It looks like a pony eating radioactive waste."

"Dare to tell me that Men's in Black does not exist after that!"

With tears in my eyes, I watched all those people curious and amused by my appearance. And to say that there was a time I was like them. I would open wide eyes and then move on.

Now I am they're inferior, a pet in the hands of a madwoman. A toy of fate, I almost had the impression of being Kasimodo in the book Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo.

A group of girls who were passing by there kindly asked Lord Hatred if I could be photographed with her. I want to be alone, leave me!

I burst into tears, which forced Lord Hatred to speed up to another lane. On the right was an iron door with a visor where he knocked. He resumed his true appearance.

" Hello, what do you want? "

"Satan is not dead yesterday but today if you do not open the door. "

"Come in, Mr. Hatred, I presume. "

"Absolutely and here is my pet." She said, grabbing me and putting me insight.

I was always crying as if the world no longer mattered to me. I curled up on myself. Lord Hatred took me against him like an animal and caressed me.

The door opened and a bald colossus in a black suit opened us. He let us in. A long staircase lit by red lights alone was located. It was dark downstairs. Mom, do not tell me it's hell. I squeezed harder against Lord Hatred who regaining its appearance of armor.

He took off all my gear and put me at the height of his face.

"It's over now, Anon. I do not like to see people crying."

" You are a monster!" I said between two crying as we descended right into what could be hell.

"And you see me sorry. I thought I was creating hatred, not fear and sadness. I have someone to introduce you. "

"Satan? "

"No," he laughs. "What you can be naive my little Anon. He's one of my friends, I want you to be polite to him. Otherwise ... "

He showed me an electric collar. I was shaking inside.

The end of the stairs ended with ... the underground bar for the first time. What is this madness?

"Here we are Anon. Look, he's here." He said absently as he walked towards his friend.

I took the opportunity to quietly climb the stairs. He retraced his steps and grabbed me by the skin of his neck. Strangely, it did not hurt.

He put me on one of the stools and sat next to me. At the opposite of the table was a strange creature. It looks like a knight of darkness version less class. He drank his tea very distinctly in porcelain cutlery. A wooden box sat on the table next to him.

"Oh Hatred, what a joy to see you again at last! I'm glad you came back from the dead. Who is our young guest Hatred? Tell me everything! "

"Calm down Fear, we have time. I present to you Anon, my resurrection flask. Anon, here is Lord Fear, my best and oldest friend. "

"Uh ... Nice to meet you. "

"It's a pleasure to meet someone so hateful as to resurrect Hatred. "

"Thanks finally, I suppose. "

"What's so cute this little filly, you do not find Hatred?"

"Yes, did you want pet her? "

"With great joy, can I put you on my Anon's knees? "

"What? No, but you ... " I calmed down at Lord Hatred's outspoken glance that made me understand to shut up if I did not want an electric collar.

"So, no, Anon?" Fear said a little disappointed.

"I wanted to say yes, sorry. "

Fear grabbed me and began to cuddle me in every way, he was already friendlier than Lord Hatred.

"So the news? "

"Nothing new Lordy, for a thousand years since you died, nothing has moved. Even at the technological level. You just miss the end of Games of Thrones in this world. "

" That's all? "

"I speak of this universe not our universe. "

"Your universe?" I stammered.

"Do not you tell her? "

"No, too stupid to understand. "

"I explain to you briefly in this case. We come from a universe other than yours and we travel through dimensions, parallel universes and in time to reach our goal. "

"Your goal? Do you mean your purpose? "

" Yes. "

"See, I told you she was too stupid to understand. "

"Do not say that Hatred. I, Lord Fear says you're too cute to be stupid. But where does this little girl come from? "

"He was human before." Lord Hatred answered, lighting a cigar out of the box.

" He? Human? I thought Anon was a masculine name but I did not think you would go that far." He said, laying me on the floor with disdain.

I did not sit on my hooves and fell miserably to the ground making Lord Hatred laugh.

"Two cokes for us Anon!"

"I do not have a coke!"

"I told you he was stupid. Go get them to the bar!"

"But I have no hand to take them and no money to pay."

"If that can help you" He started shouting. "Free pony rides for two glasses of coke offered here at this table."

Children asked their parents while others approached wanting to caress me. I recoiled at the foot of Lord Fear.

This one put me a little saddle with a harness and slapped me on the buttocks. I flinched and turned to him angrily. I do not say anything because the threat of the electric collar still weighed.

He smiled mischievously and repeated the announcement and poured himself tea and Lord Hatred. Seriously, he had tea, why go and ask for some coke?

A young mother accepted the two friends' market and put her child on my back. Damn, this child weighed an easy ton. I felt all the energy I needed to stay up and walking was long and painful. When at the end of his pony ride, the child left, I collapsed on the ground.

She gave the money to Lord Fear, who gave it to me, repeating his order. I got up painfully while I took money in my mouth.

I stood in front of the bar but was too small to be saw by the bartender. I was getting his attention by kicking the counter.

He saw me irritated and snatched the bills from my mouth asking me what I wanted. I replied that it took two cokes and politely asked to bring them to the table of Fear and Hatred. I looked puppy and the bartender did not resist.

I accompanied him to the table in question, where the two individuals involved played together at Connect 4.

The bartender quickly dropped the drinks and quickly went back to more normal customers.

"What is yellow and who is waiting, Lord Fear? "

"I do not know, lemon at a bus stop? "

"No, yellow vests in France. "

"I have one and it would not surprise me if I'm ejected from the bar afterwards. What is leaking but who wants to keep its benefits? "

"Oh, I guess I guess. Brexit? "

"Yeah. "

They finally noticed my presence after these bad taste jokes.

"Anon, now that you've finished your little mission, could you stop spying on us and have fun with people your age? "

I took a breath and calmed down before speaking. Time to raise their heads to talk to them, they were already playing another game, a naval battle I think.

"I was not spying on you, no, I would not go out and have fun with people my age. Besides, everyone here looks weird. "

"It's normal," Lord Fear replied, scratching the bottom of the helmet as a sign of absolute concentration, "all these people are part of a criminal or terrorist organization. "

"But there are children and mothers of families," I exclaimed.

"Look carefully at the little filly you are. Each of these dear mothers walks around with at least one knife and perhaps heavy weapons. When to the children, it is necessary to keep them somewhere when one is looking for. "

"And how come we are not afraid of you? "
"We are Anon regulars. Now could you go play with your little friends, " finished Lord Fear, sinking Lord Hatred's last boat.

"Yes Anon, go and have fun elsewhere. It's your fault if you made me lose, " said angry, Lord Hatred.

I walked away grumbling words incomprehensible to myself thinking of a new way to escape this madman and his friend just as disturbed.

I fell awkwardly on the floor and my head clashed with a lady who was alone at the bar. She pulled a long sword out of her cloak and pointed it at me.

She looked at me astonished and put away her sword. She took a bowl of something on the counter and handed it to me smiling. It was a piece of sugar. This madwoman had to take me for a pet in search of food.

My belly began to scold like thunder, I remembered after all this adventure that I did not even eat of the day. I put my pride aside (there is not much left) and crunched in the sugar block of the woman's hand.

After taking my block of sugar, she withdrew her hand and began to caress me by talking to me to calm down.

"You are adorable my little one, you were hungry. Poor little thing, I wonder where your masters are. You know, you're lucky, I'm forced to kill people for eat. But I'm glad there are little animals as naive and innocent as you to brighten my days. Go fast, here's a last piece of sugar, savor it my little fat. Me, I have to go. "

... I was stunned, I just saw a slayer to give me two pieces of sugar by indulging me so openly. I guess she needed to indulge in someone trustworthy like a little green filly but a question puzzled me: I'm fat?

Confused and hesitantly chewing my second piece of sugar, I headed for the children's play area and lay down in a purple toboggan tube where there was no one.

What should I do? I thought, triturating my hooves pensively. Should I run from the bar? Will I get there? And if I could, would I have a problem with other humans?

So many questions I could not answer. Death would be an option too. Suicide was perhaps a bit extreme, but Lord Hatred did not seem to have a limit when it came to torturing and humiliating me.

I do not want to die but I do not want him to hurt me! This question tortured me and scared me. If I wanted to end life and escape Lord Hatred, I had to do it now, but ...

Tears began to flow from my eyes on my coat. I curled up sad. I heard sobs arrive which was mine. I am nothing and I would never be anything.

My mother was right, I'm a failure that is not worth the interest to me. I'm bad even when I was human. The only guy I was in love with laughed in my face when I told him "I loved you".

Alone, stuck in this fucking body. Why me Lord? Wherever you are in the heavenly heavens, help me, pity. I heard a metallic noise approaching. It could only be one of those bastards who was dragging me a little more in the mud.

The metallic noise stopped in front of me and I felt raised my hands frozen like death. I did not even look at who it was and I stepped deeper into the small pipe of the playground.

Hands came back and grabbed me before pulling me to their owners. What would be this time? A hand on the buttocks? Teleport to my old love of youth?

I was squeezed in a gentle, very maternal embrace against the bust or rather the plastron of one of the lords. Astonished, I opened my eyes revealing a fuzzy silhouette carrying me to their tables. I huddled deeper against this stranger and realized that I was still crying.

"You could be careful Hatred, you push him to the end. I felt a deep sadness and a sense of suicide from him," said Lord Fear returning to the table after going to fetch me.

"I did not think he was as fragile as his body suggests. At worst, there is more in this city. "

"Hatred, how dare you? I hate people who drive others to suicide! Change it immediately or we will no longer be friends. "

"Okay," sighs Lord Hatred, "Anon, I promise not to push you to suicide anymore. "

My ideas of death disappeared as quickly as they appeared. Another blow from Lord Hatred's bastard. If only I was not so small, I would punch him well. Lord Hatred somehow seemed to hear my thoughts about him because he answered me.

"Anon, as a friend and creature using hatred as magic, I advise you to give up that childish idea of ​​hitting my face. The last person who managed to finish hit by fifty lightning at the same time. "

"I confirm, I was there. Sacred fight elsewhere. "

"First, I'm not the friend of anyone here, and secondly, I'm not impressed by stories of standing up," I said, struggling with Lord Fear's embrace.

"I assure you, Anon, that Hatred rained a rain of lightning on Scandinavian warriors. Unfortunately, the dirigeant of the barbarian was invincible." Lord Fear said, letting me go on the table.

"Invincible? Nobody is invincible, it's impossible!" I approached their drinks.

"This colossus is known as Tharock of Scarock, a Scandinavian of the Unnamed islands. I advise you to run fast enough if he sees you, his lightning and storms with the heavy objects he throws makes him a formidable monster. "

"Can we change the subject, please? I do not want to hear the part where this giant of five meters crushes us under a rock. "

"Fear, shut up! "

"Have you been beaten? "

"What is there to hide Hatred? Yes, and not just once. "

"You show our fragility, he will want to enjoy! "

"But I'm just a little filly, what can I do to you? I am so small and fragile." With the saddest look in the world starting to drink one of the drinks on the table.

"Anon is enough! This look is enough to drip me. What time is it Fear? "

"Time to buy you a watch!" Lord Hatred looks at him facepalm. "I'm laughing, it's eighteen hours, and you should buy yourself a watch. "

"Already? Excuse me but I and Anon have to go. Come on Anon and stop drinking in our drinks, ugly filly!" He said catching me on his shoulder spanking me.

"To see both of you again! Pay attention to Anon, Hatred. "
"I would not miss it next week. "

A bright yellow light blinded me and suddenly I landed on my bed. The room was dark from the beginning to the evening. I glimpsed through the window, rain showering the gardens of the orphanage.

He lied to me, I thought I could return to a normal life. Instead, I was dragged into this cursed body in a human city. I have to make a reason, I will never become human again. Tears flowed from my face down to my green snout.

I'm ugly, I hate myself, my life is a shipwreck. Lord Hatred was only the last stone in the building. I'm just a bum. I began to cry in the silence of the room.

Time passed and I pulled myself together. I got up, dried my tears and dried my wet coat.

The door was ajar and revealed the dark corridor of the orphanage from which a multitude of voices could be heard. I walked slowly down the hall to find the origin of his voices.

I went with the sounds and arrived in front of the office of the director whose door was also ajar. I looked in the dial and found the tearful director crying on her desk in the presence of two police officers as well as Princess Luna with a stern look.

"You say she disappeared like this? Mrs. Director, we search every corner of Canterlot without a trace and she is not there. No one has seen her anywhere and you are the last to see her so I'm waiting for answers! Thin, I had to disappear all day."

"I swear to you in the name of all that is good that I do not know. The last time I saw her, she was sleeping in her bed!"

"Take her to the cell, it will refresh her memory."

"Wait," I interjected. "I'm here, she did not do anything to me."

Everyone in the room opened wide eyes of surprise at my presence. The disconcerted princess fell into a chair as the police lowered their sunglasses to see if it was a hallucination.

"What ... where did you come from?" The stallion stammered.

"What does it matter, Mrs. The director is in no way responsible for my disappearance. "

" Which then?" Princess Luna asked again surprised.

"Nobody, it's my fault!" It is better not to speak of Lord Hatred.

" What do you mean? What happened to you?"

"I was hidden." Lowering his head expecting a violent reaction.

"Hidden? But where? I and my guards inspected the whole city and searched every inch of this orphanage! How Anon? How? "

"Sorry, I was hidden under the bed!" Let's hope they believe it.

"I inspect your room myself and there is absolutely nothing to find." The police mare intervenes.

"I was there, I tell you." Panic was winning me.

"Anon, I think you're lying to us but we'll talk about it tomorrow, okay? I think a filly should be sleeping at this time."

"Okay, thanks, princess." I pretended to go to my room and listened a few feet away.

"It's amazing, even our magic detectors could not detect it. This story is really strange. Maybe it's a changeling under the orders of Chrysalis? Mrs. Director, I sincerely wish to apologize for my unworthy conduct of a good princess. Could you watch Anon if you do not mind, this filly is strange. "

"Of course princess. "

"Well, in this case, goodnight to all, I have a night court waiting for me. "

" Goodnight Princess!" Answered the audience in the chorus.

- Next day -

I was drinking my green mixture which served me breakfast under the watchful eye of this Clear Now, the cook when the director came to me to follow her because of Princess Luna returned.

"I wanted to say thank you, Mrs. Anon, for saving me to the cell the last night. "

"I'm sorry for causing you problems. "

"Don't worry, I'm sure it was not your fault as you claim. By the way, today Princess Twilight Sparkle will come to visit us. "

"Who is Princess Twilight? "

"You'll have to make up for your huge backlog of history in what I see. Princess Twilight is the princess of friendship who has become an alicorn some time ago. "

We arrived again in the principal's office where Princess Luna was waiting quietly with two hybrid horses, bat on chairs on the right reading magazines.

Through the window behind the director's desk, the sun shone with a golden glow in a sky composed of a few clouds. The princess seemed to find herself in a deep meditative state, of which she left little at our entrance.

"Princess, I brought you Anon as you requested."

"Thank you, can you leave us alone now, I'd like to have a serious conversation with Anon."

"Of course, your highness."

"It includes you." Luna turned to look at these two guards who left quickly.

"Well, Anon, now that we're alone, can you tell me where you were yesterday all day? "

"I already told you. "

"You told me a lie, I want the truth. "

"If I tell you the truth, you will not believe me! "

"Always try, I might believe it especially if you have evidence. "

"I don't have evidence, but listen, Lord Hatred to ..." and I told her about yesterday's adventure.

"Anon, what was this bar you told me about, there is no such thing in Canterlot? "

"I was not here but in my world. "

"All right, I believe you, I have to go now. "

"Do you really believe me? "

"Of course. "

"So are you going to help me go home? "

"We'll see, see Anon again! "

"Wait, if you believe me, take me with you! "

" No Anon, I'm not allowed to do that. "

" Why?" I say puppy eyes. "Stop this look, good day." Hurrying to leave the room.

- Luna-

Unable to get information from where she was yesterday. All that she has, at the mouth, this story with this Lord Hatred. The changeling detection test failed miserably and no one knows where it could go. This filly is a shadow. Perhaps more push tests would help him discover his problem, I would have to ask Twilight Sparkle.

While I was walking with my two faithful guards each in their respective magazines, I hit a pony at the entrance of the orphanage.

"Oh, excuse me, I was not paying attention! Twilight Sparkle, it's you? "

"Princess Luna, what a surprise. I'm glad to see you, come help us with gifts? "

"Gifts, for whom and why?" Luna asked seeing a cart full of gifts pulled by a kirin in the distance with Spike.

"For the orphans, me, Spike and Autumn Blaze volunteered to cheer them up. I'll read them a story, Autumn Blaze will sing and do a little play with the kids and Spike ... will help me. "

"I find that very noble on your part. Unfortunately, I did not come for the same reasons. Actually, it's ... " I told her the story briefly.

"And you would need my help, is that it? "

"Yes, I beg you, this filly has serious mental and physical problems. "

"Okay, I'll do the distribution of the gifts and then Spike will read them a story while we see the filly. What is her name? "

"Anon. "

The cart finally arrived next to Twilight where Spike came down from Autumn Blaze's sweaty back and quickly wiped himself with a tissue before greeting me.

"Hello, Princess Luna I presume? Nice to meet you, my name is Autumn Blaze and here is Spike but you probably already meet you. You know the little Twilight dragon. How else are you? And your sister? It's also an alicorn, is not it? You are mute, something is wrong? If you want, I can go and ask for water and not the water of silence, but normal water that ... "Spike clawed her mouth to silence her.

"I ... I'm Princess Luna and I'm glad to meet you, too, Autumn Blaze. Rest assured, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired of my long night. "

"Well, Autumn Blaze and Spike, can you help me put the gifts in the dining hall? I would explain, Princess Luna, do you want to help us? "

"With pleasure Twilight Sparkle."

I teleported everyone with the gifts in the refectory.

"Uh, my head, what's going on? " The Kirin's face was green.

"I teleported, I'm sorry, I should have asked you. "

"Do not worry princess, it must be great to know how to teleport and ... where are the toilets? "

"In the hallway, first door on the left." Indicated the director who had just arrived in the refectory.

"Thank you so much." Autumn Blaze began running towards the direction of the toilet.

"Hello Madam Director, it's nice to meet you. I bring a whole gift for each filly and even one for you, I hope you like it. You are doing an exemplary job and I wanted to thank you." Twilight levitated the gift towards the director.

"Thank you very much Princess Twilight, the recess will begin in two minutes and the teachers are responsible for driving them here."

"Wonderful, Spike, could you go see if Autumn Blaze is fine? "

"Of course Twilight!" And he began to run at full speed.

"Maybe I should come back and ..."

I did not feel included in all of this.

"Stay with us Princess Luna, I'm sure the fillies will be happy to see you. "

"I do not know, I screamed at them a bit with my Royal Canterlot Voice when I was looking for Anon yesterday. "

"I'm sure they will forgive you if you apologize." Autumn Blaze answered calmly with Spike on his back.

"It sounds, listens. Get ready, she will be here soon. "

I approached Twilight and whispered:
"If you see an filly with blue-eyed and green coat, it's Anon. We will isolate the group after the opening of the gifts so that you can examine it. She does not look like any normal filly."

"Rather after the show, right? She should have the right to enjoy the same surprises with her friends. I'm sure it will make her happy. "

All the classes came in rows, where I saw Anon talking with fillies. Maybe right Twilight, I worry too much. When Anon saw me, she tensed and began to look around nervously. I felt even worse for her. Maybe it was not her fault, but rather because of her illness.

"Dear fillies, Princess Twilight, princess of friendship, has come to visit us and offers each of you a present where her name is, the teaching team also for the invaluable help they bring in working. right here. "

"I also apologize for yelling at you yesterday. "

Everyone began to look for his gift and then open it on one of the tables of the refectory. Anon waited alone for everyone to take his present, staring at me like a frightened animal. He quickly took his with his mouth and after two steps fell to the ground.

Fortunately, three fillies helped her up and brought her present and helped her to walk.

"She is so painful to me, I hope her gift will cheer her up," Twilight whispered as Spike and Autumn Blaze quietly went to another room to stage a show.

"Me too," I whispered.

- Anon -

I am a complete failure, I can not even open my gift alone. I pulled on the ribbon but nothing happened. I made my new friends laugh at the dance class who used their magic, helped me to open it and take out the contents.

It was a purple alicorn with glitter stuffed with glittering stars eyes. Not my style but cute, my first object to me in this crazy horse world.

My friends had a crown, a necklace, and a make-up box. They seemed very happy, I once again see Princess Luna looking at me and approaching me quickly enough with the princess I do not know what, I was afraid.

"Hello, is your name Anon? I'm Twilight, nice to meet you," she said, holding out a hoof that I took as a handshake and shook her happiness.

Then, the Princess Luna come:
"Anon, I'm sorry for everything I told you last time, I would not have and I regret sincerely. Could we start on a good basis?"

"Yes, but stop treating me like I'm crazy. "

"Heard Anon, I'm sorry you saw her like that. "

" Thank you. "

"Anon, would not you mind following us for a while? "

"Princess Luna wait after the show! "

"Twilight Sparkle, the show is not ready yet, we have time. "

"It will take me hours to examine it in full. "

"Examine?" I interjected, "you are completely mad, I am not a creature to whom I do not know what."

"Anon, it's not good to treat people crazy. Some ponies might not take it. "

"I only say the truth, you want to make me weird experiments because I'm not like everyone else. Maybe you'll even try to turn me into a filly that looks like the norm. "

"Listen, we're just trying to help you. Understand your problem so that you can live happily in Equestria. "

"I do not want to live happily in Equestria, I want to go home, find my old life even if it was zero. "

"You talk about Saddle Arabia, we'll go if you want, and show us everything you liked there." Sweetly offered Twilight.

"I do not live there, I live on Earth and no one here believes me. "

"She has a great imagination." Whispered Luna.

"I heard that and no I would not go do your mad scientist test on me!"

Princess Luna began charging her horn with a blue aura.

"Princess Luna, if Anon does not want it would be wiser to ..."

I suddenly found myself in their companies in a room with a round table where was a vast map of the world magic version.

The walls were crystal clear and there was an emblem for each seat around the map. I saw them looking at me in all their gigantic sizes compared to my derisory size.

"... let her go," finished the purple pony.

"Anon will do this test whether she likes it or not. His health is more important than the rest. I blame myself a bit, that's what I should have done first. "

"I'm fine, now let me go! "

"Well, I guess you're right Princess Luna. It is important to know if Anon is in good health. I will start with a simple magic scanner. "

"I want to leave, let me go! "

"Well, do you need me Twilight Sparkle where will her go? "

"I think I can finish within two hours, but I think it would be better to go to a hospital if we find anything. "

"You listen to me, I do not want to. I am a responsible adult and I refuse to do anything on me! "

"Ready Anon, let's go! "

She pulled me over a magenta ray that rushed at me. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for a shock but I did not feel anything.

She noticed something on a leaf and asked me to catch an apple. I refused to do the exercise so she promised me a second gift if I did the exercises. I still did not move and turned his back on her.

Twilight offered me a flight in the sky on his back. Tempting but not, I started to play with one of my pink hair strands falling on my muzzle while Twilight sighed sitting on one of the chairs. I got up and sat on one of the chairs and stared at Twilight.

"Anon, why are you refusing? "

"I do not want to," I said deliberately.

"And your health Anon? Do you want to be sick? You do not want to be a filly in good shape? "

"I do not trust horses pulling me off the shelf and teleporting me without even asking me. "

"Anon, when you're polite, you do not say horses but ponies and I'm sorry, I should have asked for your permission! "

"Ponies? You talk about his tiny horses that are not even half of a real horse. " She seemed shocked.

"Anon, we are ponies," I answered nothing. I felt like an idiot. I had just insulted myself without realizing it. It was even worse, I was not small among the big ones but small among the little ones. Why me?

"Anon, are you all right? "

" I'm fine. "

"Still do not want to do the exercises? "

" No. "

"So I'll take you back to the orphanage with me, we will not miss the Autumn Blaze show. "

"And Autumn Blaze, what is it like a creature? "

"You become a very curious filly, Autumn Blaze is a kirin, a capable being ..." I should not have asked the question.

Then we teleported after this quarter of an hour of very detailed explanation that I found very futile.

We arrived in the dark in a room filled with filly chatting excitedly while in front, a light illuminated a sheet red where the dragon came disguised as a poet with a beret and a red feather on his head with a leaf in his hand.

The show was very childish, a love story that ended well with the participation of volunteer fillies to play a role in the play with a disguise. The song of the kirin with mane was very harmonious. At the end of the show, I saw the furious princess Luna walk straight ahead with Twilight behind who seemed frightened.

"Anon, are you telling me why you refused to do tests with Twilight? "

"I do not want to be studied as if I were a weird beast! "

"Anon, it's about your health, although I find it odd that you do not want to heal. If I have to use force, I will do it. Twilight Sparkle, teleport us. "

Everyone stared at Princess Luna with wide eyes. Some even opened their mouths.

"Princess Luna, what do you mean by using force? "

The princess watches the audience in the room and then begins to be nervous.

"I'm talking about punishment, nothing serious. I'm not going to hit her, I'm not a monster." Mom, when that crazy mare smiles, I'm scared.

" I come again! " Twilight said all embarrassed who teleported us all three.

Great, I'm tired, can not I leave me alone in this crazy pony country? Just have a quiet day where nothing happens. Quiet Anon, this is not the time to do a second burn out.

"Now, Anon, you will do these exams where you will be punished! "

I grumbled, maybe I'm stubborn for nothing. Twilight did not look mean and it may be necessary or at least advisable to see if this body is fine.

" Okay. "

"Anon, my promise always holds. What would you like as a gift?" She said, starting to touch my hooves while taking notes.

What could I wish? Something useful for me that does not make me look crazy. I know, useful and practical.

"Could I have a ninja outfit all in black? "

" Of course, I'll ask Rarity if she can sew that disguise."

"Twilight Sparkle, are you sure it's wise to give him a camouflage outfit when it's hard to locate?"

"Oh, I see. Would it bother you if the outfit was of another color?" I began to pretend to cry.

"But the real ninja dresses in black. "

"The real ninja dresses is blue Anon but promise me Anon, that you will not try to flee again! "

"Promise." I would not try, I could do it.

The rest of the hour was spent in a series of tests that I failed most of the time. Then came the moment when I fell asleep suddenly following the ray of Princess Luna.

- Luna -

"So, I'm going to see her in a dream and then tell you everything she dreams about?"

"Exact, are you ready?"

So I plunged into the dimension of dreams and after lavish research, I found the door of Anon. It was carbon black with a silvery red handle.

I walked to the door and saw a pony dressed all in black, usually those who take care of nightclub entries, a bouncer. I walked to the door and tried to push it so that the bouncer pony blocking me access by one of these hooves.

"Sorry ma'am, this place is reserved for the VIP, I beg you to leave. "

I tried to flash it to make it disappear but it did not seem to work. I tried but the pony in question caught my horn and my rump and threw me a few meters in front of him where I fell miserably.

"Madam, I repeat, this place is reserved for the VIP, I beg you to leave. "

Celestia, I'm in pain. I got up and looked again at the bouncer who had not moved since. I tried again and again but to no avail. A carriage approached and stopped in front of the door, Anon in evening dress went down after a red carpet from the coach to the door was being driven.

"Anon? "

"Yes, it's me, Luna. What do you want that is worth the trouble that you speak to me? "

"What? Anon, I am your princess, I beg you to change your tone with me! "

"Princess, look at yourself and tell me seriously, do you see a princess? "

I was looking at myself to see a green coat with a blue and pink mane in a maid's outfit as I had once been wearing it to Blueblood. No horn and wings. What had she done?

I looked at her to see my modest appearance staring at me.
"I want things to be clear, here I am the princess and you the maid. Now I have to go, goodbye," she says, crossing the door.

I used a huge dose of magic and came out of the dream.

- Anon -

I had still the same dream where I found my parents and where he accepted me as I am. Nor with the job with which he had chosen me where he had accepted my homosexuality.

I think I was crying asleep until the princess lifted me and shouted at me.

"How dare you Anon? How can you? I try to help you and you come from I do not know which way and treat me like that. Here Twilight, I have everything to note while I was there and see my frankly displeased. Anon, I do not think we'll see each other again so good luck princess!" She teleported.

Twilight and I were appalled by Princess Luna, she seemed frankly angry. What had happened? To fall asleep so suddenly would have displeased him.

Twilight gave me one of those crooked smiles and told me that she would try to calm me down, and then she would move quickly next week in the morning before adoption to explain the test result and pass it on to me. the orphanage.

She explained what they had done and asked me if I had any idea of ​​Luna's anger. I told him my dream pony version and without the story of the parents who accept me as I am.

She teleported us to the orphanage where dragon and Kirin had already put everything away and was about to leave.

I greeted them briefly and went to my friends who gave me the adorable alicorn doll that I had obtained as a gift. Strangely, I always love this same great toy style. This smiling stuffed animal inspired the joy of life of all those she looked at with these glittering star eyes. I know, I'm strange.

We went to supper at the canteen where all the little fillies were playing on the table with their respective toys to the chagrin of this grinch and bitter Cantin who served us what could have been vomit cheese.

Then we went to sleep, I settled on my bed, folded the blanket over me, straightened the pillow and closed the eyes. This day blew me away.

"Anon, you have not forgotten me, I hope?"
I sighed and pretended to be in a deep sleep.

"You are pathetic to pretend to sleep. "
Finally, it may be a good thing to have made you a child. I did not know it.

"It seems that the Tartar is a very pretty tourist destination, you want to try?" Tartarus, the thing with the titans?

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ..."

"Stop, all right, I was pretending. "

"Much better, I offer you a boxing tournament against ... you human. "

"What? Me, human? "

"A duplicate of you from another alternative dimension where you unfortunately never met me." A false tear ran down her cheek,

"I can not wait to see how much weight you will not face yourself. "

The world suddenly darkened and the light returned shortly afterward in a ring where a crowd of Lord Hatred was in the stands. I had at the end of the hooves before, gloves.

In front of me stood myself human version with Lord Hatred who rubbed his shoulders whispering whisper I do not know what in his ear.

Another Lord Hatred in white and black referee outfit arrived on the ground asking the other Lord Hatred to get off the ring what he was doing.

The referee asked to stand in position and pressed the foghorn which hurt my ears. The other me seemed uncertain about hitting a little filly also when he came, he did not hit me but touched me with his glove.

I watched him, he did not want to hurt me and I did not want to hurt him. I started to touch his foot with my gloves.

The Hatred booed the show while one of them in a white suit hat shouted:
"Anon filly, if you win the fight, you will take the place of the other Anon and you Anon human, if you win, you will go home! "

He looked at me even more undecided before putting me a big punch in the jaw which made me leave a few meters away from him.

Dirty bastard of myself, he was ready to box me to not finish in green filly what I would have done perfectly. I had to beat him if I wanted to have a normal life again.

I got up and ducked his right hook and squeezed his leg, twisting it a little. He collapsed to the floor in a scream and got up to put an odious punch in my face. I felt my tears flow with the impact on the muzzle.

I jumped and kicked him twice in the stomach, which made him suffocate with pain and fell awkwardly. He took me in turn and threw me on the ground violently and lay down on me.

I struggled in vain, he was much stronger. The referee began counting:
"1, 2, 3. Human Anon wins."

My luck was over.

He stood up and took me in his arms, crying, saying sorry, hugging me. I would squeeze it too and tell him I would have done the same thing. The room darkened again and I reappeared in my room, all my wounds have disappeared.

I sighed thinking of what had happened, pulled down the blanket and put me in the realm of dreams where I still had a little happiness in my life.

Chapter 9 : Adoption

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The fillies were running around all around me, the week had gone smoothly and today was the day of the adoption. I hadn't seen Lord Hatred since he introduced me to his friend.

It was a good thing he didn't come but I needed him to enter my world so I was a little afraid he would forget me.

I stopped walking sharply when I saw the director looking at me, an eyebrow raised.

"You should get ready Anon, the tour starts in two hours and you still haven't got dressed!"

"Sorry, Madam Director, I'm going to go get dressed," I said, starting to move away from her.

"Anon, wait! I know you have some difficulties doing things on your own, let me help you."

"I can handle it."

"Anon, don't insist, I'll help you whether you like it or not. Follow me!"

"Well, Madam Director," I said, lowering my head.


Then we went to a room where there were dresses, I had not yet been there. Entire aisles of dresses on shelves were facing me. These looked like mountains to me.

The director noticed my astonishment at all these dresses because she added:

"Here are all the dresses that can be offered to you thanks to the great generosity of our charming Canterlot stylists who so kindly offered us all these dresses. I would like to point out that you can keep it after your adoption as a farewell gift."

"I... That's great, an extra dress for me. »

Despite the fact that I'm not a fan of dresses, I have to admit that these are beautiful. I realized that I was opening my mouth wide.

"You may want the dress you kindly offered Princess Luna for the visits earlier? You will of course have one of your choice here."

Even though these dresses were splendid, I was still quite uncomfortable wearing one. So I pretended to look through the shelves. All these dresses were of a very varied variety of colours. From a flamboyant yellow to a brilliant black.

I took a yellow and white dress and left for the entrance where the director was patiently waiting.

"I'll take this one," pretty and very sweet.

"And which one would you like to wear for this afternoon's visit?"

"I'll take this one, the other one tightens my waist a little."

"Perfect, I'd ask that the other dress be made for your size."Am I that fat?

" Now your bath, I have had one prepared by Mrs. Clear Now who is waiting for you in the bathroom of your room, I will take you there. "

That crazy canteen girl who makes strange boiled dishes was going to wash me? I didn't feel it.

"Madam, can I wash myself alone? "

"No, you could hurt yourself with your difficulty grabbing objects. "

"But... "

"Calm down, Mrs. Clear Now may be a little rough, but I assure you she's nice deep down. "

Deep in the bottom of her heart then because she looks like my neighbour from the pony version below. So I walked with the director to my place of execution.

We arrived in the room where there was a sweet smell of rose emanating from the bathroom. My roommate had already finished preparing and was therefore not in the room, so good.

Then we entered the bathroom doorway where the mare in question was waiting with a brush in her mouth and tapping the hoof on the floor as a sign of waiting.

Next door, a bathtub filled with water hidden by foam on the surface awaited me with the sweet smell of rose met in the room that emanated from it.

I suddenly heard a noise behind me and noticed the director who had just closed the bathroom door. Then I felt a shadow behind me, Clear Now was behind me. I swallowed turning back to her.

I felt myself caught and put in the bathtub where I felt the heat of the water and the foam on my coat. I breathed a sigh of relief as my muscles relaxed as Clear Now took the brush back into my mouth and rubbed me with it.

As surprising as it may seem to me, Clear Now was doing an exceptional job worthy of the greatest masseurs in my world, if I had had the chance to get a massage from them.

At the end of the Clear Now brushes on my coat, I was a gum on my hoof. She put down the brush and took another one where she took care of my mane floating on the surface of the water.

Then once finished, she lifted me up again and wrapped me in a towel where she rubbed me intensely and then used the equivalent of a hair dryer to finish the job.
My mane descended to my hooves and Clear Now took some time to restore them to their original shape. Then she took me out of the bathroom and started cleaning it.

I found the director waiting on my bed in the presence of the yellow and white dress next to it. I was still in a state of complete happiness that I didn't notice that she put on my dress. I was already sorry I didn't run away.

However, the worst was yet to come when she pulled out a make-up kit. I slowly backed away from what she pulled me towards her with her magic.

The make-up session was a real nightmare for me, all that powder to look prettier stuck to my skin. When she finally let go of me, it was time.

- in a train -

"Thank you so much Princess Twilight for accompanying us to the orphanage. Me and Blueblood were so scared when we came, but with you, I feel more comfortable."

"It's normal, but stop calling me princess, it makes me uncomfortable. I had to go to the orphanage anyway to give the principal and Anon, the poor girl, the results of a test," said Twilight, lowering his ears.

"Who is Anon? And what is this test you're talking about?" Blueblood asked.

"Anon is a filly from the orphanage found by one of Princess Luna's guards in Manehattan. I did some tests on her to see if she was okay but.... "
She sighs," she seems to have an absence of magic in her hooves which deprives her of all magic and prevents her from taking objects with for example."

"It's horrible, are there any solutions?"

"The best would be a low quantity magic injection treatment in her body but it would be very long and there is a possibility that it won't work. But the worst thing is the magical diseases to which she would be very vulnerable."

"Poor child, what are you going to do?"

"I think after the visit, during the week of the parents' survey, I will take Anon home in an adapted environment."

"Why is that? Isn't she better off at the orphanage?"

"From what I understand, she seems to have difficulties with what surrounds her."

"Does the poor girl have any friends?"

"Yes, it saddens me to separate them like this without warning, but it's about Anon's well-being."

The train stopped at Canterlot station where the trio left. They headed towards the orphanage where when they arrived in front of it, a large crowd of ponies were waiting for the beginning of the visits.

"Carrot, I'm scared! Do you think we're ready and..."

"Calm down Blueblood, everything will be fine and then the princess is with us."

The headmistress, whom Twilight recognized as soon as she left the school, accompanied by some teachers. She gave a short speech on the importance of being a parent is a great responsibility.

Then she ended up separating the crowd into two distinct groups between those who wanted to adopt foals and fillies. Carrot Top and Blueblood went to the filly adoption group with Twilight.

Then the visits began with a visit of the building followed by the fillies meeting alone with potential parents. Twilight took the opportunity to look for the headmistress she could not find in the visiting groups.

Finally, she found Anon discreetly leaving a room. She walked towards her.

"Anon? What are you doing in the hallway all by yourself?"

"I... I wanted to go to the bathroom."

"Isn't there a toilet in your room?"

"Yes, but..."

"Then why are you in the hallway?"

"I... I'm scared!"

"Calm down, Anon, everything's going to be fine, do you know where the director is?"

"In her office, I think, she prepares the adoption forms."

"Thank you, can you come with me if you don't mind?"

"Sorry, but I have to stay, for the adoption you know!"

"It's very important, Anon, come on. Visits don't start for another 15 minutes."

"All right."

- Anon -

I was walking angry following Twilight despite my incessant falls. Twilight took pity on me and put me on his back, I felt like a bag of potatoes.

We went to the principal's house where she was organizing several piles of leaves, Twilight greeted her and then put me on one of the chairs where she herself sat in turn.

"Princess, what a wonderful visit you offer us before... the visits. Did this relate Anon's results to his test?"

"Indeed, Anon, before I tell you what you have, I'd like you not to panic, okay? "I don't feel it.

"All right."

"Well, uh..... How can I put this to you? You have some pretty serious problems, although I don't want to panic you. You have, as it were, a total absence of magic on your whole body, which makes you very vulnerable to magical diseases and prevents you from using your hooves."

I was stunned, how? Why? Why? I have just learned that I don't have any magic in me, which is logical but that I can die from it. Lord why?

"But there are treatments such as low-dose injections of magic that can work."

"Or not?"

"Come on, Anon, it's not that bad. We'll help you, I've already ordered these magic injections that will arrive tomorrow. Anon, I also have some other news for you!"

"Which one? "Anyway, it couldn't be worse.

"I thought I'd take you home after the end of the day so I could look for other solutions."

"Okay, if it helps me."

"Anon, come on, you don't say okay to a princess."

"Sorry. "I'll be embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, I'll take you back to your room and pick you up after the visit."

And without further discussion, I was taken to my room. After a short time, I heard many voices in the corridor, recognizing Luckette's voice in particular.

"Calm stallions and mares, you will see Anon, a poor filly abandoned alone in the streets of Manehattan whose adoption is urgently needed because of her traumas. Who wants to go see her?"

I heard nothing more and then thought that no one was interested, I was already slightly more reassured, but when the door of my room opened to reveal two earth ponies that entered timidly, my heart flinched.

One was a mare with a navy blue mane and apple green coat with another one of those strange marks representing a pie. The other was a stallion with a yellow coat and orange and green mane with a caramelized apple mark.

I stared at them smiling at me without saying anything. He didn't say anything so I said hello to them. They replied and then the silence returned. Finally, they left without a word. I heard Luckette talking to them behind the door:

"Didn't you tell him anything? We didn't hear anything."

"We were so scared." Started whining in a male voice.

"Whatever, next."

What? There's more? And I thought I had avoided the worst. The door opened again, now revealing two unicorns looking at the ceiling. At least, that's what I thought because they both raised their heads so high that I could barely see their faces.

Then they looked at me in disdain and left without a word.

"We said we would only take one unicorn. So I don't see the point in having a chat with this child."

"Relax, a child is a child no matter if it's a unicorn or not! Anyone else interested?"

"We, aren't we, Blueblood?"
"Of course, we'd be delighted to meet Anon."

The door opened again revealing a mare with a yellow coat and orange mane with a mark of a pair of carrots. The stallion had a yellow mane and a white coat with a compass rose as a mark. This one seemed to sweat profusely. Maybe because of that fancy suit start around his neck.

"Hello, my name is Carrot Top and this is my lover Blueblood. Is your name Anon?"
"Yes, hello. "At last normal people.

"Hello, as Carrot Top said, I am Blueblood and although we don't know each other yet, we would like to adopt you."

"Twilight told us about your Anon problem and we would be happy to help you and welcome you to our home. "Said Carrot.

Too much kindness is suspicious. Maybe psychopaths, they have to try to gain my trust by talking about Twilight thinking I trust it. Lost cause it doesn't work with me or is it just friends of hers?

"I don't know... "What else could I say?

"We understand, we want to adopt you and you haven't even known us for two minutes, it's normal. I look forward to getting to know us."

"I too said Blueblood. "Sweating as if he was coming back from a marathon.

"We have to go, time is up. Goodbye, Anon!"

"Goodbye. "I added at the same time that Blueblood was leaving the room with Carrot Top.

When the door closed, I shouted with joy behind the door.

"Yyyyyyeeeeeeeeessss, we made it Blueblood, we did it. And we've done a great job of managing our stress. We're going to make it, we've done it like great real parents."

"Relax, you hysterical people, we heard you from here, so she can hear you from her room. All right, anyone else? All right, follow me now for the rest of the fillies in our establishment."

At last quiet, I lay all over my bed and enjoyed this moment of peace. When suddenly, three black balls came out of the bathroom that Clear Now had been cleaning for some time now. These rolled to the center of the room forming a triangle. Surprised, I watched the scene in amazement.

A hologram of Lord Hatred on a fishing boat with Lord Fear appeared, I backed away terrified. Both wore ridiculous fisherman's hats with typical fishing clothes. A bag full of dynamite was sitting next to them.

Lord Hatred noticed my presence by waving at me with his arm while Lord Fear hung dynamite on his fishing rod.

"Well, hello Anon, how's it going?"

"Well, I think so, but what are you doing?"

"We wanted to make up for some lost time with Hatred so we organized this little two-week trip to Canada. Today we are trying to dynamite fish in a lake I don't know where exactly. "Lord Fear replied.

"Yes, indeed, and Fear managed to make me promise not to bother you too much during this week. Not too disappointed by the last time?"

"When are you going to turn me back into a human Lord Hatred? You promised!"

"I promised you'd go home to Earth, I did. I never mentioned making you human again."

"How can you do that? You're playing with words, I'm tired of being like this. I want to become me again! "Did I start screaming.

"Sorry to sound brutal, Anon, but I don't think it's in Hatred's plans for you to go back to the way you were before on Earth. Am I mistaken?"

"No Fear at all. Anon, you're a filly now and you will remain so whether you like it or not."

"You have no right, I want to go home, find my house, my parents... "Tears were flowing from my eyes

"You're so stupid, Anon."

"You're just a filthy son of a dog, I hate you. You're a liar, a manipulator, a scumbag of the worst kind! "I started screaming without restraint, continuing to cry.

"And I'm proud of it, Anon, see you in two weeks. »

"Come back here, you untalented bastard, I... I... I... "

The hologram disappeared and the beads became soap bubbles that exploded.

The door opened the next moment I saw Princess Twilight in complete panic.

"Anon, what's going on? Are you all right? We heard your screams from the director's office. Why are you crying? Did one of the visits go wrong?"

I didn't answer and just turned my back on him. Lord Hatred had lied to me and I'm stuck like a stupid green horse for the rest of my life. I'll never see my.... I couldn't even think clearly anymore.

Twilight sat next to me on the bed and stroked my back and mane. I want my body back, everything that was there before that monster.

"Anon, calm down now. Everything will be fine, no one will hurt you, I'm with you!"

I ended up lying on top of her, continuing to cry, she too began to cry. I watched her slightly surprised.

"Why are you crying?"

"I cry because seeing others cry makes me sad too, so when I think of all the things you had to go through to get here, I... "She couldn't finish her sentence.

After some time, the director arrived very surprised to see everyone crying in the room, especially the princess of friendship.

"What's going on here?"

"Madam Director," said Twilight between two tears. "Anon was crying so it made me cry. »

"Anon? But why is she crying? Was there a problem during the visits?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't know, but I think it's mostly bad memories coming back to the surface. "Says Twilight trying to pull himself together.

"Anon, is that why you're crying?"
I didn't answer.

"I don't think she's as able to answer us right now."

"I see, the end of the visits is in thirty minutes after which you can take him away. From what Luckette told me, there would only be one family potentially ready to adopt Anon anyway, provided they meet our adoption criteria successfully."

"Blueblood and Carrot Top?"

"Luckette didn't tell me the names so I can't tell you yet. I'll need Anon one last time before you take her for your week with you."

"Why is that so?"

"Anon must be present when signing the paper I would spend with the family in question. Don't try to understand, equestrian jurisdiction can sometimes be complex to understand for me alone."

"I'm sure, call us when Anon comes. I'm going to stay with him for a little while."

"As you wish, princess. »

I finally calmed down and took several breaths after that under the wise guidance of Twilight. She looked at me smiling.

"I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Do you want to talk about what made you cry?"


"Okay, but reassure me, this has nothing to do with any pony here?"


"We have to go it's almost time, are you coming?"

"I'm coming, but... could you carry me on your back? I have trouble walking. "

"Sure, let's go!"

Twilight quickly placed me on his back with his magic and began to gallop through the corridors to the director's office. It was quite funny.

After that I sat on a chair in a corner and faced with incomprehensible legal terms, I started playing with a plastic train that was on the coffee table next to the magazines. I also noticed that it was indeed Blueblood and Carrot Top and that they would turn around from time to time and smile at me.

Then the session had to end because Twilight caught me with its magic, greeted the director and left with me on my back with Blueblood and Carrot Top. I noticed in front of the door, a long line of ponies waiting to apply for adoptions.

We or rather they walked calmly to the station. The sun was dropping on the horizon revealing the end of the day. I felt exhausted that I had to fall asleep because the next minute I was on the train next to Twilight and in front of my future parents.

"She's so cute when she's asleep."

"I look forward to adopting her to read the stories to her at night before bed."

"I think someone's awake here. "Says Twilght pushing me gently.

"Where are we going?"

"At home, in Ponyville."

"Do you promise not to have any strange experiences with me?"

"I promise and if I do experiments I will ask you first."

"Thank you Twilight," I yawned as my eyelids became heavy.

I must have fallen asleep again, my body probably wasn't used to so much stress. I woke up one more time in the dark on what could be a cloud. Only star lights could be seen from a window.

I must be in Princess Twilight's house, I hope she's as kind as she seems.

I was hungry now, I had not had dinner but the fatigue came back again and the laziness especially then I left for the land of dreams.

Chapter 10 : A Day to Ponyville

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When I woke up, the sun was already high in the sky. Birds were watching me attentively from the window sill as they chirped. I got up as best I could from my bed and went out to look out the window.

The view overlooked an entire city from which a multitude of pastel-coloured ponies could be seen moving around with enthusiasm. The sky was blue with a few clouds and... I was hungry.

So I then walked to the door of my room that I pushed without a wrist and saw a purple and green dragon slightly taller than me reading a comic strip.

This one seemed so fascinating to read that I could sneak up on the side. Unfortunately, I was falling to the ground even though my walking skills had developed.

The dragon surprised me with the noise, looked at me. Was he going to eat me? I was starting to back down until this one spoke:

"Hi, my name is Spike. You don't have to be afraid of me, I only eat gems. And you are Anon? "

After the talking ponies, why not the talking dragons. What if the birds staring at me were... Anyway, I answered the dragon, always a little scared.

"Hello, my name is Anon. Is this Twilight's place?"

"Yes, Twilight told me to wait for you to wake up while she went to pick up her friends for lunch. You slept all morning so I started reading in the meantime. What were you doing sneaking into the hallway?" He said, squinting his eyes.

"I... You scared me a little bit, so I wanted to leave quietly. »

He watched me astonish and then laughed as he rolled on the floor. Vex, I turned my back on him.

"You mean... you were afraid of me reading a comic book? "

"Yes, now stop laughing. You can take me to the kitchen, I'm hungry! "

"Of course, I'm sorry, but I think it's so funny. Not even Fluttershy was afraid of me. Come on, it's okay, come on. "

So I followed the dragon although with a little more difficulty walking to the kitchen where a breakfast was waiting with a note. I sat down and while drinking my glass of apple juice and my butter biscuits, I read the note.

Hello Anon, I hope you slept well.

I don't know if you saw Spike (the purple and green dragon) before reading this letter but I assure you that he is very kind and that you don't have to be afraid of him. I'll come home this lunchtime with some friends I'd like you to meet.

PS: They're very nice, you'll see.

"So what was the Anon note saying? "Spike said, obviously interesting.

"Twilight tells me that I'm not to be afraid of you and that these friends who will come here are very nice. "

"Cool, I'll set the table until they arrive. "

"Can I help you? "A dragon's friendship is powerful, isn't it?

"Uh..... That's nice, Anon, but... Even super sweet but.... You know, with your problems, I'm not sure.... "

"Oh..... All right. "

"Don't make that face, Anon. I think it's cool that you want to help me, but I don't think it would be a good thing for the good of the cutlery. You can always watch the oven while the apple pie is baking."

"Okay. »

This old archaic oven would take forever to bake even the top of this pie, so I would slip away slowly while Spike was busy setting the cutlery to take advantage of it to explore.

I walked through the corridors of the castle noticing the frightening similarity of the empty rooms. Only a few rooms, including the one in Twilight's room, seemed to stand out with a portrait of her with other ponies and a world map hanging on a wall.

I was observing the world map curiously and recognized some places such as: Canterlot, Manehattan and Ponyville, my current location.

I was inspecting other places such as the library to lock for some reason. I had been gone for some time and the pie had to be baked now, so I went the other way.

These corridors all look the same, but where did I come from? I finally heard Spike's voice calling me, he didn't seem very happy. I guided myself to the sound of his voice and found him throwing the apple pie in the garbage.

"Anon, I asked you to watch the pie!"

"Sorry, but I wanted to explore the castle a little bit and the pie was slow to leather."

"Fortunately, Twilight has two of them. You should be more careful, Anon, I know you didn't do it on purpose, but be more careful. "

"Sorry. "

"If you want to help me, you can always put the napkins on the plates like Rarity likes... "Ugh, he starts drooling.

"Okay... you drool!"

"Excuse me, here are the towels and don't tell anyone."

"I don't know anyone here but Twilight. »

"Precisely, no one must know," he says quite severely.

I put the towels on my back and walked slowly so as not to drop them. I reached the table which was too high for me. I would climb up one of the seats without dropping anything and then the table.

Once on it, I dropped my convoy and put a towel for each plate. Once the deal was done, I went down carefully and arrived proudly in front of Spike who was reading a comic book next to the oven to light it.

"I finished the towels!"

"Thank you Anon," he said without taking his eyes off his reading.

I smelled a smell of burning and looking at the oven, I was screaming:

"Spike, the pie is burning!!!"

"Uh, okay... Wait, what? What? No, no, no, no, no. " Pulling her out of the oven at full speed, throwing her comic book in my face.

"I think she's screwed up, Anon. How am I going to tell Twilight I burned both pies!?"

I was removing the comic strip from my face.

"It's okay, she'll understand. And then I burned one, it's not your fault!"

"Yes, but I was responsible for the pies and you. Oh, wait! Wait! And if we go and ask Granny Smith for one, nobody will be nothing."

"Who is Granny Smith?"

"She's Applejack's grandmother, she's old enough but nice, I'm sure she'll tell us yes. Let's go."

"Wait, what if they come?"

"No chance, Twilight had to bring them all together and each lived in a separate place in Ponyville. Let's not waste a moment."

We started running but I couldn't follow his step because I was falling and trying to run.

"Oops, sorry Anon, I forgot. I'll carry you."

Then we snuck between the alleys and on the outskirts of the city walking beside the paths so that we wouldn't be seen and without getting lost.

We continued until we arrived at a barn surrounded by apple trees where Spike wanted to take a break. He was panting and seemed red because he had had such difficulty carrying me.

I waited for him to get a little better after which we moved silently. When we heard voices in the distance, we lowered like a single pony.

About twenty meters away, we could clearly see Twilight and four other ponies talking together. Spike seemed to count them when he told me in a breath:

"All she has to do now is go get Fluttershy, we have to hurry, Anon."

Spike sneaked around the group and entered a wooden house that I hadn't noticed. I followed him, sticking to the grass to hide.

I joined Spike who was waiting at the back of the house under an open window from where there was a squeaking sound. I watched him curious to know what he was going to do. He started whispering in the window:

"Granny, it's Spike, can you hear me?"

"I'm not deaf, where are you?"

"At the window, I need two apple pies please, it's important!"

"You should be more careful with pies and stop reading your comics. You're lucky, I have four left, just the right number."

"No, just two Granny. "He said louder.

"No need to yell, Spike, here are the three pies you asked me for."

"Thank you Granny, do you know where Bic Mac is?"

"In the southern orchards but he will be here soon."

I was watching the scene unfold, no doubt that Spike was not at his first time to burn the pies. I heard the door of the house opening and quick whispers inside. Then a huge red stallion pulling an apple cart came to join Spike and me.

"Hi Bic Mac, this is Anon. She and I need to get back to Twilight soon enough. I hope you don't mind, do you?"

"No, hello Anon."

"Hello Bic Mac. »

"Thank you very much Bic Mac and don't forget the appointment for the next ogre and forget it."


Then Spike hid me with him and the pies in the apple cart that started to move forward quite quickly. The journey was fast and Bic Mac dropped us off behind Twilight Castle.

We thanked Big Macintosh and then silently entered the castle. It seemed empty so we started running to the kitchen which was deserted.

"Whew, they haven't arrived yet. Now it's a matter of not burning the pies again," he says, putting a pie in the oven he had lit.

I watched him glad he didn't have a problem because of me. He put on his apron with a pink heart design and a chef's hat, which made me laugh.

He turned on me, surprised and offended that I was laughing:

"What is it, Anon? »

"Nothing, it's just that you're so cute like that. "I kept laughing like a madman.

"Cute? "Spike blushed. "I'm a dragon and dragons aren't cute."

"Sorry, it's just that I didn't expect it," drying tears caused by laughter.

"Can you go take care of yourself one way or another and stop bothering me!"

"Okay, don't take it like that. You know what I could do in the meantime?"

"Make you look good in a dress, I heard you love it."

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, very funny. At least I don't wear clothes to heart."

"I don't understand what you have against your heart. If Princess Cadence heard that."


"Don't you know Princess Cadence?"


"She is the princess of the crystal empire and also the princess of love and Twilight's sister-in-law. I saved the empire twice!"


"Yes, it's his element and I saved the empire twice. "Says Spike, quickly checking the pie with a sigh.

"It's not terrible."

"Terrible? No, but practical yes."

"I... "I heard a door open with various voices.

"They're here Anon and the pie looks baked. Let's go."

I followed him timidly backward in front of the importance of the number of voices and their intensity. Seriously, it looks like a horde of elephants are crossing the castle.

I arrived with Spike and the precious pie to six ponies including Twilight who looked at me smiling and compassionate, probably with the story invented by Lord Hatred.

"Hi girls, don't be shy Anon," says Spike putting the pie on the table and giving me a pat on the back.

"Uh, hello. " Staring at the ground, I was petrified.

"Hello Anon," they all replied in chorus.

The yellow pegasus with the pink mane came next to me, squeezed me in these hooves and started crying. "I'm sorry" she started crying.

The second pegasus comforted her friend and then tried to detach her from me, who was about to suffocate as the embrace was so strong.

Finally, I was released and inhaled a long breath of fresh air. Spike came back with a little yellow chair. What's with the baby chair? Nevertheless, I sat on it shooting Spike with a laughing look as he hid his hand behind his mouth and then went to get a normal chair for him with a basket of gems that he started to swallow, the deceitful one.

"So Anon, how are you? Meet my friends: Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy."

Each one gave me a comforting word that everything would be fine. Pinkie Pie even offered me a welcome party, which I say no to at the moment. I wasn't thinking too much about stuffing myself with cake.

Rarity cut out the shares and took the opportunity to talk about beautiful dresses and other accessories that would suit me perfectly, which made me shudder with horror.

When we started eating the apple pie, my head fell straight down like pulling an invisible weight. I fell head first on my share that crashed on impact.

Twilight told me severely not to eat like a pig and that it was rude. Rarity seemed to be watching me dripping. I wiped my face and apologized and then picked up my porridge, my head rocked forward again crushing my remaining apple pie.

"Anon, that's enough this time. Stop eating like that!"

"Sorry Twilight, but I didn't do it on purpose. My head is tilting all by itself!"

"Anon, if you have trouble eating on your own, I can help you. No need to make up a story."


And Twilight spoon-fed me, so these friends thought I was adorable. Personally, I felt more like angry and hurting in my self-esteem but I didn't say anything. One of the gifts Lord Hatred had mentioned every time.

Finally, they cleared the meal while I watched them do it. They were afraid that the dishes would break and I would hurt myself, so he told me to wait for what I did perfectly. For some strange reason, it surprised them from a filly of my age.

Spike returned to his reading while Twilight and the others wanted to show me around Ponyville where I followed them with curiosity. So what could the surroundings look like?

Our small group started at the Apples farm and then Sugarcube Corner where Pinkie Pie gave me a big bag of candy. Carousel Boutique, Rainbow Cloud, Fluttershy's animal cabin and a certain zebra in the forest where I was literally yelled at for not going without someone.

After that, the group split up where I was left with Applejack who took me somewhere in these apple crops. I saw a cabin in a tree where several voices could be heard. Applejack called these occupants from whom three fillies came out taller than me.

"Hello girls, I wanted to introduce you to Anon. She is a little orphaned filly who will soon be adopted. Anon, meet you: Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Have a good time!"

"Hello Anon," they all shouted in chorus to the misfortune of my eardrums.

"Will you be our friend?"

"Where are you from, Anon?"

"Do you want to be part of the CMC?"

"One at a time, please, I don't understand anything."

The orange filly spoke and shook my hooves as a sign of presentation while the other two looked at her smiling silently.

"Anon, we are the CMC, the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS. Sorry, I got carried away. A group of young ponies that help others find their cutie marks. If you agree, we'll help you."

"What is a cutie mark?"

All three vanished at the same time falling to the ground.

"Are you all right? " I asked, slowly approaching them.

"Anon, how can you not know what a cutie mark is? " Raised up alarmed Sweetie Beautiful walking towards me, staring at me with those green eyes.

"I don't know, but what exactly is it?"

"A cutie mark is an very special talent that a pony has and which is presented as a drawing on the side. "Explained Apple Bloom, still on the ground.

"The strange tattoos on the sides of ponies?"

"These are not Anon tattoos!" Scootaloo stood up.

"Would you like to discover yours?"

I wasn't even sure I could get one except for the one I am as a super failure. However, in the face of all this indignation, I gave in.

"Okay, but how does it work? »

"Come with us to the cabin, we'll explain it to you."

And without me being able to add anything else, Sweetie Belle pushed my butt with her head towards the cabin.

So I walked in with my three new friends who kept smiling and making me worried.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Because we have made a new friend and we will help her find her cutie mark. Sit down, Anon, so we can get started."

So I would sit in a small red chair in front of a table and three chairs and then wait for them to sit in turn. I was looking at the place that looked like a child's cabin.

"So Anon, do you like to do special things, like a hobby for example? "Asked Scootaloo.

"Not really."

"What are you doing then to occupy your days? "Asked Sweetie Belle curious.

"I... I do what I'm asked to do."

This answer raised the concern of the small trio.

"You don't do anything at all for fun?"

"You do nothing more than chores?"

"Poor Anon."

"No, no, no, it's fine. I do things like.... " I didn't want to appear for the poor little orphan girl who had no hobbies in life.

"Like? "They asked curiously.

"I like it... I don't know."

"Poor Anon," and they ended up on a hug.

"Don't worry Anon, we'll show you lots of activity and you can have fun with us. We're organizing a cutie mark internship, would you like to come?"

"An internship? To find her cutie mark?"

"Yes, you'll see. We still have to do the preparations but we will do lots of activities and discover new friends."

"I don't really want any of this."

"Come on, Anon, aren't you going to be bored alone? Come on, I'll take you for a ride on a scooter."

"Scooter, does it exist here?"

All three of them laughed and this began to annoy me.

"What? What is it?"

"Did you really think Ponyville didn't have a scooter?"

"So what? The houses are all a few centuries old."

The CMC stopped laughing and stared at me angry.

"Anon, how can you make fun of the roof that shelters you?!"

"Sorry, but it's true, it looks like straw on the roof!"

"Come on Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Anon, let's not fight about it and stay friends!"

"It's true Scootaloo, actually Anon is not our age. " Changed sides Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo blushed and felt stupid for getting angry with a "little girl" who wasn't even their age. She came up to me and handed me a hoof.

"I'm sorry Anon for getting carried away but please stop saying bad things about Ponyville, it's a great town!"

"All right, but stop laughing at me and stop saying I'm little!"

"All right, come on, Anon. I have a scooter ride for you."

And the pegasus pulled me out so fast that I barely had time to say goodbye to Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.

Scootaloo put me on the device in question and put on my helmet. Before I could say what, it started at a spectacular speed. I thought for a second that my head would come off my body because the start was so fast.

Then a strong urge to vomit came up quite quickly. I wasn't even trying to find out what was around us except to contain that desire.

Scootaloo finally dropped me off in front of the castle and left. I took the way to the castle but I could no longer contain myself, I threw up my lunch on the steps, which caused me the shocked looks of the ponies who passed what I shrugged their shoulders at and entered the castle.

I found and Spike accompanying Rarity drinking tea in the living room. I would sit next to them on the couch and then get tired as I was, I would lie on it.

Spike came to me and asked me if I was hungry, to which I replied that I could eat a whole beef, which disgusted him for some reason.

"Anon, darling, are you all right? " Asked the elegant Miss Rarity.

"Yes, just a little tired."

"Poor Anon, she... " A noise from the entrance was heard. "I'm going to go check it out."

I was waiting for my snack that Spike was preparing when I heard Twilight talking:

"Hello Princess Twilight, a package for you. I love the doormat at the entrance of your castle, it almost looks like it's liquid!"

"...Thank you Derpy but this is not my doormat and... you really should wash your hooves."

"Oh... excuse me, I thought and... Anyway, you're right, I wash my hooves and deliver my last letter afterwards. Have a nice Twilight day!"

"Have a nice day, Derpy!"

Then the door closed again when I heard Twilight's voice:

"Anon, can you come?"

I got up and arrived in front of Twilight who seemed dissatisfied.


"Anon, is it you who threw up on the castle stairs?"


"So if I ask the ponies outside, will they tell me it's someone else?"

"Okay, it's me."

"It's very wrong to lie, Anon. I wouldn't have punished you if you had told me! Now, I'd like you to go to your room!"

A pink aura appeared around me and I found myself in my room again. Why am I such an idiot? I behaved like a stupid child when I should have acted like a responsible adult.

However, blaming me was not going to be of any use, so I took a book from the shelf of my room that was full of it. An impossible love story between a pony and a bat pony.

It was soft enough but enough to pass the time. Spike came to get me several hours later to eat. I followed him to the table where Twilight spent the meal and at least two hours explaining to me that you don't throw up on the steps and that you have to tell her if this happens.

Then when it was FINALLY over, Twilight told me to go to bed and get a book from the library. I went to my room and huddled in the cozy bed where I was getting ready to sleep when....

Twilight entered the room, smiling on her lips and came out from behind her, a book in which there was an illustration of a pink rabbit eating carrots with a rainbow.

"Surprise, I thought you might like a little story. Look, it was my favorite book when I was a kid. This is the story of Toby, the pink rabbit who goes on an adventure to find the carrot thief who stole his garden. There is even a game where you have to find the carrot on each page."

"Great. "Please, finish me off right now.

"I was sure you were going to like it and don't make that sad face, I don't blame you for the vomit but I hope you'll tell me next time! »

"All right, Twilight."

And so began my ordeal where I noticed that the writing was in English, which was logical if he spoke English. Only, why English? One question for later.

Twilight finally left me in peace when we finished the book, which reassured me. No more baby books, I was finally going to get some rest. She put it on a shelf full of books from the same edition. I'm screwed.

She kissed me on my forehead and came out of the room, turning off the light while I was boiling with rage. There were enough books to torture me for at least a year with this edition, not to mention the rest. After all, it was a library.

Tomorrow, I will have to show him that I am an adult and that I don't read that kind of stupidity. I just hope his heart doesn't break into a thousand pieces when I tell him I'm not interested in his book.

I sank again into the deep darkness of my docile imagination, contemplating the heaviness of my eyelids as they closed.

Chapter 11 : Actions and reactions

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I opened a packet of cake on the table while Twilight and Spike ate their breakfast in the greatest calm. Only the constant chirping of birds animated the silent room.

Spike ate a dish of multicolored gems while Twilight ate an apple by reading a book whose title gave me a migraine.

So I was swallowing my cake pack when the sound of Twilight's book closing surprised me.

"Anon, are you done eating?"

"Not yet. "

"Don't hang around too long, we have to go see Derpy. "

"Who's Derpy?" I asked with a full mouth.

"The pegasus in charge of the mail to whom I would like you to apologize. "

"Apology? Why?"

"She's the one who stepped on your vomit!"

"Oh, that's her. "

"So I'd like you to show that you're sorry and that you're wearing a beautiful dress when we go to see her! "

"What? No, I refuse. "



"And if I tell you that you'll have a surprise afterwards. "

"What kind of surprise? "

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. "

"Please? "

"No, if you want to know, you have to wear a dress. "

"I'm not a little girl, I don't wear a dress!! " I screamed.

"Anon, please put on this dress. Think about your surprise. "

"I don't want to. "

Suddenly, Twilight began to cry in tears while Spike came to comfort her with a black look. Twilight seemed so pathetic. Are they all so sensitive in this world?

I approached ashamed that I had made her cry and reluctantly agreed to wear a dress. Twilight cried a little longer and smiled at me whispering in one breath: "Thank you Anon, I assure you you won't have to wear any more after. »

I should never have said yes, I feel like a doll. Twilight couldn't find anything better than to tie a huge knot in my mane and add "Too cute. "What made Spike laugh, by the way.

The makeover ended, she took the hoof and teleported us. I arrived with him in front of one of the houses in Ponyville. Honestly, they look very similar, no originality.

Twilight toqua and gave me a broad smile as I wondered what strange creatures I was going to have to deal with. The door opened revealing a Pegasus mare with a grey coat and yellow mane. These crossed eyes made him look strange but I avoided staring at them, I didn't want to appear rude.

"Hello Princess Twilight and hello there," she said, turning to me, ruffling my mane, which horrified me, but I held my tongue. "What's your name? "

"Hello, my name is Anon."

"Hello Derpy, I think you forgot something, Anon!"

"I'm sorry about the vomit yesterday, I wasn't feeling very well. " I said, conscientiously staring at the ground in case of an explosion.

"The vomit?"

"The liquid on the ground that you thought was a doormat," Twilight added.

"Oh, well, that explains the smell of the liquid. Don't worry, Anon, it happens to everyone from.... vomiting on the steps of a castle. And then, it's also partly my fault, I should look where I put the hooves. Come in, I'll make you a cocoa. "

"Thank you Derpy but... "

"I insist! "

We entered the house that overlooked a living room that looked very much like a battlefield. Things of all kinds were lying around on the floor, including crayons and Derpy's clothes because of his size.

"I'm sorry about the mess, I was busy helping Dinky get ready for school. So Anon, is that it? Are you about to be adopted by Carrot and Blueblood? "


"Yes, that's exactly what Derpy is, but how do you know? " Asked Twilight to surprise.

She laughed slightly and turned around and took four cups of cocoa out of the fridge.

"Come on, Twilight, these two haven't stopped talking about it since they came back from Canterlot. They even began to sing in the square. Dinky, can you come over, honey, Mommy will help you finish your bag later. "

"I'm coming, Mom," will run a little purple filly with mane and yellow eyes.

"Dinky, Princess Twilight and a filly named Anon will have lunch with us! "

"Hello princess," bowed the adorable little filly. "and Anon. Do you want to come and play in my room for a while? "

"Uh..... "

"Not right now, angel, drink your cocoa before and after you both play. Would you like me to heat your cocoa? I know that ponies outside of me and Dinky doesn't really like it when it's cold. "

"No thanks," Twilight replied.

"I would like to please Mrs. Derpy. "

"Just call me Derpy. And here we go, Anon, in two minutes he'll be ready. " She said, lifting my cup up and putting it on a kind of plate in the burning fireplace.

We sat all on the table and while everyone was drinking their cocoa, I enjoyed this relaxing atmosphere without having to worry about a hysterical madman in red armor. After all, he can't do anything to me as long as I'm with other people.

Coming out of my thoughts, I suddenly noticed that everyone had been drinking for several minutes without even blinking. What happens to them, it looks like they're frozen.

Suddenly, I felt the ground shake while no one blinked. The tremor became more powerful until I heard the door of the house collapse, which made me scream with terror before I hid under the table.

I saw a huge motorcycle nailing whose engine seemed to be at the origin of the small earthquake. This one rolled to the table where I recognized the two voices discussing it.

"So, not bad Hatred? Weren't you too scared?"

"This is the last time you drive with me as a passenger, is that clear? "

"You're not funny Hatred, you wanted a demonstration of all the fear I have then when I drive at 378 km/h on a minefield during a war in the desert with helicopters exploding, it's nothing! "

"Nothing? You could have killed me at least a hundred times! I remind you that I still don't have enough hatred to resurrect a second time. Anon is losing his hatred, and I should do something about it! "

"Hatred, he's on the right, under the table! "

"What? Where are we?"

"In Ponyville, I stopped time for a few minutes so you could solve your hate breakdown problem. "

"Ah ah ah ah, very funny. Seriously Fear, I appreciate the gesture but I would appreciate it if you would have told me he was here earlier in order to look less stupid. "

"Stop complaining and go to him. "

I saw Lord Hatred from my angle of vision set foot on the ground before crouching down in front of the table and looking at me like a curious beast.

"You're adorable Anon today, I see you're starting to appreciate your femininity. "

"You think you're better off disguised as a biker. You're just pathetic! "

"Come on, Anon, was Twilight the one who was mean to you? Poor little girl, so sweet and yet so misunderstood. Do you want me to crack his neck for revenge?"

"What? No, never! " I was alarmed immediately.

"Too bad, I would have thought that a man, a real man, wouldn't hang out with that kind of person but well.... »

"Shut up, you stupid demon! »

"How insolent! And contrary to what the title of one of the chapters on my autobiography suggests, I'm not a demon! »


"Hatred, is that okay? Time is starting to start again. " Observed Fear.

"Just a few more things the stupid demon would like to do before he leaves. " He grabbed my hips and whispered some strange words about me. Then he went back to sit down with Fear on the bike.

"Is it good Hatred? And here we go again for Trial Fusion. "

"What? What are you talking about, there's no way you're going to continue with your... "

The motorcycle suddenly started it, propelling it straight ahead with a vortex that appeared in front of it and then closed again, leaving me speechless.

The weather seemed to be back to normal as the whole group moved and blinked again and the material damage caused by the bike seemed to have miraculously disappeared.

"The cocoa must be ready, I'll take it out. "

"Where is Anon? "Asked Twilight looking around to see if she could see me.

I would get up and sit in my chair where Twilight raised an eyebrow as a question, shrugged my shoulders and waited for my cocoa.

"It's weird, Anon's cocoa seems to be boiling. " Says Derpy, putting the hot cup on the table pretty quickly.

"It's okay, Derpy, Anon will let him cool down if he's too hot. "

It was time to prove that I was a tough guy, a man, a real one. That despite this body, I still had masculinity in me.

I took my cup valiantly after several attempts and a sip by bus. Immediately, my throat was burning under the effect of the hot liquid, which caused me to make myself grow a small high-pitched scream.

"Anon, it's okay, did you get burned? Do you want us to leave the cup in the fridge to cool it down faster? Derpy, do you have any straws, please? "

"I'll go get them right away, sorry Anon," Derpy flew off looking for a straw on a shelf.

"I'm fine, I just burned my tongue. I don't want straw, I'm an adult. "

"Are you on Anon? A straw might be safer.... "

"I said I don't need it, I just have to be more careful when I drink my cocoa, I'm not stupid! " I said sulky, starting to blow on the sweet content of the cup.

I would slowly swallow my cocoa until I finished it. In the meantime, I watched Twilight discuss Dinky's education and Derpy's job. Then the two started talking about the rain and the sun and a certain Tirek, well only about things that didn't really interest me.

I was getting out of my chair which seemed really high, sometimes I feel like a dwarf. And was starting to explore the house when something soft touched my shoulder.

Dinky looked at me smiling, wagging his tail like a little puppy. I stared at her until she came whispering in my ear to come into her room.

I silenced my evil thoughts and followed her to her room, which she closed. The room was a beautiful sky blue with a pleasant green carpet where lots of objects such as islands were found, ranging from clothes to school supplies.

In the centre was a small pink table of our height with four pink chairs with hearts as a hole on the seat. On the table was a dinette while waiting patiently, two small plush toys were sitting on the table.

"Anon, meet Sky and Cloud. Which one do you want to play? "

The two were very similar except for a variant with the pink and blue color. Both represented smiling ponies.

"So, which one do you take? "

"...Whatever. "

"I'll take the blue and you take the pink, okay? "

And so began the game with Dinky reminding me of my old kindergarten years. However, I got so caught up in the game that I hardly noticed that Twilight and Derpy were watching us from the entrance to the room until Twilight came forward.

"Anon, we have to go. Dinky has to go to school! And then I have a surprise for you. "

"Princess Twilight, what's Anon's surprise? " Dinky approached curiously.

"I'll whisper it in your ear but don't tell him anything! " Then Twilight whispered what made Dinky giggle at me, horrifying me as she knew before me.

"What is it?"

"Not right now, Anon, come on! Thank you very much Derpy for inviting us to have a cocoa! And you'll soon see your new friend Dinky again. "

Then after saying goodbye to everyone, including Dinky, who gave me a nice hug, I left the house curious about Twilight's mysterious surprise.

"Twilight, now that we're going, could you tell me where we're going and what's the surprise? "

"Not yet Anon, not yet. "

"Why? What is it?"

"You'll see. »

This side of town was almost deserted compared to the beginning when a multitude of ponies accompanied foals and fillies to school.

We continued until we reached the entrance of a forest with a menacing appearance, what were we going to do here? I looked at Twilight and raised an eyebrow as a question, which made her laugh slightly.

"Don't worry Anon, we're not going to Everfree but to Fluttershy. "

"Fluttershy? She doesn't live in Ponyville?"

"No, Anon, Fluttershy lives on the edge of the forest. Look, I can see his cabin from here. "

Is that the surprise? Indeed, a pretty pretty chalet stood where birds swirled and rabbits trotted in the beautiful and large garden around the house. When we got closer, we heard crying coming from near a tree a little further away.

Twilight and I went to see who could cry like that to reveal a huge bear crying with Fluttershy next to him.

"What's going on with Fluttershy," Twilight asked.

"Oh, hello Twilight, hello Anon! Mr. Bear still went to get some honey but the bees stung him on the leg and I am now trying to extract the remaining stings. "

I inhaled and exhaled in a way to stay calm, this bear is three ponies high and at least six times my fucking pint size. All those reports I had seen about bears since I was born came back to my memory.

"Anon, are you all right? You're all stiff! "

"I'm fine, but won't this bear hurt us?"

"Oh, no, Anon, Mr. Bear is our friend and he wouldn't hurt a fly. Isn't that right, Mr. Bear? "

The bear stopped crying and smiled at me, then lifted one of his wide legs and tapped my head, I fainted in the second that followed.

I later woke up on a bed, I was in a room with a wooden wall where wooden furniture also sat. I got up and saw a window without glass overlooking the garden where it was raining outside. I heard voices coming from the door in front of me.

No doubt, I was in the cottage but why am I here? I went with Twilight for my surprise and went to visit Fluttershy when we heard crying. We went there and... the bear, it was the fucking bear that scared me and then... black hole.

I walked towards the door and opened it slowly. The door led to a living room where Twilight and Fluttershy would sit on the couch and talk while drinking tea. I would slip into the shadowy corner of the room and listen:

"...two hours she's been sleeping Twilight. Are you sure she's all right? " Two hours?

"Yes, don't worry, Fluttershy. Anon is fine, she was just a little scared! "

"I feel so bad that Mr. Bear scared him, he's so angry at himself. I hope Anon will forgive him. "

"Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm sure Anon will understand that Mr. Bear didn't mean to scare him! "

"I hope so. " Murmured Fluttershy contemplative.

Suddenly I felt something touch me, I turned around and without having time to perceive it, I found myself propelled into the center of the room. I got up easily to realize that Fluttershy and Twilight had seen me.

I turned around quickly and saw a white rabbit leaving the room quickly, was it him?

"Anon? "

"Are you all right, Anon? "

"I... Yeah, everything's fine, just a little dizzy. "

"I wanted to tell you that Mr. Bear regrets scaring you like he did. "

"It's okay, I was just a little scared, that's all. "

"I'm glad you're all right, Anon, but what were you hiding in the corner of the room? "

"Uh..... I just wanted to play spies. " I felt ashamed.

"It's all right, Anon, Twilight's not angry. Come with us for a drink to make you feel better. "

I sat on the couch and waited for Fluttershy to get me a more appropriate drink while Twilight went to the window and sighed as he looked out in the rain.

Meanwhile, I noticed a lamp representing a strange creature that looked like a bipedal chimera made entirely of mosaic. I touched it to find out what it was made of, but it broke.

No one noticed it, so I gathered the pieces together and tried to put it together quickly. Fucking hoof of shit, the pieces all fell off every time I touched them.

Twilight sighed and walked towards me, I just had time to stand in front of the statue so she wouldn't see it. She smiled shamefully as she looked at me:

"If the rain continues, I think you may have been surprised and cancelled! What are you doing? "

"Uh.... Nothing special. What a pity, but... what exactly did it consist of? "

"I prefer to wait a little longer in case the rain stops. " Anyway, it's not like the rain is going to stop suddenly.

Twilight went to sit on the couch while I hid the pieces under the coffee table with a reverse side of the hoof, unseen and unknown.

Fluttershy finally came back with a good orange juice that I swallowed all at once, which earned me Twilight's admonitions that we shouldn't drink so fast. I've never seen anyone talk so long about a glass story that was drunk too fast.

When my trial was finally over, I turned to Fluttershy who was singing while feeding the animals. I didn't think she had so much when I was told she had a lot.

"The rain is over," Twilight observed with a cheerful smile.

"I'm so happy, Anon will be able to...," Twilight waved at him in my back that I noticed as I turned around.

"Why so much Twilight mystery, it doesn't matter if I know it a little early? "

"Anon, the principle of a surprise is to be a discovery, not something you already know," added Fluttershy by putting a multitude of carrots on a plate on the ground.

Frustrate at not being able to know this surprise but still determined to know it before the last moment in case they want to hurt me or do something bad. It's better to be careful.

Accompanying Fluttershy, we returned to town to a strange building like a kind of mounted cake where Twilight knocked on the door.

The door opened revealing Rarity with a pair of red glasses greeting us. She invited us in and asked us for our opinion on her new collection: morning freshness.

The dresses looked very beautiful with the contrast of light brown and light blue with a subtle mixture of golden sequins. Rarity asked me if I could do him a small favor.

I had no idea yet that I had just fallen into a trap even though I might have guessed it. Rarity made me test all her filly-sized dresses that clutched me horribly.

I say nothing, however, I must not show my pain and I kept my word by trying all the one who needed to be tested.

"I thank you Anon for helping me even knowing that the dresses are not too much in your tastes although too bad though. I also wanted to offer you this as a thank you, a scarf. "

The silver-colored scarf she gave me was really very soft to the touch, nothing like the clothes on Earth. I found myself smiling in the mirror, how long had I not really smiled?

This question troubled me but I would deal with it later, I thanked Rarity and she joined us and then resumed our journey to who knows where.

We left Ponyville until a meadow that was strangely dry where I could see Twilight's other friends sitting on a white tablecloth with a red stripe. It looked like..... a picnic, it was supposed to be the surprise.

When I arrived with the rest of the company at their levels, I saw several baskets full of food and gifts. I turned to them as Twilight smiled at me:

"Anon, I know what you had to go through is terrible and... " Tears began to flow from the corner of his eye. "But we wanted me and the others to give you gifts so you would know that you would never be alone again. »

These words were so sweet and sincere that I felt stupid, I had the impression that I was lying to them all and abusing their kindness.

No one, not even my parents had spoken to me so kindly, such that I began to cry. Twilight approached and wrapped me in her protective, soft and loving wing.

"Oh, come on, Anon, don't cry on the day of your early welcome picnic in Ponyville. "Pinkie Pie Pie approached with emotion.

"I'm sure you'll like it here, Blueblood and Carrot Top are very nice ponies. "

"I... it's just... you're so nice to me that I feel stupid. You don't even know me and..."

"Oh Anon, don't feel stupid, we all know you're a nice filly. "

"But... " Twilight put a hoof on my snout before I could continue.

"Calm down, Anon, let's enjoy this moment instead. "

I dried my tears and enjoyed the party where I received lots of stuffed animals and small cars as well as packages of cakes that Twilight hurriedly stopped showing to me.

The celebration ended in the middle of the afternoon when we left Twilight's friends to return to the castle. Arriving at the castle gate, Twilight turned to me uncomfortably:

"Anon, I don't know if you remember, but you have to see your psychologist and physiotherapist this afternoon! "

"Today? "

"Yes, Spike warned me from a scroll that your physiotherapist is here recently. "

As much as Meteor Breathe was kind and gentle, Remedy was the impassive and impatient type. I sighed dissatisfied that my second day in Ponyville was being ruined by my medical visits.

Twilight kept silent under my sulky face and accompanied me to the room where Remedy was and set up his equipment. At least that's what I would have thought I'd see.

I found a brown-coated pegasus stallion in a doctor's outfit throwing all kinds of objects out of his kit. What the hell is going on?

"... Hello. "

The stallion jumped to the ceiling where he bumped into himself and fell to the ground at my hooves.

"Are you all right? "

"Yes, thank you. You must be Anon, right? "

I nodded distractedly as I watched the mess he had put in the room.

"I am Grape Capsule, Dr. Remedy's replacement, your new physiotherapist. This one is very busy and all that, all that. Shall we get started? "

He looked more like a clown by his attitude than a real qualified doctor, but he was already more talkative than his predecessor.

I did all kinds of exercises noticing my slight improvement over the last time which was not very glorious. At the end, the doctor gave me a lollipop that I quickly swallowed, which made him smile.

I sucked my pacifier quietly while Grape Capsule tidied up these things when he started screaming at me with his hoof. I looked at him dizzy with the scream as he was already rushing into the corridors shouting for Twilight's help.

I looked at myself noticing a multitude of blue spots appearing all over my body starting with the rump. I began to flicker from my chair as Grape and Twilight entered the room.

The rest became blurry as I felt transported quite quickly and any voice became a distant echo.

- An echo of a memory -

The annual family meal was held in a very friendly atmosphere where everyone chirped happily. I was talking on my side with Julie, one of my cousins on my mother's side.

"That's great Julie, I'm glad you found someone! "

"Thank you," she said, drinking a little before she started again. "And you, did you manage to find someone? "

"No, not yet. "

"Don't worry, you'll find an Anon girl."

"It's about time," said my uncle completely drunk with his bottle in his hand entering the conversation. "Already 28 years old and still not a lover, we'll end up thinking you're a fucking priest! "

"Or faggot," mocked my unbearable cousin.

"Heinrich, I don't want to hear this crap at the table, my son is not gay! " Roars my father.

"Sorry, Uncle Fred, but I'm wondering. Anon only hangs out with guys outside the family. "

"Is that true, darling?" My mother asked.

"They're just friends! "

"But you said you were seeing someone? " Started to scold my mother who didn't like it when I lied to her.

"Well, I was wrong, she didn't want a serious relationship. " Lie to me.

"Don't worry, Anon, you'll find the right one," said Daddy as he hugged me.

I hugged him back and heard the notification from my phone that I woke up from sleep mode. One of my friends had posted a picture on my profile.

I would look at it quickly to see a picture of me kissing a guy at night. Shit, I must have been completely drunk that night, I didn't remember it at all.

I quickly erased it and looked up to see my father's face decompose as I looked at his phone and so did each of the family members as I opened his.

It seemed that everyone at the same time as me had received a notification except my mother who was anti-phone. My father looked at me with this silent fury about to burst.

I watched him amaze while my cousin was laughing hysterically after looking at his phone. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Can you explain?" Asked my father lifting his phone with the image I had deleted from my profile instead.

At that precise moment I felt my vital functions stop for a second.

"I told you to answer me!!!!!!!! "Exploded my father.

I couldn't even talk anymore because I was so scared. My uncle also laughed, which got him a punch from my father, sending him to the ground.

"Honey, stop it! Please, I'm sure there's another explanation. "

"You explain it how Marie? That my son, our son, kisses a guy at a party. "

"I... I don't know. Anon, please tell her that's not true. "

"I'm sorry," I articulated with difficulty, lowering my eyes as low as I could.

"So you're really a faggot? I knew you were stupid, but not that stupid. "

"Shut up Heinrich or I'll smash your face like your father!!! " Yelled at my father, who turned red like a tomato, and then turned to me.

"Honey, calm down, please. Think of the family! "Implored my mother.

"You disgust me, Anon. I thought I had a son, not a fucking faggot. Look at your brother, he's normal! But no, you can't be like anyone else. You have to be a mistake of nature! " Did he start crying.

My mother took my father into the kitchen while everyone gave me poisonous looks in a macabre silence. I've never felt so horrible in my life.

I turned to Julie who also gave me a look of absolute disgust as if our whole bond had gone up in smoke in the shadow of a few seconds.

I left home quickly and walked randomly through the street all night. I hated myself for what I was, a monster in the eyes of my family. No matter how much I reproached myself, the pain that had settled in my heart remained as the only company.

I never came home, including the annual family meal. From that moment on, I decided to go to France. My family had cut off all contact with me anyway.

- Back to the present -

I woke up in a hospital bed, inside a small room with a white wall and only a small coffee table, a door and a window.

I noticed that my right hoof was on an infusion but upside down. A multicolored liquid came out of my hoof in a pocket that filled slowly.

I looked out the window to realize that I was still in Ponyville. They had to take me to the hospital when... I looked at my body again, which was now spotless when the door opened.

A mare in nurse's clothing pushing a cart containing food came to me.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, little one. Here's a snack to get over your emotions. Within an hour or two at most you'll be on hooves. "

If I was still wearing blue polka dots for a few more hours, why let me go out during the day?

"Yes, we found the problem that seems a little strange... Princess Twilight will explain it to you. "

This answer must have satisfied me for the time being. I watched the clouds scroll through the blue sky of Ponyville while I ate my snack while waiting for the end of my treatment.

I don't know how long later, the nurse came back to the room where she took away the infusion, which left little more than a bandage visible to the naked eye. Then I found Twilight in the lobby reading a book constantly looking around her with an anxious look on her face.

When she saw me, she rushed over me while I had just enough time to see her before finally compressing with a hug.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry, Anon. It's all my fault... "

"What do you mean?"

Repelling this appalling evidence of tenderness to look her straight in the eye. She sighed and stared at the ground as she began to speak.

"It seems that my magic during our teleportation entered you causing you these strange blue buttons. What I find strange is that we have already done it without any problems, so why now? "Thoughtfully asked Twilight, the answer was surely Lord Hatred when he had caught me earlier.

So I followed Twilight who warned me that my psychologist had arrived and was waiting for me. All this time? I felt bad for Meteor Breathe for keeping him waiting so long even though the temporary illness was not my fault. That dog Lord Hatred.

So I found Meteor Breathe in the library quietly reading a book on baby foal learning. She lifted her snout from her reading and smiled at me, taking the time to wonder if I was all right.

I told him yes and gave him back his smile. She took out a large bag hidden behind her filled with trifles.

"You won't escape it, Anon this time, you're going to do some activities! "She smiled cheerfully at me.

And so the session with Meteor Breathe took place, we did all kinds of activities ranging from modelling clay to drawing where we had to draw ourselves.

From time to time Meteor Breathe would take out a notepad and write down a few things as a psychologist. She thought I was drawing admirably well and that maybe that would be my beauty mark.

I shrugged my shoulders and started drawing Twilight. Time passed and she finally left, kissing me on the forehead and ruffling my mane, she was so sweet. Almost like a mother, it was something else than my real mother who was as emotional as a stone.

And so the day passed, I told myself, contemplating the twilight from the bottom of my cozy bed. And so I ended up falling asleep dreaming of being Gargamel in a village of little Lord Hatred who were crying and screaming, running away everywhere.

Chapter 12 : My new parents

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The week then went on in a very calm manner. However, this whole parenting thing was really starting to worry me. Certainly Blueblood and Carrot Top were nice, but what if they were really child rapists?

Twilight called me, cutting short my stormy thoughts, I put my Daring Doo book in the library and left my room without much haste. What did she want with me?

I entered the card room where Twilight was waiting chatting with a mare dressed in black as well as Blueblood and Carrot Top behind her. All smiled at me and asked me to sit with them what I did. The mare I didn't know spoke:

"Hello Anon, I have come to announce that Blueblood and Carrot Top have passed the tests brilliantly and are testing your parents. I hope everything goes well. I'll come back in a little while to see how everything is going. "

I didn't answer anything, too much to ring the bell with the news.

"Are you all right, Anon? "Asked Twilight shaking his hoof in front of my snout.

"Anon, I promise you, we will take good care of you! "

"Don't worry, Anon, everything will be fine. "

"I... it's okay, it's okay. " There's no way I'm going back to the orphanage for the rest of my life.

"Perfect then... " And the only mare dressed among us, explained a whole bunch of administrative data to which I understood nothing even as an adult.

After the explanations were finished, Twilight asked me to go get my things and move in with "my new parents", which I did. As I was carrying my suitcase with my things, I wondered what they were talking about.

I stopped leaving the suitcase in the hallway and approached discreetly to hear the conversation:

"... that you watch her diet, she seems a little bigger than the other fillies of her age and I think it would be nice if she practiced a little sport... »

I heard this mare and Twilight stabbing me in the back and it hurt. I was fat, it was no longer an impression but a fact. I already felt complex in my old body but being a little pulpy green filly didn't help.

I held back my anger towards them and concentrated on my breath as Meteor Breath had advised me. I came to my senses and tried to forget the whole thing.

So I arrived with my suitcase with a fake smile on my face even though I couldn't help but stare at Twilight and the other adoption mare with a frown.

Carrot Top came to me and hugged me promising that she would take care of me and be a good mother. Blueblood also squeezed me, starting to shed a few tears.

I felt their sincerity and it felt good to feel loved. However, I felt horrible about my real parents. Maybe they weren't so nice, but I had loved them like that too.

Why do I love two strangers I know only recently more than my parents I have known for years. Even if they were hard on me, it was out of love until they understood. I too began to cry, squeezing myself deeper into their soft yellow and white coats.

They were so sweet and welcoming, maybe I can give them a chance even if only as friends. The embrace ended, I said goodbye to Twilight although a little dry.

Blueblood took the handle of my suitcase by telekinesis and carried it to me. Carrot told me she was going to show me their houses. I followed them across Ponyville to enter a house next to a bridge over a stream.

Blueblood, out of breath, quickly put the suitcase in the room that was presented to me as mine. A room vaguely similar to Dinky's but with different patterns.

The piece was azure and blue segmented by many lines. I liked it, Carrot proposed to change the wallpaper but I politely refused.

Then she showed me her beautiful vegetable garden in the quiet garden at the back of the house where Carrot grew... carrots.

Blueblood joined us at the end of the house tour, waving at Carrot, which made her laugh. I turned to him, an eyebrow raised as a question.

He pulled a big package out of behind him and handed it to me. I took it as I could and tried to open it using my mouth.

Blueblood began to sweat as Carrot Top moved these hooves frantically on the ground while doing some work on the spot. What the hell is going on? Blueblood exploded in tears.

"Sorry Anon... We... we are the worst parents than this land to bear. We didn't even think to arrange the gift for you. "

Carrot Top had suddenly petrified and was no longer moving an inch. All because I couldn't open a gift?

I tried to calm them down as best I could and finally managed to do so after 15 minutes. God, these ponies were stretching themselves for nothing. Carrot Top opened my gift for me and handed it to me.

I finished unpacking it and found myself with a notebook and a pen. I drew a fake smile on my face and thanked them.

"We wanted you to have good stuff when you go to school! "

"School?" Don't tell me that....

"It is necessary for you to go to Anon school so that you can discover many new things," Blueblood added.

"But I don't want to go to school! " Did I practically scream.

"Relax Anon, all foals and fillies have to go through school to become adults," Carrot Top smiling kindly at me.

"I'm already an adult and I already know everything. "

"If you know everything, who is the princess who raises the moon? "Offered Carrot Top trying to make me understand.

"It's a trap, the moon revolves alone around your planet. "

"I think a filly would really need to go to school, but for now... It's time to take a walk outside, it's a lovely day. "

I reluctantly accepted, I needed to think of something else... Having to go back to school terrified me, I didn't want people to make fun of me again.

I watched the dark ideas, the sunny landscape of Ponyville while Blueblood and Carrot Top both spoke a little behind me. I listened:

"We'll have to go see Cherilee for a knowledge test about Anon, we'll see if it's necessary to give her private lessons or not. "

"Yes, I hope she doesn't get so upset when we tell her she'll be back in school in a few days. "

"Brrr, I hope so. This filly really has character! "

Carrot bought us ice cream and we sat on a bench in the middle of Ponyville.

I had this weird feeling, that I was in love with strangers! Doing all those things you only do with one family was disturbing. I didn't feel like I belonged.

At the end of our walk, we went back home. Blueblood who seemed to have forgotten an important point with Twilight back at the castle.

Once both of us, Carrot asked me to bake a cake with her, which I was quick to accept. I was seriously applying myself to the task when a kind of flash came back to mind.

I saw my mother and me when I was still a child. We loved making lots of delicious cakes. This sweet memory reminded me cruelly of how the sequel had turned out. I felt tears flowing.

Carrot Top stopped in his task and took me in a loving embrace. I started to melt like butter and started telling him that I missed my family.

She remained silent, keeping her sweet emotional embrace against me. I told him some moments of my old life (well, without specifying the human context). At the end, she put a clog on my shoulder, looking me straight in the eye with a serious look that I didn't know her:

"I promise you, Anon, that we will never abandon you. We will be a united family! We are not the best but we will love you and Blueblood like our own child! "

"Thank you," I sniffed. "Can I go outside, in the garden?"

"Of course, my darling. »

I needed to be alone. The garden was surrounded by a small barricade halfway up the height of an adult pony. A tree stood on the left protecting me from the light with its vast shadow. I sat down on the small yellow garden chair contemplating the carrot shoots that were soon to mature.

I sat there, looking at the cloudy blue sky when a soccer ball flew straight into my head and hit her head with a full force. It took me a few seconds to understand what had struck me.

It was a red soccer ball in front of my hooves. A small fluffy voice was heard from the sky:

"I'm sure he fell over there! »

"You better not have lost the ball, Littlenight! "

A little bat pony of my age came out of the clouds and came closer:

"Hello, could you give me the red balloon that fell in the garden please?"

I was getting angry.

"Actually, it landed on my face. "

"I'm sorry, Dear Damaged bet he'd touch you from where he was... Please, give it to me! "

"No, I want this jerk to come and apologize. "

A grey pegasus with red mane came down from the clouds and looked at me:

"Give me my ball! "

"No, apologize first. "

"Stupid dirt pony, you better give me my ball or I'll hurt you very badly. "

"Scaredy-cat approach," I shouted at him, ready to fight it out.

The pegasus landed on the ground as I noticed that it was taller than me by one head, I did not disassemble myself though.

The other little bat pony disappeared into the clouds at full speed. Dear Damaged laughed:

"This idiot ran away, I'm not surprised at him. You've got guts, what a shame you won't give me my ball! "

"Fuck you!" Putting me in a guard position.

He threw himself at me at a fast pace that propelled me against the tree. I got up and pretended to load him up, which made him spread his wings and I grabbed them with my teeth and made him scream in pain.

A voice resounding like thunder flew over the clouds while we were in the middle of a fight:


A bat-pony stallion with the other colt hidden behind him landed between us and separated us. He started yelling at us:

"Stop it right now, Dear Damaged, my last conversation with your mother wasn't enough for you, you have to keep bothering the world and the little ones. What about you? You're not ashamed to play his game and fight with him. I'll talk to your parents, see what they thinks. »

"Please, no!"

"You left me no choice, you had to think about it before you fought like you did. »

The stallion who seemed to be Littlenight's father knocked on the door and politely greeted Carrot Top, explained what had happened. Carrot Top gave me a sad look and then with a severe voice:

"Anon, you're grounded, go to your room! "

What an asshole! How could she punish me when it was the fault of that shitty pegasus motherfucker.

I went into my room furious and slammed the door, pulled down the blinds and plunged into the darkness. I took my little office chair and threw it with energy into the centre of the room.

"I would have been you, I would have thrown it against the wall instead. "

I turned surprised and saw the usual red armor on my toy chest that... ate candy?

I pretended not to hear it and lay frustrated in my bed.

"Anon, I'm talking to you! Can you hear me?"

I pretended not to hear it and covered my head with the pillow.

"Keep ignoring me and I promise you that you will be a beautiful mare in bed with a stallion in few time. "

I sighed.

"Okay, I can hear you, but I really, really, really don't have the moral to make me more angry. "

"You know, I was just letting it be known that I was back from vacation. With Lord Fear, we had a wonderful cruise through the Bernuda triangle with other creatures. "

"Great, can you leave me alone now? "

"No, but I have to admit that when you're in this state, I feel so good and... "


Carrot accompany this bastard bat-pony stallion running into the room.

"Anon, are you all right? I was talking to Littlenight's father, our neighbour, when we heard screaming. "

"Don't want to talk about it, leave me alone! "

"You're sure you're fine, Anon, you can come with us now, you're not punished anymore! "

"I don't want to! "

She sighted and leave. The door closed, Lord Hatred's silhouette suddenly reappeared on the toy chest.

"I wanted to bother you, but I don't think there's any need for it after all."

"That's right, go away with your threats of rape!"

"Anon," he sighed, "even if I have questionable methods, rape is not part of my moral code, I was kidding."

"You can joke about going somewhere else, I want to be alone! "

"So much boldness, Anon, watch out for yourself! Today exceptionally, I want to leave and pretend I didn't hear anything, but this is the last time. "

Hatred disappeared, I was now alone in the room in the dark. I finally calm down and fall asleep.

Chapter 13 : Feardventure I

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I woke up slowly in the deep darkness, I was hungry. I would get up and look out, it was dark. I must have fallen asleep so upset about what had happened. Even though I didn't think I'd slept that long.

I silently came out of my room and walked into the kitchen where a plate under a bell was waiting for me. This was supposed to be last night's meal. They certainly didn't want to wake me up and kept the dish.

I lifted the lid and saw a dish... of carrots. I was certainly going to have to get used to eating carrots when your foster mother had a full garden and a special talent for growing them.

So I ate my meal and went home quickly to bed. However, there were noises of voices from my new protectors' room. I stuck my ear and listened in a completely indiscreet way:

"... I'm worried about Anon, Blueblood. She had a seizure this afternoon. She bit a pegasus that was bothering the neighbor's son! When I punished her, she started screaming and then I heard her talking to herself in her room. The poor thing even started talking about rape. Blueblood, do you think she... "

"Calm down, Carrot! Anon had to experience monstrous things in her childhood that... will remain engraved in it. But we have to help him move on. We'll talk to a doctor who specializes in disorders. If everyone gets on with it, Anon will heal. "

It was... nice and at the same time so wrong. I was returning to my bed troubled by the conversation. They thought I had had a seizure that pushed me into a kind of rage.

Suddenly I heard something banging on the door. I carefully got out of bed and opened the door. No one, the noise resounded again and actually seemed to come from the closet.

I walked forward worried and petrified at the touch of the handle. I pull myself together, what could I be afraid of? I was already dealing with the worst bastard in history.

I opened the door and contemplated a sleeping valley, illuminating with a few lights in the distant darkness. When, a shadow on the side of the door that I hadn't noticed, pushed me and entered my room.

The cupboard door closed as the creature that had entered my room illuminated it with a blue light from a kind of cane. It seemed to be an old man dressed in grey with a grey hat of the magician style.

The creature turned around and revealed a beard... plastic? I finally recognized Lord Fear through the disguise that stood in front of me.

"Would you be interested in a young filly adventure? "

"Uh..... What?"

"Would you like to join me on an exciting adventure? "

"You are Lord Fear, aren't you? "

"Yes, but could you please answer my question? "

"What adventure are you talking about?" I asked suspiciously.

"I wish I had something quite precious that some people call Pip-Buck, a kind of cool military tablet if you prefer that hangs on your arm. Come with me and you will have one! "

"Forgive me, but I'm skeptical and I'm not sure I want to go on a whole adventure for a tablet hanging from my arm.... "

"I'll explain it more clearly, I want to have fun and I'm bored like a dead rat. I wanted you to come with me so that we could have a little fun together. I learned that you too need a change of scenery. "

It's true that I really needed to relax and since sleep would certainly not come, I naively accepted.

"Perfect, then after you Anon!" As a portal opened.

I found myself on the other side of the portal in a different world. This world seemed vast and desert. Lord Fear came out just after me from the gate, also staring at the cloudy horizon.

"Our destination is at the foot of this mountain range behind us but I wanted you to know that I have transformed you a little..."

I stopped listening to him starting to examine me right away. I was still a female green pony but I felt taller. I quickly realized that I was no longer a filly but a young adult.

My body resonated so... sexy and sensual! I contemplated myself in a mirror generously offered to me by Lord Fear, who in the meantime was studying a map rigorously in a boy scout outfit.

I was not only an adult mare but also a remarkably attractive mare. My voice seemed terribly deep and velvety. I noticed three notes of coloured music: blue, red and purple on my side.

"Lord Fear, what had you done? Why am I like this? "

"I thought it would be better for you to be an adult if we ever had problems. "

"Yes, but why if... "I was looking for my words, "sexy?"

"I have done nothing but make you older. You're a version of yourself as an adult with a certain charm I must say. I suppose the same is true for your cutie mark. Notice, you now know your particular talent! "

"The song?"

"Yes, art through hearing as I like to call it. "

Then I'd look like this when I grew up. No, I would find a way to become human again and find my old life again. Lord Fear looked at me without the shadow of a malicious attention that I finished contemplating myself.

"Now that you've familiarized yourself with your new body, can we go now? "

The trip to the wild and deserted lands was not long. Lord Fear guided me through this dusty landscape without the shadow of any sign of life outside the ruins of a farmhouse that I saw from quite far away.

The further we went towards the foot of the mountain in question, the more the terrain gradually changed into a kind of lifeless jungle. No animals, not even the slightest insects were hanging around here. I was beginning to worry about the lack of life signs.

We finally arrived at the foot of the mountain where there was the entrance to a dark and gloomy cave. I prayed inside that it would not be our destination.

Lord Fear, to my great misfortune, took two miners' helmets with integrated lamps out of his boy scout bag and gave me one. I quickly put on the helmet he had given me and without delay, we rushed into the immensity of the cave's darkness.

The inside of the cave was empty except for a large gear-shaped door at the bottom where Stable π was inscribed. Lord Fear whispered in a breath:

"Here we go."

"What is Stable π? »

"One of the first bunkers in equestrian history, forgotten by all, even by those creators in my humble opinion. Our reward is inside."

"Ponies have bunkers?"

"Not in your space-time, but here it is."

I found the answer disconcerting, I had to be in an alternative parallel universe where ponies build bunkers for reasons that still escape me.

"And why did the ponies in this universe build bunkers?"

"Later Anon, let's start by opening this door first."

Lord Fear took a toolbox out of his backpack. He approached the bottom left of the door and unscrewed a plate that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

After half an hour of passing the tools he asked for, the door opened in a heavy and creaking squeak. I felt all our work was rewarding.

"Be careful, Anon, I have absolutely no idea what's in there."

Fascinating like an explorer discovering a thousand-year-old tomb, I nodded distractedly.

The interior was bright and clean. A reception desk on the bunker was in front of us where only the echo of our footsteps echoed. Panels on the back wall indicated the different possible ways out of the paths open to us.

"Stay alert Anon, this place is far too clean to be honest."

"Understood, look on the panel, Pip-Buck maintenance."

I was moving forward, very happy that our "adventure" was to unlock an old bunker forget when I was pulled out of my thoughts by a red ray that narrowly missed my cheek.

I looked up and saw a small, rounded robot holding a laser gun in a mechanical arm, I could feel my heart beating. Before the second shooted pulled between my eyes, a sword pierced it through the machine, disabling the shot.

With the hairs ruffled, I hurried to take the gun from the dead robot. Lord Fear continued to follow me silently.

The rest of our journey to the Pip-Buck maintenance center went smoothly where we no longer met anyone. The room in question was grey and dull, the people who had to work here all had to end up depressed. A row of Pip-Bucks was standing on a cupboard waiting to be picked up. Me and Lord Fear each grabbed one of us, watching over their good condition.

I noticed in a corner, a pony skeleton in yellow and blue wetsuit that seemed to have been victim of a gun through the hole in the wetsuit touching his heart, this scene froze my blood.

We were about to leave when a machine that looked vaguely like a robot looking like a pony entered the room.

"Stealing is punished by: dying! "

Lord Fear knocked his sword to the side of the creature, which cut the surface a little bit without damaging the new machine enough. I noticed the minigun starting to turn on the right side of the machine when Fear screamed:

"Press the S.A.T.S. mod!"

I rushed to do it and contemplated the world slowing down and becoming a little green while the parts of the machine were displayed in percentage of critical hit.

I noticed my 100% critical hit to the head and hit him twice in the head. The world came back to normal as I noticed that I had my gun in my mouth during the shooting.

In front of me, the machine stopped moving and collapsed softly on the ground. Lord Fear hurried to take the minigun and ammunition from him. Meanwhile I was panting a lot.

I got up and still wavering in shock, I set out to create a makeshift armor with the pieces of metal here.

Lord Fear, tense, was waiting for me as he looked at the Pip-Buck's options before orienting his so that I could see.

"Look Anon, this scanner option will allow us to avoid the path of any enemy."

Some kind of radar pointed to the red dots as the enemy and... they were full of them.

With the help of our Pip-Bucks, we avoided the machines, however, three of them seemed to be waiting at theentrance of the bunker on our radars. Lord Fear used his mirror as we stood at a corridor intersection of them to see what these three red dots were to reveal two machine guns and a sentinel that did not move a centimetre between us and our freedom.

"Okay Anon, I'll get their attention while you sneak under the counter and then you fart the turrets and we'll take care of the sentry."

"Lord Fear, I'm a little scared."

"Don't worry Anon, the people who will tell you that they don't have fears at times like this are either liars or fools."

"What if we die?"I began to shake like a leaf.

"Anon," Lord Fear touched my shoulder, "I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

Then before I could add anything else, Lord Fear approached the three enemies who automatically pointed their weapons at him. Taking a quick breath, I crawled on all fours to the counter desk. A loud and loud sound came to my ears when the three machines fired at Lord Fear before he could even fire the minigun.

I rushed out of the office with my head and fired two bullets at each of the turrets, both too busy on Lord Fear to notice my presence. The impact of my bullets shattered them. The sentry turned to me but did not fire.

"She can no longer shoot for the moment, she pulls the control box at the back," Lord Fear whispered weakly.

I ran as fast as I could and came behind the sentry where I could see the control board. I quickly aimed at the objective and wanted to shoot.

Unfortunately, I had just realized that my weapon no longer had the energy to fire. The machine turned around and prepared to shoot me as I covered my face with my hooves in fear. However, nothing seemed to happen.

A familiar dark blade came out of the inside of the metal monster, which went out in a mechanical noise. Lord Fear entered my field of vision, he had more holes like a cheese rapper and stared at me before he collapsed unconscious on the ground.

"No, please no! Lord Fear, wake up, I beg you. God help him, I don't want him to die, he saved my life. He can't die like that. Please don't let him die!"

"Thank you Anon!" Lord Fear was staring at me as the holes in his armor began to disappear.

"Again, thank you!" He got up like a gentleman. "Only fear can fix me."

"Thank God you're safe and sound! Are you feeling all right?!"

"I'm fine. You saved me from having to tell Hatred that I left you alone in a dimension!"

"I suppose."

"Well, let's hurry and get out of here. I hope our adventure will have pleased you, Anon. We will soon make new ones."

Before I realized what was happening to me, a wormhole opened under my feet as I fell into it.

I landed on my soft bed gently as the wormhole above my head closed. So I did it? I had gone into a bunker full of killer robots and survived?

It was still hard for me to believe it, but I noticed the soft glow from my Pip-Buck reminding me of the very real reality of our adventure with Fear and me.

I raised my paw and contemplated the little technological marvel that was wrapped around my hoof. A small piece of paper protruded from a slot in the device.

I took it as best I could and discovered a note from Lord Fear that seemed destined for me.

He told me that he was leaving me the Pip-Buck and that in order to make it discreet, he had made it visible to me alone. I smiled at this prospect, after my adventure with the robots, I think it would have been difficult for me to feel safe without it.

I also realized when I contemplated my room, still dark, that I had become a child again. I suddenly noticed a repetitive noise behind me that seemed to have already been there for a while.

I turned around and watched Lord Hatred standing still, picking chips from a packet from time to time. This guy is the most unhealthy thing in the world.

He kept eating those crisps staring at me like he watch a movie. I coughed trying to show him that I had seen her, but he didn't move.

"Lord Hatred?"

"Quiet Anon!"

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Shut up, stupid filly!"

I silently contemplated myself contemplating him in such a way as to give him back his gaze. Finally, he came next to me on the bed throwing the bag of chips.

"I suppose you went with Lord Fear to get such a device! "He said, pointing my Pip-Buck in a tone full of reproach.

"Yes, but it's none of your business! "Slightly turning away from him.

"Anon, I have a question for you! Do you want to end up like your friend the caretaker? »

I panted slightly as I thought about the head of the caretaker of the building coming off his body.


"Where were you?"

"We went into a bunker full of killer robots."

"He loses nothing to wait for, give me that!"

Lord Hatred grabbed my Pip-Buck and tried in vain to remove it from my handle.

"And besides, you can't take it off! Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, I wanted to tell you that I was coming with you today!"

"With me?"

"Yes, let's have breakfast, with your night trip, it's already morning."

I didn't know what to think, Lord Hatred was going to show up?

I gently walked out of my room and into the dining room, I saw Blueblood and Carrot Top looking at me like an alien. So he was seeing him?


"Yes, Anon... How do you..."

"Look, he's here! "Pointing my hoof at Lord Hatred, who simply saluted with his hand.

"Who's there, sweetheart?" Carrot Top asked worried.

"Lord Hatred, the red armor, right there!"

Both looked at each other for a moment with a fake smile on their faces.

"Oh, of course. Sorry Anon, we didn't see that your friend Lord Hatred was with us. Come and sit with us."

"Good morning, Mr. Lord Hatred. Anon, could you take these socks off your feet? If you're cold, we can go buy you slippers. Socks don't really serve that purpose."

What? I looked at my hooves and found four pairs of orange and yellow socks at my feet. Carrot Top was blushing deeply for some reason.

I watched Lord Hatred contemplating the carrot garden from the window. So they didn't see him? Definitely one of those magic tricks.

I sighed for a long time as I took my socks off my hooves. Too bad, it was silky. So I sat down and started eating my bowl of oats.

I noticed that the bowl and many other things such as a fork, spoon, knife had been modified so that I could take them with my hoof. I found the attention delicate and no refusal, I smiled back at them.

Throughout lunch, Blueblood and Carrot Top asked me a lot of questions such as if I wanted to have a different colour for my room, if there were any sports activities I wanted to do.

I would just answer yes or no and don't trying to sound rude. Finally, Blueblood smiled tenderly at me and crushing these hooves seemed to be preparing to tell me something.

"We didn't know how to tell you, Anon, but it's about me. Carrot and I have been thinking all day about how to tell you and..."

Carrot laughed.

"Come on, Blueblood, get to the point!"

"I... I am a prince!"


I looked at him doubtful, except for the elegant bow tie, Blueblood didn't look like a prince. Besides, why would he live here and with Carrot Top?

"I know Anon, Prince Blueblood is known to have a bad reputation but... I have changed! "He insisted at the very end of his sentence.

"Are you really a prince?"

"Yes, Blueblood was a prince... a little tyrannical. But he became softer and nicer afterwards and then we met and moved here!"

I wasn't very convinced, but I let it happen. After that, Blueblood and Carrot Top insisted that we go to the sports clubs in Ponyville to see which sports I might like.

So I followed them with my unwanted companion in red armor who just followed me behind without any noise.

Suddenly, as I walked carefully, I felt a strong pat on my butt. I turned around furiously to find Lord Hatred looking the other way.

I began to forget the personal insult he had given me and went back on my way when I felt another hand on my buttocks a little stronger than the previous one. I turned around and whispered in a low voice:

"Stop it!"

He approached my ear and said to me in a menacing voice:

"Anon, I do what I want when I want!"

I didn't know it again, catching up with Blueblood and Carrot Top when I was pulled with energy. I shouted a sharp little cry so sudden and strong was the pain and I fell to the ground. Carrot Top and Blueblood noticed it.

"Are you all right, Anon? What happened? What happened? »

"I" looked at Lord Hatred with fury and sighed defeated. "I'm fine, I stepped on my tail."

"Yes, it also happened to me when I was your age. "Says Blueblood looking away as if he could see what he was talking about.

Carrot Top sat next to me and hugged me.

"Poor Anon, don't worry! The pain will go away quickly. Mom and Dad are with you. »

"No, please let go of me! I'm fine, Carrot!"

I fiercely broke her sweet embrace and got up, I was really tired of being seen as a fragile and weak little thing. However, my gesture saddened Carrot Top who seemed hurt by my gesture.

We were on our way again as I walked behind them with my head down. I felt bad for pushing Carrot Top away. I saw her in front of me, all sad, who must have thought she was a terrible mother.

"Every action has these consequences Anon," Lord Hatred whispered with a hint of joy in his sentence.

I didn't even bother to answer and instead breathed a frustrated sigh.

The town hall I had been told about was inevitably getting closer to us until we rushed into it. The hall was held by a mare who was reading a book where there was no one.

Blueblood coughed to let our presence be known, which made him look up at us. A wide warm smile appeared on her face as she placed her book on a corner of the desk.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Hello, we wanted to see the sporting activities of Ponyville!"

"To do that, you have to go see Mayor Mare in her office!"

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, it was a pleasure to chat with other ponies for once," she sighed.

I kept silent on this last remark and followed Blueblood and Carrot Top to the so-called mayor's office which was in the middle of administrative paperwork.

Carrot Top and Blueblood greeted her cheerfully and asked her about the different sports activities that existed in Ponyville for foals.

"Hello to you! Usually I am the one who presents the activities proposed for our young foals and fillies in Ponyville but... it is important that I write this as soon as possible," she says, pointing to her scroll which was easily twice my size.

"However," she continued looking at me with a calm smile. "I'm sure Dark Light would be happy to show your charming filly the sporting activities offered by Ponyville."

And so we found ourselves in the company of an adult female bat pony with a red cap and a white t-shirt that explained Ponyville's sporting activities in an almost fanatical way.

I had to stop following his long monologue because the discussion suddenly stopped. The bat pony named Dark Light looked at me with his lightning glance while Carrot Top and Blueblood looked at me.

"I think it would be better to go straight to practice!" She judged.


"Yes, the best way to judge if you like a sport is to practice it! »

"But I don't like sports!" I say in a tone perhaps a little too plaintive.

"You have to try before you judge! Isn't that right, sir and ma'am?" She said, turning to my equine parents.

"Yes, of course... You have to try, but if she doesn't want to..."

"It's her health that's at stake," she cut her hair dry." It is urgent that she get into sport or she will look like a green potato in the near future. What are you feeding her?"

"We've only had it for a few days..."

"I want a real answer!"

"I gave him carrots from my garden," Carrot Top said.

"All right, but think about varying his diet. Can I keep your daughter for the rest of the afternoon to have her try out some sports?"

"In the afternoon? That's a lot and we don't really know each other! »

"Do I look like a foalnapper?"

"No, but..."

"Then get out of my sight!"

And so my two legal guardians left under the last roar of the dark mare. Lord Hatred, who had been there all along, was looking at the scene as I was.

"To both of us Anon!"

Oh, shit! I turned to see the imposing coach in front of me with a look of absolute concentration.


"I can't take it anymore! »

"Come on, Anon, if you can still talk, it's because you're not tired yet."

A quarter of an hour later I fell covered with scratches due to my incessant falls during the running session.

We had tried many sports such as ballet (again), bowling and even running but I didn't like anything. Dark Light said she wanted me to hold on for my own good, but I was just tired of it.

I looked away at Lord Hatred who was plucking a daisy as he looked at the sun at its zenith. Dark Light growled in a low voice that it was already time for the break and took me to lunch.

Accompanying the pervert in red armor who started these perverse games again as soon as I turned my back on him, I entered a city hall. Passed a whole row of corridors to enter one of the last doors at the back. We entered a dark room.

Dark Light shot with his mouth on a switch revealing a small square room where pictures of her and other ponies rested. I recognized on one of them, the little foal that had accidentally thrown a balloon in my face next to Dark Light.

Both smiled and stood against each other, I deduced that Dark Light must have been his mother. Another one of the same kind was hung on a wall with a bat pony stallion where everyone seemed delighted.

"These are pictures of my family! Come and eat," she said, opening the brown package that was on her desk.

This one came out with two huge meatless croques-monsieur (obviously) that seemed to have kept some heat where you could see cheese dripping from all sides.

I was salivating in advance when a sigh brought me back to reality:
"And to think I made those sandwiches for myself and Shards Shadow for our day together!"

The poor bat pony seemed to have lost all her energy in her and looked away as if lost in these thoughts, the two sandwiches were now dripping on her hoof.

"What happened?"I was curious to learn more about my coach.

"It's none of your business! " She says furious," and then no, I'll tell you. It's been a while since Shards Shadow, my lover and I spent some time together. I had planned a whole romantic day just for the two of us and now his incessant work at the Royal Guard is holding him back once again in Canterlot."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't be sorry if it's not your fault. Don't worry about my problems, here's your sandwich!"

I barely touched the sandwich with my hooves before I gobbled it up, which earned me the disapproving look from my coach. I suddenly noticed Lord Hatred's mysterious disappearance for some time now.

I was worried then, looking around the room looking for her presence with the help of the Pip-Buck but nothing. Meanwhile, Dark Light had planted these two canines in her sandwich that she was slowly enjoying.

Time passed when she began to speak:

"I'm done, we can go back to discovering your sport," she says joyfully.

"Great," I said, grinding my teeth.

"Don't make that face! Imagine the fulfilment you will have when you find the sport you like. Looking for the sport we like is like looking for our cutie mark which..."

I could no longer feel my legs under my feet as I fell from a purple vortex that had just opened under my feet.

I landed painfully on a shabby wooden floor as the darkness of the room grabbed me. I got up to realize that I was in the living room of an apartment. A continuous whistling sound came to my ears as I looked for its origin.

Instinctively and maybe out of sheer stupidity as my father would say, I followed the noise. I arrived in a dark room where it was difficult to distinguish anything. The whistle stopped as soon as I entered.

The light suddenly turned on, revealing a workshop where Lord Hatred was staring silently at me. I looked at him frowning as he began to point to a corner of the room to which I had not yet paid attention.

I turned my head and what I saw horrified me, a man sat blindfolded and sat tied to a chair with a strong leather tie. The face of the person twisted in the most absolute horror fearing for his life reminded me of someone.

It was a familiar face, but I had trouble putting a name to it. I looked at him more closely until I recognized his nose, it was Jason. He struggled energetically in his chair, but it resisted him.

Jason, my closest university buddy. The one I spent all my Friday nights with. One of my old best friends before I cut off ties with my family and friends when I went abroad.

"Anon, don't you want to know the truth?"

"The truth? The truth is, you kidnapped one of my old best friends, you're a disgusting monster. You.... "He put his finger on my mouth.

"No, alas Anon. I'm not this time the monster of history. I've studied most of your life carefully. Isn't there something that shocks you? Have you ever wondered how your parents learned about your sexual preferences?

Have you ever made the connection between the person who sent the photo to all the members of your so charming family and the destruction of your entire life. Think Anon, remember who is the person who posted the picture!"

"Jason... "I said in a breath. "He didn't know my family would react that way, he couldn't foresee. Please, leave him! »

"Or maybe on the contrary, he planned it too well. But then, just ask him! "Then he ripped the tape off Jason's mouth and removed these earplugs. "He's all yours," he said in a sardonic tone.

"I beg you, whoever you are, I will give you everything but don't kill me. »

"Well, my friend here would have some questions for you about a certain Anon."

"Anon, I haven't been around him for years. Since these parents learned of his illness, he has never spoken to me again."

"Sickness?" I said amazed.

"Yes, Anon was gay. When I found out, it shocked me. It was one night when he was drunk with me and confessed. I told him to go for treatment, but I don't think he remembered. Please, let go of me, please! Whatever Anon did, I'm not involved!"

"Shut up!" Threatened Hatred putting her sword up to the level of Jason's coup. "How did these parents find out?"

"Please, please, please, don't hurt me. I sent pictures of Anon kissing a guy at a party to his family. They had to know that Anon was sick so they could treat him."

"May I have the truth?"

"I swear to you, it's the truth."

"I want the real truth!"

"All right. Some college guys found out Anon was gay and they were making movies about him and me. And I was seriously starting to feel ashamed to have a fag buddy so...."


"I sent the photo."

Shame? My best friend was ashamed of me. He was ashamed of who I was and how I felt. I felt tears flowing from my eyes as my heart compressed under the pain.

"I'm sorry Anon you had to hear such horror, but you had to. You had to know the origin of your illness. Now this evil must be destroyed."

"Anon, is that you? I beg you to save me. I'm sorry for everything I said to you. Forgive me...."

"I hate you, Jason! Do you hear that? I hate you, I thought you were my friend and you stabbed me. You tell my family everything and now they hate me. Everyone hates me and it's all your fault!"


"It is too late to forgive! Anon, please come in. The rest of this story will not be beautiful."

A wormhole opened next to me. Without even thinking, I rushed into it, leaving Jason's screams behind me.

The gate took me back to the city centre where I noticed that the sun was now orange on the horizon. Everywhere, voices were calling my name in the city. As I set out to walk the streets of Ponyville to digest what I had just heard, Dark Light came down beside me and shouted so that everyone would hear that she had found me.

I was staring at the angry floor, all those stupid ponies who think they're nice. But deep down, if they knew who I was, they would hate me like everyone else around me in my old life.

"Anon, are you all right? We have been very concerned. Your parents died of worries. Where have you been?"

"You don't care about me! I hate you! I hate you! Even my parents who don't even know me hate me. And when they get to know me better, they'll hate me even more too."

"Calm down Anon, your parents love you and I'm sure they'll love you even more afterward. As for me, even if I haven't known you for a long time, I care about you!"

I didn't answer anything anymore. I wanted to be alone, quiet. Being able to hurt alone in a dark place where no one would care about me. My reunion with my parents went in a fuzzy way. I was left alone with all their affections and worries, I didn't care.

As the evening fell, everyone went home. I refused my dinner and went back to my room where I was ready to hit my pillow quite violently to burst into tears halfway through. I'm a loser, a waste of society and a piece of shit without a friend and family.

If everyone hated me, I'd hate them back. ;)

Chapter 14 : Moments in life

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I was tapping the pebble at my hoof again. And then I'd do it again. After a hard fight, I had managed to obtain the right to walk alone in Ponyville after my silence of a few days which had greatly worried my pony parents.

I was confused, I felt betrayed deep inside and extremely ashamed. I felt lonely, desperately lonely in the midst of all those damn multicoloured ponies, so cheerful, chattering and trotting all around me.

They all seemed so happy and I was in pain! This world oppresses me. Especially that horrible reflection of that little green filly that I had seen reflected in a puddle some time earlier. I hated myself, I hated everything around me!

I was sitting on a bench contemplating the stupid landscape of this stupid city in full activity when I noticed a multitudes of shouts and applause nearby.

I stood up, determined to find the source of this racket. As I approached, I discovered a kind of white demarcated terrain in the shape of a circle. Two teams with different jerseys seemed to be competing on the field.

The game was going at a fairly fast pace where the ponies were sending the ball to the pegasus who were trying to score at diametrically opposed baskets. However, these baskets were magically levitated by unicorns.

I watched the game not understanding everything about the game other than having to score baskets. I noticed among the foals playing, the little Pegasus who had brought his father when we started to fight him and his fucking friend was present.

The game ended with the foal's team winning with the supposed dance of the foal squirming more than anything else. I was watching him disappoint when he seemed to notice me. He flapped his wings quickly and came to me:


I turned my back and said, "Hi," as I was about to leave.

"I wanted you to know that I was sorry for the last time about the balloon in your face, I didn't mean to!"

"But you did it," I cried, turning around.

"I'm really, really sorry, but Dear Damaged was going to hurt me if I didn't do it!"

"Hurt you? Isn't he your friend?"

"What? No, he's not my friend. He's just an older pegasus who loves to pick on me even after my dad scolding him. But if not, to make it up to you, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to play with us?"

"No, I don't want to! And then... I don't know how to play it!"

"I can teach you! Come on, please, I'd really like to teach you how to play it to make up for it."

"I don't know."


"Okay, fine, but it's only to make it up to you."

"Great!" He rose into the air before coming down. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Anon, what about you?"

"Littlenight, are you new?"


"Cool, I'll see you at school then!"

My hair stood up to that one word. "We'll see, can you explain the game to me?"

"All right, this game is known as Buck Ball, my father introduced me to it... "He spoke so fast, I soon lost track of his explanations. "...and that was that. It's simple, isn't it?"

"Uh... (clears throat) Can you explain that again more slowly?"


He explained to me again in a slower and more concise manner what the game was all about. I was now very eager to try the game. His excitement about the game contaminated me and took me away from my dark thoughts for a while.

Soon, I found myself on the blue team while Littlenight was on the red team and smiled at me like an idiot for be polite. I quickly get that image out of my mind and concentrate on the task at hand.

When the whistle blew, I jumped up quickly and made a pass to my team's pegasus, which automatically threw the ball into the basket. I jumped for joy falling to the ground a few seconds later while the other pony in front of me was still speechless by my reflexes.

The rest of the game was more exciting as the teams spent their time taking the ball but we still won 5-4. I left the field happy as Littlenight came and sat next to me congratulating me.

"Wow, that was awesome! Your goal at the beginning of the game was just amazing! And I thought you'd have a little trouble at the beginning, you're just too strong! So... would you like to come for ice cream with me?"

"I'd love to, but I have to get home. Otherwise my parents will be worried!"

"Some other time then, see you next Anon!"

"Here's to Littlenight! »

So I was walking quietly towards the house when the shadow of a hot-air balloon passed in front of the landscape. I was watching the beautiful machine slowly descend into the sunny sky of Ponyville when I seemed to see Blueblood in it with binoculars.

No, that was impossible, I must have been dreaming. I pulled myself together and calmly continued my walk home. I entered the living room when I heard a huge noise.

I was looking in all directions looking for one of the two mad lords who have been haunting my life for some time now. When I heard a multitudes of hoof-pairs.

I walked cautiously into the kitchen where Blueblood was reading a newspaper upside down while Carrot Top with a pink-haired mare with an aviator's cap was waving at me.

"Hi, Anon, did you have fun?" Says Blueblood, looking up from his newspaper and rufle my mane. God, I hate that.

"So did my little angel have a good time?"


"It's very good my heart. Anon, I want you to meet a friend of mine, Cherry Berry."

"She... she came to have lunch with us!" Blueblood outbid.

"Nice to meet you Anon, my parents told me all about you!" She said as she shook my hooves vigorously.

She seemed very nice, but she was as terrible a liar as Blueblood and Carrot Top at lying. Three fake smiles greeted me on each of their faces. I let it go for this and then after all it was a bit normal with my habit of disappearing often.

The rest of the lunch was spent in the greatest animation. It turned out that Cherry Berry simply liked to talk a lot, really a lot on a continuous basis. She would tell us about her hot air balloon trip to Yakkistan by making noises, gestures and facial expressions to best describe her trip.

I had to admit that I had come to value the cherry-branded mare standing to my left on the condition that even half of her story was true.

Blueblood, on the other hand, seemed to be inconvenienced by all the incessant gestures and sounds of the mare and quickly disappeared from the table after the carrot dessert.

I myself ended up getting bored with the story of these crazy balloon adventures when Carrot Top came out with a board game and put it on the table.

"It's a pig! No, a donkey that... a hen, it's a hen!"

"That's it! " Say the pink mare rising.

"Congratulations Anon, you and Cherry Berry make a great team. Your turn, honey!"

I was looking at my card, and now I had to mime a dog. I got up from my chair and began to mime the dog, pretending to sniff the floor.

Cherry Berry automatically found out what it was all about while Blueblood and Carrot burst into a joyful laugh when they saw my interpretation.

When we had to stop, there was no question that Cherry Berry and I had won 86 to 24. We celebrated our victory with a little dance that ended on the floor for me.

After our game, it was time for the adventuress in the pink coat to leave. Just before she left us, she gave me a picture of herself... falling out of a hot air balloon.

Wait, who's the person stupid enough to take a picture like that? That was weird. I thanked her anyway, she was a special mare but quite funny in the background.

When she closed the door behind her, Carrot Top and Blueblood turned to me smiling in an extremely suspicious way.

"Anon, we haven't told you yet, but we have to go see someone!"


"Well, her name is Cherilee, a very nice mare who'd like to get to know you."

"And what's the point?"

"A friend! " Carrot Top reassured me.

"About? Just a friend we're going to meet, nothing more?"

"Yes," she looked away.

"I don't want to go!"

In front of me stood the little school in Ponyville. I vainly drove my hooves into the ground while Carrot pulled me with all his strength.

"And to think you told me that my sessions at the Bulk Biceps gym would be useless to me Blueblood."

"I admit I didn't think it would do this much good, but I'll admit you were right."

"I don't want to go! You have no right to force me."

They both turned to me and said mischievously and in unison: "We can!"

I was loudly snorting and ended up abandoned. If I was stuck here for a while, I'd have to work out.

When we arrived on the porch, a magenta mare with cotton candy mane quickly opened up, thinking she was watching for us or simply being warned by my screams.

"Hello, come in, settle down! »

My very diplomatic parents sat in a corner of the room so as not to disturb. I was in front of the office of the newly met mare who had taken a small questionnaire out of her desk.

"Perfect, I introduce myself, my name is Cheerilee. I'm your future teacher, your name's Anon, right?"


"All right, my parents told me you've been having some trouble with your motor skills. Do you mind if I fill out the questionnaire for you?"

"Of course not, what is the purpose of the questionnaire?"

"These are questions on certain subjects to find out your level."

Easy, this questionnaire would finally prove that I'm as smart as an adult and...

"Where is the crystal empire?" Misery...

I didn't even dare raise my head anymore, so ashamed was I. I had barely managed to complete half of the questionnaire. Cheerilee, on the other hand, seemed extremely impressed with my mathematical skills, which she said were equal to the highest unicorns of the Celestia school.

Unfortunately, I had had to ask the stupid question of who Celestia was in order to see Cheerilee's face looking at me with the greatest pity.

When the test was finally over, Cheerilee asked Blueblood and Carrot to step forward. I took advantage of the fact that I was no longer the center of attention to walk freely around the classroom.

It was in itself quite pretty but a little too rustic for my taste for modernity. I looked out the window and saw a small playground.

I was contemplating the rather childish drawings in the classroom when a funny music coming from the door at the back of the room came to my ears. Strange, I was sure there was no door here before.

Oh, I suddenly realized what this could mean. I cautiously backed away until I was standing next to Carrot, whom I jostled as I stared at the door.

"Something wrong, Anon? »

"Did you see the door at the back of the classroom?"

Everyone stared at the back of the room, which was filled with a simple drawing wall. The door had disappeared and was now replaced by a wall. Okay, everyone was now looking at me worriedly.

Suddenly I heard two voices, one of which I knew. They seemed to come from outside and came closer to us:

"Please stop, she's just a filly! And then there was no indication that she was the one who broke it. And I doubt she's here, you're only going to piss Cheerilee off again."

"Oh, come on, Fluttershy, that was a lamp with my persona on it for you. If I let the filly with the strange name get away with it, I'd be a terrible person, wouldn't I?"

"Uh... yeah, probably, but promise me Discord that you won't act like an idiot around her."

"Pinkie promise Fluttershy, now let's go!"

A gigantic creature (don't forget my size) looking very similar to Fluttershy's lamp opened the door vigorously, those golden eyes landing on me.

I made a high-pitched scream before hiding under Blueblood's chair. I felt a claw grab my leg and lift me up into the air.

"Discord, what did we say together?"

"Well," sighed the creature.

I fell to the ground softly, the creature apparently still looked at me angrily. However, my super parents intervened with Cheerilee.

"Discord, I presume? Don't you dare touch a hair on Anon's head, is that clear?"

"But she has..."

"Shut up, I'm with Carrot. Don't you dare catch my daughter with your paw dirt!"

"My paws aren't dirty and she..."

"DISCORD! I forbade you to enter my classroom after what you did and you come here all upset!"


"DISCORD! Don't you dare speak to anypony here like that!"

The creature suddenly seemed to lose all anger and calmed down quite quickly after Fluttershy's intervention and his murderous gaze.

"Still, the filly with the strange name must apologize!"

"Anon, her name is Anon, Discord. This is the fourth time I've told you!"

"It still sounds like one of those weird names of foreign peoples, like zebras, for example."

"Mr. Discord, you mentioned that Anon had broken a gift. Are you sure it's him?"


"And what would he have broken?"

"A lamp of my own making that I gave to Fluttershy at a tea party."

"I don't know if it's true, but we'll compensate you Mr. Discord for this little inconvenience," Blueblood interjected.

"Alas," Discord fainted and fell on a couch that wasn't there before. "This lamp, my handsome prince, had an emotional value unmatched in Fluttershy's eyes."

"Discord, I think you're overdoing it a little bit."

"Come on, Fluttershy, all I'd like is for Almond to agree to apologize."

"Sorry Mr Discord for breaking your beautiful present, I didn't do it on purpose but when I touched it, it went to pieces."

"What? You're not denying it? You're not whining and you're not afraid to talk to me? "Everybody was staring at him in a daze. "I mean, of course I accept your apology."

He leaned over to me:

"Believe me, I'm not done with you yet!"

And now I had not two but three big problems to deal with. This thing was obviously going to complicate my life. Fluttershy pushed Discord out the door and closed behind her apologizing.

Cheerilee still stared at the purple couch in the middle of class, lay down and sighed on it:

"At least we might as well take advantage of it before we have to enlarge the door to get him out."

I wasn't angry about getting ice cream after what happened. We would go home quietly while enjoying a nice sunset. Blueblood was holding the ice in front of my snout not his unicorn telekinesis when a familiar little pegasus suddenly descended from the sky to my position:

"Hi Anon! Hello Mr. Blueblood and Mrs. Carrot Top," he said, bowing politely.

"Hello Littlenight, it's nice of you to come and see Anon. You're friends, aren't you?"

"Yes, Carrot. " God, what an intrusive pony mother.

"I wanted to ask if you're okay of course, if Anon could come play with us!" He started making puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry, but we have to go home! It's getting late and Anon has had a busy day Littlenight."

"Please!" I tried to imitate Littlenight and also looked at him with puppy eyes. That game was just awesome and I would play.

"No, it's no! Anon, why are you making a grimace?"

"Grimace? " Okay, I'll definitely need some practice to get it right.

I greeted Littlenight as disappointed as I was that I couldn't play with him and went home.

Cherry Berry was in the garden tryint to get out her balloon stuck in the tree. She hid when she saw me. I pretended I didn't see her.

We went go to in our house. When it was time to eat, Carrot took Dark Light's advice and cooked us something other than carrots. They were... flowers, and I watched them swallow them like French fries and felt nauseous:

"Are you all right, Anon? »

"I don't like flowers! »

"You want something else, I can go out and buy something else and... »

"Blueblood sit tight! »

"But... »

"Wait, I read a book where you have to be strict about what you feed your foals! Anon, have you ever eaten flowers? »

"Uh... not really." Please, I don't want to eat a flower. I'm not a stupid horse!

"Then taste it!"

Carrot Top was staring at me as I felt the pressure on me but I don't eating a fucking flowers that looked like the ones in the public garden near my house.

"So?" Blueblood had finally joined the idea of giving me a taste. I swallowed slowly, suddenly preparing myself where you go from a human stuck in a horse's body to a plain horse.

I grabbed my little conditioning fork from my hooves. Pricked the stem of the flower with a point. It inevitably came close to my mouth. I stuck out my tongue to touch the stem.

And vomit suddenly on the side of the table before touching the flower. Blueblood liquefied on the spot. Carrot, on the other hand, became angry and deprived me of food, considering that I had done it on purpose.

Later, I was hungry. I could easily eat a cow passing by without blinking an eye. However, the presence of Carrot Top who cleaned up the vomit with household utensils quickly dissuaded me from doing so.

Blueblood was completely silent and was now cleaning the dishes. I had taken refuge in my room following the incident and was watching the dark shadows looming outside.

It was hard to distinguish who they belonged to even though I suspected they were pegasus for being in the floating night. My belly gurgling again when I smelled a greasy, familiar smell.

A box of pizza boxes lay nonchalantly on my bed where a sweet smell emanated. I approached with distinct feelings of fear and delicacy.

I opened the box with my mouth and discovered a pizza whose odor induced that it was a ham and cheese pizza. A note was delicately placed on it in the manner of a signature of a great starred chef. I quickly scanned the inscription, inclined to know why a pizza was on my bed:


In order for you to understand the differences between a human and an equine stomach, I wanted you to eat this pizza prepared by the care of a clandestine bar whose name I hardly remember in Corsica. Bon appétit!

Lord Hatred.

I approached pizza with renewed mistrust. What did he mean by understanding the differences of being a pony? However, my stomach rumbled as if a bomb was about to explode in my stomach.

I gently licked the surface and gradually let myself eat it more frankly. When I had finished and my stomach seemed to be satisfied, the box mysteriously disappeared. I lay like a blessed man on my bed.

Carrot and Blueblood came in visibly nervous:

"I, uh... Sorry Anon, I should never have gotten so angry, it was stupid of me and it's not your fault that you reacted that way. I made a special dish for you with cabbage and for dessert: Blueblood and I bought strawberries."

I was completely full with that delicious pizza. But how could I tell them that I had just had a meal without appearing for the poor little crazy filly?

"No, you're right. I deserved to be punished and I have to wait until tomorrow to eat!"


"No, I deserve it!"

"Are you on my baby?" Bleublood stepped forward.


"Don't feel obligated, my little angel, if you're hungry, you can come and eat."

"No, I must be punished. What I have done is wrong!" The hesitation came up in my voice at the end of the sentence, but they didn't seem to notice.

"I'm so proud of you, Anon," the white stallion kissed me on the cheek.

"Don't hesitate to come if you're really hungry. I'll leave your plate in the kitchen if you're hungry."

Then whispering to Blueblood coming out of my room:

"Ten to one she'll be here to eat before morning! »

"You got it!"

Later, I threw up my trips to the toilet, especially the pieces of ham, and my stomach rumbled as if a bomb was inside.

Several hours after Blueblood won his bet, we played Blueblood's favorite activity: dominoes.

Then Carrot came with me to bed when it was time and came out of the corner... the complete edition of Toby the Pink Rabbit. NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! My life was an endless joke written by a madman!

I smiled my best forced smile and waited patiently, not to say valiantly, for this reading crap to end. I proceeded to read the author's name in case I had to make him swallow those books and rocked myself to sleep with that image.

I was dreaming, I knew it! I was running frantically through a clearing in the shape of a pony. Soft, friendly music was playing as I ran. However, the more I ran, the darker the music became as I noticed a shadowy pony chasing me.

I ran faster and time became more and more red as the ground collapsed into an astral void. Only the ground in front of me behind did not collapse into the abyss. The shadow behind me kept growing.

I quickly turned around and looked behind me again and saw that an eyeless Princess Luna with a black liquid coming out of her eyeballs appeared in front of me. I bumped into her and an image of a crazy Pinkie Pie popped from my mind.

I would stand up on my bed in sweat. Meticulously inspecting my room. I was sweaty and I wasn't feeling very well. I took a deep breath and calmly exhaled.

I lay comfortably in my bed, trying to chase those dreadful images from my brain. I unconsciously started praying without realizing it.

The next morning there was a sudden scream in my ears, I was startled, banging my head against the ceiling and falling back onto the bed with pieces of roofing.

"Oh, sorry, so sorry. You wouldn't wake up so I raised my voice and... sorry again. Blueblood made you breakfast!"

"Can I stay in bed a little longer?"

"No or you'll miss... nothing. Absolutely nothing, but you have to get up."

Unfortunately, this story smelled like trouble, but I didn't disagree. What was the point? Whatever this problem is, it's going to fall right on my face.

"Come on, Anon, and don't forget to dress up..."

"No dress!"I barked.

"Don't worry, a bow?"


"To your mama?!"

I growled as Carrot Top tied the awful magenta knot in my mane. It was still not as bad as I thought it would be, all this girl stuff.

"All right, go get your breakfast, girl, I've got to see this roofing thing."

I trotted to the dining room where a hearty meal was waiting for me, I was salivating. Blueblood reading a newspaper smiled at me and pushed a chair for me to sit down.

"Hello Anon! Sleep well?"

"I had a nightmare!"Answering with a mouthful of toast to gooseberry jam.

"And what was this nightmare Anon? »

"It was a little strange. I could see myself running in a straight line being chased by an eyeless zombie Luna Princess who appeared in front of me to see atrocious images of a mutilated crazy Pinkie Pie."

"You should talk to your psychologist Anon. It's scary."

"Blueblood, it's going to be time," said Carrot as he entered the room. "And there was a little problem my love with the roof in Anon's room. Could you go check afterwards?"

"Of course my angel," and the two of them kissed.

I repressed a shiver when I saw so much love in the air. I gulped down my last piece of toast as Blueblood rose from his chair.

"We're going, Anon!"


It had been irritating me for more than 15 minutes not knowing where I was going. Blueblood was also getting fed up and just sighed wearily.

However, I quickly, but unfortunately not enough, understood that I was leading on the way to school. I had finally deduced it from the multitudes of ponies and foals going in the same direction as us. This also explained the pink bag that Blueblood was holding on his back.

I was moaning my most infamous thoughts about the whole world that seemed to want to pick on me while Blueblood was whistling a cheesy song.

We arrived at the entrance of the courtyard in front of the school where Blueblood gave me a sorry, sheepish smile. He kissed me on the forehead and gave my bag to the teacher, who was warmly welcoming all the students, then he left.

Some looked at me strangely while others smiled and shook their hooves to greet me. Am I so famous?

"Hello Anon!"

I turned my eyes and discovered Dinky looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Hello Anon!"

And his mother was there, too.


"Anon, will you stand next to me in class? And we can play in the yard afterwards?"

"Gotta go kids, gotta deliver the mail! Have a good day, both of you!"

"Kiss Mommy!"

The adorable little filly threw herself around her mother's neck and gave her an eskimo kiss with her nose. I looked at them realizing that I had been standing in the same place since Blueblood had abandoned me a quarter of an hour ago.

"Kids, we have to get back to class! "Cheerilee rang her bell cheerfully.

I was one of the last people in the class who didn't know where to sit. Cheerilee wanted me to show up for class even though I didn't want to. As I stood trembling in front of the blackboard, the three fillies I had met in the Applejack orchard were literally bursting into the classroom.

"May I ask why you're late?" Scold Cheerilee.

"Uh... (clears throat) I had a problem to waking up me Mistress Cheerilee."

"What about you?"

"We were waiting for Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo was looking at the ground.

"Well, we'll be okay this time. Go sit down quick! Please, Anon."

"Well, actually... My name is Anon and... my parents are Carrot Top and Blueblood... and I'm new to Ponyville."

"Thank you, Anon. You can go sit next to Dinky, I heard you guys want to sit next to each other."

As I was winning my place, I noticed that one of the fillies in the class was wearing a tiara. Is that allowed? The filly crossed my eyes and smiled at me. I was shivering inside, all the strangers smiling at me.

"Well, I hope you'll all be nice to Anon. Now let's start with some math. Open the manual on page 41 and..."

My mind was going somewhere else, to faraway places, until a textbook landed noisily on my table, taking me out of my reverie. Cheerilee looked at me unhappily.

"Anon, just because you don't have the textbook doesn't mean you shouldn't listen."

"I'm sorry."

In order not to be noticed anymore, I did all the required exercises and I lifted the hoof.

Cheerilee quickly corrected my exercises and everything was good. Proudly bulging my chest, I took advantage of my time off to better observe the ponies in the class.

Then we moved on to the story where I didn't really feel interested. What's the point of learning something like history when it's only temporary? I could imagine how mad a historian would be if he knew that I was the first one to come into contact with another intelligent race and that I didn't give a damn about their cultures.

Seconds later came the recess where I spent most of my time playing with the crusaders and Dinky. Finally, we went back to school where I spent the rest of the morning bored out of my mind.

When the bell rang, I rushed with several foals outside the school in front of the gate. It was good for my brain that school only lasted one morning with the ponies.

I waited patiently to see one of my two parents, only neither of them came. Cheerilee had decided to come home with me when we saw a shadow.

It was on two legs, and... Oh, please. Not that bipedal chimera. Wait, what was she doing in a jogging suit? This one looked completely discombobulated and was sweating profusely.


"Discord? What are you doing here?"

"I've come for Anon!"

"Anon? Looking for her? But it's her parents who should be looking for her, not you."

"Well, it's a funny story," he changed his suit for an elegant tuxedo with a cane. "See, Anon's parents had an unexpected events..."

"What unexpected events? I hope it has nothing to do with you! " Scolding Cheerilee.

"Not at all, and if it makes you feel any better. It bothers me too, but what do you want? That's life, a very long unexpected!"

"Can we get back to the discussion?"

"Of course! So I was saying that Anon's parents had an unforeseen event. Blueblood had to ask ponies to repair the roof and he is not available to help with the work. As for Carrot Top, she went to the fair unannounced..."

"The impromptu fair?"

"A fair that does fairground stuff but nobody ever knows: Where? When? How long? So she jumped at the chance. She asked Fluttershy if she could take care of Anon while we went to tea!!!!"

I felt all the distress of those words and I felt a little pity for the poor little creature who felt bad about not being able to have tea.

Anyway," I said she had asked Fluttershy, but Fluttershy had an emergency afterwards about a silly bear stealing honey from a hornet's hive. So she left in a hurry and asked me to take care of her," he finally pointed to me.

"Even if your story sounds... plausible, I need proof!"

"Fluttershy told me you would say that so she wrote a short letter and said you could come and see her when she's done."

"Well, I'll check. Not a single problem with Anon or I doubt Fluttershy will ever want to talk to you again!"

"I know. You finished? We've got to go. I'm kind of in a hurry."

"And why?"

"Anon's to-do lists," he says, pulling out a huge list from I don't know where. "By the way, see miss Cheerilee again!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!"

A bubble burst.

Chapter 15 : The Shadows of Chaos

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I was outside the school without Cheerilee around. I was now alone by Discord in an alleyway in Ponyville. He was reading a list with glasses mumbling incomprehensible calculations.

"Well, okay, I see. Almond, according to this list scrupulously written by your dear mother, we must start with your homework! Do you have any homework?"

"Yes." I was staring at a rock on the ground, I was afraid I'd meet his crazy eyes.

"In that case," he snapped his talons and we were somewhere else. "Welcome to my home! »

When I looked, everything seemed so chaotic that it was almost unhealthy. Flying apples were singing as they circled around a glass table where a mini volcano was erupting below. A staircase leading nowhere and... ...a series of phenomena defying logic were unfolding before my eyes.

"So what do you think?"

"Very... good."

"Thank you, go and sit down on the table so we can tackle another one of those annoying things written on a list as long as that of dear Twilight."

I would put my bag on the floor and clumsily take my things out on the table using my mouth by the way, which still disgusted me.

Then I would open my math workbook where I laughed inwardly at the simplicity of the calculations:
1+9=... Feel free to reread your lesson if you find it too difficult!

However, despite the simplicity of the exercise, the pencil didn't fit well in my mouth and my writing was at best atrocious.

As I was writing the last line of calculations I heard a scream. I looked up so that I would have just enough time to get all the water that came into my face and all over my notebook.

A kind of blob made of water had just spit in my face and made a giggle that made me guess that he was laughing. I would straighten my wet hair, which hid most of my vision.

"This haircut suits you Abscons. »

"I'm all wet! And so is my notebook!"

"Kids, always complaining. Hottie, get over here!"

A huge hairdryer came out of a hallway and blew on me with all its might. Finally, I flew away to kiss the window a few metres further on.

"Hottie, no! That's no way to treat guests! Bad hair dryer!"

The creature started moaning and fled down the corridor from where it had come. I fell to the ground softly. My wet worksheet landed on my face.

"So sorry, Anon, let's get on with it! For our next step, please make Anon eat holy food and balance. Sure thing!"

He snapped greenhouses again and I found myself lying at a table unable to move a single muscle with a red apple in my mouth.

Discord with a monocle was at the end of the table waiting with a knife and fork.

My heart was pounding, I was going to be a fucking turkey. Who's twisted enough to play a joke on a child? I tried in vain to struggle to get the rope that was keeping me motionless to tighten its grip.

"I'm kidding, Anon. To make it up to you, here are some beautiful flowers."

I looked with a high heart at the flowers on my plate while Discord watched me annoyed.

"What? You don't like flowers? Maybe some applesauce?"

My dish suddenly turned into a bowl of applesauce. There was a spoon on the left.

"Mr. Discord?"


"Could you get me a spoon to fit my hooves?"

"Of course."

He slammed out of those greenhouses again, but nothing happened. As I looked around, my left arm felt heavier.

My eyes were about to fall off as the tip of my left front hoof had become a spoon.

Discord broke out in a demented laugh in front of my frightened head as I felt nauseous. As he dried the tears streaming from his eyes he said:

"Calm down, Anon! As soon as you've finished eating, you'll find your hoof back as such."

"What have you done? Help! Help!"

"Calm Anon! Quiet! Look, no more spoon-hooves. Here's a spoon to fit your hooves!"

"What the..."

My hoof was no longer a spoon. I breathed a few breaths before grabbing my spoon and quietly eating my compote while watching the creature in the corner of my eye.

Discord grumbled beside me and moaned I don't know what about the sacrifices they had to make in the name of Fluttershy.

When the meal was over, he beamed me away with him to what seemed to be a house. I didn't even know where we were, but it was strange. On the left, everything looked quite old, as opposed to the right where everything was new with blue and white colors.

"Well, I don't know if your loathsome parents told you but you have a music class with Octavia!"


"A stuck pony who only plays the violin and lives with Vinyl Scratch. Some say they're..."

"Excuse me? Did I hear wrong?! Who are you calling a uptight pony?!"

A grey pony with a long black mane had just arrived in the living room.

"Oh, just you!"

"And what were you gonna tell that filly about me and Vinyl?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about!"

"I'd rather! Hello, you're Anon, right?"


"All right. Can you let us Discord? Unless I have to tell Fluttershy about your dubious innuendo in front of a child?!"

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving. I'll be back in an hour, Anon!"

And he disappeared without a trace.

"All right, before we get started, my name is Octavia and I'd like you to meet Vinyl. If you're staying at Ponyville, it's important that you meet as many ponies as possible here!"

She took me to a huge room where a huge bass was stored. It had wheels and even a place where a pony could be on the machine.

Before I knew it, a pony came out from underneath the machine. It was a mare with white coat and blue mane with large magenta glasses. She walked towards me and shook my hoof, smiling.

"Vinyl, this is Anon. Vinyl, this is Anon. Remember the little filly I told you about, the one that was adopted by Blueblood and Carrot Top? That's the one. »

"Hello. »

"She doesn't talk too much!" Whispered Octavia. "Well, we'll leave you to it then, Vinyl."

"No problem, Octy. Anon, if you ever feel like trying to DJ, feel free to come and see me!"

"Are you a DJ?"

"Yeah, my stage name is DJ PON3! "She exclaims. Weird for someone who's supposed to talk little, I thought.

Then in doing so, Octavia took me to her side where she showed me some musical instruments.

"This is an Anon violin. It's a stringed instrument that..."

"I know."

"You know?"

When I was little, my parents wanted me to become a musician so until I was eight years old, they kept making me all kinds of instruments but I was never any good and they ended up giving up.


"Who taught you? Your orphanage?"

"No, my parents! " I half lied.

"Poor child, sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know. And you know how to play it?"

"A little."

There was a series of tests on each of Octavia's musical instruments, but soon she discovered that nothing interested me.

"Too bad, I would have been happy to teach you the art of classical music! You can go see Vinyl if you want. Children usually prefer her music!"

As she was packing up the stuff she'd taken out, I rushed to see Vinyl. I've always dreamed of DJing! All that music, all that noise, all that atmosphere.

I would quickly arrive at Vinyl's place who had put these glasses on his horn and was drinking coffee from a cup while looking out the window.

She turned to me and smiled:

"You wanna try Anon?"

It was just so cool. I was jumping for joy as the session just ended.

I was like, "That was amazing! Can we do it again?"

Vinyl Scratch is smiling.

"Of course, but you'll have to check with your parents. Especially Blueblood, he's kind of stuck on that! »

"Anon, Discord awaits you at the gate!" Clamed Octavia.

"I'm coming, to see Mrs. Vinyl again!"

"Just call me Vinyl! See Anon again!"

As I happily trotted to the living room, the floor slipped away from under my feet.

I fell violently on a kind of damp wooden floor. I stood up gently on my four hooves to notice from my size that I had become an attractive young adult again.

I looked around and saw nothing more than the sea and fog, I was on a ship. This one seemed to be worn down by the ages it had been going through, where a few mushrooms were growing on the mast.

A carved dragon's head sat at the bow of the ship, and the sails, though worn, held the emblem of an elegantly well drawn boar's head.

As I marvelled, I saw Lord Hatred and Lord Fear, who did not seem to have discovered my presence, talking on one of the left sides of the ship.

"I hope you are ready, the battle is likely to be a hard one! The little beast has grown up well since I met her."

"I think I'm ready, you won't be too upset?"

"A little bit, it's more than that idiot Anon can produce in terms of hate!"

"Anyway, I really hope that about 20 rockets will be enough to shoot it down, this thing seems terribly resistant."

"It's not the beast I'm worried about, it's the Disciples!"

"Excuse me? "I was trying to call them out.

"If you wouldn't have been a cheapskate, you wouldn't have to worry about it. But with this boat, on the other hand..."

"Do you know how much a boat costs?"

"I exist, you know! " I shouted.

"Well, here's the most delicious mare we've ever had in our company! " Said Lord Hatred.

"Let me go back to Ponyville!"

"No Anon, after Fear tells me about your exploits in the bunker, I'm commandeering you."

"I refuse!"



"Anon, please!"


"If you refuse, I can guarantee that you will soon experience the experience of being a mother. Anon, I'm serious!"

I tensed up as disgusting images crossed my mind. I felt submissive, threatened with rape if I refused. I was in denial before finally accepting, having little choice anyway.

"All right," I said.

"Thank you, Anon!" Lord Fear added.

"Our mission is to kill my daughter, Scylla! " Lord Hatred said again.

"Your daughter? Scylla? As in Odysseus?"

"Yes, yes and yes. I advise you to watch this video in order to better understand."

He took a tablet out of a wooden chest and handed it to me.

"But... does she really exist?"

As the video progressed, I could feel a part of it freezing in fear of the creature we were going to have to fight.


"And this is your daughter?"

"Yes again, it's a bit of a silly story. I had infiltrated a small village next to a charming little river and disguised myself as a beautiful girly teenager."

"Except that one night," Lord Fear resumed. "Lord Hatred had had too much to drink and... had unprotected sex with a sea creature."

"It's disgusting!" I exclaimed.

"No Anon, the most disgusting part as you say, is when you can't get back to your true shape and you have to give birth to a slimy creature after nine months of grasping tush." Lord Hatred almost screamed.

"Anyway, Lord Hatred did a burn out and left his lovely child in a cave and made sure to feed it to the sailors. Since then she's become a bit like you, his hate tank."

"Like me? Wait, that's horrible! Why would you want to kill her?"

"A community called the Disciples intends to use Scylla by a complicated brainwashing spell to control this strait and gain a monopoly of an important maritime axis."

"Is that all?"

"And would rehabilitate it as a weapon of mass destruction against those opponents."

"Oh, that sucks."

And the heavy, heavy silence of the mist settled among us. I noticed that the person who had been guiding our boat since earlier was looking like a great reaper.

Later, as we were crossing, I began to see the threatening cliffs of the strait we would have to cross. I could feel my legs shaking as if an earthquake had just opened under my feet.

"Our goal is to collapse the cave where Scylla is with a rocket launcher!"

"But I don't know how to use it!"

"Don't worry... Wait, do you hear that?"

Some kind of thud could be heard in the distance in the strait. It was the sound of huge swirls of water crashing and overturning all the time, we could hear Charybdis. I fainted with fear.

While everything seemed deeply black around me, a strong smell of fish invaded my equine snout. I awoke with a start as Lord Fear chuckled mischievously, putting away the fish he was holding in his hand.

"No more napping, we have arrived!"

"And to think that in my day we sent hordes of warriors to fight." Murmured the black-clad creature without anyone noticing.

The ship was already halfway through the straits when Lord Fear woke me up. Huge cliffs to starboard and port stood in front of us.

These were at least three or four boats like ours, where the orange colour of the stones gave the place an even more threatening point.

"Calm down Anon, everything is going to be all right! " Lord Hatred assured me, "and then, if we make it, we'll be the second to survive after Ulysses! »

"Only Ulysses? »

"It seems to me that it's only his ship if you subtract the sailors who died as collateral damage, but it doesn't matter anyway. The only thing you need to know is that in order to prevent you from inadvertently sinking the ship, you will use your machine on your arm."

"Pip-Buck," Clamed Lord Fear somewhere in the fog that was beginning to cover the boat.

"Yes, that."

Soon the strait narrows threatening to sink our ship from the sharp reefs along the cliff edge. Eventually, however, it widens again to let me discover hell at sea.

On the left, stronger than ever, we saw the imposing Charybdis, which was engulfing the water generating a whirlpool. I could see those fangs in its huge mouth that kept spinning in the same rhythm as the whirlpool.

On the right, a huge cave was standing high up. Dark and whose lack of movement reminded me of the methods of spiders. They wait until their prey is close enough to them and entangled in the web and then, without warning, they throw themselves on them.

Our forked companion took me out of my contemplation:

"You stay the course while I get the gear out!"

"The equipment? " I was still babbling at a loss.

"Yes, you idiot. We're gonna blast this infection out of nature with explosives, not debate why she should die! »

"But I can't stay the course! Perhaps Lord... " I noticed that I was alone on deck.

"No time, get your rump up!"

I approached and took the helm as our boatman stepped into the hold.

I found myself alone on the deck as the fog slowly slid across the deck blocking my field of vision halfway up. When I seemed to hear a soft field.

A sad and sweet song came to my ears that seemed like a whisper compared to the deafening rustle of Charybdis.

I could no longer see it, the mist covered it like a blanket of snow and the body of water that stood before me. As I searched for the author of this song while keeping my course, I saw a movement further on.

Something was moving further up the cliff, something huge. As I squinted my eyes, trying to find the origin of what I thought I'd seen, the three companions came out of the hold, their arms loaded with boxes containing explosives of all kinds.

"Hang on! " Screamed our boatman as he turned sharp right.

I was clinging to the mast smelling of leftover applesauce that I hadn't thrown up yet, as the boat changed course.

"This is no time to cling to life Anon! She'll be back soon!"

I was unhooking against all desire from my mast and grabbing with my mouth the handle of one of the rocket launchers when several huge half-woman, half-monster heads appeared as I came out of the cave. We were almost underneath.

The pressure was on, everyone was waiting to get close enough to fire. My heart beat violently like a jackhammer as I recited an inner prayer.

Scylla's heads suddenly plunged dramatically towards us at the sight of Lord Hatred's presence on the boat. A muffled, not to say guttural rumble rose in the air. Scylla spoke:

"You will pay! You're going to pay for everything you've done to me, Hatred!"

Before any of us could fire anything, the heads smashed the ship, I succumbed to my unconsciousness.

I woke up violently in a sweaty sweat, I was warm, wrapped in a nice warm blanket. Rays of sunlight filtered through a window. I would slowly straighten up so that I could see what was around me.

I was obviously in a pleasant room and I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time. I had no more horrible green hairs on my skin and no muzzle to cover my field of vision. And... I was naked. I was me again, with hands and feet and hair and...

Something moved next to me in the bed, a man. He seemed so real and yet so blurry, I couldn't make out his face. He woke up, then, standing up and smiling at me, he started to caress my shoulders. I don't know why, but I seemed to love him uncontrollably and irrationally as if I could not think.

He started looking at me for a long time before finally grabbing me by the hips and pulling me towards him in a sensual way and...


A dark and cavernous voice echoed throughout my being as everything faded away like rain, fading away diffusely and sporadically until only darkness remained.

I noticed that my eyelids were closed, I couldn't open them. I concentrated and after a great effort I managed to do so. I could see that I was lying on the ground in a dark and damp place where an unbearable smell of dead fish was being smelled.

My body was shaking and cold, my fur was all wet and I felt so weak. I couldn't move a single part of my being. On the side I could see what could easily have been the trunk of a snake if it had not been so big. Scylla stood less than a meter away.

I tried to turn my head to get a clearer view and succeeded. My other companions were in the same state as I was, paralyzed with an overwhelming weakness. Scylla began to blow a kind of greenish mist on my other companions.

"Interesting," and without another word went to the next one.

This one seemed to have the ability to see what we were thinking or something.

"It's underneath shabby, miserable creature," she scolded our dear hooded companion.

She blew a red mist on him and the bugger could move and hurried off, jumping straight into the strait below.

"What did you see so terrible in these thoughts?" Lord Fear murmured weakly.

"Fear of being late for his brother's wedding which had just taken place... And why am I telling you this? Anyway, Hatred's friends will suffer the same fate, don't expect to get out of it!"

"What about me? " I had difficulty articulating, my snout seemed to be completely anaesthetized.

"What about you? I need someone to talk to and I must admit I'm not insensitive to your pretty face!"

"Exuse me!" Everyone shouted.

"Never mind, it just so happens that everybody in this world has desires. Now let's get started."

She lifted Lord Hatred completely still, grabbing him by the leg and held him over the abyss that was the mouth of Charybdis.

"I just wanted to tell you one thing, Mother, it's not true what they say. Scylla can catch anyone crossing the strait. There's no choice, only concessions."

"Great," murmured Lord Hatred.

Meanwhile, Lord Fear was waving at me with those eyes. His gaze, he pointed to his sword, which I could barely touch with one of my hind hooves.

But, should I save him? Perhaps his death would be a good thing? But it would mean that I would be trapped forever in this body and here with Scylla who would want me... I had to save him!

I reached for my hoof and grabbed the sword. Then I aimed at my Pip-Buck and prayed that my plan would work.

The sword was hurtling at a rapid speed and pierced part of the neck of one of Scylla's heads, which stiffened before finally swinging and crashing into the side of the mountain.

Scylla screamed in pain and rage, giving, as I saw with my own eyes, a kind of new energy in Lord Hatred who was freeing his leg from the monster's mouth as new heads were raging at him.

This time it was Lord Fear's turn to move. He jumped on Scylla's trunk and sliced off as many of its limbs as he could. During the struggle, Scylla lost her feet, taking with her the two Lords still fighting with her.

Silence returned to the cave as I still couldn't move, the end of the day was going to be long.

As night came and I had fallen asleep despite my incessant stomach rumbling, I heard a rock fall. Lord Fear and Lord Hatred were struggling up the cliff.

"Still there, Anon? " Said Lord Hatred mockingly.

"We'll be able to get back then, but first... " Lord Fear made me drink a healing potion. I could walk again.

I fell violently to the floor in the sinister room that I easily recognized as the Discord Lounge. I tried to find something that would light up the room a little outside the mini volcano but I couldn't find anything.

Suddenly I was grabbed by the neck and lifted off the floor. Discord who seemed to be crying and was apparently very angry was looking at me. The light chose this moment to manifest itself.


"I don't know. " I was whispering looking away.

"Where? Anon I want to know, I'm not one of those stupid princesses who give up after the multiplication table of one!"

"I, uh..."

"Your parents are worried sick and worse than all of Fluttershy is worried sick, so where were you?"


"Anon, I've searched all of Equestria and even two or three parallel universes, so tell me everything!"

It was too much, my little filly nerves gave out as I began to cry profusely in spite of myself.

"Anon... Anon, please stop."

I babbled a few incoherent words about what had happened while Discord was resting on the ground.

"Calm down, Anon. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. Do you want a lollipop?"

He took a huge lollipop out of a magician's hat and took it out of his fridge. I kept crying, trying in vain to calm myself. Discord was starting to panic and... to duplicate himself by running around.

"Please, Anon, not a word to Fluttershy!"

"What if she finds out I made a child cry?"

"What will become of me?"

"According to this statistical study, the probability that Fluttershy will never know about it... I quit."

I slowly got up, still feverish that my nerves had given way so easily. The day had been hard and I was tired.

"All right," I murmured. "I won't tell Fluttershy if you stop asking me where I was!"

"Where have you been? I mean okay, but your parents are in a state of near insane anxiety. What are you going to tell them?"

"What, am I lost?"

"In a house with one hallway? I thought you were smarter than that."

"Uh... (clears throat)"

"The truth? It seems Applejack has that virtue."

"I can't. I don't want to go to a mental hospital!"

"Yet, if you plead insanity, you may escape from prison. " Says another of the Duplicate Discords that had not yet disappeared.

" No, then it sounds like me. Look, Anon, whatever you're hiding from your parents, I wish you'd take the time not to lie because..."

A ringing bell rang throughout the house. Discord arose:

"Hide, I don't want them to find you here!

I hurried to run and hide under the couch while Discord came whistling at the door. From where I was standing, I could only hear what was going on:

"Good evening, Discord, may I come in?"

"Of course, Celestia. However, would it be possible to leave your guards outside."

"No, I wasn't planning on talking to you alone."

The door closed as the newcomer whose name I had already vaguely heard moved through the room in the presence of Discord.

"And to what do I owe the displeasure of this visit, Celestia?"

"My little niece went missing Discord while you were supposed to be taking care of her."

"It's not my fault she's a runaway with a vivid imagination. Luna must have told you."

"Unfortunate no, since her last visit with her. But I heard about the incident. Discord, tell me that it is not you who amuses yourself by torturing this poor child by sending her I don't know where."

"I can promise you that I'm done, my friendship with Fluttershy is too important to jeopardize."

"Good, but I have to be in the position where you'd lie to me. Just tell me what happened!"

"I picked Anon up from school. Then I fed him some applesauce and dropped him off at his music class, where I haven't seen him since."





"Then why is she under your couch spying on us? »

I heard a thud, I came out of my hiding place, which had become useless to see Discord having toppled over from his chair, he was playing dead.

Before I could do anything, I was crushed by Celestia's minotaur's embrace, soft and poignant at the same time.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I'm so excited to have a little niece outside of Flurry Hearth, of course. Word of advice, Anon, next time you go into hiding, don't just hide your head."

I started blushing so hard I was ashamed of how stupid I was.

"Celestia, I can explain everything," whispered Discord weakly.

"There's nothing to explain, I understand perfectly. »

"What's that?" I was challenged.

"Anon wanted to see if his parents really loved him so he hid and waited for a reaction. I used to do the same thing when I was a filly. That's very sweet of you, Discord, but you should've said no, those parents are desperate."


"There are no buts, we're going now! Good evening Discord."

After taking the spanking of my life just after Celestia's departure and a massive wave of hugs, I returned to my bed. Before leaving Celestia had cast a tracking spell to find me if I wanted to run away again.

I was falling on my bed like a stone, the day had been exhausting. I had survived: a god of chaos, a princess of light, a sea voyage and Charybdis and Scylla.

I huddled in my blankets when I felt something sting my hoof. It was a small wooden boat given to me by Blueblood. It looked a lot like the boat I'd been on earlier. It was strange, not to say disturbing, but soon sleep came to rock me in its arms.

Chapter 16 : My special pony

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The night was beginning to dawn, we had arrived. I parked in a parking spot as close as I could to the casino. Then I would go out and open the door in the most elegant way possible to my sweet companion.

As I walked out, she smiled at me, which made me blush with all my strength. I had met Anivia on a dating site a month ago and since then we hadn't been apart.

I felt proud and happy to take her to the casino tonight. When I told her that I had gotten some bets used at the casino that I wanted to withdraw. She had offered to use them for a romantic evening instead.

So we walked in holding hands and after we got the bets back, we agreed where we could use them. It was finally poker that we started playing.

The casino was in a lively yet quiet atmosphere. The rich lighting and the many guests in suits and ties made the evening look precious.

I was happy with my suit. We had spent the whole day choosing the most beautiful clothes to look presentable. My white tuxedo made me look like a gentleman, which I appreciated.

As for Anivia... The dress she wore made me look stunned. It was a black sequined dress that made her face look so pretty. I couldn't help but blush when I looked at her.

We'd been at that table for several hours. It was getting late, I was picking up the bet again, I had won more than half of the times I had played.

Later that night, as we were leaving the casino, Anivia asked me to go to a coffee shop further away to celebrate my victory. Within an evening I had managed to multiply my bet by five.

I accepted, I really wanted to spend every moment with her. I felt so good in her company. So we laughed all the way there.

And while we were having some well-deserved snacks in the coffee shop, she asked me for my full attention:

"You know, I really like you Heinrich and I wondered if it was the same for you?"

"Of course, you're my sunshine even in the deepest of the night. " I knew how to be romantic. She smiled and looked at me even more deeply.

"I don't know if it's the same with you but... Well, I'd like to go further."


"You know, have a lasting relationship."

"Oh, of course I'd love to have a lasting relationship with you, my love!"

"Really?! That's wonderful. In that case, "she knelt down and pulled out a box. "Will you marry me?"

I didn't answer anything. It was my job to ask her, not hers! I swallowed slowly.

"You know it's my turn to propose, don't you?"

"Who cares, it's not important. So what's your answer?"

"No, sorry. It's too much for me."


"It's up to the man to ask!"

"The man? But what does it matter about conventions! I love you and I didn't even know if you were going to ask me, so..."

"Anivia, it's my turn to do it!"

"Then do it! "She handed me the box with the rings in it.

"No, that was for me to think about. Now it's too late! "I got up from my chair and started to leave.

"What about us? " she murmured.

"Consider our story over!" It's my turn to wear the belt.

She started crying.

I sobbed sadly in the dark street on my way home. That breakup had hurt me. I still loved her like crazy, but what she had done earlier couldn't be erased.

It was my fault, I should have thought about it. That way, she wouldn't have had to do it herself. And now my legendary idiocy had stolen my soul mate.

I started crying, I could already see myself living with her and having children. And now... now... I was alone again.

I dried my tears as I climbed the steps between me and my door, I shouldn't cry. I was a man, I had to show it!

As I lay in bed after gulping down a packet of popcorn in front of the television, my closet door seemed to move.

My vision was still blurred from the tears so at first I thought it hadn't happened but then it moved a little more.

I could now see two red lights staring at me from the inside while the rest remained black.

Then heavy footsteps could be heard in the corridor where the door of my room led.

I was shivering, I had been playing too much at five nights at Freddy's lately. So I tried to sleep and almost succeeded when something heavy fell on me with a scream.

I woke up later, I had a headache. A light was hitting right in my face. I grumbled, it reminded me of when Anon used to love waking me up like this when we were kids.

I felt really weird. Like all soft and fluffy, which wasn't really my thing. I was more the sweaty type like any self-respecting manly man unlike Anon, that gay guy.

I opened my eyes but what I saw disconcerted me. I was in a teenage girl's room and saw the pink walls and decorations of little ponies all over the room.

I sighed, how did I end up in the bed of a retarded teenager? So I was recapturing what I knew. I was naked in an environment that made me feel terribly uncomfortable. I felt like I could expect to see a fifteen-year-old girl come through the door at any moment.

I looked for my clothes with my eyes but found nothing except an attractive outfit that was far too feminine for my taste.

Suddenly, a large streak of brown and pink seemed to fall on my field of vision. No, it couldn't have been... Was I dressed as a girl?

As I inspected my lock of hair in more detail, I noticed that I had no hands left but some kind of stumps covered with fur! My whole body was made of fur!!!

I realized a fine and elegant muzzle to which I hadn't given any intention until then of a brown color.

I emitted a little nervous laughter to find that it sounded feminine, I began to speak so that a much too feminine tone came out. I looked down below where my... I'm screwed! I'm screwed!

The closet door opened with a muffled squeal, a shadow began to emerge.

"Heinrich, I suppose?"

"Look Anon, I bought some new stuff especially for you!"

I quietly drank my bowl of oats while Carrot Top showed us the items they had bought at the fair. These could range from lots of clothes for the whole family to various items.

To tell the truth, everyone was trying to forget what had happened yesterday so that they wouldn't leave today on the wrong foot. I didn't feel very well, I felt like it was all my fault even if it wasn't really.

Blueblood woke me up this morning and told me that he had sent a message to the school that I would be missing school today. This intrigued me a lot and even stressed me out a little bit. Was it because of the fake elopement? Was he going to do anything to punish me. It wasn't like that. Blueblood, as usual, read the newspaper next to me.

"Why don't I go to school today?"

"I, uh... "He looked at Carrot Top, seemingly hesitant, but with a approving smile on his face, he continued. "Holidays are coming up, we'll soon be going to Canterlot to spend some family time with your aunts and other family members like Cadence or your little cousin, Flurry Hearth."

He now seemed ashamed. "But first I'd like to teach you some basic manners. "

"Do you want to teach me some manners? But I'm very polite!"

"Anon, no offense or anything, but I think it would greatly benefit you to know basic politeness. All the more so as we will be visiting some of the nobles and rubbing shoulders with some of Equestria's most distinguished personalities."

"Don't make too much out of it. What Blueblood means, my darling," Carrot Top said, giving me a little comforting smile. "It's that to be a princess, you have to act like one."

"Excuse me?"

"Anon, think. If Blueblood's a prince, that means you're..."

"A princess?"

"Exactly," Blueblood continued. "And that's why I'd appreciate it if you'd prove yourself worthy of the title that honors you!"

"Blueblood, I told you not to pressure him," Carrot whispered.

Great, now I feel like my worst nightmare is coming true. Like the time Heinrich made my dad think I was a transsexual. I still shudder to this day the way he got so angry.

"I'm going to go, sweet angels, but before I go to work I'd like you to make me a promise, Anon!"

"Which one?"

"Promise me you won't disappear. Celestia knows where! I'm worried Anon, I'm afraid that one day something bad will happen to you and that no one will be able to help you because they don't know where you are!"

Carrot's words seized me like a wave of guilt pouring over me, yet it was not my fault. If only she had adopted a real filly, I would feel less bad for her. So I nodded silently staring at the ground.

"Well, don't worry Carrot, I've asked a foal-sitter to come and look after Anon during my brief absence. »

"A foal-sitter? "I was exploding. "I don't need one!"

"Anon, he's just another pony looking out for you while Blueblood goes to Twilight for some advice. "Said Carrot as she picked up a bag and closed the door of the house behind her after a last kiss on the cheek.

"Everything okay, sweetie?"

"Are you all right, Angel Wings?"

I ate my bowl of cereal as best I could while two pegasus stared at me looking worried. I didn't feel like answering so I just chewed my cereal.

"I know, it's hearth and hooves and you're afraid it's not going well with Star Hunter?"


"Are you sure you're all right, my little treasure," asked the Pegasus stallion.

"Maybe you shouldn't go do that foal-sitting thing after all. Maybe you're sick."

"I have to go," I shouted. "I mean, I should go. I'm leaving."

And before he could say anything else, I ran to the door and slammed it.

"She's really weird today!"

"But no, she's just in love! And don't forget that today is the day she moves in with her lover!"

"I don't want to go!"

This was the third time I repeated this sentence aloud in front of the address. I didn't dare to knock on the door, I was shaking.

I had gotten a lot of broad smiles on the stupid muzzles of the stallions who were stammering I don't know what about the fact that it was sunny today. I really hated the body I was stuck in.

The genie said the only way I could get back to normal was Anon. I had to make him tell me to turn me back. I really didn't want to get stuck like that.

Plus, I wore that ridiculous dress I found on the floor, thinking it would be unhealthy to walk around naked. But no, I'd made a fool of myself for nothing. All these stupid ponies were living naked.

So I was pissed off when I knocked on the door to get a stallion in a ridiculous bow tie to open it.

"Hi, you're here to foal-sit, right?"

"Yes, and I'm guessing you're... Father Anon?"

"Yes, follow me. Would you like a drink, perhaps something to eat?"


"Are you from Ponyville?"

"No, I just... " Shit, I forgot the name.

"From where?"

"I don't remember much."

"Are you all right?"

"Excuse me, I'm all upset!"

"There's no problem, you can rest for a few minutes, I'm in no hurry."

"Thank you."

"And what's your name?"

"Angels Wings," it seems to me.

"That's a nice name. How old are you?"

"Seventeen," roughly if I still live with my parents.

"You seem really nervous, we can cancel if you're not feeling well."

"I'm fine, I tell you! "He was getting on my nerves with all these questions.

"Calm down, I don't know what you're so upset about, but it's over!"

As I walked towards the living room, tears began to pour out. A brown and red mare stood there crying. I sighed, it must have been my useless foal-sitter.

She was crying her eyes out as she held on to Blueblood tighter than a block of ice, it really didn't seem like the tactile kind. Those tears were starting to wet her outfit.

Blueblood crossed my eyes and gave me signs to come and help her. He really seemed more and more uncomfortable every moment. I approached not really knowing what to do to help him.

"Can you stop? Please stop, I'm feeling uncomfortable. Anon's here!"

She seemed to stop and detached herself from Blueblood, who immediately left to redo her toilet. Those pretty turquoise eyes that still expressed total emotional distress were staring at me. It was strange, I was beginning to think she was looking at me in a specific way. As if she was looking for something.

"How could you?" Did she pronounce it harshly.


"Your wish! Didn't you send me here? Your genius told me everything! You're an Anon monster, a failure of nature."

"Do I know you? " She was starting to sound hysterical.

"I told you not to pretend to be Anon, you know very well I'm Heinrich!"


"Enough Anon, if you don't turn me back, I'm gonna smash your little faggot face."

I sighed. "I don't see what my sexual orientation is doing in there."

"I behave like a man, you don't."

"Wait, let me think. Am I a girl?"

"Yes, you filthy, disgusting pervert."

"And I like boys?"

"In defiance of all, yes"

"So I'm heterosexual?"

"Can you get to the point?"

"If I'm a girl who likes boys, then you're..."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence! "He slapped a hoof on the ground.


"I'm gonna crush your filthy little rat head and..."

Blueblood returned alarmed.

"Excuse me, what's going on here? Why are you shouting?!"

A mischievous smile appeared on Heinrich's face.

"Your filly called me a lesbian! " He said, pointing his hoof at me.

"Anon," Blueblood turned his head at me disgruntled. "Being a lesbian is not a bad word and I forbid you to make fun of anyone's sexual orientation," though it may sound weird, Blueblood thought.

"But," Heinrich gasped. "I'm not a lesbian!"

"Sorry, you got upset so I thought..."

"It's nothing." Heinrich grinds his teeth.

"So you like boys?"

This time I couldn't help but fall to the ground laughing my head off as Heinrich turned tomato red. He looked as if he was about to fire laser beams through his eyes at me because he was so out of his mind.

"Are you all right? I didn't say anything foolish, did I?"

"I'd rather talk about something else," my cousin articulated in a very restrained manner. "Besides, don't worry about me. Seems to me you have somewhere to be, don't you?"

"Indeed, I have to go to Twilight to talk about Anon's runaway. Speaking of which, be extremely careful she doesn't run away again."

"Don't worry, she won't get away from me! "He said with a ferocious smile.

"In that case, I'm leaving. See you later, my little angel. But believe me, we're going to have a serious conversation about this lesbian slur."

He closed the door behind him while I was alone with my executioner.

"To the two of us, Anon."

Heinrich threw himself at me as I clumsily ran to the table. Recovering, Heinrich tilted the table to the side trying to catch me.

I crawled under one of the chairs and ran into the kitchen where I hid in a closet. I was shaking, I really didn't feel like getting beaten up.

Strangely enough, Heinrich didn't notice my hiding place and passed in front of it cursing a series of insults. When suddenly the second access to the closet on the other side opened, a powerful hoof grabbed me by the waist. I was clinging to a pan that came out of the closet with me.

I threw violently with all the force of my forefoot on Heinrich's face, which twisted in pain. I started to run around the living room, but Heinrich jumped on me, depriving me of any movement.

"You don't stand a chance against me, you little fool."

When the doorbell rang repeatedly until the head of a black stallion could be seen through the window. Heinrich got up and went to open the pegasus.

"Hello, sweetheart. Your parents told me you were keeping a filly, so I came to help you."

"You are... I mean, it's all right."

"Are you sure? The room seems completely shaken up and when I saw you with the filly..."

"Well, maybe not so much, but I'm okay now. See?"

"No, I insist. I'll help you with your foal-sitting and who knows? Maybe it'll give us some parenting ideas for later. "It ends with a wink of an eye.

I could feel Heinrich faltering at those words. He didn't seem to have become a pony, but to have swapped bodies with a pony if he had such an active life, which I really didn't understand.

I scratched my head at this prospect while the stallion dealt the final blow to Heinrich. He gave him a short kiss on the mouth.

Then the stallion flew away and started to put everything back in place. I approached Heinrich.

"So your coming out?"

"Anon, I swear if you keep this up I'm gonna blow your little doll's body off !"

"Angel Wings," the Pegasus intervened. "You mustn't shout at fillies and foals! Does our moving in together put you in this state?"

"Our moving in together?"

Heinrich's disappointed face almost deserved a picture framed in a nice frame, it was so beautiful. I really wanted to piss him off, so I asked the Pegasus in the most innocent way possible:

"Mister? When you have children with Angel Wings, could I come and see them?"

"Of course you can. And when you get older you might even be their foal-sitter. Isn't she adorable?"

"Of course," I could see in his eyes the burning desire he had to bury me alive, but I didn't care. He was finally going to pay for everything he'd put me through.

"And we didn't show up! I'm Star Hunter. " He held out a hoof.

"Anon," I shook his hoof.

"So you've come to help me clean up?"

And we set about repairing the damage caused by our mad chase. I still kept an eye on Heinrich, who looked at me sullenly.

"I'm home. Everything all right, Angel Wings? " Asked for Blueblood.


"Hello sir, Anon was as wise as a picture."

"That's good to hear, but who exactly are you?"

"Star Hunter, Angel Wings' boyfriend." He used to stick to Heinrich rubbing up against her.

Heinrich moved slightly to the side, horrified at all the tenderness he was getting from a stallion.

"Let me tell you, you two make a lovely couple!"

"Thank you, today we're going to move in together. It will be our common Hearth and Hooves gift. " He now looked tenderly at Heinrich.

"Present? Damn, I completely forgot to get one for Carrot Top! Would you mind keeping Anon for a little while longer?"

After the end of those stupid politeness classes with Blueblood and the departure of Heinrich with his boyfriend which still made me laugh a little. I still wondered what happened to him. Carrot Top had insisted on keeping me with her for the rest of the day.

So I was helping her despite my clumsiness in selling those carrots. It seemed more like a way to introduce me to her friends, all market mares and stallions. Regular customers or vendors to whom Carrot Top was proud to introduce her daughter.

I wasn't feeling very well with all these looks at me especially as I was beginning to seriously question my pint size compared to the average pony size. But, if it made Carrot Top happy...

Later, while I was carrying a heavy basket of carrots in my mouth which was a real physical effort for me, Littlenight approached me. Carrot Top was finishing talking with a mare from the flower shop and promised me that she would catch up with me. Littlenight seemed to have turned all red head.

"Are you all right? You're all red! " I said as I put the basket down.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you, but..."

"But what?"

"I wanted to ask you something!?"

"I'm listening."

"I haven't known you long, but I wanted to ask you if..."

He was starting to get annoyed that he never finished those sentences.

"If what?"

"Yes, you would... like to have ice cream with me. Yes, I would. Eat ice cream with me. You know, we really didn't have it last time and... and... there you go."

"I don't know about Littlenight, I'd have to ask my parents. Maybe some other time?"

"Oh... of course. It's up to you!"

He greeted me and immediately left in the clouds. The ponies and bat-pony were really sensitive creatures. He seemed to be sweating to ask me for ice cream?!

Finally, I took the basket in my mouth while Carrot Top joined me.

On the incentives of Star Hunter, while Blueblood, the pony who bought those gifts on the same day of I don't know what silly party was gone, I had drawn nice drawings for Carrot Top and Blueblod.

These represented them in the centre of a heart with me. I was sure that they would be pleased. I wanted to find a way to apologize for their frightened assets last day.

While the two lovers had exchanged their respective gifts after the meal, I approached timidly.

I put down my drawing and waited for them to notice it.

When they noticed it, they were so moved that they shed a few tears. Then, with a knowing smile, they threw themselves on me in a pleasant embrace.

"Angel Wings, get out of there! We're going to miss our lovers' night out in Cloudsdayle!"

"I really don't feel well. " There's no way he's gonna get me drunk at the party and fuck me afterwards.

Suddenly I felt numb as I dropped like a sledgehammer to the floor. Cloud Chaser, who seemed to have heard it from the other side of the door, started kicking down the door.

However, my eyelids closed before he had even finished breaking it down.

I woke up panting in bed, sweating in my body. My ex-girlfriend was standing there next to me looking at me tenderly.

"You were so wonderful to me today!"


Chapter 17: Holidays at Canterlot

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"So how do you feel, Anon?"

"I, uh... I don't know about that."

"You've been living with your parents for a week now. However, it is up to you to decide if you want to stay with them!"

"I, uh..." I was confused.

"If it helps you, Anon, you can list what you like about them and what you don't like. That might help you to your choice."

"No, there's no need. I'm going to stay with them," until I find a way to get my old life back.

"Are you sure? Once you sign this document, they'll officially be your parents!"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Without further ado, the adoption mare took a pen out of her bag and handed it to me. I signed it as I realized the magnitude of what was happening. I was now the daughter of Blueblood and Carrot Top.

I felt really awful after that. By agreeing to become their daughter, I would break their hearts. As soon as I went home, they wouldn't have a daughter anymore and I doubt they'd let them have a real one adopted.

"All right, you can go and join them. They're in the next room."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, It's always a pleasure to help young orphan find a new family."

So I went into the next room where my dear parents stood side by side together, eyes moist and mane tousled.

"So?" Hastened to ask for Blueblood.

"I'm your daughter! " I gave them a little smile, but my heart weren't in it. I couldn't stop thinking about how much harm I'm going to do them when they lose their little filly.

"Oh, Anon, come give your mother a hug!"

Carrot Top rushed to give me a hug in a somewhat overwhelming embrace.

"Thank you sweet Celestia! It's wonderful! " Blueblood cried.

"I'm a daddy! I'm a daddy! I'm a daddy!"

"And me, I'm a mom! I feel so good! I feel like I'm going to burst with joy! "

Blueblood had decided to take advantage of the beginning of the holidays to go and visit my new family, starting from his side. Then, we would visit Carrot Top's parents right after even though Blueblood seemed less playful.

For my part, I didn't know how to feel. I was now a pony princess being the daughter of a prince. Why can't I have an normal and pathetic life?

When we arrived, Blueblood and Carrot Top hastened to pack their suitcases with joy and good humour, leaving me to pack mine. They had caught themselves singing a joyful song that was spreading throughout the house while I couldn't help but feel bad for them.

Then, after a brisk walk, we arrived in the train leaving for Canterlot.

While we were settled and our train was about to leave. A mare and a stallion passed at breakneck speed towards the station.

Meteor Breath, my psychologist and Grape Capsule, my doctor, entered our car as the doors closed. What were they doing here?

Both of them were panting heavily as it seemed to me that their eyes were following each other. Obviously something was going on between them and I couldn't tell what.

"Here we are, Mr. Blueblood!"

"However, we woke up a little late," Meteor Breath completed, staring at the ground in discomfort.

"To tell you the truth, I hadn't expected you anymore. However, I'd appreciate it if you'd both be on time next time," Blueblood warned.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, they're here and that's all that matters, isn't it?" Cooled Carrot Top caressing the white stallion's face.

"I don't understand," I asked awkwardly.

"It's crucial that we continue your therapy! " Meteor Breath exclaimed as she combed her hair with her hoof. She looked even softer than usual.

"The same goes for our hoof strength training sessions!" This time it was Grape Capsule.

"But I don't understand. Don't you live in Ponyville, Mrs. Breath? What were you doing there?"

The sweet mare began to redden deeply under her charcoal-coloured coat and answered shyly:
"I was with Dr. Grape Capsule." She was fixing a seat on the side.

" I understand, you want to partner up to expand your practice! I think that's a great idea."

"Not really," Grape Capsule would scratch his mane uncomfortably.

"Anyway, we came just like you told us to. Could I start with Anon? »

We set up a little apart from the other ponies on the train and started. My mane was very itchy. Ever since I signed the contract making my adoption official, I couldn't stop feeling horrible.

Meteor Breath, although still exhausted from her race, seemed to sense that all was not well.

"What's going on, Anon? Is something wrong?"

"Yes, I've been feeling awful since the signing of my adoption! " I was cracking up.

"Don't be, Blueblood and Carrot Top seems like really nice ponies who care about you."

"It's not that, I'm just afraid of disappointing them and hurting them."

"Come on, Anon, you're a wonderful filly and very kind. The very proof is that you care."

"What if I cause them too much grief? No, I'm not a wonderful filly! The proof being my problems and the worries I cause them. They should have adopted someone else from that orphanage!"

"Don't say that, Anon! Don't worry about your medical problems. They know it's not your fault!"

"But if one day I disappear and I never come back, then they'll be heartbroken. »

"Don't think about it, Anon, it's not your fault. It was never your fault. The truth is, you're a lovely filly. Who, like anyone else, can have difficulties, but I'm sure your problem will be solved. Besides, you're making progress, you haven't trashed anything since my office!"

"It was Lord Hatred," I whispered. Anyway, nobody believed me.

"I know. But do you still see him often? How does he treat you? Is he always such a mockery?"

I would answer these questions where she took the opportunity to make a whole bunch of notes and then she smiled at me and went to get Grape Capsule for my weight training session.

"I'll make it, don't worry!"

Grape Capusle tried in vain to give me hoof massages to stimulate I don't know what in this one, but the train that was beginning its ascent of Canterlot made it all ridiculously complicated.

Meanwhile, I was looking at the landscape of the green lands of Equestria. It was the most beautiful thing to see. These vast plains, deep forests, misty mountains and winding rivers that were lost in the distance.

Grape Capsule for the happiness of my hoofs in porridge finally gave up and promised to do it to me later that day. I nodded my head distractedly as each moment brought me closer to Canterlot.

"Guards, take these suitcases and follow me! " Ordered Blueblood to two guards who hastened to obey.

"Blueblood, the good example. " Said Carrot Top, not surprised at Blueblood's sudden change in attitude, unlike me.

"Sorry, my bad habits. Guards, would you take our bags and follow me, please?"

The guards nodded their heads and immediately executed themselves.

"And you two, follow me! " Grape Capsule and Meteor Breath, who were talking slightly backwards, fell silent and approached us.

"Well, I've commandeered a carriage which should take us to the castle shortly. Meteor Breath, Grape Capsule, I have reserved two rooms for you at the castle so that Anon can get the best care."

"It's an honor!" Bowed Grape Capsule, who seemed to have stars in his eyes.

"The same," said Meteor Breath in awe as she gazed at the huge castle that towered over us.

It was after a short coach ride, albeit a little tight due to the smaller number of seats than our group, that we arrived at the castle.

As I was going out with the others, I saw Princess Celestia, Luna and another pink alicorn that I didn't know at all who were waiting for us at the top of the stairs.

"Is that her? " I heard it at the top of the stairs.

"I'm afraid so," Luna grinned her teeth.

"Come on, Sister, I know you're angry with her. But don't forget she's just a child!"

"An annoying child."

"I think they can hear us," whispered the pink-eyed unicorn, smiling visibly embarrassed.

"Never mind, let them come! If you can hear us, then hurry! I haven't got all day. It's tiring enough to stay up in my sleep"
Blueblood hastened up the stairs while we followed him a little way off. Carrot Top looked shy in the face of the powerful goddesses sitting at the top of the marching band. I was content to wait for the next one as I approached.

"Hello Aunts! Hello Princess Cadence! It's a pleasure to see you again!"

"Hello my nephew! I'm glad to see how happy you seem with this adoption." She says, looking at the three of us with a warm smile on her face.

"Well, now that everypony has met everypony, I'm going to bed!"

"Aunt Luna already?" Blueblood was confused.

"Yes, I need sleep and then," she stared at me. "I feel uncomfortable!"

Then without another word, she disappeared through the wide double door.

"Excuse my sister, it seems she and Anon could use a chat."

"There you are, Anon, you've arrived. Do you like your room?"

Everything in this room emanated wealth and luxury. A large blood-red four-poster bed stood in the centre of the room.

It was loaded with a small mountain of cushions of all colours and shapes, although more pink.

On the sides, gilded wooden furniture as well as a large carpet with a very nice gradation from azure to turquoise.

This room actually made me uncomfortable. It was so pretty for me that I didn't feel worthy of it. Blueblood looked at me smiling at my disbelief.

"This... my room?"

"Yes, and the best part is that that bell you see there will put two assigned servants at your disposal!"

"Really?" I could already feel that bell calling my name.

"Yes, so are you happy, my little princess?"

"I, uh... Yeah, this is all super awesome. Can I try the bell?" Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!

"Only if you have something to ask for. It would be unwise to bother busy ponies!"

"If I ask... for a drink, is that okay?" Please, let me jingle that bell, I want to jangle that bell. I've always wanted to do that!

"All right, try!"

I rushed to the bell to see that the piece of furniture on which it was enthroned was much bigger than me.

Blueblood laughed discreetly and started to lower the bell towards me with his telekinesis. I grabbed it energetically with my mouth despite the cold contact on my lips and shook my head which made it ring.

Two ponies immediately entered the room questioning Blueblood with their eyes.

"No, it's not for me. It's for Anon, my little princess!"

I put the bell down and walked towards them in wonder. I had ponies at my service!

"Hello, what do you want, princess?!" Asked one of them.

"I'd like a drink, please! " I asked shyly.

"What drink, my pretty one?"

"One orange juice please."

"Right away," one of the two ponies started to run.

"Anything else? " Asked the second.

" No, I don't think so."

The all-white stallion came back with a glass of orange juice balanced on his back. He put it on my height and smiled.

"Anything else?"

"Could you pick up a straw for Anon. And I'd also like you to let all staff know to tailor Anon's requests to her hoof problem. " Added Blueblood, looking at me out of the corner of his eye as I worked out a strategy to take my drink without spilling it.

I sighed, it would be a long time before I got used to being dependent on others to do anything.

Blueblood patted my head amicably and gave me a little smile full of empathy.

That was really great! Like the feeling of having found Aladdin's wonderful lamp without having a stupid wish-limit.

When Blueblood had gone to join Carrot Top in their rooms somewhere in the same hallway as mine, I just couldn't resist.

I took any excuse I could to shake my silver bell. Just to ask where the toilet was, insisting that I didn't want to wake them up later in the middle of the night.

Or to accumulate a considerable stock of cakes that I carefully hid in corners of the room where Blueblood and Carrot Top wouldn't notice anything. You never know.

The mare and the stallion at my service, who I learned were twins, which explained the same colours of coat and mane, both of which were white, were standing on the floor. Each taking a long breath after a marathon through the whole castle.

I hid my marvelous lamp under one ear and silently walked out of the room leaving them to recuperate. I may have exaggerated just a little, but it was so nice to have ponies at his service.

Unfortunately, as I walked, my head decided to meet the floor in the polished stone corridor a number of more times, which hurt me terribly.

I wanted to see Carrot Top and Blueblood in their rooms. Suddenly, Princess Celestia appeared from the corner of the corridor with her sister.

I rushed behind a piece of furniture that was lying there and prayed that she wouldn't see me. I did not know what would happen if I was alone with them, especially with the Princess Luna. As they seemed to be heading towards my room, I listened to their conversations:

"I assure you, everything is going to be fine. Anon doesn't seem to be bad as you've been claiming for some time. You even said the opposite at first!"

"Before I knew her," added Luna.

"I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Besides, she's part of our family now!"

"Forgive me if my heart isn't rejoicing!"

"Come on, I don't know what she did to you since you won't tell me, but Anon is certainly a nice pony, not the kind to run other ponies!"

"You mean like Blueblood, his father?"

"You said it yourself, he's changed. He is now a responsible father as I'm sure he is, a caring husband."

"I don't doubt it, but we're talking about Anon!"

"A poor little traumatized filly who lost her parents at an extremely early age and wandered around until you crossed her path?"

"It's sure that from this angle, it's hard to hold a grudge, but what I've seen makes me believe otherwise!"

"You're so stubborn! We can't talk to you!"

Suddenly they stopped and looked at each other hard. Then, without me understanding why, all tension disappeared as they burst into a joyful laughter and finally entered my room.

I got up and rushed to Blueblood and Carrot Top's room while a little further on I heard a roaring voice coming from my room.

"Not the kind of guy who runs nice ponies, right?"

"Anon, what were you thinking? We have to look good and the first thing you get noticed for is bad!"

Blueblood stood stiff as a stretched statue that I had been left alone with my parents after my new aunts had gone to tell all about it.

"Blueblood, looking good isn't really the most important part of this story! Anon made a mistake and now it would be nice if she went to apologize!"

"It's true. I beg your apologize. But all this makes me so anxious! It's bad enough Aunt Luna doesn't really seem to like Anon, so..."

"I'm sure they'll both find common ground, but in the meantime... "She turned her eyes to me.

It was after I had apologized that I was now walking in the garden with Carrot Top, who no longer wanted me to be alone. The sun was shining brightly and the grass was a beautiful light green colour with the soft rays of the late morning sun.

Large and imposing statues of princesses and a few other creatures sat elegantly in the garden. A little further on, a gardener was finishing pruning a lizard rose on one of the palace's pale white walls.

Carrot Top seemed as amazed as I was at the almost heavenly aspects of the castle garden. And we began to smell the flowers that breathed the spring air. How sweet their scents were!

"So, Anon?"

"This place is awesome!"

"I know what it does to you. When I first saw this place, too, it was like some kind of miniature paradise. And that place you see over there under the shade of that willow tree, I'll remember it for the rest of my life. That's where Blueblood proposed to me!"

"You got married?!"

"For some time now. After we met in Ponyville, Blueblood and I ended up moving there together a few months later."

"And then what?"

"And then what? Like you, I went to Canterlot to meet my in-laws. I was scared at first. Can you imagine? Me, a simple farmer, becoming a princess? It was like a filly tale."

"And how'd it go with the Blueblood family?"

"Terrible, I didn't even know which knife to use to cut my salad and the rest of the protocol... "She spotted my obvious worry on my face and gave me a little comforting smile.

"But don't worry Anon! It's not that hard and then you have time. Knowing Blueblood, he's certainly planning this all out as carefully as he's done with Meteor Breath and Grape Capsule, which he's invited to the castle so you can have the best follow-up! By the way, I don't know why but I'm sure there's something going on between this clumsy pegasus and this adorable mare."

As I listened, my belly began to rumble so much that it sounded like an earthquake, I was hungry.

"I know a little filly that's starving. Don't worry, they're coming!"


"I thought on your first day, it would be nicer to eat out away from all these procedures. Look, there they are!"

A small crowd of ponies arrived en masse carrying different dishes and setting up what looked like a picnic. Then the family arrived.

"...and that's why Shining Armor and Twilight couldn't come with us!"

"I can't wait for us all to be together soon. Your family should come with us Carrot Top, I'm sure they're lovely ponies."

"That's very kind of you, your highness. I'd tell them but I doubt they'll come, they're not too royalty-like."

"What do you mean? " Asked Luna raising an eyebrow as she attacked her third daisy sandwich.

"They really don't feel comfortable with anything royalty-related, say."

"I see, can we discuss this later? I'd like to borrow Anon for a few moments so we can both talk!"

"Of course, Aunt Luna." Says Blueblood between bites of cream cake. "Don't worry, Anon, you'll be fine!"

I stood up fearfully in front of the elegant alicorn with the starry mane that I followed a little further into the garden protected by the shadows of tall trees.

"Then Anon," began Luna. "Are you happy?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Perfect! Tell me, how do you like these flowers? " She pointed to me from the tips of her wide wings a little parquet of flowers.

"They're very pretty."

"When you say it, do you mean it?"

"Of course."

"And is it the same with me?"

"I won't allow myself to lie to you, Princess Luna!"

"Good for you! I just wanted you to know that you don't have to be afraid of me, I just want to know why you were mean to me in that dream. Are you that scared of being you?"

"Of what?"

"That dream where I was you as a servant and you were me. It was so horrible to you! Do you hate yourself Anon... "Luna started to cry.

"I don't know! I don't remember that dream, princess Luna. And I'm truly sorry if it happened. "Why so relentlessly, Lord Hatred!

"My sister's right. You are a good filly. I apologize if I've been unpleasant at times."

Aunt Luna, as she wanted me to call her after this end of conversation where I dried those tears, took me to visit the immense garden bordered between light and shade. I was happy that there was no more dissension between us. She was super strange but nice in the background.

While we were returning with the others, aunt later gave me a lollipop shaped like a moon. I thanked her and decided to lie down on the warm grass, illuminated by the powerful rays of the sun, to take a little nap.

"It hurts! " I'm yelping for at least the fifth time since Carrot Top saw me sleeping on a hot lawn and pulled me out.

I lay on my bed, well in the shade of the sun, feeling like a sausage coming out of the oven. Both the front and the back of my body hurt terribly. Carrot Top sat on the end of my bed and applied a cream to my sunburn.

"Calm down my angel, rest! I'm going to go get Grape Capsule right now. "Blueblood, who'd just been with us, ran out to get him.

"We have a bell... Anyway, it's all right, Anon. Relax, you'll be fine soon but I'm surprised you get burns so quickly from Sadle Arabia!"

"It hurts! " This time tears were streaming from my eyes.

"It's all right, sugar, calm down."

"What the hell is Blueblood doing? Is it so complicated to go to the Grape Capsule neighborhoods? I'm coming back Anon, I hope Blueblood didn't get lost! He's so... clumsy doing things on his own!"

"Wait, don't go! I don't want to be alone. "But the room was already empty apart from me. I was trembling, the pain was excruciating.

A red balloon floated down the hallway into my room and stopped in front of me. Not yet. Not yet...

The balloon burst while Lord Hatred came out and looked at me amused.

"What's the matter?"

"It hurts."

Maybe if I called the servants with the bell, he'd be forced to disappear?

"That's great! I'm so happy for you. You must really feel privileged."

I would bring my hoof close to the bell hidden under the cushions.

"You could say that."

"Anyway, your room is very pretty!"
I could feel it under my hoof.

"Thank you."

"Now shake the bell so we can get this detestable courtesy over with!"

"You... You know what I'm going to do?!"

"Yes, and know that if you do it, I'll just have to be invisible again for the others and everyone will say: Poor filly, she's completely lost her mind!"

"Well," I'd take my hoof off the bell and look at him helpless again. "Why are you doing all this? What do you gain by being so terrible to me?"

"Stop whining, I'm here today to give you a real chance this time to get your human life back!"

"What guarantee? " I asked immediately interested.

"I'm willing to do something I hate: swearing. I can even make the inviolable oath that you see in Harry Potter even though I'm sure you don't know that kind of reference?"

"A little bit, I saw two and four."

"You're really a crime against nature, you know? Anyway, I'll keep my whole commitment. Even if by chance, one day Harry Potter would accidentally arrive in Equestria."

"Wait, is the wizard's world real? No, it can't be, it can't be."

"And yet..."

"Whatever, just promise me that I'll go back to my world and my body!"

"All right,"

This one gave me a hoof grip and incanted I don't know what magic. My doubts began to disappear, replaced by a strange feeling spreading throughout my being. It was a reassuring feeling, as if Lord Hatred could not lie about what they had just said. And worst of all, I wanted to believe it.

"Can we go now?"

We were in the dark, I was suddenly not so sure about my chances of becoming a human being again.

"Where are we?"

"In a hallway that could use some light. And to be more precise, in Canterlot."

My eyes began to get used to it even though most of the landscape remained dark and isolated. Only a shape lying on a wall in the corridor stood out. The rest of the corridor was bare of any decoration.

"What should I do?"

"You see that lump lying on the floor over there?"

"Yes, what?"

"Come closer and you'll see."

I barely took two steps and fell to the ground in a noise that echoed through the corridor.

Suddenly the mass lying on the wall rose in a great yawn and then scanned around it.

It seemed to be looking where I was when it asked me:

"Anon, what are you doing here?"

"What?" I stuttered.

"It's me, Night Sparkle!"

I'm thinking. Wasn't that the name of the hybrid bat pony that found me?

"What are you doing here, Anon? This is no place for a filly!"

"Where are we?"

"In a place where foals and fillies are forbidden. Go back upstairs and have fun."

I turned back to where I had been a few moments earlier to see only the continuation of the corridor sinking into darkness.

"I'm a little scared. Can I stay?"

"All right, I'm almost done with my shift anyway. How have you been since the last time? I heard you were adopted by Prince Blueblood?!"

After explaining everything that had happened, she smiled at me and ruffled my mane. God, I hate that!

"I'm happy for you. You look much better than the last time I saw you alone in the middle of the night."

"Thank you," I felt weird, what was happening to me again?

Suddenly, Lord Hatred's voice sounded as if he was whispering in my ear. Yet I found myself alone with the bat pony...

"Anon, listen to me. Kill that fool with the dagger in her belt and I'll keep my promise!"

"Kill her? "My heart stopped beating.

"Kill? Anon, are you okay? "I heard Night Sparkle's voice sounded worried.

"Think, Anon. You're a murderer in your world, the only way I can find to bring you back is for you to become a murderer! »

"But I'm not a murderer! "I shouted.

"Calm down, Anon, it's all right. I don't know what you're talking about, but it's all right. " I could hear him carefully approaching me.

" Who asked me to "take care" of your caretaker Anon? Who? Me, who's hearing voices, or... you?"


"Why what?!" Night Sparkle seemed very worried this time.

"I told you, this is the only condition of our contract. If you're really willing to kill, it means you're not the person I'm looking for."

"What are you talking about? Please, don't make me do this!"

"Force you to do what, Anon? I promise I would never do anything bad to you!"

"No, I'm not forcing Anon on you. It's your choice. It was exactly the same between you and the other Anon last time. "

"This time, would you have kept your promise?"

"I've already kept that promise. You're just too sensitive to be really dangerous to anyone!"

"What promise? »

Night Sparkle hugged me in an attempt to calm me down while his dagger was within reach. I swiped it and trembled like a leaf.

"Know one last thing first, this mare has family, friends, children! Remember all of those things when you kill her!"

I was crying, I didn't want to do this. I wanted to be somewhere else. I don't want to have to do this!

I couldn't stop thinking about the children of that mare who was so good to me. I could almost see them asking where their mothers were.

"Your mother was killed by the most selfish person I know. " I pictured Carrot Top crying silently under that tree.

I couldn't. "I'm not an executioner!"

I threw the dagger as far as I could before cowering over myself and sobbing in the darkness.

Chapter18 : When you compare love to a rose, expect it to contain thorns.

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I was in the darkness, I couldn't open my eyes, yet I could still hear my sobs and the cold slabs of the dark corridor where Lord Hatred had taken me below me.

Faces in the darkness appeared:

Those of Carrot Top and Blueblood:
"What do you want?"
"I don't want hurt you."

Their faces disappeared as Princess Luna's face appeared:
"What do you want?"
"I wish I wasn't me."

The Princess' blue face turned red as her face twisted into Lord Hatred's:
"What do you want?"
"Leave me alone. "

This one fell into darkness as the face of my parents came:
"What do you want? "
"I wish I could have been normal like my brother."

Darkness engulfed them while a head of Littlenight, who was blushing, stuttered:
"What do you want?"
"I don't know."

Finally, a sneering face that was mine appeared:
"What do you want?"

I woke up in a sweat as I spilled the wet towel on my forehead. Everyone was there: Cadence, Carrot Top, Blueblood, Night Sparkle, Celestia, Luna and even Cadence that I didn't know very well yet.

I watched them while they stared at me worried. Carrot Top threw himself on my neck:

"Are you all right, angel? I was so scared when I came back and you were gone!"

"Anon, I was so scared! Forgive me for not living up to the task! "Blueblood cried sideways.

"I'm okay! " I articulated as my voice was strained.

"We should all go. Let's give Anon and her parents some privacy! " Princess Celestia cried out.

"Come with me Night Sparkle! I'd like to get as much detail as possible about what happened downstairs. " Added Luna.

"Of course, princess. " Quickly said Night Sparkle as she performed a military salute as she left the room with the others.

"So what happened, Anon? " asked Blueblood as everyone had just left the room and he started brewing me herbal tea.

"I don't know, sorry, sorry! " I was sobbing my eyes out again. I'd missed my last chance to get my old life back.

"Calm down, Anon! It's okay, Anon, no matter what happened."

"Yes, Mom and Dad are here now. And for tonight, you can sleep with us if you want."

"Is it true? "I was wiping away my tears. I didn't want to be alone anymore.

"Of course, we understand you're scared alone with these seizures that happen."

"Thank you! Thank you very much! " I hugged them while I thought of a quiet night without trouble.

- Night Sparkle -

"So? What's the report Night Sparkle?"

I started talking when there was a shy knock at the door. Princess Luna motioned for me to wait while she asked the guest to come in.

The elegant silhouette of the second princess appeared as she discreetly entered. She looked at us and then turned her attention to her sister:

"Can I assist to the report of Night Sparkle, my sister?"

"Of course. Are you curious, too?"

"Curious but mostly worried about Anon. She was delirious in her sleep when we took her to her room."

"I understand. Sit down and we'll get started."

So I respectfully waited for Princess Celestia to take her place on her throne before beginning my narrative.

"First of all, I would like to apologize to my highnesses for my total lack of professionalism. When Anon arrived, I was asleep."

"I don't like to say that Night Sparkle but we'll have to talk about it again soon! "Gazed at me, the mighty blue longhorn beetle.

"I'm really sorry again, but I'm having a little trouble with my family right now."

"Which is?" Princess Celestia asked me worried.

"We're going through a rough patch with my partner. He blames me that I'm not home enough. And with three children, including a teenager and a toddler, the nights are not easy."

"I understand, it is sometimes complex to juggle the mother, the guard and the mare. Don't worry, I was thinking of reducing your on-call hours."

"Thank you very much Princess Luna. Shall I continue?"

"Of course. So Anon woke you up, but what was she doing?"

"I may be wrong, but she was on the floor when I woke up. She could have fallen on the floor with all this talk of trouble and stuff..."

"We'll see about that later. Please continue."

"When I saw her, she didn't recognize me because the hallway was too dark for her and she said she was afraid to come back. So I offered her to stay with me until the end of my shift when she started talking to herself."

"What was she talking about? "Asked the Sun Princess.

"I don't know anymore. I was trying to reason with her so I didn't pay much attention. She was talking about killing and promises. Things that would be forced to be done. But I got really scared when I realized she'd stolen my dagger."

"She took it from you? What did she do?"

"She started crying and threw it further down the hall."

"Really strange"

"Then I picked her up on my back and carried her back upstairs."

"You left the door unattended?"

"I'm so sorry, princess, but I was really scared for Anon so I didn't think about the door."

"No one is to go near it without our consent. It would be extremely dangerous for all of us!"

"Perhaps it would be wiser to put two guards at that door. I know you wanted to run your own security system. However, I'm afraid even your best guards can't provide a good defence on their own. »

"I admit it, I'll fix it as soon as possible! Anything else Night Sparkle?"

"No, Your Highness."

"Anon, wake up, my sweet little filly!"

I opened my eyes slowly. I had spent the night with my nice parents. Their coats were so soft that I felt like I had slept on a cloud.

Blueblood was there. All alone, which was probably strange. Where was Carrot Top?

"Where's Carrot Top?"

"She went to see Grape Capsule, he seemed really depressed this morning when we saw him. Come on, get up! I know a little filly who must be hungry."

My belly began to answer for me.

"No, not that one Anon, the other one's covered. Perfect, and so, this one's the butter knife that's used to... "I cut it clean through in those silly explanations.

" It's okay, I get it. The butter knife cuts butter. Can we do this another time? It's really boring!"

More than half of our table was covered with cutlery of all uses and shapes. The worst thing was that there were cutlery rests allotted to everyone. Even the glasses were color-coded for the glass rest.

"You must persevere Anon! You already know some of them."

"How much? Three and in an hour?!!"

"Don't be insolent! I know you can't stand it, but learning is a long way. And the most important thing is not the speed that counts but the skill that you acquire. How do you think Canterlot was built, in one day?"

"With all the magic I've seen, I'm sure it's possible. Please, I want to do something else. "Something that doesn't mess with the brain, for example.

He sighed, "All right, we'll continue tomorrow, then. And I'd rather tell you that we'll do a little bit every day!"

I sighed. "Can we just go see Carrot Top?"

I was looking for Carrot Top with Blueblood walking quietly behind me. He had told me that the last time they had seen them, they were walking in the large garden, which is where we went first.

It was after a little while of searching in it that we saw them sitting on a bench. Grape Capsule seemed really down as Carrot Top patted him on the shoulder in sympathy.

Blueblood took advantage of this and tightened his bow tie and took the most regal posture he could. Then, without further ado, we went to meet them where I was able to catch a bit of their conversation.

"I don't understand. We both love each other, and she told me this morning that she'd rather not do it anymore."

"Maybe she needs to take a step back from your relationship?"

"Who are you talking about? "Blueblood asked curiously, and did not hesitate to point out his presence to the occupants of the stone bench.

"No one, my prince. I mean Blueblood. Excuse me, Prince Blueblood."

He turned his head towards Carrot Top who shrugged his shoulders maliciously.

"And why is it a secret?" Pursued Blueblood.

"Blueblood, this stallion's private life is his own business!"

"Then why did he tell you everything?"

"Confidence?! " Said Carrot Top who didn't know herself for what.

I approached Grape Capsule as he gave me a brief smile and patted me gently on the head.

"Do you wish to know the truth, Prince Blueblood? The truth is, I feel pathetic. She's so beautiful and I'm just a stupid, clumsy pegasus. I just should have known she wouldn't want a loser like me! "

"Come on, don't say that, Mr. Grape Capsule. Even if I don't know who this mare is, I'm sure she's not insensitive to your charms!"

"My charms? I doubt I'll ever have had any."

"Of course not," added Carrot Top. "You're a very nice person who didn't hesitate for one second to come all the way down here for Anon's sake."

"In love, kindness is unfortunately not enough. Look at me, I'm just pitiful."

Blueblood seemed to hesitate for a few moments:
"If you agree, I'm ready to help you. I guess I owe you that much with all you're doing for Anon. Besides, I'm an expert in seduction! I could teach you some tricks."

"Blueblood mare or stallion?" Added Carrot Top innocently.

"What?" Exclaimed Grape Capsule, whom Blueblood was quick to silence by sticking a hoof in his mouth.

"It's a long story and I don't want to talk about it. Don't tell anyone!"

" It's true that it could be a story called: Blueblood Swap "

Blueblood removed his hoof from Grape Capsule's snout.

"It's promised, my prince! Anyway, I think it's very sweet of you to help me, but I doubt it will work. When would we start?"

"As of today if you are available, as long as I am not too much demanded by my royal duties."

"In that case, we'll leave you between stallions. We also have work to do with Anon!"

We had entered the castle while we had left the poor Grape Capsule in the presence of Blueblood.

"Where are we going?"

"I'd like to spend some time with Meteor Breath. I'd like to know what happened."

"Is it really any of our business? "I asked, frowning.

"No, you're right. But I'm dying to know. Come on, don't make that face. Don't you want to find out?"

"A lot. "Admit it.

"It's very nice of you and Anon to want to spend some time with me outside of the daily sessions but shouldn't you be enjoying being here with your family?"

"Of course, but first of all I wanted to thank you for accompanying us on holiday for Anon's well-being. By the way, she has a gift for you."

I took out the Trojan horse and handed it to him. It was a rather crude drawing of Meteor Breath and Grape Capsule standing with its hoof surrounded by a huge heart.

"Thank you very much, Anon. Are those love ponies?"

"Yes, it's you and Grape Capsule," I finished my sentence the most innocently in the world.

Immediately, the little mare began to blush deeply as she looked away.

"It's not what you think," she articulated with difficulty.

"Anon saw you," lied Carrot Top, who had planned everything.

" In that case, don't worry, I broke up with him this morning. I couldn't bear to keep the relationship a secret any longer anyway."

"What are you talking about? It's your right to date!"

"But I thought that... Your husband said he didn't want me to date because it would take my mind off Anon's health."

"I think I'm going to have a serious talk with him! Listen, are you in love? And yet that doesn't stop you from being Anon's psychologist? Then there's no problem. I'll talk to Blueblood about it."

"No, don't tell him it. I don't want to get fired!"

"But do you love him?"

"Yes. »

"Then you must get back together! He even went to my husband for advice on how to be a better stud."

"Your husband? I don't think that..."

"That was awesome everypony, cut!"

Everyone turned around. Discord wearing a beret and smoked-screen glasses ate popcorn while he watched us. Poor Meteor Breath fainted at the sight of the creature, she really was a sensitive mare.

Carrot Top sighed. "Discord, what are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "Carrot Top, I have three hobbies in life: having tea at Fluttershy's, making jokes to princesses and spying on ponies in their private lives."

Ugh, it just seemed so unhealthy. What if the ponies were... I don't want to know. Suddenly, as I was thinking, a huge flash dazzled me for a moment as a picture came out of my mouth.

I was looking at the picture and I noticed that I was making a horrible face in it. Carrot Top gave it a murderous look equal to Fluttershy's, which calmed the laughing creature down a bit.

"Dear Carrot Top, can you wake Meteor Breath up so that I can give him my precious advice."

"Which are?"

"Invited to take the Grape Capsule tea."

"I think Fluttershy has definitely rubbed off on you."

"You're not going to hurt me? " Meteor Breath asked uncomfortably from the back of her seat.

"Not at all. In fact, I've been following your romance with this beautiful pegasus since Canterlot!"


"Don't mind him. How are you feeling?"

"I feel very bad about breaking up with him. "She started crying.

"Would you like a handkerchief? "Offered Discord.

I think for a moment when I had an idea. "I know, let's take him out to dinner tonight and have a heart-to-heart talk!"

"Or just have tea with him."

"You think? "She asked timidly.

"Yes! " to shout out practically at the same time.

- Grape Capsule-

"Are you sure you don't mind, Prince Blueblood? I wouldn't want you wasting your time with me."

"Already," began Blueblood. "I'm not wasting my time with you because you're going to be great. Let's start, first of all, you have to be confident when you tell a mare what you don't have."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, if I'm here to help you. So, we're going to work on your insurance. Because if you don't have insurance, then no one will have it for you. So do you have any?"



"You're the one who said I didn't have one."

"All right, but what do you think?"

"I don't think I have any."

"No more conviction, it takes rage !"

"I don't know. " I Scream.

"All right. That answer's indicative of a yes."

"What? How could an uncertainty be yes?"

"If you're not sure you're sure then you're sure."

"I'm not sure I understand it all."

"The most important thing is not to do something but to do it with confidence. What you just did."

"So I need to be assertive when I talk?"

"Exactly. Now, we'll just bomb the torso like this. " Blueblood demonstrated.

"Prince Blueblood, I don't know how to pump my chest."

"What do you mean, you've never bulged your chest to please?"

"To tell you the truth, I've never tried to please anyone except the mare I just met."

"In that case, show me your muscles!"

"All right. »

I've been concentrated all these forces and then collapsed.


"So what?"

"Where's your show of force?"

"I've just made my show of strength!"

"I see. Well, in that case, I guess we'll just have to go with a nice outfit. I can lend you a tuxedo if you're careful."

"No thanks, I'd advise you to keep it. I'm not very skillful."

"I insist because by tonight you'll be the most skilful and gentlemanly stallion in Canterlot!"

"More than you?"

"Let's not exaggerate. You should start by aiming small before comparing yourself to the stars. »

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It's annoying!"

Before I could say anything, a pony on a bicycle ran straight at me and crushed my hoof, which made me scream. Then, while apologizing, he took out a letter and gave it to me, and left immediately.

"How shameless! I wonder what's in the letter? " Exclaimed Prince Blueblood.

I opened it awkwardly, but my crushed hoof hurt so much that I couldn't open it. Prince Blueblood proceeded to read it for me without first asking my opinion:

"Good morning, I've been thinking a lot about us and I don't think I should have broken up with you this morning. Please forgive me, I miss you. I wanted us to discuss this over dinner tonight, my love, at the best restaurant in town. And it's signed M.B. Do I know it? Those initials mean something to me."

"You must surely be mistaken, my prince."

"Can I see?"

"Of course."

We had spent the rest of the day deciding how to dress Meteor Breath for tonight's candlelight dinner. She was now so beautiful that it was hard not to look at her insistently.

She wore an elegant red dress and a few gold bracelets that made her irresistible, not to mention a touch of make-up. Discord, who for some reason I didn't know yet, had undertaken to do her hair. Despite my reluctance towards her, the final result made her look even more wonderful.

When she opened her eyes, she seemed not to recognize herself in the mirror so much she was captivated. A few minutes passed when she finally emerged from her amazement.

"I didn't think I could ever be that pretty. Thanks to all of you! " She hugged everyone in those hooves, even Discord, who seemed a little moved, and then she went out to dinner.

As she went out, she bumped into Blueblood who was about to come in. He looked at her attentively and then frowned:

"Where are you going? »

"I, uh... "Stammed Meteor Breath.

"I know, you want to try one of the hottest restaurants in town?!"

"Of course, Meteor Breath would just stop by and ask us if the outfit was appropriate."

"Anyway, you're very beautiful. Have a nice evening."

"Thank you, Prince Blueblood. "Then she left fairly quickly.

"And more seriously now. Can you tell me what these little secrets are? This morning Grape and now Meteor Breath, what are all these shenanigans?"

"If I tell you, will you promise not to get angry?"

"Of course not."

"What do you mean? Where did she go?"

"Blueblood, can you explain to me why Grape Capsule should be allowed and not Meteor Breath?"

"He's a stallion for sure!"

"I don't see the connection."

"He won't get pregnant himself."

"I... "Carrot Top turned to me. "Anon, could you go eat with your aunts. I need to talk to your dad!"

I got up from my chair and walked across the room to the door, falling a little more awkwardly and then turned around. Both of them looked at me and waited, it was obvious that they wanted me to leave as soon as possible.

So I took the path leading to the large dining room where Cadence with my two Blueblood aunts were waiting. They seemed surprised:

"Where are your parents? »

"They're arguing."

"Why about?" Cadence approached me to comfort me.

"I don't want to talk about it. "I just didn't want to have to deal with another debate.

"Then let's eat," Celestia suggested. "Eventually they'll come."

Several servants came to bring the food in various trays. Everyone seemed to have a different dish. I took the bell off my plate curiously to discover a superb strawberry charlotte.

I licked my chops and swallowed it in large slices. It was strange though, a dessert to start the meal? The servant must have been mistaken. Anyway, it was really excellent!

While I was eating my dessert greedily, I couldn't hear any sound of conversation around. I looked up curiously to find out why everyone was looking at me. What was wrong with them?

Even the little spoon that Princess Luna was holding in her telekinesis fell heavily to the ground. Then the taste in my mouth changed. I lowered my muzzle towards my plate and discovered a pile of foul smelling garbage.

I think at that moment I became even greener than I already was. To everyone's disgust, I began to spit out some of what I had in my mouth, realizing that it came from the pile of garbage.

Only a sneaky little laugh could be heard somewhere in the castle. And before I could say anything, the three princesses roared in harmony:


Soon afterwards, my dear parents, who had probably stopped arguing, came running to me while I vomited as much as possible of the filthy pile I had ingested.

"What's going on?"

"Anon, why are you throwing up?"

In the end, this problem had been beneficial to me. My aunts allowed me to take as much desert as I wanted instead of the stupid violet soup that was supposed to be the meal. I just hope it wasn't garbage again.

My eyes yearned for sleep as the day drew to a close. Carrot Top had finally finished reading the sixth book in the collection of stupid children's stories.

It was after a last kiss on the forehead and the recommended installation of a night light that I fell asleep comfortably in this cozy bed.

- Meteor Breath -

I smiled stupidly at Grape Capsule who looked really bad in that tuxedo looking back at me. We were waiting impatiently for the main courses to arrive while the most important thing had just been said. I cared about him and I would not leave him.

As we were discussing Anon's progress, my elbow, which was bent on the edge of the table, lost its grip, sending my head straight into the bowl of steam-stuffed leeks that was our appetizer.

"Is everything all right? "Asked my shy Pegasus doctor.

"I'm fine, just a little clumsy."

"No, you're not clumsy, you're perfect! Wait here, I'll be right back with a towel! "Then before I could say anything, he left.

I sighed heavily, he was so thoughtful that it made me uncomfortable. The mashed leek now stuffed on my mane made me think.

I felt torn. On the one hand, my work, which I love and which makes multiple ponies feel better. And on the other, my budding love with Grape Capsule. So why in the name of Equestria do I have to make a choice! "It's too hard! "I groan for myself, putting my head in my hooves.

"Meteor Breath?!"

I raised my head while an elegant pegasus smiled at me. She had a pretty white coat which gave her a very beautiful silhouette, while a cascade of yellow hair descended upon a face with beautiful ice-blue eyes looking directly at me.

"Flower Cloud?!?"

"I can't believe it. After all these years!"

"I'm so happy to see you again! But what are you doing here?"

"I had a business dinner and was just leaving when I thought I recognized you."

"A business dinner? So you changed your mind? Last time I saw you, you were rejecting this life your parents made for you. »

"Indeed," she sighed. "And you? The last time we saw each other, you were the most beautiful foal-sitter. I guess that's not the case now, is it?"

"Indeed, I became a psychologist."

"That's great, I'm happy for you. By any chance did you find a shoe iron after we broke up? I see a beautiful mare here and no one to take care of her."

"Flower Cloud?"

Grape Capsule looked at Flower Cloud with big eyes while she seemed as surprised as he was when she turned around. Then, without me understanding why, the two of them hugged each other in a soft embrace.

"I'm so happy to see you! But tell me, do you two know each other?"

"A little bit, we were... "I was watching her silently begging to keep quiet about our past relationship. "...friends."

"It's amazing how small the world is! Just think about the fact that me and Meteor Breath are a couple!"

"What?" She looked at me completely bewildered.

"Is everything okay, Flower Cloud? I know it might sound weird that your brother is dating one of your old friends, but you should be happy, right?"

"I'm just a little surprised. "She tried to pull herself together.

"Are you sure? I know you've never been lucky enough to have a stud in your life but you will someday. You're such a wonderful mare."

"I have to go, excuse me."

Then, without another word, she hurried away leaving a silence in the conversation. Grape Capsule promised to go and see her tomorrow to find out if everything was all right with her. For my part, I felt both sad and guilty for her.

- Flower Cloud -

"Another one please! "

"Are you sure, ma'am? You don't seem to be in any condition to hold another one."

"I pay so you obey! Since when can't a mare drink to drown her sorrow!?"

"Why are you crying like that? "Says the stallion who's been standing next to me for some time now.

"Do you think I'm going to tell the first stallion that comes along? In that case, you're wrong, I'll tell you everything. I'm just a mare who thought she'd found the love of her life in the space of a minute and had it stolen by her own brother who doesn't even know what sex is."

"Allow me to help you, I don't like to see brave ponies crying out for heartache."

"You're so sweet, can I give you a hug?" I approached him but finally fell to the ground.

"I don't think it's better in your condition. You're barely conscious. How much have you had to drink?"

"I don't know. But I think you're right, you're too high up for me. By the way, what do you know about heart stories, Mr. Mystery Stallion? We fell in love with a beautiful brunette who liked blonds?"

"Personally, I don't know much about romance except how to cure it."

"How? You give a medicine, a good night's sleep and everything gets better?! "

"You'll soon understand. I have a shop, follow me!"

"And why should I trust you?"

"Are you holding on to the love of your life?"

"Yes, why?"

"Then come with me and I'll explain everything to you in detail!"

Chapter 19 : When come the storm

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"Of course, we have no problem with that!"

"Thank you very much, your highness! I'm sure a little time together will do him a lot of good."

I waited mute in the hallway for Grape Capsule to finish his conversation with Princess Celestia. Since my little brother had found me completely drunk walking the streets of Canterlot later that evening, he hadn't wanted to let go of me, which irritated me a lot.

Yet, apart from that, I felt that something was wrong. As if I'd been abused in some way. And then, these great hours of amnesia in front of me made me very nervous.

To conclude the whole thing, I stank of alcohol miles away. There was no way I could win back Meteor Breath's heart with such an attitude. Even I pitied myself just by looking at myself in the mirror.

"Pull yourself together, Flower Cloud! " I whispered to myself to try to give myself strength.

My idiot brother walked out of the room, bowing for the umpteenth time before closing the door. Then he gave me one of those naive smiles he used to do when we were foals.

"Everything is settled, you can settle here for a few days!"

"I'm telling you everything's perfectly all right. You didn't have to feel obligated. As I said, I'm fine!"

"I don't feel obligated at all. I love spending time with my big sister!"

"Good for you! Could you tell me where my room is! I'd like to wash up."

"It's the one next to mine, isn't it great? We can spend even more time together!"

"That's great. Could you leave me now? I'd like some time alone."

"All right, I had to go take care of Anon anyway."


"The young orphan that Prince Blueblood and Carrot Top adopted. She's adorable, you'll see."

"Ah... Poor child. When she realizes she's just a vulgar fashion statement, her little heart will break."

"No, don't worry. I've seen them. I assure you, they seem to like her very much."

"Wait and see how long it takes in this case. When the routine runs through their hearts and Anon becomes more of a burden than anything else."

"Why are you being so pessimistic? They seem so happy together."

"I've always been a pessimist and you... far too naive. But I suppose that's what Meteor Breath likes?"

"To tell you the truth, I still don't understand why she likes me. I'm a long way from the heroic stallions in children's books to deserving a princess like her."

"That's for sure. You're a long way from anything brave and courageous."

"It doesn't help me at all what you're saying. I'm gonna go now, I'll see you later?"

"Let's hope not."

The warm water came down from my body with the most pleasant feeling. I closed my eyes and sniffed the soft warmth of the passion fruit-flavored water.

When I felt clean again and smelled something that didn't remind me of a relapsing alcoholic, I got out of the shower.

It was the first time I had ever used one, and it was one of the most sophisticated devices I had ever seen. Equestria is evolving well, I thought to myself. When I get home, I will have to install one.

So I took a bathrobe and inspected with a clearer mind, the room that my little brother had been able to get for me from the Princess. It was a very bright room with only two colors, gold, and white.

I sat comfortably on the bed in the middle of the room and reflected on the miserable meaning my life had taken on. I had a job that I didn't like and especially no one to live with.

Since we had lost touch with Meteor Breath and me, I felt like the world had gone out of whack. Like a broken clock that continues its eternal round but no longer has that regular rhythm that makes every second a treasure.

I sighed, what's the point? Many mares and stallions would like to have a life like mine, but lately, I can't even enjoy it anymore.

I don't go out anymore for fear of feeling alone in front of the couples and groups of friends who criss-cross the capital with smiles stapled on their stupid faces.

While I, a lonely mare that I have almost always been. I have no real friends and my colleagues are far from friendly. The only one of them who was friendly with me was a stupid stallion who wanted me in his bed.

Suddenly, as I was in my sinister thoughts, I noticed that the white of the room was now red.

"So, you don't remember your dream?" A voice echoed through the silent room.

"Is there anyone there? "I asked weakly.

"Look at the table and tell me what you see!"

I was scared now. Who was it? My brother's joke? I took my courage and got up from bed, staring at the table. On it sat a scroll that wasn't there a few minutes before, I was sure. The voice began to read what was written on it:

"Me, Flower Cloud, pledge my commitment to helping others to realize my dream."

"My dream?"

"Meteor Breath," the voice whispered in response.

"But that's impossible, she's with my brother."

"But is this your dream?"

"Yes, but it won't happen!"

"Love is only a story of chemistry. I can offer you two love filters. The first one will be for your brother to leave Meteor Breath and not suffer the breakup. You don't want him to suffer?"

"No, he may be dumb and clingy, but he's still my little brother."

"Fine, and the second one will be for you and Meteor Breath. That way, your dream will come true."

"But what do you mean by helping others?"

"Simple services for ponies in need when you're approached by some."

"That's it?"


"But why are you doing this?"

"Goodness is my name."

-Carrot Top-

I was knocking on Meteor Breath's bedroom door in a panic. I was so anxious, I felt like a time bomb. No sooner did the door begin to open than I asked her earnestly:

"Mrs. Breath, I'm very sorry for my husband is angry against you, but I must speak to you."

"What's going on? " Yawned heavily as Meteor Breath opened the bedroom door with a sleepy paw.

"It all started this morning, my little family was having breakfast when Blueblood saw that there was a storm forecast and thought of going to the theater."


"Anon seemed happy at first. I haven't known her long, but she seems messed up and sad right now. Anyway, she said it would take her mind off it and I hope it would. But the problem arose when we told Anon that we needed an outfit to be able to go.

Blueblood, who thought he was doing the right thing, insisted that she put on a very pretty dress that he had planned for the occasion. Anon, however, got up in arms and yelled that she was a male.
Of course, Blueblood got angry too and yelled at her that she was a filly and that she should dress like one.

Since then, Anon has barricaded herself in her room while Blueblood seems bad. I don't know what to do anymore. "Tears were starting to fall from my face.

"Calm down! It's all right. Look, first, we're going to try to defuse the situation. I'll talk to Anon and you talk to Blueblood. It's good?"

"But I don't know what to say to him!"

"Tell him that it doesn't matter if your child thinks of himself as a girl or a boy as long as love is present in each of you."

When I finally got there, the door was open. Blueblood was crying miserably on the sagging floor of a bedroom wall. The room was plunged into semi-darkness while only my husband's languid sobs could be heard.

I tried to calm myself before entering. Then, as I sat down beside him and stroked his mane, the crying stopped as he laid his head against my shoulder.

"Tell me, Carrot. What do you think we missed with Anon?"

"We haven't missed anything when it comes to Anon's education."

" Then why? Can you imagine if she's a transsexual?"

"Even if she is transsexual and it can be upsetting at first, I would still love her because she is our Blueblood child. Anon will always be our child whether she is a girl or a boy."

After a long silence, he resumed:

"You're right. Anon is our child first and foremost. I feel so horrible about what I said to her earlier. I have to go talk to her. "

"So let's not waste time."

Blueblood set off at lightning speed into Anon's now open room where I managed to follow him closely. But when we entered, Meteor Breath looked pale and didn't move.

Hundreds of horrible scenarios were playing out in my head as the bedroom window slammed shut. I firmly shook the dark mare who seemed to return to those spirits.

"She... she fell. " She succeeded in pronouncing.

I felt the cold, icy wind chill my whole being. I rushed to the window only to see a torn rope with only part of the cloth remaining. Anon had fallen.

- Anon -

"Ooh, my head!"
My small body was causing me terrible pain everywhere while my fall had been slowed down by a bush in the gardens. When the stupid rope broke, I saw how little of my life was passing by.

Outside it was a storm. It was raining like hell from ten yards away while the wind was shaking the trees with unparalleled force.

I got up and felt a dull pain in my left rear leg. Still, I could not give up. So I began to limp towards the city. I had to leave. Blueblood would most certainly take me back to the orphanage after what had happened.

Why was I so stupid? I should have just played the perfect little filly and nothing would have happened. Now I was hardly going to be thrown back to the orphanage the way they would throw a dog into the pound. Or maybe I should have killed Night Sparkle?

As if to answer me, the pain increased as I fell into a mud puddle. I got up somehow. I had to keep going.

"Don't give up hope," I repeated to myself as the pain in my leg became stabbing.

Upstairs in the castle, I could hear shouting from all sides. Now I was very afraid. The lights of the city were slowly coming closer as the wide ramparts behind me gradually disappeared from my sight cut by the mighty rain curtain.

I fell again and to my great fright rolled down a slope where fortunately I met nothing. When I got up, there were no more lights in the city or even of the castle to guide me. Shouts began to sound from all sides.

I started to run as fast as I could, getting up whenever I could try to sow through the elements my pursuers who kept shouting words that my brain could not determine.

Finally, at the end of my strength, I ran aground at the entrance of a wood where a crackling pond stood. I cowered, trying to keep the heat of my run to keep me warm, but the freezing claws of the rain continued to whip my coat, gradually removing all warmth from my being.

I touched my injured leg to see the full extent of the damage. Blood was now permeating my sticky, wet hoof. The bleeding continued unabated.

I could feel myself getting lost as my brain emptied of all thought. Numb, like a machine that stopped working. I slowly stopped working. My last thought came:

"I'm a failure!"

And the world seemed to fall apart.

I still felt as bad as ever, but warm and protected. I was still on the floor, but the humidity no longer affected me. I stood up and contemplated the invisible curtain of rain that did not weaken, while in the distance the screams continued.

"What's up?"

I turned quickly to find Lord Fear reading a book while sitting cross-legged. He did not move an inch.

"What's going on?"

"Where? Here? To start looking at my right arm."

So I looked at his right arm up, which I had never seen before, and looked at the large dark umbrella he was holding to protect us both from the rain.

"Better? Now listen to me carefully. Take a deep breath and look at your feet."

I raised an interrogative eyebrow but in the face of his passivity, I obey. I lowered my eyes but I couldn't go on any further. There was a body on the ground. I watched in panic as Lord Fear continued stoically reading his book.

"Keep reading."

I looked down again. There was indeed a body on the floor. It seemed as cold as death and the mud and the blood on it made it unrecognizable. I felt nauseous. The rain came through the umbrella and fell on the little body.

"Anon," Lord Fear was looking at me now. "Do you know this person? »

I was walking away from the corpse. "No, I don't think."

Lord Fear's gaze became more insistent and saddened. "Are you sure?"

"No, this person doesn't look familiar."

"Then tell me what you see," Lord Fear continued.

"I see a pony. I'd say small and covered in blood and mud."

"That's it? Why is she here?"

"I don't know."

"Why is he bleeding?"

"He must have had a..."

Suddenly, I felt as if the umbrella no longer protected me, I felt an icy shiver run down my spine. I came closer again to the lifeless body and looked through those eyelids, those two blue eyes.

"It was me."

Only the sound of the rain came to answer me while the voices in the distance lost their intensity. The lapping that the rain made on the pond made every second harder for me to live.

"Am I dead? "I finally articulated.

"No, but you have to choose."

"But of course I'm dead. My body's here and I'm..." I tried in vain to see any part of who I was.

"Your body is breathing. "Lord Fear replied coldly, resuming his reading.

"Then why am I not unconscious on the ground?"

"For thou art between life and death. You must choose."

"Choose what?"

"You can abandon your body and die as easily as you leave this umbrella or you can return to the living."

"Is there a world after death?"

I sensed a bit of fun in his tone.

"So the only thing you're interested in is living in a different world again? I think it's happened to you before and look where it got you."

"I'd just like to know."

He became cold as stone.
"Is life so important that even in death it should be lived?"

"No, I don't know. My life is a complete mess."

"A waste? Yet you have people who love you."

"No, everybody hates me. If I ran away, it's because I have nothing left to lose."

"You're wrong, Anon. People love you. Do you hear those screams in the distance?"

I was nodding.

"Can't you see what's in front of you?"

"What's that?"

"Those people who, in the storm, in the gust, in the clutches of this raging world, continue to pray to thy name. Hear their calls. Hear their cries and their follies. Or much more simply, what is called love."

"I, uh..."

"Anon! " Were the voices screaming despite the storm that was in full swing...

"I want to make it clear that I'll never understand why you can predict a storm like this when you control the weather."

"Do they love me?"

"That's for sure. Now you have to choose. There's not much time left. The life you've been running from or death at its most beautiful reef?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"You saved me! Then I'll give you the choice to save yourself."

"I, uh..."

"Now choose!"

"Life," I replied more out of fear than reflection.

I felt myself being sucked through my body as the cold that was gradually taking over my being disappeared. I got up with pains everywhere completely covered with mud and blood.

I turned around. No Lord Fear or even an umbrella. Only a book was sitting there in the mud called: The Bad luck of my Life". There were many blank pages yet it seemed to me that Lord Fear was at the end? More magic, I assumed.

Anyway, I had to get back to the castle. Carrot Top and Blueblood must have been worried sick by now. My aching leg seemed to have taken on a disturbing hue from what I could see under the mud.

I got up and walked but soon I fell unconscious. The bleeding had become too much.

Chapter 20 : Convalescence and shadow play

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The darkness... Always the darkness. I drifted for hours, nights, entire lives in that darkness. I didn't know how I got there or even how to get out. Time stretched on and on and the insidious question remained: Should I have accepted death? But one thing pulled me towards a new light, I felt that I could no longer breathe!

I began to feel my body struggling again without my being able to do anything. My lack of air seemed to animate it, just as my mind seemed to be gradually coming out of its torpor.

Yet, despite the imminent danger, I felt like a spectator in my own body, unable to control it.

Suddenly, to my great surprise, I felt my head rise as a violent pain exploded in my chest. My eyes opened on their own, and I discovered that I was on an operating table surrounded by four unicorn-like doctors staring at me worriedly.

It was in a very erratic voice that I asked:
"Where am I?"

To answer my question, the doctors began to make little cries of joy. I repeated my question, but the only answer I got was a mask with a brief excuse from one of the doctors who covered my muzzle.

The gas which seeped into the mask soon sent me back to the realm of dreams where sunflowers were singing and dancing macabrely around a mask filled with a dark metal halo.

"Celestia, I was so scared! I'm so happy you're alright. I'm so sorry, Anon."

Blueblood had been crying at my bedside for a good five minutes now, which was starting to seriously bother me.

"What you did was extremely dangerous," said Carrot Top, who was the pony who found me in the rain and terrible shape.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Sorry won't cut it, Anon," Princess Luna said as she walked through the door. "Anon, you have to be able to defeat your inner demons!"

"My inner demons? " I asked, stunned.

"Yes, while you were asleep, I saw the darkness in your heart as I used to when I was Nightmare Moon. But don't worry, I asked Twilight and her friends if they could heal the wounds in you."


"With the elements of harmony, Anon," Blueblood said in a small voice.

"The harmonic elements are powerful relics capable of purging the evil that plagues Equestria. "Carrot Top elaborated further.

"I don't want to be purged," I said, huddling in the blanket of my hospital bed.

"Anon," said the yellow mare as she lay on my bed. "I can promise you the elements don't hurt. They just help the ponies that are suffering."

"Don't have fear, Anon. I know the effect of the elements of harmony because I've been helped by them before. It will make you feel better about yourself. Now rest. I'm sure you still need rest."

Then as Luna left my room with her royal appearance, Blueblood looked at me and spoke despite her dry throat:

"You know, Anon, I can understand you hating me after what happened, and I'm truly sorry. Carrot Top helped me understand and I'll do anything to make it up to you! "He burst into tears again.

Carrot Top smiled at me despite the apparent tiredness on her face and took Blueblood with her so that I could rest. For some reason, I went back to sleep again soon after.

I woke up much later in what I imagined to be the night because of the darkness that dominated the room. An insistent chewing noise dominated the small hospital room. It was as if someone was chewing something in my ear, which was very irritating.

And as I turned my head in the direction of the noise, I could discern, despite the apparent lack of light, a mare with a white coat and azure eyes eating nonchalantly next to me, sitting on a chair, a kind of chocolate packet. At the same time, I noticed that this mare had a long, smooth blond mane that reached down to the ground.

The mysterious mare who still had the muzzle in her chocolate bag didn't seem to notice that I was no longer sleeping, but I was taking advantage of the time to think. Who could that be?

"I know you're not asleep."

I was freezing in bed.

"Just a few seconds ago, you were still snoring like a herd of buffalo!"

Despite her undiplomatic remark, it was true that she had unmasked me. Discovered, I, therefore, turned to my speaker who looked at me with a reproving look in her eyes.

"What's that?"

"I just expected more from a prince's filly. Anyway, my name is Flower Cloud, and your foal-sitter temporary... Celestia, if they'd told me that one day I'd be done with this!"

"Why does it bother you?"

"Why does that bother me? Do you think having to take care of a filly is my dream, my passion? No, I'd rather do something more interesting with my life!"

I watched her dubiously plunge her elegant white snout into the chocolate packet until it came out all brown.

"So you eat chocolate alone in the dark in the middle of the night?"

"I'm asking you about it?! If you want to know everything, it's hard for me. And I'd like to point out that it's sentimental, so don't imagine that I'm normally begging for money outside. I'm an important mare!"

"Okay," I nodded before returning to a sleeping position with little more to say.

"What? You don't ask me a lot of questions and you don't even want to know how a mare like me got to this point and because of whom?"

"I don't even know what you do for a living!"

"I'm a financial operator."

"What's that?" I asked curiously.

"A job where friends are scarce," she sighed.

"Don't you have any friends?"

"No, let's just say I'm not interesting enough to have friends unlike the new princess of friendship. I heard you moved in with her for a while, I'm sure you're friends?"

"I don't know if "friend" is the right word, but we're cordial even when she's talking behind my back."

"I was sure it was too good to be true! What did she say about you?"

"I needed to play sports."

The mare's eyes soften a little.

"I've been through this too. At first, it may seem hard but if you hold on and don't let go, you'll get through it. As for the others, I know that it may seem important but you have to know how to detach yourself from it."

"You've been through this, too? But you're very thin..."

"That appearances can be deceiving. I was a little chubby, like you. I even had great difficulty taking off from the ground when I was young and that made me feel very complex."

"But what happened?"

"When I became a teenager, I refined myself. The sport played too, I guess."

"I hope I don't stay like I am all the way of my life," I say, looking back on my singular situation.

"I know it's hard right now, but I'm sure everything will work out."

"Can I ask you a question?" I was unsure, but I needed it.

"What is it about?"

"Can I be your friend?"

"I, uh... I don't know. "The mare seemed hesitant about those next words. "But if this is what you want, then it's okay. Are you hungry?"

"I am a bit."

"I'll go get you a sandwich then. Just stay here and don't move under any circumstances, otherwise... we won't be friends anymore."

So the elegant Flower Cloud took the door and left me alone with me. Why did I ask her to be my friend? What's the matter with me?

"Anon, can we talk?"

Lord Hatred was standing on the left side of my bed.

"Only if it's a question of getting into my world and with my body."

"You know, my first question was just a polite greeting. You don't have any choice."

"What do you want from me? " Did I sigh.

"Lord Fear is trying to corrupt you."

"Corrupt me?"

Suddenly, Lord Fear appeared on the other side of my bed.

"Don't listen to him!"

"Anon, if Lord Fear is as... sympathetic as he is to you, it's because you serve his cause."

"His cause? What's going on here?"

"Lord Fear is using you to convince you to join him."

"And how is that bad?" I replied a bit rebellious.

"Yes, how is that bad, Lord Hatred? "Asked Lord Fear innocently.

"You are mine! Mine, do you hear?! And that is not the day my source of Fear's magic will take her!"

"A fine example of stoicism, Lord Hatred, but perhaps I should add that you're in no position to lecture me on morality. For it is not I who trespass on other people's lives. I saw this world first."

"So what? With all the time you've had, you still haven't been able to do anything. Unless your ultimate goal is to watch cute little ponies get on with their lives?"

"Go to another world with Anon if you care so much about her, but leave this world to me. He's only looking at me!"

" You know very well that this world and what is most likely to provoke such absurd hatred in a man who claims to be as virile as Anon. "

" In that case, my world, my rules!"

"You wouldn't dare! Me, your friend all my life."

"True, but the joker is exhausted and being more powerful than you, I advise you to choose quickly."

Lord Hatred landed drastically on the chair, which was struggling to hold its weight, while the chair seemed to be in the intense reflection. Turning his head at times, staring at me as if he were evaluating I don't know what.

He nodded to Fear, who was content to take a puff of a cigar which was taking pleasure in breathing, spreading the smell of tobacco throughout the room. I was pretty sure it would get me into trouble.

The deal closed just in time, Flower Cloud arrived just in time with the sandwich in question. She quickly turned her head from left to right and looked at me:

"What in Celestia's name are you doing with a cigar? And the secondary question: who were you talking to?"

Both lords had disappeared from the room.

"No one, I was thinking aloud."

"And the cigar? "She asked impatiently.

The evidence being there, I lied.
"I wanted to try it on?!"

"May Celestia has mercy on me, where did you find this horror?"

"Under the bed."

"Well, give me a cigar!"

I handed it to her and then she started running around hiding as best she could the problem of the smell and the cigar.

"Anon, this thing is very bad for your health. It gradually kills the lungs of what smokes it and that can lead to serious consequences!"

"I know."

"Then why? Do you know what I'm risking? You were never taught that it's bad."

"My big brother once," I replied laconically.

"Your brother? I didn't know you had a brother. Again, I wasn't told!"

"He was always my parents' favorite. And now I'm alone and I miss him. "I said I'm starting to sob.

Not far away, Fear, always listening in on the shadows of the room, had a twisted idea; a great idea.

"Good morning, Anon, how did you sleep?"

I woke up still tired from my night while a navy blue silhouette stood on the bedroom doorstep, looking falsely annoyed.

"Good morning," I yawned nonchalantly as I concentrated my scattered attention on Luna. "Are you alone today? Carrot and Blueblood aren't coming?"

"They had a little setback. "In front of my silence she added:
"But don't worry, it won't be long before you find them. Since I'm not here, they chose me to take you to the castle. "

"Why?" I was asking as a plaintiff.

"It's a little complicated to explain..."

I was frowning.

"Let's just say Blueblood waiting patiently by Carrot Top's side had an idea."

"Which one?"

"SURPRISE!!!! "Aunt Luna screamed as my parents and the rest of the family entered the room with a huge cake with a beautiful icing that you only see in dreams. Everyone wore ridiculous little party hats that made them look like Santa's elves pony version.

"We wanted to give you a little get-well surprise! "added Celestia.

"Didn't we scare you too much, angel? "Asked Carrot as I looked at me, still in a state of surprise.

"A little," I admitted. "But I suspected it was a surprise."

"Oh! Really? "Luna approached me.

"Of course," I puffed out my chest proudly. "I'm not stupid"

"Of course not, sugar, you're perfect. "Said Blueblood depositing one of the many hats on me.

And as the surprise turned into a little party with a general hug, I turned my head to Flower Cloud who was looking distractedly out the window, not wanting to embarrass me, I assumed.

The return to the castle had been a joyful one, everyone was smiling, relieved that everything had ended well.

My leg had healed quickly enough for my aunts who said they wanted to enjoy my company.

Celestia, who contrary to what I expected was the active type, made me play tennis with her and my parents. It was quite enjoyable even though I was already sweating through the second ball.

Luna, on the other hand, preferred less dynamic activities such as painting, which she did with me, which was as pleasant as it was relaxing. The paintings she did were worthy of great painters and her brushstrokes were beautifully fine.

Moreover, she had also insisted that it should be her who read my evening stories despite the reluctance Carrot Top might have had at first to let me be tucked in without her.

During all this time, Flower Cloud was faithful to the mission that had been entrusted to her, even if she didn't like it. Never left me alone, which was irritating in the long run.

That evening, after a thorough reading of the book "The Carrot and Me" with Luna, who wanted me to call her "Aunt Luna" and not just Luna, I was alone in my room.

Well, if only Flower Cloud had Flower Cloud, who was sleeping soundly in a sleeping bag at the foot of my bed. I felt sorry for this mare, everyone here was pretending she wasn't here, and it must not have been much fun for her.

Suddenly, as I was getting sleepy, I was startled:

I uttered a high-pitched scream that hardly seemed to wake up Flower Cloud. In front of me stood Lord Fear, dressed in an explorer's outfit and a brown backpack, looking at me satisfied.

"I'm really glad you're still here, Anon. I would have been very sad if you had gone with Lord Hatred! Besides, I have an offer that you might be interested in? »

"What's this all about?"

"A little time with your brother if you help me."

"Really? "I suddenly changed my mind. "But it's no use, he doesn't want to see me like the rest of my family anyway."

"I wouldn't bet on it if I were you. But enough talk, let's get down to business!"

A wormhole opened right next to my bed.

Chapter 21 : Feardventure II

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"And where are you taking me this time? "I asked curiously.

"We are going on a new adventure and this time it will be more interesting. On the program, phosphorescent mushroom picking!"

"More interesting, picking phosphorescent mushrooms? "I was rather dubious.

"Absolutely, but I'd like us to discuss it in a quieter place if you don't mind. "

And he jumped into the vortex next to him.

Space seemed to stretch to endless places until the vortex vulgarly spat me out on the floor. At the same time, I realized that my body had grown, I was once again an adult mare.

I quickly analyzed my environment after the laborious end of our last adventure. It was the entrance to a cave nestled somewhere in the heights of a rather vertiginous mountain.

The outside of the cave was extremely surprising. The entrance to the cave was on a side so steep and craggy that one could not enter without good equipment.

Further down, a devastated land offered itself as far as the eye could see and was shaded by the mist that passed from time to time on certain parts of the territory, thus remaining invisible to my eyes. It all seemed just deserted and dead. A little as if evil had ravaged these lands.

In the cave, on the other hand, within the very depths of the cave itself, small green lights of disease dimly illuminated the tunnels. One could also see that it was not a single gallery but many winding tunnels that seemed to run through the mountain from one side to the other.

"Where are we? " I asked quickly.

"In a land devastated by the dark side, we all have in each of us."

"That is to say?"

"In my world."

I was silent, contemplating more deeply these lands which had nothing special apart from their grey sides.

"Above all, Anon, it is necessary that you protect yourself! "He stood up from I don't know where a sort of iron armor that evoked the physique of a pony.

I looked at him anxiously.
"Why a suit of armor for a harvest?"

"The mushrooms I'm looking for are deeper in the mountain."

"And?" I insisted. "What makes a suit of armor this big here?"

"The guests in the cave."

"Excuse me?"

"I'll explain more when we're lower down. In the meantime, put on this armor!"

I moaned silently as I donned my armor with some difficulty.

Once ready, I followed Lord Fear who was carrying a ridiculous little wicker basket on the end of his arm in the manner of Little Red Riding Hood which made me laugh despite myself.

He turned around and hung a thread emanating an orange light as the entrance was about to disappear from our sight.

"To be able to find the exit again." He added,

"Can't you just do magic? "

"No, this black stones you see here disrupt any magical flow. Now stop laughing like a filly and shut up, I don't want to meet anyone here."

Darkness soon invaded my vision, which had been carried by the light from outside the cave. From then on, only the faint lights of the green mushrooms illuminated our path. From time to time, Lord Fear would order me to stop when it seemed that there was the noise at the end.

The armor I wore, which seemed to fit my anatomy perfectly, didn't correspond to any significant difficulty in moving around. In reality, despite its appearance, it was not much heavier than a common waistcoat except that it covered my entire body.

As I was entering a new gallery, a magnificent staircase of what might be white marble stood on one end of the wall.

It was a spiral staircase, designed to access both the upper and lower floors of the mountain. I whispered:

"How can there be a staircase here?"

"This cave used to be an escape way for the magi who had built their military academies higher up."

"Magi?! "I exclaimed much louder than I thought.

"Shut up! As I said before, these galleries have occupants!"

"Who?" I now asked anxiously that I had drawn them to us.

"This floor here is guarded by former golem disposed of by the magi in question, but rest assured, the magi are dead."

"What happened to them?"

Lord Fear sighed, "The Order of the Silent, a powerful group of fanatical magicians, have decimated them. They sent a meteorite of pure corruption on their military academy that was sitting on the mountain. Soon after, everyone was dead."

I was thinking. "What is the difference between a normal meteorite and what they sent?"

"The difference? If the land has become arid and dangerous even for me, it's no coincidence. Nor is it by chance that the mountain that used to be called "Clear Peak" is no longer so-called. Everything in this place reeks of corruption!"

"How creepy it is, at least down there, there's nothing. Isn't it?"

"Alas," he said, tying the rope firmly to a piece of the staircase.

"What's down there?"

"Below you will hear loud music. Don't worry, it's not the music that is dangerous. Unless you hate rock. "he added jokingly before continuing:

"Then the stairs should lead to a vast cavern which will be illuminated by the mushrooms I'm looking for. Inside, there may be humans but they are not your friends. They have been corrupted by the creature in the cave."

"What does the creature look like?"

"I have no idea."

The discussion finally closed. I followed him down the winding staircase that led to much deeper underground. Music began to be heard as Lord Fear had said.

It was disconcerting music. The kind of music that was usually found in nightclubs. Lord Fear, who understood my astonishment despite having predicted it to me, added in a low voice without even stopping to look back:

"The music you hear comes from the kingdom of the Exiles. A sort of giant nightclub much further under our feet. They're not bad, but I seriously doubt we'll meet anywhere we go."

The staircase, however endless it may be, ends up leading to a vast cavern illuminated on all sides by mushrooms which this time were red.

The exact depth of the cave could not be distinguished but the ceiling was high enough for a giant to pass through here without any trouble.

Everything here reeked of moisture and mold much more than it had been higher up until now. For the time being the place seemed deserted.

"Let's not dawdle here," Lord Fear murmured.

The picking was quick, although the mushrooms had to be picked in a certain way so that they would not lose their magic from a dark metal picker where they had to be cut as close to the stem as possible.

However, as the last mushrooms were being picked, murmurs and noises came from all over the place.

Suddenly there were screams from all sides as I heard running towards us. A man, bare-chested, his face twisted with hatred, threw himself on Lord Fear who skewered him just in time. Others came vehemently.

I quickly ran for my life with Lord Fear, who opened the way to the stairs as quickly as he could.

But we were soon surrounded. Lord Fear, who was standing on guard, almost shouted:

"Anon, use your armor!"


" This one has a ray gun that will blow these things to dust!"

Indeed, when I looked at my pip-buck's interface, the weapon tab was flashing while a cluster of red dots was moving all around us, newcomers were arriving every second.

I locked the five humans that were blocking the entrance but something inside me prevented me from doing so.

A yellowish light began to dawn on the other side of the cave, coming towards us like a sunrise.

"Anon, swarm. We don't have much time left!"

Simultaneously, about twenty humans threw themselves at Lord Fear. Some were even armed with homemade axes. Under pressure, I activated the SVAV mode which automatically killed the humans blocking our way and then shot Lord Fear just in time for them to follow me while the horde now jumped in front of our path to block our way.

I had killed humans, I kept telling myself. Their perforated heads turned into a purée of flesh and cries of agony were heard from the blows to the head.

I shot again several times, aiming only at the legs, I didn't want to kill anymore. Lord Fear cut off those who came too close to us.

After what could easily have been compared to eternity, we reached the stairs when a dull voice sounded:

"Don't go away now, I've just arrived!"

We turned around and saw that light that I had seen some time before at the bottom of the cave. But now it was only about ten meters away from us. What I saw made me want to vomit.

The foulest monster was staring at us with his pernicious gaze. He seemed to have a nyctalopia vision in front of his dilated pupils which evoked two gaping holes.

His body, on the other hand, was almost completely protected in a kind of sphere that shone, causing the supernatural glow, although partially damaged in some places.

Only his head and arms revealed the immaculate white of his skin, which gave him the appearance of a larva.

However, I couldn't take my eyes off his long, thin arms that occasionally came out through the interstices of his shell. These ended in long rows of claws which he used to move forward.

"I pass my turn for the invitation," Lord Fear replied curtly, and with a sharp kick he took me out of my fascination, which brought me back to our situation: to flee.

"You won't get away that easily," said the filth as she watched us begin the ascent. "You won't steal my treasure so easily!"

Suddenly, as humans started running up the stairs in the opposite direction, I had a bad feeling. But before I could warn Lord Fear, the cave creature propelled himself with all his arms up the stairs, which, under shock, slipped away under our feet and hooves, taking with it a small part of the ceiling.

Fortunately, the tack had protected me well enough from our fall that I was able to recover quickly enough. All around me, debris from stairs and ceilings oozed from all sides mixed with a mist of dust that gave me a few seconds of respite.

Lord Fear was lying a few meters away, his foot stuck by one of the steps of the stairs. I heard the creature barking orders to his followers:

"Find them! I want them alive and I want them now!"

I briefly aimed at the block that was imprisoning Lord Fear's foot and pulverized it with my rifle, to hell with discretion, we had to move quickly before being submerged.

"Let's go this way," suggested Lord Fear who had his foot deformed by the block and was limping.

I quickly picked him up on my back and despite his weight, he was galloping at full speed in the direction he had indicated to me. The dust mist was beginning to lift.

"Wait," he said. "The staircase hasn't completely fallen. Pull-on it to block the way."

I executed myself silently and pulled on a precariously balanced boulder which dragged with it the rest of the stairs we had passed through. The whole thing collapsed on the pack of humans who were looking for our presence in the rubble.

The screams and noises of shattering bones made me nauseous while in the distance we could barely make out a lugubrious cry.

"Now let us hurry to put as much distance between us and them as possible."

I nodded my head, wishing to forget all the lives I had shattered to pieces and galloped further into the darkness as our assailants were already skirting around the obstacle from the sides.

Fortunately, I didn't have to kill any more while I was galloping. There were no people in that part of the cave.

After a while, the distinct sound of the flowing water overwhelmed me with the hope of escaping our attackers.

"Anon," said Lord Fear weakly.

"There was no time."

"You have to watch out for Dark-Fishermen!"

"To what?"

"Huge slender creatures very vaguely resembling cats fishing in places like these."

"And what should I do?"

"They are sensitive to light, but don't let it surprise you. They are very agile despite their size and blend in quite well in the dark."

"Great," I murmured.

A little later.

"I never thought the river could be so far away! "My strength had wavered a long time ago, I was content to trot around with Lord Fear on my back.

There we were, a stream the size of a river was passing slowly, almost unhealthily, from one end of my field of vision to the other. This part of the cave had a ceiling much higher than the rest and strangely too quiet despite the water.

"The water must lead somewhere," suggested Lord Fear. "We need a landing stage!"

"We could follow the river for a while, maybe there's enough to make one?"

The dented armor was content to nod distractedly when a noise as light as the wind's breath hit me hard, sending me rolling about twenty meters away.

Only the armor that I was wearing had saved my life but this one was not anymore sure to support more blows. As for Lord Fear, he only seemed to have a few more scratches.

He said, "Watch out! "he shouted as I got up.

This time I saw a huge leg with many claws rushing towards me, which gave me time to lie down on the ground.

I immediately directed my light on the spot where the paw came from to discover a new monstrosity of nature.

A huge beast, easily the stature of a house, was standing on its hind legs on the other side of the stream while two yellow eyes stared at me through the creature's thick navy blue fur.

When the light came on the creature's face, it screamed and blindly tried to send its sharp claws at me but I easily avoided it.

Lord Fear came down from my back, on which he was still standing, and with several strokes of his blade, he cut off the animal's silver claws and then grabbed me by the collar and threw me onto one of the claws which were floating on the water. Afterward, he joined me.

I wondered how such a claw could float. The dark lord explained briefly:

"His claws are made of Veloxydra. A very light and quite strong way."

Then, mute, we continued the crossing where I remained on guard despite everything, lighting everything that could be lit.

Soon the daylight replaced the light from my lamp where I could see the same desert landscape as on the other side of the mountain through the outlet of the stream.

What else I saw, on the other hand, disconcerted me. The stream continued its crossing on nothing but a gigantic aqueduct made of orange-colored stone, with strange and mysterious patterns. It extended over a great distance through the grey desert before disappearing into the distance. Unfortunately, we were too high to go down.

Suddenly, screams rang out from all sides, cutting off any thought of a way down from here. A horde of humans was running after us on the sides of the aqueduct, barely big enough to accommodate one man at a time.

"There they were again," sighed Lord Fear, more bored than scared.

"Alas. "I murmured. "But they can't reach us."

"In any case, this thing must have sent its entire contingent. There are many of them."

And while we were procrastinating, a huge noise was heard behind us. As I turned around, I immediately recognized the shining sphere that protected the monster in the cave, rushing straight at us, floating on the watercourse.

Several hands came out of it and grabbed hold of it while I emptied the rest of my balls on my hands, which ended up as mush; unfortunately, new ones appeared at once. Lord Fear pulled me to the front of the claw as the rubbish was being hauled up to our jetty.

"You didn't miss me too much? Now give me back my treasure, you thief! " He spat.

"But there is no lack of mushrooms in your den. "Answered, imperturbable, my fellow swordsman.

"Only I have the right to use his mushrooms!"

"What is so special about them? "I asked.

"You'll ask your friend here."

And without warning, the beast sent rows of claws directly towards us while keeping sure to move.

Some humans jumped right into the water, grabbing the claw, trying to slow it down before finally drowning.

I was taking advantage of Lord Fear's clawed hands to think of a way to help him when a jolt made me realize the obvious. With no legs and a body made up of only his shiny shell, only the support of his hands allowed him to keep his balance.

In front of my established plan, I shouted to Lord Fear:
"Jump left!"

What he did, he trusted me quite a bit. I was jumping with him on the left side at the same time. The claw we were standing on left his straight line and hit the edge, sending some of the men chasing us into the void.

Then I asked Lord Fear to put his sword on the creature's left hand this time while the pier was now facing the other side of the aqueduct.

The thing had no time to deflect Lord Fear's attack and found itself without support on the side where the boat came to meet the shore.

She rolled headfirst down the aqueduct while a most strange thing happened.

The humans who were in her pay threw themselves with her from the top of the aqueduct.

After a few minutes, I slumped on the floor of the boat with Lord Fear. But I couldn't forget the noise that all these people made when they met the ground just now.

Later, when we were out of the water. I asked curiously:

"What's so special about these mushrooms?"

"A great power," Lord Fear replied evasively.

I persisted in the power they held.

"I am sorry, Anon, but if I told you, I would be to cancel your reunion with you and your brother."

Under this condition, I gave in despite the curiosity that overwhelmed me. Lord Fear snapped his fingers and a vortex appeared on the side. Then he began to count the number of mushrooms we had picked and I stared at him:

"In this vortex, you will enter your homeworld with your original body in front of your brother's house. You will have ten minutes after which the vortex will take you back to your bed. Do you have any questions?"

I didn't bother to answer and entered directly into the vortex, too happy to find my life again for ten minutes, far from all these strange things that were happening.

I fell face-first on the paved street but for some reason, it didn't hurt.

I immediately noticed that my physique had changed. I was no longer an adult mare with a smooth voice but myself. I was wearing the same clothes as the day Lord Hatred came into my life and I was a man.

I had never been so happy to have my badly combed young adult body back. I was touching everywhere with my hands this body that had been taken away from me and that I had learned to appreciate through lack.

It was dark in the surrounding area, it was probably already dark. Similar houses on either side of the road seemed to be staring at me from their windows. Only sinister greyish street lamps lit up the street. It took me a few seconds to come to my senses and start looking for which house my brother's house might be.

Fortunately, luck was smiling on me. I found my brother's name and surname on a letterbox in the third house, but there were other names on it. A girl named Rebecca seemed to live in the same house as my brother.

I crossed the portico and went through the garden to a window at my height so that I could see without being seen as the one who had abandoned me.

What I saw immediately froze in place. Inside, a man, more bearded than before, sitting on the sofa, was holding a tiny baby on his legs at the foot of a Christmas tree. A blond and rather thin woman was standing beside him, giving a bottle to a second child she was holding in her arms.

So he had made his life here? The day he left the house, he had never come back because of his full-time job. From time to time, he would occasionally make a phone call, but it was quite rare.

When I saw what I thought was his family, I understood. He had been lying to everyone from the beginning. If he had never come home, it was because he didn't want to. He hadn't talked about the family he had founded either, I was sure of that.

Crumbled by this terrible truth, I collapsed in the garden. He had wiped us out of his life. Even I, his little brother, felt betrayed.

An icy cold invaded my being, he had succeeded. He had a life that I could only envy. A beautiful house, a united family and without a doubt a good job.

I was alone, homeless, I had lost my job and I hadn't been able to build anything with anyone. I am a mess. I was crying like the poor, futile thing I was.


The tall bearded man was standing on the porch, staring at me worried, I didn't know.

He accompanied me inside where he asked me to sit on the couch while he went to fetch me a cup of tea, briefly explaining to his companion that I happened to be his brother.

She stared at me worriedly and kept my nephews away from me, whom she pampered insistently. My brother came back from the kitchen:

"Anon, are you all right?"

"I came to see you," I whispered, taking the cup he handed me.

"How did you know I lived here?"

" I looked in the phone book, " I lied.

"What's going on?"

"Why didn't you try to reach me when they kicked me out?"

"I tried Anon, I swear, but I finally found you. You had already left for France."

"Then it's my fault," I said, slowly stirring the concoction in the cup.

"What have you become?"

"Nothing, I have become nothing."

"Financial problems? If that's why you came, I'm ready to give you money."

"No, I was there to say goodbye."

"Are you leaving?"

"In precisely five minutes," I replied laconically, looking at the clock hanging over the fireplace.

"It's precise, in any case. I'm sorry Anon if I haven't given you any news since I left but I was afraid you wouldn't understand and that you would repeat it to our parents."

"It doesn't matter now even though I would have liked to have known I was an uncle earlier. I should leave, I don't want to bother you any longer."

"No, you're not disturbing us. We still have so much to discuss."

"In that case, you have four minutes left."

"What happens in four minutes?"

"My time will be up."


"That's all you need to know."

"Someone is waiting for you? A family perhaps?"

"I no longer have a family," I replied coldly.

"Not even anyone?"


After a brief, embarrassing silence of several seconds, I asked :

"Are these both your childrens?"

"Yes, but it hasn't been easy." whispered the woman.

"Why?" I asked.

"When Stella and I had the idea of having children. We found out that I was sterile after a while."

"I imagine it must have been difficult."

"At first, a little," Stella confessed to me. "But we have come to understand that it is the love we have for our children that makes us their parents."

"So you used a donor?"

"Well, at first I wanted to ask you to keep it in the family," my brother started awkwardly. "But you were so far away that we are using a sperm donor agency."

"Sorry I wasn't there. What are the names of these two angels?"I asked curiously.

"Theodore and Lissandra."

"They're pretty names."

"Thank you."

"Can I take them in my arms?"

Stella immediately gave me a frightened look as she hugged her two little ones.

"Calm down Stella, everything is fine. I'm sorry Anon but we'd rather not be sorry."

Disappointed, I at least wanted to know: "Why?"

"I'm really sorry," whispered the woman. "But I don't want anything bad to happen to them! "She started sobbing.

"Anon," my brother scolded. "Stella was being beaten by her ex-husband."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. "I said shamefully.

"It doesn't matter, I'm sorry too. I know you have to leave soon and would have liked to see them up close. I am so sorry! "She cried harder.

"No, don't be. It's all right, I understand."

"Really? "she sniffed.

"Yes," I smiled at her. "By the way, how long is he staying?"

"Why?" Asked my brother crossing his arms.

"It's important."

"I'm sorry, Anon. But I don't understand, what exactly is your hurry in this case?"

"I was given a limited time limit, I just respect it, that's all!"

"You are strange. Are you on drugs?"

"No, I haven't."

" Then why are you so strange?"

"Why? You erased me from your life the day you left home. I found myself all alone without anyone to confide in and when I see that you have fulfilled all our parents' expectations and are hiding, it drives me crazy! I would have liked to be normal too but I didn't have that chance."

"Since we were children, you've been crying all the time. You chose this solitude when you left the country. You made your choices, I made mine. It's not my fault that you are where you are today. Now get out of my house and stop making everything about you. You are just a selfish Anon!"

I got up and without another word left the house while my brother slammed the door firmly behind me.

As time passed a vortex appeared and sucked me in without me being able to do anything.

Sometime later the door opened again:

"Anon, I'm sorry, I was angry and... Anon? Where is Anon? The street is deserted!"

I landed on my bed while my brother's harsh words were still ringing in my head. In the end, seeing him was more of a hardship than a blessing. He had a tidy life while I had sold my soul to the devil.

As I brooded over what had just happened, I immediately noticed that the Flower Cloud sleeping bag was empty on the floor. She must have gone to the toilet. I huddled in my blankets, too tired to think and decided to use the rest of my time to sleep.

In the morning, the cries of several guards came to my eardrums as well as to Flower Cloud who muttered an incomprehensible sentence before jumping out of bed and opening the door to the corridor, looking visibly displeased. Curious to see what was going on, I followed her without waiting.

"You, there! What's going on? "She almost shouted at the guard who was bawling in the corridors to warn the princesses urgently.

"We are following the emergency procedure ma'am. A rather important relic that was under lock and key was stolen from Canterlot's archives!"

Flower Cloud bleached a little but continued :

"When did you find out?"

"This night. I'm not allowed to tell you any more, sorry ma'am. However, the princesses asked that we wake everyone up before the speech."

"A speech? "I asked.

"Yes, Princess Anon. An investigation will be opened, you will know more when you speak. »

"What?" Flower Cloud exclaimed. "Would the princesses be putting their guests under suspicion?!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am."

"My dear little ponies, if I have gathered you all in this room, it is because an object of quite high magical power was stolen last night. I, therefore, ask everyone here to stay in the castle until an investigation is carried out. It is also likely that you will be brought in for questioning. "Princess Celestia finished before waving at me.

"Hello, I'm sorry about this iciest reception but I was forced to do so. The thief, whoever he is, must be found as soon as possible. But don't worry, Luna will take care of everything. Excuse me, I have to go! "Said Celestia as she walked towards a group of guards in dark armor who were waiting for her, showing gestures of impatience.

"Good luck sister. "Luna almost shouted, waving at the white mare who was already far away.

Aunt Luna sighed a good sigh before addressing us.

"As you have understood, I am going to take care of this matter, as my sister is busy. "She leaned towards me with a sincere smile on her face. "Don't worry Anon, everything will be fine, I promise you."

Then she spoke briefly with my parents who were not in a talkative mood as they were as tense as I was. Finally, she signaled us to follow her to the gardens where the ritual was to take place.

Carrot Top and Blueblood who had never been purged told me that it didn't hurt and that it would help me to live better with my past, as Aunt Luna had done before. I still had my doubts about it.

Later, when we arrived in the gardens, I discovered the presence of Twilight and her friends waiting patiently in the sumptuous garden, except for the sky blue mare who was stamping her feet with impatience at the sight of her most annoying attitude...

All greeted me in a friendly manner as I noticed that each one was wearing collars with their markings on their flanks.

Flower Cloud, looked a little back at the scene, no doubt intimidated in front of the Princess of Friendship whom she hated as much as she feared.

Blueblood hugged me tightly one last time against him, repeating more for him than for me, that it would do me the greatest good.

"We assure you that she has nothing to fear," Applejack said, wishing him comfort with all his heart.

"I know, but I'm so afraid for my little wonder," said Blueblood, taking me out of his embrace as he stepped back a few steps before the ritual began.

Aunt Luna came to see and chat quickly with six mares before she was sure everything was ready and finally agreed to start.

The mares immediately rose into the sky under the effect of white light with a vague divine aspect before their collars began to shine intensely.

Suddenly, a small rainbow linked each one of them until a powerful multicolored glow from the ground rose high into the sky before falling straight back to me.

I saw my whole stupid life flash by when the ray came and hit me in the face. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain.

Chapter 22 : Dark Stare

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Nothing, nothing happened. The seconds stretched out with nothing happening. No multicolored lightning bolt of lightning struck me. Only a striking silence reigned.

So it was with exaggerated caution that I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was motionless, a bit like a photograph.

Blueblood hid his gaze behind his sparkling white hooves. Next to him, Carrot Top seemed at his worst. His face expressed real anguish. Farther on, Luna looked at me calmly, seemingly waiting for the result of which she did not seem to doubt, unlike me, my recovery.

What the hell is going on here? I sighed heavily, thinking that it must certainly be Lord Hatred. However, I could not breathe a sigh of any kind, except for that shot. All my muscles refused to move. In a panic, I tried with all my strength to move but nothing could be done.

While panic was now giving way to panic, I noticed that everything was not as fixed as I thought. I noticed that, although the movement was barely perceptible to the naked eye, everything was moving at a speed below what the common man calls slowness.

It was after several of the longest minutes of my life that I finally noticed the soft green light emanating from my Pip-buck where the screen marked that the SVAV mode was activated.

Relieved to be able to remedy the situation I relaxed. I now held the key to my release!

Suddenly a horrible thought came into my mind. As soon as I turned off the target mode of my Pip-buck, the rainbow beam would disintegrate me irretrievably, I was trapped again.

So having little other option, I waited. I didn't know what I was waiting for, but I waited while I watched for some angel to come and get me out of this bee-eater. After all, if creatures like Lord Hatred exist, why not an angel?

However, this question was soon taken away from my current preoccupations. The more time passed, the more contradictory little voices shouted at me to press the button, unlike others who advised me otherwise, which had the effect of plunging me into a state of inner turmoil.

When suddenly, a message written in bold replaced the previous display:
"SVAV mode timeout has expired!"

And f...

Time suddenly resumed its normal speed while the elements of harmony struck me on the spot. My vision stumbled briefly while my eyes stung.

"What happened?" Luna asked immediately as she approached me.

"My eyes hurt!"


"And what?"

"Don't you feel any different?"

I thought for a few moments but finding nothing interesting to add, I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's strange," Luna seemed to mumbled to herself.

"How? " Twilight exclaimed a few meters away.

She and her friends were just coming down to the ground, visibly exhausted.

"It can't be! The elements are the most powerful relics in Equestria! How can they be? " She began to repeat as she entered a kind of trance.

"How do you feel, my treasure? "Asked Blueblood who happened to be behind me while I was still rubbing my irritated eyes.

Without hardly waiting for an answer, he grabbed me in a telekinetic grip turning me like a ruby-cube, from every conceivable side while Carrot Top took part with her husband in the meticulous observation of every part of my body.

"I was... "I could feel my meal from the day before coming up.

Noticing that I was about to vomit, Blueblood put me gently on the floor while he politely apologized. Carrot Top addressed Luna:

"So it didn't work, Princess Luna?"

Luna sighed deeply:

"Alas, I'm afraid not."

"How? How? How is it possible? How can a filly be indifferent to the elements of harmony when Discord itself cannot resist them. It is incomprehensible..."

"Calm down Twilight, take a deep breath! "Spike, whose presence I hadn't guessed until then, quickly stood by Twilight's side as he asked him to remember what Cadence had said to stay calm.

Against all odds, inhaling and exhaling air seemed to take Twilight out of her state while her friends gathered around her to talk.

"What a strange sight," blew out Flower Cloud, which stood only a few inches away from me, startled me as I passed by.

I nodded my head, agreeing too well with the sentence. Could the world one day return to what it once was to me: normal?

I suddenly thought back to that picture of a fairy dragon that Lord Hatred had shown me. I shivered despite myself when I thought about it.

Soon, our stay in the capital came to an end. It was time to go back to Ponyville from where I had one more week of vacation before school resumed.

Flower Cloud was waving at us from the station platform from our compartment window when the train started to roll. I replied with a friendly smile as my aunts, who also happened to be princesses and rulers of an enchanted country, greeted me from the air as they returned to their castles.

On the train, Blueblood and Carrot Top accompanied by Meteor Breath and Grape Capsule who were accompanying us finished carefully stowing the luggage in the appropriate places.

So it was in the late morning that the white city disappeared from the horizon as we hurried down the steep slopes that made up the mountain on which Canterlot rested.

Twilight and all her friends had joined us shortly before the departure of the train with many boxes more or less large that Princess Celestia had entrusted to them shortly before.

When I had asked them what was inside, none of them had answered my questions about the contents of her boxes. Except for Rarity who had been very vague about dusty objects that would probably not interest the filly that I am.

Not being able to get much more information for the moment, I focused on the landscape until Blueblood's voice took me out of this state of observation:

"So Anon, how did you find his stay at your aunts' house?"

"I loved it very much," I said with a smile.

A few hours later, the train arrived in the countryside at the Ponyville train station where a warm midday sun came to us.

Our bellies rumbled in unison which made Blueblood and Carrot Top laugh while I couldn't stop thinking that the ponies had a wacky sense of humor.

We then returned to our house leaving these mysterious crates which were now on their way to Twilight Castle.

Finally, a little rest, I thought for myself. As we arrived at the door of the house, Carrot Top and Blueblood looked all around them.

"Where are they?"

"Did you give them the right address?"

"Yes, I'm sure of that. Start putting the stuff away, I'll see if anyone has seen it."

"Who are you talking about? "I asked, frowning.

"It's a surprise, Anon," answered Blueblood mischievously.

I raised my eyes to the sky. Why so much unexpected on this earth?

While we had packed our suitcases and Blueblood was cooking, albeit awkwardly, a salad with a mix of vegetables and fruit. That Carrot Top entered followed by two other ponies.

"Anon!!! " Roars the apple-green stallion as he comes towards me in the manner of an old friend.

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously as I fled from the embrace, retreating in vain before falling to the ground.

"Your maternal grandfather, of course! But you're right, first the introductions. My name is Hammer Fate. And the beautiful mare I'm riding with is your grandmother, Sinister Flag."

The mare stepped forward and solemnly clutched my hoof.

"Well, I see everyone has arrived here. Did you have a good trip? " Asked Blueblood as she came out of the kitchen with a golden yellow apron that I was sure had been made to measure.

"Yes, it was a pretty quiet trip. I have to admit that you were right my darling Carrot Top, the train is convenient for traveling. It's not like our old wagon whose wood was starting to rot," Sinister Flag joked.

"I'm glad you like it. And you, my love, did you make it with the salad?" asked the yellow mare, looking radiant.

"I think so, but what do you do after mixing the salad?"

It was after a good meal with a mixed salad that looked more like spinach porridge accompanied by a good walk that Blueblood insisted that I do my homework at Littlenight.

I asked, "Why?" I asked in a supplicant tone.

"Because." Simply argued Blueblood.

I suddenly thought back to that picture of a fairy dragon that Naturally, I was against this stupid activity which was an insult at my true age. I had long since passed this kind of nonsense that parents impose on their children. However, Blueblood made me realize that I didn't have a choice...

When the door opened after Blueblood had knocked, my face decomposed when I saw the sadistic trainer, Dark Light, on the threshold of Littlenight's house.

"Hello, how are you Blueblood? I assume you're here about the proposal I made to you about Anon?"

"Indeed, it is for Anon. I also wanted to thank you once again that Anon can come to work with your son."

"You're welcome. Besides, it's a win-win situation for everyone. Littlenight is happy to have a friend over."

"I'm delighted, would you mind if I picked up Anon in a couple of hours if that's not too much trouble?"

"No, not at all. Don't worry, your filly is between good hooves."

Then the dark-skinned mare opened the door a little wider as she waved me in.

What dark place would I end up in? Even though I had been around such hybrids before, I was not the least bit more reassured.

However, when I entered, all my fears evaporated. It was a house full of color and life that welcomed me.

Brightly colored wallpaper adorned every room where decorations such as skillfully painted vases and drawings hung everywhere.

Suddenly, seemingly coming out of a marathon, Littlenight rushed down the stairs and almost threw herself at me. Then he took me after short greetings to visiting his room leaving Blueblood stunned for a few moments.

"He doesn't have visitors often," the confused mare seemed to apologize.

Littlenight's room was covered with a midnight blue wallpaper corresponding to a few shades of the color of the princess of the night.

Lots of drawings were hung on the walls as well as posters of what looked like some kind of space program. On the ceiling, a planisphere of planets unknown to me was orbiting Equestria, which disturbed me a little.

"Look at my drawing," trumpeted Littlenight, who quickly presented me with a sheet of paper. "I've drawn you. Do you like it?"

On this drawing, one could see a sort of a green circle with a smile consisting of a single curved line accompanied by two black dots representing the creature's eyes.

Multiple spike-like blue lines stood on its head. It must have been the hair.

"It's... " I was looking for my words. "Pretty."

"Thank you. So, how do you like my room? " Asked Littlenight proudly to show her room and her other numerous drawings on the wall.

"I like it very much. It's about space?"

"Yes, Dad taught me so much about the stars that it became a real passion for me. For my next birthday, Mom and Dad even promised to buy me a telescope if I was good."

"In that case, I'm sure you'll get it."

"Thank you," he says, blushing again. "And you, what's your passion?"

I thought about it before answering ironically. "I like to sleep."

My answer soon made us both laugh when a voice was heard from the bottom of the stairs:

"It's homework time, kids!"

It is after the stories from Greek mythology about ponies having achieved Dantean feats that we finished the part of our homework about equestrian history. This, I admit, was of no interest to me at all.

Dark Light, who had helped us with our homework, called me as we were clearing the table of our notebooks:

"Anon, I would like to know, would you have found a sport that you would have liked since the last time?"

"I... "

"Yes!" Said the little foal next to me delighted. "We played a game of buckball and Anon said she liked it."

"Really? I never thought you would like this sport." She said, staring at me as if to see if I was physically able to do it. "If you're interested in playing it in a club, you should ask your parents. You could even do it together with Littlenight, he loves the sport. Don't you, sweetheart?"

"Yes, Mommy." He flew up to his mommy's cheek and kissed her on the cheek. Dark Light just smiled what seemed rare for the little I knew of this mare.

For my part, I hesitated. Should I practice this sport? But with Littlenight's happy eyes, I promised myself to ask Carrot Top the question.

Littlenight held me tight in her hooves and then backed off quickly, red as a lobster.

His mother just laughed a little as she got up and walked towards the kitchen:

"Anyone hungry?"

How good it was! Hot cookies just out of the oven stood there in front of us. Placed on a large plate with a beautiful silver sheen to enhance the dish.

"I like your plate."

"Thank you, it was my mother's. It's a family heirloom that I treasure for my little cookie-eater."

Then while Littlenight was devouring the cookies with an ogre's appetite, his mother ruffled his mane. Thus, it must have been proper for mother ponies to ruffle their children's manes.

Later, Littlenight and I played quietly passing the ball around the garden until the bell rang.

"Anon, those are your parents! Anon, those are your parents!" Shouted Dark Light from the doorway.

"I'm coming in. "I turned to Littlenight." I can't wait to play a game of buckball with you next time. "Why did I say that?

"I would love to, Anon, that would be great. Especially with you. "Why was he still blushing?

Outside, everyone was there as Blueblood thanked Dark Light for keeping me.

"There's nothing to worry about," she replied. "And then, Anon and Littlenight her friend. I can do that. " She turned to me: "Goodbye Anon, have a good end of day. And don't hesitate to come and see us if you want to play with Littlenight."

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Dark Light."

And as she closed the door of the house, all gathered around me as we returned home.

"So did you have fun, sweetheart? "asked Carrot Top quickly.

When my day had been over for a few hours and I was sleeping peacefully, I suddenly started to feel very cold. My entire bed felt hard and cold and my blanket was no longer covering me at all.

So it was with pain and by cursing a few swear words that I knew very easily that I had no interest in repeating them in front of Blueblood, otherwise he would brush my mouth with soap, that I was looking for my blanket tattoo.

But only a stupid piece of paper reached my hooves which I threw a little further away. So I opened my eyes to realize that I wasn't in bed, or even at home, but lying on the floor in a dark corridor. Where was I?

I sighed to myself, why couldn't I ever have peace no matter what fucking world I was in? I was angrily lighting the flashlight built into my Pip-Buck as I remembered the paper on the floor.

Rolled into a ball where I had previously thrown it, it didn't seem to have moved. So I unfolded it without any delicacy while I quickly noticed some writing.

"Anon, if you are reading this message today, it means that you have woken up and it will save me the trouble of finding your body in the morning. You are now in the castle of the purple mare Twilight Sparkle, who, as you probably know, has been carrying a large number of objects in crates with her friends.

So I would ask you two essential things if you care about your dear pony parents. First, you will have to delete the last item on the list at Twilight's bedside. Second, you will have to search on your own until you find a purple box among the items and bring it to me. And one last thing, know that you are far from being alone. :)"

The bastard threatened to kill Blueblood and Carrot Top if I refused. Once again, I threw the paper as far away from me as possible.

And what does he mean by the fact that I was not alone? Of course, I'm not alone since Spike and Twilight are sleeping here. Without waiting much longer, I hurried to look for Twilight's room first.

Despite long minutes of exploration in the various corridors, I still couldn't find it. As I searched an umpteenth corridor with my flashlight, a filthy creature came up to me.

It was a sort of flying horror whose upper body vaguely evoked a human appearance. A kind of nightmarish specter whose face was a skull where the jaw was split so that it looked more like an unhealthy smile. Two yellow eyes adorned the empty eye sockets of the demented being who stood in front of me.

Another thing disturbed me, his hands. If they were, they were misshapen and looked more like sharp tree branches. But what frightened me most was the fact that the body dressed only in transparent flaps stopped at the trunk. The body was therefore floating without physical support.

Taking advantage of my astonishment, the creature threw itself furiously at me, but a massive wooden chair was thrown against it, interrupting its charge. The effect was enough to bring me back to my senses as I ran as far away from the creature as possible while looking around me to see where the chair could have come from and, above all, who had thrown it.

Arriving in a corridor where a decorative table was standing there, I threw myself under it and waited.

It was not long before I saw the thing pass in front of me. Fortunately, it passed without stopping.

As I was about to come out of hiding, a new ghost entered the corridor. However, to my amazement, others followed him in a group.

Once the procession had passed and after counting to a hundred, I came out from under the table and walked slowly through the dark corridors, my mane hair had become more bristly than a hedgehog.

Ghosts? I find myself in the presence of creatures that have returned from the dead and look quite threatening!

I immediately thought back to that show I used to watch with my older brother when we were younger. A group of paranormal investigators was visiting haunted places looking for evidence of the existence of any ghostly creatures. In reality, I watched the show more to spend time with my brother than for the tricks on the show.

As I walked out of my reflections, I noticed that the hallway I was standing in was leading to a new crossroads. Hearing noises, I turned off my flashlight and cowered in a corner so I wouldn't be spotted.

A tall, slender skeleton unicorn came forward from another corridor in a nonchalant trot surrounded by several specters. His green gaze turned to one of the specters that were coming toward him:

"What is the status of the research concerning the western part of the castle?"

What the specter was content to shake its head negatively.

"So that leaves us only the eastern part corresponding to the rooms and the north, which we have not yet excavated. All right, take four more spectra and head east. I'll take care of the other part of the building."

Four new ghosts arrived immediately at the crossroads and without further ado left silently in the corridor to my right, followed by the first one who had previously been chatting with the unicorn. The unicorn left opposite.

Why did I have the impression that Lord Hatred had not told me everything? It must have been a simple robbery, and here I was in the middle of big trouble with an army of ghosts led by a demonic unicorn who, given my flagrant good fortune so far, was looking for the same thing as I was.

Not wanting to immediately confront me with the scary unicorn, I followed with a timid trot the group who fortunately for me never looked back.

Arriving in the direction of the rooms, one of which was the one where the princess Twilight was sleeping, although I don't remember which one, the creatures dispersed to explore as many rooms as possible.

I seized the opportunity and sprinted to the end of the corridor as long as there was no one left and started searching as fast as I could.

It was finally at the end of the third door that luck finally smiled at me. When it opened, I was greeted by the not very royal snoring of the Princess Twilight accompanied by Spike who, in her basket, whispered the name of Rarity so many times. How I would love to sleep like them, I thought.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, I quickly erased the last name named lock of the kingdom from the list so that one could see that there was no lack of them. Questions for later, I thought.

Suddenly I heard the squeak of the door opening. Without thinking, I threw myself under the bed. Soon a ghost with a small purse that he carried around his neck with a string entered.

He silently approached the bed while I felt my blood freezing. When he got to the side of the bed, he stopped. I tried to calm myself while the creature was probably doing something horrible to the princess.

The seconds passed and then the creature turned to the list I had left on the table and took it in his hands.

Then he put it down and gently closed the door behind him, trapping me in his company. He began to check every corner of the room, looking for me.

When he was out of my sight and I was about to run out of my hiding place towards the door, I felt something wrapped around my tail and before I could do anything, he suddenly pulled it out.

Finding myself underneath him, I gave him my best shot with my back hoof against his arm, which propelled the fragile thing against the wall. I was hoping that the noise wouldn't attract any more of these things.

The creature got up and then without a sound, it propelled itself furiously at me with its claws pointing in my direction. I threw myself to the side and narrowly dodged the broad claws.

Then taking advantage of the fact that it was forced to turn around, I sent my back hooves into its deformed back, which produced a horrible cracking sound.

The creature broke in two and the part that was separated from the head suddenly turned to ashes. Disgusted by the noise I had just heard and the ashes on the ground, I backed away.

The specter, which had lost its ability to float in the air, began to crawl towards me like a broken automaton and pushed me against the heavy wardrobe of the room.

Stuck, I thought my last hour was approaching. To my surprise, a huge bowling ball that was supposed to be stored on top of the cupboard suddenly fell on my attacker's head.

The body of the ghost turned to ashes as before until a blackened, dust-like heap surrounded the bowling ball.

I listened for a few seconds to the silence of the room. To my astonishment, my fight in the room had in no way awakened Twilight and Spike, who was sleeping soundly. The purse that had remained on Twilight's bed was spread all over the bed and in Spike's basket.

Thinking that I could use it as a weapon, I gently took the purse containing the remaining yellow powder and tied it around my neck.

Preparing myself to see a new ghost to land at any moment, I wedged the bowling ball over the door and waited patiently for my trap to work.

After a while, two specters entered and were violently crushed by my trap in an almost simultaneous manner.

But unfortunately, the two last ones came in just afterward in the room in the suite. I grabbed my purse and sent them at face level.

The yellow powder spilled into the air as I hid in the direction of the curtains from where I watched their reactions. Their limbs were suddenly detached by it and then burned to ashes.

Wow, I have to admit I was not expecting such an effect at all. Walking through the ash heaps, I carefully picked up the purse again, but it was now empty.

Shit, why didn't I think to keep some! Meditating on all this, I left the room and went in the direction of the skeleton unicorn.

As I was on my way, I couldn't help but wonder what was the final purpose of all this?

I had the impression that a huge puzzle was forming around me and that I didn't understand anything about it. Why is Lord Fear so friendly to me? Why did he need those special mushrooms? Why were such creatures in Twilight Castle looking for the same thing as Lord Hatred? And what could this precious artifact do? I felt like my head was about to explode.

It reminded me of when my older brother used to help me with my math homework because I honestly didn't understand it. Everything had changed so much since then.

I sighed to myself, it was not the time to think about these things. I had an object to retrieve.

I couldn't believe my eyes, a huge room full of various dusty boxes stood in front of me. I was almost certain that there were many more than I had seen earlier in the day.

How was I found what I was looking for in there? I looked at the aisles for a long time when I noticed that not all the boxes were covered in dust. One row seemed almost clean compared to the rest of everything else in here.

Smiling in my deductive mind, I noticed only too late the imposing presence that was behind me.

"Who are you?" asked the voice of the skeletal unicorn behind my back.

"No one. " I murmured in fear.

"If that is your desire, you will indeed be no one in a few seconds."

"Wait, I'll tell you," I had to save time.

"So talk!"

"My name is... Green Tax and I am ... the daughter of Twilight, the princess of Twilight. If you kill me, she will want revenge!"

"Listen to me, kid, I know you're lying to me. Now tell me the truth, because I am sure that you long for the moment when I torture you in the presence of my acolytes."

"My name is Anon and I am at the command of Lord Hatred. Please don't hurt me!"

"I'm afraid you chose the wrong side if you didn't want to suffer."

I closed my eyes, expecting to die in horrible pain when the door to the room was slammed with a terrible noise.

"Who is that again? Specters, take care of him, I finish absorbing the vital energy of this filly and I'm coming."

Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, it was the opportunity you never expected.

I quickly grabbed a lid and hit the skull of the skeleton with all my might.

Contrary to my expectations, the skeleton did not detach itself from its body but cut the spell it had loaded into its horn. I took the opportunity to flee.

Arrived out of sight of my attacker, I hid in all haste behind a box. I soon heard angry footsteps.

I quickly grabbed a sword that protruded visibly from one of the boxes next to me and waited for the right moment. When the noises were only a few steps away from me, I quickly skewered the unicorn before I realized too quickly that I had made a big mistake.

This one did not suffer from it, it even started to laugh while the sword was from now on in its thoracic cage.

"I believe that I begin to understand the theory of natural selection." she chuckled.

She opened a wide mouth while my forces were being sucked into her mouth. In a final attempt to break the deadly embrace, I grabbed a crate within reach and hit it, but nothing did. However, it was enough to destabilize the pile of crates that fell violently on my attacker and me.

The pain was the right word. I came out of the collapse as best I could while I was in extreme pain on all parts of my cozy body.

A small explosion finished sweeping me off with some of the spilled objects as the unicorn that was the author got up and walked towards me.

"The part stops there."

"Ccccccccrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. " A strident and repetitive noise made us raise our heads as a chandelier hung from the ceiling fell violently on the surprised unicorn.

I got up as well as I could and noticed that the giant skeleton unicorn was reduced to the state of a fine green flame in a small pile of red ashes.

Finally, the nightmare was finished or almost finished. What had become of the remaining specters? As if to answer me, my eyes saw several piles of dust. I walked with a lame step towards the purple box so much desired by Lord Hatred and hastened to leave here.

As dawn broke across the landscape and the early-morning ponies were just beginning to wake up, a huge green flash surrounded Twilight Castle and disappeared immediately.

Too much mystery for me murmured my tired brain before I set off on my way home.

Putting the purple box behind my pillow, I lay down exhausted. Then, pulling my blankets loosely over my aching body, I finally closed my eyelids and...

The door opened revealing a painful light as Blueblood looked at me :
"Anon wake up, it's time."

Why does the whole world hate me?

Chapter 23 : Follow you dawn

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Struggling to stay awake because of my sleepless night, I followed Blueblood to the dining room where I sat in my usual place. Carrot Top greeted me before staring at my mane the way one would look at a Picasso painting.

"Wow, I've never seen a mane this messy before. "

"Sorry," I replied with a yawn as my eyes closed on their own.

"You don't have to be a sorry sweetheart, it's not your fault. It's just that it might be a little complicated to undo and that..."

The sound of Carrot Top's voice was already starting to get more and more distant as my eyes slowly closed until...


I woke up with a start as my head collided with the cocoa in a bowl on the table.

"Anon, are you okay?" Asked Blueblood who had stopped reading for a few moments staring at me dumbfounded before looking at the bowl of cocoa that was his.

"Just a little tired," I admitted.

"Tired? You slept almost eleven hours! "

"Let's just say I needed a lot of sleep. " I lied, not wanting to worry them.

Blueblood was about to add something when Carrot Top cut him off:

"Whatever it is, it will have to wait a little while. We have an appointment at the town hall about the other sports activities you need to find out about. " She said as she worked to undo the knots formed in my mane which was quite painful.

"The other activities? I thought I had already done them all! "

"Do you think it's amazing? Let's just say that it's a bit complicated to complete a field day when you're barely halfway through it. " Dark Light said, staring at me with his amber eyes that terrified me.

"Anyway," she continued. "We'll finish it today! "

"Why are you so determined to finish it? "

"Why? Because it's the one interesting thing I'll never do in my life. So get out of that office and start warming up while I look at what we didn't do last time. "

"But we did everything, Ms. Dark Light," I lied, hoping it would work.

"No, we didn't finish! It's impossible that by disappearing in the middle of the day you're all done... Here, take a look. "

The mare with the shady coat caught in her mouth a sheet where was drawn in line drawings corresponding to the activities. Barely half of the boxes were checked off.

"Why Lord? " I stammered.

"I don't know who this Lord is, but believe me, wherever he is, he will not do his activities at your place. He won't do his activities for you," she said.

"Please stop! Otherwise, I will tell Littlenight that you are torturing his friends. "

"Anon, that's water. "

"You have no right to do this to me. This is monstrous. It's horrible. This is... "

"A pool. How is that so terrible? "

"I don't like pools. "

"Is that all? I was expecting a story where you were going to tell me that you had a terrible trauma. "

"Just going to the pool at a public school when everyone is laughing at you. "

"I don't understand anything you're telling me. Shall we start? Grab the buoy and float next to you. "


"Anon, get down in that pool and grab that buoy! "

"I don't want to. "

"Your parents warned me that you could be stubborn, but this is how stubborn! "

"I'm not stubborn. "

"Then do as I say or we won't have time to finish everything today and you'll have to come back another day. "

I looked at the large Ponyville pool decorated with sculptures of ponies in togas holding vases from which the pool water came. A smell of chlorine and roses emanated from the place, which was quite pleasant.

I looked again at Dark Light who was waiting silently before starting my descent into the water using the gentle slope until I was immersed up to my neck. I grabbed the buoy next to me and looked at the terrifying mare.

"That's good Anon, keep it up. Now... " The buoy started to move by itself in a lazy way to places where I had no hoof. I started to panic, clutching more forcefully at the buoy.

"Don't panic, it's normal. You just need to keep your grip on the buoy. "

I held on to the buoy a little tighter and my weight did not seem to disturb its course. Suddenly, a noise like a small explosion was heard violently in my eardrums. It seemed that I had squeezed the buoy a little too hard and that it suddenly burst.

Unlucky as I was, the buoy was at the deepest point of the pool where it was written in bold on the edge: "depth: 4 meters".

I wanted to cry out in distress but gravity was already doing its work. I was sinking. My attempts to use my hooves to get to the surface seemed vein-like.

I kept falling deeper and deeper into the bottom of the pool where yellow lights, similar to lost treasures, lit up the bottom of the pool.

As I gazed for a moment at these lights, I felt two sharp teeth on the back of my neck grabbing me but without any real pain. More like an unpleasant pinch.

The bottom began to become distant again until I realized that I was being pulled to the surface.

Still a little agitated, I noticed that Dark Light had deposited me on the edge of the pool. I instinctively rubbed my already irritated eyes from the chlorine-laced water.

"You shouldn't do that. "

Even with my vision still blurred, I could still make out Dark Light's form staring at me.

"Thank you. " I said.

"No worries. Are you okay? "

"I'm seeing a little blurry. "

"It must be the water. If not, don't you have pain anywhere else? "

"Why would it hurt anywhere else? "

"I don't know but you never know. In any case, we'll warn the lodge before we leave that these stupid Flim and Flam brothers' buoys are not unbreakable."

"Unbreakable? " I said wryly as I showed him a piece still stuck to my hoof.

"Certainly not. Speaking of which, I hope you have some energy left, you're going to need it. " She said with a little smirk that spoke volumes about the rest of the activities.

Finally! Thank you, Lord, for giving me the strength.

I had been run over by a sumo pony, drowned in a pool, lost to Rainbow Dash in a race, thrown from tree trunks in a junior club and the list goes on... But we had finally completed all the activities on the list.

"You can be proud of yourself Anon, you have succeeded in the course of your sports, Ponyville special. As a reward, how about I buy you a lemonade? Your parents will be here in twenty minutes. " She said, pointing to a bar of some sort.

I nodded, too happy to rest and quench my thirst.

So we entered the bar of "the beautiful daffodil", whose name was written in capital letters above the door.

The interior was decorated with many photos of different varieties of flowers, all framed in a very aesthetic way.

As I looked at the decoration, Dark Light motioned for me to sit down while she ordered the drinks from the waiter.

"So Anon, any ideas for sports? "

"I think I'm going to do buckball. "

"Is that your favorite activity? "

"Yeah, plus I could play with Littlenight? "

"Of course, and anyway you can come home and play with Littlenight. We have a big garden. "

"There you go. "Said the waiter as he placed our colorful drinks on the table.

After thanking him, Dark Light started to ask me more questions: "So, how do you like this city? "

"It's very pretty. " I said while looking at the drink. "What is it about? "

"It's a Rainbow Mist, a drink from Cloudsdale. A delight. "

I watched her drink for a few moments until I decided to do the same.

As soon as I put the drink to my lips, an explosion of tropical flavors invaded my mouth. What tastes! What flavors! What a...

"Anon, are you okay? You have a weird face. "

"I'm fine. It's just that I've never had anything so delicious. "

"I'm glad you like it," she said, smiling as I brought the delicious nectar to my mouth once again.

"I also wanted to ask you something. Do you know that Littlenight likes you? "


"And so I was wondering if you liked her too? "

I frowned at the question. What kind of weird question was that?

"Of course I do. Why are you asking me that question? "

"Nothing," Dark Light said nervously which didn't seem to be in his habit. "Oh, look your parents are already waiting for us in the square. Let's hurry," she said, grabbing me without letting me finish this colorful delight.

Arriving at home, I collapsed on my bed. Taking long breaths, I looked out the window at the sunny blue sky. I was completely tired and only wanted to sleep.

As I closed my eyes, the voices of Carrot Top and Blueblood disturbed the silence:

"Would you mind going to see if there are any books for Anon in the Twilight library? I have a feeling she doesn't like the ones we read to her too much my love. "

"That's a great idea," Blueblood said followed by the sound of an excessively loud kissing noise. So I held my pillow over my head.

At that moment, the door of the room opened and the two most discreet ponies of Equestria entered the room.

"Anon, how would you like to take a trip to the library? "

"Sure," I replied with a yawn. I only hoped I could sleep after that.

"Here we are, we've taken a tour of the library. I know it was a bit of a long presentation but it will have allowed you to see the immense diversity that exists in terms of books. "

"It sure is a lot," she said. "And I'm not saying that because we've just seen more than fifty different themes arranged in a very precise classification bordering on mania.

"It's because this is one of the largest libraries in the area," she said proudly. "Except maybe the one in Canterlot. Anyway, while you're waiting to pick out some books, I'm going to set up shop here," she said, pointing to one of the library's chairs.

"And don't hesitate to ask me for advice if you need it! " Smiled kindly at me from the mare named Starlight who resided at the castle.

"Okay. "

So I looked around at all the varieties of different themes that existed here, noticing Starlight's furtive glance at me from time to time. No doubt she had been warned about my mysterious disappearances and was making sure that nothing happened to me.

I thought about the conversation Blueblood might have had with Twilight about me. I hoped it would be something positive about me.

Returning to my current preoccupations, I noticed that I had been staring at a shelf for five minutes. All of these books seemed to be a deadly nuisance whether it was: the guide to the crystal fields, the crafting of magical items, or the equestrian history in date and place.

As I randomly picked up some of the books, more attracted by their covers than by what they said, one thought kept troubling me.

That night again, everything in the castle was devastated. And yet, when we returned, everything seemed untouched as if nothing of what had happened last night had happened.

The only logical conclusion that came to my mind was that strange green flash I had seen as I left the place although I couldn't be sure it was not the fruit of my tired mind.

More questions. Why did I keep thinking about it? I was almost certain that it was far beyond the competence of a being as stupid as me. Anyway, it's not as if someone was going to hand me all the information laid out on a silver platter.

As another bookshelf loomed, a book caught my eye. It was a beautiful book with a yellow and gold synthetic leather cover that inspired me to read. I silently read the title of the book in capital red lettering: "Alambar, the Zebra Adventurer and the Mysterious Realm of the Sacred Lock".

Suddenly, I thought of the name of that object I had deleted from Twilight's list: the kingdom lock. Perhaps there was a book here or somewhere that would explain what it was? I had to find out for sure.

I carefully put the book down and walked over to Starlight, who was too fascinated with her reading to see me coming.

"Starlight, excuse me... "

" AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! " She shouted at least five seconds before I arrived.

"Sorry, I guess I was a little too into my thriller. "

"It's no big deal, just a minor hearing loss. I would look for a book that tells the story of a relic known as the Kingdom Lock. Would you know if it exists? "

"It sounds familiar. Why are you looking for such a book? "

" ... "

"Let me guess, you too like to study magic and the forgotten artifacts of Equestria?"

"Of course. "

"Really? I have to admit, I didn't expect that. I didn't think anyone outside of Twilight and me was interested in books like this. "

"Proof that they don't. So would you have it? "

"I'll see if I can find it. Don't move from there, I'll be back in a moment. "

Then Starlight disappeared in a flash of turquoise. Had she teleported?

As I looked at the pink mare's former location, another magical flash was heard behind my back.

"I found her! "She shouted triumphantly from behind me, causing me to jump and fall back onto my rump.

This one looked at me astonished. "You know Anon, if you want to sit down, there are chairs! "

" ... "

Starlight having stayed behind to put away the books that I had moved and put back in the wrong place, I walked alone in the crystal clear corridors of the castle.

Approaching the room where Twilight and Blueblood were talking, I began a stealthy walk, hoping to hear some snippet of the conversation about me.

However, the room seemed to be perfectly soundproof even as I pressed my ear against the door.

Suddenly, to my surprise, the doors opened sharply as I crashed miserably to the floor. Was it me or was a mocking chimera looking at me amused:

"This is what I meant by spy, great and trusting princess of friendship. "

"Discord, I already asked you not to call me princess. You know very well that I don't like to be called that! "

"Anon, were you spying on us? "Blueblood asked me, staring at me with a face of pure disapproval.


"Just so you know, we'll discuss this as soon as we get home! "

"Oh no, Blueblood pulled out the worst punishment in the world: a discussion with him. " Immediately Discord disintegrated into a pile of dust with a horrible howl.

Twilight looked up to the sky.

"Discord, stop this little game! You'll scare Anon."

"My apologies your royal highness. So you wanted me to analyze Anon? " Discord, who had just appeared behind my back in a doctor's outfit, began to examine me with a measuring tape.

"I already told you... Let me guess. You're doing it on purpose? "

"I can't say no. "

"There's no way Discord is touching a single hair on my daughter's head. " Blueblood cut me off curtly as he laid me on his back.

"I'd say I'm offended, but I'm fine with it. " replied Discord offended turning his back to the conversation.

"Blueblood, please. "

"No, my filly is in no way a thing you can dispose of for your experiments. "

"I know you're not happy, Blueblood, but this is very important to me and science. Don't you want to understand why Anon is resistant to the elements of harmony? "

"Twilight, it's not. "

"But... "

"There's nothing to discuss. Anon you picked a book? "


"Then we're off. "

"Wait, Blueblood, I can assure you that nothing will happen to Anon."

To which Blueblood simply closed the door behind us.

"Blueblood, are you okay?" I asked, worried about his silence.

"Don't worry about me Anon, I'm fine. I just don't understand Twilight. How can she trust that monster? He's already put Equestria on the brink of chaos twice, not to mention the time he kept you. I think that being from chaos or not, I would have gladly strangled him that day. "

"Wow, you hate him? "

"Let's just say I don't trust him. Especially when it comes to our beloved little filly of mine and Carrot Top. "

I blush. "Thanks. "

"You don't have to thank me Anon. I mean it, you know. We're family now. "

I nodded.

"And that's why I wouldn't let Twilight do any of her experiments on you in the name of some science. "

This time I wrapped my arms around him in a loving embrace. He stopped and looked at me. Smiling tenderly, he ruffled my mane.

"Hatred, don't make me think you had nothing to do with this! I don't think they went back to dust on their own! "

"Look, whatever you're talking about, I had nothing to do with it. "

"And you seriously expect me to believe you? "

"No, but remember what Dumbledore said when Harry and his friends were accused of killing the cat in the second movie. "

"Hatred, I want an answer! "

"Innocent until proven guilty. "

"So you're asking me for more evidence? "

"Exactly. "

" Anon. "

"What, Anon? You see her fighting alone against legions of specters? I'm willing to bet she'd pee herself just thinking about it. "

"Then why do you keep her if she's no use to you. "

"I didn't say that. "

"Anyway, I don't understand why you refuse my offer? "

"The one where I let you have it? "

"Perfectly, it is useless to you. And then, think of the army that I am ready to give you if you leave it to me. With it, you could take back a consequent place among the other lords. "

"I have already told you that I am not interested in that. "

"Then explain it to me. What are you looking for? "

"And what are you looking for? I don't think she'll be much use to you either. "

"My world, my business included. And you didn't answer my question! "

"The one where you ask me what I'm looking for? Hate, of course! Never anything more than that dear friend. "

"In that case, I hope this one won't send you back from the grave where you came from my friend. "

Back home, I greeted Grandma and Grandpa, who were in the garden in the presence of Carrot Top.

"Can I go read in my room? " I asked, looking at Blueblood.

"Of course, sweetheart. But won't you have trouble reading on your own? "

"No, don't worry. "

So I sat comfortably on my bed in the presence of the book, praying that none of the lords would come. I waited a good five minutes in the possibility that they would come, before beginning my reading.

As I was reading, Blueblood's voice called out to me:

"Anon, you have a visitors!"

" Visitors? "

I took my book with me and walked toward the living room where a familiar colt and filly were watching me. They were Littlenight and Dinky.

"I didn't know you knew each other? "

"Anon, me and Littlenight are neighbors in case you didn't notice," Dinky replied kindly.

"Yeah, and Diamond Tiara asked us if we could give you a ticket to her party which is today at 4 pm. It's at her house and there will be a birthday party and lots of outdoor games. "

"That sounds nice. But who is Almond Tiara?"

"Diamond Tiara, Anon. She's a pink filly with blue eyes who wears a tiara on her head all the time. " Blueblood answered me, who hadn't missed anything of the discussion.

"Okay, and you go too? "I asked the duo.

"Of course," they answered in chorus. "We wanted to know if you would come with us? "

I turned my head to Blueblood and to Carrot Top, who had just gone inside. They both looked at each other:

"I guess so," began Carrot Top. "But there will be adults to watch you at this party? "

"Of course, Mrs. Carrot Top. There will be Diamond Tiara's father and mother, not to mention all her servants. "

"Servants? "

"They are the richest ponies in town! " Littlenight added. "They have a lot of ponies at their service. My mom even worked as a sports coach for them for a while. Anyway, I heard it was going to be a huge party. "

"And are adults allowed? " Blueblood asked.

"I don't think so but I'm not sure," replied the little colt.

"Is that okay with you, Mom and Dad?" Carrot Top asked his parents.

"No, if the little one wants to go then we'll spend time with her another day. "

"I guess we have no reason to object then," Carrot Top muttered.

"That's great, we'll have too much fun! " Littlenight practically screamed into our ears as she flew up to ceiling height before descending again.

"Keep it down," I groaned for my poor ears.

"What's this book? " Dinky asked me, pointing to the cover with her hoof.

"A book about the mysterious objects of Equestria. "

"You read storybooks? " Blueblood looked surprised.


"And I thought you were bored with history lessons. " Littlenight said happily. "Can we visit your room? "

"Uh... "

"Please, you've had a good look at ours. "

"Okay. "

"But don't do anything stupid! "Blueblood ordered us in a falsely authoritarian tone that quickly calmed them down.


Then, closely followed by Littlenight and Dinky, I opened the door to my room. They both came in curious.

"Well?" I asked.

"I like your model boat. "

"And I think you have a nice view of the Everfree forest. Doesn't it scare you too much? "

"Of course not. "

"I would be really scared if I were you. I've heard some very scary stories about this forest. "

"What do you mean? "

"Sit down, I'll tell you. "

I was still shaking like a leaf even after Dinky and Littlenight left. Were there all these horrible creatures right outside my window? I hoped not, but that would explain why everyone was strongly discouraging me from this place.

"Anon, we need to talk! "

Startled, I gasped. Twilight was standing right next to my bed staring at me in a concerted manner.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to ask you something! "

I looked at her but she didn't continue.

"So? What do you want to ask me? "

"Sorry, it's just that I'm not used to asking this kind of thing. "

"And this thing is?"

"Could you come with me so that Discord can analyze you? Without telling your parents of course. "


"Look, I know I'm asking a lot of you. But maybe we're talking about the safety of Equestria. If you're resistant to the effects of the elements, then other creatures with the same power could one day come here and it would be catastrophic. And... "

I put my hoof over her mouth.

"I think I get where you're coming from. "

"So it's yes? "

"I'm afraid not. "


"I don't want Discord to examine me. Or you, for that matter. I want people to stop looking at me like I'm some kind of weird creature. I just want to be left alone. "

"Anon... "

"No, it's not. "

"Very well. I respect your decision. You have a nice boat, did Blueblood buy it for you? "

"That's... "

I suddenly felt very sleepy.

"Anon? Are you sleeping?" Carrot Top asked me as he entered the room.

"You'd say," I said, rubbing my eyes. "I had a really weird dream too. "

"My poor little angel, you must have been really tired. I wanted to warn you that Grape Capsule has arrived for your daily session. "

I nodded thoughtfully as I got up and headed for the door. Was the moment I was talking to Twilight a dream?

"Hello, Anon."

I turned my head and caught a glimpse of Grape Capsule staring at me smiling as I walked into the living room.

"Good morning. "

"I don't know if your parents told you but I'm taking you to the hospital. I heard they have space available for our sessions. "

Faced with my little pout, he put his suitcase on the floor and took out a lollipop of all colors such as I had never seen.

"It's yours if you smile at me. " He said.

I looked at him and smiled as best I could:

"That's very good Anon. A healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. "

"And with a satisfied belly, it's even better," I added, catching the lollipop in my mouth as we walked out of the house.

"Thank you so much Red Hearth! "

"You're welcome if it will help you cure this young filly. "

"Yes, I just have to get what I need out of my... my suitcase! I forgot it! "

"You must have forgotten it when you took out the lollipop. "

"What an airhead I am! I'll be right back! " Then he took off in a sprint before a hospital pony-pulled cart came around the corner from the hallway we were standing in. The noise was loud enough to make me think he must have been hurt pretty bad.

"I think you can go sit on the chair in the room while you wait. I think it's going to take him a little longer than expected. "

So I entered the white room where it consisted of a similarly white desk facing the entrance which had its back to a large bay window overlooking the hospital entrance. To the left was a bed.

I sat down on the desk chair and looked at the hospital entrance where I saw Grape Capsule running like crazy before flying away.

"Anon, I have to talk to you. "

I turned and faced Lord Fear.

"It's a mania today. "

"Of what?" the dark lord replied confused.

"Since this morning, everyone keeps appearing and disappearing behind my back. "

"I don't understand it all, but it doesn't matter. Listen, I'd like you to tell me where you were last night? "

"In my bed. " I lied.

"After all we've been through together, you still feel like lying to me? Didn't your parents teach you anything? " The tone was getting sourer in my voice.

I didn't like where this discussion was going.

"Don't talk about my parents. "

"Which ones? The ones you left behind or the ones you're going to leave behind? "

"I... " I didn't know what to say.

"The truth often hurts, as you will learn at your expense. But lies much more. " He said as he broke a pencil in half with a dismal crack. "Then I'll ask my question again. Where were you last night? "

I remained silent, too afraid to answer.

"I see, well I beg your pardon. "

"For what?" I asked, growing more and more worried.

"That" He said, pushing the desk suddenly towards me, which pressed me against the bay window, depriving me of all movement at the same time.

"I was in Twilight Castle. " I replied in a panic that his threats were suddenly becoming more physical.

"And for what reason?"

The desk was pressing with colossal force against my rib cage. A wave of pain began to wash over me.

"Lord Hatred sent me into the castle with a note telling me that I was to steal an object. "

"I suppose by the greatest of all coincidences, it is the lock of the kingdom? "

"Yes, it was you who sent this skeleton unicorn?"

"Here, I'm the one asking the questions! "

I heard the bay window behind me begin to crack under the pressure.

"Okay, whatever you want, but please hurry! "

"Which one of us do you like better? "

"You. "

" That's good. "

My bones were about to crack from the compression.

"I beg you, stop! You'll kill me! "

"Rest assured, that's not the point. "

He stopped pushing the desk with his colossal strength before grabbing me and gently depositing me on the floor. I immediately collapsed on the floor. I prayed inwardly that I wouldn't bleed internally.

Lord Fear propelled a unique and powerful kick against the desk which propelled him and the chair against the window which broke under the impact. With a horrible crash, the whole thing began a terrible descent to the bottom under the panicked cries of the stunned ponies.

"I'm afraid you came on a little strong, Anon," said Grape Capsule as he carried me home on his back.

"Please don't tell my parents that," I whispered weakly.


"Please. "

"They'll find out anyway. "

"Maybe not. " I didn't want them to worry.

"Either way, it's my fault. If anyone will be punished. It will be me. "

"No, I'm the one who broke it. "

"But I let you. "

We looked at each other for a moment before smiles lit up our faces.

"In that case, I guess it's our fault. "

"I insist it's mine. "

"You know you're a lovely filly Anon! "

Embarrassed at the compliment, I didn't know what to say until he pulled a new colorful lollipop from his suitcase and handed it to me.

"Thank you," I said, grabbing it.

"You're welcome. "

Arriving home, I immediately began with my session with Meteor Breath by sitting across from her. Meanwhile, Grape Capsule was in the next room explaining what had happened to my parents.

"Hello Anon," Meteor Breath said to me gently. "Your parents told me that you've been invited to a party this afternoon and that you're going with your friends. Are you happy? "

"Yes, but I'm having a little trouble with it. Is it still weird that someone I don't know is inviting me? "

"No, from what I hear, all the colts and fillies in town are invited. "

"Really? It's going to be a huge party then. " I said, massaging my chest, which was still a little sore.

"Is something wrong Anon? "

"Let's just say I had a little problem at the hospital. "

"A problem? "

"Yes, I... "

Blueblood and Carrot Top suddenly ran into the living room in the middle of my sentence and hugged me.

"Don't worry my little angel, Mommy is here. Nothing bad will happen to you. "Carrot Top was stuck to me like an oyster to its rock.

"Yes, we will find a solution, I promise. "

"What's going on here?" Meteor Breath asked, taken aback by the somewhat sudden interruption.

"Anon had a pretty violent seizure in the hospital," Grape Capsule whispered from behind. "She defenestrated a third-floor office. "

"Oh my Celestia! " Meteor Breath exclaimed in horror.

"Are you sure there's no way to stop her seizures? " Blueblood asked.

Grape Capsule sighed before sitting down:

"No, there is no way to stop his seizures. However, there may be a way to control it, but I doubt Anon will like it."

"What does it matter, this is about her health! She could get seriously injured next time. "

"This is a magic necklace of my own making. It generates a kind of soothing foam around Anon."

"Soothing foam? "

"Yes, I first tried sleeping necklaces, but the wearer didn't wake up until much later. The force field necklaces consume too much magic, so I thought of soothing foam. "

"And you were the one who made it? "

"Yes, I work in my free time on the manufacture of an enchanted object to simplify the current medicine. What do you think about it? "

Carrot Top and Blueblood looked at each other very hesitantly:

"It's not against you but... Are you sure this will work? "

"Yes, I've had the opportunity to test it on various occasions. "

"I'm not sure," Blueblood scratched the back of his head.

"Neither do I," admitted Carrot Top. "But are you sure it won't do anything harmful to Anon? Isn't the foam dangerous? "

"I assure you it is not, the foam is only to soothe and stop the patient in crisis. Why do you seem so hesitant all of a sudden? It's only foam. "

"Again, it's not against you but... "

"But let's just say you're not the most skillful stud we know. So it is normal that we wonder about its efficiency. " Said Blueblood visibly embarrassed.

"Oh," Grape Capsule's ears lowered a little. "I see. Is it that noticeable? "

We nodded unanimously.

"I... I have to go out for some air," he muttered. "But here's the necklace I was telling you about," he said, placing it on the coffee table before walking out.

"Do you mind if I go look at it? " Meteor Breath asked. "I promise I'll see Anon at another time but... "

"No, we don't mind at all. You'll just have to come back a little later in the week. "

"Thank you so much! I promise to take care of Anon as soon as possible. " Then the mare left in her turn.

My parents looked at me for a moment, then at the collar. Then they looked at me again. I didn't like that at all.

"Anon... "

Now wearing a necklace that was too big for my ridiculous size, I waited patiently at the front door for Littlenight and Dinky to pick me up before going to the party.

However, I noticed that behind me, in the corner of the window, two pairs of binoculars were dutifully observing me, hidden at times behind the living room curtains.

I smiled despite myself while thinking of all this ridiculous staging not to be spotted. They must have been two parents extremely concerned about the well-being of their fillies to act like this.

I wonder what they will do when I have a boyfriend, I thought before realizing my mistake.

No, they won't do anything at all because I'd go home, I'd finally get back to a normal life without all the weird stuff that's constantly going on here.

I would be alone again in a foreign country, without a job, certainly wanted by the police for a crime I didn't commit, without a home…

I sighed heavily. Should I stay here? No, I shouldn't think about it. I must go back to where I came from, to my body, to my life.

"For what's left of it," said a deep voice.

"Who's talking?" I asked, looking around.

But no one answered. A few minutes passed when Littlenight and Dinky finally arrived.

"Hi Anon, how are you? Nice necklace. " Littlenight said.

"Hi, I agree with Littlenight. Your necklace is just too beautiful. "

"Thank you," I said embarrassed. "Didn't you hear a voice before you came? "

They both looked at each other in surprise before answering in the negative.

"Is everything okay, Anon? "

"Maybe you were dreaming? "

"I hope so," I replied nervously.

"Don't worry, it must be the stress. So, shall we go?" Inquired the colt in a hurry to leave.

"You'll see Anon, we'll have too much fun. "

"I hear there's a bouncy castle and lots of great activities. "

"I can't wait to see that," I said with a smile.

The path we were following gradually led out of the city, towards the dark and threatening-looking forest.

"Are you sure it's this way? " I asked.

"I'm sure, my mother sometimes takes me there when she distributes the... "

"I asked you to check the wheels on our wagon before we left! " Shouted a stallion a few meters away, in front of us. Another replied from the cart at the side of the trail:

"How could I know the wheel wouldn't hold! It seemed to be in perfect condition just now. "

"Well, it's not anymore. "

"I think I noticed it pretty well! "

As we approached, I noticed that the first stallion we saw was yellow-coated in blue and white clothing and a hat.

"We can never argue with you anyway. Mister is always right. "

Another almost similar stallion emerged from the cart, his face furious. However, this one had a mustache, unlike the other one.

"Say you're always wrong! "

Both of them glared at each other before turning their backs, looking disdainful.

"What's going on? " Dinky asked shyly, now that we were close enough.

Both of them turned around in surprise at our presence before pulling themselves together.

"What's going on? My dearest brother didn't think it was worthwhile for us to change the wheel of our vehicle and now we only have three working wheels! "

"Let's just say that if a pony I know well had agreed to buy a spare wheel in case this kind of event happened, we wouldn't be in this mess! "

The two stallions glared at each other again.

"Calm down," I said. "Where were you going? "

"At Mr. Rich's filly party, we were in charge of the games and entertainment for a large part of the party, but I'm afraid we'll be able to manage that now. "

"But how will the party be able to take place without games and entertainment? " Littlenight looked disconcerted. "What about the food? "

"The food is not us. It is said that all the best cooks in the city have been working non-stop since this morning at Rich's mansion. "

"Whew," Littlenight said with relief. "All is not lost. "

"Maybe we could help you? " I offered.

"That's very kind of you, little filly, but we doubt very much that you can do anything about it. "

"Really? " I said offended. I hadn't fixed my old fridge freezer alone for two multi-colored equine creatures to tell me if I was helpful or not. "Let me see the damage. "

"If you want," sighed one of the two as he showed me the wheel in question.

The wheel was broken into a pile of wood, the pieces of which had been grouped in a small pile. The cart had tipped over, now lacking support.

"Would you have an object that could be used as a wheel? " I Iasked.

"I don't think so," muttered the mustache-less stallion. "We'd have to take a look. "

The two of them looked at each other for a moment, thinking about it until an idea came to them.

They entered the cart as one pony and then exited just as quickly with a deflated plastic object.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A buoy," they said in unison. "An object of our design that is highly resistant to impact and can move on its own on the water. "

"Don't tell me that... "

"The Flim and Flam buoy, easily found in all the pools of Equestria for a modest price for the sole purpose of helping the little ones learn to swim. "

"Tell me this is a joke! "

"Anon, are you okay?" Dinky asked.

"That buoy almost killed me this morning! "

"What?" they all shouted in unison.

"I had to finish my sports discovery day with Littlenight's mom this morning and we went to the pool in Ponyville. From there... " I told them the whole story.

"We are so sorry Anon. This one must have had a manufacturing defect... "

Another buoy burst after two minutes of using the wheel while we pulled the cart as best we could. Meanwhile, Flam was already scrambling to replace it with a new one.

"I have a strange impression that they all have a manufacturing defect. "

The stallion next to me was now starting to sweat.

"Not at all, let's just say they are not made for such use. "

"In any case, you're lucky to have such a large stock of them in your inventory. Otherwise, we'd still be there after the first attempt. "

"Let's just say they didn't work out so well. Oh, look, I can see the Rich mansion. "

A large mansion similar to Batman's stood like a giant beside the trees as the sky turned orange.

As I admired the big building, Flam's voice cut me off from my reverie:

"Push! "

The road was still long and our buoy wheels popped seven more times before we reached the gates of the mansion where we rang.

An old grey stallion ran up at once:

"Where have you been? The party started thirty minutes ago and nothing is ready."

"We had some problems with a flat tire," said Flim.

"But thanks to these nice kids, we made it. " Flam added.

"Children? But the visitors' entrance is not on this site. By any chance, isn't one of you named Anon? " he asked, looking at us.

"Me," I replied.

"The master has been waiting for you for at least an hour outside the visitors' entrance. Come with me immediately! "

"And my friends? "

"What about us? " asked the two yellow stallions.

"Go around the property to the right and you'll get to the garden where the party is held. " The old butler replied and motioned for me to follow him.

Curious to know why the owner of the place wanted to see me, I followed him silently.

We went around the house by the left side until we arrived at the main entrance of the big house dominated by two huge doors where engravings of grand oaks made me feel smaller than usual.

The stallion opened them with great respect to reveal a vast room composed of a large staircase and various fascinating equine armors.

"Don't move, I will inform the master of your presence. "

"Okay," was all I could think of to answer as I was so fascinated by the objects in this room.

The old stallion quickly climbed the stairs and disappeared into a hallway that led off to the right.

I approached the paintings hanging on the walls in total fascination. Countless paintings resembled those of my old world but with a pony version.

However, others represented terrifying creatures worthy of Lovecraft's worst monstrosities.

Finally, a small part always represented the same pink mare with a purple mane and pink fur. This one was represented in all possible ways. However, a strict and authoritative face was also represented in each painting of this mare. A deep voice in my back startled me:

"She is beautiful, isn't she? "

A stallion with a brown coat and a black mane was behind me. He was staring at the picture with a particular intention before finally

coming back to me.

"Oh, but excuse me. We haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Filthy Rich, owner of the house, father of Diamond Tiara whom you must have seen already and husband of the mare painted here," he finished pointing to the various paintings representing his wife.

"My name is Anon."

"Yes, I've heard a lot about you. How are your parents doing? "

"Fine. "

"I'm glad to hear that. You're probably wondering why you're here?"


"I'd just like to introduce you to my daughter. "

"Introduce me? "

"Yes, indeed. I figured you don't know many people in Ponyville and my wonderful little girl could give you the boot. "

"That's very kind of you and your daughter, but I already have friends. "

"Doesn't that prevent you from having new ones? "

"I guess not. "

Outside, foals and fillies were running around in the vast garden where countless tables, entirely covered with food, stood proudly. Despite my efforts, I could not see either of my two friends.

Dozens, if not hundreds, of multicolored balloons, were tied up all over the garden while hundreds of sequins covered the ground.

A little further on, Flim and Flam were preparing the installation of various stands not far from the vegetal labyrinth.

"There she is," Filthy Rich said to me as he pointed to a pink filly chatting with the painting mare. "Right next to my fantastic wife. But let's do the introductions first. "

However, the closer we got, the closer what I thought was a mother-daughter discussion seemed to be to an argument:

"What do you mean I'm not making an effort? I invited all of Ponyville to your birthday party when not a single one of them deserves to be here. "

"I know that and I thank you mom, it's a great gift you're giving me here. But please give them a chance. "

"No way! That you want to roll around in the mud with them is bad enough. Whereas I, Spoiled Rich, you ask me to be friendly with ponies who don't have a high social status... "

"Hello my loves," said Filthy Rich smiling. "Diamond Tiara," he said addressing the filly. "I found a filly that would like to play with you. "

"And who has sufficient social status? " Spoiled Rich asked.

The stallion nodded.

"And where is this rare gem? " she asked, looking around.

"Here," and he motioned for me to come forward. "This is Anon."

"Hello," I blurted out before holding out a hoof.

Spoiled looked at me like a plague victim and grabbed her daughter in her arms:

"Have you lost your mind, Filthy? This filly is the daughter of a prostitute and a vulgar and stupid soldier whose pleasure took precedence over the condom. "

"Honey... "

Diamond Tiara's jaw was now easily touching the ground.

"Don't try to coax me with your sweet words. This filly is the same as them. She used to talk about socks to her classmates when she was in the orphanage. I read it in a report about her. When she was in Ponyville, she deliberately threw up on Princess Twilight's staircase and the list goes on. Not to mention this morning she defenestrated a hospital table. "

"Is that true? " Filthy asked shocked as he looked at me.

I reluctantly nodded my head. "Except for the part where I purposely threw up. "

He stared at me for a long time before having an uncontrollable laugh.

"What? What's making you laugh like an idiot?" Snarled the morose mare.

"Well, it looks like this little filly has a lot of quality. "

"Are you kidding me?"

"Need I remind you that this child is the daughter of a prince? And that this prince's aunts are the princesses of Equestria who make the Sun and Moon rise every day? "

"She is nothing more than an illegitimate bastard. I refuse to let that thing come near my daughter. " She grabbed her daughter and took her with her a little further.

There was a small silence. I'm dreaming or I've just been insulted by this bitch! I couldn't believe it. The stallion next to me who noticed my shock politely apologized:

"I'm sorry about what just happened Anon. My wife is pretty old-fashioned when it comes to this whole social status thing. "

"I... That's okay. Can I go see my friends? "

"Of course. But please, at least think about it. Oh, and give my regards to your father. "

"IIt will be done, bye. "

I walked away quickly toward the large buffet, still in shock and now angry. How could she say that to me? Besides, if I had been a real child, I would have probably cried if someone had been so cruel.

Replaying the scene, I gobbled up everything in sight to take my mind off it.

"You're making a funny face, Anon! "exclaimed Pinkie Pie who was coming out from under the table with a bowl of custard that she was still beating.

Surprised, I swallowed a pastry whole and almost choked. But a few pats on the back and I was already feeling better. I looked at the pink mare:

"Hello, Pinkie Pie! What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking care of the all-you-can-eat buffet but I've already used up most of the supply so I'm making some more. You might want to ease up on the chocolate eclairs Anon, you've eaten most of them. "

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. "

"That's okay, food is meant to be eaten right? "

I nodded.

I nodded. "Good. As I always say, you have to live to eat, not eat to live! Tell me, is something bothering you? "

"Yes, but I don't want to talk about it. "

"Why not? It's a mysterious secret that reveals the location of an ancient pyramid in the middle of the jungle that happens to be the secret base of the Illuminati but also an ancient ship of the reptilians that no one has ever managed to repair? " She said as she now filled the cream of the bowl into cake pans.

"What? What's this about... What does it matter, no it's just painful to know that there are people who will judge you without even knowing you. "

"Oh, poor Anon," Pinkie Pie hugged me to her.

Minutes passed without her moving.

"Pinkie Pie are you okay?"

"Sure but I didn't know how sad you were so I thought, Pinkie, you should wait in case it's a big heartbreak. "

"Uh... Thanks. Do you mind if I go see my friends? "

"Of course not. Go on, off you go! " She said, pushing me gently before going back to her preparations.

Back in a good mood thanks to Pinkie, I looked for my friends before seeing them at Flim Flam's booth. I approached them.

"Come, come, come. Come and try your luck at the spilled can challenge for the lowly sum of two tokens in exchange for maybe winning the beautiful plush Princess Luna! "

As I arrived next to Littlenight, who was about to fire a baseball at a pile of cans in the back of the cart with all his might, Flim sneezed.

Surprised, Littlenight threw his ball a little too far to the left and only hit three cans.

"What? But that's so unfair, I've been trying three times and I didn't even get enough cans for the consolation prize. "

"Hi," I said.

"Hi, Anon. So how did it go with Mr. Rich?" Dinky answered me.

"As bad as it could be. But can we talk about something else please? "

"Littlenight can't get more than four cans down and he's on his third try. So I wait my turn but Littlenight won't give up. "

"I'm out of chips anyway," the little colt grumbled.

"Don't worry Littlenight, I'm sure next time you'll make it. "

"You think? "

"I'm sure I will. "

"Maybe you should try after Dinky, Anon. I don't have enough tokens for any more trials anyway. "

Dinky prepared herself by closing one eye, using her telekinesis to place the ball in front of her face, and... The ball went flying but suddenly ran out of power and fell halfway to the ground.

"Bad luck, kids. I guess you want to try it like your Anon friends? " Flim asked.

"I'd like to but I don't have a chip on me. "

"If you have bits I can trade them to you immediately for tokens. I heard your father has a lot of money. "

"Yes, but I don't. Maybe you could give me a free trial? "

"And why would I do that? "

"The fact that I almost drowned this morning with your buoys. And maybe we helped you bring your whole cart here. "

Flim suddenly looked quite uncomfortable before answering:

"The way I see it, I guess my brother and I can give you and your friends unlimited access to our entire facility as a sincere thank you and apology. "

"Thank you. " I said with a triumphant smile.

"You're welcome. Here you go, your ball. "

He placed the ball on my hoof but it immediately fell off.

"Can I take it with my mouth? "

Flim looked at me for a moment with a frown before answering in the affirmative.

I took the ball in my mouth despite my reluctance to do so and prepared to aim at the cans. I took a breath and spit out the bullet as fast as I could and it made a straight line towards the cans.

"How is that possible? " Flim exclaimed before glaring at me. "You cheated! "

"What? Of course not. "

"Let me inspect you! "

He looked at me from every angle before sighing and admitting defeat. He grabbed the huge stuffed animal representing Princess Luna that was easily bigger than me.

My friends were stunned that I could do it on the first try. I even suspected that Littlenight was a little jealous of the huge stuffed animal I had just won so I decided to give it to him.

"Really? " Littlenight asked. "I mean, are you sure?"

"Positive. "

"You're the best! " He hugged me before turning red and backing away in shame. " I'm sorry. "

"Can you win me one too Anon? " Dinky asked. "I've always dreamed of having a carnival stuffed animal. "

"With pleasure," I replied with a smile. "I hope I'm just as lucky in the next game. "

"I rather think your luck stopped there half-portions! " Said the infamous gray pegasus named Dear Damage as he approached me.

Another pegasus of the same age seemed to follow him and circled us amused.

Lord Almighty, you who rule this earth so unchallenged, why does all the shit in the world keep falling on me?

Chapter 24 / Part1 : A time for choices

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"Who are you?" Dinky asked in total fear as she clung to me in the face of the evil pegasus' smirks.

"This is none of your business. Get lost!" Dear Damage shouted.

Dinky immediately began to run as fast as she could to the laughter of the group.

As she passed by one of the pegasi that surrounded us, he nonchalantly tripped her. The poor filly's head hit the ground hard as she began to sob.

"Stop!" I said. "Leave her alone!"

"Because you thought she could just leave like that when you're friends? Wrong answer." Dear Damage said mockingly.

Another pegasus pushed Dinky back into the center of the circle he was forming around us.

"What the hell do you want?" Littlenight asked nervously.

"What do we want? Look what Anon did to my wing!" Said Dear Damage as he unfolded his wing, which I had bitten off with all my might, now covered in bandages. "By her fault, I can't fly for the Wonderbolts selection!"

"Wow! You sure didn't miss it." Littlenight sighed.

"I... It wasn't as bad as I remember."

"I don't give a shit what it was like in your memories!" Spat Dear Damage, glaring at me in a way I didn't like at all. "But don't worry, I know how I'll teach you to behave. Right, guys?"

To which a few giggles and perverse smiles erupted among the group in approval.

"Anon, I'm scared," Dinky whispered in my ear between sobs.

I turned around to see the worried face of my two friends. There was no way they were going to be involved in this. It was my fault and my only my fault.

"It's a pity we haven't taught you politeness yet Dear Damage!" I said, challenging him with my eyes.

"You're talking to me, you little pest! I'm going to..." Not listening to the rest of the insult, I quickly threw my shock collar at his hooves, hoping it would work.

"What the..." As I hoped, a huge mass of foam cut his sentence short and completely doused him and two other pegasuses next to him with some sort of pink fire foam.

I took advantage of the general astonishment and fled, shouting:

"Catch me if you can, you jerks!"

The rest of the group of pegasus took off like a cloud from the ground and went after me, leaving Littlenight and Dinky to run away.

I sprinted as fast as I could, using the crowds in some parts of the party to try to lose my pursuers.

Soon, some of them went back in the other direction to help Dear Damage who was still blocked by the moss, while others landed on the ground to look for me in the crowd.

Panting, I stopped somewhere in the middle of a crowd of foals and fillies excited as if on Christmas Day at all the attractions. It reminded me of the funfair atmosphere of my childhood.

But I had no time to think about that, I had to lose my pursuers. My breathing calmed down a little, I set off again as fast as I could when I saw some pegasus coming towards me.

For lack of a better hiding place, I sprinted towards the labyrinth hoping to find an adult to protect me.

Alas, as luck was not on my side, I saw none. Where was that bitch Spoiled Rich when you needed her?

Reluctantly entering the labyrinth, praying that they hadn't seen me, I soon noticed that the labyrinth had a certain coldness about it, despite the sun still shining and its vegetal appearance. The walls were so high about my height that I now had to bend my neck to see the top.

This somewhat excessive height blocked out much of the light and left the corridors in a constant semi-darkness. This one reminded me of that famous maze in the fourth Harry Potter series that I had seen with my brother and his first girlfriend at the cinema when I was only fourteen. Why was I thinking about this now?

"She's over here," shouted a stallion somewhere not far from me, cutting my thoughts short.

So I went further and further into the labyrinth, taking to right, then left, left again, and right...
After a quarter of an hour of running left and right, I was now pretty sure that I had lost them. However, there was still a small problem, I had lost my way. Only the sound of my footsteps could be heard, the noise of the festivities having been lost in the distance for a while now.

An almost paranormal coolness emanated from this place, which became colder and darker as I moved forward in an increasingly hazardous manner.

"This time you will not escape me!" shouted a voice from the sky.

But before I could even lift my head, a huge weight fell on me, pinning me to the ground as four other pegasi descended from the sky around me, blocking any further escape.

"Please," I yelped as my head became full of dirt.

"Open your mouth and eat the delicious dirt!" Dear Damage commanded as he now lay on my back, pulling my mane to force me to eat.

"Stop, please."

"That's enough!" Shouted a small filly whose eyes and bright red coat did not look good to me.

The group of pegasus looked at the newcomer in amazement before laughing out loud at her pint size similar to mine, she didn't look like a threat.

"You'd better get back home quick before we make you eat dirt too!" Replied the big pegasus on my right.

"He's right, you better hurry up and get the hell out of here before we get to you."

The filly smiled more and more wildly:

"To tell you the truth, I was hoping for this answer." She said as she approached us while licking her lips.

"Scary." Clamored the only mare in the pegasus group.

"Don't worry Star Love, I'm sure Tornado, Hoorigan, and Sky Lord can handle a psycho filly. Right, guys?"

The three pegasus stallions nodded unanimously before walking resolutely towards the filly. The latter stopped:

"I surrender." She now said sheepishly.

The three of them looked at her astonished before turning to Dear Damage to question him with their eyes.

But before he could answer anything, the filly quickly pounced on the first pegasus and tugged at his mane so hard that he let out a shrill cry.

The second, who happened to be the big stallion, grabbed her hind hooves and pulled her out of the first's grip with all his might.

However, seeing an opportunity, she suddenly let go and took advantage of it to throw a magnificent back hoof blow in the stallion's face, sending him spinning a few steps away despite his stoutness.

"That's it, I'm still waiting!" she sang.

"You'll pay for this!" Spat the last pegasus still standing.

"Well said!" Said Dear Damage, who was shaking above me.

Without another word, the pegasus lunged at the red filly and threw a dozen successive blows, but the red fury was faster. She grabbed one of his hooves and blocked it, forcing him to be carried, and with a huge headbutt, she ended the fight. Dear Damage who had witnessed the scene as I had, now seemed to be baffled.

Taking advantage of the fact that his mind was elsewhere, I abruptly disengaged myself from his hold by knocking him to the side.

The purple pegasus mare named Star Love, whom I now suspected of being his girlfriend, hurried to pick him up and with the help of the ailing pegasus, they flew off with him.

Not for a moment did he take his eyes off me in the manner of a silent promise. We are not finished yet.

"How I love that smell," said the little filly, who came up to me with a black eye from a blow she had failed to parry earlier. "Do you know the smell of it? It's the one of victory, anger, and humiliation."

"I prefer the vanilla scent. Lord Hatred I suppose?"

"You're getting more and more sarcastic, I like that! And yes, that's me. Otherwise, apart from the fact that I've saved you from another trauma that could have easily spanned seven chapters, I wanted to tell you that I've almost finished the preparations."


"You'll see in due course, my dear. For now, you really should take a bath. You look like one of those creatures that like to roll around in the mud. What's it called again? Anyway, bye." And with that last hint, he disappeared.

Well, on the bright side, I was rid of my pursuers for the moment. There was only one thing left to do, get out of here. But how? I had been walking for a good hour and there was still no way out. If only I could hear the sounds of the party.

No, nothing but walls and more and more corridors. The shadows became bigger and bigger as the sun went down in the sky, so much so that it was almost possible to make out the first stars in the sky.

Suddenly, breaking me out of my thoughts, eardrum-piercing screams of terror sounded behind me.


The three older fillies I had met some time ago stood together and stared at me.

"What?" I said defensively.

"Anon, is that you?" Said the orange pegasus as she flew cautiously towards me.

"Of course, why? Don't you recognize me?"

"Let's just say..." Began the one whose name I vaguely remembered as beginning with Apple.

"It's a bit difficult to recognize you under all that mud." Finished the unicorn behind her.

"Really?" I said in surprise.

"No, no, don't worry, everything is fine. You just need a good bath to get rid of all that mud, that's all." Said the orange filly, glancing at Sweetie Belle who seemed to realize something I didn't.

"Yes, it's not so bad. Besides, it's not like we mistook you for the monster mud pony we saw the movie of last night when Applejack told us not to."

"Never," said Apple I don't know what, arching the best fake smile at me. "It was a little scary though, wasn't it, girls?"

"Sure." Said the unicorn, nodding gravely.

"Stop talking nonsense, girls! That horror movie was really bad. I saw one with my parents where it was about a headless pony who wore a mega scary mask and scared ponies into his abandoned castle in the middle of the woods."

"Remind me Apple Bloom to never watch that movie."

"Duly noted. But Scootaloo, how can the headless pony wear a mask since he has no head?"

"Well actually..."

"Excuse me, would you know where the exit is?" I asked, hardly wishing to linger here listening to horror stories.

"That way!" They said, each pointing to a different path.

"Oh," said Sweetie Belle. "I think we're lost."

"And back to square one," I thought.

"So Anon, how are things with your new parents? Is Blueblood nice? Rarity kept telling me he's just a jerk."

"I don't know, it's special. They're so nice and understanding to me that it makes me uncomfortable. For Blueblood, I don't know what to tell you, he's awkward in his feelings but I think he's pretty nice."

"What? Why do you feel uncomfortable if your parents are nice? You should be happy." Scootaloo asked perplexed.

"I don't know, it's a package deal I guess."

After a moment's silence, Apple Bloom continued:

"Anyway, if you and your family ever want to eat at the farm, there's no problem."

"Thank you Apple Room, that's very kind.

"It's Apple Bloom."

"Oops, sorry."

"Look at the exit!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

I looked up and saw the light at the end of the long corridor we were in.

"Thank you, Celestia, we're finally done with this damned maze! Scootaloo said as she picked up her trot.

"Hey, wait for us!"

Scootaloo turned and stuck her tongue out at us before running off.

"Wait until we get you!" shouted Sweetie Belle as she ran after Scootaloo, followed by Apple Bloom who was laughing as she followed them.

I didn't want to run, I just wanted to have a nice bath and collapse on a soft bed.

When I came out, the light hurt my eyes at first, it was so dark in this labyrinth that my eyes were not used to so much light.

Nevertheless, I could make out the three fillies running between the different attractions of the party until they disappeared behind one of them. This made me smile even though I felt I had been forgotten.

As I walked at a tired trot towards the mansion, I noticed that everyone seemed to be looking at me, making me feel uncomfortable. Some of them were even beginning to whisper to each other as they pointed at me with their hooves.

Then I saw Spoiled Rich. This one was walking straight at me, which did not bode well at all.

"What the hell is this!" She said, pointing at me with a disgusted expression.

"What? Me?"

"No, not you. All that dirt on your coat. Did you roll around in the mud or something?"

"Oops, sorry," I said more out of reflex than conviction.

"What a dirty little girl! And to think that my husband kept pestering me all afternoon to give you a second chance. I now consider it done. Go to our bathroom right now, I don't want your parents to cry foul when they see you coming home in that state!"

Mute between shame and anger, I nodded and headed back to the mansion at a run, leaving Spoiled to return to her daughter.

"Anon!" shouted two voices that I recognized well.

It was the voices of Littlenight and Dinky looking for me. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned in the direction of the voices. When they saw me, they rushed towards me. Littlenight stuck to me despite the mud:

"Anon, there you are at last. We didn't know where you were so we looked all over the party and were about to go to the adults for help when we heard some of the colts and fillies saying they saw you full of mud when they came out of the maze."

"I... I had a lot of trouble getting rid of them but this is nothing, I just need to wash up. And you, are you all right?"

"I think so," said Dinky still in shock. "But we should talk to some adults."

"I guess so," I said with a sigh. "But I think they'll end up not letting me out at all."

"That's not fair, it's not your fault Dear Damage is a jerk who wants revenge," Littlenight replied as we now trotted back to the mansion altogether.

"It's not just that, it's my seizures."

"But you don't remember anything when you have your seizures?" Dinky asked me.

"No." I lied.

"It must be horrible," she whispered. "And could you hurt us during a seizure?"

"Dinky!" Littlenight hissed. "Don't ask questions like that!"

"Sorry," she said. "It's just that it scares me a bit."

"Don't worry, I promise not to hurt you."

"Thank you Anon, you're so kind," Dinky said as she kissed me on the cheek.

"You're welcome."

Now all that was left was to figure out how to make sure this never happened.

"... And all you have to do is press this button to turn off the jet that feeds the bathwater. I would like to point out to Mrs. Anon that the water is already perfumed with the pink scent. Any questions?"

"So cool," Littlenight exclaimed behind my back.

"No, I'm fine," I replied.

"In that case, I hope you have a nice bath," the butler said as he closed the door to the now empty bathroom, my friends waiting for me in the living room.

Even Rich's bathroom exuded luxury. From the gold faucets set with engravings to the beautiful cloud-white tiles. Not to mention the walls, which were so bright black that they made me feel unworthy of the place.

What's more, this space was the size of our living room. All the facilities here were duplicated. The butler had told me that one part was suitable for children and the other for adults because of the size differences. And it was true that it was a good idea. For once since I was in this world, objects were proportionate to my size.

"Get a grip Anon, this is no time to be admiring a bathroom!" My brain shouted at me.

With that, I headed for the bathtub of my size that the butler had mentioned earlier. And, following the instructions, I pressed the button and was submerged, as the hot water came out of the tap, with a delicate rose smell.

Then, stepping into the tub, I felt the hot water pour over me, taking with it the mud that had stuck to my coat until my green color came out.

Soon my muscles relaxed completely and a feeling of well-being ran down my spine. How nice it felt!

Now free of the mud that was sticking to me everywhere, I plugged the drain of the bath and enjoyed the water lazily running up my body as I liked to do. Suddenly, just as I was letting myself go, there was a knock at the door.

Instinctively, I reached for the towel that hung from the bath when I remembered that I had always been naked since I became a pony.

"Yes?" I said. "You can come in."

"And I thank you for this." The person replied before entering.

The door opened to reveal Lord Fear walking into the room with a large bouquet of pink and red flowers.

Just as I was about to scream, he put a finger on my nose.

"Anon, wait! I wanted to apologize for what happened at the hospital. I feel terrible and I wanted to give you this bouquet of red flowers as a sign of peace. Red is the color of forgiveness."

"No, red is not the color of forgiveness and peace. It is the color of passion."

"Ah, I knew I should have asked the florist. I apologize again." He said as the flowers became multicolored. "At least this way I won't get confused about the meaning. So what do you think, is it better?"

"It's special," I replied as I looked at the bouquet. "What do you want from me?"

"To apologize as I said. And I have a very tempting proposition to make to you by way of apology."

"And what is this proposal?" I asked suddenly even more suspicious.

"How about becoming my champion?"

There was a short silence.

"I have to admit I wasn't expecting this."

"I know it may seem confusing, but I assure you there are tremendous benefits to it."

"What are they?"

"Getting your old body back, for example," he said casually, waiting to see if I would take the bait.


"Have I ever lied to you? Did you not see your brother last time as promised?"

"Indeed, although it didn't go very well."

"And I had nothing to do with it."

"I suppose so. All right, I admit I'd like my body back. Now, tell me what the catch is?"

"I wouldn't lie to you and say that it will certainly be dangerous. But is it any more dangerous than being Lord Hatred's puppet?"

"I suppose not."

"Then it is yes?"

"More like a maybe. Can I have time to think about it?"

"Of course, but don't take too long. It would be a shame to let such an opportunity pass.

"By the way, why did you choose me? I can hardly fight."

He stared at me for a moment to see if I was before deciding to answer:

"Barely fight? You've destroyed robots, cave monsters, and even ghostly mercenaries trained by a unicorn necromancer and you say you can't fight? I've never seen someone who can't fight do what you do. So with a little practice, I imagine I could make you a champion worthy of my name."

"Training? Are you going to train me?"

"Only if you accept my proposal. Don't you want to have power like King Sombra?" But before he could tell me more, the watch on his wrist beeped, "Oops, looks like it's already time for my self-defense class, bye. Think carefully about my proposal." He said before disappearing.

As I took note to see who this King Sombra was, Lord Fear, reappeared for a brief second before disappearing:

"Just one more thing Anon, you really should turn off the water," he said, pointing to the water that was dripping onto the tiles and now coming out under the bathroom door.

At the same time, Spoiled Rich's scandalized voice could be heard from the living room.

"My rugs!"

I was now sure I would have one more problem on my hands before the day was out.


"You should go, childrens, Anon won't be back soon. I have to talk to her and her parents about what happened to my wife's rugs."

"But it's not her fault," I protested. "She had nothing to do with it."

"In that case, who should I charge for all the liters of perfumed water that spilled on my wife's expensive and luxurious rugs, most of which, I might add, is nearly two hundred years old?"

"I don't know," I replied sheepishly, bowing my head.

"That's what I thought. With that, I wish you a good end of the day. Said Mr.Rich before closing the door in front of our muzzle."

"Shall we go?" Dinky asked from beside me, to which I nodded.

During the ride, neither she nor I spoke. I just stared at the darkening landscape along the road, thinking of Anon, Dinky seemed to be doing the same.

"Have a nice evening!" Dinky said before looking at me puzzled. "Are you alright? We're here you know." She said as she pointed to the door of my house.

"Sorry, I guess I was somewhere else. Have a good night Dinky!" I said.

"Thanks, you too."

Turning my wrist and entering, I nevertheless took one last look outside before closing the door. Nothing.

"How was the party, darling?" Mum asked from the kitchen as the delicious smell of berry pie wafted through the air.

"It was great," I said. "There was a huge buffet, lots of stalls with great games run by the stallions we rescued when they had a problem with their cart. And then Anon gave me this!" I said triumphantly as I revealed the huge stuffed animal sitting on my back.

Mum took a quick look at the fluffy creature.

"What a beautiful stuffed animal. I'm sure you must be thrilled. I hope you thanked her at least?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I did, Mum. What kind of fool do you take me for?"

"I was just asking if you had done it. But I'm glad to see you thought of it."

"Is Daddy home?" I asked, looking for signs of him. "I'd like to show him my stuffed animal."

"Not yet," Mum replied, looking at the clock. "But he should be back soon. Just take the stuffed animal up to your room and show him after dinner."


As I took the huge, fluffy creature up to my room, Mum asked me:

"And nobody bothered you?"

I cringed as the words left my mouth but I didn't want to spoil the evening with my problems as Dad was about to come home for the first time in a week:

"No Mum. I stayed with Anon and Dinky throughout the party and no one said anything means to me."

I went into my room and put the stuffed animal in the corner of the room. Then I got out my drawing materials and started to draw me, Anon and Dinky at the party when a few minutes later I heard someone come home. It was Dad, I thought.

I rushed down the stairs and jumped right on top of Dad, still in his silver armor.

"Hello, my little one!" He said as he grabbed me in a big hug that he had a secret for. "How was your week?"

"Great," I replied.

"He's still got a crush on that little filly!" Said Mum from the kitchen.

"Mum!" I exclaimed with an embarrassed blush.

"If you like that filly so much, why don't you tell her that you love her?" Dad asked me as he took off his armor.

"I'm afraid she'll tell me she doesn't love me."

"But why wouldn't she love the cutest foal in the world?" Mum added intending to embarrass me further.

"Mum, stop it!"

"Your mother is right, you'd have to have no taste to find you adorable."

And before I could protest, Dad threw himself on top of me and tickled me:

"Sneak attack!"

The fun and dinner over, I was on my way to bed when Mom called me from the living room:

"Don't forget to brush your teeth, my littlepip."

"And the canines!" Dad added.

"Yes, Mum. Yes, Daddy." I said in a bored tone. I didn't like brushing my teeth, it always left a weird taste.

When I had finished my bathroom tour and my teeth were now sparkling like a star, I started to go back downstairs to ask for my evening kisses when I heard their voices:

"...If you won't do it for me, do it for him. Even if he doesn't say anything, I can see that it saddens him not to see his father as often as he would like."

"I understand, but what do you want me to do? I can't give up my job as a daytime moon guard in Canterlot when I'm not far from a raise."

"Shadow Dash, I hate to tell you this but you're going to have to choose between your family and your job!"

"You know it's not that simple. Why don't we move to Canterlot? You could open a gym of your own and Littlenight could get into the best schools in the country."

"Littlenight has all his friends here and we can't afford to live in the capital anyway."

"Maybe if you took a full-time job..."

"We've already discussed this. I want to be there for Littlenight for at least the first ten years of his life."

"I know. But you think I enjoy spending all day away from you. I'd like to spend more time with our son too. But we have to bring the money home!"

"I'll bring some back too!"

"You know very well what I mean.

"That's enough, I don't want to talk to you anymore! I'm going to tuck Littlenight in."

I heard Mum stand up and froze when she saw me with tears in my eyes on the stairs:


I ran back to my room as fast as I could.

I was in the dark. Mum and Dad had tried to talk to me about what I had heard earlier but nothing had helped, I had refused to listen, to hear them. The truth is that Mum and Dad were fighting and didn't love each other anymore. It tore my heart out.

Every time I calmed down and went back to sleep, I was awakened from my sleep by terrible nightmares. To reassure me, I slowly got up and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

It was all there. I still had my father's mane and my mother's eyes. Nothing had changed.

Yet the argument between Mum and Dad continued to echo in my head like a ringing bell with no off button.

My eyes stared at the giant stuffed animal that Anon had so kindly given me. I'd have to be braver and go see it, I thought.


I sighed heavily as I heard what was going on in the living room next to me. Filthy Rich had wanted to talk to my parents after the party to talk to them, he said. However, their discussion soon degenerated into an argument.

"You don't have to talk about my daughter that way!"

"I speak of your daughter as I wish. That little savage ruined the rugs my wife cared about so much."

"And she's not even your daughter," added Spoiled Rich in a tone I didn't like at all.

"Anon is our daughter, Mrs. Rich, whether you consider it so or not, and I wouldn't let some uptight bourgeoisie tell me otherwise!"

"Uptight bourgeois?" Spoiled nearly choked.

"I would ask you to speak in a different tone of voice about my wife."

"I don't need any lessons from a carrot-addicted peasant!"

"I think a viper like you had better shut up. Anon told me what you said to him about his biological parents, it's abominable!"

I looked at the water on the corridor floor again, trying to think of something else. Why am I so stupid?

"What an argument, my ancestors! It's been a long time since I've heard one like this."

"Well, at least it's done."

Lord Hatred stood next to me, carefully avoiding stepping on the tile floor still wet from the bathwater.

"You seem upset, is something wrong?"

"I'm tired, it's late and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a big punishment as well as being scolded so yeah I'm not in the mood!"

"Don't worry, your Lord Hatred is here with you. I know I haven't taken care of you enough lately but that's over, I'll have more time now."

I turned to him, what to say? I was torn between shouting in rage and frustration.

"Relax, it's okay." He said, seeing me two hooves away from imploding.

Finally, I calmed down. What was the point? I couldn't even kill him, and as much as I hated to admit it, it was my fault anyway.

"Tell me Lord Hatred, why can't my life be peaceful even in this world when you are not here?"

"Good question and I will gladly answer it if you answer mine. Will you say yes to Lord Fear?"

"To what?"

"Don't play innocent, I know about your little chat. What will you say to him?"

"What should I say?"

In any case, even if I said yes to Lord Fear's proposal, I'm sure Lord Hatred would make me regret the day I was born.

"Do what you want," he replied with a shrug. "The decision is yours, I wouldn't get involved anyway."

"Really?" I replied in surprise.

He nodded.

"But you won't kill me if I agree?

"No holds barred. I just wish I knew your answer.

"But why are you doing this, I thought you told Lord Fear that I belonged to you and..."

"That was before."

I was puzzled.

"Are you sure you won't kill me if I accept his offer?

"Yes, I'm sure. And you, are you sure you'll be able to face the responsibilities that will come with it?"

"I don't know yet, I have to think about it."

The shouts of the argument grew louder:

"I swear that if you continue like this, I will personally ask my aunts to turn you into stone!" Blueblood snarled.

"Threats! Threats! How dare you pretend to be a prince and make threats under our roof!" Spoiled Rich replied angrily.

"You're a lucky filly if you don't end up with at least one dead body in this story." Chuckled the red lord as he appeared to be slightly taller than before. "Now, let's get down to business."

"What business?"

As if to answer me, a gateway to an ominous-looking forest appeared behind me.

"Don't worry, I've asked someone to explain what you need to do."

"Aren't you coming?"

"No, now go!" He said, pushing me carelessly into the gate.

I fell back face down into the forest on the other side. Behind me, the gate disappeared.

Great, I thought. I find myself alone in a forest in the middle of the night.

"Anon? Anon?" Shouted an indistinct voice.

"Yes?" Please let this be the person Lord Hatred told me about.

A shadow shot down from the sky like an arrow, landing only a few feet from me. It was a pegasus, and I seemed to recognize it.

"Anon, you are here at last!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

She was wearing a ridiculous military camouflage uniform that partially concealed the white color of her coat.

"Flower Cloud!"

"Congratulations, you remember my name. You're doing better than my office mates."

"Is that you?"

"Of course it is. Why don't you recognize me?"

"I..." But she clamped a shoe over my mouth before I could answer.

"Don't say any more, the clothes, I know. Believe me, it wasn't me who chose it."

"But... what are you doing here?"

I said, still trying to integrate the information.

"The same as you, I suppose. I'm obeying Lord Hatred."

This time my brain was frying.

"Otherwise," she said to change the subject. "Put this on." She said, almost throwing two pair of boots at my face. "When it's done, join me."

"Wait!" But already the mare was riding off into the darkness.

"Great," I muttered. "Just arrived, already abandoned."

I stared at the muddy boots for a moment and looked back at the path where Flower Cloud had gone. What was waiting for me where we were going?

Chapter 24 / Part2 : A time for choices

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During our journey, Flower Cloud revealed to me that we had to open a door leading to a very dangerous place somewhere in the mountains. As I couldn't get any more information, I simply followed her.

"How much further is it?" I asked, struggling to keep up with the mare flying nonchalantly a little further on.

"I don't know. I don't understand this damn map!" she replied. She hadn't taken her eyes off the map since we'd set off.

"Can we take a break? I can't take it anymore."

"Two minutes, no more! We've still got a long way to go."

"Thank you!" I said, dropping onto a tree stump.

"Frankly, I don't understand Lord Hatred. Why didn't you teleport us directly to our destination?"

"Sadistic pleasure."

"Anon, don't say things like that! He indeed looks a bit... special. But I'm sure he's not as awful as you make out."

"That's because you haven't known him long enough. Besides, how come you know him?"

"He promised me I'd never be alone again. What about you?" She said, clearly not wishing to reveal any more.


"You don't wish to tell me about it?" She asked intrigued.

"I... No, it's just that it's complicated."

"Always try."

"I'm not a filly."

"What? You mean you don't want to be a filly?"

"No, I'm not a filly."

"Okay... And is there anything else?"

"I'm not from this world. He's taken me hostage."

" ... "

"Does that sound so hard to believe?"


"Too bad, at least I tried."

I sighed. How could I still imagine that anyone would believe me?

"But I'm willing to try to believe you. If you say you're not from here, can you describe where you're from?" She said, smiling at me, wanting to put me at ease more than anything else.

"I come from a planet called Earth where I and my kind look like some kind of hairless apes and..."

"That's disgusting!" She said, imagining a species without hair.

After a few seconds of silence, we burst out laughing. Maybe this mission isn't as bad as I thought.

Our destination was only a few meters away, at least that's what Flower Cloud kept repeating as she continued to scan the map while we chatted.

"Here we go!" She said, pulling the last bush out of the way.

Nothing, no entrance. We were at the foot of a large mountain, but there was no doorway of any kind in sight.

"Are you sure?"


"Can I see the map?"

"Fine," she said, wrinkled in her pride. "If you think you can do better than me."

Inspecting the map, I realized that it was upside down.

"Lord, this isn't a mountain, it's a crevasse we need to head into."

"What do you mean?" She says, snatching the map from my hooves. "Say right now that I can't read a map!"

I looked her straight in the eye.

"You can't read a map."

" ... " She merely grunted and turned her back to me.

As she looked at the map from her side, I thought tiredly that I should be tucked up in my warm bed, sleeping.

Suddenly, the first rays of sunlight appeared. And to think I was hoping this would be a quick mission.

"Well, after considering what you've told me, I've got good news. We're not far away, look."

A crevasse of some kind could be seen a little further along one of the mountain's flanks.


After a few more kilometers of walking, and thanks to Flower Cloud's aerial talent, we finally reached the hollow in the mountain.

Here, a powerful sense of unease immediately swept through my body. Everything, right down to the stone itself, seemed wrong.

As for the door, we were looking for, it sat at the center of it all. Its gigantic form towered above us. Its massive appearance gave us a cold, austere impression.

"This place gives me the creeps!" Says Flower Cloud as uncomfortable as I am. "Let's hurry up and open this door and get out of here!"

I nodded, agreeing with her far too much. The whole place made me want to run away and hide in a mousehole.

Flower Cloud took a box out of the military bag, containing a key with a mechanism that ended in a sharp edge. A note accompanied it.

Flower Cloud undertook to read the message, but as she read, her face became puzzled before finally turning pale.

"Oh, the son of a mule," she commented.

"Is something wrong?"

"The key only works with a little foal blood."

"There's nothing else written?"

"No, but I find it twisted enough. How are we going to do it?"

"I'm going to give blood."

"Out of the question, I don't want you to use your blood!"

"We have no choice. Besides, I'm fed up with Lord Hatred trampling on other people's hopes. I want to help you stop being alone and I don't want Carrot Top and Blueblood to worry about me again because I'm not here."

"Anon..." She said, her ears suddenly drooping.

"No, I'm going to do it whether you like it or not."

I took a small, pointed rock and pricked the end of my hoof with enough force to produce a few drops of blood. I then placed them on the key that we inserted into the lock on the side of the door. The door opened wide, and then everything disappeared in a flash of light.

I was home again, or so I thought. It was so dark in the room that I could hardly see. Pulling back the curtains, I discovered myself in Littlenight's room.

"Damn it." I hissed through my teeth.

To my astonishment, Littlenight wasn't there. Perhaps he'd already left for school? A glance at his alarm clock dissuaded me - it was still early.

"Littlenight, it's time to wake you up, darling." called the voice behind the bedroom door.

Pressing down on my Pip-buck to give myself time to think, I checked that I was me. My apple-green coat proved it. The second inspection was to observe the room. Had I looked the wrong way?

Her bedroom window was wide open. What had happened?

Returning to normal, I threw myself under the bed covers as the bedroom door opened. Dark Light, Littlenight's mother, entered:

"Littlenight, I wanted to say I'm sorry you had to witness our fight with your father. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll find a solution together."

Not seeing me move, she sighed and left the room:

"Don't take too long to bed, my little angel."

Once I was sure no one was around, I approached the window discreetly.

However, there was no way through. Littlenight must have used those wings to get out that way, and I didn't have any. I did, however, notice a large pile of leaves just below the window. I'd played enough Assasin's Creed to want to give it a try. I closed my eyes and let myself fall.

The landing was much rougher than I'd expected. My hooves were now very sore, but at least nothing was broken. Or so I hoped.

I went along the houses as unobtrusively as possible until I found myself in Carrot Top and Blueblood's garden. I was already expecting to see their extremely worried faces at my disappearance, but it was not to be.

On the contrary, laughter erupted from the house. Looking out the window, I saw another me clowning around with a spoon balanced on her snout. My grandparents looked hilarious. What was going on now?

Seeing my bedroom window ajar, I took the opportunity to enter my room and slumped onto my bed.

After a few dozen minutes, the other Anon, still balancing his spoon, entered, giving me a snide look before asking:

"Is the door open?"

"Yes, and it took much longer than expected."

"I saw that. I even had to pretend to be you. But know that I can't help it if you can't read a map."

Far too exhausted by my nocturnal journey, I didn't even pick up on the sarcasm.

"Poor thing, you must be really tired not to say anything back. You're right to rest... Hide under your bed!" she shouted suddenly.



Grunting in displeasure, I hid under my bed.

Lord Fear appeared a few seconds later:

"Hello Anon, excuse me for disturbing you so early, but I wanted to know if you had made your decision about becoming my champion?"

"I must refuse." Said Lord Hatred, still with my appearance.

"Why is that?" Lord Fear immediately inquired. "I thought finding even your body would be enough of an argument to convince you."

I wanted to get out of bed, furious that Lord Hatred had dared to speak on my behalf as well as betraying his word, but it was not to be. I was completely paralyzed.

"I don't feel like it anymore. I have parents who love me, friends, and a roof over my head. What more could I ask for?"

"No longer under Lord Hatred's influence perhaps. He won't leave you in peace, you know?"

"I'm aware of that." She said with a sigh. "But it's a risk I'm willing to take."

"I see." He said dejectedly. "In that case, I'll have to be going."

He disappeared as quickly as he had come.

"What a fool!" Said Lord Hatred, laughing as I felt myself becoming master of my body again.

"What was that all about? You told me I was free to choose." I said, climbing out from under my bed angrily.

"Poor Anon," he said, resuming his appearance. "By now you should know that I like to dash your hopes."

"You monster! How could I ever believe in you for a moment?"

"Hope Anon. Or your great stupidity, I don't know."

And he disappeared too.

"Shit, shit, shit..." I swore as I kicked everything in sight with my contained hooves.

That's when I noticed the huge stuffed toy I'd given Littlenight shaking like a little leaf. What was it doing here?

As I approached, I noticed that it wasn't the stuffed toy that was shaking, but the little foal hiding behind it:


- Flower Cloud -

I had been staring for a long time at the two vials Lord Hatred had given me on my return. Their contents would make Meteor Breath fall in love with me.

Everything I'd ever dreamed of was at my fingertips, and yet something was wrong. I found myself staring like an idiot at precious liquids on a park bench. What was wrong with me?

I'd helped a psychopath steal princesses, helped Anon get rid of specters, and even opened the door to Tartarus to get what I wanted, so why doubt now?

"Flower Cloud, I've been looking for you, I need you!" Meteor Breath shouted, running in my direction.

"Meteor Breath? What's up?"

"It's Grape Capsule, he's not well."

"I'm not well either."

Damn, it was coming out of my mouth. What was happening to me?

"...Is this about what we went through together?" Meteor Breath said in a tiny voice.

"Yes." was all I could answer.

"I'm sorry. I've wanted to apologize for a long time, but I was afraid you'd be angry with me. I shouldn't have cut ties like I did, it was mean and stupid of me."

"You can't blame yourself. I'm also responsible. I shouldn't have been ashamed of our relationship."

"We made a fine couple." Meteor Breath said, sitting down next to me.

"Yes," I replied almost in a breath. "If only I'd had more confidence back then, we might still be together."

"Flower Cloud... You can't blame yourself."

"Maybe. Nevertheless, you're dating my brother now!"

"Flower Cloud, I promise you I had no idea it was your brother. I found out the same way you did at the restaurant."

"I know."

There was a brief silence, during which I avoided Meteor Breath's gaze.

Wishing to break the silence, she asked me what those vials next to me were.

"These are two perfectly normal tonic drinks. But since you're here, we might as well share." I say, holding out one of the vials.

"I can't accept."

"I insist. In memory of what we've been through."

"Only because you insist then."

And we both toasted before drinking the potions.

As soon as mine was finished, my head began to spin for a few seconds before suddenly stopping.

Massaging my head, I also noticed that Meteor Breath's behavior had changed completely.

"I've never noticed that side of you that's so... sexy!" she said.

"Sexy?" I said in a deeper voice than I'd intended.

"You have no idea how much."

Meteor Breath was now staring straight at me like a predator staring at its prey. I found this seductive and was soon blushing like a tomato.

"I can't wait to see this body in action," she whispered in my ear, making me blush like a tomato.

"Meteor Breath..."

"Shh, not another word my beautiful stallion."

"I... Excuse me?" Something was wrong with my voice.

"I see mister loves compliments. So get ready, because I'm going to shout it out loud that I love your butt and your..." This time I put a hoof in his mouth.

Celestia, this is just too weird. I hurried to stand up on my hooves and as I took a step back, I felt something huge between my legs move. It didn't smell right.

"I have to go," I said hastily in that horrible deep stallion voice.

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere." Meteor Breath purred, grabbing one of my hooves.

I freed myself from her grip and took off directly into the air, where she couldn't reach me. From the air, however, I could hear her crying out her love.

"What the hell is going on?" I whispered in my big, deep voice, which I already couldn't stand.

So I took out the little paper Lord Hatred had asked me to read after drinking the potion:

Flower Cloud, in gratitude for your involvement in my projects and the risks you've taken, here are two vials you must surely have drunk with your girlfriend. The first is a simple love potion and the second, is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to feel what it's like to be a well-endowed stud down under. Enjoy! ;)

I shuddered as I read the end of the letter. He'd dared to turn me into a big-dick stud for fun. The whole situation was a nightmare, I was bound to wake up any minute. I simply had to hurt myself and...

"Hi." Says a rather cute mare as she approaches me.

"Uh hi."

"You know you're kind of cute?"

" ... "

"How would you like to get into mischief together?" She said, eyeing the thing between my hooves naughtily.

"Excuse me?"

"Come on, don't be shy, with a contraption like that between your legs, I'm willing to bet I wouldn't be the first to get into your bed."

Feeling both mortified and wounded in my honor as a mare, I turned my back on him and spread my wings. Anon was right, Lord Hatred had been playing me all along.


"There you go, you know the whole story," I said, telling Littlenight the whole story.


"You don't believe me?"

"Yes, of course. It's just that it's a lot to digest. But what do we do now?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "As long as they don't know you know, I don't think anything will happen to you."

"Cool, I feel super reassured." He said, scratching his mane, clearly anxious.

Suddenly, Blueblood's voice rang through the house:

"Anon, can you come please?"

I turned to Littlenight.

"Hide here, I'll be back!"

"Don't leave me here alone! I'm scared!" He said, clinging to my hoof.

"Look, I don't want my parents to see you coming out of my room so stay there, I won't be long!"

"Okay, but please be quick!"

Emerging from my room, I soon found myself with Blueblood, who was chatting with Littlenight's two parents.

"... And that's why we'd like to know if he's here." Dark Light said before glaring at me.

"Anon, is Littlenight here?" Blueblood asked me.

"Uh..." Though hesitant to reveal that he was here, the worried faces of his parents swayed my choice. "Yes, he's in my room, he came in less than five minutes ago."

"Thanks, Anon." The bat pony stallion said, acknowledging that I hadn't lied.

However, as we entered my room, no one was there. The wide-open window seemed to indicate that Littlenight had left.


Flower Cloud

"I can't stand this thing dangling between my legs," I thought as I headed for Twilight Castle.

I hoped that the Princess of Friendship would live up to her reputation and help me. However, I couldn't help imagining the worst possible scenario where she wouldn't be able to help me and I'd have to live with this appearance.

Arriving at the castle gates, I closed my eyes and tried to breathe normally again. Cheer up Flower Cloud, this is just a bad moment.

To my surprise, the doors were closed. A small note hung on them, and what I read terrified me. In the note, the princess indicated that she and all her friends were away, solving a friendship problem in Tartarus. Even the princess's pet dragon seemed to have left.

"Celestia, what am I going to do!" I said, feeling the tears welling up.

Then the idea of climbing through one of the building's windows occurred to me. There might be a potion or something inside that could help me. At least Meteor Breath wouldn't find me. So I entered the empty castle and began to visit each room.

Just as I was about to enter the castle's central hall, shouts rang out:

"Shut up, you little brat! I don't want to hear you!"

"Let go of me, I beg you. I promise I won't say anything about you."

"I don't doubt it. After all, dead men tell no tales."

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Of course. Just give me time to take care of the friendship table."

That voice was undoubtedly Lord Hatred. As for the other, it sounded like a child's, but maybe I was wrong.

"If you release me, I promise not to say anything to Princess Twilight Sparkle when she arrives."

"She's not likely to come and save you. By now, she's probably trapped in Tartarus with her friends."

"You've locked the princess and her friends in Tartarus!" cried what I no longer doubted was the voice of a foal.

"Yes. We open the door, wait until they're inside and close the door. Nothing could be simpler."

"But that's wrong!"

"No, it's perfect."

In my head, all the information was jostling for position. He was the reason for Twilight's departure, having imprisoned her and her friends in Tartarus. And now he was going to kill a foal! How could I have been so blind as to trust such a monster? Lord Hatred continued:

"But you know what would be the most fun of all? I'd make everyone think it was Anon who killed you."

"You're a monster!" shouted the little colt.

"You have no idea. Oh, and by the way, you can come in Flower Cloud, I know you're behind the door."

Surprised, I said nothing, pretending no one was home, before resigning myself and finally opening the door. What else could I do?

As I opened the door, I noticed on my left the little colt with whom Lord Hatred was talking. He was tied to a chair. The look of distress on his face made my blood run cold.

"Are you going to kill a foal?"

"Of course. I don't discriminate between children and adults. That would be mean of me."

" ... "

"I know what you're thinking. That it's meant to be ironic about the death of a poor little colt in distress, but I'm not."

"It isn't?"

"This isn't some poor little foal in distress. If you think about it, foals are no better than adults."

"I... What? That's no reason to kill that colt."

"I think so."


"I insist."



Suddenly, my hooves became heavy, so heavy that I fell on my side. I saw Lord Hatred slowly approaching me, now towering over me. I felt him tie my hooves, but I was already losing consciousness.


"What exactly did he say to you?"

"Not much, he had just entered my room when you arrived."

"Why didn't you tell us right away? We should already be looking for him." Littlenight's father said angrily.


"I'll help you look for your son!" Said Blueblood.

"Me too!" Carrot Top rejoined the conversation. "I'm sure your foal isn't far away and we'll all find him together. Mom, Dad, would you take care of Anon if you don't mind?"

"By no means."

Then the parents left home, leaving me alone with my grandparents.

"Don't worry Anon, I'm sure they'll find your friend."

"I hope so. It's not like her to leave like that. Can I go to my room?"

"Of course."

Once in my room, I called Lord Hatred to show himself. I wanted to be sure that everything that had happened had nothing to do with him. However, I had a bad feeling to the contrary.

"Anon, I've got some interesting information for you!" Said nonchalantly a shadow on my bedroom wall that looked vaguely pony-like.

"Lord Hatred?"

"No, it's Lord Fear. I know where your friend is."

"Where is he?"

"Somewhere with Lord Hatred."

"Lord Hatred... He's not going to hurt him?"

"I'm afraid so. Unless we do something about it."

"Are you going to help me? Quick, I need to..." But the shadow cut me off.

"I didn't say I was going to help you. Not for free anyway."

I sighed. I should have known better.

"What do you want?"

"Just drink this." said the shadow, pointing to a vial on my bed. It contained a phosphorescent red liquid.

"What's that?"

"The condition of my help."

Realizing that time might be against us and that I couldn't do it without his help, I reluctantly agreed.

"Excellent. Drink it up and we'll be on our way."


"Yes, unless you think you have the luxury of waiting."

Despite my misgivings, I opened the vial and drank its contents in a single gulp.

Soon, the most bizarre sensation invaded me. I felt my free will disappear most horribly as I writhed on the floor in pain.

The equine shadow sat on my bed, watching me convulse with a sneer.

"I remember you asking me what the mushrooms in the cave are for. Well, that's what they're for." He says, pointing at me with his ghostly hoof. "Prepared with the right ingredients, these mushrooms can enslave the mind of whoever consumes them. Just like the monster in the cave, we faced together with his henchmen."

The pain was reaching such heights that I was on the verge of losing consciousness when suddenly the pain stopped altogether.

"The potion seems to have taken effect. Now let's see if you're at my complete disposal. Knock yourself out!"

My hoof rose on its own without me being able to do anything and struck my face with force, leaving a red mark on my cheek.

"Excellent. We're going to have so much fun."

Chapter 25 : A time for everything

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Horrified, I tried to struggle in all directions, but nothing helped. My body didn't move an inch, as if paralyzed.

"I'm sure right now you're trying to move, aren't you? It's adorable but forget it. From now on, you're nothing more than a puppet to me. Besides, I'm noticing that it's best to make a few adjustments."

He blew a kind of thick magical mist over me. When it dissipated, I was an adult again.

"Perfect! Now put on this armor."

Indeed, in one corner of the room, there was now a suit of equestrian armor that seemed to cover the entire body. It resembled the pony version of the war armor from the Fallout games, except for the two terrible cannons that each sat on one side.

But I didn't have much time to think about it, as I was already carrying out the given order. Putting on the armor as quickly as I could, I noticed that it was much lighter than it seemed.

"Now eliminate Lord Hatred and use my portal to teleport to me!" He said, throwing a sort of purple amulet into my face, now covered by a thick helmet, which I promptly put away.

A portal opened and, without further ado, I passed through it, still against my will.

The other side of the portal led to the entrance hall of Twilight Castle. However, my body continued stoically on its way through several corridors before arriving at the magic map room. The princess and the rest of the castle's inhabitants didn't seem to be there at the moment.

Suddenly, a red streak fell directly on me and struck me with pain. Lord Hatred leaped from the ceiling and landed a few meters away from me, taunting me:

"Are you with Lord Fear? It's a shame it's come to such petty maneuvers between him and me."

All at once, the two cannons on my flanks fired a single shot that not only pulverized Lord Hatred's net but missed him by mere centimeters.

"Not bad at all. I see Lord Fear has been generous with his equipment."

But already, my body pivoted like a machine and activated a kind of flame-thrower that spat out a greenish fire. Lord Hatred quickly dodged the destructive blast and ran out of the room.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Littlenight and a stallion resembling Flower Cloud tied up on the floor. They were gagged and looked terrified.

Despite this, however, my body remained unresponsive and followed the red lord into the library with heavy steps.

"Tell me, I don't know what Lord Fear has offered you, but know that I can offer you double." Came his voice from the distance in the library.

My body automatically aimed both cannons at the source of the noise and released two missiles which raced in a straight line, hitting the various shelves as they went, before finally exploding on the back wall. As the wall was made of crystal, it didn't give way.

Suddenly, I saw Lord Hatred crawling between the books and the shelves. Despite all my willpower, I almost immediately sprayed the books with fire.

However, Lord Hatred had just enough time to dive into the mass of books. Even a magical fire would take time to burn all the books present.

"But how can you be so determined to kill me without me feeling any particular rancor?" Said Lord Hatred somewhere under the burning books.

No, no, no. Hearing Lord Hatred's voice, my body walked straight toward the burning pile of books. Fortunately, despite the excessive heat, I noticed that the armor prevented me from burning.

"I've got you!" Lord Hatred suddenly stepped out from under my hooves and took advantage of my surprise to bring his sword down on my skull. To my great good fortune, the sword didn't pierce the helmet as Lord Hatred had hoped, despite the sheer power of the blow. Nevertheless, the helmet split in two, revealing my face to the red lord.

"Anon?" He seemed somewhat surprised.

For my part, my body took advantage of Lord Hatred's reach to fire another laser shot, which perforated his chest in two places.

A horrible black substance poured out of him, and he was already getting to his feet.

"So Lord Fear has turned you against me after all? That's unfortunate."

And without another word, he kicked so hard that the whole cupboard I was standing on was thrown a few meters. The landing was so painful that I wanted to scream, but couldn't. My leg was twisted disturbingly. My leg was twisted disturbingly. Despite this, my body got up as if nothing had happened and fired another salvo of missiles.

A few dodges later, Lord Hatred threw himself at me with all his might, sword forward.

If I didn't dodge this blow, I was going to end up decapitated. But my body refused to move, so at the last second, as I was about to fire another salvo of missiles at him, Lord Hatred dodged and lacerated my hooves in one swift movement. This time, the pain was too intense and I let out a low moan despite my stoic face.

"What could he have done to you to make you such a master of yourself? Answer me!"

But only the blast of the flamethrower answered him.

Now dripping profusely with that substance I mentioned earlier, Lord Hatred rattled back to the friendship table room.

I had great difficulty keeping up with him, so much so that he arrived ahead of me.

Quickly grabbing Littlenight from the ground, he used her as a pony shield and pressed his sword against her throat.

"Choose well, Anon. It's me and the colt that will die if you shoot!"

As I reluctantly cocked the final shot, the tears streaming down Littlenight's face blocked my shot just in time. I had managed to regain some control over myself.

Lord Hatred's face, if it could be said that he had one, was now nothing more than a mass of mud that continually protruded from his face, deformed by the blows he had received. Only his eyes were still visible. A look of ferocity and cruelty emanated from them.

"I prefer it. Now I want you to disarm yourself!"

With great difficulty, I removed the fastenings from the two large guns at my side. Every movement, no matter how trivial, required a great deal of willpower on my part. My brain was screaming at me to activate the missile fire to comply with Lord Fear's order, but I refused.

"Perfect. Now answer me! Why are you in this state?"

"I... Lord Fear... poisoned me."

"They must be the famous mushrooms he told me about, I imagine. I thought I'd have more time before he used them on you. Do you know where he is?"

"The amulet..."

"I see. Nevertheless, I'm rather disappointed Anon. That's why I think you should be punished accordingly."

He ostentatiously pressed the blade of his sword against Littlenight's throat to such an extent that a small thread of blood trickled out.

"No! I beg you, I'll do anything you want! Don't do this." I shouted.

"Despite everything I've shown you, you still think I pity my opponents? Oh no, Anon, I have none. Lord Fear, you, that colt, and the others... I'll kill you, slit your throats as I will..."

But before he could kill Littlenight, the stallion behind sent the most masterful back hoof I've ever seen, propelling Lord Hatred against the wall behind me. Littlenight fell to the ground.

I grabbed the cannons and pointed them at Lord Hatred before realizing that all that remained of him was a pool of black blood. Pieces of his armor were strewn all over the room.

"Lord Hatred is dead?" I stammered at the absurd sight. I'd never thought it was even possible to kill him. Let alone this way.

But already, my hooves began to pull out the amulet that would teleport me to Lord Fear, but I stopped myself short of activation. Littlenight isn't saved yet, I told myself, and the deal with Lord Fear is to save Littlenight.

So I approached the little colt who was curled up on top of him. Glancing furtively in my direction. There was so much fear and concern in those eyes that I avoided meeting his gaze. It was all my fault. Examining his neck, I noticed that it had a slight gash, but nothing serious.

"Littlenight, I..." Lord Fear's control was gradually regaining the upper hand. "I'm not going to hurt you," I said, removing the ties that bound him.

"Anon, is that you?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry I got you into this. I..."

He threw himself on top of me in an embrace and cried his eyes out.

"I thought I was going to... That you were going to... And then..."

As I returned his embrace, my hoof began to rise once more to activate the talisman.

"Listen, I don't have much time left before I lose control again. I just wanted to tell you that I'm glad I had a friend like you."

"Anon... No, I don't want you to go. You'll always be my friend and we'll find a solution for the poison."

"We don't have time. I'm glad I had a friend like you too." I said, gently pushing him away as I prepared to activate the teleportation amulet despite myself.

But Littlenight pounced on me just as I activated the amulet.

"Littlenight what have you done?" I exclaimed, realizing that we had both been teleported.

"Friends face problems together." He said with a sheepish smile. "I can't leave you alone."

"You don't realize how dangerous it is! You almost died already because of me and..." But the little foal put a hoof over my mouth.

"I know." He said sadly. "But I also know that I'd hate myself for the rest of my life if anything happened to you."

"Littlenight, that's so sweet, but I don't deserve such kindness."

"Why would you say that? You kept being there for me all the time when you had your problems. You even protected Dinky and me from Dear Damage and his band of pegasi."

"That's true, but..." Suddenly, my hooves started walking again "My hooves, they walk by themselves!"

"I'm here!" Littlenight said, running up beside me.

There was no point in trying to stop me as my step was so firm. I then noticed that I was walking towards the door at the end of the corridor we were in.

Even though it was still early morning, the corridor was shrouded in half-light, obscuring the sun's rays, which could still be glimpsed through the stained-glass windows on the corridor's two walls.

Likewise, the white colonnades adorning the corridor seemed almost austere in this light.

"Where are we?" Littlenight murmured.

"In Canterlot. But it's not as usual."

Noticing that I was only a few steps from the door, I beckoned Littlenight to hide.

And no sooner had I stepped through the door than Lord Fear's warm voice greeted me:

"Anon, I'm glad to see you survived. I take it Lord Hatred is dead?"


"In that case, come closer. I'd like to show you something."

As I approached, a vision of horror seized me.

Princesses Celestia and Luna stood exhausted on either side of a large metal alicorn statue in the middle of the room. Their magic continued to pour ineluctably into the statue.

Lord Fear's equine shadow was there too. Its hooves were now connected to the statue. Although it was difficult to see with the naked eye, I noticed that as the magic crept into the statue, the shadow gradually took on the shape of the alicorn.

"Isn't what you see grand?"

"It's horrible, you're going to kill them!"

"Alicorns? No, don't worry, I'll still need them for the rest. But tell me, how come you can talk without my permission?"

"I don't know." Although he was right, I was nevertheless still compelled to answer the questions he asked.

"I see. We'll run another test to make sure everything works. Knock yourself out!"

My hoof rose again and struck my face unmercifully.

"Weird, but whatever. If all you can do is talk, it's no big deal. I suppose you're wondering what's going on here?"


"The answer is quite simple. I wish to become an alicorn."

" ... "

"What is it?"

"Nothing. It's just that it's a bit of a strange ambition. Can't you just turn into Lord Hatred?"

"Of course, I could, but you see there's just one tiny little problem, I hate being made of flesh! All those continuous unpleasant sensations, which parasitize life, would drive me mad. I'd much rather be a metal creature. What's more, taking the form of an alicorn will allow me to create my magic, just like she does."

"Your magic? But isn't it already?"

"Unfortunately not. We, Lords, have magic in common. We simply feed off different emotional channels. But it doesn't matter, because in a few moments, my body will come alive again and be gorged with enough magic to create a new one: fear. After which, I and my two loyal alicorn slaves - and you, of course - will enslave Equestria with the remaining mushrooms we've collected together to subjugate the other kings and queens of this world to my worldview."

"You're a monster! How can you claim to love this place and yet want to enslave its entire population to your whims?"

"How dare you speak to me like that? I guess it's time for you to say goodbye to the use of speech. Cut out your tongue!"


But I soon realized what he was getting at when my hoof came up to my face, ready to rip my tongue, which was doing its best to get out of my mouth.

Suddenly, the alicorn statue began to wobble dangerously. Littlenight tried to topple the statue, but Lord Fear immediately noticed:

"Anon, kill that colt!"

Immediately, I pointed my two terrible cannons straight at Littlenight, but he didn't flinch and continued to topple the statue little by little.

Despite the poison coursing through my veins, I managed to hold back my shot.

"Shoot Anon, that's an order!" Lord Fear shouted.

It seemed that Lord Fear, in his shadowy guise, could do nothing to Littlenight, which was fortunate. The only threat to him was if I gave in.

As the statue was sufficiently tilted, it hit the floor, part of which gave way. A cloud of dust and rubble covered the room.

"No, no, no, what have you done?" Howled Lord Fear, who had fallen in with the metal alicorn. "White alicorn, come with me and continue the spell! You, blue one, kill the foal!"

Immediately, Luna advanced towards Littlenight, her horn charged with magic. Littlenight fell backward to the ground and soon found himself face-to-face with the alicorn.

"Anon," she managed to articulate. "Stop me from doing this." She said, seeming to hold back the spell in her horn as best she could.

That's when I stepped in between her and Littlenight:

"Aunt Luna, you must resist!"

"It's so hard!" She said, starting to shed tears as resisting was so hard.

But already a series of blue bolts of lightning were shooting out of his horn in a violent surge from all sides.

"Aunt Luna, look at me," I say.

She then looked at me with those two big teal-colored eyes crying out in distress. I gave her the biggest slap I could with my hoof. She fell to the ground unconscious.

"Wow!" Littlenight exclaimed, shocked by the violence of my gesture.

"I hope I didn't come on too strong," I murmured, looking at Aunt Luna. Then I turned to Littlenight. "Could you help me down the hole? We've got to stop Lord Fear!"

The little colt nodded and got to work straight away. He rose into the air and, flapping his wings vigorously, lowered me into the gaping hole caused by the statue's fall. It was astonishing that no one had heard anything, I thought.

Below, I soon noticed that we were in an empty ballroom where, apart from Celestia, Lord Fear, and the now battered statue, there was no one.

"Still alive?" Lord Fear wondered. "Ponies don't make good puppets. I guess I'll have to get my hands, or should I say hooves, a little dirty." Said the shadow as it detached itself from the statue to spill into Celestia's.

At his touch, Celestia gasped in terror before her face turned into a grimace:

"Yuck, I hate all these sensations that flesh beings feel!" She said, clearly disgusted.

"Is that you?" I said in a tiny voice.

"In the flesh, alas," Celestia said as she stepped towards us, her horn crackling with barely contained magical energy.

However, before she could cast her spell, her hooves crossed and she fell face-down onto the ground.

"How do these alicorns keep from falling over with legs like that?" she grumbled, contemplating her never-ending hooves.

Coming to my senses, I shouted to Littlenight to run away, doing the same as I passed. Galloping with all my might, I nevertheless saw a huge sphere of light brush past me. My mane immediately russeted although it hadn't touched me. It was clear that the slightest contact with it would char us immediately.

"Don't run away Anon! That's an order!" Lord Fear shouted from the distance behind me.

Lord Fear's orders made me slow my trot despite myself. But I held on. If I ever stopped, I was a charred pony.

"Anon, get back here right away!"

I was about to slow down further when Littlenight's frightened look came back to mind. There was more at stake here than my own life.

"No," I replied.

At that moment, the poison seemed to slowly drain from my veins as if it had never existed.

"That's impossible!" Howled Lord Fear, who seemed to have realized that the poison's effects were no longer working. "You're mine!" A powerful blast of light filled the room, shattering the windows.

The shockwave was so strong that it sent us straight into the wall. Part of my body was embedded in the wall and my muscles ached like hell. Littlenight was unconscious.

"It's over." Said Lord Fear, fixing me with a deadly stare as his horn charged once more with blinding light.

Then I had an idea. As slowly as possible, I untied one of the straps holding one of my armor's barrels and waited until the spell was about to be cast before throwing it at my Pip-Buck with SATS.

Lord Fear didn't have time to deflect his spell before the cannon collided with the alicorn's horn, causing a terrible explosion in the opposite direction, hitting Lord Fear and the statue head-on.

When the light faded, Celestia's body lay unconscious on the ground. Her hair was scorched to the point of gray, but she seemed fine. Lord Fear no longer seemed to possess her.

As for the statue, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that little more remained of it than a black mark on the floor. The light from Celestia's spell had pulverized it.

Only another small black spot on the ground seemed to remain. This one moved, and it wasn't long before I recognized Lord Fear in his shadow form.

It crawled desperately towards a body to which it could cling. His form was disintegrating as he remained exposed to the light that was now fully penetrating the castle.

His formerly equine appearance was now so riddled with holes that he was frightening to look at. It was now obvious that he wouldn't be able to escape before the sun's rays dissolved him completely, too, he muttered gutturally, more to himself than to me or Littlenight:

"How? How can the pawn beat the king at his own game? It's impossible, I hadn't made any mistakes." Then he looked at me hatefully. "It's you." he spat before disappearing completely.

Then nothing. Minutes passed, but the vast room remained silent. The birds in the garden even chirped a little tune. Lord Fear had disappeared.

Taking a few more minutes to realize what had just happened, I realized that I had regained my filly size. The armor was now too big for me, I was able to extricate myself from the wall in which I was standing.

Then I went to check on Littlenight. Like me, he'd been thrown against the wall and was now unconscious on the floor a few meters away.

"Littlenight wake up!" I said, shaking him slightly.

"Did we win?" He said, rubbing his eyes as if returning from a long sleep.

"Yes, we beat Lord Fear."

"It's true? That's so cool. And you're not poisoned anymore?"


"That's great." He says

There was a short silence before he resumed.

"Anon, I need to tell you something I've wanted to tell you for a long time."

"What is it?"

"First promise me you won't react badly."

"Littlenight, you're scaring me. What's this about?"

"Please promise me."

"I promise," I said, smiling at him so he'd feel I wouldn't judge him. What could he possibly want to talk to me about that would make me promise not to react badly?

"I'm in love with you!" He said, blushing.

"Are you in love with me?" I exclaimed, expecting anything but this.


"I don't understand. Are you in love with me? Even knowing the truth?"

"Yes, I've gotten to know you Anon and I know I love you for the person you are."

"For the person I am?" I repeated stupidly, not knowing what to say.

"And you, do you love me?" He asked, looking me straight in the eye.

"I don't know," I said, immediately looking away.

The whole situation terrified me. To be honest, I'd never gone this far in my old life, and now Littlenight was declaring her love for me.

On the one hand, I was dying to say yes and see where this relationship could lead, and on the other... Accepting, meant I was staying here. Or that I'd leave here, breaking one more heart on top of those of my pony parents.

"I understand," Littlenight said disappointedly. "It's not easy for you, especially if you decide to leave again. But please think about it?"

"I promise," I said, meaning it sincerely.

Suddenly, the earth shook violently as a monstrous red light rose from Twilight Castle into the heavens.

Soon, terrible black clouds began to hover around the spot where the beam touched the sky.

Screams rang out everywhere, from Canterlot to the moors below. Whole crowds of ponies were running in all directions.

"Lord Hatred," I murmured.

"He's not dead?" Littlenight asked me in a white voice.

"Not," I said, letting myself fall to the ground.

"Anon, we have to save our parents!" Littlenight exclaimed.

"How? I'm a filly again and the armor I was wearing is useless. Besides, we're miles from Ponyville!"

"We'll figure it out. As for the ride, get on my back!"

"But you won't be able to hold out that long! Ponyville is far away."

"We have no choice. Now get in!"

Still reluctant to fly on Littlenight's back, I nevertheless complied for want of a better idea.

He breathed in for several seconds, then unfolded his wings and took to the air.

The journey was shorter than I'd expected, so much so that we were already on the outskirts of town. Littlenight crash-landed in one of the town's bushes. Although painful at the time, we weren't badly hurt.

"I'll join you in a moment." Said Littlenight panting from the intense journey he'd just taken.

"No, take care of our parents!"

"But Anon, how are you going to do it all by yourself..."

"Your parents must always be looking for you, and my parents too. They need to take cover if it gets worse."

"And you..."

"I'm going to stop Lord Hatred."

"Promise me this isn't the last time we'll see each other!"

I looked him directly in the eye. I could see he was already doing his best not to cry and pretend not to be terrorized by the whole situation.

"I promise."

He immediately took me in a long, comforting embrace. It touched me that he cared so much about me as much as it terrified me if I couldn't keep the promise I'd just made to him.

"Thank you." he finally said.

With that, we went our separate ways.

As I made my way toward the castle, I noticed that it was no longer welcoming. It was now dark and menacing.

As I reached the few steps in front of the entrance, I remembered the time I'd unwittingly thrown up on it. The memory made me smile. It seemed like an eternity had passed since then.

Entering the castle, I slowly made my way towards the Friendship Hall where the powerful beam seemed to originate.

Inwardly, I was thinking at breakneck speed about how to stop Lord Hatred. A small part of my mind still wanted to believe that he was definitely dead and that it wasn't him, but this hope was quickly dashed:

"Come in, Anon." Lord Hatred's voice said to me as one might say to a distinguished guest.

Taking a second to breathe and analyze the desperate situation in which I found myself, I nevertheless stepped forward.

When I entered the room, it was bathed in the overwhelming red light emanating from the beam straight from the friendship table. Right in the middle, embedded in the table, stood the lock to the kingdom so coveted by the lords Hatred and Fear.

Suddenly, every exit in the room slammed shut.

"You've surprised me a lot Anon," Lord Hatred's voice echoed around the room. "I knew you'd make an excellent diversion, but I didn't know you'd get rid of Fear."

"How come you're not dead? I saw your armor come off in pieces!" I exclaimed, increasingly panicked by the turn of events.

"I showed you what you wanted to see. Nothing more."

"You manipulated me!"

"Yes, and it worked more than well. I knew Lord Fear would try something to stop me, so I thought it best to provoke fate. By appearing unintentionally to one of your friends, I suspected it would give me an excellent reason to capture him. Lord Fear being Lord Fear, I knew he'd jump at the chance to turn you against me, although I never imagined he'd control you with his precious mushrooms. After that, all I had to do was fake my death and get the last princess out of the way until my ascension was complete."

"You mean you had planned everything that was going to happen up to this moment?"

"Again: yes."

"But what's the ultimate goal? Besides, I thought Lord Fear was your friend..." I asked, scanning the room for my interlocutor.

"Anon, we pretend to be friends. We're not really. We simply like to rub shoulders when our interests are not in conflict. And as far as my goal is concerned, it's quite simple. The beam you see here is a portal that will soon open. When it does, I'll be able to tap into the hatred of the entire multiverse. My strength will then be limitless."

"Limitless?" I asked lividly, thinking of the powers he might acquire if I didn't stop him.

But too late, the earth shook again and the portal opened. It opened onto an ocean of darkness illuminated by the lights I had seen there so long ago during one of my teleportations with Lord Hatred.

Just then, the black blood that had come out of Lord Hatred during our previous confrontation was sucked through the portal, along with the pieces of his armor.

On contact with the other pieces, the armor tightened again as the blood flowed into it. The holes in his armor closed again. His two luminous red eyes reappeared in the helmet of his armor. He now looked as good as new. But that was not all: he now seemed to be transforming.

His helmet closed in on itself as two long horns pierced the helmet and rose skyward. They looked vaguely like deer antlers.

The armor on his torso was no longer thin, but thick as stone, giving him an imposing appearance.

A long cape was gradually being woven behind his back. Its material resembled bloody threads of flesh, which intertwined to give an even more macabre result.

His metal gloves were now spasming as they grew longer and sharper, like claws.

But most impressive of all was its continuous growth. Although slow, it was visible to the naked eye and showed no signs of stopping.

"What do you think of my true appearance Anon? Pure hatred." He chuckled as he turned to me and came closer. I'd never felt so small.

"The adventure is over Anon!" he replied. "Your time is up."

Petrified as I was at this horrifying sight, it easily grabbed me with its horrible metal claws and lifted me off the ground:

"But I'm feeling generous. It'll allow you to see your world one last time!" And without another word, Lord Hatred led me into the portal.

We were now walking through nothingness. If it hadn't been for those luminous spheres marking the distances, I could have sworn we were treading water, there being no visual landmarks to guide us.

He carried me along for a few more minutes, then without warning threw me into one of the portal's luminous spheres.

Immediately, I felt myself transported through the astral void before ending up on a wall on which were dozens of photos.

Unfortunately for me, the impact was so violent that all the photos fell with me to the floor below. The glass of the various photo frames exploded into a thousand pieces.

When I stood up, I immediately understood where I was. I was in my parents' house, where my older brother and I had grown up. The photos now on the floor were of my parents and my brother. I couldn't find a single photo of me in them.

"What's that noise?" Said a voice I hadn't heard in years. It was my father's, and it seemed to be getting closer.

At that moment, I had only one goal: I wanted to hide. I didn't want to see him. I didn't want him to see me, let alone understand who I was despite my appearance. But the shards of glass surrounded me in such a way that I couldn't escape without impaling myself on some of them.

"What the hell?!" Shouted my surprised father as he discovered a big-eyed green filly on the floor among the glass and old family photos.

Immediately, I noticed despite myself how much he had changed. For a start, he seemed much older, which was to be expected since I hadn't seen him for years.

His hair was now completely grey. He had put on a lot of weight, and the stench of alcohol on his tank top spoke volumes about his alcoholism, which seemed to have worsened.

"So, what was that noise?" Said my mother's voice from downstairs.

"I... I'm sure you're not going to believe this, but there's a little green horse in our room."

"You've had too much to drink again! You know it's not good for what you have!"

"No, I didn't drink too much! If that horse didn't exist, he wouldn't have been able to break the picture frames."

"You broke the picture frames?"

"You listen to me once in a while when I'm talking to you!" Roars my father. "And to prove it to madame, I'm bringing him to you."

"Of course."

And the big man that was my father grabbed me like a feather by the waist and girded me against his torso. He also locked my jaw under his armpit, which smelled so awful that I struggled to get my head out of it, but nothing helped.

Then, without warning, he removed some small pieces of glass that had gotten stuck in my mane, which hurt a little:

"Shut up! I'm doing this for your good!"

Then, with a triumphant air, he placed me on the kitchen table in front of my astonished mother:

"Were you right?"

"Of course I'm right. Bottles are still far from having turned my head contrary to what you seem to think!"

Looking at my mother, I could see that she too had changed in the same way as my father. The years had passed for them as much as for me.

"I'll remind you that you're the one who said you saw a mermaid in the shower drain hole once." She said as she began stroking my back.

"How many times are you going to tell me that story? It was a long time ago and I was drunk. Getting back on topic, what breed of horse do you think it is?"

"I have no idea, but I'm sure it's another one of those animals made in a lab to be sold to little rich girls."

"You think?"

Suddenly, Lord Hatred landed nonchalantly beside them, startling them.

"I think you're right." He said mockingly. "I think it's a clandestine laboratory that uses the brains of sick children to graft them onto pony bodies. After which, they're sold to rich kids who abuse and exploit them."

"Are you the Devil?" Asked my mother, for whom religion was her life.

"Get back before I call the police!" Said my father yelling while stepping in front of my mother to protect her.

"Just kidding." Says Lord Hatred. "But I'm sure it would make excellent fan fiction. But I digress. So this is where it all began?" Said Lord Hatred, glaring at me while conscientiously ignoring my parents."

I nodded, not understanding the nature of his question.

"I see. So this is where you were born, where you grew up, and where you've been happy for part of your life?"

I nodded again.

"What on earth are you talking about?" asked my terrified mother, now holding a cross in her hand.

"But one day, you realized that your parents' love for you was conditional on what they expected of you. A love that wasn't motivated by the desire to give their children the best, but rather by the desire to subject them to a role that would allow the masquerade of the perfect family to continue. Am I right?"

I couldn't understand what he was saying, but I nodded.

"It's pathetic." He concludes. "Let's move on Anon." Said Lord Hatred as he kicked me in the stomach which propelled me into another portal leaving me with the last sight of my parent's terrified faces at what he had just seen.

Rolling onto the floor, I realized I was now at my brother's and his wife's house. Fortunately, no one was home this time.

"Let's move on to your brother. When you were younger, you thought he'd always be there to protect you. But as soon as he could, your brother abandoned you. He chose his happiness over yours. He was one of the two brothers who could meet your parent's expectations, and yet he decided to let you carry this heavy burden."

"Why are you telling me all this?" I managed to gasp despite the excruciating pain in my abdomen.

"I told you. I'll show you your world one last time before I finish you off." He said before grabbing me by the hair and propelling me into another dimension.

This time, I was sore all over. My torso was burning and my head and neck hurt in ways that are hard to imagine.

"Please stop!" I gasped.

"We're not done yet."

Then I smelled a horrible musty odor. A corpse stood on a chair. He was completely tied up and had a blindfold covering his eyes. However, I immediately recognized the face of my old friend: Jason.

He was the same bastard who had revealed my homosexuality to my family by sending them each a photo of me drunk and kissing a guy in a bar.

Lord Hatred had made him confess the truth some time ago about why he'd done it. However, I had never really thought he would kill him.

"Ah, friendship!" Said Lord Hatred. "A beautiful illusion that leads some to their doom if they get too caught up in believing it. They'll tell you that friendship lifts mountains, but the truth is so different. For your friend Jason, your friendship was worth less than his pride. As for his pride, it outweighed any harm he might do to you."

"So you killed him?"

"Yes and no, I simply forgot to untie it after I bumped it. However, the fact that no one realized it was missing so long afterward says a lot about people's affection for it. Anyway..."

This time he grabbed me without hurting me and took me to a new portal.

We were now on a thatched roof. It was raining.

"Look!" He said, pressing my head with his foot against the roof of the building, my face turned towards a group of ponies I immediately recognized.

Further down, a few yards away, were Littlenight and her parents, as well as Blueblood and Carrot Top.

"The last part of your world Anon. Here, as elsewhere, it's all lies and power plays. Do you think ponies are different from humans? What do your pony parents think of you? They think they made a mistake. They wanted a child who would bring them joy, and here you are. A hideous filly who disappears all the time, with psychological problems as well as her looks. What joy does this bring them, Anon tells me? Do you think they're happy?"

"You're talking nonsense!" I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'd love to be wrong Anon. I'd love to, but let's face it. It's all a chocolate-covered lie. For your little foal friend, the answer is obvious. If he said all those nice things I imagine he said to you after he found out who you were, he's not in it for your personality. He's there for something else entirely."

"Stop it!" I groaned, cowering in on myself. Every word he spoke was a stab in the heart.

"I'm only telling the truth Anon. The real truth. The truth without the lies."

I kept crying like that for what seemed like an eternity.

"Farewell Anon."

Then I felt the horrible boot press against my head. For a second I thought it was all over. That I was about to hear my skull crack when suddenly the roof gave way, dragging us into the house.

The thatched roof followed us in our fall. The room that looked like a bedroom was now completely covered in thatch. Although my body ached horribly, I almost instinctively hid under the bed and decided not to think about anything else.

"Where are you hiding?!" Roared Lord Hatred furiously. "You think I've got time to play hide-and-seek with you!"

I imagined a beautiful meadow with the tallest grasses blown by the wind. I didn't want to think about what would happen to me if Lord Hatred found me.

I heard him lift and throw a bunch of objects around the room. Sometimes they smashed against the floor, sometimes against the wall. I even heard his metal claws shredding others.

After a while, he stopped. Minutes passed, but eventually, I realized that he must have teleported somewhere else.

Waiting a few more minutes to emerge from my hiding place, I crawled over to the window. When I looked up, I found myself face to face with Flower Cloud's male look-alike, who seemed very worried:

"Are you okay?" he asked me at once.

"Hardly," I said honestly, realizing that I was still aching all over, both physically and mentally.

"Get on my back." He said. "By the way, in case you're wondering, I am indeed Flower Cloud."

"Flower Cloud?" I said in astonishment. "But aren't you supposed to be a mare?"

"Of course I do... Look, it's a long story and I don't want to think about how I look right now. Especially with that huge thing hanging between... Sorry, I shouldn't be talking about this in front of a child. Get on my back, we've got to get out of here before it gets worse!"

"Wait, I need to tell you that I'm sorry for not freeing you from Lord Hatred..." But he put his wing over my mouth.

"Don't say anything, I know all about it. I met your friend earlier and he told me everything."


"Yes, he told me that that infamous other lord had bewitched you and that you could only do what he told you."

"But how did you free yourself?"

"I used a sharp surface to cut my ties. Come on up!"

"I can't leave. I have to stop it!"

"Anon, it's too dangerous. If he catches you, he'll kill you. It's bad enough he almost succeeded if I hadn't acted."

"Were you the one with the collapsing roof?" I said in surprise.

"Yes, and I think we're both very lucky, so let's not tempt fate and get on my back!"

I shook my head in the negative.

"I can't do it. I have to stop it."

"It's not necessarily up to you. You're no match for him."

"I'm the one who knows him best and the princesses are offside."

"But Anon, this is madness. He's going to kill you!"

"It's a risk I'm willing to take."

"Don't say that! You're not going to sacrifice yourself, are you?!"

"I'll try not to have to sacrifice myself, but if I have to, I'll do it. If my life saves you all, then it will have meaning. Besides, it's my fault that all this is happening."

"Of course not, it's not all your fault! I have my share of responsibility too. Besides, if it hadn't been you, it could very well have been someone else. Maybe even someone less kind and concerned than you. You're my friend, Anon, even when you say stupid things like that. I would never let you sacrifice yourself!"

"Thank you," I said. "Thank you very much!"

"That's normal. That's what friends are for. Now tell me, do you have a plan to counter Lord Hatred?"

"I may have an idea. Lord Fear explained to me earlier that lords feed on emotions to make magic. If we stop him feeding on hate, Lord Hatred will be out of the way."

"Assuming you're right, that's not quite true, even with little hate, he'll still be dangerous!"

"You have to take the risk."

"Well, and how do we do that?"

"By removing the lock from the mortal realm," I said. "With any luck, that will close the portal and everything will be over. The only problem is getting there. Could you transport me from the air?"

"Of course."

Approaching the gate from the air, I realized along the way what a skilled pony Flower Cloud was in the air. He dodged lightning bolts with such ease and relaxation that you'd almost think it was a simple aerial ballet for him.

From the sky, I could see that the earthquakes were getting stronger and stronger, to the point where some houses were on the verge of total collapse.


"Ready!" I said as I parachuted into the portal.

The impact with the portal was completely painless, contrary to my expectations. The sensation was like diving into the water. I was now floating in the immensity of the void, where thousands of luminous spheres, gateways to countless universes, floated lazily in the void.

I began my descent, which seemed to last an eternity as I descended so slowly into the portal.

When my hooves finally made contact with the friendship table, I pulled with all my might on the inlaid artifact. After a few seconds, I finally managed to pull it off the table, but the portal didn't disappear.

Lord Hatred immediately appeared in the room and pounced on me. Panicking, I pushed myself into the portal. The further I advanced, the more new lights appeared.

"Come back!" Shouted Lord Hatred, "Or I'll make sure to kill you so slowly that you'll beg me to kill you."

As I turned around, what I saw terrified me. It was enormous. What's more, huge claws of flesh were now protruding from his breastplate, helping him to run faster until he began to run in a bestial manner.

Not having looked ahead, I soon collided with a luminous sphere. Immediately, I found myself transported to the roof of a power station chimney.

The scenery was as industrial as it gets. Hundreds of thousands of factories covered the landscape endlessly. However, the smoke from these factories was so thick that it was impossible to see the sky. A thick orange fog covered the field of vision. Looking down, I realized that we were so high up that I couldn't see the ground.

But I had no time to dwell on this science-fiction landscape. Continuing to run in search of an exit, I picked up the kingdom's lock and tapped it in all directions in search of a way out.

Suddenly, Lord Fear burst through the chimney's safety rail at rocket speed, sending him tumbling into the void.

Shocked by what I had just seen, I paused in my run.

But huge clawing noises were already being heard. It seemed that Lord Hatred was already on his way up the chimney.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Why isn't it working?" I shouted in a panic, pressing the lock in every possible way.

Suddenly, a portal opened up and sucked me in. The last thing I had time to see was a huge hand of flesh flattening the spot where I'd been just a few seconds earlier.

"Run Anon! Run!" shouted a little voice in my head.

Not wasting a moment, I resumed my race towards ever more darkness and light.

There was no end to this race. Darkness stretched ever further to the horizon. New lights were appearing all around me. A little further on, the sound of Lord Hatred's multiple claws echoed in the void.

Sensing them approaching, I plunged once more into a luminous sphere, which this time took me to a magnificent garden where golden apples were growing. The air was pure, the apples looked delicious and fresh, and clear water flowed gently along a stream. Farther away, on the horizon, majestic white mountains dominated the landscape with a protective gaze.

The whole place made me want to take refuge there, to rest and think of nothing else. Even so, I turned my gaze back to the artifact.

For the first time, taking the time to look at it, I noticed that there were two ways to use it. To open a portal to another dimension, or the opposite. Prevent portals from opening. The option that came to mind was to lock myself away in this heavenly place by locking this dimension to Lord Hatred.

But on the other hand, it meant abandoning all my friends, which was why I had defied the Red Lord in the first place, despite the dangers.

Moreover, the ever larger and more frightening monster that was Lord Hatred had just appeared a few meters away. He was easily five meters tall. Three horrible, fleshy hands protruded from his chest.

"I hate this game, Anon." He said in a terrified voice. "You can't run from hate forever. Sooner or later, it finds you and pulverizes what's good in you."

"You're completely delirious!" I said, making sure to stand back.

"You can't run forever. I'm sure your whole body is begging you to stop." He said, striding forward.

It was true that my whole body was burning. It almost felt as if my hooves were on fire between the blows I'd received and the running. My breathing was still ragged from the kick he'd given me in the stomach, and the muscles in my back were totally tense.

"Why are you doing all this?" I asked. "What do you have so much to gain from this?"

"Hate is the only feeling that deserves to exist, Anon. I want to show everyone that it's not a fleeting feeling that can be suppressed as quickly as possible once it's passed. That's not what's making me so strong right now Anon, it's sheer stupidity. The kind that makes living beings think that the color of their skin, their money, their social status, their origins, their sex, their religion... make them superior to others. That's what real hatred is!"

"You're crazy!"

"No, better. Hateful!" He said, throwing himself forcefully at me.

Although I was hit head-on, I still had time to activate the lock and create a portal.

The shock had been so violent that I was now struggling to walk in the world of light and darkness. Then, not far from me, I noticed a sphere of dark light.

Knowing that I'd only have a short time before Lord Hatred arrived, I stepped inside.

Immediately, the scenery changed to a brown desert plain. The earth was dry and the air difficult to breathe. In the distance, an orange sun stood motionless on the horizon. Everything looked so dead here, I thought.

"A dead world." Said Lord Hatred quietly, whom I hadn't heard coming up behind me. "A world with no life left to sustain its existence. You chose well. It's a fine place to die, Anon."

I stared at him in terror, his blade already brushing my mane.

"If I have to die, I'll leave with this," I said, wedging the kingdom lock into the path of the moving sword. A small tear ran down my cheek.

"No!" Lord Hatred shouted, but too late. The lock shattered, causing an explosion across worlds I can't describe.

I was now upside down in the world of luminous spheres. Above my head, the main portal seemed to be drawing me towards it, but Lord Hatred, only half of whose body had emerged from the dead dimension, was holding me by one of my hind hooves.

"What have you done you little fool!" he shouted. "You've broken the very essence of the main portal! We're going to be swallowed up by the world!"

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

"It's out of the question! Besides, remember I'm your last chance to get your world back! Save me!"

"No!" I said firmly.

His body began to return little by little to the black sphere, and his face took on a look of panic:

"Don't leave me there," he begged. "I'll do anything you want. Tell me your wish and it will come true!"

Looking straight into his red eyes:

"A world without hate!" And I gave him the hardest kick I could against his face, which worked. He let go and was swallowed up by the dead world.

"It's not over Anon," he shouted before disappearing completely.

All that was left was me and this fall into darkness that seemed to last an eternity. In reality, the fall probably didn't last more than a minute, so rapid was my fall.

Then I saw the great portal through which I had entered begin to close little by little. It was getting smaller by the minute, despite the distance still separating me from it.

Nevertheless, I managed to get through it before it disappeared completely. Blinded and disoriented as I came out of it, I unceremoniously fell to the ground.

I breathed heavily without bothering to get up right away. I'd done it, I was alive! Even if it meant remaining a pony for the rest of my life.

Strangely enough, this thought didn't make me feel bad. On the contrary, in a way, it reassured me. In reality, there was absolutely nothing keeping me there, contrary to what I thought.

"Anon!" shouted a voice.

Suddenly, I was embraced in a hug.

"Flower Cloud?"

"That's me."

"Please stop, you're hurting me."

"Oh, sorry. That wasn't the intention." He said, letting go of me as suddenly as he'd started.

"That's all right. It also makes me happy to see you again!"

"Thank you!" He said, blushing. "You have to come with me. Your parents are worried sick!"

"My parents..." I say.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just that I never thought until today that they might become my parents."

Flower Cloud gave me a small, sympathetic smile:

"And would you like to be their child?"

"It's just that I'd never thought about it before."

"Then let me rephrase the question. Are you happy in their company?"

"Yes, of course, they are. They're kind and gentle and loving, but I don't know. What if they don't want me anymore?"

"Anon, you said it yourself. They love you."

"I know, it's just..." Tears welled up in my eyes. "Am I entitled to it?"

"Of course, you have the right to be loved. Everyone deserves to be loved as long as you care about those who love you."

"Thank you Flower Cloud," I said as I hugged him back.

He returned my embrace and smiled:

"Ready for takeoff?"

I nodded.

As we made our way through the air, I noticed that the black clouds had been replaced by beautiful white clouds, which now hovered absent-mindedly over the city. Far overhead, the sun was once again shining brightly.

During our flight, I realized that I loved it here. That there were people here who genuinely loved me for who I was.

For the first time since I'd landed in this strange world, I felt light and confident about the future. At last, the clouds seemed to be lifting from my head.

On the outskirts of town were all the ponies evacuated from Ponyville. Some had bandages, but they all seemed to be fine.

As we landed among them, Blueblood and Carrot Top came running towards us, tears in their eyes. They were both sobbing so loudly that I couldn't understand a word they were saying.

"I missed you too," I said, hugging them tightly.

This time, all three of us started crying our eyes out.

Flower Cloud smiled at me and apologized to us, saying he had other ponies to visit. However, he was only able to leave after promising my parents he'd come home for dinner to thank him for bringing me back.

Afterward, my parents inspected every inch of my body and covered me with bandages generously offered by the passing nurse ponies.

Further on, I saw Littlenight standing there with his parents. He didn't seem to have seen me and looked worried. I decided to approach him.


"Anon! You're alive!" He exclaimed happily, hugging me. "But you didn't go back to your world?"

"I didn't have a choice. But I don't regret not going back."

"Does that mean you're going to stay with us?"

I nodded.

"Thank you, Celestia! I'm so happy."

"Littlenight, I also wanted to tell you about earlier. I've been thinking about it and... you mean a lot to me too."

He suddenly began to blush like a tomato.

"So she's the little filly who's completely cracking up our little colt?" His father asked mischievously as he approached.

"Daddy!" Littlenight exclaimed, even redder than before.

"Looks like it!" Dark Light said, stepping forward. Her gaze was just as full of mischief as her partner's.


What?" Your father and I are just observing. Right?"


"Have you two made up?" Littlenight asked.

"You know, sometimes we fight when we disagree. That doesn't mean we can't love each other."

"Big Hug!" Littlenight exclaimed, throwing himself around both her parents' necks, which made me smile.

"What's going on here?" Blueblood asked perplexed.

"Nothing at all."

"It seems to be making an impression on you and Littlenight, this is nothing at all." Carrot Top says, teasing me.

"Me? Not at all."

"Your mother's right. You're smiling like a filly on Hearth Warming Day."

"Can we talk about something else please?" I said, blushing in turn.

A few months later

"It was super nice of you to invite us, ma'am," Littlenight said to Carrot Top.

"Please, it's a pleasure."

"My son's right, it's nice of you to invite us to your Hearth Warming party." Dark Light added as Shadow Dash, Littlenight's father, placed the presents at the foot of the tree.

"You didn't have to buy so many gifts. The three of you together would have been enough." Said Blueblood as the pile of gifts grew considerably.

"It was the least I could do." Shadow Dash retorted. "Besides, it's your daughter's first Hearth Warming and we had to mark the occasion."

"In any case, it's very kind of you to have thought of it," Blueblood said with a smile. It was clear that they were made for each other.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang again.

When Carrot Top opened the door, she hiccupped in surprise. Standing in the doorway were Equestria's three greatest princesses.

"Aren't we late?" Asked the white alicorn.

"Not at all. Come in, make yourself at home." Said Mom, bowing humbly.

"Don't be so formal Carrot Top!" Said Aunt Luna annoyed. "You've been part of the family for some time now."


"Watch out for the presents," Twilight said, revealing a huge bag full of presents, which she unloaded onto the existing pile, which was now as big as the tree itself.

"Wow," Littlenight said. "I've never seen so many gifts in my life."

"We wanted to do things right especially since this is Anon's first Hearth Warming in our family."

And the three alicorns entered the house. However, just as they were about to close the door. Dinky and her mother Derpy arrived.

"We apologize for the delay. We had trouble finding a sled for Anon."

"Mommy!" The little filly exclaimed. "It was a surprise!"

"Oops. But I'm sure she's very surprised by now."

I nodded my head, far too happy to see them here.

"It's warm here." Said Derpy as she took off her coat on her way back into the house.

"Do we have everyone?" Blueblood asked Carrot Top discreetly.

"No, it's still missing..." But I didn't have time to hear the end of the conversation when Aunt Luna was already putting on a blue knitted sweater against my will.

"Eh..." I exclaimed.

"It's so you look good in the theme Anon."

Littlenight began to mock me gently when suddenly a red knitted sweater fell on him.

"And how I never forget anyone. Especially since you're almost part of the Biggestnight family already."

"It's Littlenight, princess."

"Oops, sorry. By the way, how are you two?"

"It's okay." We both answered evasively.

Since then, Littlenight and I have been practically inseparable. We loved spending time together, talking and playing all kinds of games.

"I see." She said simply before turning her attention back to her sister, who had been glaring at Blueblood ever since he sent her that letter:

Dear Aunt Celestia,

Do you know the Rich family? If not, I invite you to stay as far away from them as possible. I don't think I've ever seen such discourteous ponies.

If I'm writing you this letter, it's because of a small favor I have to ask of you. Well, Anon, your grandniece, whom I'm sure you love dearly, has inadvertently damaged some works of art belonging to the Rich family.
I would have gladly reimbursed the damage myself, but I don't have the means, so I'm turning to you, my kind aunt, to compensate them.

Address: Rich Manor, Ponyville
Amount: 2,250,000 bits

Affectionately yours,

Blueblood, meanwhile, was hiding behind a thick newspaper that he was pretending to read. Drops of sweat trickled down his face.

Suddenly, the door opened wide, revealing Flower Cloud, Grape Capsule, and Meteor Breath in the doorway.

"Hello everyone!" Says Flower Cloud, back to being a mare, humming.

"Flower Cloud..." Said Blueblood happy to escape my aunt's murderous gaze. "You look well."

"Indeed." She said. "I quit my job."


"And I've found one I like."

"That's great. What is it?"

"Mannequin. I have to admit I wasn't expecting it, but..."

Ever since we had arrested Lord Hatred, she had never missed an opportunity to visit my parents and me. She had gradually entered into all our hearts, so much so that we now saw her as a fully-fledged member of the family. She was like an aunt to me.

Behind her, further back, stood Meteor Breath and Grape. They had forgiven Flower Cloud and Meteor Breath was no longer under the effect of the love potion.

We'd also continued our sessions and now, thanks to them, I was able to pick things up with my hooves, write and eat without adapted tools, but that wasn't all. With Meteor Breath, I had come to accept myself as I was, and that did me a lot of good.

So it was only natural that they should be invited to our table, especially as they had put so much time and energy into my recovery.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Twilight pulling out a whole stack of papers from the table. They were detailed reports of what had happened that day. They mentioned everything from the nationwide earthquake to the Ponyville beam, not forgetting what had happened in Canterlot. Soon, the leaves spread across an entire section of the table. However, no one dared disturb her to ask her to tidy things up, as she seemed so preoccupied.

I was a little angry at myself for leaving her like that, but I knew in advance that she wouldn't believe me anyway.

So I looked out of the window with Littlenight at the snow falling on the ground, which was already covered with a thick white down. Outside, it was already dark and only the howling of the wind could be heard.
