• Published 23rd Mar 2019
  • 1,836 Views, 144 Comments

The BAD luck of my LIFE - Spirit Lunar

The story of a young Englishman (Anon) who came to live in France and had the misfortune to come across an old fallen lord. He will eventually become a young filly get adopted under the watchful eye of that who is believed to be his imaginary friend.

  • ...

Chapter 16 : My special pony

The night was beginning to dawn, we had arrived. I parked in a parking spot as close as I could to the casino. Then I would go out and open the door in the most elegant way possible to my sweet companion.

As I walked out, she smiled at me, which made me blush with all my strength. I had met Anivia on a dating site a month ago and since then we hadn't been apart.

I felt proud and happy to take her to the casino tonight. When I told her that I had gotten some bets used at the casino that I wanted to withdraw. She had offered to use them for a romantic evening instead.

So we walked in holding hands and after we got the bets back, we agreed where we could use them. It was finally poker that we started playing.

The casino was in a lively yet quiet atmosphere. The rich lighting and the many guests in suits and ties made the evening look precious.

I was happy with my suit. We had spent the whole day choosing the most beautiful clothes to look presentable. My white tuxedo made me look like a gentleman, which I appreciated.

As for Anivia... The dress she wore made me look stunned. It was a black sequined dress that made her face look so pretty. I couldn't help but blush when I looked at her.

We'd been at that table for several hours. It was getting late, I was picking up the bet again, I had won more than half of the times I had played.

Later that night, as we were leaving the casino, Anivia asked me to go to a coffee shop further away to celebrate my victory. Within an evening I had managed to multiply my bet by five.

I accepted, I really wanted to spend every moment with her. I felt so good in her company. So we laughed all the way there.

And while we were having some well-deserved snacks in the coffee shop, she asked me for my full attention:

"You know, I really like you Heinrich and I wondered if it was the same for you?"

"Of course, you're my sunshine even in the deepest of the night. " I knew how to be romantic. She smiled and looked at me even more deeply.

"I don't know if it's the same with you but... Well, I'd like to go further."


"You know, have a lasting relationship."

"Oh, of course I'd love to have a lasting relationship with you, my love!"

"Really?! That's wonderful. In that case, "she knelt down and pulled out a box. "Will you marry me?"

I didn't answer anything. It was my job to ask her, not hers! I swallowed slowly.

"You know it's my turn to propose, don't you?"

"Who cares, it's not important. So what's your answer?"

"No, sorry. It's too much for me."


"It's up to the man to ask!"

"The man? But what does it matter about conventions! I love you and I didn't even know if you were going to ask me, so..."

"Anivia, it's my turn to do it!"

"Then do it! "She handed me the box with the rings in it.

"No, that was for me to think about. Now it's too late! "I got up from my chair and started to leave.

"What about us? " she murmured.

"Consider our story over!" It's my turn to wear the belt.

She started crying.

I sobbed sadly in the dark street on my way home. That breakup had hurt me. I still loved her like crazy, but what she had done earlier couldn't be erased.

It was my fault, I should have thought about it. That way, she wouldn't have had to do it herself. And now my legendary idiocy had stolen my soul mate.

I started crying, I could already see myself living with her and having children. And now... now... I was alone again.

I dried my tears as I climbed the steps between me and my door, I shouldn't cry. I was a man, I had to show it!

As I lay in bed after gulping down a packet of popcorn in front of the television, my closet door seemed to move.

My vision was still blurred from the tears so at first I thought it hadn't happened but then it moved a little more.

I could now see two red lights staring at me from the inside while the rest remained black.

Then heavy footsteps could be heard in the corridor where the door of my room led.

I was shivering, I had been playing too much at five nights at Freddy's lately. So I tried to sleep and almost succeeded when something heavy fell on me with a scream.

I woke up later, I had a headache. A light was hitting right in my face. I grumbled, it reminded me of when Anon used to love waking me up like this when we were kids.

I felt really weird. Like all soft and fluffy, which wasn't really my thing. I was more the sweaty type like any self-respecting manly man unlike Anon, that gay guy.

I opened my eyes but what I saw disconcerted me. I was in a teenage girl's room and saw the pink walls and decorations of little ponies all over the room.

I sighed, how did I end up in the bed of a retarded teenager? So I was recapturing what I knew. I was naked in an environment that made me feel terribly uncomfortable. I felt like I could expect to see a fifteen-year-old girl come through the door at any moment.

I looked for my clothes with my eyes but found nothing except an attractive outfit that was far too feminine for my taste.

Suddenly, a large streak of brown and pink seemed to fall on my field of vision. No, it couldn't have been... Was I dressed as a girl?

As I inspected my lock of hair in more detail, I noticed that I had no hands left but some kind of stumps covered with fur! My whole body was made of fur!!!

I realized a fine and elegant muzzle to which I hadn't given any intention until then of a brown color.

I emitted a little nervous laughter to find that it sounded feminine, I began to speak so that a much too feminine tone came out. I looked down below where my... I'm screwed! I'm screwed!

The closet door opened with a muffled squeal, a shadow began to emerge.

"Heinrich, I suppose?"

"Look Anon, I bought some new stuff especially for you!"

I quietly drank my bowl of oats while Carrot Top showed us the items they had bought at the fair. These could range from lots of clothes for the whole family to various items.

To tell the truth, everyone was trying to forget what had happened yesterday so that they wouldn't leave today on the wrong foot. I didn't feel very well, I felt like it was all my fault even if it wasn't really.

Blueblood woke me up this morning and told me that he had sent a message to the school that I would be missing school today. This intrigued me a lot and even stressed me out a little bit. Was it because of the fake elopement? Was he going to do anything to punish me. It wasn't like that. Blueblood, as usual, read the newspaper next to me.

"Why don't I go to school today?"

"I, uh... "He looked at Carrot Top, seemingly hesitant, but with a approving smile on his face, he continued. "Holidays are coming up, we'll soon be going to Canterlot to spend some family time with your aunts and other family members like Cadence or your little cousin, Flurry Hearth."

He now seemed ashamed. "But first I'd like to teach you some basic manners. "

"Do you want to teach me some manners? But I'm very polite!"

"Anon, no offense or anything, but I think it would greatly benefit you to know basic politeness. All the more so as we will be visiting some of the nobles and rubbing shoulders with some of Equestria's most distinguished personalities."

"Don't make too much out of it. What Blueblood means, my darling," Carrot Top said, giving me a little comforting smile. "It's that to be a princess, you have to act like one."

"Excuse me?"

"Anon, think. If Blueblood's a prince, that means you're..."

"A princess?"

"Exactly," Blueblood continued. "And that's why I'd appreciate it if you'd prove yourself worthy of the title that honors you!"

"Blueblood, I told you not to pressure him," Carrot whispered.

Great, now I feel like my worst nightmare is coming true. Like the time Heinrich made my dad think I was a transsexual. I still shudder to this day the way he got so angry.

"I'm going to go, sweet angels, but before I go to work I'd like you to make me a promise, Anon!"

"Which one?"

"Promise me you won't disappear. Celestia knows where! I'm worried Anon, I'm afraid that one day something bad will happen to you and that no one will be able to help you because they don't know where you are!"

Carrot's words seized me like a wave of guilt pouring over me, yet it was not my fault. If only she had adopted a real filly, I would feel less bad for her. So I nodded silently staring at the ground.

"Well, don't worry Carrot, I've asked a foal-sitter to come and look after Anon during my brief absence. »

"A foal-sitter? "I was exploding. "I don't need one!"

"Anon, he's just another pony looking out for you while Blueblood goes to Twilight for some advice. "Said Carrot as she picked up a bag and closed the door of the house behind her after a last kiss on the cheek.

"Everything okay, sweetie?"

"Are you all right, Angel Wings?"

I ate my bowl of cereal as best I could while two pegasus stared at me looking worried. I didn't feel like answering so I just chewed my cereal.

"I know, it's hearth and hooves and you're afraid it's not going well with Star Hunter?"


"Are you sure you're all right, my little treasure," asked the Pegasus stallion.

"Maybe you shouldn't go do that foal-sitting thing after all. Maybe you're sick."

"I have to go," I shouted. "I mean, I should go. I'm leaving."

And before he could say anything else, I ran to the door and slammed it.

"She's really weird today!"

"But no, she's just in love! And don't forget that today is the day she moves in with her lover!"

"I don't want to go!"

This was the third time I repeated this sentence aloud in front of the address. I didn't dare to knock on the door, I was shaking.

I had gotten a lot of broad smiles on the stupid muzzles of the stallions who were stammering I don't know what about the fact that it was sunny today. I really hated the body I was stuck in.

The genie said the only way I could get back to normal was Anon. I had to make him tell me to turn me back. I really didn't want to get stuck like that.

Plus, I wore that ridiculous dress I found on the floor, thinking it would be unhealthy to walk around naked. But no, I'd made a fool of myself for nothing. All these stupid ponies were living naked.

So I was pissed off when I knocked on the door to get a stallion in a ridiculous bow tie to open it.

"Hi, you're here to foal-sit, right?"

"Yes, and I'm guessing you're... Father Anon?"

"Yes, follow me. Would you like a drink, perhaps something to eat?"


"Are you from Ponyville?"

"No, I just... " Shit, I forgot the name.

"From where?"

"I don't remember much."

"Are you all right?"

"Excuse me, I'm all upset!"

"There's no problem, you can rest for a few minutes, I'm in no hurry."

"Thank you."

"And what's your name?"

"Angels Wings," it seems to me.

"That's a nice name. How old are you?"

"Seventeen," roughly if I still live with my parents.

"You seem really nervous, we can cancel if you're not feeling well."

"I'm fine, I tell you! "He was getting on my nerves with all these questions.

"Calm down, I don't know what you're so upset about, but it's over!"

As I walked towards the living room, tears began to pour out. A brown and red mare stood there crying. I sighed, it must have been my useless foal-sitter.

She was crying her eyes out as she held on to Blueblood tighter than a block of ice, it really didn't seem like the tactile kind. Those tears were starting to wet her outfit.

Blueblood crossed my eyes and gave me signs to come and help her. He really seemed more and more uncomfortable every moment. I approached not really knowing what to do to help him.

"Can you stop? Please stop, I'm feeling uncomfortable. Anon's here!"

She seemed to stop and detached herself from Blueblood, who immediately left to redo her toilet. Those pretty turquoise eyes that still expressed total emotional distress were staring at me. It was strange, I was beginning to think she was looking at me in a specific way. As if she was looking for something.

"How could you?" Did she pronounce it harshly.


"Your wish! Didn't you send me here? Your genius told me everything! You're an Anon monster, a failure of nature."

"Do I know you? " She was starting to sound hysterical.

"I told you not to pretend to be Anon, you know very well I'm Heinrich!"


"Enough Anon, if you don't turn me back, I'm gonna smash your little faggot face."

I sighed. "I don't see what my sexual orientation is doing in there."

"I behave like a man, you don't."

"Wait, let me think. Am I a girl?"

"Yes, you filthy, disgusting pervert."

"And I like boys?"

"In defiance of all, yes"

"So I'm heterosexual?"

"Can you get to the point?"

"If I'm a girl who likes boys, then you're..."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence! "He slapped a hoof on the ground.


"I'm gonna crush your filthy little rat head and..."

Blueblood returned alarmed.

"Excuse me, what's going on here? Why are you shouting?!"

A mischievous smile appeared on Heinrich's face.

"Your filly called me a lesbian! " He said, pointing his hoof at me.

"Anon," Blueblood turned his head at me disgruntled. "Being a lesbian is not a bad word and I forbid you to make fun of anyone's sexual orientation," though it may sound weird, Blueblood thought.

"But," Heinrich gasped. "I'm not a lesbian!"

"Sorry, you got upset so I thought..."

"It's nothing." Heinrich grinds his teeth.

"So you like boys?"

This time I couldn't help but fall to the ground laughing my head off as Heinrich turned tomato red. He looked as if he was about to fire laser beams through his eyes at me because he was so out of his mind.

"Are you all right? I didn't say anything foolish, did I?"

"I'd rather talk about something else," my cousin articulated in a very restrained manner. "Besides, don't worry about me. Seems to me you have somewhere to be, don't you?"

"Indeed, I have to go to Twilight to talk about Anon's runaway. Speaking of which, be extremely careful she doesn't run away again."

"Don't worry, she won't get away from me! "He said with a ferocious smile.

"In that case, I'm leaving. See you later, my little angel. But believe me, we're going to have a serious conversation about this lesbian slur."

He closed the door behind him while I was alone with my executioner.

"To the two of us, Anon."

Heinrich threw himself at me as I clumsily ran to the table. Recovering, Heinrich tilted the table to the side trying to catch me.

I crawled under one of the chairs and ran into the kitchen where I hid in a closet. I was shaking, I really didn't feel like getting beaten up.

Strangely enough, Heinrich didn't notice my hiding place and passed in front of it cursing a series of insults. When suddenly the second access to the closet on the other side opened, a powerful hoof grabbed me by the waist. I was clinging to a pan that came out of the closet with me.

I threw violently with all the force of my forefoot on Heinrich's face, which twisted in pain. I started to run around the living room, but Heinrich jumped on me, depriving me of any movement.

"You don't stand a chance against me, you little fool."

When the doorbell rang repeatedly until the head of a black stallion could be seen through the window. Heinrich got up and went to open the pegasus.

"Hello, sweetheart. Your parents told me you were keeping a filly, so I came to help you."

"You are... I mean, it's all right."

"Are you sure? The room seems completely shaken up and when I saw you with the filly..."

"Well, maybe not so much, but I'm okay now. See?"

"No, I insist. I'll help you with your foal-sitting and who knows? Maybe it'll give us some parenting ideas for later. "It ends with a wink of an eye.

I could feel Heinrich faltering at those words. He didn't seem to have become a pony, but to have swapped bodies with a pony if he had such an active life, which I really didn't understand.

I scratched my head at this prospect while the stallion dealt the final blow to Heinrich. He gave him a short kiss on the mouth.

Then the stallion flew away and started to put everything back in place. I approached Heinrich.

"So your coming out?"

"Anon, I swear if you keep this up I'm gonna blow your little doll's body off !"

"Angel Wings," the Pegasus intervened. "You mustn't shout at fillies and foals! Does our moving in together put you in this state?"

"Our moving in together?"

Heinrich's disappointed face almost deserved a picture framed in a nice frame, it was so beautiful. I really wanted to piss him off, so I asked the Pegasus in the most innocent way possible:

"Mister? When you have children with Angel Wings, could I come and see them?"

"Of course you can. And when you get older you might even be their foal-sitter. Isn't she adorable?"

"Of course," I could see in his eyes the burning desire he had to bury me alive, but I didn't care. He was finally going to pay for everything he'd put me through.

"And we didn't show up! I'm Star Hunter. " He held out a hoof.

"Anon," I shook his hoof.

"So you've come to help me clean up?"

And we set about repairing the damage caused by our mad chase. I still kept an eye on Heinrich, who looked at me sullenly.

"I'm home. Everything all right, Angel Wings? " Asked for Blueblood.


"Hello sir, Anon was as wise as a picture."

"That's good to hear, but who exactly are you?"

"Star Hunter, Angel Wings' boyfriend." He used to stick to Heinrich rubbing up against her.

Heinrich moved slightly to the side, horrified at all the tenderness he was getting from a stallion.

"Let me tell you, you two make a lovely couple!"

"Thank you, today we're going to move in together. It will be our common Hearth and Hooves gift. " He now looked tenderly at Heinrich.

"Present? Damn, I completely forgot to get one for Carrot Top! Would you mind keeping Anon for a little while longer?"

After the end of those stupid politeness classes with Blueblood and the departure of Heinrich with his boyfriend which still made me laugh a little. I still wondered what happened to him. Carrot Top had insisted on keeping me with her for the rest of the day.

So I was helping her despite my clumsiness in selling those carrots. It seemed more like a way to introduce me to her friends, all market mares and stallions. Regular customers or vendors to whom Carrot Top was proud to introduce her daughter.

I wasn't feeling very well with all these looks at me especially as I was beginning to seriously question my pint size compared to the average pony size. But, if it made Carrot Top happy...

Later, while I was carrying a heavy basket of carrots in my mouth which was a real physical effort for me, Littlenight approached me. Carrot Top was finishing talking with a mare from the flower shop and promised me that she would catch up with me. Littlenight seemed to have turned all red head.

"Are you all right? You're all red! " I said as I put the basket down.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you, but..."

"But what?"

"I wanted to ask you something!?"

"I'm listening."

"I haven't known you long, but I wanted to ask you if..."

He was starting to get annoyed that he never finished those sentences.

"If what?"

"Yes, you would... like to have ice cream with me. Yes, I would. Eat ice cream with me. You know, we really didn't have it last time and... and... there you go."

"I don't know about Littlenight, I'd have to ask my parents. Maybe some other time?"

"Oh... of course. It's up to you!"

He greeted me and immediately left in the clouds. The ponies and bat-pony were really sensitive creatures. He seemed to be sweating to ask me for ice cream?!

Finally, I took the basket in my mouth while Carrot Top joined me.

On the incentives of Star Hunter, while Blueblood, the pony who bought those gifts on the same day of I don't know what silly party was gone, I had drawn nice drawings for Carrot Top and Blueblod.

These represented them in the centre of a heart with me. I was sure that they would be pleased. I wanted to find a way to apologize for their frightened assets last day.

While the two lovers had exchanged their respective gifts after the meal, I approached timidly.

I put down my drawing and waited for them to notice it.

When they noticed it, they were so moved that they shed a few tears. Then, with a knowing smile, they threw themselves on me in a pleasant embrace.

"Angel Wings, get out of there! We're going to miss our lovers' night out in Cloudsdayle!"

"I really don't feel well. " There's no way he's gonna get me drunk at the party and fuck me afterwards.

Suddenly I felt numb as I dropped like a sledgehammer to the floor. Cloud Chaser, who seemed to have heard it from the other side of the door, started kicking down the door.

However, my eyelids closed before he had even finished breaking it down.

I woke up panting in bed, sweating in my body. My ex-girlfriend was standing there next to me looking at me tenderly.

"You were so wonderful to me today!"


Author's Note:

Lord Hatred:
Well, for those of you who don't understand, I traded Heinrich and Angels Wings for a day. The goal was to manufacture hatred on a day dedicated to love. And, yes, I passed myself off as a genius in Heinrich's eyes. Do you have any questions? Then the class is officially over. Don't forget you can find my classes on the internet at the address given. Have a nice day, my dear students. And yes, I love added pictures!