• Published 23rd Mar 2019
  • 1,843 Views, 144 Comments

The BAD luck of my LIFE - Spirit Lunar

The story of a young Englishman (Anon) who came to live in France and had the misfortune to come across an old fallen lord. He will eventually become a young filly get adopted under the watchful eye of that who is believed to be his imaginary friend.

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Chapter 6 : Dance class with a demon

It was not him, yet it was him! She appeared to be a gentle, sweet mare but that did not deceive me. It was the same mare as which he had disguised himself. It did not do me any good.

"Hello children, as your kind director said, I volunteered to help you practice dancing for a full day. I also want to apologize because I am partly the cause of the hotel's closure and..." She began to cry.

"Calm down, Mrs. Sweet Valley, it happens to everyone; we all get carried away even if ... was rather violent," the headmistress consoled her.

"I... Thank you. Our lesson will begin once breakfast is over."

I did not know what he had in mind, but he had to be stopped at all costs. His public appearance would be enough to convince someone that he actually exists. However, I would still need evidence if I did not want to go to the psychiatric hospital since I was already being mistaken for a traumatized filly.

The fillies seemed full of joy at the idea of spending the day dancing with a mare who teaches at the famous Canterlot school. Their delighted little faces irritated me. They all talked so enthusiastically about dancing.

"Finish your breakfast, fillies, and join us and Sweet Valley in Professor Fleur de lys's room which she kindly lent us," the announcer said.

I sat on one of the canteen's benches as far as possible from my new 'friend' and was served by a cook. She placed in front of me a bowl and spoon filled with what looked like soft green cereal.

I pouted, which annoyed her. She ordered me to eat if I did not want a spanking, which made part of the table laugh. How can I even pick up the spoon? The other fillies used the magic of their horns.

I tried to pick up my spoon with my hoof, but instead pushed it to the edge of the table where I dropped it on the ground. The cook glared at me even more viciously and told me to pick it up.

I tried to crouch down to take the spoon but these damn hooves prevented me from doing so. I began to tremble before the growing impatience of the cook whose anger grew.

My comrades were silent and watched the scene in dead silence. Drained but resolute, I gripped it with my mouth. I felt its cold surface and stood up slowly so as not to drop it.

The cook did not calm down, but I relaxed slightly after resting the spoon on the table. The problem was that I still did not know how to eat with it.

I put my head in the bowl like an animal. The cook sighed and stared nervously while everyone else laughed at me. I think that was not the way to eat.

It did not take long for the headmistress to arrive accompanied by the cook screaming angrily. What's up with this crazy school? They stopped at my table and started talking to me at the same time.

"Anon, is it? I think you were raised in a pigsty and you should go back now!" the cook shouted. What?

"Mrs. Clear, can you calm down? This filly has problems with motor skills. I would appreciate it if you would stop yelling at her and scaring her." True.

"Headmistress no one has ever complained about my cooking skills. Honest. If she has problems, she should go to a center of I don't know what and let us have peace." Say no, Madame Director, please.

"I must say that you are honest. Let us remember that you are worth as you say you are and that you feed the fillies in our establishment. However, Princess Luna entrusted her to us under our care. I would find it very difficult to take her elsewhere outside her jurisdiction," the headmistress explained. In your face, dirty cook.

"Fine, but I would like her to taste my good food." Good food?

"Bring her a suitable bowl and I'm sure Ms. Anon will eat your food without making a fuss." Nope.

"Madame, I'm not very hungry," I said.

"Eat!" the two mares replied angrily.

I was brought a small bowl that the soup was poured into. The headmistress told me to put my hooves at marked locations on the bowl to bring it to my mouth. The taste was very special except it was completely different from anything I had ever known. I assume it was not so bad if I did not vomit though it was good enough.

After my meal in front of the cook and headmistress who watched my every movement, I left among the last to go to the much dreaded dance class. When I entered the hall, Lord Hatred, still disguised as Sweet Valley, gave out ballerinas and tutus to the students and asked us to put them on in the locker room.

My darling virility, where are you? Wearing a white tutu with other white ballerinas was the last thing that could happen to me in this world. Being treated like a little girl was not good for my male pride and this was the death blow.

She put down my dance gear and greeted me briefly with a honeyed voice and an angelic face. With the tutu and other ballerina equipment on my back, she told me where the locker room is.

I arrived in the locker room where everyone changed into the things on their backs in stalls. A stall? Why hide nakedness when you walk in here naked? Another weird new thing in this world more than strange.

I entered and removed the lock after having to put both hooves on the lock in question. By the way, I've done it six times already and my little neon green filly body is starting to hurt.

I watched my "dance clothes" still on the floor where I left them to remove the lock. What could I do? I did not even know how to put that kind of thing on as a human. I put my thoughts back on my ballerina shoes and tutu; I guess I was not going to have a choice.

- A quarter of an hour later -

These damn things do not fit and I can not put on this fucking tutu. Someone knocked on the door and I heard Lord Hatred with his angelic voice asking me if I needed help.

I hesitated, but Lord Hatred cut off any further thought when he unlocked the door. He began to give me a very wide smile and I began to tremble in my little body as he stepped forward.

"Ms. Anon, before starting the class I would like you to tie your mane!" he called.


"You heard me perfectly, but to tie your beautiful mane, we have to style it first!"

"What are you playing at?"

"Put your head in the air and tie your hair to it, Ms. Anon. Now let me do it."

"But I'll do it alone."

A young mare with good manners does not refuse help and accepts it with dignity."

"Stop your act, we're alone in the locker room! You will not force me to put on these clothes and certainly not tie my hair!"

"I can even do it without magic!" He walked towards me with a determined step.

"What? No, what are you doing? Wait!"

A few minutes later, I was ready. My buttocks had turned red under the force of the spanking and my body was still shaking from the shock. Under his appearance of a fragile mare lies an unexpected strength.

I also had a bun that was tirelessly pulling my hair and a tutu that hid the part of my body that was beaten. Elegant white ribbons covered and imprisoned my little legs. I had tears in my horrified eyes in front of the mirror from the pain, but Lord Hatred promised that if he saw a single tear come out, I have a big problem.

He took me by one of my hooves and walked towards the room where class had already begun. I felt so... feminine and sexy in my outfit that I blushed a little. I felt almost like a pervert with my own body.

All of the fillies had the same outfit as I expected and were chatting even more excitedly than last time in their crowd. I took a breath to calm myself and headed for the group.

Lord Hatred coughed to ask for silence, but failing to, said in a very authoritative voice, "Silence."

All conversations stopped and every little head turned in one movement towards him.

"In order to work in good conditions, we do not speak because you will not hear my information. For starters, we will be doing some stretching exercises. I will explain later how your dance lesson will take place. Start by putting yourselves in line!" he commanded.

Immediately all of the fillies lined up in front of Lord Hatred. I took a spot as far as possible from our teacher.

"Start by raising your head tall, ladies. Be proud of who you are, after all you are worth it. Raise your hooves one by one and turn three times in one direction and then in the other."

I looked up and twisted my hooves somehow. Then we did a whole series of the same type of exercise. Lord Hatred gave us a break for recess. I watched and listened to others talk about their dreams of becoming a star dancer.

I also noticed my flagrant small size compared to the younger ones. I felt so small and fragile in the face of this discovery. I felt Lord Hatred's gaze on me; he had been staring at me for a while without my knowledge.

A group of small fillies galloped up to me.

"Hi, what's your name?" asked the first filly of the group.

"Anon," I replied.

"I did not know that is your name, it's pretty. My name is Twist Star. Are you new?"


"Why are you alone? Come with us! My name is Lightning Blue," intervened a blue filly with green glasses.

"I do not know. Okay, I accept." Perhaps making friends is the best thing to do. She might be useful for my escape.

I felt the radiant smile of Lord Hatred, who saw me alone in the midst of others, change into a perplexed and serious expression in the face of my new friends. It could not mean anything good.

"Great, do you want to play catch with us?" they asked, giving me puppy eyes. It was so cute that I accepted in spite of myself. When I was pushed behind my back, I turned around and saw Lord Hatred staring at me with that false smile.

"Forgive me for disturbing you, but we are continuing the course now. Recess is over. And do not try to group together, you would argue too much," he said.

Why did he want to separate me from them? I wanted to understand so I pushed things.

"Please ma'am, I don't have many friends here and I wish I could be with her during class," I said.

"No is no."

"That is not fair," I said, pretending to cry. All stared at Lord Hatred, who asked to see me privately.

Once alone in the locker room with him or her; I do not know what to call it anymore. He smiled from ear to ear. It was pretty scary.

"That was perfect. Usually they cannot feel the slightest bit of hatred, but you managed to produce a large amount at once. If I hit you, it might increase their hate," he explained.

"You've done it before and my rump still hurts, so explain to me why you want me away from those fillies."

"Friendship is like chocolate. Too much at once and you will get a serious stomach ache."

"That means what?"

"How do you not understand my beautiful metaphors? How do you not get the meaning? You may be too stupid for that. To make it simple: do not worry."

"That does not answer my question."

"And I will not answer it. On the other hand, I know one with pee on it."

"What? Wait, no. Anything but that."

"Too late."

I suddenly felt wet liquid come out abundantly from the place I do not want to talk about and my outfit was wet with the foul smell of piss on it.

"We'll have to go get you a change of clothes. Miraculously, there is just one left in the dance hall."

"I do not want to go."

I definitely think that my buttocks will stay red after this punishment, which was more violent than last time. Lord Hatred thought that seeing me cry would provoke empathy in my classmates so he had to hit even harder.

I picked up my second set of clothes and went back to the locker room without even looking at the class, who watched me while whispering to each other. Lord Hatred arrived soon after I did with a sorrowful face.

"Ms. Anon had a slight accident while we were chatting, so please do not make fun of her for it. Start the table exercises while I help her change." Filth.

He turned around. "Ready, Ms. Anon?"

Then we returned to the locker room where he changed me with a face of arrogance and pure happiness to humiliate me again. I sighed heavily and waited for him to finish.

This bastard added a pink bow in my hair after perfuming me with an apple. I hate being his toy.

The course went back to normal and nothing more happened other than me falling on my buttocks often. Those fucking little hooves did not support my weight.

At lunch, I went to my new friends' table in the canteen. Even in front of them, I was a dwarf. I began to take an interest in what they were talking about.

These discussions were not unlike what one can have with his friends at primary school. They did not give me any useful information except that the thing with the summer sun was yesterday. They also mentioned royalty with one other princess, Celesniak I believe.

At the end of the lunch break, the headmistress was waiting to take me to my medical appointment.

"Anon, I regret to inform you that you will not be able to attend the dance session this afternoon," she said.

"What a pity." Rather a lot of luck.

"As you know, you need support. Dr. Remedy will take care of you. He is in my office. Come with me!"

I followed her the best I could to her desk, where a stallion with red eyes and a white coat waited.

"Hello, Ms. Anon I presume?" he greeted.

"Indeed, it is her. I leave you to the good care of our doctor, Ms. Anon," the headmistress said.

I found myself face to face with this doctor who was looking for something in his suitcase. He took out a notebook and pen, and after some courtsy to relax me, asked some questions. He asked me to perform some exercises like lifting my left front foot.

"They said you had been traumatized."

"Yes." I sighed heavily. He would not believe me anyway.

"Well, you sigh. Is there anything else you would like me to know?"

"No." So much.

"Your body may be trying to send a message about your accident. Do you remember anything?"

"No." Why is he like that? It becomes painful.

Another series of long exercises, ten minutes each, were done before he choose to speak with me again. This guy was a nuisance.

"Well, we're done here. Here are my conclusions about your state of health: you seem to have trouble coordinating your movements, ('swear'), and you do not seem to have any apparent internal sequelae. This must be due to your trauma, which is also the cause of your memory loss."


"Well, my job is finished at that level. We will start your physiotherapy session."


"Yes, but do not worry, It will be simple exercises to strengthen your hooves and coordination. Well, let's not start with the ball. You will lie on your back and fold and unfold your knees while lifting the ball."

This will be quick, I am a disaster. I could not fold all four at once so the ball fell all the time. The doctor had tears in his eyes as he thought of me, the filly who could no longer walk straight. I still managed one hoof.

The headmistress came back later with my psychologist, who was still convinced that I had wrecked her room. Then the doctor left and my psychology session began. She seemed happy to see me which was a surprise. Unlike the first time the director did not leave and instead just sat in a corner of the room.

"Don't be shy Anon. I am in no way angry with you," Ms. Breath said.


"Yes, you did not really want to; I came to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine. You came all the from the other city to see me?"

"Of course, you are my patient and I have to do everything in my power to help you. This warms my heart."

"Thank you, it's really nice of you. What are we going to do?"

"We are going to do an activity. What kind do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I'd rather we just keep discussing things."

"As you wish," she said, sighing as she stared at the heavy baggage filled with activities.

"We can do activities afterwards." For her carrying that load I wanted to do some of them.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I do not know," I say, thinking about what I could ask her.

"What if we talked about you then? I know that we met recently, but I would like to know how you feel, if it does not bother you and change how you live."

Well, apart from being stuck in this neon green body and being humiliated by a psychopath, all is well. "I feel good."

"You're sure? I feel that you're hiding something from me. You can tell me what's wrong; I'm not here to scold you."

"In fact, Ms. Breath, I do not know if this helps, but our guest speaker today told me that Anon peed on his gear during class." Oh, lord! This damn headmistress can not shut up. I feel like a moron.

"Well, how did that happen, Anon?" Ms. Breath raised an eyebrow is disbelief.

"It's Lord Hatred who—"

"Ms. Anon, I've already told you that story came straight from your imagination, so stop now!" the headmistress interrupted.

"Oh sorry." Lowering my head to stare at the floor, I shouted that it was true. I'm tired of being the little victim.

"Headmistress, let her continue please. Go on Anon."

Frankly, was it a good idea to tell them everything? Maybe it wasn't a good idea. Besides, I had no credibility. I tried one last time.

"Sweet Valley is Lord Hatred, who disguised himself. He beat me and used magic to make me pee on it!"

There was a great deal of doubt in this poor mare. She hesitated now. "Could I meet this Sweet Valley, Headmistress, if you don't mind? I would like her opinion." And shit.

"Of course, let's go."

When she returned, Lord Hatred stood behind her with an innocent face. "What's going on, Headmistress?"

"Ms. Breath, Anon's psychologist would like to ask you a few questions about your session with Anon."

"Oh, in this case I can help." She sat down on a chair in front of Meteor Breath.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. Sweet Valley, is it not? It's a pleasure."

"Likewise. So, what are your questions, I will answer them as best as I can."

"Thank you. Did you know Anon before?"

"Not at all."

"Did you hit him?"

"What? No, I do not hit anyone."

"Do you know why Anon peed?"

"It's my fault, I scolded her for being so stubborn and she started to pee."

"Do you know a Lord Hatred?"

"She told me when I scolded her that she would hit her if I did not obey."


I felt a magic aura catch me as Meteor Breath pulled me into a hug. I felt tears begin to flow. He had broken me into a fucking whiny green thing. I cried continuously as Meteor Breath softly whispered sweet things into my ear.

I saw nothing for an hour while I snuggled deeper into the coat of this comforting mare. I finally calmed down while ceasing to cry and took a normal breath. The gentle caress of Meteor Breath calmed me down. I fell asleep I think because I felt a fluffy surface and a sheet before there was nothingness.

- The Headmistress's Office -

"Well, this poor little filly seems to have big emotional problems. I must admit that seeing her in this state broke my heart," said the headmistress, moved.

"Me too, Headmistress, I have never seen such a case before. This poor little thing seems desperately in need of a stable environment. Do you plan to put her up for adoption? The sooner the better. Of course, my colleague and I will continue to visit her regularly."

"I'm glad to hear you say that because I has the same idea. A family environment with a certain stability and a lot of love would be best for her. I just hope she does not have another crisis like this, Ms. Valley was offended that we talked to her like that and almost left before I begged her on my knees."

"This mare seems to lack a real sense of empathy. Who would blame a poor little disoriented filly?"

"I must admit that I'm as surprised as you are, but what could we do? Everyone cannot understand what this poor thing went through."

- A Dark Alley -

More ponies who complain of seeing a monster here? What next? Apart from that little green filly, there is really no one who hangs out here. A little beast all the time.

The policeman entered an alley when he heard a voice. A shadow of a bipedal creature projected from the lamppost faces him. He hid behind a trash can and noticed the thing that was behind the shadow: a big beast in blood red armor. He tried to listen to it and figure out why it was talking to a light trivet.

"Is there no connection here or what? Hello, do you hear me? Yes, it's Hatred. Do you still agree on tomorrow? Ok, that works. I will bring a surprise with me. Do not forget the card game this time."

The policeman started to retreat for reinforcements when his hoof hit a bobbin, rolling to produce a long metallic lament.

"I remind you, I have company." He hangs up. "I already feel that I will have fun with you."

- Next Day -

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna! We found a body in a Manehattan bin!"