• Published 20th Feb 2019
  • 6,148 Views, 125 Comments

The Fake Changeling - Listener

There's a new creature in the forest, one that has been shunted out of his home and body by forces unknown. When the truth comes to light, what will remain of who he had been? Who was he now?

  • ...

Safe and Vulnerable

He blinked away the bright spots in his eyes, a little surprised that a sneeze could cause his vision to turn green. What surprised him even more was the looks he was getting from the three equines in the room. Surprise was written on their faces. He knew he looked weird, but all he had done was sneeze.

Another thought pushed its way to the front. Since when was Apple Bloom the same height as him? And Fluffershy so tall?

He blinked again and raised a hoof to rub his muzzle to avoid another sneeze. As he saw his hoof, he froze.

His hoof.

His black and hole filled hoof.

Was yellow.


Apple Bloom could only stare at her new friend, who now looked like a mirror copy of herself, standing frozen as he looked at his hoof,

She took a step towards him. “Onyx?” She tried, before a scream filled the hut. Without warning, the panicked copy of Apple Bloom scooted backwards and tried to get away from the yellow hoof to no avail. The screaming continued as the confused ponies and zebra watched him slam into the wall of the hut, dislodging a mask on the wall. Silence soon fell as it slammed down onto his head, another flash of green light filling the room.

The ponies stood still, staring at Onyx in surprise, different thoughts running through each of their heads at the strange equine’s new ability.

New to him as well, apparently

Apple Bloom ran over to him, pushing the mask off as Fluttershy looked at Zecora. “So, you said something about a concussion?” she asked again, looking back at the once again unconscious Onyx, bewilderment in her eyes at what she had just seen.

Zecora, for her own part, just sighed and nodded. “Today is a day full of many mysteries, but after seeing that I wonder how he hasn’t met his end among the forest’s many trees.”

“Well, if he can change, maybe he has some form of camouflage?” Fluttershy wondered aloud. “But if he can do that, why did he panic like that?”

Zecora just shook her head, a puzzled expression on her face as she took in the scene before her.


“Hello? Who are you?”


Onyx woke up again with a start, wincing as the pain in his head decided to make itself apparent. His mind searched for the right memory as to why that would be. Images flashed as he rubbed his head, a manticore, a zebra, yellow hoof, mask?

Sitting up suddenly and ignoring the pain, he opened his eyes and looked down at his hoof, relaxing a bit as he saw it back to normal.

Well, his new normal at least.

He froze as he heard something before relaxing, looking up from his hoof to the small yellow pony. “Hello again Apple Bloom,” he said with a soft smile, hiding his headache. He stiffened again as she pulled him into a hug, saying something in the strange melodic language of hers.

Onyx closed the eyes again, simply enjoying the hug as his headache subsided, gingerly wrapping a forearm around the filly. “You know I can’t understand you, little one,” he said, pulling back and giving her snout a soft boop, chuckling. “How do I ask if I just turned into you?” he asked aloud, knowing he wouldn’t get an answer.

He could see his own confusion reflected on her face as she looked at him, then to the yellow pegasus and zebra. She looked back and said something with a tilt of her head. He sighed and tried again after a moment. “Did I... Onyx,” he said as he pointed at himself, “turn into Apple Bloom?” he finished, pointing at her.

She looked at him again, repeating what he said with another small tilt as Fluffershy spoke softly. Hearing his name, he looked at the pegasus, who was nodding at him. He gave a nod back, before seeing the question in her eyes.

Onyx gave a sheepish smile and shrugged at the unasked question.


Fluttershy looked at Zecora. “This is all above my head,” she admitted. “He’s not from the forest, or at least not from the outer reaches of the forest. He’s clearly as smart as a pony, emotionally and in other ways from the way he talks, learns, and interacts with us.”

Zecora nodded, watching the pair in front of them try to talk to each other. “In that we both agree, but we both don’t have enough familiarity. With what little we know,we can’t plan ahead with clarity. I hate to jump to this conclusion so soon, but...” she paused for a moment. “Apple Bloom?” she called out and getting her attention. When she had it, along with a curious Onyx’s, she continued. “I hate to have to break a promise, but having Twilight Sparkle’s penchant for discovery will be a boon if I am being honest.”

Apple Bloom looked at her in shock. “But you said-!”

“I know what I said, but I’m afraid that what I did say I must amend. That was before he had a run in with Joe, and it almost left him dead.” Zecora said, giving an even look to the filly.

The filly looked at her, her emotions warring on her face as Fluttershy spoke up. “Look at it this way, Apple Bloom. Onyx was badly hurt before right?” she asked as she walked up to her. After getting a nod from her and a lost look from him, she went on, “We don’t know how he healed himself, or if he can do it again. With Twilight helping, we’ll be better prepared to help him if he needs it.”

“But she’ll hound at him!” she protested weakly.

“I’ll make sure she doesn’t, and respects his space,” she promised gently. “We need Twilight. Who knows, maybe she’ll even help us talk to him?” she said with hope in her voice..

The filly looked skeptically at her, but slowly nodded. “Ah guess...” she said, looking morose.

Zecora spoke up at that moment. “I will admit my specialty is in potions, but I do dabble. I know not of a spell that can translate what seems like babble,” she took a moment to walk up as well. “But Twilight Sparkle is the smartest pony I have ever met. Helping him to learn Ponish for her will be no sweat.”

Onyx looked between the three of them, a small frown on his face as he sighed and held up a hoof. Getting looks from all three, he frowned again.

“Tweoleght?” he said, shaking his head in frustration.


Apple Bloom looked at him in confusion.

“Twilight?” she asked.


“Twilight?” his small friend had said.

Onyx frowned at that word. He knew that word. The girls had said it yesterday, but he couldn’t place it. It had just been said several times, along with one of the other few words he knew.

Twilieght halp?” he asked, sighing internally as he butchered their language.

That got a surprised look from both the pegasus and filly, the bigger one nodding to him.

Twilight help Onyx.” she said gently. Despite himself, he shivered. Hiding was what he did from the ponies, and now in the course of two days he had been discovered by three children, a zebra, a pegasus, and now considering help from an unknown. He shook his head at the worry filled words Apple Bloom said, giving a shaky smile to her. It was weird to feel safe after months of danger being a constant in his life.

Some more words were spoken, all of them alien to him. He shook his head again, shrugging.

He looked up at the yellow pegasus as something clicked. He knew that the pegasus only had a few visitors at her cottage from his time watching the town. He bit his lip, thinking.

Onyx gave up all hope of maintaining what dignity he had left, and tilted his head to show he had a question.


Fluttershy could only stare at the strange equine as it mangled Twilight’s name, before waving it’s forelegs like wings.

With a glance at Zecora she sent her a questioning look and only got a shrug and her friend mouthing the word concussion at her. With a snort from Onyx, he tried again, shakily standing up and walking towards her, pausing as she shrank back.

He gave a smile, but with his fangs it didn’t really reassure her. He seemed to realize this and shrank back himself before brightening. He said Twilight’s name again, slightly better this time, before buzzing his own wings.

Apple Bloom gave a sound of understanding. “He’s asking who Twilight is!” she said happily, before booping Onyx’s snout and shaking her head. “No, she’s not a pegasus.”

He frowned, biting his lip before pointing at his horn, which got a nod.

With a smile, looking deep in thought for a moment. After a moment, green flashed the room and a copy of Twilight stood where he had been.

He gave the surprised look from the three a look of equal confusion before looking down and yelping. Only a quick action from Zecora kept him from another bruise to the head. They watched as he fell down and began to breathe quickly, curling in on himself.

“He’s panicking!” Fluttershy said softly, but urgently as she did her best to help, pushing down her unease at helping something that look just like one of her best friends.


Onyx could feel his thought process spiraling out of control as he closed his eyes to shut out the purple, all the fear he had been ignoring for so long racing to his mind.

oh fuck, no, can’t handle, just got used to new me, can’t be another, won’t be another, who am I, what am I, no, purple, won’t, where am I, can’t, help me

Onyx barely registered the small hoof on his shoulder, the worried voice in his ears, his mind racing, everything crashing in on him, the first truly safe place allowing all that he had pushed down to rush to the top after the last and final push.

want home, want family, want friends, can’t see, don’t know, help me

Onyx shook, hooves against his head, gasping for breath, tears.

“You need to calm down!”

can’t calm down, need help, help me

From somewhere, a soft melody, humming. In his ear? In his head?

Lost little child, be not afraid,

For the days of fear soon will fade,”

It went on, the words cutting through the fear muddling his mind.

Onyx stilled.

Author's Note:

Here it is after so long! Little shorter than the other two chapters, but the next chapter is already halfway written as well. This was just a good place to cut it.

Sorry for the wait, everyone!

Comments ( 41 )

Yey! It lives! :yay:

Edit: Small nitpick: after the last PoV change you forgot to capitalize Onyx's name.

Will other changelings be appearing? (this includes Queen Chrysalis)

With him not being a pony I really don't see Tqilight helping him. Treating hom like a monster to be caged and interrogated, if you can call rhat help.

Yay an update I was starting to loose hope!

I wouldn’t think so. This is Twilight who has a Dragon as a brother/son?/assistant living with her all the time. The show states that ponies know little about dragons. She hasn’t treated Spike as anything other then another sapient life.

She didn’t try to capture and study a Parasprite. Given that we can safety say Twilight Sparkle scientific interest doesn’t include biology research.

This was done on purpose, to try and add a little bit to show his mental state as unstable at that moment. If it's confusing to people, I'll go ahead and edit it to be correct!

Currently, it's taking place in season 2, so it will include other changelings at some point. Can't say much more than that!

Wahoo! Another tasty chapter

looks like mommy chrysalis is coming to the rescue, enjoy the moment Onyx. If that title is to be believed she won't like you very much when she finds out your a fake changeling.

onyx could feel his thought process spiraling out of control as he clocked his eyes to shut out the purple, all the fear he had been ignoring for so long racing to his mind,

onyx barely registered the small hoof on his shoulder, the worried voice in his ears, his mind racing, everything crashing in on him, the first truly safe place allowing all that he had pushed down to rush to the top after the last and final push.

want home, want family, want friends, can’t see, don’t know, help me

onyx shook, hooves against his head, gasping for breath, tears.

can’t calm down, need help, help me

from somewhere, a soft melody, humming. in his ear? in his head?

Onyx and capitalizations for all of these.

Edit: Just saw your comment on it.

Pretty sure our dear Queen Chrysalis is already here as of this chapter.

Also, horray new Chapter!

It does look a bit more like a typo than an item of author intent, to be honest.


That's three for three on confusion about that. I've gone ahead and made it correct. Thanks for the input, I was a little worried about it but wanted to try it.

Ooo.. New story I like... LOL... Keep up with the writing, really enjoying it and would love to see what is to come...:pinkiehappy:

“I know what I said, but I’m afraid that what I did say I must amend. That was before he had a run in with Joe, and it almost left him dead.” Zecora said, giving an even look to the filly.

I know what I swore, but I fear I must amend; my promise was made before he nearly met his end!


Well, it is some relief that communication isn't technically lost en totalle. Someone (wink wink) hears and whispers.
Got a little love to fixup that bruised head, need more! Now that he's getting energy, there's MAGIC to explore!
Keep going! ;)

The hive mind comes for the

I'm excited to follow this story. Loving it so far

You do a great job showing how shape-shifting would be hell to someone who is undergoing identity issues as well as how the others both reacted and tried to help

Looking forward to the next AWESOME chapter! :pinkiehappy:

I didn't mean literally, but in a general sense based on past actions. For one Ponyville, specifically Pinkie, is kinda racist. It wouldn't be out of character for someone to make up horrible stories about him for fun.

Plus there's the fact that Twilight pursues knowledge fanatically, I honestly expect her to not let him be, constantly bothering him with questions and attempts to figure out everything and not accept that he doesn't want to tell her it, or that he cant, and try to take it by some method.

True, I didn't think about when in the timeline we are in. Twilight might be calmer now when seeking knowledge this seems to be after "Pinkie Keen" when twilight learns to not try to figure out Everything. Now for the racist thing, I don't think so. They already know Zecora at least the Mane 6 got the lesson from "Bridle Gossip" by the time "Griffon Brushoff" came around the ponies in Ponyville were more open to other beings.

It could go either way really.

Sorry for missing the update, this was an interesting, if short, chapter. I am glade that he seems to now manage to get his point across know and have some understanding of what the ponies are saying now.


Well, thankfully the actual author of the story has been doing a wonderful job with characterization, so how about not suggesting that stop?

You're joking, right? This bit here is for comments, not telling other people what opinions they can and can't share.


Well, when you go into the comments section basically demanding to make a character act wildly OOC then yeah, I don't see the point. Running characterization into the ground is objectively a bad idea for a story (unless it's AU and even then it would require extensive explanation given to justify), so I really can't imagine an author doing that on purpose.

If you have something against my opinions, just say so. Nowhere do I tell the author what to do, despite what you may want to believe. Perhaps you feel a need to play the white knight to make yourself look good to the author by seeking out people to "protect them from", though I wouldn't accuse you of it because I don't claim to know your thoughts or intentions. But please, continue to speak on how I'm a bad person who you need to silence if that's what you want.


When the first thing you say is, "Hey, Twilight is an absolute monster and should cage and interrogate him" then the implication is you are telling the author to have the character act a certain way (in this case by having Twilight be utterly OOC).

It's like when someone goes into the comments to say something like, "It'd sure be awesome if this character did a certain thing." Sure, that's not outright demanding something from the author (and I will take back my comment about you demanding, since that was too hyperbolic), but the implication is that's the way they want the story to go.

Oh and to be clear, I'm not being a "white knight" for anyone. I just really hate bad characterization. And what you said Twilight should do is absolutely bad characterization. So yes, in this situation I do have something against an opinion of yours, because, again, I don't like bad characterization.

Wow, I really like this story! I can’t wait to see where it goes! :)

Looking forward to more.

This chapter was great, I’m curious to see how Twilight will treat him.

woo this lives.

This has so much potential, I hope it continues. :twilightsmile:

welp it's been a full year with no updates so thumbs down given and removed from lists.

What's the point of thumbing it down? If its dead it doesn't matter what the ratings are.

Lovely, I hope there is more if not then glad to read what I did.

Tired of waiting. Thumbs down. Removal from my shelves.

I enjoyed this one enough to actually have it sit on favorites. :fluttershysad:



Both of these comments are incredibly rude, and childish. Y'all actin like saying 'no like cuz no update for awhile, thumb down' is gonna change anything. Not to mention the author has a life, they don't owe their entire existence to writing horse, or in this case, buggo, words. Does it suck there ain't been an update in several years? Yes, yes it does, but that doesn't mean you go about bein rude to people who took the time to put somethin on the site that took obvious time and effort. It sucks to see a good story you like die, I know that cuz I've been here (lurking without an account till I made one) since the site was born pretty much. It's alright to ask whats going on, or to check in an see if the author is okay.

However its just rude to go spouting 'removed from shelf, dislike, drrr'. I know likely neither of you will read this response, but do try to be less rude in the future if viable.

You are assuming I am expecting my comment to matter. I do not. None of it matters. It is by his grace alone that there is a comment section at all. I even used the section as intended! :pinkiegasp: It was a comment about the story; unlike these two comments which is all kinds of rude to multiple people (so sorry Listener for going off topic; I just felt compelled to set the record straight with the boy). I also do not expect him to start putting in the time because of the post; I am telling like it is. I'm done waiting on him. Get over yourself. I know I did; I barely remember this thing. I would read it but... I see I had thumbed it down. Nice and properly organized.

In fact as I wrote this I realized you have made a lot of assumptions. How rude! :rainbowlaugh:

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