• Published 16th Oct 2018
  • 8,521 Views, 104 Comments

A Tender Hearted Predator - Israel Yabuki

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Comments ( 43 )

Let's see. Yaks, diamond dogs, and reformed changlings. At least these are the ones that come to mind.

Well done my friend.

I didn’t finish reading it yet I’m on the sexual part I’m gonna save for home

That got pretty intense but I love it this was a good story

Just finished it awesome story man

thank you and you can thank my editor for helping out with the research on griffons.

after my editor and I rewrite Rainbow Dash's story, Zecora's next

Not to mention Kirins, the crystal ponies, the avians (i.e. Captain Celaeno), and the Sirens (for the EQG stories~)

Love the references to "Oliver & Company" and "Felidae"~

Oliver and Company:

“Oh t-this is heaven...!” you sighed looking up at the ceiling. Your pleasure was cut short however when you felt a sharp talon run down your leg. “Hey babe, if that was your idea of torture, chain me to the wall!” you let out a sultry growl.

Felidae (1994):

At that moment, Gilda’s mood unexpectedly changed and squawking loudly she kicked you off the bed. Since her toe claws have unsheathed during the excitement, you earned yourself a few new scratches on your chest.
“Ow! Did... Did I do something wrong?” you asked Gilda who was shivering from the feeling of you warm seed inside her.
“You kidding? This is probably the best sex I’ve ever had in my life! I just gave into my natural instincts for a moment that’s all,” she explained. She then lifted her leg up to her beak and began to groom herself. The behavior was so much like that of a cat.
“You know you could get pregnant, do you mind being a parent?” you asked as she started grooming her other leg.
“What are you stupid, pipsqueak? We’re already married, so I’m prepared to go all the way,” she assured before giving you a half-lidded look. “Why are you wasting time asking silly questions when there’s so much MORE we could be doing? Come and get it baby,” she urged laying down and patting her pussy.

Oh yeah, that chain me to the walls bit. I remember now, but I wasn't aware of the Falidae bit because I've never seen the movie, much less never even heard of it before

Seems a little too convenient, if you ask me~

Just my opinion, though~

NineTailBeastBall probably saw it, but I didn't

Hey after you do Zacora, do you think you can do a story for button mash mom. vy the way i enjoy all your story so far

Thanks, but Spitfire comes after Zecora

I watched the movie Felidae that was where my idea for the scene came from

I did not know that, good work, man

Well my my other one would be Lighting dust after spitfire, and I am calm with your story, so i am in no rush

I wonder whose next

once we get done with re-writing RD, we'll work on Zecora. Our biggest challenge

is it challenging because you have to make her rhyme?

Yeah, and my rhyming skills are rusty

you have my best of wishes mah man

Aand done reading all of current Waifu-series.
Decent job.

I was just going to ask if Zecora was going to get a fic of her own! XD

Also is there going to be a fic with Captain Celaeno?

Both Zecora and Captain Celaeno will get a turn soon

As Rainbow Dash would say. That is SO AWESOME!!:rainbowkiss:

So, it was Based on a Post WW2 martial arts in South Korea.

No I just chose it as a random martial arts.

Well, its actually real According to Wiki

Okay guys, listen up. After Songbird Serenade, NineTailBeastBall and I plan on doing a list of these other waifu stories involving Mayor Mare, Limestone Pie and Spitfire

Will you end up writing one with Gabby and, I don't know, a fighter pilot or a flyboard user?

Gabby will get her turn

Well that's one way to get a wife.

Who's the artist of the cover image?

I would also like to know that, so let me know if you get or already did get a response?

Good luck kissing that bird. I can't believe she didn't peck him and ripped his manhood.

My peen hurts bro, them beaks fucking hurt

Gilda best griffin

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