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Chapter 73.

Equinox POV

True to her word, Fluttershy took Ruby and I to the hospital after breakfast. They took some blood from us and performed a few tests on me that I didn't quite understand, but they found nothing wrong with me physically. Once we were done, Fluttershy gave me the option to return home before offering to show Ruby around Ponyville while buying some groceries. Constantly getting distracted by my eyes looking at Ruby, I proceeded to walk away. Some of the townsfolks waved at me, but I paid them no mind.

Passing by Sugarcube Corner, I saw through the window what looked like two other humans talking to Mrs. Cake. A blonde with long hair, wearing mostly light brown leather, black pants, a metal arm, and some kind of metal object on her other arm. The other one had long black hair, I think I saw cat ears, a white tail coat, black pants as well, and two strange looking swords. One almost looked like a giant cleaver with a long strap, the other looked like a giant key with lion designs on it. My head began to throb immediately after looking at that one, but there was something in my chest. Thinking it would be for the best, I continued towards Fluttershy's cottage.

My head didn't get any better, neither did that tightness growing in my chest. I was beginning to lose my balance on my way to my room, it was becoming difficult to breathe too. Whatever this was, I don't think it was tested by the doctors, so it had to be something they missed. Whatever I was doing as a result didn't go unnoticed by the animals here, Nightshade was quick to climb up on my shoulder and start licking my cheek as my vision began going dark. The only thing that went through my mind is that this is getting old.

Back with Ruby and Fluttershy (some time later)

"We should go to Sugar Cube Corner next, Pinkie may be energetic to say the least, but nopony will make you feel more welcome here than her." Fluttershy said to Ruby, smiling at the opportunity to introduce a new friend to who many would agree to be among the nicest in Ponyville.

"Sugar Cube Corner?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, they the Cakes sell the best desserts in Ponyville, and Pinkie is always eager to see everypony smiling when they're served such delicious treats!"

"Hey, Flutters!" A raspy voice called, the rainbow maned pegasus landing near them called out.

"Oh! Hi Rainbow Dash!" She greeted before turning to Ruby. "This is one of the friends I wanted you to meet. Rainbow, this is Ruby, Equinox found her in the Everfree yesterday." Ruby waved to her.

"The Everfree?! What was he doing there?" Rainbow asked in alarm.

"He was being led by some of the animals, finding her unconscious there." Fluttershy answered.

"Even I wouldn't be caught napping there. Equinox is okay in a fight, but survival isn't exactly something he's good at." Rainbow commented.

"I could handle myself, it would take more than a few wooden wolves to take me down!" Ruby claimed, the other two unaware of her experience.

"Uh huh? Yeah, I'm sure he had to drag you out!" Dash didn't believe her. Ruby responded by using her Semblance to fly around Rainbow, causing her to recoil backwards and fall on the ground.

"I can fight, believe or not." Ruby reached her hand out to help Rainbow up, which she accepted.

"Ruby, that wasn't necessary." Fluttershy said in a disappointed tone.

"Yeah... I'm sorry." Ruby apologized to Rainbow.

"It-it's fine. So do you and Equinox know each other?" Rainbow asked as they continued towards Sugar Cube Corner.

"I thought I did, but I guess not. We met yesterday." Ruby answered.

"Thought you knew him?"

"He looked so much like someone else that I kind of... Tackle-hugged him immediately." Ruby said, slightly embarrassed to make that mistake.

"Your coltfriend? Rarity would definitely want to hear about it." Rainbow commented. Ruby rapidly shook her head, a light blush on her cheeks.

"Nonononono!!! It's not like that! Well, maybe I liked him before he hit it off with my teammate, but he's like family to me! I couldn't do that to either of them!"

"So where were you two going anyway?" Rainbow asked them.

"Sugar Cube Corner, I'm actually surprised Pinkie hasn't introduced herself yet. Her Pinkie Sense usually has her on top of ponies entering town for the first time, especially if they're staying for some time." Fluttershy said.

"I think she's got it covered, I saw two other humans go in not long ago. No idea what those metal things they're carrying are, but if they wanted trouble, I'm sure Pinkie could handle it." Rainbow said, Ruby grabbed her shoulders in response.

"Wait!!! Two??!! Did one have a metal arm??!!" Ruby asked as if she needed to know.

"Y-ye-wait?! Her arm is-" Ruby immediately bolted off using her Semblance. "-metal?..."

(after Equinox's departure, at Sugar Cube Corner)

"I'm sorry, dear. I'm afraid I haven't seen your coltfriend ever." Mrs. Cake answered Blake after seeing a photo of him unmasked with the team. "I know of somepony who resembles him, but they can't be the same." Blake's ears perked up at that.

"'Resembles him'?" Yang asked.

"Well there's another human who's been with us for a little while now. Different hair color, one of his eyes is a different color, and a scar just like that one, but I doubt their the same pony." The mare clarified.

"What makes you say that?" Blake asked.

"The poor colt has no memories, he never smiles, and everypony calls him Equinox. He's currently in the care of Fluttershy right now, she's probably the only other pony I'd trust with a pony in his condition besides Nurse Redheart or any of her coworkers. Though I doubt you'll get anything from him."

"What'd you say his eye color was?"

"Oh, I've only met him maybe twice? Was his other eye white? Gray maybe? I'm sorry, I c-"


"Oh! The cupcakes are done! Just one moment!" The mare went back in the kitchen to pull out another batch of sweets.

"What do you think? Hair color aside, we have a match." Yang asked Blake.

"I'm thinking we should see for ourselves, though what she said concerns me..." Blake answered.

"You mean his memory?" Blake's grip on the photo tightened as she placed her head into her other hand.

"If it's him, he doesn't... He doesn't even remember the people he's openly said were family to him. How am I supposed to handle that I might mean nothing to the person I professed to?!" Yang placed a hand on her shoulder as she started shaking.

"We'll find him. If he was right about how his weapon worked, he's around somewhere, we just need to keep looking. Besides,-" Yang turned around and leaned back against the counter. "we need to find Ruby and Weiss first." She took note of the townsfolk, how they looked at the two of them and how they almost looked like they were trying to keep their distance.

"Alright, dears! First one is on the house, take your pick." Mrs. Cake returned with a variety of fresh cupcakes. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you anything that would actually help, but I hope this helps lift your spirits a little."

"You don't ha-" Blake tried to respond.

"No, but I wanted to." She interrupted.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Yang asked baker.

"Sure, what do you want to know?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Is it just me, or is this town not exactly used to strangers?"

"I don't think it's one or the other. I think they might just be weary because of what happened with the last human to come here."

"Why, what happened?" Blake asked, Mrs. Cake took on an angry look.

"For starters, the little colt had quite the mouth. He hid his face behind a mask, he was rude, beyond disrespectful, pushed everypony away, and he would frequently use foul language, even to Princess Celestia! And that was him being civil! Then creatures nopony had even heard of before he arrived, called 'Heartless', attacked the town not even a week after he arrived, creatures he claimed only he was equipped to fight."

"Some think he brought them here?" Yang asked.

"That's right, and during that attack, he just up and murdered a pony! Right in front of everypony at the town hall, including the Princesses! Poor Filthy Rich hasn't been the same since that colt murdered his wife. That whorse, Spoiled Rich may have sacrificed their own daughter to save herself and save money, but she still should've stood trial!" The baker's expression turned sympathetic. "Filthy Rich was a good stallion, too good for Spoiled, but work often took up most of his time. His daughter was a bully, likely got it from her mother, but she was still just a filly. She didn't deserve to be betrayed like that."

"I can't imagine what that's like." Blake commented. "We're sorry for ruining the mood, but thank you for your help!"

"Any time, dears!" Mrs. Cake responded before they turned to leave. Remembering a few seconds later that they didn't take a cupcake when she offered. She decided to leave it for now as they'd have another chance later once Pinkie gets everything set up.

(With Yang and Blake)

"I think he mentioned something like that before, the incident she was talking about." Blake said.

"Yeah, would probably be a good idea not to mention him. Though that could work against us." Yang commented. Blake nodded in agreement before realization dawned on her face.

"We forgot to ask about how to reach this 'Fluttershy's' home when she mentioned her." Blake was ready to go back into the bakery.

"Well, we're Huntresses, right? Small town like this shouldn't be a problem. Besides, she made her sound like she was well known around here, somebody should be able to point us- WOAH!" A red blur interrupted Yang by tackle-hugging her to the ground.

"I finally found you, sis! And Blake too!" Ruby said with joy as she got off Yang to hug her as well.

"Ruby?! Where did-" Yang tried to ask.

"No time! You need to see this!" Ruby used her Semblance on the three of them and took them away.

Equinox POV

That tightness in my chest stopped a little while ago, whatever it was, it's gone for now. My head is still throbbing, but it's nothing I'm not used to. I don't know why, but my thoughts drifted back to what Shining Armor said when I woke up after almost dying to Abbadon, that I should train even if I don't get an instructor. I don't exactly know what he means, rather, how or what I should train on.

I exited the cottage and went back to the clearing near where I found Ruby. The only things I can think of to train are my reflexes and accuracy, but I didn't think to grab anything that I could use for those, but I do still have that magic I've used several times in the past, but it's been ice so far. After I felt my hand tingling, lightning dancing around it, I made sure there wasn't anything nearby to interrupt before trying to throw it at one of the trees. There weren't immediate results, but pillars of lightning erupted from where it hit before they shocked everything in about ten meters.

I continued trying out everything with what little resources I had at this moment. The lightning versions of Silence and Squall look to "mark" everything in range of impact, then electrocute everything marked if in range, while the fire versions of them will cause light burns, then detonate the ones in range. I did have to use the ice version of Silence more than a few times to prevent a forest fire, but I think I'm getting a better understanding of how to use them.

Ice makes good cover and can interrupt, or out right stop the fighting, all the while adding things the enemy should avoid.
Lightning seems to be good for turning enemies into hazards themselves.
Fire would probably be a mix of both.

After testing these for a while, I sat against a tree and summoned Thorn and Lumina. I can't figure out what makes Lumina special, but Thorn seems to do just fine for damage. I shot Thorn at the ground to get a better look at the projectile, it wouldn't be a very good weapon, it doesn't really have a grip.

"There you are!" I looked to my left as I heard Ruby's voice. "We looked everywhere for you!" She said as she approached.

"I don't see why I wouldn't be where you could find me. Also, 'we'? Do you mean Fluttershy?" I asked her, my answer came in the form of two other humans stepping out of the bushes.

"Warn us next ti-..." The blonde one trailed off. "You look almost exactly like him." She slowly commented. The black haired one slowly stepped forward, her ears down, I can't really figure out her expression.

"Cassiel?" She knelt in front of me. "Please?! Tell me it's you??!!" Pleading with me as she placed her hands on my shoulders.


"Blake?" I said without thinking. Immediately after, my head began to throb harder than it did all the other times. I clutched my head as she pulled me close to her, I couldn't make out what any of them were saying, but they seemed... frantic? I don't know. I wasn't fainting again, but the pain felt like it should have caused me to.

Now what is this feeling in my chest?

Author's Note:

Yes, Blake and Yang are wearing their S4-6 outfits, I thought those were their best so far.

As for the photo. Imagine a scene like what team STRQ had, but Ruby is in her pose from the end of the Red trailer. Weiss is holding Myrtenaster gently with one hand near the end of the blade pointing at an upward, tilted angle. Blake is turned slightly to the right (of the camera) holding both halves of Gambol Shroud an a regular and reverse grip. Yang has her fists against each other. Finally, Cassiel is sitting without his mask between Weiss and Blake, Nightfall and Dawn in each hand in their default forms, and Lionheart is stabbed into the ground slightly to the left in front of him.

Sorry for the long delay, when it wasn't difficulty putting what I wanted on here, it was me working, or gaming. Seriously, I went back on this chapter 32 times before posting, every other one was 5-10, partially because most of that work was already done by someone else (the worlds visited and episodes specifically).

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