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Chapter 12

Cassiel POV

I was released from the hospital the next day and had been free to do whatever for the next two. In that time Raven, or as the guard and princesses know her Nevermore has officially been assigned to me, I heard a nurse whispering about a party for me, I've been called a monster among other things when they thought I couldn't hear them, I heard about a funeral for Diamond and Spoiled, and that's about it. It was a boring couple of days waiting for my injuries to heal. I hit that wall or landed harder than I thought so I had back injuries as well as ribs.

Nevermore was assigned as my combat instructor/ protector as well as made one of the big shots in the town guard, she decided to hold off my training for until the second day, but she did teach me to use the Dark Corridors when no one was looking. Apparently they can open up to of course the Realm of Darkness, but they can also lead to a sort of 'Shadow Realm' of the world allowing you to see and hear everything without fear of detection. She also told me they can lead to other worlds that she has no influence over, but she never had enough interest in other worlds. I'm assuming that her lack of influence also means that each world has Divinity bound to it.

When I was released from the hospital though my reception left much to be desired. Apparently these ponies don't take to kindly to people releasing hearts, or killing them as they see it. Completely ignore the fact that it was an abusive, money grubbing bitch for a mother who knowingly and willingly put her own daughter in a position to be killed. Completely ignore the fact that I just saved their worthless lives. No, they're going to focus on what they interpret as murder, murder that even the guard and princesses did nothing about. I'll be sure to remember that the next time I meet a real murderer or their town is being threatened by Heartless, ungrateful pieces of shit!

I've been hearing monster, murderer, freak, and other things everywhere I go. One even tried to jump me, he got an arm broken in 5 places. Pinkie isn't acting any less annoying (though I can see the reluctance in her eyes), Rainbow is constantly spying on me, Twilight I hear is trying to find information on what I did and how as well as convince Celestia I need to be punished, Rarity and Applejack avoid me and get their sisters to as well (thank you), and Fluttershy can't even make eye contact. Fucking ridiculous.

I opened a door to the Shadow Realm when no one was around, school had ended and I doubted Fluttershy or anyone would really care if I disappeared for a few hours to go meet Nevermore at the old castle. She decided that would be our training area until she believes I'm ready for the Realm of Darkness. While I would be safe in her presence the Heartless are much stronger there while I'm supposed to be weaker, though she doubts I would feel weaker because of my 'alignment' to the dark. For the time being though she wants to teach me how to use light so I can better counteract whatever my darkness might be doing to me.

Arriving at the castle the first thing to greet me was her. She gestured for me to follow her and we went back to where I got my ass handed to me on my first night. She summoned her own keyblade. The blade was black, the teeth (or whatever it's called) made the outline of a heart, the guard was red, it didn't have a chain, and it's hilt was a dark purple. I heard a voice in my head that I had heard multiple times already. Though something was different about it.

The Keyblade of Hearts?

Nevermore turned around to face me then pointed her keyblade at a wall as she removed her disguise.

"Light back in the days of old had mostly been used for transportation, healing, and purification. There was a time when Heartless weren't even a thought, until I unleashed them upon this world with Faust reluctantly agreeing it would be better for the world in the long run. Light was then used to purge the darkness. You have already learned a simple healing spell and purged a few Heartless. You are now going to try to open a portal like so." She demonstrated opening the portal.

"If you're the Goddess of Darkness then how can you use light?" I asked as I summoned Nightfall.

"Any with a keyblade should have the power to use it regardless of their alignment. Keyblades are forged from varying amounts of light and dark, never completely one or the other, it should stand to reason this would be possible. Though because I am Darkness I can't use light unless it's from the keyblade, the same applies to Faust and darkness." She explained.

"Alright, now to the task at hand. How exactly do I open these portals?" I asked.

"Why that's simple, 'may your heart be your guiding key'." She responded with that kind of smile that screams 'you're going to be at this for a while'.



"Okay, so I'm going to need a little more to go on than something you'd hear out of a Disney movie." I said plainly.

"Disney movie?" She asked confused.

"Nothing. Old world thing." I said shaking my head.

"Either way, that is all the help you'll be getting from me during this session." She said as she created a chair and conjured a book to read. I just gave her a look like 'are you fucking serious' for a minute before starting.'May your heart be your guiding key' huh? Talk about vague.

'So any ideas Nightfall? Dawn?' I mentally asked my keyblades. I didn't get a response, I thought it was worth a try though considering the number of times I heard voices from out of nowhere. I spent at least the next hour trying to open the portal with no progress. Why do I get the feeling this is so stupidly obvious that I'm literally looking at the answer?

"The answer to what you're missing has already been said." Raven said loud enough to be heard as she set her book down and started walking to me from behind.

"And yet we're still stuck here." I said as she wrapped her arms around me causing me to tense up for a second before relaxing.

"Let me ask you something Cassiel. Where do you want to be the most right now? Doesn't even have to be a place you remember." She said softly into my ear. I thought about what she said for a moment. I want a place where I'm wanted, a place where I can enjoy living, a place I can remove my mask and not have to worry about the ignorance of others, a place I would be glad to call home. I lifted the keyblade at the wall with one final thought.

I want a place where I can learn to move on. I felt something going down my face as light shot foward from Nightfall and finally a portal was made.

"Now, to see where it is your heart wants to be." Raven said turning back to Nevermore as she pushed me forward. I touched the portal and just as quickly pulled my hand back before walking through it.

Even I'm curious to see where my heart wants to go.

Author's Note:

I don't remember much being mentioned about the DTDs in the games. The 'Shadow Realm' only became a thing in this story because of how everyone used them. Unless they were watching and listening from out of sight they always appeared at just the right moments and sometimes with appropriate responses to what the characters said before they even made their presence known. As if they were there without being there physically like when you first see Marluxia in KH3, everytime the Organization interrupted you, or when Xemnas introduced himself in KH2.

The timings and responses sometimes were so perfect they had to be around already before they appeared.

So where should the portal lead? Answer will determine the future of the story.
Fluttershy's home?
Canterlot Castle?

Also who can guess why Raven got the KOH instead of Oblivion, Gazing Eye, or some other dark keyblade?

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