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Chapter 28.

Cassiel POV

So that lady was less than pleased. Apparently it was a bad idea for us to get involved, which is why we're in an interrogation room, but I wasn't really listening. I heard a loud smack on the table and saw a silver haired man in a black and green suit carrying a plate of cookies. He knew the girl's name, Ruby Rose. He commented on her having silver eyes, then asked her where she learned to use "one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed", apparently she has a much better uncle than me. Though I have to ask where the cameras were that caught the footage when several camera angles did not exist since there weren't any in those specific locations at those times. Well I've already seen bullshit weapons and magic, the angles might be possible.

Moving on, Ruby is training to become a Huntress, a monster slayer basically, a family thing to her it sounds like. The man asked her if she knew who he was, Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy, the school Ruby intends to apply to after her final two years at Signal Academy. He asked her if she wanted to come to his school, and she said yes. Fastest. Grade skip. And application. Ever.

"Now onto you, Mr...." Ozpin said to me.

"Cassiel?" I asked.

"You have also displayed a few... Techniques that caught my attention. Where did you learn to fight like this?" He asked as he played what little footage he had of me.

"Self taught for the most part. The only thing you saw that I didn't learn myself was when I quickly closed the distance between me and the criminals."

"And who taught you that?"

"Someone who uses a similar weapon to mine."

"A strange weapon, one I've never seen before. What is it?" Why does everyone want to know?

"A keyblade." Now comes the part where I lie. "A symbolic weapon, you wouldn't understand even if I explained it."

"Now this part here is something else that caught my attention." Footage played of me falling out of the aircraft with that shard of molten glass in my shoulder. "You can fight like this, but you didn't use your aura to protect or heal yourself, yet, you still somehow healed yourself with something else unknown to me. Why and how?"

"Don't know what aura is, and magic? The same thing the lady behind you used during the fight?" I answered, his eyes shot open a little.

"That was her Semblance, there is no such thing as magic, and you mean to tell me aura and Semblance aren't known to you? Your teacher never taught you how to awaken your aura, and they're training you to be a Huntsman I'm assuming?" I'll just play along.

"Yes, whatever aura or a Semblance is, I've never needed it. I'm sure I could hold my own against Ruby just fine." I'm being serious about that. Silence hung for a few seconds.

"Ms. Goodwitch, would you kindly awaken Cassiel's aura?" He asked the lady. She came to the other side of the table and placed her hand on my shoulder. She glowed for a few seconds, I did too a few seconds later. I felt... Lighter to put it simply.

"Now onto the next matter. You have no scroll, no identity, and it's clear you've never attended a Huntsman academy, but as I hate the idea of wasted potential, I'm willing to let those slide. I can offer you a place at Beacon, and we'll continue from there. Sound fair?" He offered. Seems a little too sudden, convenient, and just as quickly did he give me reason to not trust him. I do however want to see where this goes.

"Screw it. Why not." I accepted.

"I'll take that as a yes."

The next day, I was on an airship to Beacon. Ruby's off with some girl who's giving off the "big sister" vibes, and I'm watching the news. "Roman Torchwick" was that man's name, then it moved on to a Demi Human- I mean Faunus Civil Rights protest was disrupted by a group called the "White Fang".

"Humans truly are pathetic creatures." I said quietly, clenching my fist and thinking of Raphtalia and the others.

Before the news could continue, Goodwitch appeared on the projection to welcome everyone. Upon landing, Ruby's sister, Yang basically ditched her. After a small accident, Ruby was getting yelled at by who I shall call "Ice Queen". Apparently Dust isn't drugs. It is however explosive as I discovered as Ruby sneezed, burning, freezing, and electrocuting her. I ignored one Dust bottle flying away and got involved because this looked fun, and because her bitching was annoying me.

"Ruby, we are going to get along just fine!" I turned to Ice Queen. "Are ya done? I've heard more bitching in the past minute than I have in the past week! Actually you remind me of a certain Bitch I know, Ice Queen."

"It's heiress, actually." A new voice said. We turned to a girl almost dressed like a maid, yellow eyes, a black bow on her head, and black hair going past her shoulders. "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world."

"Finally, some recognition!" Ice Queen said, pleased.

"The same company infamous for it's controversial labor forces and questionable business partners." The new girl continued. Ice Queen stuttered and stomped off, Ruby giggled, and I looked at her with the straightest face I could muster that she couldn't see.

"I like you already!" I said while laughing, I couldn't keep the straight face. Her lips twitched a little, but otherwise looked at me unamused before leaving. "Well, later Ruby." I left Ruby too, but didn't follow the other girl. I'll see her again soon, I'm sure of that.


So Ozpin pulled me to the side after I pulled Lionheart out of my locker. He went on to inform me that everyone who passes the entrance exam will be split in teams of 4, but given my circumstances, I may be an unofficial member of a team. I'll still be required to take the exam, but not in the traditional sense. He wants proof of my skill, so my objective is basically kill monsters while I'm being recorded by a camera strapped on to my head, rendezvous with others is optional. Truth be told, I think it's a load of bull shit comihg from him, but if he wants a show, he'll get one.

Now at Beacon Cliff, Ozpin is giving a speech while I'm looking through my scroll for information regarding Grimm. Basically they're this world's variation of Heartless, attracted by negative emotions, they kill almost anything, and I'm basically a magnet. There's only 3 so far I'd consider a threat. I'm still listening, everyone else has the objective of finding relics at a temple and returning to the cliff. Everyone will be grouped by who they see first. In that case, I'm going to cheat using the SR. From left to right, everyone was catapulted. I used the wingblades to ensure I landed near that one girl, they said "use your own landing strategy", and that's what I'm doing.

I entered the SR after landing a short distance from her, after I saw her, I skipped on ahead using the wingblades and found the temple Ozpin spoke of. I exited the SR and just waited for a few minutes. Eventually Grimm came as expected, plenty of them, all small fry.

"Now time to see what this can really do." I prepared a shotlock and channelled darkness through Dawn, almost 3 dozen were wiped out by swirling blades of darkness being launched at them. I flew up and airstepped to a Beowolf, slamming it's head into the ground and jumping off of it.

"Magnet." Several were pulled together, and I airstepped past them with Lionheart held out to collide with them, quickly cutting them in half, the one I airstepped to was stabbed through the head. Three leaped at me from behind.

"Fire." I used the self surround version to deal with them.

"Thundara." I cleared out a large group of them. I decided to officially bring Dawn and Nightfall into this now that bigger prey is finding it's way here. Finally, a Deathstalker.

"You know, it's a shame. Scorpions are one of my favorites." It charged it's way through all the smaller Grimm, killing them for me as it charged. "And you are my favorite soon to be dead monster." I airstepped between several Grimm in the clearing, luring it to me as I cleaved through everything along the way. After a while all the small fry started backing away. Even the Deathstalker held off for a moment. Taking the hint, I threw Dawn as a shuriken behind me and something dropped behind me. Snake Grimm, what ever they were called if the two heads beside me are anything to go by. I airstepped to the Deathstalker, but the armor was too thick. Seeing a Beowolf jump at me, I flew up, put away Lionheart, and shot down with the bow version of Nightfall, killing both. Apparently the real keyblade cuts through these things like butter. After flying back to the ruins for a breather, I continued firing at the Grimm.

Ozpin POV.

"Our last pair has been formed, sir." Ms. Goodwitch informed me. "Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren. Poor boy. I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Ms. Nikos." She commented.

"Hmmm." Was my only response.

"I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat. I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should meet with Cassiel at the temple within just a few minutes. That boy is handling himself quite well if I do say so myself, though I'm disturbed by all the Grimm he's attracting. I've only ever heard of hordes like this when a significant number of people were angry, fearful, or anything of the sort."

"It's something to take note of for certain, perhaps a positive group might help him?" I said.

"I was thinking the same thing. Another thing though, he's not using Dust or aura, how is he even doing half of what he's done so far? Especially since he hasn't had access to his aura for very long!"

"I can't say I know. Though I can say I think I made the right choice enrolling him here." I said, switching the camera view to Ms. Rose and Ms. Schnee.

"I suppose you're right on that part. By the way, what did you use as relics this year?"


"Professor Ozpin?"


Cassiel POV

"Fuck it!" 4 Nevermores, 7 Deathstalkers, and DOZENS of small fry. "Nuke everything!" I flew up, out of reach.

"As the Cursebearer, source of thy power, I order thee. Heed the Raven's Call and rain Death upon my enemies. Let not Blood nor Bone nor Ash remain. Aby-"

"Heeeyyy!" A voice interrupted from below. I looked down to see Yang and the one girl together, both jumped down from the cliff.

"Abyssal Cataclysm!" (Remember what happened to Glass? I don't feel like retyping or copying and pasting, deal with the abreviation). All the Grimm were either crushed, smashed, incinerated, buried, or all of the above. I landed, breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Yang asked as she and the other girl ran to me.

"*huff**huff* I'm fine. I think I'm going to sit down for a minute." I answered.

"What was that just now?" The still unnamed girl asked. I'll just call her Black until further notice.

"Funny enough, *huff* I don't have an answer for that. Just get your relics and go, I think I've killed enough for one day." They walked over to the relics, chess pieces actually.

"Hmmm... How about a cute little pony?" Yang asked Black.

'Oh God, they're here too???' I thought until I realized Yang was referring to the knight piece.

"Sure." Black responded, smiling.

"That wasn't too hard."

"Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find."


*distant, girlish screaming*

"Some girl's in trouble! Blake, did you hear that?" So that's her name then. I was close. "What should we do?"

"Well usually the smart decision would be to run anywhere but towards it, but in this profession, it's kind of required to do the opposite. Just saying." I commented.

"Heads up!" Ruby shouted from above, and got hit out of the air by Vomit Boy.

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asked Yang.


*growling, crashing, trees falling*

Two more people rode in on an Ursa, the girl did anyway. The other guy I'm guessing had to run to keep up. The girl... Let's just say I don't want to be around when she consumes sugar or caffeine. Is that even a thing for sugar?

"Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" Blake asked Yang again.

*more growling, crashing, and trees falling*

Another new arrival, with a Deathstalker. I summoned the scythe version of Nightfall and charged a shotlock with light.

Everyone said each others names, Yang is getting noticeably angry.

"Did she just run all the way here with a Deathstalker on her tail?" Blake asked.

"YES!!!" I shouted before unleashing it. I swung the scythe downward and a giant sickle of light launched right past the girl in question and cleaved the Deathstalker, and every object hit by it in the next 50 meters or so in two. "I'm done for the day." I desummoned Nightfall, and immediately after, there was another Deathstalker chasing her. Just out of range. I looked at the others and saw them look up one after another from what I did to whatever is above us.

'I swear to Raven, if that's another Nevermore, I'm nuking this place again.' I looked up and saw Ice Queen hitching a ride on a Nevermore's talon. 'Actually, I don't have the magic right now, I think I'm going to sit this one out.'

So a few things happened. Ice Queen fell with Vomit Boy, the one being chased by a Deathstalker got sent flying to us, Ruby almost got herself killed (capes are a bad idea), Ice Queen saved her, and the Grimm chased everyone (including me) after they all got their pieces to some more ruins.

(Call it laziness, but I'm not typing this fight. Cassiel is sitting it out, I'm assuming you've seen it, and I would embed it, but I get the feeling that's a bad idea, so we're skipping it!)

So they can work together. Took them long enough though. I may be better equipped, but they have had years of training with tools and powers that Earth would cause genocide after genocide to have.

That night.

Ozpin is carrying out a ceremony for everyone who passed. I already don't like team CRDL, team JNPR has only two competent individuals, and RWBY is probably the least chaotic, surprisingly enough.

"Now I will announce the extra students to each team. Some of you may have heard of different entrance exams. That is true, some were tested on skill and efficiency alone. Only one passed this year. Cassiel, you will be paired with team RWBY." He said, the auditorium clapping. "I expect great things from you. I trust you won't disappoint."

"I don't even make promises I can keep. Don't expect anything from anyone, and you will never be disappointed unless they underperform." I said.

"Hmph." Was his response.

I guess I'm going to another school for now.

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