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Chapter 14

Author's Note:

Line for line of the dubbed version while shortened to avoid a long chapter with the inclusion of a certain sociopath(?). Minus punctuation, captions wasn't available on the site I was watching it on. Yes, I was rewatching the show as I was writing this.

Cassiel POV

Walking out of the alley way I saw people gathering around talking about whoever these Cardinal Heroes were. I was very tempted to start wreaking havoc having seen they were all human, but I remembered my demand to God and the choice of words I used regarding humans and chose not to. Listening to everything around me I learned this world is under threat from these "Waves of Catastrophe" and these heroes were summoned to fight them off. Since the likelihood of anything important happening on the first day was low I took this time to find a library and skim through this country's history. Unfortunately the language wasn't known to me, fortunately something happened to allow me to read them in English. So I skimmed through it and really only focused on recent history.

After several hours I found an inn and paid for a room and food. The man questioned the gold as it was too much and the design was different, but he took it after confirming it was real and offered a fresh meal tomorrow, fit for a king he said. I still slept in the Shadow Realm to better avoid unwanted visitors. Morning came and I quickly finished the food promised to me before I made my way to the castle. I figured it was a fast way to get stronger and safer to practice the other forms of these weapons. After entering the castle with no one knowing of my existence I found the throne room, it was relatively crowded, though I should've expected that. The four heroes were going on about parties and how unfortunate the Shield Hero, or Naofumi as someone called him, had no one willing to pair up with him. That is until one of the Spear Hero's companions volunteered, I don't know why, but she's giving off that "mega bitch" vibe.

"Ah well, so be it. It appears we will have to take other measures then. Master Naofumi, you will have to recruit for your party yourself." King Aultcray said.

"Oh, right." Responded Naofumi. I decided now to step in.

"If I may, I think I'll join with him as well for the time being." I said exiting the Shadow Realm. Almost immediately after did I get more spears to my face.

"What is the meaning of this??!! Who are you and how did you get in here?" Aultcray shouted across the room.

"In order: I just answered the first question, my name is Cassiel, and you just saw me exit a black abyss. You tell me how I got here." I answered getting a growl from one of the guards.

"You expect us to believe that's it? Some cloaked man wearing a mask just comes into-" He stopped once I removed my mask.

"I'm not cleaning this mess." I said as blood dropped from my face and mask onto the carpet. I put the mask back on as I walked to Naofumi. "I can think of a lot of uses for a shield, I trust you'll be able to do your part and more." I said as I got close.

"Moving on then. Every month we shall provide the Heroes with the funds they require. This one time however Master Naofumi's payment will be higher than the others. Here are your initial war chests, accept them with our thanks." Aultcray said.

"The Shield Hero receives 800 silver coins while the rest of you receive 600 silver." The man next to Aultcray said.

"Procure all necessary equipment and set forth." Aultcray ordered, to which the Heroes responded with 'sir'.

A trip to the blacksmith revealed a friendly little rule about the Shield. No weapons, though I wondered if that applied to other shields, a question for later I suppose. Naofumi spent 120 silver, a nice dent in his wallet. Bitch suggested we go to battle some monsters in the fields outside the city. Nothing but balloon monsters out here. She just hid by a tree as we did all the work. Naofumi was doing it the hard way. He feels no pain when they bite him, but would rather beat them to death than keep them occupied and let me do it. Small, airborne targets like these though made my bow and shuriken transformations almost useless so I used the twinblade transformation of Dawn, I'll stick with one of the big weapons until I'm confident in my ability to use two.

Before we officially called it a day we made one last trip to the blacksmith.

"Gear for the lady hm? You'll certainly be much stronger decked out with good equipment." The blacksmith said.

"Right?" Bitch said as she lifted a sword and turned at him.

"This might get expensive, so I suppose I should start haggling now." Naofumi said.

"Really? Seems our Hero fancies himself a comedian." The smith replied.

"80% off." Naofumi said. I snapped my head to him.

'Are you fucking retarded?' I thought.

"20 extra!" The smith responded like he was insulted. They're about to argue aren't they?

"Why is it going up? 89% off!" Yup.

"Anyone who tries to haggle before even seeing the goods deserves to pay double!" He slammed his fist on the counter.

"Yeah yeah 90% off!"

"Grr 29% more!"

"Stop raising it! 100% off!" This is my life now. Surrounded by idiots everywhere I go. Not Raven though, I think I like her, and I can't remember the last time I felt good about anyone.

"Then I'm just giving it away!"

"Free works for me!" Naofumi said as the bitch put everything she wanted on the counter. "So how much is all that at 60% off?" He asked.

"480 silver with a discount. That's the best I can offer." The man responded.

"That'll leave us with 200 silver. Uhh hey Myne, do you mind downgrading just a bit? I'm not sure how much inns and other expenses cost yet." Naofumi said.

"Oh we'll be fine sir hero. The stronger I am, the more loot we can collect from monsters right? This will keep us going." She said hugging his arm. She still has yet to say his name once.

"Yeah, fine, whatever you say my lady. Alright shop keeper, we'll take all these!" Naofumi you idiot.

"Thanks a ton young hero! Gotta say, you've a real nose for good deals." He said happily.

"Thank you sir hero."

Not much else happened, though I did stay behind to ask something. I pulled out my bag of bits and dropped them on the table and summoned Dawn in it's base form.

"I want a weapon I can rely on incase I can't use this. That is all real gold in that bag. How much would it cost for you to make the best weapon you can with a similar shape and size to this?" He pulled out a small magnifying glass to inspect it and a green light came from it.

"My appraisal magic isn't telling me anything, materials, refinement, exact size and length, enchantments, weapon type, nothing. It's like this thing doesn't technically exist." He said shocked.

"All I can tell you about this weapon is it's called a keyblade, true keyblades are made from varying degrees of light and dark, and like the Hero Weapons these choose the wielder as well." I told him as he continued to inspect it.

"So that's probably why then. Tell you what, I'll give you a 40% discount both for being in Naofumi's party and showing me a never before seen weapon. 6 gold and you'll have a weapon that can hold it's own against any of the Hero Weapons, though when I can get the materials to get this done is another matter entirely." He offered.

"Don't worry about the time, I'm in no rush. Though it's also possible I won't be back for it. Until later then." I said handing him the 6 bits and following the others.

We went to an inn, the food was good I'll give it that. I sat away from the others though, barely able to hear anything they said. I'm just growing more and more paranoid about the bitch. 100 silver for Naofumi, almost 5X that for her, practically insists he drink the wine, and still has yet to even say his name. This is a robbery and a false accusation or two just waiting to happen. Though I won't be around to suffer through it, the robbery anyway considering the bag of gold I have that would make up for it, the accusation, well I'll deal with that later.

Naofumi went up before either of us. I left the building to explore the city in the Shadow Realm for a little while before I returned. Morning came and I was awoken by ruckus outside the room. Naofumi going on about being robbed and trying to wake up the bitch. I was still in the Shadow Realm so I just watched everything unfold as he was forcefully taken to the castle as per Aultcray's demand for him specifically. I followed them to the throne room and my suspicions were true after all.

"Ow geez, the hell is going on here?" He looked up to the bitch and everyone else. "Myne! Hey are you okay?" He asked as she moved to hide behind Motoyasu who was wearing Naofumi's chainmail. "Yo king, while I was sleeping all the money and equipment was stolen from my room. Please sir, find the thief and-"

"Silence you filth!" Aultcray shouted. Naofumi said something, but I couldn't hear it. "Myne, I'm sorry to ask my dear, but would you mind repeating your testimony for us again?" He asked her. She told her testimony of how Naofumi barged into her room, reeking of alcohol, pinned her down, and tore off her clothes. How she barely managed to escape and was saved by Motoyasu who she convinced to wait until morning. They went back and forth a bit until Naofumi demanded proof and a guard came forth to present the 'proof'.

"You animal!" Motoyasu called him.

"The proof is undenieable." Aultcray declared.

"How so? That thing wasn't there when I woke up!" Naofumi claimed. Once again I just had to step in.

"Really? If you're going to lie and accuse someone of something like this Myne bitch at least make it ironclad." I was immediately threatened with spears again.

"How dare you int-" a guard started.

"I'm in his party so I'm involved as well. I'm not interrupting anything but you." I said as I walked past the guards to Naofumi.

"He's guilty, what more proof do you want?" Motoyasu asked.

"Let me tear down this so called 'trial'. Let's start with the testimony. Naofumi sexually assaulted Myne in his drunken state and tore off her clothes. She barely managed to escape and met with you who she convinced to leave her would be rapist alone. Examine Naofumi's scent and tell me about all the alcohol you don't smell. Next, I would've expected a lot of screaming if she was being attacked, why were you the only one to respond in a pub full of people who would've happily killed him?"

"The evidence is right there!" Motoyasu pointed to the undergarment.

"Moving on, for clothes she claims were and I quote 'torn off of her', it looks more like it was cut, something impossible for the Shield taking into account the rule violation. Now a few questions of logic. Naofumi woke up in his room, his money and gear stolen. Do you mean to tell me he in his drunken state which would be impossible with all the alchohol that never touched his lips that he sleepwalked out of Myne's room with the clothing he tore off, locked the door, entered his room, locked it, and continued to sleep in his bed? I doubt that. Especially since none of the guards who retrieved him ever entered his room, so how could they have retrieved evidence from a location they never went to?" I questioned the validity of the testimony and evidence.

"He was drunk, it was more than possible." Claimed Itsuki.

"And what I said is just as possible. I can testify that he never drank any alchohol so that alone puts a huge dent in her testimony. And it seems no one wants to confirm the validity of my testimony for Naofumi."

"A woman was attacked and you would defend him? You're no better it seems." Ren said. I was really expecting him to consider my words, though he is hard to read so it's possible he's on our side or still choosing.

"Let's be real here. In a country like Melromarc, would anyone have cared if Motoyasu ignored Myne and brutally murdered Naofumi after that? The answer is no, he would've been praised for it. He would have dealt swift justice to the Traitor of the Shield and the most 'useless' of the 4 would be gone for good. Everyone wins, except had he ignored her he would've found Naofumi wasn't even there. And trust me Ren, I can be so much worse, try me, I dare you to gaze into the abyss that used to be my heart!" I said.

"Enough!" Aultcray shouted.

"I'm not finished! Next comes the matter of the approximate 200 silver and the chainmail Motoyasu is wearing."

"Myne gave this to me as a gift for saving her!" Motoyasu repeated.

"Guaranteed if you go to a blacksmith by the name of Erhard he will confirm he sold that chainmail to Naofumi for about 100 silver, Myne was there when he bought it. She actually suggested Erhard's shop. Don't bother trying to explain how the same day Naofumi loses armor exactly like yours do you receive it from his former party member." I looked to Naofumi to find him staring at me with confusion and gratitude. "Why not send him back and summon a new Shield?" I asked Aultcray.

"I would love nothing more than to kick him out, but legend says no new Heroes can be summoned until all 4 of the original Cardinal Heroes have met their end." Aultcray said disappointed. Everyone complained about having to fight with Naofumi, and he wasn't too happy either.

"Who needs you? I'll figure out how to handle the waves my way!" Naofumi shouted and pushed those near including me away from him.

"Don't move!" A guard said as he and the rest closed in.

"Get the hell off of me!" Naofumi shouted again as he repelled the guards. "What'll it be king? Are you gonna have me rot in jail in between every wave?" He asked.

"There's no more time before the next Wave so I won't be imprisoning you. Scum or not, you're still a Hero, one of the only beings left who can fight them all off." Aultcray answered. "But news of your crime is already spreading among the people. That is your punishment, you should never expect to be allowed to live a decent life in this country."

"Yeah, clearly!" Naofumi said before throwing the rest of his silver at Motoyasu and the bitch. The two exchanged a few words before he left with me behind him.

"I'll be in the shadows for when you need me, though I'll join you while you take your anger out on something." I told him before disappearing.

We came across Erhard who was ready to pummel Naofumi, but one look in his eyes told him not to. He gave Naofumi cheap armor before we left for the fields to relieve stress. Time passed and I grew stronger while he didn't much if at all. I learned Aero, Barrier, Reflect, and Gravity. After an encounter wigt some thugs we met a slave trader, it took every ounce of self control I had to not set all the Demi Humans and Beastmen free. Naofumi decided on buying a little Demi Human girl.

Her eyes were close to how mine once were.

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