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Chapter 6

Cassiel POV

'Hello Darkness my old friend' is what I would say if I wasn't floating in the Void again. I'm either dead, dying, or unconscious right now, probably unconscious AND dying. Well it was fun while it lasted. I'd give everyone 2 days tops before they carry on with their lives as if nothing happened, maybe even realize this is probably for the best. I can finally after 6 long years of Anguish and later near complete Emptiness be at peace.

Cheerilee POV

"GIRLS!" I shouted over their screaming. We needed to move fast and them panicking like this isn't helping Cassiel anymore than doing nothing.

"But ms. Cheerilee-" Applebloom started, but I had to stop her there.

"I need you three to help me. Applebloom, I want you to go get Fluttershy as she is his legal guardian. Sweetiebelle, I want you to get Twilight. Scootaloo, I want you to go to the hospital and tell them we need immediate medical attention here. I'll stay here and do what I can for him." Though the only thing I can do is try to slow down the bleeding. If it's as bad as I think it is then he may have had an artery or 2 cut. Fluttershy told me he wasn't a pony so his anatomy could be different in any number of ways from ours, or anything else on Equis for that matter.

"Will he be-" Sweetiebelle started, but I stopped her as well.

"Just go get them!" I nearly shouted, finally getting them to get help.

As they went off to get help, I went inside to find some rags or bandages, anything to use really. The First Aid kit didn't have any bandages and I couldn't find any rags so I used the next best thing. I tore off my sleeves and wrapped them tightly around the wounds. I just hope that will be enough to get him to the hospital if nopony can use healing magic.

Cassiel POV

What in Dante's Nine Circles of Hell is that noise? It sounds like people panicking and I think crying? This is supposed to be the Void not whatever this has become. Really doubting it's the Void or some other afterlife I would know thanks to some white, red haired alicorn or whatever the princesses called themselves.

"You are in the Lane Between Life and Death." She said.

"Do me a favor and finish what those things started then." She looked at me shocked, as if this is the first time anyone said this to her. I turned around to walk away from her, but she stopped me.

"Why do you wish to die? Surely there is something you care about enough to continue living?" If you're a Goddess then you're doing an even worse job than Him, and you have to suck really bad or try really hard to accomplish that.

"I have nothing to live for and nothing to lose. Anything that does want me to live must have the innocence of a child and then some." I turned my head just enough to see her.

"What were those things anyway?" I asked.

"They are called Heartless. Creatures of Darkness brought into a world through a number of ways. A specific keyhole, controlled, or lured by one of two things: A keyblade wielder which is what you are or a heart Dark enough to gain their attention. Those hearts can also fall to Darkness and create a new Heartless. They feed off of the Light, the hearts of others." Funny how all that fits together I thought.

"Besides my weapons and ever so obvious 'Heart of Darkness', what does this have to do with me?" She changed our surroundings to look like a living room fit for royalty living out of a castle and sat by the table in the middle, inviting me to sit on the other end. I took up the offer as she conjured some tea.

"Care for some?" I want to ask why, but I know the answer already.


"Hm, pity. To answer your question I want to ask something of you." No, just no.

"I know what you're going to ask and the answer is no. Your little 'war' of Light and Dark means nothing to me." She looked at me like I just slapped her.

"No?" She asked

"What reason is there to fight in this Eternal Conflict? It's a never ending cycle that if by the off chance there is an end to it, it's not an end worth fighting for." She stared down at the cup for a few moments before asking another question.

"What end do you see?"

"Darkness. The cycle goes like this: Light and Darkness will wage savage war, but never truly tip the scales one way or another. An ending that will never happen isn't worth fighting and dying for. Either the war will never end, or the Light will expire. A recent example of how that war is fought can be found in the history of Nightmare Moon."

"How do you believe this war is fought?" I'm so glad you asked.

"It was Light that struck first, out of fear it did. Dark wanted justice, but no matter how it was obtained the Dark was still hated and feared simply for existing so it became the monster Light wanted. That is a simplified way of explaining how the war started."

"And the way the two fight?" She asked again, her shoulders shaking.

"Light will burn away the Dark, and Dark will extinguish the Light. Both decide which side everyone is on, the how is different and at the same time irrelevant as long as sides are taken and battles are won. Light and Dark, tragedy can easily push someone to the Light, but just as easily pull them to the Dark." She is shaking even more now as I continued my rant now standing again and facing away from her.

"Light will reject Light and cast it into the Dark and it will do so for no other reason than because it is right and fair either way. The Dark will hide, corrupt, or consume the rejected Light. The Light will gladly purge the other Light so long as the Dark ceases to exist. The Dark wants to end this pointless cycle and will gladly use the same tactics to end what the Light started and wants to continue." I heard sniffling behind me and turned to face her.

"You couldn't be any closer to the truth." She said just loud enough for me to hear her.

"It's my fault. *sniffle * All of it is my fault!" Great, another crying woman. At least this one isn't crying for me.

"Let me guess, you're the 'Goddess of Light' of this world?" She looked up at me then shut her eyes, unable to look me in the one eye she can see.

"Yes!" She nearly shouted.

"You must be pretty desperate to ask not just a stranger, but a kid with no desire to help anyone even himself to help you end your war. A war YOU started no less." She shot out of her seat and threw her teacup into a wall.

"YES! I DID IT! AND I REGRET EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED BECAUSE OF IT!" She shouted loud enough I had to cover my ears and she collapsed shortly after.

"You regret nothing, like everyone else you just can't handle the consequences of your actions or lack thereof. It's people like you who prove Balance is impossible, that Light or Dark must cease to exist for a lasting peace to become a reality." Where the hell is the damn door?

"No. If I could fix things between my sister and I, I would have done it already." She said just loud enough to be heard.

"You would only restart the cycle later anyway. You may as well finish what you started, and I refuse to fight in your war unless there is something in it worth fighting for and an end to the war is certain in my lifetime. Unfortunately for you there is nothing you could offer that I would want." I said walking to her.

"No." She stood back up to look me in the eye.

"There is one thing I could offer you." Bullshit.

"And what is it you could offer me that she can't? Better question, if I'm the one who dan tip the scales then why hasn't she tried to make a deal with me?" Your sister may have sent those Heartless after me, but I can now see she didn't intend for me to die.

"I do not know why my sister, Raven hasn't tried to contact you. As for what I can offer, I can give you back your family and erase your all the memories of that day."

I didn't hesitate to summon Dawn and Nightfall.

Author's Note:

I may have changed a few things regarding the Heartless, but considering how this story doesn't have many references to Kingdom Hearts I feel it's alright.

So should Cassiel accept that offer or no? Maybe meet Raven and accept or decline her offer?

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