• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 1,236 Views, 36 Comments

The gamer of Equestria - Araneae

a girl was plucked from her home and chosen to be given the powers of the Gamer. She's sent to Equestria just a few weeks before Twilight's friendship school opens. She's got a few problems other than quest though.

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School Daze pt 1

Author's Note:

And so begins the start of the 'actual episode' chs

Kalisha spent her remaining time before the beginning of the friendship school ether spending time with Sandbar or getting her skill levels up to the same level as she actually was. Granted for a couple that wasn't hard, her stun bash skills level was determined by her blade bash skills level and one of her skills had only been two lvls away from 10.

New Quest
Beginning school
+1000 exp +500 bits
Bonus: prevent Ocellus from crashing into the tower + 5 enchanters crystals

Now she was walking next to Sandbar on the day of the school opening, freaking out because it's school and she got a quest. She got accepted which was good. It was also nerve wracking because as far as she knew she was going to be the only disabled creature there!

“Kal you doing ok” Sandbar asked giving her a worried look.

“No I am a nervous wreck right now. Also quest” She wanted to cry a bit as Sandbar nodded to that last one. Then she saw the mass of other students. Most of them were level 10 like her and sandbar. However 5 stuck out. Yona the Yak her level was 19, title Klutz. Silverstream the hippogriff/hippocampus level 21 title excited waterbearer. Ocellus the Changeling level 25 title timid shapeshifter. Smolder the Dragon level 28 title fire child. Finally Gallus the Griffon level 30?! That was a shock to Kalisha it was going to take a bit to get everyone to be equal leveled holy heck. Then his title was something that made Kalisha wince, Lone Orphan. Tough she’d yet to spot Cozy Glow.

She stood with Sandbar waiting for the doors to open. Sandbar noticed her staring above people's heads. He shrugged it off assuming she was looking at levels and titles, which proved to be right when she groaned about grinding quietly.

Then the doors opened and students walked or flew in. Kalisha yelped as she was almost ran over. Soon she was just watching as he ran into Gallus. Though before he could say his “here’s your sign” line she spoke up.

“Hi Im Kalisha and this is Sandbar who are you?” Sandbar glanced at her a bit then remembered she didn't want to seem crazy.

“Gallus” the uniquely colored Griffon stated “what’s with that thing?” he pointed at her wheelchair before Grandpa Gruff called him away.

“I never did ask how you came to need a wheelchair” Sandbar then stated after his eyes followed Gallus.

“...I was born like this” Kalisha’s ears went back. “I've been in a wheelchair all my life. I never learned how to walk or run because I was physically incapable of it”

“Well you can do both now even of it is with only your front legs” Kalisha smiled at Sandbar. Well until she got a face full of soft pink feathers to the face.

“Are you a zebra” the excited voice of Silver stream asked as she backed up enough Kalisha could see her face.

“Yes I'm Kalisha” She smiled a bit as Silverstream squealed and introduced herself shaking Kalisha’s hoove with her talons vigorously. Then she was off again.

“...How high is her agility and Vitality to be able to have that much energy” Kalisha pondered with Sandbar shrugging.

“Thank you for supporting us for the grand opening of our school” Headmare Twilight Sparkle spoke up above all the noise with a calm and friendly tone. “I hope you'll join us for friends and family day to see the amazing progress your students are making”

With that everyone started off to their first day. Which like most first days was just getting to know a bit about the teachers and what they’d be learning. Then they were taken to their new dorm rooms. Kalisha wondered how there was a room available to everyone separately. She shook her head and sighed she knew the next few days were going to be heck.She invited Sandbar to a party to message him.

-hey Sandbar I was thinking after class tomorrow heading into an ID wanna come with?-

-sure. Do you have any plans for anyone else to join?-

-Only when we reach their lvls which means it’s going to be a bit before Gallus joins in he's the highest lvl person here besides the staff of the school with him being lvl 30-

-lvl 30?! What caused that-

-Dunno exactly but his species, lvl, and title don't paint a pretty picture-

-don't pry?-

-don't pry.-

With that they ended the party and she layed on the bed. She didn't sleep since her gamer ability made it to where she didn't need to, and she didn't need to heal. So she simply looked out to the starry night.

The next day
The classes had gone in the same way as they had in the show on the first day, being like a regular school. Kalisha was excited though as she and Sandbar were going to go lvl shortly. With them being the lowest lvl of their group of friends they really needed to catch up.

“ok were first going to an ID I have called the shop” Was the first thing Kalisha stated when Sandbar had the door shut. She invited him to party and he accepted.

Kalisha then opened the shop’s ID. Sandbar gapped at the sight of the shop. Emerald and Ruby saw this and the former sighed while the latter giggled. She then took Sandbar over to Steel so they could get him some armor.

After that they left the shop and went to the zombie ID. Kalisha equipped her Chakram and her armor and sandbar equipped his grieves and armor.

“ok so Yona is lvl 19 so she'll be the easiest to catch up with” Kalisha stated “we can probably get to lvl 15 before we have to go to bed” With that they started off.

The lull of killing zombies was at best, relaxing. With both her and sandbar properly equipped and sandbar always having his level added to his damage, they found out he had a skill that added his level to his damage it was passive and always active. So getting to level 15 had been rather easy and they were able to leave the ID long before bed.

That let Sandbar be able to leave without suspicion. This also let Kalisha look at her stats. She needed to put in the new stat points anyways.

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 15

HP: 140/140

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 125

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 5/100

EXP: 0/1500

Str: 28

Vit: 28

Int: 28

Wis: 28

Agi: 12

Luck: 37

Money: 410 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 25

She dumped 10 points into luck. Then she dumped 5 into her agility, it may always be lower than the rest of her stats but that didn't mean it had to be completely abysmal, plus it was already only getting a point every other lvl. She then put three into int and wis each and 2 into str and vit each.

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 15

HP: 140/140

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 125

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 5/100

EXP: 0/1500

Str: 30

Vit: 30

Int: 31

Wis: 31

Agi: 17

Luck: 47

Money: 410 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 0

Ok since that was done she dispelled the screen and got into her bed. She needed to get some personal items at some point later. That thought done with she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


The next day started out fun. Really fun with pinkie putting confetti in the books. Kalisha giggled a bit as it poofed into her face. Then Twilight came in. The Headmare switching things to a typical school setting throughout the day was a little annoying.

After class she and Sandbar headed to the Zombie ID. Kalisha ranted as she beat up zombies. Sandbar stayed quiet as she did so and just fought them.

“I know she’s suppose to keep the school running properly but we’re learning friendship!” Kalisha ranted as she bashed a Zombie on the head three times.

You created a new skill Triple blade bash

Kalisha ignored that as she continued to vent her stress on the zombies. Though it didn't last as long as she'd hoped since she and Sandbar reached lvl 19. She immediately organized her point distribution.

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 19

HP: 140/140

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 125

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 5/100

EXP: 0/1900

Str: 35

Vit: 35

Int: 37

Wis: 37

Agi: 21

Luck: 60

Money: 410 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 0


The next few days were spent relatively the same. In short everyone was bored, the students, the teachers. Everyone was also rising in stress, aside from Kalisha who made a blank ID every night to vent and level her skills up to match her actual level.

“These ponies are the heroes of Equestria?” Smolder growled out.

“I am sure they act different” Kalisha started “when you know they aren't being forced to follow certain rules”

“These ponies also saved us from the storm king” Sandbar added before Kalisha face palmed...face hooved sorry. It would've became a double face hoove had she not needed the other one to stand properly. The fight that quickly escalated ended when Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Starlight showed up before sending them to their next class.

“This is a mess” Kalisha sighed. She was rubbing her temple with one of her hooves. There was no clue that things would go differently yet.


Well until it was time for them to skip class. She and Sandbar had followed Gallus and Smolder. Once Sandbar said his part.

“I'm coming too I need relaxation” After that thing once again went as they did in the show with the sneaking out. Kalisha growled a bit as here wheelchair kept catching on grass. Eventually they were all by the lake.

“Sweet mother of the fates I am so glad to be out of there” Kalisha stated relaxing as best she could in her wheelchair.

“tell me about it i mean how are we supposed to learn anything about friendship like that” Gallus snarked.

“Im sure if the teachers could teach like they wanted to instead of the stupid rule books way we'd be a lot better off” Kalisha stated. The others murmured in agreement.

“what’s with that weird thing you've got Kalisha?” Silverstream asked poking it.

“my wheelchair? Im paraplegic so I can't use my back legs at all” Kalisha stated. “So I have my wheelchair to help me move around”

“how'd that happen?”

“born that way” After that they just talked. Then came time for Gallus’ breathing fire story and Smolder’s race. After a while of running and laughing Kalisha felt herself being lifted in the air. She turned and looked amused as Silverstream was carrying her, via front part of her wheelchair. Gallus was carrying sandbar as per the original show. Smolder and Ocellus were holding Yona.

Well that meant no shapeshifting for Ocellus. When Smolder was about to suggest it to the changeling Kalisha spoke up. “Do you want to carry Yona by yourself and possibly drop her?”


“good then we should probably head to friends and family day” the others paused they'd forgotten before the were off towards where the event was taking place. So there was less chaos when the students landed.

Things went calmly until Headmare Twilight brought over a pony that Kalisha honestly wished she could punch. Well currently Chancellor Neighsay the white and black ding ding of a pony.

“and these are some of our most valued students” Kalisha prepared herself for backlash
Once Twilight said that.

“These are students” Neighsay asked almost as if offended. Twilight looked confused as she nodded. “You said you were opening this school to defend ponies”

“Sir may I interrupt this is a friendship school last I checked friendship was about communicating and understanding differences” That and Kalisha knew that's Twilight had actually said. Neighsay glared at Kalisha making her flinch. It didn't help she couldn't see his lvl.

“Kalisha is correct that's actually what I said during the presentation even” Twilight confirmed. Neighsay turned back to the princess.

“In order to protect them from dangerous creatures that don't have our best interest at heart” Neighsay was practically growling. He'd jestered to the students. Twilight looked like someone hit her. She held a hoof to her chest even.

“The students aren't dangerous creatures they are representatives of our allies” Twilight putting a hoof down.

“They are a threat to pony kind” Neighsay stated “now I believe this discussion is over I am shutting this school down” Kalisha gasped as the nation leaders were all stunned in various ways. Ember looked angry along with grandpa gruff and Prince Rutherford. Thorax looked like someone slapped him much like Twilight. General Seaspray was just standing their emotionlessly.

“if Celestia hears you shut the school down because-” Twilight was livid and Thorax at least snapped out of his shock to go closer to where she was, followed by Ember.

“you failed to meet EEA standards?” Neighsay stated his attention only on the princess of friendship. So he didn't see Sandbar and Silverstream holding back Kalisha by her wheelchair. She wanted to throttle him. Let her at him please.

“What” Twilight, Thorax and Ember actually spoke at the same time, one of shock, one of confusion, one of anger. Honestly Ember was taking this better than most would give her credit for.

“The school was disorganised, The teachers Unqualified” Neighsay started, Thorax held Ember back, though he looked pretty confused, Twilight was the most organized Pony he knew. “and those dangerous and unpredictable students could put pony lives in danger” Did this man not see the two very angry women having to be held back by multiple people to not kill him. At that moment he used his medallions power to close the school and leave. Twilight collapsing and crying.

“Twilight are you alright” Thorax asked. The other three male leaders (or leader representative in Seaspray's case) took their students back home.

“No I just had Neighsay insult you two and all the other leaders practically to your faces, upset my friends, and got my school uncredited” Twilight stated to the Changeling king. “Im surprised you don't hate me right now” With that she walked off leaving a group of people watching her do so sadly. Kalisha could only stand there with sandbar as it dwindled to just them. Ember and Thorax taking Smolder and Ocellus back to their kingdoms with them.

Comments ( 16 )

Welp, Neighsay is going to get a Triple blade bash soon.........

You know something I never got is why they don't tell celestia what neighsay just did she probably could have had him thrown in the dungeon and stripped of his positions and titles for insulting and possibly alienating every ally equestria has

It's so sorely tempting to do so

Never got that ether completly but if I had to guess Neighsay could probably turn it into a he said she said thing and its not like twilight had been using the recording spell like with a certain pony so without Celestia being there herself, or Luna being there, she couldnt do anything...politics kinda suck on the no proof nothing done front

You make a good point but at the same time the princesses and equestria as a whole can't ignore it if all their allies were to complain or leave the alliance all together

True true personally I domt think Thorax would commemt on it since in the cannon version of the episode he did say the changelings were use to that...makes me wish Pharnyx was in the episode more and just a cameo

Oh, hello Neighsay. Just wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine, in fact, he’s my best friend. ASRIEL DREEMURR you’re gonna have a bad time

...very tempting oh so very tempting

Well, you do have a Gamer, what about some “Games?” Or perhaps NPC’s in the shop ID?

*EDIT: That can leave the ID

Im honestly still debating on how I want her to harm Neighsay and so far.. every Idea put on the table is very good very very good...if not a little more violent than normal mlp...but thats kind of expected here...

I vote she beats him through brains .... he's obviously using his position for his own agenda .. since she knows what an embassy is since she was human ... she can tell twilight to have each group send a teacher/ambassador and make the embassy where the school is since embassies are considered foreign soil and since it can be authorised by celestia or luna since twilights endorsement could be conflict of interest which could be worked around by having the other leaders request it to the one of them directly bamn ... plus a friendship school should have other species teaching more about their own cultures.

Trie trie and hmm every violent Idea idea always tempting also why didnt they think of that in the original show?

Oh I have plans for both of those...dont worry and im trying to not bring in anything too techmologically advanced because it *is* Equestria while it does have some modern things not everu thing about it is (or else Tempest might not have been a huge problem)

Like I said I have plans

*Gently closing the door and locks it*

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