• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 1,237 Views, 36 Comments

The gamer of Equestria - Araneae

a girl was plucked from her home and chosen to be given the powers of the Gamer. She's sent to Equestria just a few weeks before Twilight's friendship school opens. She's got a few problems other than quest though.

  • ...

Side questing in an ID

Kalisha had gotten her wish. Four days straight she didn't have any side quest. Most that time she spent relaxing and hanging out with sandbar, she was ever grateful she didn't get quest prompts around him now those made her feel awkward when interacting with him, or working on making potions with Zecora, and from time to time apple bloom. So naturally today she got a side quest.

Side quest
Grind time
Get to lvl 5 in the Zombie ID
Rewards 0 exp 500 bits
Bonus: Take a friend with you + ?

There was one problem with the bonus. Namely that she hadn't told anyone about her powers yet. Still generally the bonus was worth it, even if she couldnt use it yet. She pulled up her menu where her Buddies list was being highlighted for some reason. So she tapped on it.

Your buddies list keeps track of all the friends you make and other details. If you form a party with any of your buddies you can share your equipment and items with them while your in the ID. The buddies list also tells you where they currently are outside of the IDs.

That was super freaking creepy if she was going to go find any of her friends she'd do so without the creepy buddies list. Honestly it was only good for the equipment and item sharing! With that she trotted off to go find Sandbar. His level headed personality would probably help her out more, and he was more likely to believe her, unless zebras had meet other gamers…

Kalisha shook her head at that. Find Sandbar, explain things to him, prove it somehow. Wait how did she form a party? Kalisha pulled up the help screen and ah there!

When forming a party you must use the command “create party” before choosing to have party members by using the “invite (name here)” command.

That was relatively simple. She could do that. Hopefully without freaking out sandbar too much. She continued her search for the water themed earth pony. She found him at sugar cube corner.

“Hey sandbar” he turned to look at her and smiled.

“hey Kalisha how are you?”

“Fine there was something I wanted to talk to you about do you have time?” he nodded and walked up to her. She ended up dragging him to where they wouldn't be over heard or seen. Granted this action confused him. “Sandbar what I'm about to tell you is something that'd make people think I'm crazy...and not in the pinkie pie way”

“Oh-k” he tilted his head a bit in confusion.

“To start this off I'm from a different dimension, and no not the Canterlot high dimension” Kalisha quickly shushed Sandbar with that. “the dimension I’m from well it's a human world too but...nothing like here or CHS” she rubbed a hoof on the upper part of her right leg. “that's not the crazy part seeing as the princess of friendship has been to another dimension”

“Then what is the crazy part?”

“The fact I did not come to Equestria on my own decision some strange force decided I would and gave me the power of something called “The Gamer” which is proving to be both a blessing and a curse”

“that is crazy” Sandbar blinked “you have a way to prove it don't you”

“create party”

Do you wish to name your party?

Kalisha named it side questing. “Invite Sandbar” the colt jumped a bit when the accept or deny screen popped up.

“ok...whys is it called side questers”

“Because the thing that prompted me to tell you was a side quest that wants me to get to lvl 5 and bring a buddy with me” Sandbar blinked at that “I had planned on telling you just not today I was actually hoping to level of my own violation to get to your level first and yes you do have a level everyone in equestria does and my ability allows me to see names levels and titles of people unless they are higher level than me by a certain amount”

“So you don't really need people to introduce themselves to you?”

“Technically no but it makes me look less crazy if people actually do introduce themselves to me” Sandbar had to give her that.

“So what is my level and title at that”

“10 and turtle caretaker” Kalisha sighed “please hit accept or deny sandbar”

“oh right” he hit accept. With that Kalisha created an ID [zombies]. “whoa”

“yeah IDs are a little trippy at first” Kalisha stated “well less so for me since my ability basically makes it to where I'm fairly calm in most if not all situations. Oh and because were in a party together you have access to my inventory and equipment...granted the only equipment I have is my wheelchair and my Chakram” Sandbar could only nod as she summoned the weapon.

“uh how do I access your inventory then”

“when I do it I think menu and then inventory” She had to admit watching him jump a bit when the screen appeared was funny.

“Why do you have so many lesser poison potions?” she couldn't blame him for wanting to know.

“I botched making lesser healing potions” she hung her head “those are the results” Sandbar nodded. That's when they heard a groan and looked up. Sandbar looked sick at the sight of the Zombie pony, Kalisha didn't look much better. It was a walking corpse how could they not find it gross? Kalisha observed it.

Lvl 3
HP 100/100
It's a walking undead corps. Pretty gross and actually pretty hard to kill. They don't feel much pain due to being dead and physically harming them is a pain.

“who wrote that description?” Kalisha wondered out loud “and before you ask sandbar one of the abilities I have as a gamer allows me to see details on what I'm fighting. The Zombie is level 3 and has 100 hp” She then summoned her chakram and threw it slicing the zombies cheek for 15 hp of damage. Sandbar decidedly threw one of the lesser poisons at it.

“...when I can I am somehow getting you a weapon” Kalisha stated dodging the zombie, which then took 5 hp of damage from the poison. The fact she could dodge it surprised her slightly but she didn't focus on that and instead slashed it with her Chakram doing 15 more points of damage. Sandbar then kicked it in the back doing 10 points of damage.

It lashed out at sandbar and smacked his upper leg. He let out a his and a wince as he took 20 points of damage. Then it took another 5 points of damage. Kalisha slammed her Chakram down on its head doing 20 points of damage to the dang zombie.

You have created a new skill Blade Bash

Did that thing have to pop up in the middle of a fight?! She was pulled out of that thought by sandbar doing another 10 points of damage. It swung at her smacking her in the eye. She cursed heavily as she lost 15 hp. It took 5 hp damage from the poison before she finished it off by slashing her chakram for the final 15 points of damage.

You are now lvl 4

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 4

HP: 70/85

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 105

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 5/100

EXP: 0/400

Str: 12

Vit: 12

Int: 13

Wis: 13

Agi: 4

Luck: 12

Money: 340 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 5

Kalisha sighed a bit before popping her neck. “Hey Sandbar I need to take care of my stats real quick”

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 4

HP: 70/85

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 105

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 5/100

EXP: 0/400

Str: 13

Vit: 13

Int: 13

Wis: 13

Agi: 5

Luck: 14

Money: 340 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 0

There Kalisha nodded as she pulled out a lesser healing potion and drank it restoring the hp she lost. Sandbar followed her example, though drinking two. While he did that Kalisha wondered how he took more damage he is a higher level than her after all and that zombie had been her level! Seriously it didn't make sense!

“well that's one of two levels down” Kalisha sighed hanging her head, going over to the dropped loot. “I am going to have to grind to level ten to get you some things Sandbar because this is ridiculous whatever logic these zombies run on is a headache”

“why ten”

“because there two skills i can't get till then that'd help” Sandbar nodded at that answer. Kalisha then used her observe skill on the dropped loot.

Tooth of the dead
A rather disgusting crafting item. It's said to have resentment of the dead in it.

“...ew nope, Nope, And nope” Kalisha walked away from that. She was not touching a tooth from any undead being ever.

“do I-”

“no no you do not let's just continue to kill zombies” Kalisha shivered before the next two zombies came up. Both were lvl 4. “two lvl 4 zombies fun” their hp bars still showed 100 hp, she tossed her Chakram at them, both got hit for 15 hp each. Sandbar threw the tabasco sauce this time and the zombie it hit screeches and struggled in pain. The two zombies lunged, Sandbar was quick to get out of the way. Kalisha screamed as one of the zombies bit her ankle of her left front leg costing her 20 hp. The burned zombie then lost 20 hp

Kalisha mentally noted this weakness as she used her Blade bash skill on the one with more HP, taking out 20 hp. Sandbar threw a lesser poison on the one that wasn't under the burned condition. The zombies lunged again, Sandbar was able to dodge but again Kalisha got hit. She now sported a bleeding cut on her face from the zombies bone that was poking off its leg she was down 15 more hp. The zombies lost 5 and 20 hp depending on their status.

Kalisha growled as she downed a cupcake. Sandbar smacked the poisoned zombie with a kick lowering its hp by 10. The zombies lashed out with their own kicks. Kalisha managed to turn herself to where the kick bounced off her wheelchair, which gave her a bruise and lowered her hp by 5. Sandbar yelled as the other zombie hit his chest. The zombies then lost the 5 hp and 20 hp.

Kalisha bashed the one with more hp, which meant a target switch, with her Chakram again . Sandbar followed by kicking its jaw. That was enough to take out that zombie. The remaining zombie lunged at sandbar, who dodged, before losing 5 hp. Kalisha finished it off with a swing of her chakram.

They had a moment to heal and breath a bit before going forwards, they dropped teeth and a rib bone Kalisha wasn't touching the latter no matter how much you could try and get her too. Kalisha wanted to scream as three lvl 4 zombies showed up. Needless to say the fight went similarly to the last, only with sandbar using only lesser poisons and Kalisha using her blade bash skill every time until she couldn't. They both downed a cupcake when that wave was over.

The next wave was a single level 5 zombie with 200 hp. Kalisha wasted no time in bashing it on the head. Then going wide eyed as she only did 15 points of damage. She then looked like she wanted to cry. Sandbar just threw the lesser poison as per usual. The level five zombie then kicked Kalisha hard enough she fell out of her wheelchair. It took 5 hp of damage from the poison,good to know that seemed set.

Kalisha threw her chakram doing 10 hp worth of damage to the zombie. Sandbar kicked its chin for another 10 hp. That made Kalisha wonder if he had an ability that cause him to always do 10 hp worth of damage. The zombie lunged at Kalisha only to get another kick to the face by sandbar, which actually did 30 hp of damage. It then lost another 5 hp from its poison. Kalisha started crawling back to her wheelchair, or more accurately drag herself.

Kalisha, stuck on the ground for now, threw her Chakram again. It got the zombie across the throat as it came back, 15 hp of damage right there. Sandbar kicked it again for another 10 hp of damage. It attacked sandbar who dodged. It then took 5 points of damage. Kalisha continued to drag herself to her chair.

She was almost there she threw her chakram again doing another 10 points of damage. Sandbar continued attacking it himself doing another 10 points. It lunged at Kalisha only to get hit away by sandbar again for 30 points. Then its poison caused it to lose 5. Kalisha was able to touch her chair. She put it in her inventory before pulling it back out with her in it again.

Kalisha bashed the zombie on the head in anger doing 15 points of damage with sandbars attack once again doing another 10. It attacked snabar who screamed a bit, ok a lot actually, as it bit down on his back. It then died because of its poison leaving behind a glowing purple crystal. Kalisha didn't bother observing it as she just chucked it into her inventory. Before she and sandbar healed some.

You have become lvl 5

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 5

HP: 90/90

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 110

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 5/100

EXP: 30/500

Str: 14

Vit: 14

Int: 14

Wis: 14

Agi: 6

Luck: 15

Money: 340 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 5

Side quest complete
Grind time
+0 exp +500 bits
Bonus: + basic glaive

At this point she didnt care she just closed the ID, disbanded the party Then looked at the time. It was only noon.

“...I am going shopping then heading to bed I don't know how Im not utterly exhausted from that.” Kalisha sighed. She'd deal with the points later.

“It was pretty exhausting” no arguments. The two then split ways.

Author's Note:

Also lvl 10 because thats what lvl sandbar is also the glaive will not be Sandbar's sandbar's weapon along with most everyone elses will be gotten next ch