• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 1,236 Views, 36 Comments

The gamer of Equestria - Araneae

a girl was plucked from her home and chosen to be given the powers of the Gamer. She's sent to Equestria just a few weeks before Twilight's friendship school opens. She's got a few problems other than quest though.

  • ...

The Shop and lvl 6

Author's Note:

Well I have decided the weapons sorta. Also yes I used my oc I named my account after in here along with her older brother hehe.

The next day after a failed shopping trip…

Kalisha was glaring at the screen in front of her. Her gamer ability now had a thing called the Shop as an ID choice. She had no clue what it was doing but she guessed there was only one way to find out. She created the ID.

She soon found herself in a market with all kinds of equestrian creatures. Ponies of all three of the main pony races, zebras, griffons, buffalo, if it was a sentient creature in equestria then, aside from alicorns draconaquises and changeling rulers, it was there.

“Ah so a new gamer has come to play” a dragon looking over a weapon stated. She was bipedal like most the named dragons a brilliant jade color with softer green accents and amber colored eyes “Equestria hasn't had one for a long time...in this timeline at least” she leaned forward “I'm still the blacksmith of the Shop you need a weapon or armor and I'm your gal same with upgrading them”

“Faye Winters though I go by Kalisha in Equestria what is the shop” Kalisha asked

“The Shop is a place for Gamers of this time line to be able to buy things they couldn't in Equestria proper like weapons armor items that have certain effects in battle materials not obtained in equestria that sort of stuff” steel answered “you can also sell items you get if you don't want or need” Kalisha nodded then it made sense.

“Why do you keep saying this timeline?”

“Because time and dimensions are not really straightforward and certain things only happen in certain versions of them. This just happens to be something bound to the gamers in this version of it” Steel stated

“I'm not sure if that really explains it but ok” Kalisha was honestly still very confused. “so what is every place?”

“That I can't really explain much if you want answers go talk to Flower Finder he’s the unicorn over there. Kalisha turned to the unicorn mentioned and winced seeing his broken horn. Otherwise he was bright blue with a white muzzle and hooves and purple splotches on his coat. His mane and tail a black that became green at the tips and was braided. His cutie mark was a flower under a magnifying lens. “word of advice though do not ask about the horn ever” Klaisha could only nod before walking up to him.

“Another gamer huh? Guess the universe doesn't like taking breaks.” Flower sighed when she got near. “alright kid what do you need I've got two jobs here. If you just stand there your wasting my time with both of them”

“Steel said you could tell me what everyone does” Flower sighed and nodded.

“One of my jobs is informing the gamers who enter here about the shop” Flower confirmed “ the other is finding things from other worlds for the shops to sell” He then pointed at a grey unicorn that was similar to him but with brown splotches and a purple tipped blue mane. His cutie mark being an windflower with a green swirl around it“Anemone is where you buy medicines or your potion ingredients” Then to a green camo colored earth pony with a black mane and...well it was hard to see but he had an Emerald for a cutie mark. “Emerald Grove is an appraiser he’ll tell you how much something is worth I'll warn you now anything but gemstones takes a while”

Then he motioned to a crimson colored...well she wasn't a dragon but she looked like a wingless bipedal one. “Shula is where you go to buy gemstones and ores and if you have a mining skill pickaxes” then to a green and blue hippogriff “Bubble light is a general market common items are his forte though sometimes he's got rarer items in stock” He then pointed to a gray black and red earth pony with a red mane and had a need with a ruby colored thread in and around it. “Ruby Thread and her assistant Felicia” who is a Turkish angora cat person ala capper with white fur black hair and heterochromia clad in a purple dress “sell accessories and clothes the latter of which are in fact different from armor Trust me having those two and steel angry isn't fun”

He then pointed at a pegasus with tan fur and white markings on it and a blue mane that became whiteish at the tips. “Maple skies is the holder of all the baked good based items here and next to her” A pair of changelings one of which was tiny not breezy tiny bit still small green and orange, her legs, horn, and part of her back shell all did a fading effect, changeling with orange wings and an orange mane like frill. The other larger changeling was black colored with dark blue accents, one of which was on his muzzle the other of which was his legs in a fading effect and his back shell, with dark blue wings and a mane like frill as well though his was considerably more spiky. “Araneae and Vespula run the tarot cafe you get your drink based items and read fortunes that can up your luck stat”

Now he was pointing to. Kalisha winces a bit at the griffon. He was a goldish tan color with black accents quite pretty in that regard. What made her wince was that one of his back paws was gone the stump covered in a clean bandage and that feathers and fur were missing around his right eye which was closed and a bit scarred over. “Grey there is the only one of us who can leave he's the rescue party he’ll save you and your friends butts if you get close to dying in an ID or deliver items that you ordered but can't get immediately he also sometimes works with Ane...dont bring up his wounds he gets bad flashbacks from them” Kalisha could only nod. “there are some other services but they aren't available to you till you’re lvl 10”

“what is with the level restriction?” Kalisha asked then. Honestly it seemed like they were paranoid.

“some gamers have really abused their abilities in the past so things were set up to where that couldn't happen this time around” Flower shrugged. Well that made some sense. In video games you were rarely uber powerful at the beginning and even if you were it was from a new game + still not the very beginning.

Kalisha then went back to steel’s stand. The dragon was hammering away at something. “Hey Steel what kind of weapons do you sell?”

“I sell a pretty big variety, swords, polearms, hand weapons, bladed, blunt, if its a weapon or armor and not magic I'm your girl” Steel stated “you wanna take a look at what I got?”

“yeah I figured I might as well look at all the shops available to me”

“good plan” Steel nodded before tapping on the counter. It unfolded to show a lot of weapons everything from regular swords and such to snake swords bows crossbows. Kalisha took a bit to look. She got a set of basic greaves, which for ponies was four, for Sandbar.

She knew she was going to meet gallus and the others later so she also browsed for them. She got a snake sword for Smolder. Gallus would be given the glaive she has. Occellus would be better with a magic weapon so sadly she got nothing for her yet.A shovel for Yona cause Rockhoof when it got there, till then she got Yona a bo staff. Silver stream was hard to pick for and in the end Kalisha just grabbed a bow for her with some arrows.

She also got a set of basic leather armor for herself. She also managed to have just the needed amount of things to upgrade her chakram as well, yae nails being made out of metal, and did so. Though this took all her bits to buy. She decided to sell her remaining poisons to have some funds.

“ok then I think that's everything for now” Kalisha nodded before preparing to leave the id.

“oh before you go the shop also has a board where you can get a bunch of side quest for IDs not all of them pop up randomly” Flower pointed at the big green board with papers pinned to it. “If you ever need something to do it wouldn't hurt to take a look.” well she could agree to that.

She then left the ID and saw that on her menu screen there was a pair of wings that looked like Grey’s on it now. “well good luck on keeping us alive Grey, you may need it”

“...” Kalisha then sighed shaking her head “I should see if Sandbar would like to test out the greaves tomorrow. It'd be nice to know if my weapon choices where good for them.” Though Yona’s shovel would definitely come handy later. “for now I probably should find something else to do...maybe I could just go and read my daring doo book outside…” she decided against that and just hummed.

She shrugged and then went into her zombie ID. She might as well grind up to lvl 6. Though she equipped her armor before hand.

Entering she saw a level five zombie right off the bat. It had 200 hp which annoyed Kalisha. She quickly threw her chakram and grinned as it did 30 points of damage! The zombie lunged at her. And only did ten points of damage from biting into her legs which were protected by her armor, at most it left a bruise.

She then bashed it on the head for 40 points of damage. It them back hooved her for 15 points of damage and a bloody nose. She bashed it again for another 40 points. The zombie tried to bite her again. She turned so her wheelchair got the brunt of the attack, she still got a bruise and 5 points of hp damage.

She slashed the zombie with her chakram doing another 30 points of damage. She only needed two more hits and it'd be down. The zombie then bit her leg again for 10 more points of damage before she bashed its head on the ground hard enough to stun it on top of the damage. The stun allowed her to finish it off.

You have gained a new skill Stun Bash
A slightly harder version of the blade bash but useful if you pull it off.

Wow her gamer ability was snarky wasn't it? Still she healed up then continued on beating up Zombies till she got the level ping.

You are now lvl 6.

Kalisha left the ID as soon as she got that message. Once back in the real world she put away her armor and Chakram she then pulled up her stats.

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 6

HP: 95/95

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 110

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 5/100

EXP: 0/600

Str: 15

Vit: 15

Int: 15

Wis: 15

Agi: 6

Luck: 16

Money: 110 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 10

Kalisha then took the time to think over her stats. She put 4 points into luck. Then put 2 into strength and vitality before putting 1 into each intelligence and wisdom.

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 6

HP: 95/95

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 110

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 5/100

EXP: 0/600

Str: 17

Vit: 17

Int: 16

Wis: 16

Agi: 6

Luck: 20

Money: 110 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 0

That done Kalisha stretched as much as she could and went to bed. She would probably grind till she was lvl 10 tomorrow. Then shed use those skill books she bought a while ago. It'd be less bits spent upgrading things. Plus she'd get new things in the shop! Maybe shed also pick up a side quest or two...