• Published 10th Sep 2018
  • 1,902 Views, 257 Comments

Geldings - Quantum Trip

In an Equestria where stallions are castrated by law, a young Featherweight joins the resistance.

Comments ( 9 )

I don't know, why this story is having so many dislikes.
Maybe it is the topic. It is seen as controversial, but the story is still decent. No errors, good editing.
Your story really makes me question the dislike ration on other stories, that I haven't read, because of scores.

Dislikes are usually fueled by some mix of "this is not enjoyable to read" and "I hate this author/topic/readers", and the latter is much more common today than it was seven or eight years ago. Unfortunately, Fimfic does not soft-block votes from people who did not read any of the story, nor (at least) provide a separate vote count for legitimate readers. This makes the ratio almost worthless on topics that immediately offend some readers, and that might be the second largest problem I have with the website.

One strategy: if an author has multiple stories, look for any that are less than 2 years old but aren't controversial to see if some have a high ratio. However, this won't work if the author has but few recent stories, nor if they only post stories with controversial topics on that account. (This account is an example of both shortcomings, but on my mane account most of my stories have a high ratio of uphooves.)

While a lot of the criticism of the story is totally valid and disliking or downhoofing it doesn't imply anything bad about the reader, at least some of the hate here is because the story (not intentionally, I swear) pisses off political extremists from both the bigoted and the antifa crowds.

For the extreme right, most bigots are chauvinists who react with "REEEEEE" at a story description that even hints at the idea—whether supported by the story or not!—that testosterone may be a causative factor in crime, which is what this society believes. I'd like to remind y'all at this point in my rant that these are talking cartoon horses whose biology isn't even human (a point I subtly stress in the story specifically for that reason: 102 F barely being a fever, pregnancy in quadmesters, etc.), and there's a reason non-breeding male horses around the world are gelded: it strongly affects their behavior. This story uses the mix of human and animal elements of FiM's anthropomorphization to ask difficult questions at the intersection of biology and culture: what if this did reduce crime in talking pastel horses? Could any amount of crime prevention justify this society's appalling decisions, and if so, how much?

For the extreme left, putting a story up that touches on abuse without turning it into an outright author tract or burn-with-fire murder fantasy (e.g. Tarantino's wonderful Inglorious Basterds movie) means leaving room for the reader to make their own judgments of right and wrong, and some people really don't want these questions to be asked; therefore the story is supporting Nazis because it isn't explicitly punching them on page one. Also, because it's an explicit coming of age story about adolescent sexuality, that means that the story is pro-pedo... despite explicitly and repeatedly showcasing the realistic effects of sexual trauma for the protagonist. Not being an author tract means I'm talking about abuse without condemning it outright, again using cartoon horses who have different biology, customs, and laws by which they judge universal sapient rights in a different manner. Some would even call this story literal child foalnography, either for the explicit elements (which I honestly have no idea how one could "enjoy" given the horrid context, though I suppose this could change if the story gets more upbeat), or even for the mere mention that the age of emancipation for pegasi in the story is 17 rather than 18, because clearly if an imaginary cartoon horse's fictional birth certificate shows they were foaled 17 years ago this is imaginary horse abuse, but next year they're perfectly fine with it. (Did I mention these were nonexistent cartoon ponies from an alien culture?)

These days everypony is pulled to extremes. Most people mean well, and I'd always rather be around the "woke" crowd than openly bigoted or racist trash. That said, both sides have people who have lost their goddamn minds in the past decade and are angry and unwilling to listen to any information that does not immediately reassure them that everything they already believed was 100% correct. While I think most downhooves on this story are legit, some voters downhoof specifically out of hatred to bully and hurt the story, author, and readers based on prejudice against the author and readers--or rather, the imaginary people they concoct in their minds who they assume to be feminists, Nazis, atheists, or pedophiles.

It's actually surprising to me that this story almost has a break-even ratio given the current climate, which is easy to see solely based on how the ratios on stories with fetish or controversial takes here on Fimfiction drop precipitously with each passing year (of when it was published, I mean, not that ratios keep dropping).

I do wonder about one thing though, the balls would shrink the space available Down there to begin with and make it more cramped. So if anal where to take place, would the balls make it more or less enjoyable?

On one end it’d be more enjoyable for the one giving, as it’d be more tight. On the other end I can’t Really imagine it being very comfortable to have somepony over and over again squizze your balls with the tip of their dick. It might help milk the seed out, but since he is already sore Down there Then it might very Well make the whole thing worse.

At the same time the Prostate would of course still be there so how getting ones balls squizzed and Prostate demolished between the dick and balls must bring a lot of pleasure. Could be fun to hear Skee tell Feather of a method to avoid the pain so that one only has to experience the pleasure of anal sex.

Forgot to comment, sorry. I like the analogy with the transsexuals', I enjoy the chapter it sounds like the situation is setting to go down hill very fast for pore Featherweight and his complicit friends.

Just to be clear for anypony else who reads this (though I know you weren't trying to be ultra-specific), it was more of a comparison than an analogy (forced castration is not a direct analog to being transgender and even being trans female doesn't mean you're interested in castration), and it's transgender rather than transsexual (transgender people are not changing biological sex, which is notable as it is a common canard used by anti-trans bigots to dehumanize transgender people).

Mix-up #6 · Nov 2nd, 2022 · · 1 ·

Yeah I get it, I know it's meant to be taken very loosely. What I meant, in the looses of terms, more about the feeling of isolation and fear one hiding their sexual identity and urges in order survive to conformed to an socially enforced convention in terms of acceptable behavior. While I do like pseudo social commentary mostly masquerading in it, I do enjoy the story mostly for exploring a dystopian gelding society, galore fun. And as you said in your comments bellow this is an alien world which our social norms don't really follow our 1 to 1 and there for can't really compare and I am more the then willing to hand wave off anything I wouldn't necessarily agree with.

I'm loving this story!
I made an account just to comment, this story is really that compelling! Despite the delicate subjects you really managed to stay respectful and touch on many topics in nuance and personal ways.
So many things seem to be pileing up on poor Featherweight, but there's a glimmer of hope at the horizon, and that keeps me reading. But even if it ends badly for everyone involved, this is still an appealing and realistic story worth reading.

Keep up the good work and nurture your passion, the dislike ratio on this story is totally wrong. Sure, gelding is horrifying to some, but you don't use it just for torture porn and that's really refreshing.

Nice to see this story continued, and boy does it hit hard. It is both equal parts horrifying and inspiring. I mean that in a good way. This story doesn't shy away from heavy subjects, and it handles them well.

This story dead now after being moved two years ago o.o?

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