• Published 6th Jan 2019
  • 2,866 Views, 4 Comments

The Beast Of Equestria, The Fanged Swordsmen - Flowjam

A Mercanary master swordsmen was task to eliminate a evil group of wizards in ripping a gate that could change or destroy thier world.

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Chapter 3 Judgment, A Tiger Awakens

Outside of the village, ponies from flourish woods listened out for loud crashes and roars from the dragon, but heard nothing. Tailor tie suspected the fight was over, and that maybe saber won because he didn't hear anything from the dragon. Turning towards everypony, tailor tie said "Alright everypony, I believe that our savoir has beaten the dragon, let's head ba-" he stopped when sounds of flapping reached him, and everyponies ears. Looking up, the ponies had smiles on their faces. In the sky, chariots supported by squads of solar Pegasus guards flew over them and headed for the town. The ponies cheered seeing their princesses chariot in the sky.

Blue bolts mother had a smile on her face "Look sweetie! The princesses are here to help use" she waited for her son to respond but got no reply "Blue bolt?" Looking next to her, she gasped when seeing he wasn't by her side. Looking around like a hawk, she saw something blue move pass everypony and run towards the woods heading to the village. She yelled "Blue bolt!" And ran pass everypony. They watched her head into the woods, and followed her knowing that the princesses are here, everything was going to be fine.

Inside the chariot, celestia, luna, the main six, and spike could see the destruction flourish woods was in. Houses destroyed and burned down, the trees in flames as some fell down. The main attention out of all was the dragon on the ground and something sitting on top of it.

Rainbow dash with her peguses eye saw that it was saber sitting on top of the dragons head "I see him, he's sitting on top of its head!" everypony looked where rainbow was looking, wondering why saber was there.

Celestia and Luna knew something was not right, seeing the dragon not move or react to saber on top of him. Celestia told the guards to land near the dragon but not too close. Doing as she said, they landed down and opened the chariot for them, and the guards came out of their chariots following behind them. When getting closer, the guards stood ready if saber tries anything, his presence made their fur stand out, a very weird reaction because of one pony. The group got close and froze seeing the dragon up close.

Spike walked passed them, not seeing what they see and stood near the dragons head "Woah! He's huge, I can't believe you fought this guy" spike looked at his eyes that were closed "How did you get him to fall asleep? It must have been hard to do"

Twilight stuck her hoof towards spike, whispering "Spike...." but because of her bewildered state, she couldn't speak out loud.

Saber looked down at spike, he said seriously "He's not sleeping kid" spike looked up confusingly at saber.

"Huh? But his eyes are closed, and he's laying still how can he not be asle-" saber cut him off.

"Look closer spike" he said simply. Spike looked back at the dragon, his eyes widen when seeing slash and bloody marks on the mouth area, he then notice the dragon wasn't breathing. Spike felt something under his feet, looking down his eyes bugged out and his heart skip a beat at the blood coming from the dragon.

Spike screamed and fell down scooting back. Twilight came to him and hugged her brother, hiding his eyes from the dragon's corpse. Celestia and Luna walked pass twilight and up to saber that stared at both of them, already knowing they are the princesses he was suppose to meet.

Celestia spoke in a serious manner, her eyes showing hostility towards saber "You are saber I presume" saber didn't say anything and jumped down off of yellow dragons head. He strapped Uingutaiga by his side and walked pass both princesses, surprising them at his uninterest towards them. They watched him walk over to twilight and spike.

Few of the guards tried stopping him for ignoring the princesses, but one glare from him made them move away letting him stand close to twilight and spike. But the girls weren't like the guards and surrounded twilight, rainbow flew near saber, not thinking he would harm twilight.

Applejack stood guarding twilight from saber "You stay back! Don't you even get close to spike or I'll buck you to next week!" She threatened.

Saber didn't what to harm her or the rest that might fight him if he gets close, so he stood a good distance, he said "Spike!" He yelled startling the girls, and scaring the guards from his outburst.

Spike gulped and looked back at saber in twilight's hooves, his eyes looking at him in fear that made saber sigh. Saber said "Don't let this confuse you, I'm not a pony that kills others for fun" he pointed his hoof around them "Look around you, the destruction that dragon caused here"

Spike listen and looked around him. Homes destroyed, and burned down, blood coated some parts of the area that unnerved him and everypony. Sabers voice caught his attention. "Do you know why I killed him?" Spike guessed and nodded, saber asked "Why?"

Spike moved a bit away from twilight, his voice was low but he said "B-because of the destroyed homes, a-and fire everywhere" he was surprised when saber shook his head, denying spikes answer.

"No, that's not why I killed him. Homes can be rebuilt and trees can be growed back with care" twilight was the one to ask saber.

Twilight said "Then why?! Why kill another living being!" Saber looked into her eyes, twilight blinked at how justifying his eyes looked.

Saber said "The death of the innocent, that's why" everypony were startled by sabers answer, he wasn't finished "Before I got here" he pointed a hoof at yellow dragon "He killed and ate many ponies before I arrived to stop him. Inside those homes are ponies killed by the fire he burned down, killing them without mercy" the girls gasp and the guards looked around them, piecing together what happened. He looked down at Uingutaiga "Once seeing it, I knew there was no way I was going to let him go free, the lives here needed to be avenged"

Luna didn't think killing the dragon would help in anyway "That may be, but killing the fool would not bring our ponies back from the dead, all you did was kill just like him" she accused saber, stating he was like yellow dragon.

Saber turned his head, looking at her with one eye. Luna felt threatened for some reason, not meeting a samurai for years has made her forgotten how dangerous they can be, saber gave off a powerful intent that suprised the lunar princess.

Saber said "Do you think I don't already know that?! It's not about those that couldn't be saved, killing that dragon was both for those he's killed, and so that he wouldn't be able to do it again" he looked back at spike "I'm sorry spike" this shocked everypony, hearing saber apologize "I don't care that I killed him because he was a dragon, he could have been a pony and I'd still cut him down" what he said scared the guards at how uncaring he sounded.

Saber rubbed his head, he said "What I mean is, he killed ponies that did nothing to deserve it. Bastards like that shouldn't live after committing such actions" He walked close to spike, the purple dragon moving away from twilight as he got closer. Standing in front of spike, saber said "I'm sorry, can you forgive me for ending one of your kind?"

They could tell saber meant every word he said, wanting spikes forgiveness. Spike looked over at yellow dragon, he wiped his tearful eyes, and then looked back at saber "I never met another dragon like myself. I knew what they are thanks to twilight's books inside the library, reading and learning about them. Dragons are jerks, and don't hold any kindness to any creature. Even themselves"

Spike frowned, and looked mad "i'm not happy that you k-killed him" he then looked at saber in reassurance "But I understand why" everypony gasp, except celestia and luna that looked at spike in surprise.

Rarity walked up to spike "But spikey wikey, that dragon is one of your kind?!" spike nodded.

"I know, but saber is right. He attacked this village intent on eating and harming the ponies here. What he did was make sure that he doesn't escape and possibly attack another village like this one" The girls were really shocked to hear this from spike, mostly twilight. Twilight knew that dragons in a young age mature faster than a pony, but hearing spike talk about the death of a dragon, and agree with saber really shocked her.

Saber didn't think spike would forgive him, mostly because he's a kid. He thought spike would be angry and maybe seek vengeance. Saber smiled, he touched his hoof to his chest and bowed in respect "Thank you spike, for forgiving me" spike looked embarrassed at sabers bowing.

Celestia trotted up behind saber, he looked behind him seeing what she wanted. She stopped and asked "If what you say is true, then where are the bodies? You think I would believe your word without proof"

Saber actually did think she wouldn't trust him, because he was an outsiders to her, and her sister "I did, you can take him back and open him up, see if I'm telling the truth or not. Luckily I was able to save a group of ponies before fighting the dragon" celestia raised an eyebrow and before she could speak a young child's voice yelled out.

"Mister swordspony!" They all looked to see a blue furred unicorn colt run towards them, coming out of the woods. Behind him was a light blue furred earth pony mare came out chasing the colt, and behind her a large group of ponies right behind her. Blue bolt dash over, and ran into saber. He didn't budge from the colts tackle, not even feeling it. The citizens cheered that the princesses were here, bowing to celestia and Luna for coming.

The girls watch the young colt hug saber, suprised by the sudden entrance of flourish woods ponies, making sabers claim true that he saved a good amount of ponies from the dragon. Saber grinned at blue bolt, he patted his head "Sup kid, took care of your dragon problem like I said"

Blue bolt moved away from saber, he looked around and gasped when seeing yellow dragon, he didn't even notice his mother reaching him and talking to him. She noticed his focus wasn't on her, she followed his line of sight and gasp at seeing the dragon.

She said "My word! I didn't think it was possible" Soon enough tailor tie and the rest saw the dead dragon, some screamed thinking he was sleeping like spike but were informed he was actually dead. Everypony said their gradatute to saber, praising him for saving them and beating yellow dragon. To the princesses surprise saber smiled and waved off their thanks "It's no problem. I just did what I always do when something like this happens, but thank you, I'm happy to help you all in your dire situation"

A guard walked up to celestia and luna "Princesses what should we do with the..... Dragons body?" He questioned.

Celestia looked at yellow dragon, she was angry that a dragon attacked her, and her sisters ponies. She would have discarded the body but needed answers from dragon king torch "We will be taking the body back to canterlot, we must contact king torch and get answers of why a dragon passed the border" she used her magic to clean off the blood and scars on yellow dragon. Luna then used her magic and with the help of their guards, they strapped and tied yellow dragon to one of the chariots for transport.

Celestia looked at Luna, she knew what her sister wanted and turned towards the guards "All guards head back to the chariots, we are leaving but before we do" her horn glowed and sent out a wave, blowing away any lingering fires, and fixing up the ponies homes.

Luna looked over at tailor tie "We will sent groups of guards and also constructors to help rebuild your village" tailor tie cried in joy, having one of the ponies pat his back in order to calm him down.

But blue bolt knew what that means, he looked up at saber "Your leaving already?" He sounded sad, not whating saber to leave yet. He saw saber as an inspiration, someone that doesn't let anything push him down and fight back, something he admires.

Saber patted his head "Sorry kid, got things to do back at canterlot. I'll maybe visit sometimes, make sure nothing else tries attacking this place" blue bolt was excited to have saber visit.

"Really! You promise?" Blue bolt wanted to make sure saber actually means it, Saber nodded.

"I promise bolt, by my honor I'll come and visit if I have the chance" blue bolt smiled happily and hugged saber again, saber patting his back in return. The sight made the girls smile, and blue bolts mother doing the same. With flourish woods dragon problem done, everypony headed back to the chariots. Saber asked celestia why he should get inside a chariot when he could fly back to canterlot in under a minute.

Celestia said "Me and my sister wish to speak with you. We can pass the time while heading back to canterlot in a normal pace" saber sighed and went to join them inside the chariot, but blue bolts mother stopped saber in his tracks.

"Wait!" He turned to see her speed walking towards him, she stood in front of him "I like to thank you again, for saving my son and our home"

Saber took her thanks "And like I said, it's no problem at all miss"

"Blue pedal, my name is blue pedal. Know don't be a stranger when coming back here, for what you did your friends with everypony in flourish woods, come back when even you can" blue pedal told saber that he was welcomed anytime in flourish woods, making him smile at their kindness.

He said his goodbyes and walked inside a chariot where the princesses, and the girls, and spike were in. Celestia gave the word and they flew off, back to canterlot. Blue bolt stared at the chariot that saber went in, hoping he would come back. Blue pedal grabbed his attention "Come bolt, we need to get things ready for when the builders get here" he walked with his mother towards everypony that started cleaning things up.

Inside the chariot, saber was sitting next to the door, beside him was rainbow dash, next to her was fluttershy, twilight, and pinkie pie. On the other side was celestia and Luna, sitting with applejack, rarity, and spike was sitting on twilight's lap.

Saber looked out the window, looking at the sensory as they move through the sky. Celestia took the moment to talk to saber like she said "Sabertooth, I like to ask you some questions about yourself and about today's.... outcome"

Saber turned away from the window, and looked over at celestia and Luna "Ok, what do you want to know? I'll answer as best I can" saber didn't want to answer questions again, but didn't have any choice in the matter.

Luna spoke first "I want to know how you defeated an adult dragon singlehoof. Not even our best captains of the solar and lunar guards could take on a dragon alone"

Saber looked at her questionably "First off, please don't compare me to your guards that's insulting my skill as a samurai" Luna flinched by sabers rudful reply at her, he spoke in his own none caring and prideful way "Second, You do see my sword by my side right?" He pointed at Uingutaiga, insisting the simple answer of her question.

Luna glared at saber, he didn't feel anything from her sharp glare, not being intimidated by it. Luna said in a mad manner "I can see that. What I mean is how did you win, a dragons body is tough and hard, it surprises me that your sword could actually cut a dragon's scales, but killing one is almost impossible for any normal pony"

Saber grinned "Than it's a good thing I'm no normal pony" he tapped Uingutaiga "Uingutaiga is not a regular katana, she's been pass down through out my clan over the years. Made to be used by a warrior, skilled and strong willed to use her" the girls, and spike looked at Uingutaiga, hearing and listing about the lore if his sword.

Rainbow said "That's so cool! How did you beat him tho, you couldn't have just swung your sword at him?" Saber answered her question, telling them about what happened between him and yellow dragon, and how it ended making their eyes widen.

Fluttershy whispered "Oh my......" looking horrified from what saber said. The rest were able to handle it in better terms. Spike on the other hand looked distant, catching twilight's attention.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Spike stayed silent for a bit, but then he spoke out towards saber, asking him a question of his own.

"Saber..... d-did he try getting away. Did h-he apologize for what he did at least?!" Saber and everypony else looked over at spike, he sounded unpleased and hopeful.

Saber looked away at first "Yeah he did, saying sorry about attacking flourish woods and eating the ponies there" they all looked suprised at what saber said, celestia and Luna were going to question the reason why he still killed yellow dragon after he apologized, but saber said "But in truth he didn't mean it" the princesses froze up, stopping themselves at what he said.

Applejack said "What? How did you know he was lying" saber turned back towards them.

"Because of his eyes. They didn't show any mercy or passion at all, he looked scared and cornered. He only said that so he could escape, thinking I would let him go for saying sorry" saber sneered, he looked disgusted "Such thinking really shows a person's true colors. The eyes of any being can show what they think or feel"

Applejack understood what saber said, she's used the same trick when seeing if somepony was lying to her or her friends, the element of honesty giving her a more open thought on those that don't tell the truth. Spike nodded and looked away, thinking about some think else.

Celestia coughed in her hoof "Well it is normal for those who are terrified to try and escape in any way. I like to know why somepony like you, sabertooth is here in this part of equestria?"

Saber said simply "Traveling" everypony blinked at the simple answer.

Twilight said "Traveling?" Thinking saber was here for some other reason except that. He nodded and looked out the window.

"Yeah, got bored and wanted to see what's out there. Beyond neiapone and maybe get hired to help out anypony in need" saber this time was lying completely and didn't want to look at them, possibly giving off he wasn't telling the truth.

Celestia and Luna raises an eyebrow at saber, applejack startled and looked at saber in suspension. Celestia asked "And what kind of job are you thinking, what is it that you do?"

Saber said "I'm a hired mercenary that deals with anything harmful and dangerous, anything like bandits and monsters here or there" everypony except rainbow dash said "What!!" Eyes widen in shock.

As time goes by, the chariots were getting closer to canterlot. Things have been hectic for over the two days in equestria, but something far worse will happen in due time. Somewhere far from any pony settlement, between the griffon country and within the dragon border a black panther wearing dark leather clothing was hiding on top of a tree, watching and inspecting teen dragons flying around.

He was listing off ones fit for control, once done he placed his paw on the side of the tree, and fused inside it. Far away from where he was, he warped out of the ground and started walking away, heading out of the dragon border. He pulled out a good sized crystal, putting his ki into it the crystal swirled and a person's face appeared. It was hard to see because of the darkness shadowing his face.

"Master I've completed my tasked and listed off those strong enough to be controlled" he said to the hidden person.

The being smiled, showing rose of sharp white teeth "Good work pantheon. With that done we can soon finish building the fortress, then the plan will come together. Come back, igeor will need the list to format the plan"

Pantheon bowed is head "Yes master" the crystal shut off, just when something landed down behind him. Pantheon turned his head slowly, seeing a dark green teen dragon looking at him.

The teen smirked "Well, well, never seen anything like you before. I knew I'd find something to eat sooner or later" his wings rose to show dominance, but pantheon only looked at him in bordem.

He turned his body towards him, his eyes even at his neck. Teen dragon notice him not looking scared and growled "Hey I'm talking to you! You better be strong, I hate weak pre-" he was silenced when something flew at him, hitting his neck.

Looking down his eyes widen when seeing a long dagger sticking inside his neck. He couldn't breath and started losing oxygen. Dropping down to his knees, teen dragon clutched the dagger and was going to pull it out, but pantheon appearing next to him grabbed his claw and prevented him from touching the dagger. The teen stared up at pantheon in complete fear. Grabbing the dagger pantheon started slowlying pushing it deeper inside his neck. He tried stopping him but couldn't match in strength against pantheon.

Pantheon said just as teen dragons life was over "Funny, I hate weak prey to" he shoved the dagger deep, killing the green teen dragon. He pulled his dagger out, and left the body on the ground, warping through the ground and leaving the dragon border easily.

Back at canterlot, saber and the rest of the group had to stay in canterlot, having to sleep inside one of the castles bedrooms. Saber was annoyed that he had to persuade celestia, and Luna that he wasn't a sick and twisted pony mercenary.

The guards were sent away, and some returning to their tasks at guarding a certain part of the castle. Saber right know was inside his room, laying down looking up at the ceiling, thinking about today's sudden outcome "Damn, today was really interesting. Answering questions, learning how to fly, getting friendly with rainbow and kicking her flank at that race" he chuckled at the memeroy " Then having to head to canterlot to meet the princessss" he frowned "Only then flying to flourish woods, and killing a dragon terrorizing the place"

Saber sighed, he said "Not like my real home, but has almost similar problems. Another kill and it's a dragon" he looked over at Uingutaiga, that was resting by his bed "She should be waking up soon" he turned away and laid sideways, closing his eyes and falling asleep "Time to give her a warm welcome" he smiled as he fell asleep.

Inside luna's room, she was still angry at saber for talking back to her. She has never been rudely spoken by anypony before, until know. Luna stomped her hoof "I will stand for this! What could sister be thinking, letting a samurai mercenary inside the castle!"

She went and sat on her bed "He can't be here just to travel, no pony from neiapone would come here. He has to be hiding something" she rubbed her chin. Luna soon knew what to do, and laid down "I'll just look into his dreams. May find something from his memories" with the idea Luna quickly fell asleep and her magic activated.

A fragment of herself left out of her body, She was know in her dream realm. Flying around, she found the main six doors leading to their dreams. Moving through Luna found a door she's never seen before. The door was black, with swirls of white and turquoise, at the top there was a painted white tiger looking down at Luna.

She knew this was sabers door instantly "Interesting, this does show much of him. Seeing him first hand reminded me of a wild animal instead of a pony" she walked up to the door "I'll learn everything I need to know about you saber, and find what I want to know" she reach out, and when she touched the door it lit up, startling Luna before blasting her away.

"Auhh!" She fell back, hitting the ground and feeling pain all over her body. Laying on the ground, luna waited for the sudden pain to leave before getting up. She huffed and looked at the door in shock.

"What just happened?! How is this possible!" Her mind went through any possible way how saber door knocked her away. That's when it hit her "Impossible! His mind is guarded, he somehow created a barrier to protect his mind from any intruders?!" She tested this by firing a blast of her magic at the door. The magic blast got destroyed, showing a barrier surrounding the door, then a image of the head of the white tiger appeared in the front. The eyes glowed as a warning.

Luna was stumped, she has never been denied entrance to someponies dreams. She's never met such strong protection that could prevent her from bypassing a ponies mind. Luna was know pissed, she glared daggers at the door "You think this will stop me! I am princess Luna, ruler of the moon and I will enter your dreams samurai!" She fired a large beam at the door, trying her best to possibly break it.

Inside about 10 minutes before Luna tried entering his dreams, saber opened his eyes finding himself not a pony but in his human form, standing as he always did when entering his mindscape. The first thing he sees is a large white furred tiger with black strips curled up on the floor. Seeing this made him smile, and walked over to the large animal.

On its back was two large wings that twitch every few seconds. Getting close saber stopped, standing close to the tiger, he said "Uingutaiga, wake up. You can't greet me if your fake sleeping"

He heard a womanly giggle that made him smile wider. Uingutaiga turned around facing him, she had stripes on her face, and two large fangs just like a sabertooth tiger. She smiled at him in a joyful manner, she said "You always know what I'm doing, saber...." her voice was older but music to someone's ears, she spoke like a mother reminding him of blue pedal.

Saber said nothing, he walked up and hugged Uingutaiga's head. He rubbed his face against her soft, warm fur. She purred and said "I'm back saber, and I'm not leaving ever again" Uingutaiga promised him, knowing how much worried he was when her presence faded away from their battle against a powerful demon two years ago.

The claw scar on his right cheek felt different to him, it always made him remember that day, like a recorder playing back over, and over. But know the thought of it didn't matter to him, saber was happy that his partner was finally back "I'll hold to you in that, you big white furball"

She laughed and knocked him up into the air with her head. Turning her body, knowing laying back, saber fell back down onto her stomach. Her body making his fall furry and soft. Saber knew she would do that and let her, him and Uingutaiga share a link with each other, knowing what the other will do at a single thought.

Saber could sleep on Uingutaiga any time of the day of she was in reality, but she is his sword, a spirit created by his clan for who ever that is worthy of wielding her. He sighed in bliss "I missed how soft and warm you are, can't believe I'm missing the cuddles you give me"

Uingutaiga talked back, sassy like "Oh really, you just missed my body then. Shame on you saber, a women like me need to be look upon from other than that" he knew she wasn't mad, and that she also missed being close like this.

Saber chuckled "Don't worry taiga, I'm not the kind of guy that does something like that" he felt her lick his head, messing up his hair but not minding it.

"You better" she then started rocking themselves back and forth, she asked "So what did I miss over the two years of my sealing?" Sabers eyes widen, knowing he was going to have to tell her about that.

She felt him get a bit nervous and looked away from her, giving her sign's that something was wrong or he was hiding something from her that really got her suspicious. Uingutaiga said "Saber...... what are you hiding" he got startled. Saber knew there was no way he could hide anything from her know that she is back.

Sighing saber said "Fine I'll tell you, but please don't think I'm messing with you. Everything I'm about to say is true and I'll even show you my memories" Uingutaiga raised an eyebrow at how annoyed saber sounded about this, she nodded and then saber started telling her about what happened to him in a short time.

After show Uingutaiga his memories of him turning into a pony, meeting the girls, and also the princesses, not to mention the creatures he's slain, Uingutaiga was truly shocked. She couldn't believe it but because she and him are linked there was no reason for saber to lie to her.

Uingutaiga blinked, she said "Wow.... I can't- this is crazy! How are you feeling becoming a pony saber?" She had to ask, whating to know if he's having a hard time with his new body.

Saber shrugged "Its not so bad" he turned himself into his pony form "I was able to learn how to walk easily, and flying is awesome!' he jumped, flying around in his mindscape. Uingutaiga rolled her eyes, remembering the times she's told him about how free creatures feel when flying through the sky's.

Uingutaiga watched him soar around "I can see that as a plus sign, but this is really bad. Is there any way we can get back to our world?" She asked hopefully.

Saber landed back on the ground, turning back into his human form "The only thing I can think of is finding those assholes and try forcing them into making that damn machine again" that was sabers only hope of possibly returning to his world. Sadly every situation has it's ups, and downs "But I have no clue where they are. After being transported into equestria, I got placed inside a forest, no where near them. They can be somewhere far off in this world and I wouldn't know how long it would take to track them down" saber groaned in aggravation.

Uingutaiga replayed a memeroy of saber getting sucked into the machine, then waking up inside a forest by himself "This is truly a unfortunate struck of luck on use. If their our only hope of getting back, then finding them and both dealing with them will not work"

Saber waved her off "Work with them? I rather kick their asses and force that smug jerk to make another one and send use home!" Uingutaiga smiled at saber entices, she's truly missed his blunt and out going nature.

She agreed with him "Sounds right to me, but like you said, we have no ways in knowing where they are" saber seemed to think and thought of something. Their link showed what saber was thinking and she looked questionable at him "Do you really think they'll do that?"

He nodded "Completely. Think about it, his plan was to conquer the world by somehow sucking in our world's energy and transferring it to him. This world has much more energy than our, I could even feel it. He's most likely going to recreate his damn toy, and try sucking in this world energy instead" saber thought this out and it made sense to him. Zayn looked like the type to follow his goals none stop, and with equestria giving off more energy he'll try taking it believing it would be greater than their world's energy.

Saber said "Looking for him would take very long thanks to me not knowing nothing about this world's or it's inhabits besides the ponies that I barely know. We'll wait for him to revel himself, he probably doing something as we speak" saber trusted his thoughts and went with his plan.

Uingutaiga trusted saber greatly and followed his idea. She snickered "Actually you mean sleeping, because we're inside your mind sort to speak" saber looked at her, deadpan looking at her annoyingly.

Saber said "You know what I mean, you dang cat" she giggled at his comment. Her giggling stopped when they both felt something "Taiga what was that?"

Her eyes looked serious, she felt outside of sabers mindscape "There's someone trying to get inside your mind but failed" she then slightly wince "And know trying to get in by force"

Saber was intrigued by this. The only time something like this happened is when he faced a dream demon trying to enter his mind a long time ago. He said "Can you see who's doing this" she nodded and her body started to glow in a turquoise color like sabers aura. Her turquoise eyes glowed, and she could see outside of sabers mind and who was trying to bypass her defenses.

She looked suprised and tilted her head "Its a pony, but she looks different from the ones you showed me. Actually looks like the ones with both horns and wings"

Saber interest peaked at the information "Can you describe what she looks like?" He knew the person was female, and had to be either princess celestia or Luna.

Uingutaiga described the pony "Her fur is dark blue, and her mane is wavy and black with stars on it. She has a butt tattoo like you, but hers is a moon with black splashes around it"

Saber rubbed his hair in thought "So it's princess Luna. She has the ability to enter people's minds, or in simpler terms a person's dreams when that person is sleeping. Interesting...." he looked up at Uingutaiga "Do you think she will break through your barrier?"

She scoffed "Nope, it would take her years to take down my protection barrier. I barely felt the beam she fired, and she already looks tired" blinking her eyes returned to normal.

Saber walked over to her, Uingutaiga knew what he was going to do and moved down, laying on the ground. He turned and jumped backwards, landing on her side and relaxing in position "Good, I can chill with you until the sun comes up" he placed his hand behind his head, spreaded his legs and laid in bliss on Uingutaiga.

She smiled motherly and sighed "Sounds like a plan, chosen one" she whispered out so saber couldn't hear. They both relaxed together as time went by, and Luna very soon gave up returning to her main body and heading to bed a lot earlier than her usual runs. She was going to tell celestia everything about what happened.

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So it’s dead

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