• Published 6th Jan 2019
  • 2,866 Views, 4 Comments

The Beast Of Equestria, The Fanged Swordsmen - Flowjam

A Mercanary master swordsmen was task to eliminate a evil group of wizards in ripping a gate that could change or destroy thier world.

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Chapter 2 Tired morning, Questions to no answers

It was another day for the town of ponyville. Ponies waking up trying to forget their predicament of yesterdays attack by diamond dogs. They went to doing their usual thing, enjoying the peaceful new day. Inside golden oaks library, twilight and spike have woken up. They got up and went down the stairs, before spike could go into the kitchen twilight said.

"Spike would you please go wake up our guest before making breakfast, we wouldn't want to eat without him" she yawned and went to checking her books.

Spike sighed but did as she asked. He climbed back up the stairs, and walked up to the second door. He knocked on the door "Um saber. It's time to wake up" he didn't get a reply.

Spike knocked again and heard nothing from inside. He opened the door, peaking in. He saw the bed, the covers all put together hiding someone within. He suspected saber was under the covers and still sleeping.

Opening the door fully, and walking inside the room, walking towards the bed. Spike looked over the blankets and poked saber "Uh, saber?" He poked again "It's morning, twilight wanted me to-" he was silence when the covers opened reveling two turquoise eyes glaring at him.

Spike froze completely when seeing them, eyes that looked liked a beasts. He heard a huff inside the covers "What do you want kid" saber said tirdly, he wasn't the morning type. He sleeps longer than normal in the day, and sometimes later on when he's bored.

Spike stuttered "T-twilight wanted me t-to wake you up" he took a step back when the covers shift.

Saber closed his covers "No, come back later" he said. Spike could hear his breathing possibly trying to go back to sleep.

Spike nodded and stepped backwards to the door "Ok, just be sure to come down. I need to make breakfast for twilight"

Spike turned to the door. When he did the covers shook and shake, he looked back only seeing the covers are know flat, spike was confused and looked all over the bed. Seeing no one at all, he walked back to the bed seeing that he wasn't crazy and that the bed was really empty.

But then he heard someone talk at the door "What are you doing? Come on I'm hungry" spike screamed in surprise.

He looked behind him, seeing saber at the door with his sword by his side, and waiting for him. Spike started thinking how saber got behind him when he was on the bed.

Spike pointed at him, and then the bed "How did you..."

Saber said "Don't worry about that. What you do need to worry about is breakfast" he turned and exit out the door "I'm starving" Spike shook his head and jogged out of the door also, and followed saber down stairs. Saber reached the bottom and trotted inside the kitchen where he saw twilight sitting near the table and writing something down. He moved pass her and sat at the other end, twilight heard him and looked up from her notes.

"Morning saber" she said cheerfully.

Saber was still tried but knew it would pass over time, he greeted back "Morning purple" twilight frowned at the name saber used.

"My name is twilight, can't you us my name like any other pony?" She berated him. Saber didn't much care because he was both tired and liked messing with twilight.

Saber grinned "I could, but I won't" twilight huffed and ignoring his reply. Spike walked in and started getting breakfast ready. The two ponies waited until spike finished and set their plates down in front of them. Saber looked at his plate wondered what was on it, a circular food of some kind, and a weirdly looking bread.

He didn't want to look weird so he took a bite out of the bread and found it tasted great "Huh not bad, kid knows how to cook" he ate his bread fast surprising the two others at the table.

Twilight looked worried and said "Wow saber, have you eaten anything before coming to ponyville" he swallowed his food before speaking.

He shook his head "No, I didn't have any food on me and was going to find some when those three fillies captured my attention yesterday" he somewhat said honestly, knowing he would look for food if he stayed in the forest longer.

Twilight smiled "I like to thank you for saving them, applejack and rarity would have been horrified if they gotten hurt, rainbow dash would probably hunt the diamond dogs down or something" saber was happy to save the three fillies, and he felt respect in a way at what her rainbow maned friend would have done, something he would also do without question.

"Know...." he heard twilight say. He saw that she was almost finished with her food while he was finishing up with his last circle food, saber didn't like how she spoke and knew she was going to ask him questions.

"I'd like to ask you questions about yourself and who you are" she said in a hopeful tone.

Saber thought "Fucken knew it" he finished eating his breakfast and said "Hmm.... I'll answer your questions" twilight clapped her hooves in joy, but saber wasn't finished.

"As long as that I can ask questions of my own, and not answer questions I wish not to answer" twilight seemed to deflate but accepted his proposal knowing that if she didn't, saber would not tell her anything at all.

Saber waved his hoof, signaling twilight to start first. Twilight nodded and looked down at her notebook "Ok... let's start simple. What's your full name and where do you come from?"

Saber could answer the first but thought what he should say for the second. He thought of something and hoped it will work "My full name is sabertooth, I came here before leaving my home in neiapone"

Twilight's eyes sparkled "Neiapone! Incredible, I never thought any pony from there would come here. Why did you leave, how was your travel getting here like" she asked him more questions that saber wasn't going to answer.

"Woah purple. That's more than one question, it's my turn to ask one" twilight closed her mouth and blushed embarrassingly.

She sheeply laughed "Sorry, got carried away. Please ask your question saber"

He nodded "Ok.... can you tell me about equestria. Like what are the creatures besides ponies and diamond dogs?" Saber asked that so he knew what was sentient and not in this world.

She gladly answered him "Well there are the griffons, dragons, and minotuars far away from any pony area's in equestria. If your speaking further beyond then there's the zebra's, saddle aribens, farther away in equestria"

Saber took in the information twilight gave him and nodded In understanding, she said "Are you a ronin saber?"

He said "Yes, since I was a colt"

Her eyes sparkled and then wrote something down on her notebook. Spike looked confused on what a ronin is.

"What's a ronin?" He asked.

Twilight answered "A ronin, spike is a samurai without a master. With no master they go around looking for one or move around aimlessly"

Spike looked confused "Aimlessly? So they get lost" twilight shook her head.

"No spike, I mean is that they go around doing whatever they want. Kinda like a traveler in a way" saber spoke after.

"That's right. I do some jobs to get hired and help out. I mostly do it to get money for food" he said truthfully. Spike understood and let the two continue.

"When I saved the fillies they told me they were going to inform a princess. Who is this princess celestia?" saber soon thought he shouldn't have said that because twilight looked at him in shock.

She had her hooves on her cheeks "How do you not know of celestia! Neiapone is far away but even they know of her, how do you not know?!" She demanded him to tell her.

Saber said "I.... left my home and family when I was young. They never told me about a princess of some sort, I moved around a lot going from place to place" he wasn't completely lying because he did leave his home at a young age.

Twilight started to breath in and out of a bag spike found and gave her, she stopped to reply "Well... I guess I understand. I would like to know why you left your family" saber glared at her implying he wasn't going to tell here any time soon, she flinched "B-but I think I'll just let that slide" she sheepishly laughed.

Saber thought "Got that right purple" he crossed his arms "Good, and seeing as you asked a question it's my turn" twilight realised he was right and pouted.

"I've been wondering about this from yesterday. Is everyone here foolishly kind like you?" He said, twilight looked surprised at the insult saber threw at her.

Twilight looked hurt and confused "What are you talking about? I'm kind but no way near foolish!" She indoors yelled, spike scooted away from them and soon left the kitchen.

Saber looked at her passively "I just want to know if everypony would let someone that tried to kill them be free, because I wish to know this before I waste my time helping them" saber was being serious, after yesterdays outcome and him saving the ponies from razor, he thought that this world was too peaceful.

Twilight blinked and connected the dots "Is this about me stopping you from killing razor" he nodded "I thought I told you already" she sighed.

Squatting his eyes saber said "No, you made an excuse for me to let him go. I just find it strange you thought it was smart to let him off"

Twilight started debating if saber was right for a second, but stuck to what she believed in "Showing one kindness and friendship can even change those ill hearted saber, your not from here but you must know that friendship is an important think around here"

Saber looked at twilight like she was crazy. Saber thought "Friendship?? What kind of horse shit is that. This place is weird, very weird" he rubbed his head and got off his seat, placing his plate in the sink saber walked out of the kitchen.

Twilight startled by sabers silence and leaving, she followed him "Hey!" She watched him head for the door "Where are you going, I still have more questions"

"To bad because I don't care" he said simply that made twilight frown. He opened the door but before he trotted out saber turned to twilight and said "Friendship may be important, but something like that can only do little in dangeroues situations like yesterday. You always have to remember, that there are percentages in outcomes" he looked away from twilight "50 percent chance is that razor will give up, or come back with more dogs by his side" saber walked out of the library leaving twilight to ponder on what he said.

Saber trotted away from the tree, he thought "Might as well look around this place seeing as I'm stay here" he looked at his back, feeling his wings under his kimono "And find a secluded spot to try these wings out"

Saber trotted through the main part of ponyville. He looked left and right seeing ponies living their lives normally like humans and other creatures back home. He was greeted by a few ponies that thanked him from saving their lives, while others just waved and kept a distance from him.

He didn't care what others think and continued on his walk. He saw a house made out of sweets and stopped to look at it. He's never seen a building like it, he debated on going inside but shook his head thinking he would check it out later.

Before he walked away, saber stopped sensing someone coming near him very fast. He jumped, right on time to dodge something pinkie that sailed under him. It dragged to a stop on the ground as saber landed on his hoofs, he didn't feel anything hostile about it so he didn't pull his sword out, and from what he saw predicted who it was.

The dust streak faded and showed pinkie pie. She hopped over to him with a pout on her face "Saby~ why did you move out of the way?"

He looked at her like she was mental "I dodge because I didn't wanted to get speared by a pinkie puff ball today" what he said made pinkie laugh.

"Oh silly. I wasn't trying to tackle you, I was trying to give you a welcome hug" she said cheerfully.

Saber thought "You could have fooled me" he wondered why she did all that for a hug, saber said "Why give me a welcome hug? You don't even know me but my name"

She giggled "Because saby, you came and saved everypony. And for that your friend pinkie pie is going to throw you a, welcome to ponyville party!!" She said excitedly.

Saber perked at the mention of a party "A party. Why throw me a party, I may have saved you all but throwing me a party seems much"

Pinkie shook her head "To much and parties don't mix with me. It's a theme here that new ponies get a welcome party in ponyville, trust me saby your going to love it"

Saber thought about it and guessed it wouldn't hurt "Sure, go ahead pinkie. Just make sure you have alcohol in the party" saber is a drinker ever since he drank his first sake.

Pinkie saluted "You can count on me, captain pinkie pie always get the party done and fun!" She giggled and skipped away "Bye saby, enjoy walking around ponyville!" She said before walking inside the bakery.

Saber rubbed his mane "Man... what a weird mare, but very cheerful and nice" he looked up at the clear blue sky "Hope this places isn't completely easy going" saber vanished, moving away fast and heading away from ponyville. Those that saw him leave widen their eyes and looked around, because to them it seemed like saber just vanished.

Saber ran across pony houses, fast moving through the town. He leap off one of the houses and landed meters away. Moving onwards he came upon a lone tree near a hill. It was a grass plain area with no pony around, a perfect spot to try and practice his new wings. Saber went up to the tree and set Uingutaiga on it, he took his kimono off not feeling naked seeing as the ponies don't wear cloths so why should he. Placing the kimono near his sword saber relaxed his body and focused on his wings.

Feeling his wings twitch and move with his actions, saber tried controlling his wing muscles. The result was a plus as his wings sprung open on his back. For some reason it felt natural but shouldn't because he never had wings. A thought came to his mind "I have wings just like her. When she wakes up, she's going to ask so many questions" he sighed, saber looked at uingutaiga knowing his future was going to get annoying.

Saber went back to working on his wings, he first got a good look at them. They were light grey just like his fur, but the tips on both wings were black. He flapped them noticing his wings felt powerful. Looking at them they both had the same length and width. Saber spread his hooves and opened his wings fully, rising them up he flapped once and was lifted into the air. He dropped back down to the ground because he stopped flapping, he was processing his movements and strength when moving his wings.

"Their strong most likely because of my body. One flap got me lifted up easily so I'll have to be careful in how much power I put into my wings" he started moving them both together, imagining how birds fly and move their wings at the same time.

Slowly picking up, saber was once again lifted off the ground as he picked up speed. He hovered in the air for a while until he started moving his body around by shifting his wings to where he wanted to go. His process was going smoothly even if it was his first time.

Saber was liking his wings already. His little training went past his mind as he messed around, flapping his wings as he moved around on the hill. He looked forward at the open air, a calling he's never experience before, but let it take hold of him. Dropping down, saber ran forward and as he got to the drop of the hill, he jumped and flapped his wings strongly, soaring into the air like a bird. It was like instincts took hold of him. He flew through the sky like any other peguses but he was much faster. He zoomed over the grassy plains as he was heading back to ponyville.

At the same time Rainbow dash just woken up, getting up on her cloud bed. Like every morning she got herself looking like her usual awesome self in her cloud bathroom, then heading into her kitchen making herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with milk.

When she was done, rainbow put her plate and cup in the sink thinking she will clean them later when she gets back. Heading to her door, she opened it and took in the clean air and fresh wind of the day. Rainbow flapped her wings out of her house "Alright dash, time to woah!" She said as a grey streak of something flying pass her and almost messing up her flying pattern. She watched the streak fly fast through the air.

Rainbow has never seen something other than herself, or her idols the Wonderbolts move so fast. She wanted to know who it was and forgot whatever she was going to do and zoomed faster the pony. Rainbow dash was able to find the pony flying around the main part of ponyville stores. She went after it and followed it towards sugercube corner, she tried getting closer but the streak was really fast.

"Who the heck is this pony?!" She said to herself. She followed the pony to sweet Apple acres as the pony soared down to the ground, she watched in surprise as the pony crossed the trees on the ground still maintaining its flight speed. She followed the pony through the sky again, she flapped harder getting closer until for some reason, like the person she was following noticed her sped faster and keeping out of her reach.

Rainbow harden her eyes at the unknown peguses "I don't know who this pony is, but I'm not letting that person out fly me!" So she tried catching the pony so she could see who it was. Flying faster than before rainbow went in for a grab when the pony flew straight up surprising rainbow as she flew into a tree.

Pulling her face off the tree, and feeling a bit dizzy she flapped her wings away from the tree noticing it was twilight's. But then she heard someone laugh, turning and seeing the pony leave made her suspect it was the pony that she was chasing. Finding herself insulted and outplayed got rainbow serious "Oh no your not, get back here!" She rocket after the pony, chasing the grey and black streak in the sky heading away from ponyville.

Right when she left, a window opened showing spike looking around looking for who ever crashed into the tree. Shrugging his shoulders, spike closed the window and walked over to twilight that was on the couch.

"That was weird. I thought I heard rainbow dash outside the library?" He said, as he sat down next to twilight on the couch.

Twilight was lying on the couch on her side thinking about what saber said to her before leaving, the memeroy clear in her mind "Friendship may be important, but something like that can only do little in dangerous situations like yesterday" she turned her body looking up at the libraries sealing remember what he said after "50 percent chance is that razor will give up, or come back with more dogs by his side"

Twilight said to spike "Do you think sabers is right spike. From what happened yesterday do you think razor would attack ponyville again?"

Spike didn't know and said "I don't know twilight, saber could be right. This is the first time something like this happend to ponyville, but I think we should think about something else" he walked over to a beanbag, pulled out a comic book and started reading it.

Twilight thought about forgetting but couldn't from how serious saber was like. This was nothing like nightmare moon, or kicking the dragon out of the cave near ponyville, not even close to the time when trixe came and those colts brought a ursa minor to ponyville. Her and everypony was captured and was going to be taken if saber hadn't come and saved them.

"Maybe he is right. Why did razor attack ponyville? Diamond dogs aren't really smart but know it would be dumb to attack a town that would get them assaulted my canterlots guards if the princesses find out" She couldn't stop thinking about it.

Suddenly spike started to gag and throw up green fire revealing a letter. Twilight saw this and got off the couch, and went to spike that opened the letter. Reading the letter Spike's eyebrows rose. He stucked the letter towards twilight "Here you go twi" she took the letter in her magic and read it. Twilight's eyes widen at what she just read, she then started to act crazy.

"Celestia what's us to bring saber to canterlot!" She trotted in circles "But why? I told her what happened and said everything is fine" she gasped "Could it be because of saber, or what I did?!" Twilight wanted to know for herself, she pulled spike off of the beanbag with her magic and quickly brought her saddle bag before walking towards the door.

"Come on spike. We need to get everypony together so we can find saber and head to canterlot" she opened the door, placing spike, that still had his comic book on her back and headed out to get her friends together and find saber.

Back with rainbow dash, she was breathing out as she still followed the grey and black streak. She wasn't completely tired buy from how slippery the pony was being. Every time she got close, the pony would evade her and move pass or even burst forward leaving her behind before rainbow could flaps her wings to get close again.

"Man... this pony is quick" she smiled "Haven't flied like this in a while, feels like my training days back in flight school" with in her mind clouded she soon lost track of the pony. Stopping in midair rainbow looked around but couldn't find the grey streak.

She groaned in annoyance of her losing track of the pony "Oh man! Where did that pony go?" Unknown to her the pony was hiding inside a cloud right next to her. Shooting out, the pony flew into rainbow that screamed in surprise and in slight fear.

The pony grabbed her and flew down to a hill with a tree. Rainbow tried breaking free but the pony was on her back and put pressure on her wings, and their hoofs holding her hoofs. Getting closer to the ground rainbow closes her eyes and yelled.

But then everything stopped. Feeling the forced wind turn into more of a breeze rainbow wondered what happened, she then heard someone chuckling. Being near the voice she knew it was a stallion but knew no peguses stallion in ponyville that could fly as fast as her. Opening her eyes, rainbow turned her head to see who it was, her eyes widen in surprise at the pony.

Saber laughed at the face rainbow made at him. He let her go and sat down on the grass has he laughed. Rainbow shook out of her surprise state, and glared at saber for laughing at her "You jerk! What's the big deal!?" She said.

Saber calmed himself down so that he could speak "That was hilarious. Haven't had this much fun in a while that doesn't involve fighting" he wipes his right eye "Sorry about that pink eyes, after you chased me all over the sky, I knew I had to catch you myself"

Rainbow hearing him was shocked that he was the pony she was chasing. She wanted to ask him how he was so fast, but would ask him later, right know she was both mad, and embarrassed "Your such a plothole. Really had be surprised there" she got up and walked over to saber "Why are you out here anyways?' She asked him.

Saber stayed on the ground, he said "I left purples house when I got tried of answering questions. I walked around ponyville meeting your pink wakey friend that tried hugging me that looked like she was trying to run me over" rainbow laughed at what saber said, he continued "After that I came here to stretch my wings and fly around, it was normal until a rainbow headed pony was following me" his eyes landed on rainbow dash implying it was her.

She looked away guilty, she rubbed her cheek "Sorry about that. I was just interested of who was flying around ponyville, and finding that it was you" she pointed at him.

He nodded "Sounds about right...." He got up and said "Sorry about scaring you, I just wanted to spook you a little"

Rainbow scoffed looking untruthful "Yeah right. I wasn't scared just surprised" saber looked at, knowing she was completely lying.

He rolled his eyes "Yeah.... so that girly scream you made was intentional" rainbow turned fast at saber.

"I wasn't screaming. And even if I did it wouldn't sound like that, it would have sounded awesome" she said cocky like. Saber found rainbow dash the opposite of twilight, and liked it.

Saber walked passed her as he headed towards the tree "So what are you going to do? After that chase scene we did I'd thought you would leave to do whatever you were going to do before I showed up" Rainbow followed him as he grabbed his sword and kimono, drawing the sword and working on his kimono.

Rainbow actually didn't have anything to do today "Well actually I was just going to fly around and head over to sugercube corner later for a bite. Got nothing going on really" she watched him cut holes into his kimono, two good sizes on the back area.

He shortened his kimono before putting it on and sashing Uingutaiga by his side. The two holes on the back let his wings come out, he moved them around liking I'm easy work, he turned back to rainbow "Well if you got nothing to do, I can show and tell you how I took out those diamond dogs yesterday like I said"

Rainbow was interested and excitedly moved to sit next to him under the tree "Awesome! I want details, don't leave nothing behind" saber smiled and nodded. He told her what he did and how he showed up between everypony and cut down every diamond dog soldier.

When he was done rainbow looked at saber with sparkles In her big eyes, he wondered how she did that "That sooooo awesome! So like how did you hide your, um presence?"

Saber grinned and said "I'll show you. Close your eyes" rainbow was confused but did as he said. She heard saber say "Know open" rainbow did but saw that he was gone. She looked around and even flew up in the air, she landed back down on the ground.

Sitting back down and looking left, she said "Alright you can come out know"

"I'm right here" she heard him say to her right. Startled and looking right, she seeing saber next to her suddenly not even hearing him.

Rainbow was baffeled "W-what h-how..." She was very confused.

Saber chuckled "What you just experience was how I got passed razor and his dogs, and bypass you and everyponies eyes. You see its a skill I thought myself a long time ago. By lowering my state of mind I can hide my emotions and slip pass ponies very easily, and with my speed I can bypass them effectively"

Rainbow placed her front hoofs on her cheeks making a cute and funny face that took saber by surprise "That's so cool Saber! With a skill like that I could prank ponies without having to hide behind bushes" he found it funny that she would us this skill to prank others.

Rainbow asked him a question "How about that thing you did to the diamond dogs. When you placed your sword away our chains were cut and every diamond dog was sliced by something, what did you do?"

He was wondering when she was going to ask that "While my presence was hidden from them. And as I said, I ran around you guys first slicing your cuffs and then the mutts. But your wondering why it took me sheathing my sword for everything to happen right?" She nodded.

Saber said "You see rainbow speed can be used for a lot of things. What I did was my skill of speed when cutting the cuffs, and dogs" rainbowed listen to him "My attack speed when swinging my sword was said by those that heard of me, was as fast as lighting" rainbow was shocked.

"Known, so like your famous or something" saber shook his head.

"Not famous. I've done a lot of things back in my home area that ponies have heard of, knowing my skills. One of them was my quickdraw speed when pulling my sword out" he took Uingutaiga off his waist, raising the sword so rainbow could get a good look at it "I cut your chains and the dogs so fast that it left a delay affect"

Rainbow couldn't believe it "Wait what? What do you mean by delay affect" she asked him.

Saber explained "You see when one cuts something it slices what ever they cut, but when controlled better and with speed times time, the outcome when somepony gets attacked, the reaction of said injury takes time to appear because of how fast the pony is"

Saber then said "To put it simply, I moved faster than the reaction of my strike to register to the person" after he said that rainbow actually understood.

"Ohh...." She said. Saber looked at her like she was a child, rainbow snorted "Don't look at me like that! Next time don't tell it like twilight"

Saber smirked looking away "Your probably right. A brain like yours couldn't handle such words of wisdom" rainbow jottled by his words, she glared at him.

"I can understand! It's just something that could lower my awesomeness, can't have my 20 turn into a 15" saber didn't believe her, knowing she just couldn't understand even if she tried.

He shrugged "Whatever you say pink eyes" rainbow huffed hearing him call her that a second time.

"Why are you calling me that. You already know my names rainbow dash" he did but didn't feel like calling her that.

Saber had a playful look in his eyes "I know, I just like calling those I meet for the first time something else"

Rainbow was confused by her weird name "But why call me pink eyes?" Saber turned to her, he looked into her big eyes.

"Because. Your eyes are pretty cute, kinda crazy as your personality very boyish" rainbow dash blushed from saber complimenting her eyes, but then back to being mad when being call boyish.

She stomped her front hooves on the ground "Boyish?! Got a problem with that cat eyes!" She yelled. Saber was finding rainbow more fun than twilight, more funny to mess with. He raised an eyebrow at what she called him, somewhat finding it ironic.

"Cat eyes? Mind telling me why you called me that"

She pointed at his eyes, still somewhat upset "Your eyes are shaped different than a normal ponies, not circled but oval, like a cat's. So here forth I'll be calling you cat eyes for pay back" she slyly said, thinking she had saber.

Saber actually liked the name "Ok pink eyes. Guess we already went into cute names for each other, what's next we start cuddling?~" rainbow widen her eyes and her blush got hotter, she quickly thought of something to distract herself.

She shot up, and said "Gosh I'm starting to get hungry. Last one at sugercube corner is a slow donkey!" She yelled and rockets towards ponyville. Saber chuckled, he took off towards rainbow dash, following her and racing her to sugercube corner.

Inside the bakery, twilight and spike with the girls minus rainbow was seated in one of the booths. Twilight told them why she got them together and where they are going.

Rarity was happily excited "Canterlot! What the luck. I could get some fabric from some if the shops there, much more styled in canterlot"

Twilight said "Were not going to canterlot to shop around rarity. Celestia wants us there to talk to her in person about what happened yesterday" rarity pouted that she couldn't go shopping.

Applejack was wondering something "Did the letter say anything about why, the princesses what with saber?"

Twilight frowned "I don't know applejack, she said to bring him and said nothing of why"

Pinkie shot up "Maybe it's because of what he did. He did save everypony, maybe she's going to give him a reward!" She started listing off what the reward could be, all cake flavors she thought.

The rest let pinkie ramble as they continued to talk "Maybe the princess might be worried. None of us thought that diamond dogs would attack us like yesterday" fluttershy said to them.

Twilight agreed "I agree something's not right. I've learned that diamond dogs that are kicked out of their kingdom would start forming groups and creating mines. Any pony unlucky that stray away could be taken, but diamond dogs attacking a huge town of ponies doesn't seem right to me. I would like to talk about this with celestia if only we knew where sabertooth is!"

Twilight was agitated, her and spike looked around asking ponies while getting everypony to sugercube corner if they have seen him, but finding out no pony has seen saber since a few saw him near sugercube corner.

Applejack turned to pinkie "You spoke to him pinkie. You know where he could have gone?" Pinkie shook her head.

"Nope. I didn't ask him, I know he was walking around ponyville to get use to it but probably went and did something else" she suspected.

Twilight slammed her head on the table, Startling fluttershy "Where could he be..... I hope he didn't leave ponyville because of me?!' She said, the look of worry and sadness in her eyes.

Pinkie being next to her patted twilight's shoulder "Don't worry twilight, saby is still in ponyville. He might even be with rainbow dash as we speak" twilight didn't think something like that could be possible.

"Pinkie it's very unlikely that saber could be with rainbow dash right know" after she said that surprised screams came from outside of sugercube corner. The group turned to the door just in time for it to slam open and show both saber and rainbow dash running inside at the same time.

They stopped and started arguing, rainbow said "I won, made it here first!"

Saber didn't agree "No I did, flew pass you and got in first"

Rainbow shook her head, she found it impossible that saber passed her "Flew passed me! I got here first, I can fly circles around you" she bragged.

Saber stood tall "And I'll be right on your tail soon after" he looked down at rainbow in a proud like way. Rainbow stared saber back as she looked up at him.

The group walked over to the two as they stared off each other. Pinkie ruined it by saying "Aww... their looking into each other's eyes like a couple!"

Saber and rainbow blinked back and turned to pinkie, both saying "What!" Pinkie pie, and applejack laughed at their reaction. The two looked annoyed at them.

Rarity said "My goodness you two, what were you both even doing?" The rest except for twilight wanted to know.

The two faced the group, rainbow said "Me and saber had a little race to get here, that I won" rainbow stuck her head high but saber made sure it went back down.

"That's what she likes to think, can't take in the truth that I beat her. Poor little thing" he rubbed her mane like a child, rainbow growled and swatted his hoof away.

Twilight wasn't letting them waste time "There's no time for this. We need to head over to the train and head to canterlot!" Twilight started to use her magic, saber looked confused and cautions as the girls yelled at twilight to stop but were to late.

Twilight used a teleportation spell to bring them from sugercube corner, to the train station. The girls were on the ground looking dizzy. Saber stood standing but didn't like the feeling of being transported, spike was trying to keep himself from throwing up fire.

They got there just in time for the train to arrive. Twilight clapped her hooves and dragged her friends inside the train with her magic "Yes! Come on girls we can't keep celestia waiting" saber followed behind her as he had spike by the tail with his teeth.

"This chick can be scary at times" he thought. As they went inside, the train roared as smoke came out. The train started moving and heading towards canterlot. Inside the train, the group sat separated from each other. Applejack, rarity, fluttershy, and pinkie pie on one side across from them. Spike, twilight, rainbow dash, and saber on the other.

Applejack stared twilight down with a mad look in her green eyes, that made twilight shrink back in her seat "Gosh darnet Twilight! Next time warn use before using your magic" applejack said, she was peeved that twilight used her magic on them.

Rarity was fixing her mane "That's right. Know I have to get my mane perfect all over again!"

Twilight sheepishly smiled "Sorry guys, it's just that celestia made it sound urgent in her letter" she apologized.

Spike looked at twilight confused "What do you mean? The letter sounded normal like the rest" twilight gave spike a look, making him shut his mouth and whistle looking away from her.

Fluttershy reassured twilight "It fine twilight. We've learned to get us to your.... strange behaviour"

Twilight sighed "Thanks flutters- wait what?" Finding herself feeling insulted by fluttershy of all ponies.

Pinkie rubbed her tummy "Wowy! Teleporting really made my tummy feel funny. I'm going to need castle cake to fix this" she messed with her stomach as the others talked.

While they did, saber and rainbow dash sitting a few feet away were in a conversation of their own.

Saber was wondering what canterlot was like and asked rainbow dash about it "Is canterlot the base kingdom for you ponies or something?"

Rainbow answered "Yea, it's where both princess celestia and Luna rule at. Canterlots a cool place to be for first timers. It's nothing like ponyville tho"

"Is there anything I have to know before we reach the place?" Saber wanted to make sure he doesn't do anything to gain attention.

Rainbow rubbed her chin, thinking "Well... not much. Except the ponies that live in canterlot" she bleached at the thought of them, saber wanted to know why.

"Why? Is something wrong with them" rainbow had on a annoyed look on her face.

"Something like that. Everypony there are lame rich snobs that don't care about Anypony but themselves" she said.

Hearing what she said, saber completely understood "Oh.... So rich royal assholes then, got it" he thought in his head.

Saber was never a fan of the rich and powerful. Those that use their wealth for themselves and mock the poor, and weak. Saber was labeled rich because of the money he gets for his hired jobs, but unlike them he uses it for those that need it and help the villages he saves with the money.

He showed his own distaste of rich jerks "I understand, we have those types back in neiapone. Looking down on others, and believing their more important than them. I never agree to work for those types"

Rainbow listen, she was interested of this neiapone place but questioned what he meant at the end "Work with them, what do you mean saber?"

Saber said "I was a hired mercenary back in neiapone" rainbow dash wide eyed in shock. She didn't think saber was both a samurai and a mercenary.

"Wait, wait, wait. You were a mercenary?!" He nodded "That's so cool! What did you do, what kind of jobs did you take" she asked him many questions and wanted to know.

Saber chuckled "Watch out dash, your sounding a lot like your purple friend" rainbow placed her hoofs over her mouth, she blushed in embarrassment.

Saber answered for her "Well.... I've done a lot of things. Getting hired to hunt down dangerous creatures or sent to stop bandits that are causing problems. For instincts I was once sent to take down a evil overlord that conquered a peaceful temple, and enslaved the ponies there"

Rainbow listen to everything he said, she was totally impressed by what he was hired to do "Woah.... so like did you beat him?" she smiled when saber grinned smugly.

"You got that right! Got there, took out his soldiers and ended the bastard, saving those that were slaves and taking out another evil minded pony" he remembered that day clearly, it was back when he was younger and when people started calling him his title they made up.

Rainbow was glad that saber did that, but notice how he phrased it "So.... that means you..." Saber said it for her.

"I killed him, and his men" she cringed but didn't move away or looked disgusted.

Rainbow wanted to know something, she said "Why? Was there no other way, you couldn't just take him to a dungeon?"

Saber thought about it, he said "Maybe. But you have to know that I was hired to kill him, not capture him. But this has nothing to do with my job, right?" She nodded and saber answered "Rainbow dash, have there been corrupted, evil ponies in equestria"

Rainbow blinked, not thinking saber would ask her a question but answered "Well yes a few, like nightmare moon, discord, and a few other things but they weren't anything bad like them. Why do you ask?"

Saber sighed and said "Because evil is random. There are those that have a reason to cause destruction and others that enjoy it, there are those that could become good and others that stay bad"

He looked into rainbows eyes, she flinched from how serious his eyes looked but also found them appealing "Who was this nightmare moon?" He asked her. Rainbow gave him the short version of it "And she became good soon after?" He questioned.

Rainbow nodded, and raised her head in pride "Yup, one blast with the elements and boom, no more nightmare moon and brought back princess Luna" he nodded but said.

"So you guys destroyed the fake Luna, this nightmare moon?" Rainbow blinked and looked unsure.

"Well.... maybe, I don't know if we did or not. She was just gone and replaced with luna"

Saber hummed "That would mean either she's dead, or is still inside your princess" saber concluded.

Rainbow denied it "Saber princess Luna is fine. And even if, she would have told use or celestia" saber didn't think so, and seeing as nightmare moon was created out of jealousy. Then it can be possible Luna is keeping that knowledge to herself.
He asked her to tell him about discord, and what he learned just proved his theory.

"That just proves I might be right. So this guy is a so called God and was beaten by the elements" he asked rainbow, she said yes "Then that just means your elements aren't meant to truly defeat your enemies"

Rainbow didn't understand "The elements are what kept equestria save, how could you even think that?"

He rolled his eyes "Listen to me for a bit. You said that celestia used the elements to send her sister to the moon, right?" She nodded "And before that they used it on discord that was turned to stone. Both times the elements didn't cause mortal harm or evil hurt them, but either sent them somewhere far or imprison them"

He compared the two "And know Luna is here replaced with nightmare moon that you said was defeated by celestia that was older and possibly stronger than her, but was forced to use the elements because luna become somehow stronger. And discord being a god that could bend realty was beaten because of the elements trapping him in stone"

Saber finished it off "Know pay close attention on what about to say" she was nervous but slowly nodded and listened "If discord, being the god of caos, that wasn't killed by the element but imprisoned, and broke out of his stone prison over the years. Who says nightmare moon wouldn't be also alive and most Likely inside Luna as we speak"

Rainbow couldn't believe it, but what saber said made sense. Discord escaped and got trapped by her and the girls right after, meaning he could just escape again! And if that's true then nightmare moon could be alive and living inside princess Luna!

"That can't be true. Could it, I mean discord escaped before, and might again. And if he could do that, nightmare moon..." rainbow thought about it but couldn't get herself to trust his claim.

Rainbow said in her own right "Does it matter that their still alive. I mean, they lost twice so they'll just give up"

Saber shook his head, not agreeing with her "That only works on those that lost their powers and strength, weak minded to do anything about it. But different for those that are smart and think of ways in getting it back" saber turned is body away from the window and sat back in his seat "Nightmare moon could be buying time before showing herself again, and discord would wait for the elements magic on him to weaken and break free, because evil doesn't stop until their goals are complete" rainbow felt her fur shake at the notion of something like that actually happening.

Saber was thinking if something that expressed what the elements are "These elements sound more like a shield than a weapon"

Rainbow was starting to get what saber was talking about, she said "Shield, how so?"

Saber explained "A shield is made to protect and defend attacks from a sword. These elements either transport and weaken enemies like nightmare moon, or trap them in something that they can't escape like discord"

Rainbow wasn't the smartest but could understand like any other pony. And right know she was starting to think saber was right, she said "Wow.... I can't, I don't know if this could be true"

Saber reassured her "Don't let it get over your head rainbow, it's just a theory and nothing more. I think it's dumb to let those get away with doing whatever they want, and harm innocent ponies to do it" Saber turned back looking out the window, facing the window as rainbow thought to herself.

"Could it really happen. If discord's could break free, then nightmare moon could come back!" She soon calmed her mind "But he said it was just a theory, it may never actually happen.... right?" Her thoughts were inturptted by a whisper calling her name "Rainbow dash" she turned to see the girls and spike looking over at her and saber, twilight waving her over.

Before she moved, rainbow said to saber "I'll be right back" she saw saber nod, rainbow moved and sat close to twilight being with the others.

"What is it, need something?" Twilight shook her head.

"I wanted to bring everypony together except saber to talk" rainbow questioned why.

"Ok, but why?"

Twilight said "To talk about him. I want to tell you guys what I learned about him, and hear what each of you think of him" the girls nodded except rainbow that didn't what to talk behind sabers back.

She told them what happened inside the library, rarity wasn't pleased "Well that wasn't nice, leaving without a care"

Twilight wasn't bothered by it "It's fine rarity. Saber seemed nice enough to answer my questions and he did, most of them. He asked me one but I didn't answer him, only dodging the question"

Applejack said "Don't worry about it twi. I bet he doesn't mind either, he seems the type to let things slide by" twilight wasn't sure.

"Maybe.... after what he said before leaving, I thought what he meant and started thinking he might be right" the girls and spike looked at each other before looking back at twilight.

Fluttershy said shyly "B-but those diamond dogs didn't deserve to be k-k-" fluttershy couldn't say the word.

Twilight meant It in a different way "I still think k-killing them was wrong, but he was right. Razor and his diamond dogs weren't going to let use go by talking it out or trying to befriend him. I should have taken him in, and send a letter to celestia to send a guard to take razor away"

Rainbow nodded "Yeah, know we have a evil diamond dog far away probably plotting something" rarity didn't think razor would do that.

"Come know rainbow, he lost his soldiers and was sent away with nothing. He must be living his life away from ponyville" rainbow dash didn't agree and thought that razor would try something, thinking on what saber said to her about how random evil can be.

Pinkie remembered something and said "What about those pretty crystals. He took one with him" they flinched, except pinkie when twilight gasped out.

She pulled her mane with her hoofs "That right! The crystals, thanks pinkie for reminding me"

"No problem twilight, it's what I do. And other things" she said mysteriously.

She got back to the main topic "So what do you guys think about saber?" Pinkie pie went first.

She waved her hoofs to get their attention "Oh, oh, saber is nice and funny. He didn't give me the 'crazy pink pony look' that most ponies do when first meeting me!" She smiled, finding that one treat friendship wise.

Applejack spoke next "He did save ma sister from them mutts, I just feel tense around him. Like being around a wild animal or something"

Rarity gave twilight a elegant reply "Like applejack he saved sweetie so I'm very much grateful. His clothing is simply dashing, and the way he shortened the cloth gave me some interesting ide-" twilight inturptted her.

"Forgetting the topic rarity...." she looked at her in unamused. Rarity giggled and said sorry.

"He's quite brash in a way, but very handsome" she finished. Spike looked heart broken hearing this, and looked over at saber that was still looking out the window, spike glaring at him. Rainbow didn't know why but hearing rarity say that made her look at her in a uncomfortable way. Fluttershy spoke next, sounded more like whispering but loud enough for them to hear.

"H-he looked so scary yesterday. And what h-he did terrified me" they understood mostly because fluttershy is very easy to scare, she wasn't finished "But he seemed different than any other pony. Like something I can't figure out" they looked at fluttershy confusingly.

Applejack asked "What do you mean sugercube?"

Fluttershy clamed up, and said "Its hard to describe it, i-i might be able to tell you all another time"

Twilight started talking next but sounded more like a lecture. When she started talking rainbow looked away uninterested "Gosh this is boring, talking to saber was way better than this" the thought of him got her looking towards his direction.

Saber was still looking out the window, he seemed slightly bored having to be on a train doing nothing but waiting until they get to canterlot. Rainbow thought "He looks really bored, I feel the same way when I can't spread my wings and fly around" she looked over his body "Know getting a better look at him, saber is really fit. His hooves muscles aren't broad like big Macs but more defined, he could even knock out big Mac with strength like that. And his body looked right for somepony that fights a lot. It's both awesome and ho-" she froze at what she was going to say.

Shaking her head rainbow tried getting rid of thoughts like that "The hay was the about! Rainbow you need to focus, You've just met this guy and only got to know him today!" She huffed and looked somewhere else that wasn't sabers good looking upper body, and looked at his hind legs.

Rainbow saw something, her eyes looking in surprise. Getting up she went over to saber to get a better look. Right when she did twilight finished her boring speech of what she thought about saber "And That's it" the others looked sleepy but hide it well from twilight.

Applejack said "That was very-" she pulled her hat down to cover her yawn "something twi" they nodded also hiding their mouths when yawning.

Twilight smiled in glee "Thanks girls, know rainbow it's your tu-" she turned to face rainbow dash but saw she wasn't next to her. They all looked ahead and saw her heading back to saber but looking at something that was on him.

They got up and followed her. Reaching her, they saw what she was looking at and also looked surprised by it. Saber was minding his own business when he felt eyes on him, turning his head, he saw all of the girls, and spike looking at his flank and making him feel creeped out by their staring.

Saber said "The fuck are you guys doing?!" His blunt and discomfort voice startled them. Looking up at him, saber gave them a not satisfied look making them scoot back.

Rarity said to prove their innocents "We're very sorry dear, it's just that we were looking at your cutie mark"

Saber seemed to freeze at what rarity said. He blinked and said "Cutie what?" They each looked at one other, before looking back at saber.

Twilight said "Your cutiemark" she pointed at his flank "unless their named different in neiapone"

Saber looked down at his flank, and on it was a mark he's never had before when he was human. The image was a black and white tigers head with two large fangs, between it's teeth was a sphere that was turquoise like sabers eyes but in a darker shade.

Looking at the mark, saber felt a wave of remembrance "The tiger looks like her, but what does the sphere mean and why is it so dark?"

Pinkie commented on his mark "I've never seen a cutiemark like that before. It even has a cute kitty on it" saber frowned at the name, and his tiger being called cute.

Twilight said "Do you know what your cutiemark means saber?" He thought about it and said.

"It mean my strength is animal related, mostly based off of a tiger. Showing I can be more beast than pony" twilight and the girls felt their skin crawl in how he mentioned his cutiemark. Rainbow sat next to him thinking his mark was cool.

"That sounds awesome! And your cuti-" she saw him cringe at the name "I mean mark looks cool, but mines about 15% more awesome" she bragged, making him look at her in a challenging way. Saber looked down at her flank, his Looking for some reason made rainbow feel embarrass about herself. He covered his mouth, holding in a laughed that made rainbow frown at him.

Getting angry, she said "Hey! What's so funny?"

Saber waved his hoof "Don't get mad, I'm not laughing at you. Your mark makes a lot of sense of who you are" rainbow wanted to know what her mark means in his eyes but a whistle from the train sounded out.

"Approaching canterlot!" Saber turned back to the window and was impressed by the beauty canterlot displayed. He's been to many kingdoms but this was pure colorful and shiny. The train stopped and opened their doors to let them out. Leaving the train, the group stopped to look around and for saber to get a custom around canterlot.

Twilight smiled as saber looked around him, she said "What do you think of canterlot saber, a great place right!"

Saber hummed "Not a half bad kingdom. A bit glowy for me, but a very good looking kingdom"

Twilight judged sabers comment about canterlot, she frowned at him "That's it? No interest of the texture or how majestic the kingdom is. Only that it's glowy and half bad?!" Twilight didn't like how normal saber thought about her home.

Saber could tell she didn't like his basic comment of the kingdom, he rolled his eyes "Purple I've been to other kingdoms before this one, it's more of a second thought know. Sorry my reaction wasn't up to our standards" he was glaring at her know.

Twilight flinched back, but knew she acted unfriendly "Sorry sabertooth, it's just many ponies find canterlot a symbol of peace and harmony" she looked down in sadness that made saber groan inside his head.

"It's fine purple. I might have spoken about this kingdom to boringly. This kingdom is nice and beautiful, like sakura pedals flowing through the wind" saber isn't the type of man to talk in hiku, but wanted twilight to look happy and not sad.

She was surprised to hear that from him, and some if the girls thought the same. She smiled at saber "Thanks saber, your a really good friend"

Saber blinked at the word friend "Friend, when did we become friends?" He banished the thought and started to walk away "Nice to hear that but don't we have a princess to meet" this made twilight startle up and freak out.

"Your right! We need to hurry before we're late" she trotted pass him quickly "I'll lead the way!" And she did as the others followed behind her and into the kingdom of the two royal sisters. Walking through canterlot, saber looked around him at all of the shops and stores. Everything looked clean and perfect something's he's never seen before, even kingdoms that are govern equally had problems and bad parts within.

"Seems peace and loving, but I don't buy it. Nothing can be totally perfect, no matter how much someone's tries" saber thought. He noticed since walking with the girls that ponies wearing suits and accessories were watching them walk by. He could tell by glance they were looking down at them, eyes full of greed and selfishness.

Saber felt like punching some of them, but that would get him in trouble and he didn't want twilight yelling at him. Saber moved close to rainbow, he whispered "You were right, these ponies really are rich snobs"

Rainbow covered her mouth, giggling "Told you so. But not all of them are bad, some are actually pretty cool" he trusted rainbow on that.

Soon they reached the castles entrance. Two pony guards wearing gold armor with spears in their hooves, guarded the gate. Walking up to them, one of the guards raised his hoof to stop them "Stop right there, what is the reason of you all coming here?"

Twilight answered "Princesses celestia sent me a letter to come and meet her with my friends" using her magic, she pulled out a letter from her saddle bag and gave it to the guard"

He looked it over, nodded at the letter and handing it back to twilight "Alright, you may enter" moving back both guards opened the doors to the castle. The girls and spike walked through with no problems, but when saber tried following them, the guard that spoke to twilight stopped him.

"Freeze! Hand over your sword stallion, we can't have you enter armed" they had their spears crossed blocking his path.

Saber looked annoyed at them both "No can do, tin cans. Were I go my sword comes with" the guards glared at saber for not listening and insulting their armor.

One of them step up to saber "Hoof over the sword or we will forcefully take it away" he threaten saber to hoof over Uingutaiga.

Saber then got serious, the two guards flinched back at the sudden dangerous intent saber gave off "I like to see you both try. It'll make my day much more exciting" he grinned, freaking the guards out.

Twilight and them came back, seeing as saber was being blocked from entering. twilight said "Sabertooth is with use. The princesses said in the letter they wanted to meet him"

One of the guards turned to her, he stuttered "B-but we can't-" he was cut off by rainbow.

"Will you both let saber pass already! Unless you want the princesses to come and find out, you both not letting their guest meet them" she slyly said. The guards didn't want to get in trouble, and be near saber so they let him pass. Walking through the castle, saber looked over at the windows and clear clean floors. This place felt girly, and he wished to be somewhere else that wasn't sparkling.

They walked passed guards that were watching them. When their eyes land on saber, he glared at them making the guards flinch back "These are the ones that protect this place? Look more like pups wearing armor to make themselves look bigger" he thought, not seeing anything intimidating about the guards.

They reached a large door that was guarded by two guards just like the ones guarding the castle entrance.

Again these guards stopped them "Halt, you are twilight sparkle correct?" He asked.

She nodded, the guard said "Princesses celestia, and Luna want to speak to you and the rest of the elements alone" he looked over at saber "He can not come in unless the princesses order it"

Twilight questioned why celestia wanted to talk to them and leave saber out. Rainbow dash being blunt asked "Why can't he come. He's pretty much the reason why were here?"

The guards shook his head "I'm sorry but I can't answer that. Only the princesses can tell you inside" him and the other guard open the doors to let the girls in.

Twilight turned to saber "We'll be right back saber" he didn't much care and waved them off as they went inside. The guards closed the doors and stood at attention like before.

Saber looked at them both then turned around trotting away. The second guard saw him and said "You must wait here when the princesses call upon you"

Saber turned his head at him "I'm not going to stand here and wait. I rather get a look around of this place instead, if you guys want to stop me go ahead, but that leaves the door unguarded" he smiled when he saw their eyes widen in revelation "Later tin cans, it was nice talking with you both" he could feel them glaring at him, but he didn't give a crap.

Sabers pov

I left the guards and walked through the castles halls. This place design is somewhat the same as the other kingdoms I've been to, but more peaceful. As I walked there were glass paintings on the walls. Getting a good look, each painting had the girls on it "Hmm? Rainbow was right, each one looks to be how they won" looking at the paintings it showed one with a dark black and blue mare with both a horn and wings, and a creature made out of different parts of other creatures.

"So they're the villains she was talking about" they didn't look anything scary, mostly discord "For bad guys they both look easy to beat" I continued onwards to where ever I could go.

But then I stopped in my tracks when loud noises of ponies talking caught my ears. It was coming from where me and the gang came from when first entering the castle. I wanted to know what was going on, so I opened my wings and flew through the castle to the noise.

Getting there I see pony guards all moving around, and equipping themselves with swords and spears "The hell is going on here" I looked to see a stallion in gold armor saluting to a bigger guard stallion, and running towards where I came from.

"He might know the situation" I zoomed down and blocked his path. Seeing me he grinded his hoofs to stop, stopping right in front of me.

He was sweating and looked urgent to be somewhere, he said "Citizen you need to move out of-"

I put my hoof up near his mouth, shutting him up "What's going on? Why are the guards arming themselves ready for battle?" I thought something must be going wrong for them to be acting like this.

He groaned and yelled "I don't have time for this! I need to-" I glared at him, grabbed the punks collar part of his armor and pulled him near my face. He made a scared horse noise as I glared at him.

"Listen here, and listen well. You are going to tell me what's happening, or I'll make sure you never get to where your going" I seethed and growled at him.

His eyes shrunk to pinpricks at my threat, he nodded scarily "A-alright, I'll tell you. Words been told that a dragon is attacking a pony village, the guard that informed the issue said that the guards with him were killed by it"

I raised an eyebrow at the information "Dragon? I remember twilight telling me they are sentient like use"

The guard said "I was instructed by solar guard, rising dawn to tell the princesses about this" he looked nervous "I told you s-so can you let me go"

I asked another question before releasing him "Where is this village. Is it close to canterlot?" The guards was confused by my question, but answered.

"It's north-west from here, near a bunch of tree's" getting what I wanted, I let him go as he caught himself. Flying up I zoomed out of the castle ignoring the looks of the guards. Soaring up and stopping in the air, I pinpointed the direction the guard said.

"Ok time to see what a dragon looks like in this world" flapping my wings, I rocketed off heading north-west in fast speeds, I'll get there in under a minute.

Third person

Right when saber walked away from the door, guarded by two pony guards. The girls, and spike walked towards the throne where both celestia and Luna sat. Seeing her student, celestia smiles motherly at her, and her friends.

Celestia spoke in a calm and caring manner "It is good to see you again twilight, and I am happy you have brought the rest of the girls with you"

Twilight and them bowed in respect "Thank you princess, we came as fast as we could to meet you regarding what happened yesterday in ponyville" celestia's smile faltered, she read the letter twilight sent her and was angered at what happened to her ponies.

Luna knowing the events thanks to celestia showed angry she was, she looked furious that made the girls seems small "How dare those dogs attack our ponies! We will find and shut them down for good, sending them far from any pony settlement in equestria" her voice loud for them all to hear, good think she wasn't speaking in her canterlot voice or they would have gone deaf.

Celestia placed a hoof on her sisters shoulder "Calm yourself sister, we will deal with the diamond dogs soon" her words help calm the lunar princess, thanking her sister right after "Right know I wish to speak about what your letter spoke about twilight" twilight startled up when her name was called.

Celestia said "Tell me my student do you know why the diamond dogs attacked ponyville, any reason?" Twilight seem to think about it, she replied.

"No princess, their leader razor only said what he would do to everypony, not why" celestia remembered from the letter that the diamond dogs attacked and were going to take ponyvilles residents as slaves like any creature that are taken by diamond dogs.

She asked another question "And the crystals you wrote about, you said that they took the magic inside you?" This prospect was mostly important to celestia.

Twilight nodded, she was scared of the weapon, the diamond dogs used when they attacked "Yes princess, they had spears with red crystals on the tip. When aimed at a pony, it fires a beam at them, and when hit it somehow absorbs the magic inside said pony, feeling weak and tried right after"

Celestia feared what twilight said. A weapon that could take away the magical energy inside a pony, even other creatures like griffons and minotuars that have magic within them also is very frightening, and in the wrong hands could mess up the balance of equestria.

Celestia put up a serious look on her face "Such a weapon in equestria, and in the hands of diamond dogs can not be allowed. Me and Luna will form a platoon of guards to search and find the diamond dog cave, attack and contain these crystal for safety reasons"

Luna agreed with her "This outcome is a very surprise and dreadful problem. Never have there been something quite like this, and could take away a ponies magic" she paused for a second, thinking of the resulting outcome of such weapons known by others "This could go horrible if others know about these crystals" Twilight and the girls were spooked by what they heard. A weapon such as that could change equestria if not handled correctly.

Twilight looked down in helplessness "I'm sorry princess, we couldn't stop them from capturing everypony, and soon joined them. Failing our positions as elements of harmony" the other girls felt sad and beaten, mostly applejack and rainbow dash that felt the most shameful out of all of them, and also twilight that couldn't do anything without her magic.

Spike placed a claw on twilight's side, trying to help her feel better. Celestia looked at her student and subjects with pity and sadness.

Celestia reassured twilight "Do not let this stop you twilight. You and the girls did your best to fight, and protect ponyvilles citizens. You must stay strong and do your best and protect what you all care for, only when you give up is when all hope is lost"

Twilight lifted her head up because of celestia's words, Luna said "My sister is right dear twilight. You and the rest of the bearers have saved equestria twice in low odds of successes, but from not giving up you all were able to prevail and win, something me and my sister both appreciate from you all"

The rest looked back at the princesses, their moods changed to smiles and happy faces. Twilight smiled up at both princesses "Thank you princesses. We won't let this stop use, We'll do our best when another problem comes up, right girls!" They all agreed with her.

Celestia and Luna smiled down at them "I am glad that you all, and everypony in ponyville is safe and unharmed" celestia said from what she heard in the letter about no one getting completely harmed by the diamond dogs.

Pinkie spoke out "Yup! If not for saby we would have been in real trouble" the princesses looked at pinkie in slight confusion, never hearing such a name before.

Luna said "Saby? Who is this saby you speak of?"

Twilight sighed at pinkies giddy nature "She's talking about sabertooth. The stallion that saved use from the diamond dog" celestia looked in remembrance, the letter spoke of a stallion saving her student and killing the diamond dogs that got her by surprised and for some reasons nervous.

She looked passively at them to hide her thoughts on the matter "Ah yes, the stallion that saved you and everypony. Did you learn anything from him twilight?" She nodded and told the princesses what she learned. Rainbow dash didn't really listen because she already knew because of saber telling her about him.

What they heard shocked both princesses, Luna said in her canterlot voice "A SAMURAI! WHAT IS A SAMURAI DOING HERE?" The girls, and spike covered their ears and hoped they could still hear. Celestia rubbed her ears as she looked at her sister evenly.

"Luna please don't use the canterlot voice in closed area's, you really need to control that habit" Luna blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.

Twilight wondered why Luna reacted like that, she said "Is there a problem princess? Why did Luna act that way when learning that saber in a samurai?"

Celestia sighed "That's because no samurai has ever came here in this part of equis, and never wish to come here at all" this shocked the girls, it sounded like they distaste canterlot and every other pony settlement here in equestria.

Rarity spoke up "May I ask why princess. Surly that can not be true, canterlot is a beautiful and elegant place to be" she praised the kingdom of canterlot, not thinking any pony could hate it.

But celestia proved her wrong "And that's the reason" she simply said, catching them by surprise.

"Excuse me?" Rarity said.

Celestia continued "Neiapone is greatly different from canterlot or any other pony city. Neiapone is it's own country ruled by its own king, such like the crystal empire"

Luna spoke after "Neiapone is the opposite of canterlot. It is full of dangers within and out of the kingdom and ponies that go through death as a usual" the girls then gasped, not thinking a place like that could exist.

Celestia put her hoof up "Don't think that the kingdom of neiapone is full of evil and dark ponies, the ponies there are like any other pony here, but what lies around neiapone is the true problem" she started telling them the dangers that neiapone faces "Nieapone have creatures nothing like the kinds we have here, bandit groups of different kinds that cause problems in neiapon villages and distant cities. A very dangerous place for normal ponies such the ones in equestria could never handle"

The girls shockingly listen to celestia. Rainbow dash remembered what saber said about taking out bandits and evil ponies that he was hired to face, she knew he wasn't lying but hearing this from the princess proved it even more.

Fluttershy said "B-but what about s-sabertooth?" That got everyponies attention, mostly rainbow dash.

Celestia spoke her thoughts out to them "Learning that a ronin is here in equestria is very much startling news, and could cause problems for ponies who have no clue about neiapone" Luna spoke after.

"And his abilities to face and show no mercy to his enemies, and kill them is something we must be vigilant to. This stallion could even harm a pony, maybe do fatal harm to one that may seem hostile to him" rainbow dash choice that time to speak out, getting worry looks from her friends and surprise looks from both princesses.

"Know wait just a minute! How can you suggest such things when you haven't met him yet?!" The royal sisters looked at each other, celestia the one to reply.

"Rainbow dash we only speak what both me and my sister's thinks. The importance of our subjects come first, and a ronin samurai being in our borders rise concerns" rainbow stood strong.

She said "I may not know anything about this neiapone place you both keep talking about, or anything about the samurai's there, but I know saber is nothing like them. He's way better than those guys anyways" her friends looked at her in slight surprise, seeing their friend speak out for someone she's only knew for a day.

Rainbow looked away as she spoke "He's told be about how he feels about the bad guys, and jerks trying to take over canterlot. Saying it would be better to end them instead of letting them go free" the girls gasp, and the princess looked startled from hearing this "But..." they sat still hearing what rainbow was going to say next "When he said it, his face didn't change or show anything bad. He was speaking out his thoughts to me, and I think he wouldn't harm any pony that would just attack him and kill them so simply"

Rainbow dash looked straight at princess celestia and Luna "I believe that saber is nothing like these samurai's you speak about. He saved my friends and did what he had to do in order to save use. And mostly he's to awesome to be seen as a threat anyways!"

This was a very shocking things for the ponies. Hearing rainbow dash speak for another when she's usually always brash and aimed for anything new that could hurt her friends, talked loyally about a pony that's dangerous in the princesses eyes.

Before celestia could speak the throne doors opened as a stallion guard grinded his hoofs to a stop, getting their attention. He was breathing hard and sweating a storm.

Celestia recognized the guard as one of her solar guards newer recruits "Grind ground, what is the reason of you barrging in here?" She let him catch his breath seeing as he must have ran really fast to get here.

After catching his breath, grind said in a scared manner "Princesses! A dragon has been reported attacking the pony village flourish woods!" What he said shocked everypony in the room.

Celestia startled and flinched her subjects, yelling in her canterlot voice "WHAT?!"

Grind shook in fear from his princesses canterlot voice, but continued to speak "The g-guards stationed there were attacked and k-killed. Only one if them was able to escape in order to relive the message of this dire problem"

Both princesses harden their eyes and stood from their thrones, Luna said "We must head there know and stop this dragon quickly!" They fastly walked down the steps and stood in front of the bearers "Come bearers of harmony we must go know!" They all nodded quickly and walked out of the throne room door with grind ground.

Walking pass the guards that followed suit, pinkie said catching their attention "Wait where's saby?" Turning towards her and looking around, saber was not here at all.

Celestia turned to her guards that stood guarding the door "Where has that stallion gone?" The guards looked nervously at each other.

Left guard said "He left to look around the castle. We couldn't stop him because we were assigned to stay guarding the throne doors"

The girls startled up at the news. Twilight groaned and hoofpalmed her face "Of course he would!"

Grind ground said "Stallion? You mean the guy wearing some weird clothing, light grey fur with a black mane, and a sword on his side?" They looked at him hearing what he said, making him shrink back.

Twilight moved up to him with her crazy look "Yes that's him. Where is he?" Grind ground looked away and at the floor getting the ponies to look in worry for his paused silence.

He said "H-he stopped me by the castle gates and forced me to tell him what was going on, and where the dragon is. When I did he flew off and out of the castle" their eyes widen, putting two and two together.

Rainbow yelled "He did what!" She looked frantic at what she heard from grin ground. Celestia didn't want to waste time as her ponies and know a new one could be suffering as they speak.

"There is no time for this! We must head to flourish woods village, and stop the dragon from burning the whole village and ponies" with that said, her and everypony except grind ground headed to the castles entrance, getting inside a chariot and heading for flourish woods with a large platoon of guards to help saved the ponies in trouble.

In the village called flourish woods, the trees that the ponies planted thousands of years ago has become a blazing inferno. Ponies living in the peaceful village ran yelling and screaming as a large yellow dragon breathed fire at a house, burning those inside to a horrible death. Because of the trees surrounding the village was on fire, they couldn't escape.

The dragon laughed as he picked up a earth pony "Such easy prey. You ponies are such peace loving fools!" He ate the poor stallion easily. He then wipped his tail smashing through houses and sending ponies flying. A large group of citizens watch in terror as the dragon wreaked havoc on their homes. One pony mare says "By celestia, what are we going to do!"

A stallion wearing a tie said "We have no choice but to wait for the princesses to come and saved use" it was true, and their only option but one stallion got them realising that it could be to late.

"It's impossible tailor tie! Canterlot is miles beyond miles away from here. It would take hours for the princesses to get here" what he said made all hope go straight out of the window for them all. Back with the dragon, he heard something crying and it annoyed him. Looked right and downwards, he saw a blue furred colt crying as he sat in front of a burning house.

Find the colts crying annoying, he stepped close to the tiny colt and lifted his foot to crush him "I hate whiny babies!" He sent his foot down just when the colt look up, seeing the dragons foot heading for him. Suddenly the dragon heard something as he slammed his foot down on the colt. He looked around wondering what the noise was but shrugged it off. He lifted his foot and looked in confusion that the colt he tried stomping was gone.

The colt had his eyes closed shut waiting for his life to end, but then he felt a sudden wind and being picked up by something. The feeling of wind stopped and a voice spoke near him "Open your eyes kid, your not dead yet" the voice came from a stallion he's never heard of, but felt himself trust the unknown pony from how strong and serious he sounded.

Opening his eyes, he saw the ground move pass him. Turning his head to face the stallion, his eyes widen at sabers claw mark scar and fierce turquoise eyes. Descending down, saber lands close to the group of flourish woods pony citizen's.

Letting the colt go, a light blue mare runs over and grabs the colt into a hug "By celestia! Blue bolt, I'm so happy your safe" blue bolt hugged back his mother, tears going down his eyes as he nuzzled her chest. Saber walked passed them and towards the group, waving his hoof so that he could move through.

Tailor tie said "A-are you a guard sent by princesses celestia?!" Saber stood in front of the burning trees. He pulled Uingutaiga out of her sheath, blue bolt and his mother joining the group and watching saber.

Saber said "No" he coated Uingutaiga in a low powered ki. He pulled his hoof back, and swung wide sending a blast of ki, blowing away the fire off of the trees and opening a path. The ponies looked in shock as the trees that were on fire get blown away by sabers swing of his sword.

Blue bolt looked in awe as sabers crazy feat. Turning back to the ponies, saber said "I came here on my own reason, doing what I always do" he walked passed the ponies and heading back to the village. They watched him simply walked onwards, heading to the village where the dragon still is.

Blue bolt called him out. Stopping saber as he turned his head at the colt, he says "Why are you doing this? Not even the guards could stop that dragon, do you really think you can beat it" saber looked at the colt for a second. Blue bolts mother pulling her son and telling him to leave saber alone.

Saber said "I'm nothing like your guards. Canterlot guards fight to protect, I fight to win. What i'm doing is something's I've promised myself to do over my life" He looked back forward and started walking "Trust me kid, that dragon won't cause anymore damage to your home. His life has plummeted beacuse of his foolish actions" saber opened his wings and flew off, heading back to the village.

Blue bolt stared off like everypony else. He may have just met saber, but could tell and knew his home will not be completely destroyed with saber here.

Back in the village, the dragon smiled at his work. Crushed houses, destroyed shops and stands, burning a school house. He came here to feast on ponies but decided to also break and destroy everything here. Some homes were not destroyed but burning slightly that he didn't know of, but also didn't care.

Looking at the woods, he thought "Dumb fools. Who thought it was wise to surround a village in trees, such idiocy makes me laugh at times" and he did laugh. He stopped as his tail slammed down on a house behind him "No matter. I should go before the princesses that rule here come"

Before he could move his wings a shout yelled out towards him from his right "Oi!" Turning his head towards the voice, he saw a pony stallion standing on his hind legs, wearing some sort of clothing and a sword by his side. Saber got there in seconds. Not even the dragin knew he was there until he yelled out.

The dragon looked at saber in slight surprise, believing that he ate and killed everypony living here, he says "Huh? Seems I missed one, no matter" he turned and face saber fully "I'll kill you to pony"

Saber placed his left hoof on Uingutaiga, he sized up the yellow dragon and compared him with the dragon he killed by on his world "He's pretty big, taller than the woods and most likely can be seen from afar in the sky. Breaths fire like any other dragon, long tail, sharp claws and teeth. Still nothing compare to the one I fought before, much bigger in size and sharper claws that cloud cleave through the ground" his thoughts finished, saber knew this fight will not last long if he wished it.

The dragon mocked saber at his unmoved body "What's wrong pony. To scared to flee" he laughed at him, but saber caught him off guard by talking back.

"I hate fighting idiots like you. Always cocky, not knowing just how small you really are" sabers eyes took on a bored and annoyed look "Just so you know I came here to kill you, so please make this challenging for me, I hate easy prey"

The dragon blinked in shock. Never has he met a pony that talked back at him or hearing such a thing happen. Ponies would run before letting out a word, except screaming their lungs out. Gritting his teeth, the dragon glared at saber in anger "How dare you talk to me like that! Weaklings like you should beg for mercy and grovel to the powerful!" He yelled at saber.

Saber chuckled, he said "Really? Might as well do that I guess. Even tho I'll still cut you down in the end" he was mentioning the dragon and not himself.

Getting sick of saber quickly, the dragon opened his mouth and fired a ball of hot fire at him. The fire ball got close as sabers eyes harden and his smile dissapered. The ball hit where saber stood, and exploded upon contact. Grinning wide, the dragon relished seeing the grey stallion die in front of him "Damn pony, that's what you get for not running"

Unknown to him, saber dodged the fire ball and was on top of a house to the dragons right side. Saber placed his right hoof on Uingutaiga "Dumbass" he said before putting pressure on his hind hooves, he flapped his wings hard and rocketed right at the dragon, shattering the roof.

Saber moved so fast, that the dragon didn't know he was coming for him. Close to his face, saber slash across the dragons right eye. The sudden feeling of pain caused yellow dragon to roar out, and dropped down, clutching his eye as blood spilled out, he couldn't see anything from his right eye.

He heard someone whistle, turning his head up, he sees saber above him tapping Uingutaiga on his shoulder "Sorry about that, I just hate it when evil bastard like you looking down on me"

Sweat ran down the top of yellow dragons head, his left eye twitch from the pain he's feeling because of his right eye. Never before has he been hurt or caught off guard, and by a pony of all things, he wouldn't believe it. Still clutching his eye, yellow dragon said "So you took my eye out, for that?!" Saber looked at him like he was stupid.

He nodded "Yes, to both show you not to underestimate me, and understand that I will fully kill you when this is over" hearing saber, yellow dragon felt his scales crawl. He's faced other dragons before, and knew a threat when he hears one, but by saber it sounded more like an intention.

Not skipping a beat, yellow dragon fired more balls of fire at saber. Smiling saber sheathed Uingutaiga, and weaved pass the projectiles easily, flying pass them without a care in the world. Yellow dragon was starting to get nervous "He's dodging my fire balls so easily!? And I can't follow him because of his speed!" Every fire ball missed it's mark because saber was flying faster than yellow dragon could fire.

Saber flew over a fire ball and stood still in the air "Is that really all you got?" He taunted yellow dragon. Being outplayed by a pony, yellow dragon tried something else. He breathed in and fired a stream of fire at saber.

Saber shook his head at the fire breath he predicted would come. He zoomed over and under the attack, getting closer to yellow drake that widen in shock. Flying down, saber slashed yellow dragons chest from the left, sheath his sword, then slashed his stomach from the right making two cuts on his chest and belly area.

The cuts were deep and that shocked and scared yellow dragon. Normal swords couldn't harm an adult dragon like him, if attacked from the stomach it would work because dragons stomachs are softer compared to everything else, but his stomach and chest was slashed by saber leaving a deep wound that shouldn't happen.

Placing his claw on his chest, he could feel his blood going down his chest. Looking at himself, the cut mark broke through his chest, something that was impossible that a dragon could be harmed by a small sword. He took in the pain as he huffed out, moving his body closer to the ground.

"Your bodies weak" he turned to sabers voice. He was sitting on top of another house, looking at yellow dragon "An adult dragons body is suppose to be harder than steel. Well I'm not surprised I cut you, Uingutaiga has cut down many beings, including dragons" saber said that to rile yellow dragon up, so that this fight wouldn't be easy.

But that somewhat did the opposite. Yellow dragon moved his head back at what saber said "Other dragons..... He doesn't mean... He couldn't have!" His mind went haywire, and soon started fighting for a new purpose.

He had to kill saber, because if he doesn't he'll be the one dead. Grabbing a piece of a house, and crushing it in his claws, yellow dragon tried surprise attacking saber by throwing the pieces at him. Saber saw them coming, stood on his hind legs, and cleave through them all using iaijutsu.

Doing so gave yellow dragon a chance to move up on saber. In range he lifted his left claw and sent it at Saber. Speeding right saber dodged the claw as it smashed apart the house. His body a blur as he flew near yellow dragons jaw, and gave him small but deep cuts across his jaw.

He yelled in pain, placing his claws on his mouth, feeling the slash marks and blood that came out of them. Saber wasn't done and flew back, turning his body, saber aimed for a flying kick. He kicked yellow dragon on the neck, the power of the kick together with his speed made it stronger as it sent yellow dragon to the ground, his body hitting the ground caused a rumble affect that scared the ponies that got out of the woods, and waited for saber to win.

Landing on the ground, saber watched as yellow dragon lift himself up slowly. The dragon started sucking in air from the kick saber gave him, the attack making it hard for him to breath. Clearing that up, he tilted his head seeing saber behind him "Knows my chance" he thought.

Moving his tail, yellow dragon sent it at saber. But before the tail could hit him, saber jumped over it. Flying up and over he dropped kicked down on top of his head, crushing yellow dragon head back into the ground. Saber dropped down in a sitting formation on yellow dragons head "You got good endurance, any other opponent would have succumb to their wounds I inflict upon them" saber praised yellow dragon, but to the drake it sounded like he was being mocked at.

Growling, he decided to fight saber in a different way. Opening his wings, he flapped hard blowing away rocks and wood. Saber quickly held on to his head as he picked himself up into the air. Saber let go and flew a good distance away. Yellow dragon glared at saber, his wounds causing him pain, and his right eye feeling numb. He spoke In anger "I will not lose! Dragons are powerful, stronger than every other species on equis" saber tilted his head, not believing him at all.

"Really..... strongest on equis. That's very debatable right know" and he was right, saying such things when losing to something smaller would ask questions. Done talking, yellow dragon started firing fire balls at saber who evaded every single one like before. Yellow dragon flew towards him and tried hitting him up close. Saber dodged his claws and sharp teeth, he parried a few swipes that left yellow dragon confused and shocked by not seeing saber pull his sword out.

Dodging another swipe, saber coated his right hoof in ki, he flew around his arm and up towards his head. Pulling his hoof back, he punched yellow dragon on the cheek. The hit knocked his head to the side and his body downwards. Yellow dragon used his wings to stop his momentum, flying back up.

He placed a claw on his cheek, feeling the pain of his cheek bruising "How is this possible!!! He punched pass my scales, it should have broken his hoof but instead hurt me?!"

Saber smiled at his crazed, shocked look on his face "Suprised? Can't blame you, getting decked by something smaller than you would shock anyone. Bet you feel ashamed getting beaten by me, but don't be, many have experienced the feeling of getting their asses kicked by yours truly"

Both angry, and fearful yellow dragon started charging his breath attack. Saber could see his neck bulge as fire composed inside. His mouth spilled flames that leaked out, saber thought "Finally using something that can actually harm me. To bad that ain't going to happen" placing his hoof on Uingutaiga, saber channeled ki to the sword.

When the bulge in his throat reached his mouth, yellow dragon opened his mouth wide open "This will finish him!" He fired a large stream of fire, bigger than his first one.

Saber clicked Uingutaiga, pulling the sword out, he yelled "Fang Killer" sending a ki blade at yellow dragon. The ki blade sliced and broke apart the stream of fire. It kept on going and slashed diagonally on yellow dragons chest, the power of the attack sent yellow dragon falling to the ground. Crashing back down, yellow dragon lay on his back, the slash on his chest large and gruesome. His body was tired and combined with his bleeding chest he felt his life get colder.

Saber landed back on the ground. He watched yellow dragon twitch and slowly, but painfully get up. Saber would give the dragon credit, he can take a beating but if he wanted to, saber would had ended this way sooner. Yellow dragon finally got back up, not standing on his feet but on all fours.

His arms wobbled as he huffed out. The numb feeling from his right eye still there, not seeing anything from the right side. He could feel his new wound sting and hurt, it made it hard for him to breath most likely suffered internal bleeding. He started crawling towards saber that stood and watched. He stopped in a good distance, opening his mouth he says something that made saber widen his eyes a bit, and look at yellow dragon in disgust.

Yellow dragon said "Please. Let me go, I realise what I did. Let me go and I'll never harm a single pony again" his voice low and pitiful. If saber had hands he would be clenching them by know, he glared at yellow dragon, anger rising in his mind.

"Let you go? LET YOU GO?!" His shout made yellow dragon flinch "Look around at the destruction you caused. So many lives taken because of you, and you what me to let you go? That you realise what you've done" saber stomped his hind hoof, cracking the ground "Hell no, I'll avenge all those you ate, and killed" Saber crouched down in his iaijutsu stance "Killing you is the only way"

Know his one and only chance of leaving the village alive was out the window. Yellow dragon had one option, he cracked the ground with his claws and roared. He went in to move but froze in place, feeling someone on top of his head. When yellow dragon roared, saber used his incredible speed, and appearing on yellow dragons head. He had Uingutaiga out, held high with the blade pointed down as his ki surround the blade. His left hoof near the tip of his blade, aiming where his brain should be.

Yellow dragon didn't move, frozen in place fearing that if he moves, his life would be over. He slowly said "Please...." but saber wouldn't have it.

"Have fun where ever you go, lizard" the ki around Uingutaiga risen, he was ready to kill yellow dragon. Fear taking over him, his whole body started trembled and shook.

In a loud scream, yellow dragon said "No.....!" His voice hitch and silenced. Saber stabbed Uingutaiga thorough his head, piercing his brain inside. His eyes went from pinpricks, to his eyes fading white. His arms dead weight letting the body drop flat on the ground.

Yellow dragon was dead, killed for the deaths he caused in flourish woods. Saber pulled Uingutaiga out of his head, waved the blade sending blood flying off it. Sheathing his sword saber sat down with his hind hooves crossed and his right hoof on his right hind legs, the hoof placed on his cheek as he sat on the dead dragon.

Saber knew the princesses, and maybe the girls with spike will come. So he sat down waiting for them to arrive "They should be getting here soon, I hope spike doesn't hate me for killing one of his kind" saber thought as he waited, surrounded by burned trees and destroyed homes.

The fight was over, but what would the outcome of this finished problem will bring. Will sabers actions cost him or be praised for saving the ponies in flourish woods.