• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 1,850 Views, 30 Comments

Worlds Apart: Two Worlds, One Adventure - Ponysavior

When a darkness covers your world, can you depend on another to help?

  • ...

Chapter Six

One hell of a knight.

Walking into the castle Finn finds that his enemy has been beaten, those who didn't die surrendered after the fight.The castle crashers then approach Finn. Richard comes up to Finn.

"I saw you fight with that minotaur."


"Well let's just say you've got a lot to learn."

"Like what?"

"Well first of all wear some armor." He says jabbing him in the shoulder.

"It may slow you down, but hell better slow and living, then still and dead."

Finn was about to protest but was quickly cut off. "And if you aren't going to wear armor, at least work on your dodging."

"I bet you couldn't even beat me in a fight!"

"Is that so?"


"Alright 09:00 the fields outside the main gate, come and learn something!"

The red clad knight then walked away, Frank following. The blue clad knight turned to Finn hand raised. "Finn, Pierce by the way, no offence, kid, but your way out of your league."

"Whose the green guy?"

"Who him? We just call him our little gift, found him killing some barbarians he doesn't talk much."


"Got to go." He said running out of the castle.

Finn looked around this place was as much a home as the tree house and seeing the castle in ruins almost brought him to tears, but he's to manly to cry. Wonder of from the topic of home Finn thought of Jake he and Jake grow ever more distant in the midst of the war. Finn went to look for Jake calmly call for him, then growing in concern shouting, screaming his friend's name. Then something caught his eye, a yellow figure lay face down in the dirt, a wound on it's side. Rushing over Finn turned the figure to confirm his suspicions, the body was indeed Jake's.

"PB! COME QUICK!" The adventurer yelled then turning to Jake. Tears in his eyes.

Jake then turns to him and smiles "Well, I knew this day would come."

"How'd you know?"

"Dude, I'm like 28.''

"But why now?"

"Oh, I don't know." He said pointing to the several arrows lodged in his stomach.

"But that's not important, what's important is that you know that there was nothing you could do to stop it. Now i have to leave you, but one more thing." Jake says tear in his eyes.

Finn took hold of his hand."What?" he said equally wet around the eyes.

"Take care of Lady Rainicorn." He then passed. Finn clenched his body for a time afterwords, crying the entire time. Richard then approaches him and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"You've got to let go."


"Finn..." PB then came forward.

"I know how close you guys were, but,"


"Your not the only one who has lost something, these ponies need you, they need you to get back what was taken from them."

Richard then cut in. "And though you may not get him back, i know you'll do your damn best to avenge him."

Finn knew they were right, he hugged the body for a little longer then rest the body on the ground. The green knight then approached the body closing Jake's eyes he said. "ruhen nun meine Krieger Rest jetzt Not vorbei ist."

Leaving the site Finn retreated to the palace sitting in a chair morning the death of the only being he was truly close to. Meanwhile the leader met below discussing tactics and similar topics.

"We need more men, our men count in hundreds, whilst our enemies number in millions in changelings alone." Dusk spoke in a demand for action.

"Well we can't exactly raise an army of the dead, now can we?" Richard says jokingly.

PB steps forward. "I do know someone who could, but I'd rather not go there."

"Where will you go?"

"Well when my kingdom was attacked , I decided I needed an army," Signaling to a pair of guards they proceeded to open the door, behind it stood a candy soldier clad head to toe in candy steel. The motif of a candy cane lay in the middle of his tunic, and although the warrior wore a great helm, his steely gaze translated through his metal visage. "I call them candy cane crusaders, made for the specific purpose of thwarting evil."

"Well, can they fight?" Richard asked intrigued.

"Well perhaps you can assist me in that regard. The have advanced battle prowess in their blood, but i have yet to program them with formation tactics and such."

"How 'bout you just give me a fresh batch, training is something you learn not something your born with."

"Very well."

Spear came in, "Well we got an army but how are going to get from here to Equestria?"

"Well i'd rather not worry with that until, we have a proper army."

Richard then began training the second platoon that was created the first becoming devoted to serving the Princess. Spear began drilling the ponies who had survived the ordeal, and Twilight was working on a way back to Equestria. Richard told Finn that if he didn't want to fight, he wouldn't think any less of him if he were to back down from the duel but Finn's stubbornness prevented that from happening.

It was the day of the duel a crowd had gathered around the two combatants as they prepare for conflict.

"You sure about this?" Richard asked Finn.

"Yeah, bring it!"

The warriors drew their wooden swords. Richard sent a bolt of lightning towards Finn hitting him dead center in the chest. Quick to recover Finn jumped up just in time to avoid his opponent's sword counter attacking hitting over the head the blow did little due to Richard's armor. Finn then kicked him in the gut knocking the warrior over. Down but not out he delivered a jab to Finn's knee then he swept him off his feet. Richard then put the edge of the sword on Finn's neck.

"Checkmate." He said with a smile, albeit one unseen. Reaching his hand out to help him up.

Getting up Finn stood there in defeat. Pierce nudged him "Next time kid?" he then proceeded to leave as did everyone else save for Rainbow Dash.

"Finn, what was that?" she said playfully jabbing him on the shoulder.

"Well that lighting really packs a punch."

An image of Derpy came through Dash's mind. "Tell me about it..."

"So you still owe me one."

"I do, don't I."

"Yeah, I was wondering if you would spend the day with me tomorrow."

"That'd be nice." Finn said not giving it much thought.

Finn the made his way to the Princess who was conducting some tests on the crusaders. "PB, can I sleep in the castle, tonight.?"

"I don't see why not. I suppose you know where your room is?"


Advancing to the confines of his room he saw Spear drilling the men. They appeared to be running laps. Whilst doing so they sang a song.Spear would call a line that the rest would the repeat

Armor is heavy, my spear is sharp.
But no worries only pride in my heart.
Sword and shield is all that's left.
Between a guard and his enemy's chest.

The best of the best is what we are.
Come at me whether near or far.
The guardspony's gold is all I wear.
and I sleep next to my golden spear.

My spear so sharp goes through and through.
Leaves my armor stained with blue.
Changers left dead on the ground.
Guardspony out without a sound.

The best of the best is what we are.
Come at me whether near or far.
The guardspony's gold is all I wear.
and I sleep next to my golden spear..

And in the air we can't be beat.
The griffon just can't stand the defeat.
But maybe they'll just suck it up.
'Cause against us they're out of luck.

The best of the best is what we are.
Come at me whether near or far.
The guardspony's gold is all I wear.
and I sleep next to my golden spear.

Minotaurs charge into our lines.
But when they do they just waste their time.
For lines so strong can not be broken.
And their charge is rendered hopeless.

Author's Note:

The cadence is set to the tune of Hail oh Hail oh Infantry.