• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 1,852 Views, 30 Comments

Worlds Apart: Two Worlds, One Adventure - Ponysavior

When a darkness covers your world, can you depend on another to help?

  • ...

Chapter Two

Party time!

After the battle Finn removed his hat,to check for holes when Rainbow Dash approached him and asked " Do you wanna watch, I still haven't stretched my wings much." this was true to her combat flying was a somewhat necessary, and frankly not as fun for her.

He quickly put his hat on "Sure!" he said nervously, unsure if Rainbow had saw his hair.

They went outside the walls Finn sat down on a tree stump she did some tricks that Finn thought were flipping awesome and when she stopped he got up to meet her at her landing spot "That was awesome!" he told her as she pretended to brush off dust.

"That wasn't even 20% of my skill!" She announced proudly.

"So what do you do? you know for , Like a job?" he asked her.

"well i'm the weather mare." she said hoping it didn't seem petty in his eyes

"So you tell people the weather?" he said looking at the sky.

"No," she said flying unto a cloud. "I control it!"

She then zipped across the sky gathering all the clouds above Finn's head and rained down on him then she moved them out of the way effectively creating a rainbow.

"Cool" he replied as Jake came back.

''Hi,Finn you know Party Pete?" Jake asked him wondering what he had missed.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well he's hosting a "Thanks for Saving the Kingdom Party" at the candy tavern, come on you got to go man."

"Alright let's go."

Finn didn't like this side of the candy kingdom with the evil and all but he couldn't turn down a present of sorts especially if it's a Party Pete party. When they finally got there there was some dub-step over the stereo. Finn walked in alongside Rainbow who turned directly to the bar where the rest of the elements were.

"Hey there's my main man right there, everybody let's hear it for the candy kingdom's savior Finn!" Party Pete announced on his mic and everyone cheered, the crowd was filled with bears since the candy people were still at the castle.

"Hey guys how's the party going?" Rainbow Dash had asked her friends as she walked away.

"Yo Finn, come over here for a sec?" Party Pete yelled to Finn who barely heard it over the dub-step

"What is it Party Pete?" Finn asked

"That is quite the catch you got there." He said pointing to Rainbow Dash

"Dude, she not my girlfriend, she just a girl who's my friend, you know?" Finn told him hoping he'd understand.

"Well then she should be, man look at her!" they both look towards her.

"What, Rarity you do know you your talking about right?" she asked her unicorn friend.

"Of course darling! he ,is, into you."She said with conviction.

Then they said in unison" Now you get get him/her!"

They met on the dance floor and Party Pete was about to announce something "Hey there all you party goers better grab someone close or get off the dance floor because now we're taking it slow"

Everyone had cleared the dance floor except Finn and Rainbow. Rainbow looked at Rarity who mouthed "go on".Finn glared at Party Pete who gave a thumbs up and played some slow music.And so they danced, and they enjoyed every moment soulfully looking into each others eyes ,every movement, every step in perfect sync as they danced the enchanting music as if for a moment they were one body,mind and maybe even one soul.Then the music stopped abruptly and Pinkie Pie took the mic "Looked you guys have been partying hard but now your about to PARTAY!" and so the floor was crowded as Finn made his way to the bartender who was serving honey flavored energy drinks. Rainbow was following him but was stopped by Rarity who told her "Darling, that, was ,fabulous.So do tell me you did enjoy it, correct"

"Yeah it was sorta alright." she said hiding her true feelings, for what she wanted to say may shock, you it may even horrify you, she LOVED him.

"Well, I would think he's feeling the same exact way." She said glancing over at him "Here take this" she said handing her a necklace "it's a gift, for one new to the game"

"What game?" she asked

"Love." she replied

"MAN these ponies sure know how to party, oh and by the way how did it feel'' Party Pete spoke in such a calm voice compared to the screams and the music.

"Ah it was ok" He said masking his emotions for he truly loved her with all he's heart and soul.

"Ah that's cool, that's cool, well peace." he says leaving just as Rainbow Dash comes in.

"Hey Finn what, were you guys were talking about?"

"Nothing you know." He said as two thugs approached

"Hey beut that there's a purdy necklace"The bigger one said pulling out a knife his speech slurred.

"HEY YOU BETTER TAKE THIS OUTSIDE!" the bartender yelled getting the bouncer to take the three outside

"ah great now what do we do boss"The scrawny one said his voice slurred as well.

"Now we mug this kid!''

"You can try!"Finn yelled

The man with the knife lunged forward but Finn grabbed his arm and twisted it making him let go, then he kneed his balls and threw him on the ground.He writhed in pain as the scrawny man ran away.But not because of Finn he, was the least of their problems. Finn had turned to see six fake Jakes yell "I'M AN AMBUSH!" Finn attempted to fight back but in the end was overwhelmed and knocked out.

He opened his eyes, his vision was blurred, his head was hurting, his legs were sore,and he couldn't feel his left arm,but despite this he had made an effort to stand up.He first pushed him self up with his arm, then attempted to use his feet,but to no avail as he fell over.He opened his eyes looking around he sees ponies clad in gold armor,ponies he didn't know, and ponies he did.A grey pony walked up to him.

"Hey there" she spoke in a calming, posh voice "don't stress your self to hard,you just got up.''

She motioned to a white unicorn with sunglasses to get him water which she levitated."Oh where are my manners I am Octavia and this is, " she was cut off abruptly.


"EH HEM. anyway Rainbow tells me your quite the hero, so we're going to break out."

"So, you have a plan?"

"Of course." she pulled out a map and laid it out on the floor "This cell block magic from going outside, but it still works inside and it's the only weapon we have at the moment, thankfully there's only one guard."She pointed towards the changeling "Him''

Finn looked at the changling he was scrawny, weak that Octavia was talking about.

"If you can get him inside we can escape, after that we can meet with the Resistance in Mareyland.We'll come up with another plan there."

Finn understood what he had to do."Hey guard."

He didn't know how he could convince him that he WAS sick but he would.


"I feel like I'm going to puke" he pretends to gag hoping it works "could you get me a bucket?"

"very well" he says leaving to go to storage "here it is!" he got a bucket and was on his way to drop the bucket outside the cell.He had put it outside the cell.

"I can't reach that you have to put it inside."


The guard opened the door and was blasted by at least nine horns."GO,GO,GO"Octavia yelled as every one ran out of the cave that had once had been their prison.Octavia couldn't believe it she was stuck in that cave for so long, days ,even weeks then some otherworldly creature, freed her and her comrades as soon as he regained consciousness.

They had marched for hours until they stopped at a small cave near waterfall deposing into a lake.They had established a camp there and planned how they would get to Mareyland. Finn decided that this was a good time to bathe since he can't remember the last time he took a bath he first removed his shirt exposed his bare skin, he heard a faint pomf in the distance but disregarded it, then he removed his shorts revealing a pair of swim shorts he proceeded to take a bath.Afterwords he approached Twilight.

"Hey Twilight!" He ran into her tent.

"Yes Finn?" she said moving a grey book out of sight.

"Have you ever heard a pomf sound,like in the middle of nowhere?"

she blushed then looked at rainbow dash who was looking inside the tent, she was making a "slitting throat" motion.

"No, I can't say I have." she was a TERRIBLE liar but Finn wasn't she if this is just a "pony thing" so he disregarded it and left.

Immediately afterwords Rainbow Dash had rushed into the tent, she plugged Twilight's mouth waiting for a second to she if Finn was gone,as soon as she let her hoof go Twilight burst into laughter.

"What! Stop it! Agh!" she stormed off in rage instead of asking Twilight what to do about this crush, she shuddered at the mere thought of that word.

"RALLY UP WE'RE MOVING!" Octavia shouted making sure no one was left behind, that their forces were as large as possible before they head out.

The march lasted a few hours but before the knew it they were there in Mareyland, the home of the resistance.They went straight to the town hall when they opened the door there were two ponies gathered there "Armor!" Twilight yelled in joy but she found somepony different wearing the captain's garb, somepony she didn't know.