• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 1,852 Views, 30 Comments

Worlds Apart: Two Worlds, One Adventure - Ponysavior

When a darkness covers your world, can you depend on another to help?

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Chapter Five

It's a small world.

Finn was regaining consciousnesses and an all too familiar feeling at this point. Standing up he realizes that he and his new-found allies are in the Ice Kingdom. Looking around he sees that only the dark blue pony with the flowing mane is conscious. He then hears a familiar voice, the voice of Princess Bubblegum screaming in a cry for help.

"Stay here." He tells Luna as he unsheathes his sword.

"Knave! Thou shalt not tell us what to do!" She yells in disagreement. " Look, who's going to watch after them."

She raised her hoof in protest but then, lowered it after seeing his reason. Walking around he finds the entrance to the ice castle. Once inside he found that there were several dead bodies on the floor. They all looked exactly the same, all blue hooded and the hood looked sunken in. Proceeding forward he found four knights, one red, one blue, one green, and one orange. "Right side!" The red one shouted as a blue figure appeared to his right. The figure was taller then the ones that Finn had passed, he had red eyes, and he had a crown of ice. Atop that crown lay a golden one, one with red gems. The green knight stabbed the figure multiple times. Disappearing into a shroud of mist. Icicles fell from the frozen ceiling, and in a cage of ice behind them, waits Princess Bubblegum.

"Hey Finn." Ice King comes from behind Popcorn in hand.

"Ice King, who is this guy." Finn asks.

"Oh, him? That's Frost King he's a really nice guy." An icicle lands in front of them. "If he's not trying to kill you."

Finn had looked at ice king as if he was crazy, well crazier then normally. Charging in to help the four knights, sword drawn Finn screams a deafening war cry at the top of his lungs. Finn had jumped in just in time to save the orange knight who was about to be crushed by an icicle. The five of them made quick work of Frost King. After the battle,and the freeing of the princess, the warriors sat down for a talk. "You did well, for a kid." The red knight said approaching Finn. "What's your name son?"

"Finn, yours?"

"Richard." He said.

"So, Richard what brings you around here?"

"Work we've been tracking that guy down for weeks."

"And what will you do know?"

"I don't know. When ever duty calls, we're the ones who answer."

"I don't know about duty, but nature sure is calling!" The orange one proclaimed.

"FRANK SHUT UP!" The Blue one, along with Richard yelled in unison.

"So anyway, we're probably going soon, after we clear out all of the gold." He said looking at all the gold on the floor.

"What if I told you that there is a world out there that needs saving?"

"Well I'd ask, " He extended his hand. "Where do we start?"

Having concluded their business the warriors, and the princess descend to the mass of ponies below. Finn turned to look back at the doorway but having no concern for the ice kings well being he continued down the frozen path. Luna was checking on her subjects making sure that they were fit to travel, although she doesn't know where.

"We're protecting these things?" Frank inquired.


"So," Luna stops tending to the ponies to approach Princess Bubblegum. "Finn hast told us of thee. Will thou truly helpest our people?"

"Well only if you help us first." PB answered.

"With?" Luna asks

"I'll show you."

Leading the group back to the forests candy kingdom they find that the area was covered in a green liquid and changelings hovered over head. "Changelings." Luna said with disgust. " Alright, " Luna turned to address her subjects and allies,

" We are aware thou hast fought long and hard, and perhaps sought out some well deserved rest in this new world. But shall we let this world fall as ours did? Or shall we fight back, let them know that we are a force to be reckoned with? Shall we sit to rest as homes are burnt and innocents killed or shall we stand to fight?"

"I shall stand with you!" The ponies below yelled.

"And what of the brave knights?" She asked looking at Richard.

"We shall stand!" He replied.

"And of the royalty of this new world? Will thou stand with us as we shall stand with you?" She looks towards PB.

"I will stand, with you."

"Well then what more can we say?" Luna turns towards the candy kingdom. "CHARGE!"

The mass of ponies emerged form the forests shouting cries of fury that could tear the skies apart. Richard and his knights lead the charge along with the legion of shadows and the ruler of the night. Changelings in the path of the army were hacked to pieces, or trampled into dust. Swift and sure the army made it's way to the gate only to find a platoon of griffons at it's defense. The leader stepped forth clad in armor comprised of the belongings of fallen guards, but perhaps the item that stood out the most was the small flag that jutted out an inch or two from his wing, it was made of the cutie mark of the former guard, Shining Armor. It was that moment when Twilight knew of her brother's fate. "And if it isn't the lady of the night her self?" He was of pure, griffon blood, his accent made consonants carry more weight then a vowel. Twilight shot a powerful bolt of energy towards the large griffon, sending him several feet. "That's for my BBBFF " she shouted charging to the body. Then the time of relative peace had stopped and the forces were at each other's throats again. Choirs of death sung, blood flew, souls left their mortal bodies and entered eternal slumber. The griffon leader was pinned down by Twilight by the end of it and no one dare intervene. "Twilight Sparkle, just like your brother headstrong, brave, speaking of which, you want to know how he died? He died tried, running like a coward!" Then she sent a blast through the griffon's hind legs and wings. Get off she remarked. "Get busy crawling, or get busy dying." they then moved on into the city.

War spread like wildfire within the city walls. Finn was busy escorting PB to the castle to reclaim the throne when he heard a familiar voice. "So, Finn you came back to die with your city." Finn drew his sword. "No, I came here to stop you.'' Taking no time to stand on ceremony the minotaur sent his axe down with full force but the adventurer quickly dodges. Having learnt from past mistakes Iron Will headbutted Finn to the ground. Leaving his axe lodged in the soil he raised his fists. Finn took a few swings at the burly minotaur to no avail as the armor he wore was simply too thick. Getting tired of Finn's feeble attempts to attack him, Iron Will swiped the sword out of his hand and punched him in the gut. Rainbow Dash then came down from the sky and delivered a sharp kick to the minotaur's face plate cracking in half. Finn then proceeded to uppercut the beast sending to the ground. Rainbow Dash winked at Finn "You owe me one!" she said before rocketing off into the sky. Finn stood gazing at the rainbow trail for a short while. "We didn't mean stand literally." Luna called to him snapping him back to the task at hand. He then turned his attention to the castle and geared up for more combat.