Worlds Apart: Two Worlds, One Adventure

by Ponysavior

First published

When a darkness covers your world, can you depend on another to help?

When Chrysalis comes back with some "friends" and equestria's protectors can't defeat the new threat. Twilight and friends are sent as missionaries, sent to find help. And sometimes help can come from the unlikeliest of places. AUTHORS NOTE: First fan-fic and piece of non-school writing. Warning:Profanity

Chapter One

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A Whole New World

"Armor they're breaking though!'' Said what's left of the guard as they tried to hold back the seemingly endless horde of changelings.

"Now Twilight," Shining said as he opened a portal The portal was a last resort. the kind of magic that has no set outcome aside for the outcome fate decides" No matter what you have to get help, and be safe the help can't get back here without you. I wish I could go with you but I'm needed here. I love you sis but this is the best I can do, don't worry." One by one the friends rushed in as Twilight forlornly exchanges a glance at her brother as he gets over powered by the mass of changelings just before she steps in herself.

''..and then I was like oatmeal heck yeah!" Finn said very enthusiastically.

"Yeah that's pretty, whoa wait..." Jake said as he stepped a few inches back. "What is that! " he said as he gazed into the swirling portal that had suddenly appeared.

"I don't know but, you better tell the princess about this.'' Finn said almost enchanted by the strange portal.

"But why me?" Jake asked with a hint of jealousy.

"Because you can stretch there and back.'' Finn said still staring at the portal

"Oh, yeah OK I'll be back in a jiff!" he yelled as he stretched to the candy kingdom.

It had been a while since Jake had left is everything alright? Finn thought to himself, when out of the blue he heard footsteps coming from the portal he grabbed his sword ready to face whatever danger that could emerge from the mysterious portal. To his surprise six almost inviting ponies. Finn almost got in a word, but before he could they fell with a thud. Jake had returned by this point with Princess Bubblegum and asked "What happened to these ponies? Were they evil?"

Finn turned and replied " No, we have to get them to a hospital ..."

But the princess interrupted "What if they turn out like the pigs, they got you off your game."

He remembered the entire ordeal is if it was yesterday, it did throw him off his game .But Finn trusted these ponies despite him only knowing them for a few minutes. He begged the princess "Please ,PB these ponies need help they need some help this world is dangerous I'd hate to just be dropped into this world randomly with no one to depend on.."

The Princess understood and said "Oh, alright." a smile creeping unto her face. Finn smiled.

A few days passed Rainbow Dash struggled to open her eyes her body was sore, her head ached and she could barely move,but despite this she managed to get up and survey the area. "She thought to herself man this place looks like the kind that Pinkie Pie dreams of living in, everything's made out of sugar" she said as she turned to a guard facing a door

"Even the people " she muttered to herself " Wait, where is Pinkie Pie anyway? "

"PRINCESS ONE OF THEM WOKE UP!" She heard the guard say as Jake ran through the door
''Are you alright?" He asked the cyan pony with the rainbow mane

"Yeah, just a little saddle sore" she said as she thanked Celestia these things speak the same language. "But you mind telling me where I am or where my friends are?''

Jake nodded "Well..."

But before he could say anything The princess opened the door flanked by two guards and said "Ms. uh," "Rainbow Dash, and don't call me miss"

The princess interrupted "So you're married?!" she couldn't fathom such a young looking creature being married at the most she's 20 she thought to herself

"NO GOSH, it just makes me sound old!"

Princess Bubblegum Replied blushing "Oh, yeah right, well could you tell me why you went through the portal?"

Rainbow nodded "Well you see there is a large war happening in Equestria, our homeland and we're seeking some allies to help us. We're a peaceful country with no need for soldiers, all we have is the guard and they can't fend off an entire army for long."

"I see and what about your history?"The Princess asked genuinely interested.

"Well I'm not the pony you should talk to about that," She stated pointing to the purple pony " you should ask Twilight, she's , well an egghead"

The princess politely said "Thank you, guards call me when the purple one wakes up"

"So, um what are you?" The cyan mare asked Jake

"Oh me? You know just your average magical talking dog" Jake said with a smile.

"Oh, AJ has a dog but she looks a lot different and I don't know why"


"...And that's Basically the basics." Jake said looking around noticing every one of the ponies had recovered and were fully awake and alert.

"So um.. I'm going to stretch my wings, wanna watch?" Rainbow Dash announced getting up and stretching.

"So, you do stunts?" Finn asked

"Yeah I do the fastest, most awesome, death defying "stunts" you'll ever see, probably 20% cooler than anything you've seen!" She said more confident then ever.

"Show me." Finn said excitedly.

"I'm not sure you can handle the awesomeness." Rainbow said with a smirk on her face.

"I'm an adventurer awesome is, like my job."Finn said triumphantly.

"Yeah, well I haven't seen how good you are at it." She replied as a guard ran in.

He screamed at the top of his lungs "We're under attack!"

Finn picks his sword up and says "You're about to find out!"

He ran to the ramparts where many bits and pieces of scared candies had been scattered.

"Get all the candy people out of here, Jake!" He whispered. "I'll hold them off PB has to have a plan!"

"Come on everybody go to the castle there's um, a meeting Yeah! a meeting at he castle now!" He shouted.He waited until the candy people had left then he addressed then ponies"You should go with them, it's going to get rough!"

"We can hold our own" Rainbow dash replied " Well, except Fluttershy, you should probably take her with you."

"All right you take care it'd be a shame not to meet four of you!" He replied with a grin.

By this time Finn had gotten down waiting for the enemies to break through the gate watching it bounce back and fourth as they attempt to maul, claw and bite their way through the door.

The six of them stood there waiting for the changelings to break the door down when they finally did Finn yelled out "It's castle defending time!"

The ponies braced for impact but were surprised to see that no one had passed Finn he would swing his sword and take six of them down, they did't expect much resistance let alone a seasoned adventurer. But soon the changelings got serous and flew over him realizing there was no way around him on the ground. The ponies were ready as the first wave presented themselves the fell, the five ponies had faced these enemies before and now know the best way for them to take them down.Rarity was ready this time around and was volleying many changelings with sewing needles with surgical precision hitting changeling right in between the eyes . Pinkie had resorted to using her party cannon burying the changelings in streamers, party hats, plastic cups, cupcakes and great swords.Twilight sniped flying changelings with her horn. Rainbow dash would fly above the mass of flying changelings and knock them out of the sky, straight towards applejack whom then bucked the enemy into the air usually knocking down a changeling or two. They started to mix their ranks between walking and flying, but our heroes refused to give an inch of ground to them.Jake had come back and made a large dome out of him self and had told everyone to get inside which they did.

"look you guys got to buy PB some time she needs twilight she needs to work on a problem the the gumball guards." Jake said flinching the whole way through"i'm gonna bounce these guys off of me then take twilight with me, you've got to buy them some time."

"Alright you go keep PB safe." Finn replied anxiously gripping his sword.

At that moment he expanded to bounce all the changelings clinging onto him off, and took twilight away.Finn was expecting to be swarmed and was surprised to see a Minotaur fully clad in pitch black armor.

He said "You want something done right," he raised a massive axe he held in his hand" YOU DO IT YOURSELF! "

He swung the axe down with great force the group had tried to avoid it but had gotten launched, but Finn who used the force to enhance his punch, which had connected to the Minotaur's face-plate. his hand hurt but the Minotaur's hurt even more he had fallen down, stunned.

Finn told the ponies to stay back that he had this handled and that they should make sure the changelings don't come back. He turned and saw that the beast was up and waiting.

He said" I am Iron Will" he looked up at Finn" AND I WILL BREAK YOU!"

"You can try!" He said dodging the axe's swings

They seamed to be evenly matched every blow Finn landed was blocked by the armor and every hit that Iron swings was dodged by Finn causing many holes in buildings revealing cupboards, plates, beds, baths, dolls and spaceships. But Iron changed his strategy and headbutted Finn onto the ground.

He raised his axe "Aren't you going to kill me?Then do it i dare you!" Finn said in a moment of bravado.

Axe still high in the air Iron spoke "Turn around I want to see your face when you die." taking a pause "turn around, then you have my permission to die"

Finn took this opportunity,knowing the Beast had let his guard down , to turn around quickly dodge the attack and counter attack .First Iron Will swung the axe down with great force Finn rolled to the side and the axe was lodge into the ground. Second he knew that he would try to get the axe out so Finn delivered a punch that connected once again with the pitch black face-plate, leaving the enemy dazed.Third he had tackled the warrior to the ground but Iron Will was ready he got on top in an instant Finn removed his helmet and rubbed mud in his eyes. Freed, Finn ran towards the burly Minotaur and kicked him in the face he dragged him to the ponies on the ramparts over looking the changeling army which was wait out side the walls as commanded by Iron Will. When Finn had reached the ramparts everything was silent he propped their leader's body on the ramparts and yelled "You can have him back!" while he through him over.Then the princess's plans had kicked in, the gumball guardians had awoken to scare off the remaining invaders.

Chapter Two

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Party time!

After the battle Finn removed his hat,to check for holes when Rainbow Dash approached him and asked " Do you wanna watch, I still haven't stretched my wings much." this was true to her combat flying was a somewhat necessary, and frankly not as fun for her.

He quickly put his hat on "Sure!" he said nervously, unsure if Rainbow had saw his hair.

They went outside the walls Finn sat down on a tree stump she did some tricks that Finn thought were flipping awesome and when she stopped he got up to meet her at her landing spot "That was awesome!" he told her as she pretended to brush off dust.

"That wasn't even 20% of my skill!" She announced proudly.

"So what do you do? you know for , Like a job?" he asked her.

"well i'm the weather mare." she said hoping it didn't seem petty in his eyes

"So you tell people the weather?" he said looking at the sky.

"No," she said flying unto a cloud. "I control it!"

She then zipped across the sky gathering all the clouds above Finn's head and rained down on him then she moved them out of the way effectively creating a rainbow.

"Cool" he replied as Jake came back.

''Hi,Finn you know Party Pete?" Jake asked him wondering what he had missed.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well he's hosting a "Thanks for Saving the Kingdom Party" at the candy tavern, come on you got to go man."

"Alright let's go."

Finn didn't like this side of the candy kingdom with the evil and all but he couldn't turn down a present of sorts especially if it's a Party Pete party. When they finally got there there was some dub-step over the stereo. Finn walked in alongside Rainbow who turned directly to the bar where the rest of the elements were.

"Hey there's my main man right there, everybody let's hear it for the candy kingdom's savior Finn!" Party Pete announced on his mic and everyone cheered, the crowd was filled with bears since the candy people were still at the castle.

"Hey guys how's the party going?" Rainbow Dash had asked her friends as she walked away.

"Yo Finn, come over here for a sec?" Party Pete yelled to Finn who barely heard it over the dub-step

"What is it Party Pete?" Finn asked

"That is quite the catch you got there." He said pointing to Rainbow Dash

"Dude, she not my girlfriend, she just a girl who's my friend, you know?" Finn told him hoping he'd understand.

"Well then she should be, man look at her!" they both look towards her.

"What, Rarity you do know you your talking about right?" she asked her unicorn friend.

"Of course darling! he ,is, into you."She said with conviction.

Then they said in unison" Now you get get him/her!"

They met on the dance floor and Party Pete was about to announce something "Hey there all you party goers better grab someone close or get off the dance floor because now we're taking it slow"

Everyone had cleared the dance floor except Finn and Rainbow. Rainbow looked at Rarity who mouthed "go on".Finn glared at Party Pete who gave a thumbs up and played some slow music.And so they danced, and they enjoyed every moment soulfully looking into each others eyes ,every movement, every step in perfect sync as they danced the enchanting music as if for a moment they were one body,mind and maybe even one soul.Then the music stopped abruptly and Pinkie Pie took the mic "Looked you guys have been partying hard but now your about to PARTAY!" and so the floor was crowded as Finn made his way to the bartender who was serving honey flavored energy drinks. Rainbow was following him but was stopped by Rarity who told her "Darling, that, was ,fabulous.So do tell me you did enjoy it, correct"

"Yeah it was sorta alright." she said hiding her true feelings, for what she wanted to say may shock, you it may even horrify you, she LOVED him.

"Well, I would think he's feeling the same exact way." She said glancing over at him "Here take this" she said handing her a necklace "it's a gift, for one new to the game"

"What game?" she asked

"Love." she replied

"MAN these ponies sure know how to party, oh and by the way how did it feel'' Party Pete spoke in such a calm voice compared to the screams and the music.

"Ah it was ok" He said masking his emotions for he truly loved her with all he's heart and soul.

"Ah that's cool, that's cool, well peace." he says leaving just as Rainbow Dash comes in.

"Hey Finn what, were you guys were talking about?"

"Nothing you know." He said as two thugs approached

"Hey beut that there's a purdy necklace"The bigger one said pulling out a knife his speech slurred.

"HEY YOU BETTER TAKE THIS OUTSIDE!" the bartender yelled getting the bouncer to take the three outside

"ah great now what do we do boss"The scrawny one said his voice slurred as well.

"Now we mug this kid!''

"You can try!"Finn yelled

The man with the knife lunged forward but Finn grabbed his arm and twisted it making him let go, then he kneed his balls and threw him on the ground.He writhed in pain as the scrawny man ran away.But not because of Finn he, was the least of their problems. Finn had turned to see six fake Jakes yell "I'M AN AMBUSH!" Finn attempted to fight back but in the end was overwhelmed and knocked out.

He opened his eyes, his vision was blurred, his head was hurting, his legs were sore,and he couldn't feel his left arm,but despite this he had made an effort to stand up.He first pushed him self up with his arm, then attempted to use his feet,but to no avail as he fell over.He opened his eyes looking around he sees ponies clad in gold armor,ponies he didn't know, and ponies he did.A grey pony walked up to him.

"Hey there" she spoke in a calming, posh voice "don't stress your self to hard,you just got up.''

She motioned to a white unicorn with sunglasses to get him water which she levitated."Oh where are my manners I am Octavia and this is, " she was cut off abruptly.


"EH HEM. anyway Rainbow tells me your quite the hero, so we're going to break out."

"So, you have a plan?"

"Of course." she pulled out a map and laid it out on the floor "This cell block magic from going outside, but it still works inside and it's the only weapon we have at the moment, thankfully there's only one guard."She pointed towards the changeling "Him''

Finn looked at the changling he was scrawny, weak that Octavia was talking about.

"If you can get him inside we can escape, after that we can meet with the Resistance in Mareyland.We'll come up with another plan there."

Finn understood what he had to do."Hey guard."

He didn't know how he could convince him that he WAS sick but he would.


"I feel like I'm going to puke" he pretends to gag hoping it works "could you get me a bucket?"

"very well" he says leaving to go to storage "here it is!" he got a bucket and was on his way to drop the bucket outside the cell.He had put it outside the cell.

"I can't reach that you have to put it inside."


The guard opened the door and was blasted by at least nine horns."GO,GO,GO"Octavia yelled as every one ran out of the cave that had once had been their prison.Octavia couldn't believe it she was stuck in that cave for so long, days ,even weeks then some otherworldly creature, freed her and her comrades as soon as he regained consciousness.

They had marched for hours until they stopped at a small cave near waterfall deposing into a lake.They had established a camp there and planned how they would get to Mareyland. Finn decided that this was a good time to bathe since he can't remember the last time he took a bath he first removed his shirt exposed his bare skin, he heard a faint pomf in the distance but disregarded it, then he removed his shorts revealing a pair of swim shorts he proceeded to take a bath.Afterwords he approached Twilight.

"Hey Twilight!" He ran into her tent.

"Yes Finn?" she said moving a grey book out of sight.

"Have you ever heard a pomf sound,like in the middle of nowhere?"

she blushed then looked at rainbow dash who was looking inside the tent, she was making a "slitting throat" motion.

"No, I can't say I have." she was a TERRIBLE liar but Finn wasn't she if this is just a "pony thing" so he disregarded it and left.

Immediately afterwords Rainbow Dash had rushed into the tent, she plugged Twilight's mouth waiting for a second to she if Finn was gone,as soon as she let her hoof go Twilight burst into laughter.

"What! Stop it! Agh!" she stormed off in rage instead of asking Twilight what to do about this crush, she shuddered at the mere thought of that word.

"RALLY UP WE'RE MOVING!" Octavia shouted making sure no one was left behind, that their forces were as large as possible before they head out.

The march lasted a few hours but before the knew it they were there in Mareyland, the home of the resistance.They went straight to the town hall when they opened the door there were two ponies gathered there "Armor!" Twilight yelled in joy but she found somepony different wearing the captain's garb, somepony she didn't know.

Chapter Three

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A Sort of Homecoming

Twilight was surprised to find someone other then her brother wearing the armor of her brother, he had an off white coat and a yellow mane. She quickly backed away, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. The new captain held out a note. "My deepest condolences." He said handing it to her. She slapped him in the face and stormed out her five friends following. The room was silent, and awkwardly so then Vinyl walked in Octavia trailing behind. Finn stopped her and asked her, "Hey do you know anything about Iron Will?"

"Not personally but there is probably something in the archives." She said pointing towards a tree or, at least what Finn assumed was a tree. He turned to the tree then back towards Octavia who along with Vinyl vanished. He said no thing walking over to the tree he entered to find stack upon stack of books. A mare with blue and white hair greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, anything I can help you with?"

"Yeah, do you have anything on Iron Will?"

She turned around. "Sure! Just follow me!" She said with a lot of pep.

"Colgate by the way."

She led him to a file cabinet, sliding out a cabinet labeled villains, and pulling out a file named Iron Will. Finn opened the file and Colgate made her way back to the door.

Name:Iron Will
Rank: General
Danger rating: 8.5

Iron Will grew up in a world of warfare, one in which every year a ruler was overthrown, in duels of honor. Despite this his life was relatively peaceful only learning basic Minotaur warfare which is enough to combat an entire platoon effectively. After both his mother and father died in a griffon attack he fled to Equestria, where he then became a motivator, until he was confronted by a Ponyville resident, Fluttershy. He attempted to continue his motivational career, to no avail. Eventually he did the only other thing he knew how to become a mercenary, rivaling the skill of the knights of the Griffon Kingdom. After time he came to hate the peaceful state of Equestria, and when the changlings attacked he did not hesitate to offer his sword to Chrysalis.

Finn then closed, Colgate taking it immediately and giving him a note.Finn the opened the note which had come from Ooo it read.

Finn, you must return to Ooo the princess needs you.

Sincerely, Peppermint Butler

How Peppermint got this letter to him he had no idea, but when Peppermint says something is bad. It. Is .Bad. He put the note in his pack and went back to the town hall, which seemed to be producing quite the ruckus. Halfway there He could make out the conversation pretty decently.


"WELL WHERE WILL WE GO, HUH WHERE?!" A more feminine voice yells in response.



Finn had reached the door and made an effort not to make a scene entering but before he could get in a light blue stallion opened the door.

"Alright you two, sit down before before I sit you down." The blue stallion spoke in a strong ascent, one similar to Octavia's.

"Fine let me just say she started this!" The captain Finn had seen before pointed to yellow pegasus with fiery hair.

"Well let me just say that you're a prick!" she replied.

"Well that's hardly the way my two favorite Lieutenants should act towards each other."

Both of them hung there heads in shame.

"Anyway I agree with both of you." He adjusted his posture.

"Dust Fall, your right if we stay what little hope is left for our species is gone, but Spitfire is right as well if we go the world of ours is lost."

"Well what if you guys come to where I'm from." Finn butted in.

Spitfire was the first to respond. "What are you insane, wait that might not be a bad idea."

"Yeah the lad seems well off and his world is most likely in a better state right now."

"Well then it's set..."

"Spear!" A guardspony.

"What!" the Blue pony replied

"Targe's drunk."


Finn followed the two to deal with this "problem". there were six guards in full armor encircling a green stallion who wore silver armor, a kilt and a beret.

"CHARGE!" one of them yelled and so they did only to have the first one thrown into the wall.The rest met the stallion head on creating a giant dust cloud. when the dust settled the green stallion stood triumphant over the defeated.

"I got this.'' Finn said determination in his eyes.

Spear looked at him "are you touched in the head?"

"Why, what do you guys do?" he asked.

The captain shrugged."Wait him out?"

"what the hey-hey that's like, pbbbt lame."

"Well what do you want us to do lad?

"I'm going to wrestle him."

"I already like this guy." The captain said a smirk on his face.

"YALALALA!" Finn screamed at the top of his lungs confusing the stallion, and allowing him to tackle him to the ground. The stallion attempted to shake him off to no avail. Finn stayed atop the stallion until the six guards got up to their feet.

"We'll take it from here."one said as the others cuffed the silver armored combatant.

"So yeah um." Finn said leaning over to see rainbow dash. "I have to go!'' He said running to her.

"Hey rainbow!" Finn ran up to her hugging her.

"Finn," she said blushing.

He backed away. "Oh sorry."

Rainbow nodded.

"Sorry,I've been meaning to tell ask something"


"You think the others like me?"

"Well, you want the truth?"


"Rarity thinks your barbaric, "uncouth" and just about as "sophisticated as a wooden board nailed to a wall" , Twilight thinks your reckless and could have gotten us all killed, Fluttershy thinks your too violent and ended too many lives to ever be a pet owner, Pinkie said she'd neverevernotinamillionyears bake you cupcakes like ever and Applejack thinks your trouble and should be locked up or thrown off a cliff."


"OF COURSE NOT Rarity thinks your extremely generous to the point knights should praise you , Twilight thinks your magical taking on an entire army on your own, Fluttershy thinks your too kind risking your life for people you don't even know, Pinkie said she'd bake you all the cupcakes you could ever want in your life ever, because your such a laugh and Applejack thinks your OK, I guess."

"phew I thought they hated my guts or something."

"Hey rainbow get over here!" Dizty called.

"see you later I guess."


Finn waved waiting until she was out of sight then, turning around to see Applejack approaching him.

"Hey you got a moment." She asked.

"Yeah what is it?"He asked

"Twilight wanted you."

"Alright." he said following her for a few minutes until she broke the silence.

"So. I heard you're in love with Rainbow."

"Yeah" He said involuntarily

"Well thanks for being honest."

"But who told you?"


"One of your guys' friends right"

"Did she not tell you?"

"No, about what?"

"This more of a question for twilight. and what do you know, we're here." she said

Finn walked into a tent many contraptions and beakers lined the walls. In the center stood Twilight Sparkle and a giant metal invention with many tubes and wire.


"Hello Finn"

"So you wanted me for something.?"

"Yes since you're a somewhat new species to ponydom i wanted to conduct some tests."


"Well, in days of old there were myths of what I would describe "bipedal primates with advanced technology."" She said fastening a series of tubes onto his body


"Oh, yeah sorry, they described them as bald apes that should on two legs and had 'awesome' weapons."

"And what did they say about us?"

"They only called you the race of men, it is said that men were greedy and self centered, which I see does not hold true with you."


"It is also said that they were extremely brave and often protected the defenseless, but one day they just disappeared never to be seen again... until today."

"What, does this thing do?''

"It monitors, heart rate, blood sugar, and physical condition."

"Oh, ok." Finn said making sure all the tubes were secure.

"It also monitors, thought processes,motives and love interests.."Twilight said under her breath.

" Wha.."


Chapter Four

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"Hmm, Interesting." Twilight said looking at a variety of charts and graphs. Finn had been strapped for an hour or two, he didn't know, but what he did know was that he was bored.He decided to ask Twilight more questions to pass the time.

"So you six look like good friends."

"Oh yeah, the best." she answered persisting to examine her data.

"actually our friendship is quite powerful. I can say with certainty that it has saved the country more then once."

"Really? How?"

"You most likely don't want to hear the story."

"Why not."

"It's a long one."

"well what else am I going to do?"

"Oh, yeah. I might as well tell you."

"It started before time was recorded, with the men.They had been fighting the dragons lately and were losing.So then they call upon the elves a sub race of men devoted to magic, not different from unicorns.So the Elves create the elements of harmony the most powerful magic in all of ponydom and use them to make the dragons dormant, this would be the first time the Elements were used to save the world. The elements need six embodiments, deemed bearers. The six elements are Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Magic.Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and I are the current bearers."

"Oh I thought it would be longer."

"Well their getting ready to move outside, so I don't want to keep you." She said unhooking him to her eleborate contraption.

Finn walked out of the tent to find the entire camp get ready to go somewhere. "Hay, Finn was it?" A they light blue stallion he had met once before called out.


"You know you proposed we go to your homeworld?"


"Well we're going right now! We decided to gather our strength there then come back ." Finn was elated now he could see what Peppermint was worried about.

"Oh, where are my manners, I'm Winged Spear."

"Winged?" Finn asked in confusion noticing his lack of wings.

"Yeah lost them in the war.But we must get moving, I trust you've already packed."

"Packed what?"


And so they marched.The portal that had brought Finn into this world was deep in the everfree forest in the old castle of the royal sisters. The group had just reached the entrance of the forest when they heard a deafening SCREE. They had turned around knowing what the sound was beforehand, it was the sound of a griffon.

"To arms!" Finn had heard the captain scream at the top of his lungs as no less than a dozen griffons clad in chain mail swooped down unto their prey, the guards. Many came back up without a hitch but one was unlucky enough to target Targe who pulled out his claymore and impaled the griffon through the stomach, the griffon let out a cry of defeat before slumping to a lifeless corpse. Spitfire flew up into the air accompanied by Derpy, Rainbow Dash and a many other pegasi. "You're not the only one with wings" Rainbow yelled charging at the leader of the griffons. The 11 griffons had stood no chance against the weather powers of their advisories. They flew back into the lines of the ponies only to hear the battle anthem of their rivals, the Changeling Empire was upon them.

"You picked a bad time to get lost, friend." The changeling commander appeared in front of his horde flanked by 2 minotaurs on each side. Spear had taken a simailar position in front of his men but flanked only by the captain and targe." I carry on my body many great scars, honourably earned in battle! I have fought many a foe in open combat! I come to fight today! Who stands with me!? " A deafening war cry had come form the mouths of ponies. He turned to look at his small band of men, one that numbered less then 100, then looked at the enemies' horde that seem the be never ending. "We brought more soldiers then you did." Targe spit to the side and the leaders formed back with their men. The changelings stomped their hooves on the ground winding up for a charge, but just before they had a black mist had covered the battlefield and it began to rain fire from the heavens cut the changeling army down to less then 2000 strong.Then the sound of drums, followed by a heavy guitar riff. The mist had cleared and it was suddenly night, the moon hung in the sky, full, but that was not the only change, for their stood some of the fiercest stallions in Equestria,the Lunar Legionaries. In front of the Luna stood tall donning armor not unlike her soldiers, a gunmetal guardspony helmet with a black trim, and a muscled chestplate, she had a large rectangular shield, a spear that was about 5 hooves tall, and a sheathed short sword. Unlike her stallions she had a dark blue plume that lay horizontally. The force numbered about 300, their arms shone in the pale moonlight, despite being the color they were.

"We haven't fought in more then one thousand years, this day we go back to the warfare and bloodshed , the world we grew up in, lived in, and left, and we are pleased to say, WE. WILL. ENJOY. THIS." She threw the spear she was holding, and it met it's mark the heart of the changeling general who screamed before curling up into a ball on the ground. Her soldiers followed suit spears and bodies littered the battlefield. The changelings threw themselves against the shield wall that the legion had made only to die upon first contact. The minotaurs were a different story, they were killed before they could get to the pony lines, they died dueling Targe and Spear. Targe is one of the few ponies who would challenge a minotaur to a fist fight and win, Targe blocked the large axe minotaur oftentimes carry and the stabbed it first in the chest then the leg, he then cut the beast's head off. Spear used the range he had with his lance to his advantage, stabbing the large monster mid charge in the chest, it went straight through the chest-plate to the heart. Blood gushed out of the wound as Spear yanked his blade out of the once proud warrior. The changelings that survived ran off in many different directions, a testament of Lunar mettle. The company continued down the path into the Everfree. Dust came up to Finn "So you know where we're going, right?" He stopped in his tracks when, Vinyl burst in as loud as usual, "Everypony follow me." she said turning on a moving speaker, that played dubstep so loud that most of the ponies couldn't feel their hooves. After awhile they stopped in front of a swirling portal not unlike the one the Mane Six came through. One by one they came through to Ooo.

Chapter Five

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It's a small world.

Finn was regaining consciousnesses and an all too familiar feeling at this point. Standing up he realizes that he and his new-found allies are in the Ice Kingdom. Looking around he sees that only the dark blue pony with the flowing mane is conscious. He then hears a familiar voice, the voice of Princess Bubblegum screaming in a cry for help.

"Stay here." He tells Luna as he unsheathes his sword.

"Knave! Thou shalt not tell us what to do!" She yells in disagreement. " Look, who's going to watch after them."

She raised her hoof in protest but then, lowered it after seeing his reason. Walking around he finds the entrance to the ice castle. Once inside he found that there were several dead bodies on the floor. They all looked exactly the same, all blue hooded and the hood looked sunken in. Proceeding forward he found four knights, one red, one blue, one green, and one orange. "Right side!" The red one shouted as a blue figure appeared to his right. The figure was taller then the ones that Finn had passed, he had red eyes, and he had a crown of ice. Atop that crown lay a golden one, one with red gems. The green knight stabbed the figure multiple times. Disappearing into a shroud of mist. Icicles fell from the frozen ceiling, and in a cage of ice behind them, waits Princess Bubblegum.

"Hey Finn." Ice King comes from behind Popcorn in hand.

"Ice King, who is this guy." Finn asks.

"Oh, him? That's Frost King he's a really nice guy." An icicle lands in front of them. "If he's not trying to kill you."

Finn had looked at ice king as if he was crazy, well crazier then normally. Charging in to help the four knights, sword drawn Finn screams a deafening war cry at the top of his lungs. Finn had jumped in just in time to save the orange knight who was about to be crushed by an icicle. The five of them made quick work of Frost King. After the battle,and the freeing of the princess, the warriors sat down for a talk. "You did well, for a kid." The red knight said approaching Finn. "What's your name son?"

"Finn, yours?"

"Richard." He said.

"So, Richard what brings you around here?"

"Work we've been tracking that guy down for weeks."

"And what will you do know?"

"I don't know. When ever duty calls, we're the ones who answer."

"I don't know about duty, but nature sure is calling!" The orange one proclaimed.

"FRANK SHUT UP!" The Blue one, along with Richard yelled in unison.

"So anyway, we're probably going soon, after we clear out all of the gold." He said looking at all the gold on the floor.

"What if I told you that there is a world out there that needs saving?"

"Well I'd ask, " He extended his hand. "Where do we start?"

Having concluded their business the warriors, and the princess descend to the mass of ponies below. Finn turned to look back at the doorway but having no concern for the ice kings well being he continued down the frozen path. Luna was checking on her subjects making sure that they were fit to travel, although she doesn't know where.

"We're protecting these things?" Frank inquired.


"So," Luna stops tending to the ponies to approach Princess Bubblegum. "Finn hast told us of thee. Will thou truly helpest our people?"

"Well only if you help us first." PB answered.

"With?" Luna asks

"I'll show you."

Leading the group back to the forests candy kingdom they find that the area was covered in a green liquid and changelings hovered over head. "Changelings." Luna said with disgust. " Alright, " Luna turned to address her subjects and allies,

" We are aware thou hast fought long and hard, and perhaps sought out some well deserved rest in this new world. But shall we let this world fall as ours did? Or shall we fight back, let them know that we are a force to be reckoned with? Shall we sit to rest as homes are burnt and innocents killed or shall we stand to fight?"

"I shall stand with you!" The ponies below yelled.

"And what of the brave knights?" She asked looking at Richard.

"We shall stand!" He replied.

"And of the royalty of this new world? Will thou stand with us as we shall stand with you?" She looks towards PB.

"I will stand, with you."

"Well then what more can we say?" Luna turns towards the candy kingdom. "CHARGE!"

The mass of ponies emerged form the forests shouting cries of fury that could tear the skies apart. Richard and his knights lead the charge along with the legion of shadows and the ruler of the night. Changelings in the path of the army were hacked to pieces, or trampled into dust. Swift and sure the army made it's way to the gate only to find a platoon of griffons at it's defense. The leader stepped forth clad in armor comprised of the belongings of fallen guards, but perhaps the item that stood out the most was the small flag that jutted out an inch or two from his wing, it was made of the cutie mark of the former guard, Shining Armor. It was that moment when Twilight knew of her brother's fate. "And if it isn't the lady of the night her self?" He was of pure, griffon blood, his accent made consonants carry more weight then a vowel. Twilight shot a powerful bolt of energy towards the large griffon, sending him several feet. "That's for my BBBFF " she shouted charging to the body. Then the time of relative peace had stopped and the forces were at each other's throats again. Choirs of death sung, blood flew, souls left their mortal bodies and entered eternal slumber. The griffon leader was pinned down by Twilight by the end of it and no one dare intervene. "Twilight Sparkle, just like your brother headstrong, brave, speaking of which, you want to know how he died? He died tried, running like a coward!" Then she sent a blast through the griffon's hind legs and wings. Get off she remarked. "Get busy crawling, or get busy dying." they then moved on into the city.

War spread like wildfire within the city walls. Finn was busy escorting PB to the castle to reclaim the throne when he heard a familiar voice. "So, Finn you came back to die with your city." Finn drew his sword. "No, I came here to stop you.'' Taking no time to stand on ceremony the minotaur sent his axe down with full force but the adventurer quickly dodges. Having learnt from past mistakes Iron Will headbutted Finn to the ground. Leaving his axe lodged in the soil he raised his fists. Finn took a few swings at the burly minotaur to no avail as the armor he wore was simply too thick. Getting tired of Finn's feeble attempts to attack him, Iron Will swiped the sword out of his hand and punched him in the gut. Rainbow Dash then came down from the sky and delivered a sharp kick to the minotaur's face plate cracking in half. Finn then proceeded to uppercut the beast sending to the ground. Rainbow Dash winked at Finn "You owe me one!" she said before rocketing off into the sky. Finn stood gazing at the rainbow trail for a short while. "We didn't mean stand literally." Luna called to him snapping him back to the task at hand. He then turned his attention to the castle and geared up for more combat.

Chapter Six

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One hell of a knight.

Walking into the castle Finn finds that his enemy has been beaten, those who didn't die surrendered after the fight.The castle crashers then approach Finn. Richard comes up to Finn.

"I saw you fight with that minotaur."


"Well let's just say you've got a lot to learn."

"Like what?"

"Well first of all wear some armor." He says jabbing him in the shoulder.

"It may slow you down, but hell better slow and living, then still and dead."

Finn was about to protest but was quickly cut off. "And if you aren't going to wear armor, at least work on your dodging."

"I bet you couldn't even beat me in a fight!"

"Is that so?"


"Alright 09:00 the fields outside the main gate, come and learn something!"

The red clad knight then walked away, Frank following. The blue clad knight turned to Finn hand raised. "Finn, Pierce by the way, no offence, kid, but your way out of your league."

"Whose the green guy?"

"Who him? We just call him our little gift, found him killing some barbarians he doesn't talk much."


"Got to go." He said running out of the castle.

Finn looked around this place was as much a home as the tree house and seeing the castle in ruins almost brought him to tears, but he's to manly to cry. Wonder of from the topic of home Finn thought of Jake he and Jake grow ever more distant in the midst of the war. Finn went to look for Jake calmly call for him, then growing in concern shouting, screaming his friend's name. Then something caught his eye, a yellow figure lay face down in the dirt, a wound on it's side. Rushing over Finn turned the figure to confirm his suspicions, the body was indeed Jake's.

"PB! COME QUICK!" The adventurer yelled then turning to Jake. Tears in his eyes.

Jake then turns to him and smiles "Well, I knew this day would come."

"How'd you know?"

"Dude, I'm like 28.''

"But why now?"

"Oh, I don't know." He said pointing to the several arrows lodged in his stomach.

"But that's not important, what's important is that you know that there was nothing you could do to stop it. Now i have to leave you, but one more thing." Jake says tear in his eyes.

Finn took hold of his hand."What?" he said equally wet around the eyes.

"Take care of Lady Rainicorn." He then passed. Finn clenched his body for a time afterwords, crying the entire time. Richard then approaches him and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"You've got to let go."


"Finn..." PB then came forward.

"I know how close you guys were, but,"


"Your not the only one who has lost something, these ponies need you, they need you to get back what was taken from them."

Richard then cut in. "And though you may not get him back, i know you'll do your damn best to avenge him."

Finn knew they were right, he hugged the body for a little longer then rest the body on the ground. The green knight then approached the body closing Jake's eyes he said. "ruhen nun meine Krieger Rest jetzt Not vorbei ist."

Leaving the site Finn retreated to the palace sitting in a chair morning the death of the only being he was truly close to. Meanwhile the leader met below discussing tactics and similar topics.

"We need more men, our men count in hundreds, whilst our enemies number in millions in changelings alone." Dusk spoke in a demand for action.

"Well we can't exactly raise an army of the dead, now can we?" Richard says jokingly.

PB steps forward. "I do know someone who could, but I'd rather not go there."

"Where will you go?"

"Well when my kingdom was attacked , I decided I needed an army," Signaling to a pair of guards they proceeded to open the door, behind it stood a candy soldier clad head to toe in candy steel. The motif of a candy cane lay in the middle of his tunic, and although the warrior wore a great helm, his steely gaze translated through his metal visage. "I call them candy cane crusaders, made for the specific purpose of thwarting evil."

"Well, can they fight?" Richard asked intrigued.

"Well perhaps you can assist me in that regard. The have advanced battle prowess in their blood, but i have yet to program them with formation tactics and such."

"How 'bout you just give me a fresh batch, training is something you learn not something your born with."

"Very well."

Spear came in, "Well we got an army but how are going to get from here to Equestria?"

"Well i'd rather not worry with that until, we have a proper army."

Richard then began training the second platoon that was created the first becoming devoted to serving the Princess. Spear began drilling the ponies who had survived the ordeal, and Twilight was working on a way back to Equestria. Richard told Finn that if he didn't want to fight, he wouldn't think any less of him if he were to back down from the duel but Finn's stubbornness prevented that from happening.

It was the day of the duel a crowd had gathered around the two combatants as they prepare for conflict.

"You sure about this?" Richard asked Finn.

"Yeah, bring it!"

The warriors drew their wooden swords. Richard sent a bolt of lightning towards Finn hitting him dead center in the chest. Quick to recover Finn jumped up just in time to avoid his opponent's sword counter attacking hitting over the head the blow did little due to Richard's armor. Finn then kicked him in the gut knocking the warrior over. Down but not out he delivered a jab to Finn's knee then he swept him off his feet. Richard then put the edge of the sword on Finn's neck.

"Checkmate." He said with a smile, albeit one unseen. Reaching his hand out to help him up.

Getting up Finn stood there in defeat. Pierce nudged him "Next time kid?" he then proceeded to leave as did everyone else save for Rainbow Dash.

"Finn, what was that?" she said playfully jabbing him on the shoulder.

"Well that lighting really packs a punch."

An image of Derpy came through Dash's mind. "Tell me about it..."

"So you still owe me one."

"I do, don't I."

"Yeah, I was wondering if you would spend the day with me tomorrow."

"That'd be nice." Finn said not giving it much thought.

Finn the made his way to the Princess who was conducting some tests on the crusaders. "PB, can I sleep in the castle, tonight.?"

"I don't see why not. I suppose you know where your room is?"


Advancing to the confines of his room he saw Spear drilling the men. They appeared to be running laps. Whilst doing so they sang a song.Spear would call a line that the rest would the repeat

Armor is heavy, my spear is sharp.
But no worries only pride in my heart.
Sword and shield is all that's left.
Between a guard and his enemy's chest.

The best of the best is what we are.
Come at me whether near or far.
The guardspony's gold is all I wear.
and I sleep next to my golden spear.

My spear so sharp goes through and through.
Leaves my armor stained with blue.
Changers left dead on the ground.
Guardspony out without a sound.

The best of the best is what we are.
Come at me whether near or far.
The guardspony's gold is all I wear.
and I sleep next to my golden spear..

And in the air we can't be beat.
The griffon just can't stand the defeat.
But maybe they'll just suck it up.
'Cause against us they're out of luck.

The best of the best is what we are.
Come at me whether near or far.
The guardspony's gold is all I wear.
and I sleep next to my golden spear.

Minotaurs charge into our lines.
But when they do they just waste their time.
For lines so strong can not be broken.
And their charge is rendered hopeless.

Chapter Seven

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A Change of Pace

"Yo Finn!" Party Pete burst into Finn's quarters. Through the window. "Let me first of all say I'm sorry for your loss, Jake was a good ma, er dog."

Finn turned to face him. Still in bed Finn asked. "Pete, why are you here?"

"Well word spreads, my ears always on the ground and,"


"Well heard about your date, and I,am here,to help. I wonder what your lady friend is doing."

Meanwhile the elements were gathered in the fields outside, some of the ponies lived outside in tents, for some the city life that came with dwelling within the kingdom walls was not for them, for others they stayed with their friends. "Rainbow, my dear! I should have a word with you." Rarity called out to her, poking her head out of the tent. Rainbow Dash then descended from the sky. Positioning her self in the middle of the room. "So you ready?"

"For what?" Rainbow Dash gave Rarity a puzzled look. She thought for a while. "Oh, that?"

"Yes that!"

"Come on Rarity! We're just hangin' out!"

"Oh really?"


"Oh well then." Tears welled up i her eyes. "I guess my services are no longer required." She broke out into tears.

Rainbow Dash put a hoof on her shoulder. "Come on, I didn't mean it like that."

"So you'll let me help?" Rarity asked through sobs.

"Yeah, i guess it couldn't hurt."

Jumping up from her formerly somber expression she practically sang. "Very well!"

For the element of generosity, she was gifted when it came to getting what she wanted.While the two were getting prepared for their meeting, Richard was preparing the crusaders for war. A candysmith came forward with the standard equipment. Candy chainmail, taffy leather boots and gloves, candy steel great helm, kite shield, lance and, tunic.

"Chainmail?" Richard questioned the smith.

"Yes sir, is there anything wrong?"

"Well, last I checked our enemies don't use slashing weapons."

"Sir, tis only what the princess gave."

"Do you know how to make plate armor?"

"Aye sir, but that's some advanced armor."

"Just the chest piece will do. That way it's hidden by the tunic."


"Is it enchanted?"

"Beg your pardon?"

"Well the enemy seem to use spells often."

"Ah, you see the thing about candy steel, it inherently resists magic."

"How so?"

"Well the kingdom was mainly developed without magic. Unlike the rest of the Kingdoms such as the fire kingdom. And so our steel unlike the rest has been weaken by the constant presence of magic."

"Ah, you there! You the commanding officer?" He pointed to a crusader who's armor was embezzled with hints of gold.

"Aye, Ritter. Marsh at your service." The warrior responded.

"Good start drilling your men."


"I shall watch, correcting you afterwords."

"Aye." The Ritter then had them doing push ups, sparring, marching, but no team work of any sort was involved.

"So do you plan to fight them one on one?"

"Why would you say that."

"I'd say your men don't have the slightest clue what teamwork means."

Then Richard sent a bolt of lightning into the ceiling. Getting the attention of all the men inside.

"Soldiers, you can attempt to take refuge in your shield, your sword, your skill, but the only thing you can truly trust is your brother in arms. The man to your left, and the man to your right is what you can depend on. You can depend on him, because he can depend on you. Nothing, should get in between you and your unit. You are NOT warriors, you are an army! You are one, Act like it!"

After that speech Richard approached Ritter marsh."I want you to train them as one. When you march no man can march at a different pace. No one can go down before the rest during push ups. You are one, act as one."

Then the drilling began again, this time they were more cohesive then last, but they weren't quite there yet. Richard's work was done for today as such he walked out into the city, he couldn't remember the last time he had relaxed. But one thing he did remember was that he loved the taste of a strong ale. Making his way to the bar he saw Finn and Rainbow Dash running through the streets.

"Hey, Finn where are we going?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh there's a new restaurant that just opened up I'd just thought I'd bring you."

Moving swiftly they made their way to the building, A large sign loomed above the entrance it read Spectrum Sweets. Walking in the host sees them.He's a party bear albeit taller then most. Speaking quickly he yells. "Table for two Lover's Lane!"

"Wait!" But Finn was cut off by the waitress.

"Let me show you to your table." Finn turned around and was surprised to see that the waitress was a pony. She had a brown coat and mane, and her eyes were blue.She sat them down at a dim lit table, on which sat their menus.

"Sliver Sweet Stick?" Rainbow Dash asked smiling at Finn.

"Violet Vanilla?"

"Strawberry Sunrise?"

"Well this is going nowhere." The waitress told the host.

"Well do something."


See walked over to the two asking what they wanted to drink. Making her way back to the table she spills one of the drinks on Rainbow Dash.

"Sorry let me get some napkins."

Finn rifled through his backpack, finding the napkins, he proceeded to wipe RD down.

She came back to the host who mouth was left agape.

"Well I did something."

"But, I, OK you know what, let's see how this plays out."

Wiping her down he made sure she was clean.The waitress then came over with their dishes and a new round of drinks.

"So I'm bored." Finn said as he ate his meal.

"I was wondering, what's the coolest thing you've ever done?"

"Well I did single handedly save 4 ponies and did a sonic rainboom in the process.''

"I'm a ninja."

"Try kicking a dragon in the face!"

"Try stopping an unholy sorcerer form destroying the universe."

"Well, it's not like I've saved the world like three times..."

They continued to bicker as the night went on eventually tiring each other to the point that the only thing they could think about afterwords was sleep.