• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 1,852 Views, 30 Comments

Worlds Apart: Two Worlds, One Adventure - Ponysavior

When a darkness covers your world, can you depend on another to help?

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Chapter One

A Whole New World

"Armor they're breaking though!'' Said what's left of the guard as they tried to hold back the seemingly endless horde of changelings.

"Now Twilight," Shining said as he opened a portal The portal was a last resort. the kind of magic that has no set outcome aside for the outcome fate decides" No matter what you have to get help, and be safe the help can't get back here without you. I wish I could go with you but I'm needed here. I love you sis but this is the best I can do, don't worry." One by one the friends rushed in as Twilight forlornly exchanges a glance at her brother as he gets over powered by the mass of changelings just before she steps in herself.

''..and then I was like oatmeal heck yeah!" Finn said very enthusiastically.

"Yeah that's pretty, whoa wait..." Jake said as he stepped a few inches back. "What is that! " he said as he gazed into the swirling portal that had suddenly appeared.

"I don't know but, you better tell the princess about this.'' Finn said almost enchanted by the strange portal.

"But why me?" Jake asked with a hint of jealousy.

"Because you can stretch there and back.'' Finn said still staring at the portal

"Oh, yeah OK I'll be back in a jiff!" he yelled as he stretched to the candy kingdom.

It had been a while since Jake had left is everything alright? Finn thought to himself, when out of the blue he heard footsteps coming from the portal he grabbed his sword ready to face whatever danger that could emerge from the mysterious portal. To his surprise six almost inviting ponies. Finn almost got in a word, but before he could they fell with a thud. Jake had returned by this point with Princess Bubblegum and asked "What happened to these ponies? Were they evil?"

Finn turned and replied " No, we have to get them to a hospital ..."

But the princess interrupted "What if they turn out like the pigs, they got you off your game."

He remembered the entire ordeal is if it was yesterday, it did throw him off his game .But Finn trusted these ponies despite him only knowing them for a few minutes. He begged the princess "Please ,PB these ponies need help they need some help this world is dangerous I'd hate to just be dropped into this world randomly with no one to depend on.."

The Princess understood and said "Oh, alright." a smile creeping unto her face. Finn smiled.

A few days passed Rainbow Dash struggled to open her eyes her body was sore, her head ached and she could barely move,but despite this she managed to get up and survey the area. "She thought to herself man this place looks like the kind that Pinkie Pie dreams of living in, everything's made out of sugar" she said as she turned to a guard facing a door

"Even the people " she muttered to herself " Wait, where is Pinkie Pie anyway? "

"PRINCESS ONE OF THEM WOKE UP!" She heard the guard say as Jake ran through the door
''Are you alright?" He asked the cyan pony with the rainbow mane

"Yeah, just a little saddle sore" she said as she thanked Celestia these things speak the same language. "But you mind telling me where I am or where my friends are?''

Jake nodded "Well..."

But before he could say anything The princess opened the door flanked by two guards and said "Ms. uh," "Rainbow Dash, and don't call me miss"

The princess interrupted "So you're married?!" she couldn't fathom such a young looking creature being married at the most she's 20 she thought to herself

"NO GOSH, it just makes me sound old!"

Princess Bubblegum Replied blushing "Oh, yeah right, well could you tell me why you went through the portal?"

Rainbow nodded "Well you see there is a large war happening in Equestria, our homeland and we're seeking some allies to help us. We're a peaceful country with no need for soldiers, all we have is the guard and they can't fend off an entire army for long."

"I see and what about your history?"The Princess asked genuinely interested.

"Well I'm not the pony you should talk to about that," She stated pointing to the purple pony " you should ask Twilight, she's , well an egghead"

The princess politely said "Thank you, guards call me when the purple one wakes up"

"So, um what are you?" The cyan mare asked Jake

"Oh me? You know just your average magical talking dog" Jake said with a smile.

"Oh, AJ has a dog but she looks a lot different and I don't know why"


"...And that's Basically the basics." Jake said looking around noticing every one of the ponies had recovered and were fully awake and alert.

"So um.. I'm going to stretch my wings, wanna watch?" Rainbow Dash announced getting up and stretching.

"So, you do stunts?" Finn asked

"Yeah I do the fastest, most awesome, death defying "stunts" you'll ever see, probably 20% cooler than anything you've seen!" She said more confident then ever.

"Show me." Finn said excitedly.

"I'm not sure you can handle the awesomeness." Rainbow said with a smirk on her face.

"I'm an adventurer awesome is, like my job."Finn said triumphantly.

"Yeah, well I haven't seen how good you are at it." She replied as a guard ran in.

He screamed at the top of his lungs "We're under attack!"

Finn picks his sword up and says "You're about to find out!"

He ran to the ramparts where many bits and pieces of scared candies had been scattered.

"Get all the candy people out of here, Jake!" He whispered. "I'll hold them off PB has to have a plan!"

"Come on everybody go to the castle there's um, a meeting Yeah! a meeting at he castle now!" He shouted.He waited until the candy people had left then he addressed then ponies"You should go with them, it's going to get rough!"

"We can hold our own" Rainbow dash replied " Well, except Fluttershy, you should probably take her with you."

"All right you take care it'd be a shame not to meet four of you!" He replied with a grin.

By this time Finn had gotten down waiting for the enemies to break through the gate watching it bounce back and fourth as they attempt to maul, claw and bite their way through the door.

The six of them stood there waiting for the changelings to break the door down when they finally did Finn yelled out "It's castle defending time!"

The ponies braced for impact but were surprised to see that no one had passed Finn he would swing his sword and take six of them down, they did't expect much resistance let alone a seasoned adventurer. But soon the changelings got serous and flew over him realizing there was no way around him on the ground. The ponies were ready as the first wave presented themselves the fell, the five ponies had faced these enemies before and now know the best way for them to take them down.Rarity was ready this time around and was volleying many changelings with sewing needles with surgical precision hitting changeling right in between the eyes . Pinkie had resorted to using her party cannon burying the changelings in streamers, party hats, plastic cups, cupcakes and great swords.Twilight sniped flying changelings with her horn. Rainbow dash would fly above the mass of flying changelings and knock them out of the sky, straight towards applejack whom then bucked the enemy into the air usually knocking down a changeling or two. They started to mix their ranks between walking and flying, but our heroes refused to give an inch of ground to them.Jake had come back and made a large dome out of him self and had told everyone to get inside which they did.

"look you guys got to buy PB some time she needs twilight she needs to work on a problem the the gumball guards." Jake said flinching the whole way through"i'm gonna bounce these guys off of me then take twilight with me, you've got to buy them some time."

"Alright you go keep PB safe." Finn replied anxiously gripping his sword.

At that moment he expanded to bounce all the changelings clinging onto him off, and took twilight away.Finn was expecting to be swarmed and was surprised to see a Minotaur fully clad in pitch black armor.

He said "You want something done right," he raised a massive axe he held in his hand" YOU DO IT YOURSELF! "

He swung the axe down with great force the group had tried to avoid it but had gotten launched, but Finn who used the force to enhance his punch, which had connected to the Minotaur's face-plate. his hand hurt but the Minotaur's hurt even more he had fallen down, stunned.

Finn told the ponies to stay back that he had this handled and that they should make sure the changelings don't come back. He turned and saw that the beast was up and waiting.

He said" I am Iron Will" he looked up at Finn" AND I WILL BREAK YOU!"

"You can try!" He said dodging the axe's swings

They seamed to be evenly matched every blow Finn landed was blocked by the armor and every hit that Iron swings was dodged by Finn causing many holes in buildings revealing cupboards, plates, beds, baths, dolls and spaceships. But Iron changed his strategy and headbutted Finn onto the ground.

He raised his axe "Aren't you going to kill me?Then do it i dare you!" Finn said in a moment of bravado.

Axe still high in the air Iron spoke "Turn around I want to see your face when you die." taking a pause "turn around, then you have my permission to die"

Finn took this opportunity,knowing the Beast had let his guard down , to turn around quickly dodge the attack and counter attack .First Iron Will swung the axe down with great force Finn rolled to the side and the axe was lodge into the ground. Second he knew that he would try to get the axe out so Finn delivered a punch that connected once again with the pitch black face-plate, leaving the enemy dazed.Third he had tackled the warrior to the ground but Iron Will was ready he got on top in an instant Finn removed his helmet and rubbed mud in his eyes. Freed, Finn ran towards the burly Minotaur and kicked him in the face he dragged him to the ponies on the ramparts over looking the changeling army which was wait out side the walls as commanded by Iron Will. When Finn had reached the ramparts everything was silent he propped their leader's body on the ramparts and yelled "You can have him back!" while he through him over.Then the princess's plans had kicked in, the gumball guardians had awoken to scare off the remaining invaders.