• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 2,147 Views, 43 Comments

Spiral Swirl's Encounter - Juke Denton

After waking up in the middle of a forest, Spiral Swirl finds herself in a new land and comes across human children.

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Chapter 20

“So, what did both of you have in mind as a starting activity for your sleepover?” Spiral asked the two girls.

“How about a movie to start?” Stacy suggested.

“Sure!” The unicorn replied, closing her eyes and smiling in a usual warm tone. “What kind of movie did you have in mind?”

“Well, Maddie said that you, her and Joey all watched one last night and that you promised Joey he would be the next one to pick. So, why not let him decide?”

“That’s a great idea! But where is Joey?”

“He’s upstairs, I’ll go get him!” Maddie said before she zoomed towards the stairs.

As she was waiting, Stacy turned her attention to the pony and asked, “Hey Spiral, after the movie can we play with your hypnosis some more?”

“Of course my dear! You don’t have to ask me twice!” The unicorn said with a hearty laugh.

“And I’d like to do something special as well when we do it.”

“What do you mean?” Spiral asked curiously.

Stacy looked around the room to make sure no one else was around before leaning in close and whispering in Spiral’s ear. As she listened, Spiral’s eyes went wide for a few seconds before she chuckled at the girl’s idea.

“So what do you think?” Stacy asked, returning to where she was previously.

“It’s certainly creative, but it could be fun. Alright, I’m game! And don’t worry, I’ll keep it quiet for now.” Spiral replied performing a zipping lip motion with her hoof.

“Thanks Spiral!”

Stacy couldn’t resist hugging the unicorn, not that Spiral argued, as the latter returned the gesture. The two quickly broke the hug and turned their heads towards the sound of feet banging on the staircase as the two siblings soon entered the living room.

“So Joey, since Maddie, Stacy, and myself are letting you choose the movie this evening, what are we watching?”

“Well I’m glad you asked Spiral. It’s actually a movie that has a special place for Maddie and I.”

“Really?” The pony asked with a raised eyebrow. “How so?”

“Remember earlier how you asked why both of us like hypnosis and what got us interested?” Joey said while heading over to the shelf.

“Wait? Is it…?” Stacy began asking, trying to put two and two together.

“Here’s your answer! Tada!” Joey exclaimed as he took out the movie to show everyone with Stacy instinctively saying, “The Jungle Book!”

“The Jungle Book?” Spiral asked in a tone that was a mixture of confusion and disappointment. “How exactly does a movie about a jungle or a book involve hypnosis in any way?”

“Oh you’d be surprised Spiral!” Joey replied in a giddy fashion.

“I’ll hold you to it. But in any case, do any of you want to temporarily forget the movie as if you’re watching it for the first time?”

“No, thanks Spiral!” Joey replied with his sister adding a, “Nah, I’m good!”, and Stacy saying, “As interesting as that sounds, I think I’ll try it some other time.”

“Okay then. Time to see why this peaks yours and Maddie’s interest with hypnosis.” The unicorn said as Joey put the disc into the player and everyone sat in for the feature presentation.

As the opening credits played, Maddie and Joey’s mother popped her head in the room and said, “Have fun watching your movie. But make sure you don’t stay up too late.”

“Okay Mom.” The two siblings replied in a dismissive tone, with Stacy saying in a more upbeat tone, “Sure thing, Mrs. Taylor!”

With that, the children and their pony friend sat back for an evening of animated entertainment. Spiral was captivated by the way the film looked as well as the intrigue with how it started, but watched in silence.

It wasn’t until about 15 minutes later in to the movie, where Mowgli and Bagheera arrived at the tall tree to sleep for the night, when Joey said, “Okay, here it comes.”

“What?” Asked the unicorn.

“You’ll see.” The boy said in anticipation.

Right on cue, the ever familiar snake appeared to the jungle boy and panther as the kids and their pony friend watched eagerly with what was about to happen. Sure enough, the snake’s eyes began to transform into concentric rings of various colors before Mowgli, as the jungle boy started to fall under the serpent’s spell.

‘So this is why Maddie and Joey enjoy hypnosis?’ The teal pony wondered in her head, while taking notice of the siblings who had their eyeballs glued to the screen. Stacy meanwhile just simply sat back and enjoyed herself.

When the scene finished, Joey paused the movie and asked the unicorn, “So Spiral, what did you think?”

“Oh. Well I can certainly see how you and your sister would have an interest with hypnosis from how that snake used it. But truthfully…the whole thing felt underwhelming.”

“I see.” Joey said rubbing a hand under his chin. “Would you care for a slight spoiler?”

“Sure, I don’t mind.” Spiral replies with a warm smile.

“There’s actually another scene where Kaa the snake returns, and it’s actually better the second time with how-*GASP* I just thought of a fun idea if you want to hear it!”

“I’m all ears!” Spiral said after chuckling at the boy’s sudden excitement.

“What if you used your hypnosis to implant one of those post-hypnotic suggestions, as you call it, to where I fall in to a trance the same way Mowgli does in the movie, whenever I watch it? That way I can experience what it’s like being hypnotized by Kaa!”

“OOOH, OOOH, OOOH! Can you do the same to me?!?” Maddie perked up at her brother’s idea.

“Quite a creative suggestion Joey and yes Maddie you can take part in it too.” Spiral replied giving the girl a light tap on her head with a hoof. “What about you Stacy? Would you like to experience the same thing?”

“Mmm…no thanks.” Stacy said giving a quick shake of her head.

“Very well then.” Said the unicorn, turning her attention to the two siblings. “Now before we start, would you like to be put under by the slow or quick method?”

“Normally I’d say slow, but for the sake of time, just do the quick method.” Joey answered with Maddie quickly saying, “Same,” afterwards.

“In that case, Trance Time.” Spiral uttered as the brother and sister were hypnotized instantaneously. The teal unicorn wasted no time and went straight to work.

“Now Maddie and Joey, listen closely to what I’m about to tell you. Whenever you watch any scene in The Jungle Book where Kaa the snake uses his hypnosis, you will experience the same hypnotic entrancement as Mowgli from the movie. Understand?”

“Yes, mistress.” The siblings answered back.

“Very good.” Said Spiral. Just as she was about to break the siblings from their trances, she stopped herself. She realized that things could go wrong in the future if she left this post-hypnotic suggestion unchecked. So she added on with, “But now listen to what I say next. The command I just gave you will only last until tomorrow morning. Also, after you’ve been hypnotized by Kaa, you will obey the next person who calls your name. Do you understand?”

After Maddie and Joey gave their usual, “Yes mistress,” Spiral felt relieved in what she did.

“I’m glad to hear. Now, I’m going to count to three and when I do, you’ll wake up from your hypnotized state, with the commands I have still intact, and ready to continue watching the movie. 1…2…3…awaken!”

The spirals quickly dissipated from the two siblings eyes before returning to their normal state as a yawn escaped from the boy.

“So, ready to continue the movie?” Spiral asked, with Maddie nodding her head in excitement and Joey saying nothing as he grabbed the remote and hit play to resume where they left off.

Once more, the three children and their pony companion sat in silence as they pressed on where they left off with the colorful, musical adventure. Spiral couldn’t help but tap a hoof In rhythm every once in a while during a song number.

‘Even without the hypnosis factor, this is pretty fun!’ The pony thought to herself.

The next several scenes went by quick as the movie got to the point Maddie and Joey were eagerly awaiting…Kaa and Mowgli’s second encounter. Not once did the siblings look away from the screen as Mowgli wandered through the jungle before sitting down and being lifted up in to the treetops, only to be greeted by the familiar snake.

As soon as Kaa first started using his color rings in the scene, Maddie and Joey could feel themselves experiencing the effects of Spiral’s post-hypnotic suggestion, even if it was just for a few seconds. The siblings didn’t have long to shake it off before the snake attempted to use his eyes on Mowgli again, giving them another slight dose. Both kids enjoyed the hypnotic euphoria for a few seconds, before breaking free and, once again, giving the movie their full attention.

Maddie and Joey watched in anticipation with what they knew was about to happen while Spiral watched in suspense, unsure of how Mowgli would escape from the snake’s clutches. Stacy simply enjoyed the movie, while glancing over to Maddie and Joey to see how they were doing.

The moment the siblings had been waiting for finally came to fruition as Kaa wrapped his tail around Mowgli’s head, like a crown, and slid it down, like a blindfold. Maddie had a hard time containing her excitement as the cartoon jungle boy struggled to pry the snake tail off of his eyes. Spiral could guess as to the reason for girl’s overly enthusiastic expression and sure enough, Mowgli was able to push the tail up with all his gathered strength…only to be greeted to the sight of Kaa’s never ending stream of pulsating eyes.

Just like Mowgli in the movie, Maddie and Joey were completely overtaken by the color rings and quickly fell into a hypnotized state themselves. Spiral and Stacy both let out a quick chuckle at the sight of them before returning their attention back to the film.

During the “Trust in Me” song number, Spiral was quite intrigued with how Kaa toyed with Mowgli both physically and mentally. She couldn’t help but giggle at the way the boy was “beckoned” and how he was sleepwalking on the snake’s tail, like a staircase. The unicorn glanced over at the two hypnotized kids as their spiraling eyes were focused on nothing in particular, before looking back at the screen to see Kaa balance the mindless Mowgli with the tip of his tail.

‘NOW I see why those two have a strong interest in hypnosis!’

The rest of the scene played out with Shere Khan showing up after Mowgli was all wrapped up in a cocoon of coils and Kaa doing his best to get the tiger to leave him in peace instead of pieces. Spiral couldn’t help but feel slightly bad for the snake in the moment and thought he might have a change of heart. That sympathy soon vanished after Shere Khan left and Kaa reverted back to his old self, ready to finish what he started…only for the surprisingly awakened Mowgli to push his coils off the branch.

‘Guess that snake just can’t catch a break.’ The unicorn thought to herself, whilst giving a stifled giggle. She gave another quick chuckle when Kaa’s coils pressed together like an accordion, before watching the scene end.

“Hey Stacy? Could you pause the movie?”

“Sure Spiral.” The girl said, grabbing the remote and hitting the pause button.

“Thanks. I wanted to break them out of their trances before continuing.”

“Ah, right.” Stacy said looking over at the hypnotized siblings, before something went off in Stacy’s head. “Oooh, oooh, oooh! Before you do, could I have a little fun with them? It’ll only be for a minute, I promise!”

“You know what? Sure!” Spiral replied, giving Stacy a small pat on the head with her hoof. “All you have to do is say their names and they’ll obey whatever you tell them.”

“Thanks Spiral!” Said Stacy before scooting closer to the spellbound kids and began speaking in a tone that mimicked Kaa’s voice. “Now then, Maddie! Joey! Sssstand at attention.”

The brother and sister’s minds registered Stacy’s voice and immediately stood up straight, ready to absorb whatever the girl’s voice commanded. Stacy couldn’t help but wave her arm in front of their spiraling eyes for fun, as their focus was only the empty space and nothing else.

“You’re both very ssssleeeepyyyy…your eyessss are very heavy…but you cannot go to ssssleep yet…you musssst walk…walk in ccccirclessss around the carpet…”

Complying with the command, Maddie and Joey began walking in a perfect circle around the carpet.

“Raisssse up your armssss in front of you…and bring your legssss up higher assss you march…around…”

Stacy was giggling to herself for a few moments watching the siblings marching around the room before continuing.

“Closssse your eyessss…and imagine yoursssselvessss marching along a thick ssssnake tail…and every sssstep you take makessss you feel better…and relaxxxxed…”

Maddie and Joey’s deeply entranced minds weaved the fantasy from Stacy’s voice and could only smile in hypnotic bliss.

“You love every moment of thissss…but now, insssstead of feeling relaxxxxed and ssssleepy, every sssstep you take will make you feel more awake and energizzzzed.”

The siblings had a hard time remaining in tune with the fantasy as their minds slowly began to break free from the hypnotic trance.

“You can feel your mind waking up and your bodies feeling refreshed as the steps you make give you the means to break free from hypnosis.”

Soon enough, the spirals in Maddie and Joey’s eyes dissipated and they both yawned as their minds were back in reality.

“Oh wow…that was something…” The older brother said rubbing his eyes.

“It was…nice.” Maddie said, shaking off any bit of sleep before her energized self resurfaced. “And that was fun Stacy!”

“Ah thanks Maddie.” Said Stacy.

“Well Spiral, what did you think of the scene?” Joey asked very curiously.

“I have to say, it’s one of the most creative ways I’ve seen hypnosis used in anything. And I can see why the two of you have such a passion for the subject. I can tell you more after the movie’s over. I’m still eager to see how it ends.”

The four got themselves comfortable once again before Joey hit the play button. For the rest of the time, everyone was quiet, with the exception of Spiral who winced a few times from the brutal action in the climatic battle between Shere Khan and the main characters. She couldn’t help but shed a tear, thinking that Baloo had died, and was even moved by Bagheera’s speech. She was however relieved when it was revealed that the bear was alright and it seemed like the movie would end on a happy note. But it was when Mowgli decided to live with his own kind that surprised her the most, ending the movie on a slightly bittersweet moment.

After the movie was over, Joey asked, “So Spiral, what did you think of The Jungle Book?” as he went to eject the disc from the console.

“It was fun! I love how enjoyable, witty, and surprising it could get, the songs were catchy, the characters were all entertaining, and like I said earlier, the scenes with the hypnosis were some of the most creative I’ve ever seen. I can see why you and Maddie love this movie. It even gives me some potential ideas for future hypnosis sessions.”

“Glad you liked it, Spiral.” Joey said, putting the disc in its case and turning off the television. “Maybe for the next movie night, you could choose something to watch.”

“Me?” The pony asked, pointing to herself. “But I don’t know what movies you have, aside from the two I’ve watched so far.”

“That’s okay, we can help you decide later. But for now, I’m going to start getting ready for bed and set up sleeping down here. You all have fun with your sleepover activities.”

The boy left the mare and two girls alone as Maddie asked, “So, what should we do next?”

Stacy answered, “We could play with Spiral’s hypnosis some more in your bedroom!”

“Sure!” Maddie beamed at the prospect of more hypnotic related activities as the three made their way upstairs to the sibling’s bedroom.

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