• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 2,147 Views, 43 Comments

Spiral Swirl's Encounter - Juke Denton

After waking up in the middle of a forest, Spiral Swirl finds herself in a new land and comes across human children.

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Chapter 15

Author's Note:

Happy New Year everyone (as well as New Decade)! I've been having a recent creative drive flowing through my head and couldn't stop writing up another chapter to this fanfic. Hope you all enjoy!

When she got downstairs, Spiral Swirl went into the living room to find Joey sitting in front of the television. She approached from behind him and said, “Hiya Joey!”

The mare’s introduction caught the boy off guard as he turned around to look at the mare and said back, “Oh hey Spiral. Where are Maddie and Stacy? I thought you would be spending time with them.”

“I was, but they were pretty tired from the fun they had and took a nap.”

“Did you hypnotize them to sleep?” The boy asked half-jokingly.

“You could say that.” The pony said chuckling a bit at the question herself. “And before you ask, no, I didn’t force my Hypno Magic onto Stacy. She tried it of her own free will after I explained how my sessions worked and with a little persuasion from Maddie.”

“That’s good.” Joey said. “As long you don’t use it to-“

“To turn her into a hypnotic slave. Yes, I know.” Spiral interjected. “I made a promise never to do it to you, your family, or your friends and I’m a mare of my word.”

“Okay. Just making sure is all.” Joey said before turning his attention back to the television screen. Spiral went up next to him and noticed the oldest sibling gripping a strange, wired device in his hands.

“What’s that you’re holding Joey?” The unicorn inquired as she sat right on her haunches next to the boy.

“What, this?” Joey asked, not even bothering to look at Spiral. “This is a controller for a video game I’m playing.”

“Controller? Video game?” The teal colored pony asked in confusion with a raised eyebrow, looking back and forth between the television screen and the controller.

“Let me guess, they don’t have video games back where you’re from?” The boy questioned in a way that showed he was more concentrated on the game he was playing at the moment, than the mare sitting beside him.

“We do, but nothing like this.” Spiral answered back. “What kind of game are you playing anyway?”

“The game is called Pikmin.” Joey said, finally pausing the game. “It’s playing on a console called the Nintendo GameCube.”

“Intriguing…” The unicorn said, bringing a hoof and rubbing it under her chin as she studied the controller. “Would it be alright if I watched you play some?”

“I thought you’d never ask!” The boy replied with a friendly smile, un-paused the game, and continued where he left off.

As Joey was playing, he went on to explain how the game worked, what the objective was, and what each button on the controller did.

Spiral watched on in absolute captivation at how unique the game looked, sounded, and played. While she thought it was neat seeing something so different, it felt disappointing to not being able to try it out.

“It’s too bad there aren’t any of your games designed for ponies to play.” The unicorn said.

Just then, an idea went through Joey’s head and said, “Wait! I might have something we can both try! Hold on a moment.”

After saving his progress, the boy turned off the console and put the controller away. He then used the television remote to change inputs before turning on a different console and retrieving two different controllers, putting one next to Spiral and holding the other. Spiral was left even more puzzled and asked, “What is this?”

“This is called the Wii Remote!” the child answered enthusiastically as he pointed the controller right above the television screen, pushed a couple buttons on his remote, and started up a game.

“We remote?” The pony questioned, making sure she heard what the boy said correctly. “How exactly is this compatible for ponies like myself to play?”

“You’ll see.” Joey said as the title for the game appeared on screen with the intro music playing. “These are special controllers because they have motion sensitivity. Go ahead, pick up the remote with your magic and point it right above the television.”

The unicorn did what the boy said; her horn surrounding itself in her magical aura, lifting up the rectangular controller with said magic and aiming it directly over the TV. When Spiral saw a hand appear on the screen that coordinated with the way she pointed the remote, she was shocked and nearly lost her grip. She then directed the device at different points and was taken back even more so with how the hand followed synchronization.

“What do you think? Pretty neat, huh?” Joey asked in a casual, laid back tone.

“How is this possible?” Spiral inquired inquisitively, staring at her controller before looking at the boy and saying, “I don’t understand how humans can make all of this without magic, but it’s truly amazing!”

“If you think that’s amazing, wait till you try the actual game.”

Joey then pointed his controller near the screen, pressed two of the remote’s buttons simultaneously and said, “Now, I don’t know what kind of sports your world has, but with this game, Wii Sports, there are five simulated sporting events included: Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Golf, and Boxing.”

The pony’s eyes widened at the boy’s mention of one of the sports. Joey took notice of her surprised reaction and asked, “Umm Spiral? Are you alright?”

“I want to make sure I heard you correctly, but, did you say one of the sporting events in the game included bowling?”

“Yes I did. Why?” The child asked before he started putting two and two together in his head.

But the unicorn spoke first before the boy did and said, “Because Equestria has a sport of the same name! It also wouldn’t happen to be a game where you roll a ball down a lane and knock pins over, would it?”

Joey was just as astounded as Spiral was earlier asked, “How is it possible? How does your world have bowling like ours?”

“I don’t know Joey.” The pony answered while scratching her head. “But now I’m more than curious to try out this version to see how it plays.”

“Then I guess bowling will be the first game we play!” The boy said after recovering from his bewilderment. He then aimed his Wii Remote at the game, clicked, and waited for the sport to load up.

The two played the bowling for a while, with Joey helping Spiral to understand the way humans played the game. After the game finished, the child beat the unicorn by thirty points, but the latter didn’t care as she was having too much fun learning how to play something that was familiar, yet different.

“I have to say, you did pretty well on your first try. Good job, Spiral!” Joey said, applauding the pony.

“Thanks Joey!” The mare said in beaming contentment. “Could we perhaps play another bowling match?”

“Sure! And afterwards we’ll try the other sports games as well!”

Joey and Spiral spent about a good two hours playing against each other (or in the case of Tennis, with each other) and having a great time with Spiral immensely enjoying herself and even won a game of Golf against the boy. Afterwards, the boy turned off the console and television, put away the controllers and sat next to his quadruped companion.

“That was quite fun, wasn’t it Spiral?”

“It sure was! It’s not every day a pony, let alone a unicorn like myself gets the privilege of trying what these kind of video games are like firsthoof. But regardless, thanks for letting me play with you Joey.”

A funny thought came across the unicorn’s mind and couldn’t resist sharing it with Joey.

“If there were games like this introduced to Equestria, I bet ponies everywhere would be very frantic to try and get their hooves on them. They would almost be enough to put other video games we have back at home to shame.”

“What kind of video games do you have back home?” Joey asked giving the pony his curious attention.

“We have ones that are the size of cabinets that are played with a joystick and a couple buttons next to them. I don’t remember the names of any of the games since, truthfully, I never really took the time to play them. Every now and again, I’d see ponies young and old playing them whenever I walk around.”

“Those sound like old arcade machines.” Joey deduced by Spiral’s description. “They aren’t as popular here anymore. Nowadays, most people play video games at home or on the go.”

“On the go? How is that even possible?” Spiral asked, giving Joey a curious stare; wondering as to how one could take something as complex as a video game and play it where and whenever one goes.

“Some companies have invented consoles that are specifically designed to handle playing games portably. Though more and more people have been using tablets and smartphones to play games for free.”

“Tablets? As in a stone used for inscriptions?” The unicorn asked feeling confused now.

“No.” The boy said while giggling before regaining his composure. “I mean…how do I put this? You remember the night our parents told you about our world? And how computers work?

“Yes, I vaguely recall how they’re machines used to hold information. But I still don’t understand how you can something that massive and carry it around.”

It seemed for every question Joey answered, it only left Spiral with more questions and ones the boy certainly couldn’t answer on his own.

“My dad would probably be able to answer that better than I could. Maybe ask him when he comes home.”

“I might just have to then. Sorry if I was pressing too many questions on you.”

“No, no, it’s fine.” The child said shaking his head, until something dawned on him. “That's odd. Maddie and Stacy haven’t been active like they usually are. Are they still asleep upstairs?”

The doctor’s eyes widened at having forgot about the girls and the suggestion she gave them.

“I might have accidentally forgotten to give them the suggestion to where they wake up on their own after I hypnotized them.”

“Well, we should probably go upstairs and wake them up then.” Joey said as he stood up with Spiral nodding in agreement. The two then quickly made their way to the children’s bedroom and sure enough, Maddie and Stacy were still laying down on the floor, deeply asleep and spellbound, and could only wait and listen for the sound of their mistress’ voice to tell them what to do next. The oldest child went and sat on his bed while the hypnotic doctor focused on her subjects.

“Maddie! Stacy! Listen closely to what I’m about to say to you. In a moment, I’m going to count from one to five. Once I reach five, you’ll both wake up feeling refreshed and free from your trances. One…feeling energy beginning to flow through your bodies. Two…your minds slowly waking up and breaking free from hypnosis. Three…remembering everything that happened before and after watching the pocket watch. Four…you’re almost there. Just open your eyes and…five! Awaken!”

The unicorn’s command worked like a charm as the two girls woke from their hypnotic-bound slumber. Maddie stretched herself while Stacy let out a loud yawn as they rubbed away any remaining somnolence.

“Good morning girls…or rather, good afternoon!” Spiral said jokingly with a quick, hearty chuckle.

“Hey Spiral!” Maddie replied, full of her energetic self again and hugging Spiral. “Thanks for a fun session, it was certainly enjoyable and relaxing as always!”

“Oh, I know how much you enjoys my sessions Maddie.” The mare said returning the hug before breaking it and concentrating on Maddie’s friend. “But what about you Stacy? How did it feel being hypnotized for the first time?”

“Well…um…” Stacy said, twiddling her thumbs nervously. “It was…um…”

Suddenly the girl hugged onto Spiral tightly and said, “It was wonderful! The best I’ve ever felt in a long time! Thank you so much Spiral!”

“You’re very welcome.” The unicorn said letting the girl hold on to her until she let go and sat back down. “If you ever want to try another hypnosis session, all you have to do is ask.”

“Well…if it isn’t asking too much…would you…maybe be able to do another session…before I have to leave?” The girl asked once again playing with her thumbs while looking down from how uneasy she was.

“Of course we can.” Spiral said noting how nervous the girl was and in her mind thought, ‘She seemed pretty anxious when asking me just now. Is she worried about something? Maybe when I put her under again, I’ll find out.’

Just then, Maddie let out a yawn before asking, “Gosh…how long were we asleep for? It feels like I slept for almost the whole afternoon.”

“I’d say a little over two hours.” Joey answered earning a worried look from Stacy which Spiral took notice of right away.

“What’s the matter Stacy?” The unicorn asked with concern.

“Maddie and I have been asleep almost the whole time I’ve been here and my mother will be picking me up soon!” Maddie’s friend replied in an upset tone.

Maddie thought for a moment before she chirped up and said, “I have an idea! Why don’t we have a sleepover tonight? Just ask your mom if you can stay the night; I’m sure my mom won’t mind at all!”

Maddie’s suggestion cheered up Stacy a little bit as she said, “I would love to stay over for the night, except…”

The girl looked down and started to play with her thumbs again as her nervousness surfaced once more.

“…I’m not sure if my mom will let me…I’m too afraid to ask her…plus I’ve never slept over here before and…and……”

Stacy lost her train of thought when she lifted her head back up to catch the sight of a familiar trinket swaying back-and-forth before her eyes.

“Shh…it’s okay Stacy.” Spiral said in a hushed, soothing tone. “Just let your eyes gaze upon the center of the ever swinging watch and as you do, you feel a wave of bliss washing over any and all nervousness and anxiety you might be experiencing.”

Joey observed what was happening from his bed and let Spiral continue on with her induction, knowing what she was doing, while Maddie chose not to interrupt or even join in on the session and sat near where her brother was and watched from afar.

“Every swing from the watch makes you feel better and better…while every word my voice says relaxes you more and more…in fact, you’re already starting to grow incredibly tired from how good you feel, aren’t you?”

Stacy said nothing as her eyes only followed the movements of the watch and her ears absorbed every word that rang from Spiral’s lips. Maddie couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous of her friend getting a hypnotic session all to herself and wanted to join in, but restrained herself and let the pony carry on with the rest of what she has planned.

“Yes…you feel so good…relaxed…and tired that your eyelids are beginning to grow heavy from how fatigued you are. But don’t close them just yet. In a moment, I’m going to count backwards from five down to zero and when I finish, you’ll fall into a pleasant trance and ready to listen to what my voice tells you next. 5…The watched sending you deeper into relaxation. 4…My voice helping to guide you to a tranquil state of contentment. 3…Shh…let your mind settle down while your take a nice nap. 2…Growing even more sleepy now. 1…You’re almost there…just waiting for my voice to say the last number before you nod off…and…….0…sleep!”

When Stacy fell into a trance Maddie went up to her, crouched down, then looked at Spiral and asked, “Pardon me for asking, but why did you hypnotize her all of a sudden?”

“Something’s bothering her and I want to see if I can try and help her overcome it.” Spiral answered with Joey figuring that that was the mare’s intent. “Plus she did want to experience hypnosis again before she leaves, so why not now?”

Maddie giggled at the last part and before she said, “Well I certainly understand that. But, I guess something I should’ve told you about Stacy is how she can be a bit antsy when it comes to her asking permission. I asked her about it when I first met her, but she’s too nervous to answer me and keeps it to herself. I never understood why but I guess we’re about to find out.”

The mare nodded her head then cleared her throat (with Maddie giving her some room) and spoke to the entranced girl.

“Stacy, if you can hear my voice, lift your head up and open your eyes up for me but remain in a trance.”

Maddie’s friend did as she was commanded and waited for more instructions after presenting her spiral filled eyes to the doctor.

“In a moment I’m going to ask you some questions and I want you to try to be as honest as you can. Can you do that?”

“Yes, I can.” The girl replied in a mindless tone.

“Good. Now then, I understand that you have trouble trying to properly communicate when asking for others’ permission to do something you want to do. Would you say that is true?”

“Yes, that is true.” Stacy answered monotone-like back to Spiral.

“Okay. Do you always feel an anxiety attack or nervousness taking over whenever this happens?”

“Yes, I do.”

“I see…” The pony said rubbing a hoof underneath her chin in deep thought for a few seconds before continuing on. “How long has this been happening for now?”

“Three years.”

“And during that time, have you ever once told anyone about why you feel this way?”

“Yes, I have.”

“Could you tell me who?”

“My mom and dad.”

“What did they say to you?”

“They said that I should try and make friends to help break through my nervousness.”

“Hmmm…” The unicorn thought quietly to herself before she asked Stacy, “How long have you and Maddie been friends for Stacy?”

“Since kindergarten.”

“And during all the time you’ve been friends with her, you never once told Maddie why you’re always too afraid to ask her to do something you want to do?”

“No I have not.”

“If I understand correctly, earlier on you were too nervous to try my hypnosis because you’d never experienced it before. But when Maddie urged you to give it a try, you said that the only reason why you did it is because you trusted her. Is that right?”


“If Maddie is someone you trust, then why are you too afraid to tell her about why you’re too nervous to ask about something you want to do?”

“I did not want her to know, I never felt like I deserved to be happy with the time I have spent with her.”

Maddie let out a soft gasp as she started getting a little teary eyed and quietly said, “Stacy…”

Spiral continued on with her questions.

“Do you feel happy when you spend time and play with Maddie when you two are doing what she wants?”


“Do you always feel that around all your friends?”

“Maddie is my only friend.”

That answer hit hard for Maddie as the dark-skinned girl quietly sobbed for her friend. Even Joey began to feel guilty about not trying to spend more time with his sister and her friend.

“Just two more questions Stacy.” Said Spiral. “Do you want to be free of these of panic attacks?”


“And would you do anything to be free of them forever?”

Another “Yes” left the girl’s mouth as the unicorn began to think of how to fix Stacy’s emotional condition. As Spiral was contemplating for a solution, Maddie went up to her and asked, “Will you really be able to help Stacy overcome her nervousness?”

“I’ll do my best.” Spiral replied before Maddie hugged her tightly with her head buried in her fur with tears flowing down.

“Please…I don’t want Stacy to feel like she has to be miserable! Please, help her!”

The mare lightly patted the girl on the back with her hoof and said, “You have my word that I’ll help find a way to put her anxiety to rest.”

“Thank you Spiral…thank you for being a good friend.”

The pony’s heart melted at the statement and simply said nothing else as Maddie released her grip on Spiral and sat next to Joey on his bed. The older brother comforted his sister to help ease her sadness and looked back at the unicorn, trusting that she knew what she was doing.

Spiral then focused her attention on the mesmerized girl and thought to herself, ‘Okay. Time to get to work.’