• Published 14th Jul 2018
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Spiral Swirl's Encounter - Juke Denton

After waking up in the middle of a forest, Spiral Swirl finds herself in a new land and comes across human children.

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Chapter 13

Several minutes of crying left Spiral Swirl with red eyes, but didn’t think much of it as she eventually broke the hug from the siblings. Joey was the first to speak up.

“Feeling better?”

The unicorn sniffed a couple times and rubbed any remaining tears from her bloodshot eyes before looking up at the older sibling and nodded in a yes fashion.

“That’s good.” The boy said giving the mare a heartfelt smile.

“I’m sorry if I acted mad towards you earlier Spiral.” Maddie said looking down at the ground nervously while tracing the ground with her foot. “You won’t hold it against me will you?”

“Of course not Maddie.” Said Spiral. “There’s nothing to be sorry for at all. In all fairness, I completely deserved every bit of spite you and your brother could’ve had towards me. But something I don’t understand is, why Joey?

“Why what Spiral?” The boy asked back at the mare.

“Why weren’t you angry with me earlier? Even when I told you clear as day what my original intent was with you and your sister, you didn’t lash out at me or even seem upset the way Maddie was. So why?”

“I was angry Spiral.” Joey answered garnering Spiral’s full attention as well as a small gasp from her lips. “And you’re right, I could’ve yelled or even screamed at you for the way you wanted to turn me and Maddie into your mindless slaves. In fact, I was tempted to do so……but I chose not to. Because as much as you deserve to be rejected by my family, I could tell how truly remorseful you were, even before you started to tell us your family’s history. I can’t say that I agree with your extreme actions what you did back in your world, but I can understand the harsh life you and your family have gone through. And what kind of person would I be, if I only inflicted more pain to the already open wound?”

Spiral was stunned at how Joey acted in the most mature manner, at such a young age no less. She said nothing though and let the boy continue.

“If you truly are sorry for what you originally intended to do to me, Maddie, and the rest of my family, then I forgive you.”

The teal-colored pony was almost at a loss for words, for how much the oldest sibling was willing to give her another chance.


“BUT!” Joey interjected. “I want you to solemnly swear that you will never use your hypnotic powers to enslave us as your mindless servants again!”

Spiral understood the boy explicitly and brought out her pocket watch with her magic (but not swinging it), and said in a sincere tone, “I solemnly swear on my pocket watch that I’ll never again use my abilities to hypnotize you, Maddie, or anyone else in the family into being my slaves, against their will, again.”

The air was filled with a dead silence for a moment as the unicorn waited to see what would happen next. That question was answered with Maddie giving the pony a quick hug while saying, “I forgive you too.”

The latter, returning the gesture, closed her eyes in contentment for the friendship she was able to keep and said, “Thank you for giving me another chance…” while putting away her watch.

“How will we tell Mom and Dad what you told us?” The girl asked a bit timidly, wondering how her parents would handle the truth.

The unicorn broke the hug and said, “I will speak to them tomorrow. They deserve to know everything as well. If they do decide to kick me out because of my actions, then I’ll at least enjoyed having spent one more day with you all.”

“Well we’d better get back to the house then. For all we know, Mom’s probably going to be back any minute wondering where we are.” The eldest sibling said as he got up from where he sat and stretched for a bit. “Hey by the way, where are my shoes? I can’t find them.”

Joey’s question brought a look of shock on Maddie’s face as she suddenly remembered the reason the three of them were at the pond in the first place. She began to grow nervous as her mind scrambled to think of what to do.

“Seriously where are they? Maddie, have you seen-”

“HYPNO PLAYTIME!!!” The littlest sibling screamed as loud as she could.

The words echoed through the forest as Spiral covered her ears from how close Maddie yelled. Once her ears recovered, the mare gave the child a slight irritated look and asked, “Was it really necessary to shout like that?”

The girl looked at Spiral with an embarrassed look on her face and said, “Oops…sorry Spiral.”

“It’s okay. But next time when you’re sitting next to me, could you not do it so loudly?”

The little girl gave a happy nod to which the pony responded with a warm smile, garnering a giggle from the former.

“So, why did you use the trigger on your brother just now?” The unicorn asked curiously.

“Well, while you were talking to us, I completely forgot why we came here earlier. I just sort of panicked when he was asking about his shoes and that’s why I screamed it out loudly. Plus, I don’t want him to get mad with him having to walk home barefoot.”

“I see.” The mare said looking over to the boy to see his eyes swirling away, ready to listen and obey whatever his sister wanted him to do.

Joey didn’t have to wait long though as Maddie’s voice soon registered in his ears as she said, “Joey, fold up those towels neatly, then hold them out for me!”

The oldest sibling followed Maddie’s instructions implicitly with each towel folded up as if they were brand new. When he finished, Maddie grabbed the towels, looked at Spiral and said, “We’d better hurry and get back to the house before Mommy arrives.”

“Mmmhmm.” The pony nodded in agreement, making her towards the little girl.

“Alright Joey! Follow us back to the house in the same marching fashion you did when we walked here earlier!” Maddie said in her mock drill sergeant tone.

The brother obeyed the command as he marched behind Maddie and Spiral in the same clockwork fashion as before. The unicorn couldn’t help but give an internal chuckle at the young girl’s playful antics.

‘She never does cease to amuse. I wonder if-’

“So Spiral?”

The sound of the youngest sibling’s voice broke the pony’s train of thought as she looked up at the girl and asked, “Yes, Maddie?”

“Are you excited about meeting Stacy? I know she’ll be excited to meet you!”

The question made Spiral feel uneasy and asked Maddie, “Are you sure it’s even a good idea to let me meet her? I just told you and Joey what I tried to do to the both of you, as well as your parents.”

“We both forgave you though; plus you did promise not to use your Hypno Magic to enslave us against our will and I trust you enough not to do the same to Stacy. I’m sure we’ll all have a fun time together!”

The girl’s encouraging words and enthusiastic nature made the pony feel much better and said with a warm, bright, smile, “You’re right, Maddie! I’m sorry if my doubt got the better of me just now.”

“It’s fine Spiral!” The young girl said feeling happy at the notion that Stacy was going to be in for the time of her life.

The three continued through the path until they eventually made it back to the house. Maddie and Spiral made their way in, while Joey continued to hypnotically march behind the two into the hall. He soon heard his sister’s voice yell, “STOP!” bringing him to a complete halt. Luckily the mother hadn’t returned yet, so Maddie didn’t have to worry about explaining anything. The little girl cleared her throat as she spoke once again.

“Alright Joey, listen closely, go into the bathroom upstairs, wash all the dirt off your feet, dry them off, then go straight to the bedroom and wait for further instructions.”

The black and white spiral, eyed sibling did as he was told and went upstairs to follow his younger sibling’s commands. Maddie went and put the towels away before grabbing her brother’s shoes from the living room, with Spiral trailing beside her. The youngest sibling and the unicorn had just begun walking up the stairs, when the door to the garage opened, with the children’s mother shouting, “Hello, I’m back!”

The girl’s heart skipped a beat. She quickly made it up the stairs out of sight and shouted, “Hi Mom! Joey, Spiral, and I are upstairs!”

“Okay! Stacy should be here soon!” The mother replied back.

The girl let out a sigh of relief with the pony looking at her with a raised eyebrow and asking, “What is it?”

“I didn’t want her to see me like this and start questioning about what we did earlier.” Maddie whispered in Spiral’s ear. The mare nodded, understanding the girl’s reason before they made their way to the bedroom. Joey, meanwhile, was still in the bathroom, obeying his sister’s command to wash his feet clean from all the dirt that clung to him. As they waited for the oldest sibling to finish, Spiral decided to strike up a conversation with Maddie.

“So how exactly do you want to go about introducing me to your friend?”

“Hmm…” Maddie said sitting down in a thinking manner. “I haven’t really thought about it.” She continued to ponder in her head for a moment, until her eyes lit up and she grew a giddy smile.

“Okay! When Stacy arrives, you can hide in the closet and wait there until I bring her upstairs and give you the signal to introduce yourself to her.”

“Sounds like a plan.” The unicorn said in agreement.

Just then Joey marched into the room, stopped in the center and waited for his sister to initiate more commands.

“Now Joey, what I’m about to say is very important, so listen closely. When you break free from this trance, you will not remember anything you did after I yelled out your trigger phrase. Instead, you will think that from the time you started asking about your shoes at the pond, to the moment you wake up, you found your shoes hiding near the pond, walked home with me and Spiral with them on, heard Mom come home, got dressed in regular clothes, and walked in on us discussing plans regarding Stacy’s introduction to Spiral. Did you get all that?”

The eldest child’s subconscious absorbed every word that came out his sister’s lips and after she finished the question, his response was a droned, “Yes.”

“Good. Now then, go to your clothes drawer, pick out a shirt, a pair of underwear and pants, go to the bathroom, change out of your swimsuit and into the clothes you pick and then come back.”

Joey followed the orders without a second thought and soon disappeared out of the room to the bathroom.

“You really love messing around with him don’t you?” Spiral asked in a teasing manner.

“As I said, it’s mostly payback, but all in good fun!” Maddie answered with a small giggle. “Oh, before I forget, after I introduce you to Stacy, I think it would be fun for her to-“

“No wait, let me guess.” The unicorn interrupted, already knowing what the youngest sibling was requesting. “You want me to use my Hypno Magic on her, so she can experience what you and Joey have felt when put under a trance, right?”

Maddie was a little stunned at Spiral’s interjection and said, “How did you know that I was going to say that?”

“You could say I read your mind.” The mare replied while giving off a small chuckle. “But how do you want me to hypnotize her and do you have any specific requests of what happens after I put her under?”

“I say just do what you usually do, perhaps draw it out for her to make it as relaxing and wonderful as possible. While, she’s entranced, how about doing something that you haven’t tried with me and Joey yet. But don’t tell me what it is, I wanna be surprised!” The little girl answered, already fantasizing at all the possibilities of hypnotic entertainment only the unicorn could deliver.

“Sure thing Maddie!” The mare said, mentally noting everything the girl said.

Before the two of them said anything else, Joey walked back in, all dressed in the clothes he picked out, consisting of a sleeveless, gray T-shirt and orange running shorts. He stood in front of Maddie and Spiral as he awaited the former to speak to him once again.

“Alright Joey, before I wake you from your trance, I want you to repeat back to me everything I told you to remember in regards to the events after you started asking about your shoes.”

Without emotion, the brother said, “I walked home with you and Spiral with them on, heard Mom come home, got dressed in regular clothes, and walked in on you and Spiral discussing plans regarding Stacy’s introduction to Spiral.”

“Very good. Now, wake up!”

As per usual, the spirals in Joey’s eyes dissipated soon followed by the return of his normal colored iris and sized pupil. After shaking off any remaining effects of being in a trance, he was fully awake and alert with Maddie’s post-hypnotic suggestion kicking into play.

“Hey you two, so what’s the plan of introducing Spiral to Stacy?” Joey asked in his normal tone again.

After the younger sibling explained the idea to her brother of how Spiral will introduce herself to Stacy and hypnotize her, Joey had a serious look on his face.

“I’m fine with this, as long as you promise not to subjugate Stacy to being your slave. Am I clear, Spiral?”

“Of course, Joey.” Spiral said in a solemn tone. “I promised never to use my Hypno Magic prowess to steal away you or your sister’s free will again and I intend on keeping that promise with any of yours or Maddie’s friends.”

“Just making sure is all.” The oldest sibling said returning to a calmer demeanor. “Well, I’m going downstairs to watch some TV.”

Following the boy’s departure from the room, a thought popped into the girl’s head.

“Hey Spiral?”

The mare looked at the child, waiting to hear her question.

“You said earlier on that you’ve always made Joey and I forget everything we do when in a trance. When you do hypnosis sessions with us from now on, would it be possible to make us remember what it is we do?”

“Sure thing! In fact for Stacy’s session, I was planning to have her remember everything she does while under my spell.”

The little girl couldn’t resist giving her pony companion a warm hug and said, “Thank you Spiral. You’re one of the best friends I could ever ask for!”

The child’s comment touched the teal unicorn’s heart and was on the verge of getting watery-eyed, but held back and simply said, “That means a lot to me Maddie. Thank you.”

The two continued to embrace for another moment, until a realization hit Maddie.

“Oh my goodness!” The youngest sibling said, breaking the hug.

“What is it?” Spiral asked, fearing something was wrong.

“Stacy’s gonna be here soon and I’m still wearing my swimsuit! I gotta change quickly before she gets here!”

Not wasting any time, Maddie zoomed over to her clothes drawer and rapidly picked out a set of normal clothes to wear. When she felt happy with the choices she picked out, the girl sprinted to the bathroom, leaving the mare alone. Spiral rolled her eyes at the girl’s antics and found it too funny not to laugh at.

‘Like I said, she certainly never ceases to amuse.’

Maddie returned to the bedroom about a minute later, now garbed in her new clothes consisting of a plain, white T-shirt and a pair of pink shorts.

“Now I’m ready, for an afternoon of fun!” Maddie said with excitement in her voice. “What about you Spiral? Are you ready for an afternoon of fun?”

“Sure am!” The unicorn answered back in a genuinely cheerful mood, until the sound of her stomach caused her to blush in embarrassment. “After I’ve had a quick bite to eat.”

Maddie giggled at the pony’s reaction and said, “I’m feeling hungry myself. Let’s head to the kitchen and get some lunch!”

Spiral nodded at the girl’s suggestion and the two of them headed downstairs and making their way to the kitchen, all while passing by Joey who had all of his concentration towards the television screen. When the mare and child arrived in the kitchen, they saw the mother was busy with putting groceries away.

“Do you need some help with putting things away?” Spiral offered by grabbing one of the food items with her magic. Despite her hunger status, she wanted to assist the family in any way she could.

“Well thank you Spiral, I would sure appreciate it!” The mother replied a sincere smile and showed Spiral where to put the rest of the groceries.

As they were finishing up, the mother looked at the pony and said, “Now you’re absolutely sure you’re comfortable about meeting Maddie’s friend? It’s not too late to say no.”

“Positive!” The unicorn replied chirpily while putting a loaf of bread on a countertop. “And from what Maddie said about her, Stacy sounds like someone who’s easy to get along with.”

“Okay. I just didn’t want you put in an uncomfortable position.” Said the mother.

After Spiral finished with the last of the grocery bags, she received another thanks from the mother before the latter went and grabbed a cloth and spray can of Endust, After the mother left the kitchen to clean around the house, a loud *DING* *DING* *DING* *DING* rang through the room and the teal mare turned her attention to see Maddie opening a small door to a rectangular shaped box.

“Something smells delectable.” Spiral said as her muzzle caught a whiff of the heated up food.

“Just heating up leftover pizza from last night.” The girl said carefully taking out from the box a couple steaming slices of pizza and putting them on a plate. Spiral was left in a confused state.

“I don’t understand, how could you have heated up those slices from last night so quickly without burning them?”

“With the microwave oven. Here I’ll show you.” Said the youngest sibling as she grabbed a couple slices of leftover cheese pizza, put them on top of a paper towel in the microwave, closed the door tightly, pushed a couple buttons, and stood back.

The microwave oven roared to life with a small humming noise, leaving the unicorn curious. Soon enough, the same beeping sounds from earlier rang from the machine. Maddie grabbed a plate before retrieving the slices from the oven and placing them on the plate to cool off.

“What do you think?” The girl asked. Spiral was left stunned.

“Incredible…” The mare said all the more marveled at how advanced human technology was compared to Equestria. She was about to ask about how the device worked, but her stomach was running on empty and the smell of the heated up pizza made her decide to save the question for another time.

The aroma managed to find its way to Joey and sure enough, the boy went to the kitchen to heat up some the leftover dinner from last night as well. He opened the fridge to find any remaining slices with meat toppings, but was dismayed at not finding any. When the oldest sibling turned around, he saw that his sister had, on her plate, a slice all chowed down to the bare crust and another with meat already bitten down on.

“Maddie!” He cried out in a dismayed tone. “You didn’t leave any slices for me!”

“Finders keepers, brother!” The sister said in a teasing tone.

Joey’s level of patience was being tried and was about to retort until Spiral spoke first and said, “If you want, you can have whatever slices are left of my pizza from the refrigerator.”

“No, it’s fine Spiral. It’s your pizza, not mine. I’ll just find something else to eat.” The boy responded in a disappointed tone. But Spiral would have none of that.

“No really, I insist. I don’t really need to eat all of it. Plus, I do want some fruit or vegetables, if there are any around.”

Joey, touched with Spiral’s offer said, “Thank you, Spiral,” got out the two remaining slices of cheese pizza from the fridge and heated them up in the microwave. While waiting for the microwave to finish, he grabbed an apple from the fruit-bowl as well as some celery, took them over to the mare, and asked, “Will these be sufficient enough for you?”

“Yes, yes they should. Thank you kindly, Joey.” Spiral replied with a satisfactory smile, using her magic to levitate the food onto her plate.

The eldest child turned his head back to the microwave oven after hearing the timer go off, grabbed a plate (as well as some fruit), retrieved the slices of steaming pizza, and sat at the table. The three enjoyed the rest of their lunch in peace with only the sound of munching, crunching, and the occasional, “Mmm…” coming from their mouths. Afterwards, the trio put their dirty dishes in the sink and cleaned off any crumbs from the table into the trash.

Just then, the sound of the doorbell rang through the house, and Maddie’s level of excitement skyrocketed.

“She’s here! She’s here!” The youngest child squealed, barely able to contain her enthusiasm.

“I guess that’s my cue to hide then.” Spiral said as she quickly went upstairs to the children’s bedroom, activated her magic grip on the closet room door knob, trotted inside, and shut the door tightly. She sat down on all four legs as thoughts crossed her mind regarding Stacy.

‘How will she react to seeing me? Will she act the same way Maddie did when I first met her? I guess there’s only one way to find out.’