• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 2,147 Views, 43 Comments

Spiral Swirl's Encounter - Juke Denton

After waking up in the middle of a forest, Spiral Swirl finds herself in a new land and comes across human children.

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Chapter 8

As the two children and their pony companion were watching The Wizard of Oz, Joey was engrossed with everything that played out in the film, from the transition of sepia tone to color, to the characters, to the musical numbers, to the overall fantasy world. Spiral was enjoying the movie for the same reason, but was also completely enthralled with how different movies in this world were compared to the ones back in her home.

After the movie ended, Maddie looked at her brother and asked him, “So what did you think? Did you like it?”

“I loved it! I didn’t think it would be that good, but wow! I’d definitely be up for watching it again sometime soon!” Joey exclaimed in satisfaction. He then turned his head to Spiral and asked her, “What about you Spiral? What did you think of it?”

The teal unicorn had no words to describe the film she just watched in comparison to all the movies she saw back in Equestria. “It was terrific! I had no idea humans were this creative in making movies as wonderful as this. Oh, and before I forget Joey, the movie’s over.”

Right when Spiral uttered the trigger phrase, Joey put his right hand on his head as he felt all the memories from the previous times he watched The Wizard of Oz resurface in his mind. When he recovered, the unicorn asked him, “So, how did it feel to watch the movie for the first time, again?”

“Woah…That was something else…”

“Is that in a good way or bad?” The pony asked feeling anxious about how he felt.

“Of course it’s in a good way, don’t be ridiculous!” The boy responded chirping up. “I’m actually glad you suggested doing that Spiral. Reliving a movie again for the first time is pretty cool. Maybe if we watch other movies later on, you could use the same technique on Maddie and me if we want you to.”

“I’ll certainly keep that in mind.” The teal pony responded, glad that the boy enjoyed himself. “Though, if you don’t mind me asking, how many movies have your kind made?”

“I’m not really sure…” Joey said thinking of just how many films there were in existence. “I think its somewhere in the thousands region but that’s just a wild guess.”

Spiral could only imagine what it would be like if human cinema was shared with her home world and how ponies and creatures alike would react. “If this is only a small sample of what your movies are like, I can’t wait to see more!

“Well don’t forget, next time I get to pick.” Joey said as he went up to the television set, put the film back in its case, and stacked it back on the shelf. The boy sat back down next to the others and asked, “So, what now?”

The unicorn pulled out her watch with her magic and said, “Well, it’s time for the two of you to start getting ready for bed.”

“Aww…” Whined the little Maddie in a cute, pouty tone with Joey looking at his babysitter and asking, “Do we have to right now?”

“Now, now.” Spiral said to them. “I promised your mother I would have the both of you in bed on time. But I’ll tell you what, if you two get ready for bed fast enough, we’ll play a quick game. And before you ask, yes it does involve hypnosis.”

At the mention of a possible game featuring the pony’s hypnotic powers, the two kids excitedly went upstairs and started to get ready for bed. The mare was left alone in the living room chuckling to herself as she said, “One of these days I going to have to ask those youngsters why they like hypnosis so much.” She then got up and headed upstairs to help with preparing the children for a good night sleep.

After the children brushed their teeth, combed their hair, and changed into their nightclothes (with their babysitter giving them privacy), Maddie and Joey sat themselves down on their beds comfortably with Spiral entering the bedroom and asking the siblings, “Are you two ready for bed?”

“We sure are!” Exclaimed Maddie. “So what type of game are we playing?”

“Well I’m glad you asked Maddie. But first things first, it’s Trance Time.” Spiral responded while she looked at Maddie and Joey’s eyes exploding with their usual spiral filled eyes from the trigger as the two entranced kids awaited to hear their mistress’ voice.

“Okay Maddie and Joey, get up from your beds and stand in front of the mirror.”

The two kids obediently did as the pony instructed and walked over to the mirror on top of their clothes drawer.

“Now both of you can see the spirals swirling in your eyes, correct?”

“Yes, mistress.” Maddie and Joey stated emotionlessly while staring at the reflections of the black and white swirls in their eyes.

“Then listen carefully to what I say next. When you’re out of a trance and my horn touches your head, you will see those same spirals that are in your reflection appear in the same manner when you look in a mirror. Understand?”

“Yes, mistress.” Answered the kids as their ears absorbed the information.

“Good and when you stare at those spirals, you will slowly be hypnotizing yourselves into the same state of entrancement you’re both currently in. Understand?”

“Yes, mistress.” The two kids said again with the command burying itself in minds.

“Very good.” Spiral said smiling in satisfaction. “Now when I close the door to this room, you will both wake up from your trances, but forget hearing the trigger, forget what you did under trance, and think you two are still waiting for me to show up to start the game. But, the command I just gave you will stick with you only for tonight. Understand?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“Then go back to how you were sitting on your beds earlier before I said the trigger.”

Both siblings returned to their beds in their respective sitting positions as Spiral went to the hallway and closed the door. When Maddie and Joey heard the door shut, they both broke free from Spiral’s spell and waited for their unicorn babysitter like she hadn’t entered yet. About ten seconds later, the teal mare opened the door and asked them, “Are you two ready for bed?”

“We sure are!” Said Maddie happily not realizing she was repeating herself. “So what type of game are we playing?”

Spiral gave a small giggle to the girl’s enthusiastic nature and said, “Well this is a different kind of game Maddie. But before we begin, would the two of you mind going up to the mirror and looking at yourselves for a moment?”

The boy and girl did what the pony asked, got up from their beds and went to see their reflections staring back at them in the mirror.

“Now I want you two to be honest, do you notice anything different about your appearance in the mirror?”

“Hmm…” Joey thought as he studied himself to see if there was anything off from his usual looks. “Nope. Can’t say there’s anything out of the ordinary about me.”

“Nothing different about me!” Maddie responded as well.

“That’s good. Now could both of you come over and sit down on the floor next to each other and bend your heads down?”

“Umm…May I ask what we’re doing?” Joey asked. Questioning what any of this had to do with anything.

“Don’t worry. It’s all part of the game.” The unicorn said assuring the oldest sibling.

“All right, if you say so.” Joey replied as he and his sister went over to Spiral, sat next to each other, and waited for what the mare would do next.

Before he could react, the pony’s horn came into contact with the boy’s head, startling him for a few seconds. He got himself situated back in his sitting position and was about to ask the unicorn why she touched his forehead, but decided to not to bring it up since it probably was part of the game. Spiral did the same thing with the younger sibling which earned her a giggle from the little girl.

With both of them now ready, Spiral said to the children, “Okay now, can both of you return to the mirror and see if you notice anything different about yourselves now?”

Obliging with Spiral’s request, Maddie and Joey sat up from the rug and went back over to the mirror. What they saw in their reflection seemed normal at first, but when they caught a glimpse of what was in their eyes, they were shocked.

“Woah!” Joey said in surprise. “Are those spirals in my eyes?”

“Oooh! I have swirly eyes!” Maddie added complimenting herself.

“That’s right.”

The siblings looked back at Spiral as the oldest tried to come up with what to say until the youngest beat him to the punch and asked, “How did we get swirly eyes? Does it have to do with the game?”

The hypnotic doctor could only smile at Maddie and said to her, “Let’s just say I used a magic spell so you and your brother have the ability to hypnotize yourselves by looking into your eyes in a mirror and that my dear Maddie is the game for tonight. The game is called Hypnoflection and the way it works is you both hypnotize yourselves with the swirls in your reflection and the first to fall into a trance first loses.

“Sounds fun!” Maddie retorted eagerly. “And what does the winner get?”

“That’s the best part. The winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser, until bedtime of course. Plus the one who lasts the longest will also get a special prize.”

“Ohh…I wanna win!” The girl shouted with hopes of beating her brother.

“Then you’d better not lose.” Spiral then took a couple steps back and said, “Alright, now Maddie and Joey, face the mirror and close your eyes. After I count to three, that’s when the game begins and during that time I’ll be judging to see who’s playing fair and of course who’ll fall into a trance first. Understand?”

“Got it!” Joey said with confidence.

“I’m ready!” Maddie said waiting for Spiral to begin the countdown.

“Alright then. 1…2…3…Begin!”

With that, the two opened their eyes and stared at their black and white spiraling eyes in the mirror. Almost immediately, Maddie and Joey were captivated by the swirls and slowly started to feel the hypnotic effects kicking in as their minds started getting cloudy. Spiral, standing beside them, observed the game playing out and waited in anticipation to see which human would fall first.

‘It’s times like these where I wish I had a music player to play a soothing track and make this game more interesting. But doesn’t mean I still can’t add some spice to this.’ The mare said in her head before clearing her throat and speaking softly.

“Stare…just stare at your reflection and as you do, you only feel more mesmerized and relaxed by the second.”

The siblings could only listen and obey what their pony babysitter said as they kept gazing at the mirror image of their hypnotic spirals.

“Just imagine the blissful and wonderful sensation of what being in a trance is like and how you can experience it by just relaxing further…”

Joey was already feeling his eyelids grow heavy from the combination of watching the black and white swirls and listening to Spiral’s voice. Maddie was trying to her best not to give in to the desire of falling into hypnotized state, but was only struggling as the unicorn’s sweet words filled her ears, making it harder for her to think.

“Relax…relax…relax…don’t be discouraged if you lose the game, only picture how much the swirls in your reflection are beckoning you to sink down into a state of delightful…sleeeeeeeeeep.”

‘Must…win…have…to…to…sleep…so…sleepy…I…feel…NO! Have…to…win…before…Joey…and…sleep…” Maddie was doing everything in her power to stay focused on her goal to win the game, but with the spirals and voice overtaking her mind, her chances of victory were growing slimmer.

“As you keep staring at those spirals, you find yourselves more and more tired. It simply feels good to let go and just…give in…”

‘…N…N-No……mu…mustn’t…g…g-give……i……in?’ Maddie was hanging by a thread at this point, using whatever brainpower she had left to keep herself from falling asleep.

Spiral noticed how much Maddie was struggling to stay awake and commended her endurance, but kept talking as she said, “Just…fall. Fall into a nice, peaceful, hypnotic slumber…” She then trotted over to the little girl and whispered in a sing-song voice, “You know you want to…”

The youngest sibling couldn’t take it anymore as her eyes shut tight and her mind entered a deep state of trance and obedience. Giggling with amusement, Spiral said to the girl, “I’m surprised Maddie. I never would’ve guessed that someone as young as you had the durability to last as long as you did. But nevertheless, you won! How do you feel about it?”

“Happy…mistress...” Maddie replied in a somnolent, fatigued tone.

‘Poor dear. She must’ve exhausted herself too much.’ Spiral thought to herself and said to Maddie, “I’m happy that you won too, but just rest for now.” The unicorn then used her magic to lift the girl from where she was and put her on top of her bed. “Let yourself fall into a well-deserved sleep until I call your name, okay?”

“Yes…mistress.” The young girl responded before entering a tranquil and blissful sleep.

Spiral smiled kind-heartedly at Maddie before she turned her attention to Joey and said to him, “Alright Joey. Since you lost the game, I want you to listen to my instructions very carefully. From this point forward until the next time you wake up, you will obey every order your sister gives you. And when you do awaken, you will have no recollection of what happens during your time in this trance. Understand?”

“Yes, mistress.” The boy said unquestioningly while still standing with his eyes closed.

“Good boy.” The unicorn said jokingly to herself as she went back to Maddie to wake up her up. But when the mare saw how deeply asleep the girl was, she couldn’t help but feel a bit bad about waking the younger child up from the peaceful rest she was having. After some thought, Spiral asked her, “Maddie? How do you feel right now?”

“I feel…wonderful mistress…like I could sleep this way…for a long time…” The drowsy Maddie replied in between breaths.

“I want you to be honest. Do you want to spend a few minutes doing whatever you want to Joey as a prize from the game you won or do you just want to go back to sleep?”

Maddie kept up her Zzz’s while listening to her mistress speak. When the mare finished asking the question, the little girl responded with, “I’d…like to play around…for sure…but…I’m too sleepy…could we do it…tomorrow?”

“Of course we can.” Spiral replied in a quiet like tone. “You can tell me when you want to use your prize tomorrow, but for now, just let yourself fall back into a peaceful night slumber, let your mind enter dreamland where you can have the most pleasant and soothing dreams you could ever have and when you wake up in the morning, you’ll feel happy and refreshed. Okay dear?”

“…Yes…mistress…” Maddie responded again as she nodded off for the night and slept even more soundly than the previous night. Helping the human girl to get comfortable, Spiral used her magic to levitate the child to her brother’s bed, lift up the blankets from her own bed, put the child back on her mattress, cover her with the layers of bedspread, and adjust the head on the pillow.

“Good night, Maddie.” Spiral said with a soft whisper as she gave the girl a quick kiss on the forehead while saying in her thoughts, ‘She’s such a sweetheart.’ She then turned her attention back to the boy and said to him, “All right Joey, listen closely to what I’m about to tell you. All day tomorrow, whenever you hear your sister say, ‘hypno playtime’ you will fall into a hypnotic trance where your sister, Maddie will be your mistress and you’ll obey all of her commands, BUT ONLY for tomorrow. Understand?”

“Yes, mistress.” Joey replied with his subconscious soaking in the information.

“Very good. Now then, it’s time for bed. So open your eyes, get yourself situated on your mattress, under the covers, and lay as comfortably as you can.”

The amenable boy did exactly as he was told by revealing the black and white spirals in his eyes, climbing in bed and arranging himself in the best sleeping position possible. After Joey got done positioning himself, Spiral continued her next set of commands for the boy with, “When your sister wakes up, you’ll awaken too, ready to take on the day and feeling full of energy. But until that time comes, let your body release all tension and stress from the day as you fall into a pleasant, good night, rest. Just relax, close your eyes and…” The mare then went up close to Joey and whispered in his ear, “…sleeeeeeeeeep…”

With that, Joey succumbed to Spiral’s commands, shut his spiraling eyes and fell into a deep hypnotic sleep.

The unicorn then shut off the lights to the bedroom and closed the door with her magic as she went to get ready for bed herself. After fixing herself up for a night’s rest, she went to the guest room and got settled under the covers. She began talking to herself in her mind.

‘Well today’s certainly been fun. Maddie and Joey are such sweet children to be around, not to mention fun to play with in and out of my control. I can’t wait to meet Maddie’s friend tomorrow as I’m sure she be enjoyable to spend time with. But how to go about introducing myself to her though…hmm…well I’ll just make it up as I go.’

As she was pondering, about good ideas for tomorrow, Spiral couldn’t help but think about the fact that she was still trapped in a different world. Granted she was with a family that gave her food and shelter and was relishing in learning about the different aspects of the foreign land she was in, but she still had a family of her own and wanted nothing more than to find a way to return to her own home in Equestria. But the only thing she could do was bide her time and wait for the opportunity to present itself. With her head starting to grow tired, the mare put those thoughts to rest and decided to just simply make the best of her situation and spend as much time as she could with the children.

With that in mind, the unicorn repositioned herself to a more comfy sleeping form and shut her weary eyes as sleep overtook her.

Author's Note:

It might be awhile before I start writing up Chapter 9 as I will be busy a lot for the next few weeks. But I hope you're all enjoying the story so far.