• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 366 Views, 0 Comments

First Meetings and Second Chances - Reading4HalfMyLife

Hoofsteps gains a new member, and she is not pleased

  • ...

First Meeting and Second Chances

Butterscotch was an optimist by nature. Working in Hoofsteps, an organisation that helped disabled foals, meant that he had to deal with a lot of sadness daily, and the best remedy, as his Aunt Pinkie always says, is a great big smile!

And yet, staring down at the newest addition to Hoofsteps, he couldn't help but wonder if she was a lost cause.

The 'she' in question was a little bat pony, grey in color with blue wings and mane. At least, that's what she was supposed to look like. Instead, Butterscotch considered handing her over to his mother Fluttershy, because she more resembled a kitten, shivering on the floor even as a blanket was thrown over her, than a pony. Her right foreleg was bandaged, but more attention was drawn to the bandage covering the stump where her right back leg ended.

"Shock," the medic who had brought her into Hoofsteps explained in a low tone. "We had to amputate her hind leg due to narrowing of her arteries."

Butterscotch swallowed nervously. He never liked the thought of cutting of somepony's leg, even if it did make medical sense. "What happened to her?" He asked, and the medic shrugged.

"No idea. She apparently came from a bat pony tribe living in the mountains. Couple of friends saw her stumbling into their town one day, almost covered in blood. She must of have been walking for days. When they tried to get near, she just screeched at them, before collapsing. We don't even know her name."

Butterscotch sighed as his boss, Brave Soul, took the medic aside to discuss paperwork. Since the batpony didn't seem to ave any family members it was decided that she would stay here until she would have a more permanent home. It wasn't the first time Hoofsteps had fillies and colts to live within their walls, after all.

Butterscotch snapped back to the present just in time to see Tempo Breeze, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's mute child who visited for sign language lessons, inching towards the little filly. "No, wait!" He reached out his hoof like that would stop her.

But it was too late. Tempo placed a hoof on the other fillies shoulder, and the reaction was immediate. With a loud screech, the bat pony flung herself backwards, and, unbalanced by her lack of one of her hind legs, she almost collapsed into Tempo, who attempted to straighten her up. The other filly responded to this by biting into Tempo's leg.

Butterscotch felt his jaw drop even as he pried the two apart. He had never seen a filly bite another one before.

Thankfully, Butterscotch was tall and well built, and easily separated the two. He couldn't help but wince when he saw the two pinpricks of blood showing through Tempo's pale grey coat. What the hell?! Tempo signed, glaring at the other filly, only to take a few steps back when she screeched once more. It was like nails on a chalkboard . . .

"Tempo! Why don't you go outside and do the obstacle course!" He said in his cheeriest voice.

I've done it like a million times.

"Well, now you can do it a million times and one!"

As Tempo limped away, shooting glares over her shoulder, Butterscotch turned his attention back to the newcomer, who was baring her teeth like a wild animal. He plastered on his most welcoming smile, and lifted a hoof, only to drop it when she flinched away. "Hello there!" He said cheerfully. "I'm Butterscotch, and I'm in charge of any Physical Therapy done here in Hoofsteps. They told you what this place does, right?"

The filly didn't say anything, just flattening her tufty ears and narrowing her eyes even more. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, he saw the medic nodding in affirmation, and turned his attention back to the newcomer. "And whats your name, little Missy?" He asked, unsurprised when the filly refuses to respond. Maybe shes a selective mute?

"Well, that's okay!" He says. "I'll just call you Newbie, okay?"

Hesitation. A slight, almost minuscule nod of the head.

"Do you want to be shown around then, Newbie?"

"Don't have much say in the matter, now, do I?"

The sound of her voice surprised him almost as much as the tone. It was like her words had been dipped in acid. He shook that off, though, instead choosing to focus on "you can talk!"

The filly scowled, screwing up her face even more. "Of course I can fuckin' talk." Her accent was interesting, all sharp edges and short clipped words. Maybe that was just the way they talked where she was from. Wherever she was from.

Still. "Language," Butterscotch frowned slightly.

"Bite me."

"I can't tell if you're being serious."

If looks could kill, Butterscotch would be a pile of ash. Gee, this new girl is a real debbie downer. Butterscotch grinned. Time to work that old Butterscotch charm!

"Of course you have a choice!" He said. "You don't have to if you don't want to! Just a quick warning though, I do not recommend biting me, I am very hard."

The filly froze. "What?"

"Hard. Muscular. Take your pick. I do a lot of weights."

"Bet that's not the only thing you do, pervert," she muttered, thought, hesitantly, she took a few small steps towards him, heavily unbalanced by her lack of a back leg, only to screech as Butterscotch scooped her up and placed her on his back. "What the fuck?!" She shrieked, wings flapping in alarm.

"Sorry, it's just we're going to have to pick up the pace if we want to get everything done in time!"

He began to trot out of the room, nodding to his superior on the way out. He showed her, with growing pride, the many facilities Hoofsteps had, from a gym, to a swimming pool to a library, and finally, sleeping quarters. It was there that inspiration struck.

"Tempo I would like you to meet your new roommate!" He chirped, throwing open the fillies door. Tempo, if she had permission from her family, sometimes stayed at Hoofsteps over the weekend, for some me time. (Butterscotch's words, not hers.)

Tempo fell out of the chair she had been sitting on, only to register what Butterscotch just said. Oh, hell no.


You can't seriously be thinking of putting that hellspawn in the same room as me!

"Yeah, love you too, boo."

You can understand me?

"No, I just like announcing my love for you into the open air. Dumb ass."

"What could go wrong?" Butterscotch smiled as he dropped the filly onto the ground. "You two already have so much in common!"

The two turned in perfect harmony to stare at him incredulously. "Really?" And wow, he never knew a voice could even be that flat.

"Well, yeah. Both of you are super cool, rocking the tough type chicks!" At the doubtful silence, he sighed and added "and you both hate being ordered around!"

There was a brief silence as the two fillies processed, before their eyes met. "You wanna see my scars?" Newbie asked, and Tempo grinned.

Well, if you insist. Tempo Breeze.


Author's Note:

A new character has appeared!

Meet Bluejay! And, hoo boy, if you think any of the other characters are jaded and cynical, you haven't seen anything yet.

Obviously this is set after the end of my other fic The Time Thief. And yes, whenever you see a fic with Bluejay, Tempo Breeze, Ace or Melody in it, then Misty Rose, Anarchy, Butterscotch, Apple Jam and anyone else are adults.

But, seriously, I have 20 main characters, all with their own unique stories. And that's not even including side ships!

Jay Bio - https://www.deviantart.com/reading4halfmylife/art/Blue-Jay-Bio-748505040

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