• Published 6th Aug 2018
  • 6,338 Views, 189 Comments

Aggressively Small - ShowShine

Twilight gets a young, aggressive, protective dragon as a child

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Following the darkness and enter the light

Nightmare Moon stood on the balcony, staring down at everybody with a wicked grin. “Oh my beloved subjects it’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious face.” She said in cold voice. A shiver ran down Spikes spine.

“What did you do the Princess?!” Rainbow Dash shouted angrily. She charged at her but halted when Applejack pulled on her tail. Nightmare Moon let out a fake pout.

“Am I not royal enough for, that’s just a shame really. Do you not know who I am?” She asked.

“You’re Nightmare Moon.” Twilight said making everyone turn to her. “And if we don’t stop you the night will last forever.” Ponies gasped in shock.

Nightmare Moon broke out into a grin. “Well I see somebodies educated.” She let it a loud cackle. “THE NIGHT SHALL LAST FOREVER!” She shouted. And with a stomp of her front hooves, she vanished into blue dust.

Ponies let out scared murmurs. Twilight got up an quickly ran out the door. Spike followed close behind. He stopped running when he saw Nightmare Moon flying over head. He looked at Twilight who hadn’t stopped running.

Spike turned around and followed Nightmare Moon. “I’ll save you Tia.”

Spike stood at the edge of a dark forest. Nightmare Moon had flew in there. He let out a nervous shaky breath. He could barely see ten feet ahead of him. Spike picked up a nearby branch and lit it on fire.

He held the torch in his hand and started to walk down the path. He saw a trail of blue dust, leading its way in the forest. He decided to follow it, knowing that it would lead him to that villainess scum.

Spike approached a cliff and looked over the edge. There he saw Nightmare Moon at the bottom. She was inches away from a growling manticore.

“What is she up to?” Spike asked himself. He crotched closed to the ground so she didn’t see him. The manticore raised his paw up to attack Nightmare Moon. Her horn glowed brightly and struck the manticores paw. He flinched back and let out a whimper. Nightmare Moon chuckled and walked away. ”She getting away!” Spike thought to himself. He quickly stood up to go follow her.

As he stood up, there was a loud rumbling. The edge of the cliff broke off making him fall off. Spike let out a loud yelp as he hit the ground with a loud thud. When opened his eyes, his vision was blurry from the impact on his head.

As his eyes adjusted he saw the manticore towering over him. The creature let out a loud snarl as his fangs dripped with saliva. His eyes were blood shot.

Spikes eyes widened as he tried desperately not to scream. The manticore slowly raised his paw. His claws shined in the moon light. At that moment Spike knew that he either attacked or died. He took a deep breath and let out a large puff of fire. The manticore moved back fearfully. As the manticore was distracted Spike ran past it.

The manticore quickly turned around and chased after Spike. Spike ran as fast as he could but the manticore was faster. As he started to lose his breath and slow down, the manticores paw hit a tree branch, making him fall face first onto the ground. Once the manticore was completely out of sight, Spike slowed down.

He saw the trail of blue dust and started to follow it again. As he walked a felt something long touch his shoulder. He quickly turned around to see something tall with large fangs staring down at him. Spike started to run away, only to bump into another one. He soon realized that he was surrounded by these creatures. They let out loud moans and groans.

Spike let out a sharp growl and prepared his claws for attack. When the creatures didn’t come any closer, he tilted his head in confusion. He slowly walked up to one of the creatures, only to realize that it was a tree. They were all trees. Spike let out a sigh of relief and continued to follow the dust.

Soon he approached a river. He heard loud sobbing from the river. He looked up to see a giant purple serpent, sitting in the water. The water splashed violently, which was way to dangerous to get across. Spike had remembered reading about these types of serpants. The more upset they get, the more dangerous the waters they lived in got. The only way for Spike to get across was to calm him down.

Spike let out an annoyed sigh before speaking in his best fake concerned voice. “Excuse me sir, what wrong?” The serpent look down at the small dragon.

“Oh it’s absolutely terrible! I was just sitting here minding my own business when this tacky little blue cloud came zipping past and cut my mustache clean off!” He said while sobbing into his hands. He
noticed that half of his mustache was cut off unevenly.

Spike rolled his eyes.”What a drama queen.” He thought to himself.

“Without my mustache, I’m hideous!” He said dramatically.

“You’re not hideous, you look great.” Spike said in an attempt to make him feel better. The serpent sniffled.

“Oh you’re just saying that, I look absolutely horrid. Without my mustache I’m completely useless!” He said as he laid on the river bank. That gave Spike an idea.

“But you’re not useless. You can help people get across the river with no problem.” Spike said as he climbed into the serpents empty hand. He wiped a tear from his eye.

“I guess you’re right.” He said as he put Spike at the other side of the river. “Thank you for showing me that I can be fabulous without my mustache.” He said greatfully. Spike smiled and waved goodbye as he continued to follow the blue dust. He smiled to himself before shaking his head.

“I need to focus on stopping Nightmare Moon.” He said seriously. Spike stopped walking as he approached an old bridge made out of wooden planks and rope. Spike was hesitant about crossing the bridge. He looked up and saw Nightmare Moon on the other side of the bridge, staring back at him with cold, piercing eyes.

Spike felt his blood boil just by looking at her. He ran onto the bridge, ready to make sure she didn’t see the light of day. Nightmare Moon smirked at him. Her horn glowed brightly and she let out a beam of light, which barely missed Spike. The beam of light had burned the rope of the bridge making it fall. Spike let out a loud scream. The side of the bridge hit the rock that was supporting the it. The sudden impact knocked the air out of his lungs. His hands were shaking as he kept his grip.

Spike panted heavily and looked up. He could see Nightmare Moon walking away. He took a deep breath and started to climb upwards. His arms shook as he struggled to hold up his on body weight. His grip was so tight that his knuckles were turning white.

When Spike reached the top, he flopped to his side to catch his breath. He stood up and looked up to see he was standing in front of an ancient building.

Spike grabbed a large branch as a weapon and slowly made his way upstairs. He entered a large empty room. He walked around the room cautiously, knowing that Nightmare Moon could pop up any second. He saw five perfectly round rocks on five pillars. Before Spike could understand what the were, he heard bone chilling laughter behind him. He turned around to come face to face with Nightmare Moon.

“Do you really think you can stop me, you are just a mere, pitiful baby dragon.” Nightmare Moon said with a grin. Spike growled in response.

“What did you do to the Princess!” He said angrily. Nightmare Moon smirked at the question.

“If you really want to know, why don’t you just go join her.” Nightmare Moon shot a beam of light at Spike. He desperately tried to move out of the way but unfortunately got his. And with that Spike vanished.

Spike opened his eyes to see nothing but darkness. He tried to sit up but he seemed to be floating around in nothingness. He put his hand in front of his face and saw it clear as day.

“Spike!” A voice called out from behind him. He turned around to see Princess Celestia. Spikes eyes widened and he try to make his way towards her. He started to float in the opposite direction. He felt a pair of warm hooves wrap around him.

“What are you doing here?” Celestia asked.

“I was trying to stop Nightmare Moon and save you.” Spike said. He looked around. “I guess that didn’t work out.”

Celestia kissed his head softly. “You didn’t have to save me at all because it look like we’re about to get out.” Spike looked around to see the darkness flickering. Suddenly there was a blinding light and a numbness spreading over his body.

Spike opened his eyes to see he was in the same old room he just entered. He looked out the window to see that the sun was up. Spike turned his head to see Celsestia hugging a blue alicorn. “I’ve missed you so much my dear little sister.” Celestia said happily. Spike gasped in shock making few heads turn towards him.

Twilight ran up to Spike and hugged him tightly. “I thought I lost you again.” Twilight said. Before Spike could respond, Pinkie pie started to cry loudly.

She abruptly stop and smiled widely. “You know what this calls for? A party!”

Ponies stood outside cheering loudly at both Princesses return and the mane six defeating Nightmare Moon. Twilight hugged her new friends with a sad look on her face.

“Why so glum my faithful student? Are you not happy that you can return to Canterlot?” Celestia asked. Twilight let out a sigh.

“It’s just that I made these new friends and I don’t want to leave them so soon.” Twilight said sadly.

Celestia smiled. “Spike take a note please. I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall stay in Ponyville to continue her study in friendship. She must report her findings from her new home Ponyville.”

Twilight and her friends cheered in a excitement and hugged. Spike was hoping to go back to Canterlot after this. He let out a exasperated sigh.

“Oh boy.”