• Published 6th Aug 2018
  • 6,336 Views, 189 Comments

Aggressively Small - ShowShine

Twilight gets a young, aggressive, protective dragon as a child

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Saying Goodbye

Spike walked around the house, looking for Peewee. He looked under Twilights bed. There were only a few books under it. It was odd because he never left his side since he was hatched. He walked down the stairs for the hundredth time that day. He approached Twilights desk where she sat reading.

“Have you seen Peewee?” Spike asked. Twilight looked up from the book that she was reading.

“Not at all, he didn’t even eat his breakfast.” Twilight said. Spike frowned.

“I haven’t seen him since yesterday.” He said, his scales drooping a little and his eyes tearing up. Twilight rubbed his shoulder.

“Do you want me to help?” She asked. Spike nodded his head, sniffling a little. That made the cut on his nose sting slightly. She got up from her desk and walked around the library. Spike walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He heard the faint sound of singing coming from one of the bottom cabinets. It sounded like Peewee. Spike opened the door to see Peewee chirping to Owlicious, curled up into his side. He had gotten older over time and it showed. His feathers turned a light shade of gray, his eyes were fading, and he shook constantly.

“There you are!” Spike exclaimed happily. Peewee looked at him with sadness in his eyes. Spike reached his hands into the cabinet and pulled Owlicious out, cradling him. Peewee hopped out and flew next to his head in concern. Owlicious looked terrible.

“Twilight I think there’s something wrong with Owlicious.” Spike stated while walking into the library. Twilight looked at Owlicious and her face twisted into a frown. She walked over to him.

“Well he is old, maybe it’s his time to go, you two are the same age.” Twilight said. Spikes heart jumped at the sound of that. He was closer to Owlicious than Twilight was. He was like his first pet.

“He can’t die yet!” Spike exclaimed. Twilights eats flattened. He never yelled.

“We can take him to the vet to see if she can do anything.” Twilight said. Spike looked at Owlicious. He was shivering and his feathers were ruffled.

“Let go then.” Spike stated. He grabbed a blanket off of the table and wrapped Owlicious in it. He stopped shivering and let out a soft coo.

Spike stood next to the vets table, picking at his hands nervously. Peewee rubbed his head against Spikes hand to make him stop. He rubbed his hand on his feathery head. Dr. Fauna put a stethoscope up to Owlicious’s chest. She let out a soft hum and wrote something down.

“How old did you say he was again?” Dr. Fauna asked.

“Ten, he’ll be eleven in about six months.” Twilight stated. Dr. Fauna’s eyes widened.

“No wonder he looks like this, he’s way older than any owl is supposed to be.” She said with a slight chuckle.

“Is he going to be okay?” Spike asked. Dr. Fauna’s smile turned into a frown and she shook her head.

“I’m sorry, he doesn’t have the much time left. He won’t even make it through the day. You should just enjoy how much time you have left with him.” Dr. Fauna stated. Spikes scales flattened and he stared at the ground. Twilight put her hoof on Spikes shoulder.

“It’ll be okay.” She comforted. Spike looked at Twilight with determination in his eyes.

“I’m gonna make today the best day of Owlicious’ life!” Spike exclaimed, his tail wagging slightly. Twilight smiled. Spike carefully took Owlicious off of the table and held him in his arms.

“You have fun!” Twilight said as she watched Spike marched out of the room. Peewee flew close behind.

Spike walked up the path to Fluttershy’s cottage with Owlicious in a blue blanket and Peewee flew next to him. It was well in the afternoon so he had a few hours to spare. He walked up to the cottage door and knocked on it. The door opened carefully to reveal Fluttershy.

“Hello Spike, what brings you here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Owlicious is old and is going to die soon. I heard that you were watching everyone else’s pets today, can he see them one last time?” Spike asked nonchalantly. Fluttershy blinked in surprise before opening her door to let him in. Spike walked in with a little skip to his step.

Winona looked up and started to wag her tail when she saw her friend. She let out a bark and hopped excitedly. Opal started to purr, which was amazing that anyone could make her do that. Tank slowly turned his head and smiled. Angel tapped his foot excitedly. Gummy had his same blank stare. Spike put Owlicious down in between them, were he got attack by Winona licking his cheek. Spike sat on Fluttershy’s couch and Peewee sat on his lap. Fluttershy sat next to him and cleared her throat.

“You said that Owlicious is dying?” She asked in disbelief. Spike nodded his head.

“We took him to Dr. Fauna and she said the he’s way older than any owl she’s ever seen. I don’t know why I’m so surprised, we’re the exact same age. We even have the same birthday, isn’t that crazy?” Spike asked. Fluttershy nodded her head in surprise. Spike looked at Owlicious who was smiling a little, enjoying his time with his friends.

“I’ll be back in a few hours, I need to do something.” Spike stated while sliding off of the couch.

“See you later Spike.” Fluttershy said with a wave. Spike walked out the front door with Peewee flying behind him. Time to start his plan.

Spike walked into the library, making Twilight turn around from her organizing.

“You’re back earlier than I expected, where Owlicious?” Twilight asked. Spike walked passed her and kneeled in front of a floorboard.

“Owlicious is a Fluttershy’s cottage. I’m going to get a gravestone for him and bury him at the top of the hill.” Spike explained while lifting up the floorboard. Inside of it there was a pouch of bits and gems. There was enough in the pouch to buy a small building. Twilight blinked in surprise.

“Where did you get all that money?” Twilight asked. Spike took a few half eaten gems out of the pouch.

“Everytime you pay me for chores or I don’t finish my gems, I save them for traveling.” Spike stated while walking over to a storage closet and pulling out a shovel. Twilight cocked her eyebrow.

“And where are you traveling to?” She asked. Spike scales flattened and he let out a nervous laugh. He stood up and made his way to the front door.

“That’s not important. If you want to say goodbye to Owlicious one last time, meet us at the hill during sunset.” Spike said while walking out the door. He closed the door behind him and started to make his way to the pet cemetery. Peewee sat on his head, tired from all of the flying. His eyes drooped closed as he tried to stay awake.

Spike had the shovel tightly in his hand, making his knuckles turn white. He really didn’t want to lose Owlicious. He was his only friend his age. He helped Spike get over his fear of birds when he was younger. He cuddled with Spike when he woke up from a nightmare and Twilight was in the Canterlot library. He didn’t want to cry about this and seem childish. Twilight didn’t seemed to be worried about it at all. If she wasn’t worried why should he be.

Spike arrived at the pet cemetery and looked around. He spotted a small building at the far end of it. He walked over to the building, which felt like forever. When he approached it, he knocked on the door which quickly swung open to reveal pegasus mare. She couldn’t have been much younger than Velvet. She was she pale blue with a white mane. Her eyes were a deep blue and her cutie mark was of a tombstone with a pawprint on it.

“How may I help you?” She asked in a sweet but raspy voice.

“I heard that you make tombstones for pets.” Spike stated. She looked at him and looked at Peewee.

“I do. Should you have your dead pet on your head?” She asked in confusion. Peewee laid on his head, sound asleep.

“He’s not dead, just asleep. I need a headstone for my pet owl, he’s not gonna make it though the day.” Spike explained. The mare gave him a somber look and gestured for him to come inside. It looked very nice. There was a brown couch and a table with tissues. Her large desk had a plaque on it that said “Stone Chipper”. Behind her desk there were blank tombstones. The nice mare walked behind her desk and grabbed a chisel and a blank tombstone.

“What would you like for it to say?” Miss Chipper asked. Spike thought for a moment.

“Thank you for being the best pet in the world.” Spike stated. Miss Chipper nodded her head and started to chisel that into the stone. Spike closed his eyes and listening to the sound of the rock being picked away. It reminded him of something from the dragonlands but he didn’t know what. He hadn’t realized how much time had passed until he heard Miss Chipper speak up.

“Is this fine?” She asked while holding up a tombstone. Spike opened his eyes and looked at the tombstone. It read ‘Thank you for being the best pet ever’ in neat cursive. Under it there was a very detailed feather.

“I love it!” Spike exclaimed, causing Peewee to jolt awake. He looked around in confusion. Spike reached into his bag and pulled out twenty half eaten gems.

“Sorry that they have bite marks in them.” Spike apologized. Miss Chippers eyes widened. This was way more than she needed.

“I can’t take all of this, I don’t need it.” Miss Chipper said while pushing half of the gems towards him. Spike glanced at the tombstone the laid on the desk.

“You can’t give it back if you can’t catch me!” Spike exclaimed while grabbing the tombstone. He bolted out of the door and ran as fast as he could. Miss Chipper looked at Peewee who flew out the door behind him, letting out loud chirps. She chuckled.

“What a generous young man.”

Spike walked up the hill with Owlicious wrapped in a blanket. The sun was going to set soon, which was perfect. His legs had started getting tired from all the walking he was doing that day. Spike finally made it to the top of the hill. Owlicious gave a look of surprise at what he saw.

There was a tombstone a few feet from a tree. Surrounding the tombstone there were candles with blue flames. In front of the tombstone there was a hole the perfect size for an owl. Peewee sat on the tombstone and Twilight sat next to it.

“Do you like it?” Spike asked. Owlicious let out a strained who and flapped his wings weakly. Spike sat next down to Twilight and handed her Owlicious.

“Hey Owlicious, you had a good run over the years but it’s your time to go.” Twilight said, starting to tear up. Her breath hitched. “You were my first pet and one of my first friends.” She finished, now started to cry. Owlicious lifted his wing and wiped the tears off of her face.

“You’re the only friend my age and you were there for me when Twilight wasn’t. You’re my best friend.” Spike said with a smile, rubbing his thumb on Owlicious brittle feathers. One of the feathers fell off and into his hand.

“Look, the sun is setting.” Spike stated. They all looked to see the most beautiful sunset they had ever seen. As the sunset faded, so did the light from Owlicious eyes. Twilight looked at Owlicious and sadness washed over her.

“He’s gone...” She muttered sadly. Spike took the motionless owl out of her arms and placed him into his grave. He grabbed the shovel and started to drop dirt over him. Peewee let out a sad chirp and lowered his wings. Once Spike was finished, he placed a single flower on the grave. He looked at the candles. There was no point of blowing them out since he used ice fire, the worst it could do is make that area a little icy. He picked Peewee up and started to walk down the hill.

He and Twilight walked down the hill in silence. Spike knew that he was supposed to be sad, but he wasn’t. He looked at the feather that was in his hand and tightened his grasp on it.

He would always cherish that feather.