• Published 6th Aug 2018
  • 6,347 Views, 189 Comments

Aggressively Small - ShowShine

Twilight gets a young, aggressive, protective dragon as a child

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Childish fight

Spike entered the training room to see Celestias smiling face.

“Spike, I’m so glad you could make it!” She exclaimed. Spike smiled.

“Since your birthday was a few days ago, I got you a little something.” Celestia said with a smile. Spikes scales flattened before he shook his head.

”No, I won’t punish myself this time.” Spike thought to himself.

“What is it?” Spike asked. Celestia grinned and pushed a medium sized box over to him. It had beautiful wrapping that said ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ and a neat golden bow on the top.

“Open it.” Celestia said, bouncing slightly. Spike tore off the wrapping paper to reveal a cardboard box. He opened the box and his eyes widened. It was his very own sword, shield, and armor. Spike looked up at Celestia with a wide grin. He ran up to her and hugged her.

“This is the best present ever!” Spike exclaimed. Celestia chuckled.

“Go put it on, practice will begin soon.” Celestia said with a smile. Spike nodded his head and carried the box out to his room.

Spike walked into the room he was staying in and closed the door behind him. He pulled out the top. It was golden to match the royal gaurds and a small green flame on the front. He slipped it over his head. It had holes in the back so his spines poked out. Next he pulled out small golden shoes. They were different from the royal gaurds shoes, probably because they were made for hooves while Spikes was made for feet. Two sleeve like cuffs were pulled out of the box. They had small purple gems embedded in them.

He slipped them on and pulled out a helmet. Just like the royal guard helmets, it had a hole at the top for hair to go through. Or in his case, scales. He slid it on his head. Spike looked in the box and saw a sword holder with a leather strap. He placed it over his armor. A large metal shield sat at the bottoms of the box. Spike placed the shield next to him and looked in the box. Lastly he pulled out a sword. It was slightly longer than the one he practiced with. It was metal with a golden handle. There was a piece of paper stuck to the sword.

“This sword is fire proof and the shield is magic proof.” Spike read out loud. He slipped it into the holder and looked in the mirror.

“Lookin good.” Spike said with finger guns and a wink. He picked up the shield, opened the door, and made his way back to the training room. Spike opened the door to reveal Luna talking to Celestia.

“Ah, I see that you’re ready to lose.” Lina said with a smirk. Spike glared at her. Celestia moved over to the side of the room. Spike walked in front of Luna and looked her in the eyes.

“One, two, three start!” Celestia exclaimed. Spike pulled out his sword out of his holder and swung at Luna. Luna jumped back and let out a blast of magic. Spike blocked it with his shield. He launched himself at Luna and kicked her in the face. She stumbled back and blinked in surprise. She snarled in anger.

Luna flew a few feet into the air and her horn started to glow a light blue. Spike jumped up and kicked her in the stomach, causing her to double over in pain and fall onto the floor. She quickly stood up and charged at Spike.

Spike spun around and swept his feet under her hooves. Luna stumbled backwards. She kicked Spike in the side causing him to slide back. Before he could attack, Luna pinned him to the ground with a smirk.

“You almost beat me this time.” Luna said happily. If it weren’t for Luna’s genuine smile, he would have been bitter about his defeat. Luna put out her hoof to help him up. Spike took her hoof and stood up, patting his armor. The doors burst open, causing everyone to jump and turned around. A royal guard stood there, out of breath and covered in cake.

“Princess there’s an emergency in the kitchen!” The guard exclaimed. Celestia looked at Luna and Spike.

“Keep training, I will be back shortly.” Tia said as she followed the guard out of the room. The door closed behind them with a soft click. Spike smacked his lips.

“Before we start, I’m gonna get some water.” Spike said as he walked over to his bag. He pulled out a water bottle and Starry fell out with a soft plop. He took a few gulps of water before putting it back in his bag. Spike stood up with a little bounce.

“Are you ready? I can totally beat you this time.” Spike exclaimed with stars in his eyes. Luna stared at Starry with a confused expression.

“Spike is that my doll?” Luna asked. Spike looked back at Starry.

“No, she’s mine, Tia gave her to me.” Spike stated.

“Sister gave her to me for my fiftieth birthday so she is mine!” Luna exclaimed. Spike put his hands on his hips.

“Well Tia gave her to me when I first got to Equestria!” Spike said. Luna stomped her hoof on the ground.

“I-I’ve been gone for a thousand years, so I deserve her more!” Luna said. Spike rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

“Oh real mature, take a toy from a child, I applaud you.” Spike said while clapping sarcastically. Luna stomped both of her hooves on the ground, causing it to crack.

“I challenge you to a duel. Whoever wins gets Starry!” Luna exclaimed. Spikes scales flattened. If he lost then he wouldn’t be able to keep Starry, but if he said no Luna would keep bugging him about it.

“You’re on!” Spike exclaimed. He picked up his sword and shield and stood across from Luna.

“One, two, three, go!” Luna exclaimed. Spike quickly sprang into action and charged a Luna. He swung the sword at her chest and she took a few steps back. Luna’s horn started to glow and a large beam of magic shot out. Spike stopped it with his shield and the magic bounced off. The magic beam shattered a nearby window. Neither of them stopped and they both continued fighting.

Luna flew a few feet into the air before teleporting away. Spikes ears perked up, listening to any sound. He heard soft hoof steps behind him. He whipped around and hit Luna with his shield. She tumbled back and let another beam shoot from her horn.

Spike barrel rolled across the floor and the beam made a hole in the door. Luna charged at him, causing Spike to flip back and kick her in the face. Luna stumbled back before letting out a snarl. She kicked Spike in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He collasped on the ground and caught his breath. Did he lose? He could see Luna smile and she made her way over to Starry. He felt anger course through his veins.

Spike stood up and let out a large gust of fire, causing his sword to light up. He ran towards Luna, causing her to turn around. Her pupils turned to the size of needles before he jumped, raised the sword over himself and striking Luna in the head. Spike landed on the ground, catching his breath. Luna stood up with shaky legs and looked at Spike. A part of her mane had been chopped off and there was no way to cover that up. There was also a long cut on her scalp, luckily it wasn’t deep enough to do any permanent damage.

“Congratulations, you finally beat me.” Luna said with a weak smile. Spike broke out into a wide grin.

“I won!” Spike exclaimed excitedly.

“WHAT IN EQUESTRIA HAPPENED HERE?!” Celestia shouted, standing in the doorway. There was a broken window, the floor was cracked, and there was a hole in the door.

Spike and Luna were in so much trouble.