• Published 6th Aug 2018
  • 6,337 Views, 189 Comments

Aggressively Small - ShowShine

Twilight gets a young, aggressive, protective dragon as a child

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A dog eat dog world

Spike leaned on Twilights side as she read a book at her desk. They had been sitting there for at least two hours in complete silence. The doorbell rang, making them both look at the door.

“I got it.” Spike said as he hopped up and made his way to the door. He opened the door to reveal Rarity. Spike let out a groan.

“Twilight your friend is here!” He said as he let Rarity inside. Twilight walked in the room and smiled when she saw Rarity.

“Hi Rarity, how are you doing?” Twilight asked politely.

“Absolutely terrible darling. Sapphire Shores came to the boutique and ordered six dresses!” Rarity said dramatically.

“Isn’t Sapphire Shores famous? If anything that’s great publicity for your shop.” Spike said.

“It would be great if I weren’t out of gems. I need rubies and sapphires for this dress and I just ran out. And they’re out of season, what ever will I do!” Rarity said as she pulled out a fainting couch and dramatically sprawled out on it. Spike rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

Twilight put her hoof on her chin, pondering for a few seconds. “I know a place outside of town where you can get gems. They're underground, but a little digging can get them out.” Twilight said. Rarity made a face of disgust.

“I do appreciate the help darling, but I won’t step one hoof in that icky dirt!” She said. Twilight pondered some more before an idea popped into her head.

“How about Spike goes with you, he’s really good at digging things up.” Twilight suggested. Spike paused when he heard the suggestion. He walked back into the room, already ready with an excuse.

“I would love to help you out but I have so much work to do.” Spike said. Twilight cocked her head in confusion.

“You don’t have any work to do all week, I’m just studying. Besides you need some fresh air.” Twilight said. Spike let out a sigh of defeat.

“Fine.” He said grumpily. Rarity pranced up to him an hugged him tightly. Spike pushed her off.

“Don’t touch me.” He said as he made his way to the front door.

Today was going to be a long day.

Spike followed Rarity in a big empty field, pulling a wagon behind him. Rarity’s horn glowed as she search for gems.

“Keep your eyes peeled darling, we need to find the most fabulous gems.” Rarity said. Spike was going to respond when suddenly, he smelt something. It smelt tangy and sour. Spike followed the smell and stopped at a smooth patch of dirt.

“Did you find anything?” Rarity asked. Spike got on his knees and started to dig with his claws. Soon his claws hit something hard. He pulled out six shiny green emeralds. Rarity gasped.

“Those are perfect!” Rarity said happily. Spike put the gems in the wagon when suddenly Rarity’s horn started to glow. A small patch of dirt glowed a light blue.

“Start digging right there.” Rarity said as she pointed to the blue patch. Spike nodded his head and started to dig. He pulled out a pearl. It smelt salty. He put it in the wagon.

“At this rate we’ll be finished in no time!” Rarity said. Spike sure hoped so.

The wagon was now filled to the brim and gems toppled out of the cart every time it moved.

“Rarity I think we have enough.” Spike said.

“I suppose you’re right, we should get goi-OOOH!” Rarity shouted in surprise as her horn started glow brighter than before and dragged her across the ground. She started to walk to keep up the pace. Spike followed close behind. She approached a tree.

“The gem is in a tree?” Rarity asked. She moved the leaves to see a small shiny gem.

“Oooh.” Rarity said softly. The leaves in the tree rustled and a head poked out, making them both jump back. Rarity started to speak, trying to be polite.

“Uh... uh... Good day, gentle... uh, fellow. Uh, I am Rarity and this is my friend Spike.” She said, gesturing towards Spike. Spike stood in a defensive pose, ready to attack at any moment.

“And you are?” Rarity asked uncomfortably.

“A Diamond Dog.” He said as he jumped out of the tree. He wore a red vest and a black collar with little gems on it. He spoke in a raspy voice. His teeth where sharp and yellow. His breath smelled like hot garbage. Rarity desperately tried not to gag at the smell and backed away slightly.

“Oh really? Oh well, that explains your fine taste in jewelry. I mean I-I-I know that diamonds are a girl's best friend and now I know that they're a dog's best friend too, ha ha ha. So, um, you're out hunting for gems as well?” Rarity said, trying to start a conversation.

“Yes. We hunt.” He said.

“We?” Rarity asked.

“We hunt for gems, but you are a better hunter. So now we hunt for you!” He shouted a he lunged at Rarity. Diamond dogs emerged for the ground and surrounded them. Rarity let out a loud scream and tried to run. Once of the Diamond Dogs grabbed her tightly.

Spike got on all for and let out a sharp growl. He pounced and landed on the face of the Diamond Dog who was holding Rarity. The Diamond Dog screamed and dropped her onto the ground. Spike jumped off of his face and got back on all fours.

“Rarity run, I’ll hold them back.” Spike said. Without hesitation, Rarity started to run towards town. Unfortunately, she didn’t even make that far when a Diamond Dog tugged on her tail and started to drag her into a hole.

“SPIKE!” Rarity screamed as she gripped onto the dirt. Spike turned around and rushed over to Rarity. Before he could reach her, a Diamond Dog picked him up.

“Not today little dragon.” He said with a twisted grin. Spike took in a deep breath and let a gust of fire blow into his face. The Diamond Dog screamed in pain and threw Spike backwards. He landed face first into the tree, knocking the wind out of him. He tried to stand up but he was to dizzy and his vision was blurry. He could feel his left eye starting to swell. The last thing he saw was Rarity being dragged into the hole before he blacked out.

Spike regained consciousness, his head pounding. He kept he eyes closed. He laid on a hard surface that didn’t feel like his or Twilights bed. He ran his hand over the surface. It felt like dirt. Suddenly memories from earlier that day had come rushing back to him. He quickly sat up, but immediately regretted it when his body ached. His left eye had became purple and swollen.

Spikes legs shook as he stood up. He looked at the sun to see that he had been knocked out for about an hour. It was already noon. He walked out into the field with a limp.

“Just need to go down the hole and save Rarity. That can’t be so....” Spike trailer off when he saw hundreds of holes covering the ground. He peered into one of them, only to see darkness. He didn’t even know how far the drop was. He picked up a small rock and threw it into the hole. It was at least thirty seconds before he heard it hit the bottom. If he fell in he’ll only get a few scratches.

“Even if I jump down the hole, how will I know which one to go down.” Spike thought out loud. A certain smell caught Spikes attention. It was a mixture of gems coming from a certain hole. He followed the smell until he reached the hole.

“They have to be in there.” Spike said. He slowly lowered himself into the hole and gripped onto the sides tightly. It was like going down a latter. Just one slow movement at a time. Soon he reach the bottom, which had a five foot drop just to get to flat ground. He let go and landed perfectly on his feet. Surrounding him, there were at least a dozen tunnels.

“How will I find her now?” Spike asked himself. He could easily get lost in this place. He heard a loud high pitched scream come from a tunnel, making him flinch.

“That must be Rarity!” Spike said as he try to run down the tunnel. He got a sharp pain in his leg, causing him to fall to his side. He let out a yelp of pain. He heard the scream again and got up. He moved as fast as he could.

Spike soon approached a large metal gate. It seemed like the screams were coming from in there. From the side of his eye, Spike spotted a fallen stalagmite. He picked it up. It was no heavier than his sword.

“I’m coming Rarity.” Spike muttered. He kicked opened the gate and got ready to fight. He lowers the stalagmite in confusion when he saw the Diamond Dogs laying on the floor, covering there ears. A few of them were even crying.

A Diamond Dog spotted Spike and gave him a pleading look. “Please take her back we can’t handle the whining!” He cried out. Spike walked over to Rarity, who was whining very loudly.

“What are you doing?” Spike asked. Rarity turned around in surprise at the sound of his voice.

“Oh Spike, you’ve come to get me!” Rarity said happily. Her face quickly turned into concern.

“Darling, whatever happened to your face?” She asked. Spike shrugged it off.

“Don’t worry about it, now let’s go out of here.” Spike said. Rarity pulled out three carts filled with gems. Spikes jaw dropped.

“Grab a cart and lets get going.” Rarity said.

Spike laid on Rarity’s couch with a ice pack over his eye and leg. Rarity had gone to go Twilight because she didn’t want Spike walking all the way home with a black eye and messed up leg. He closed his eyes, letting the coolness wash over him. He heard the door to the shop open and the bell ring. Spike opened his eye to see Twilight trotting over to him.

“Spike! Thank Celestia you’re okay!” Twilight said as she pulled him into a hug. Spike let out a soft chuckle.

“I’m fine Twilight.” He said, not wanting her to worry.

“I knew I should’ve just let you stay inside today. You would have never gotten hurt.” Twilight said.

“But if I didn’t go, Rarity would have never gotten away from the Diamond Dogs. Besides, look at all of the gems she gained from it.” Spike said, gesturing to the carts of gems. Twilight smiled a little.

“I guess you’re right.” She said. She pet his head softly.

“You’re one tough dragon.”