• Published 6th Aug 2018
  • 6,338 Views, 189 Comments

Aggressively Small - ShowShine

Twilight gets a young, aggressive, protective dragon as a child

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Author's Note:

Trigger Warning for broken bones

Spike stood in front of Luna with his armor on. He had his sword in one hand and his shield in the other. Luna glared down at him, getting ready to attack at any moment. Her legs were far apart and her ears were low. Peewee sat next to Celestia, letting out soft wines of worry. His job was to make sure Spike didn’t get hurt and right now the opposite was about to happen. His wings twitched. He already got taken once under his care and he didn’t want it to happen again. Celestia raised her hoof.

“One, two, three, start!” Celestia exclaimed, stomping her hoof on the ground. Spike charged at Luna. She stood up on her hind legs, ready to blast him with her magic. Spike slid on his side to get under Luna. Once he was under her, he kicked her in the stomach. Luna’s horn stopped glowing and she instinctively reached down towards her stomach. Spike slid from under her and quickly stood up. Luna quickly turned around to face him, her cheeks pink from embarrassment and anger.

Luna shot a blast of magic at him, which he easily dodged. Spike slid his shield across the floor, making Luna lose her balance. He took in a deep breath and covered the floor in ice. Luna let her horn glow again and started to charge her attack. She took a step forward, only for her hoof to slip. The magic shot forward, going directly towards Spikes head. He took a quick step back, only to slip on the ice. His landed on the ground, his arm making a loud snapping noise. He let out a loud scream of pain, causing everyone to freeze. His arm was bent at an awkward angle.

“Spike!” Celestia exclaimed. Peewee flew over to him in worry. He clutched on his right arm in pain, starting to sweat heavily. Peewee put his head under his injured arm to give him some support. Luna had already flew out of the room to get some medical help. Celestia rushed over to his side and levitated him into his arms. Spike was shaking like a leaf, sweating heavily.

“Am I dying?” Spike asked between shuddering breaths. Celestia shook her head and used her magic to take some of his armor off.

“You’re not dying, everything will be fine.” Celestia said in a soothing voice, trying to remain calm. Spike struggled to keep his eyes open. Soon everything went black and the last thing he felt was Celestia stroking his face.

Spike stirred awake by a soft beeping noise. He kept his eyes closed, listening for any key sign to see where he was. He could hear the clack of hooves on hard tile floor, fast enough to sound like pacing. It sounded like other ponies where whispering to each other. He felt something next to his left foot. It was very warm. He opened his eyes to see that he was in a hospital. His right arm felt very stiff and was numb. He turned around his arm was in a cast. Peewee bolted up from his spot on the bed and rubbed his face against Spikes head, making him chuckle.

“Calm down I’m fine.” Spike stated happily. Twilight rushed over to him.

“I’m so glad that you’re okay!” Twilight exclaimed while hugging him. Spike hugged her back with his one good arm. She pulled away from the hug. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie walked over to him. They were his only friends there.

“How are you feeling?” Fluttershy asked. Spike shrugged his shoulders.

“Fine I guess, I can’t feel my arm.” Spike stated. Pinkie Pie handed Spike a potted plant. It was a budded flower.

“Twilight told me that you like plants so I got you this!” Pinkie Pie stated happily. Spike smiled.

“Thanks.” Spike said with a smile. The doctor walked in the room, holding a clipboard. He was a yellowish orange unicorn stallion with a brown mane.

“Ah, I see that you’re awake.” The doctor stated. He was a doctor in Ponyville, not Canterlot. Spike must have been transferred when he was unconscious.

“Your surgery was a success and you’re arm should be healed up in two months.” The doctor stated while reading through the paper on the clipboard.

“You are very healthy and can go home right now. I recommend not doing anything too physical until your arm heals up.” He suggested. Spikes scales flattened. That meant he couldn’t sword fight for two whole months. Twilight wouldn’t let him help out around the house either. He let out a sigh and removed the blanket from his body.

“I recommend getting pain killers too, and make sure you don’t over work yourself. Don’t get your cast wet either.” The doctor stated. Now he knew that Twilight wouldn’t let him do any work. He actually liked working, it made him feel like he wasn’t being a burden to Twilight. Spike got out of the hospital bed, holding his potted plant. The doctor handed Twilight a piece of paper.

“That’s the bill.” He stated. Spike grimaced. He hated when Twilight had to pay for a mistake that he made. She levitated about thirty bits and handed it to him. Peewee hopped off of the bed and stood close to Spike.

“Let’s go home.” Twilight said. Spike started to walk towards the door, only to be levitated onto Twilights back.

“I’m carrying you, you had a long day.” Twilight stated. Spike let out a sigh. This was going to be a long two months.

Spike and Peewee sat on Twilights bed, watching her getting ready to leave. He held a container of apple fritters in one hand. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity had came over to check on him. Applejack gave him some fritters, Rarity gave him a large gem (which he had saved under the floorboards), and Rainbow Dash signed his cast.

“Are you sure you can stay here by yourself?” Twilight asked. Spike playful rolled his eyes.

“You’re just going to the pharmacy to get some painkillers, I’ll be fine.” Spike stated.

“It might take a while, I still need to do a few more things. Make sure to just relax and don’t do any work. Your arm can get worse if you do to much.” Twilight explained. Spike nodded his head and pet Peewee on the wing.

“See you later Twilight.” Spike said, taking his hand off of Peewee to wave. Twilight walked down the stairs and Spike heard the front door close.

“What should I do?” Spike asked Peewee. He let out a soft chirp as if he were saying he didn’t know. Spike thought to himself. He couldn’t draw or write because his couldn’t move his right hand, he wasn’t allowed to clean, or sword fight. He read all of the Power Pony comics at least a hundred times and a new one wouldn’t come out until next week. He let out a groan a flopped onto the bed. Peewee looked at Spike and let out a chirp laid next to him. He turned his head to look at the plant Pinkie Pie had given him. It looked very pretty in the sunlight.

“I know what I can start doing!” Spike exclaimed before hopping off of the bed. He rushed down the stairs and Peewee flew after him. He went to the floor boards and pulled one up. He pulled out a pouch filled with bits. Peewee tilted his head in confusion.

“I’m gonna start gardening!” Spike exclaimed happily.

“Spike I’m back!” Twilight shouted as she walked into the house. She looked around when she realized Spike didn’t answer. Did he fall asleep? Twilights ears perked up when she heard someone in the house. She walked through the back door which was wide open to see Spike on his hands and knees with a hand held shovel in his left hand. He wore Twilights sun hat which was way to large for him. Peewee rolled in a dirt pile next to him, clearly enjoying himself. His vest laid next to Spike.

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked. Spike looked up, the hat flopping in the wind.

“I started a garden!” Spike said happily. Twilight looked to see rows of flowers. They were plenty of different colors and types. “I realized that I don’t have many hobbies but I like flowers so I decided gardening would be fun to do.” Spike stated excitedly, his tail wagging a bit. Twilight smiled.

“It looks like you’re having fun.” She commented. Spike nodded his head. Twilight levitated the hat off of his head.

“I have a sun hat that can fit you better.” Twilight stated before walking back inside. She can back a few moments later with a
dark blue sun hat. She placed it on Spikes head.

“Much better.” She stated. Spike smiled. He liked this new hobby.