• Published 27th Jun 2018
  • 907 Views, 23 Comments

Through The Mirror Portal: Cheat Code Edition - ChAoS pOnY

When Sunset Shimmer looked into the mirror it changed her in a way even Celestia never saw coming, but now Sunset can.

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Comments ( 23 )

Hey, pretty cool. Liked and followed.

Why wasn’t I following you before I loved the Nuclear Option and this is shaping up to be the same levels of awesomeness. I can’t wait for more.

Just by reading the Title I though it was a gamer fanfic then I finished the chapter it then became something like "Sunset shimmer is MAD about everything".

Liked and tracking this story.

Edit: You might want to put a comedy tag since the start was really funny, then again its up to you.

Thank you and there is a comedy tag.

This is hilarious. Please continue.

Whoops did not see that sorry, Have fun writting!:raritywink:

Wait, what's that about the other Sunset being dead in a week? What's going on there?

This is a gold mine! Keep them coming, this is going to be an awesome ride. Have a 👍 my good man/woman/pony.

Carzy but funny. Cant wait for more

Sunset Shimmer kicking ass with the power of hindsight?
Sign me up!

I love it!! Please do moree!!

More please.

Erm... I mean... I really like the idea but... what the fuck?
I love it, but... wha?

Okay, a week after I posted the above comment, I have reread this. I have come to some conclusions.
One: I would like to see more of all-seeing Sunset.
Two: this is hilarious.
And three: this story still envokes the general phrase 'what the fuck' in my mind.

Oh, and I wish Sunset could flip everyone off before she went through the portal. That would've been perfect, but sadly, ponies don't have fingers.
*forlorn sigh*

Ok...stupid question, but have you thought of WHY Sunset get's the gamer hack powers form the mirror and no other Pone does? Just a minor consistency concern. Other wise this is mad-cap hilarious!!

No seriously, I want to see this bad-ass do her thing...reminds me a bit of the female protagonist from Tales from the Borderlands. Seriously, the branching paths and such make me smile, and I want to see how this Sunset makes a life for herself...also, the Earth Sunset...NOW I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S UP WITH HER!!

i see this premise and want more

So Sunset can see into the future but only by about a few minutes, unless she is looking into the mirror in which she can see all major events...

I'm just asking the question on everyone's minds, will Pinkies parties still surprise her or will she see them coming...

A little fast passed, but it does a good job setting the scene. It will be interesting to see what sunset does with all the future knowledge. Sge knows about the dazzlings, she knows where the geod's are, she knows where there's another portal on a nearby island. It also sounds like she knows what will happen in equedtria so she knows about the alicorn amulet too.

I'm very much looking forward to this.

I like the idea and where it seems to be going, so I'll keep watching for now.

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