> Through The Mirror Portal: Cheat Code Edition > by ChAoS pOnY > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "LIKE FUCKING HELL AM I GOING TO BE YOUR SACRIFICIAL LAMB JUST TO SAVE YOUR BITCH OF A LITTLE SISTER!" Princess Celestia's jaw dropped as her student yelled at her after looking in the mirror. "EVEN IF I SOMEHOW SURVIVE THAT I AM NOT TAKING ON A FUCKING DRAGON, A HYDRA, POISON JOKE, DISCORD, PARASPRITES, CHANGELINGS, KING SOMBRA, PLUNDER VINES, TIREK, A MAD MARE NAMED STARLIGHT GLIMMER TWICE, THE TANTABUS, CHANGELINGS AGAIN, THE PONY OF SHADOWS, AND THE FUCK STORM KING AND HIS ENTIRE ARMY WITH JUST A INBRED FARMER, A DRUG ADDICT BAKER, A GOLD DIGGING SLUT, A BULL DYKE LESBIAN JOCK AND HER SUBMISSIVE DOORMAT OF A GIRLFRIEND!" With a sudden flash of teleportation Princess Cadence, a purple filly, a grey plushie doll with a notepad, and a child's table set for a tea party appeared. "THAT IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE! SHE WILL HATCH A DRAGON'S EGG IN A MONTH WHEN ANOTHER FILLY DOES A SONIC RAINBOOM!" With that a steamer trunk on wheels was teleported in and several bags of bits, jewelry, a baseball bat, several bottles of potions, sheet music, several dresses and outfits, a bunch of enchanted gems, and a lot of books began teleporting into the room and dropping into the trunk. With a resounding click the trunk closed before Sunset bucked it through the mirror and then yelled "FUCK YOU ALL! SUNSET OUT!" With that she leapt through the mirror and left a still stunned Celestia looking at the mirror. "Umm...Cadence, what is fuck?" Twilight asked her babysitter. "Listen here dweeb, if you don't cough up your lunch money..." What ever Gilda had been about to say to a cowering Fluttershy was interrupted when a steamer trunk on wheels came flying out of the base of the statue and landing on her. With a groan she began pushing the trunk off of her, but then Sunset came out of the base of the statue and leapt on top of the trunk. "Hi! How! Are! You!" Sunset said as she punctuated each word by jumping up and down. "Good! Now! Watch! Your! Hands!" With that she jumped off and landed on Gilda's hands with a loud crunch before dragging her trunk off her and walking away with it in tow. "Oh my..." Fluttershy said as she looked down at the battered and bruised unconscious bully. She had been about to go get help, but then she saw Gilda's wallet filled with stolen money and took back her money with interest before going and getting help. Sunset shoved her trunk into a bush where she knew it would be safe in for an hour or so. She'd only need 13 1/2 minutes. Walking into the school she saw Derpy dropping her muffin and for a brief moment saw the series of events that would lead to a week of arguing and fighting amongst several girls. Sure she could let it happen, but she had seen what happens down that path and caught the muffin before it hit the floor and handed it back without breaking her stride. In her happiness Derpy accidentally closed a locker door just before it hit Octavia. That would have caused her to spill her latte on Lyra and start the drama that would have lasted all week. As she walked past the vending machine Trixie was shaking to get her stuck package of crackers, Sunset reached out and smacked the side of the machine causing the crackers to fall. This meant Trixie actually got to class on time and pass her math test instead of getting detention and missing the test when she got her arm stuck in the vending machine over some peanut butter crackers. Just a flick of her hair was enough to catch the attention of the three jocks about to stuff Snips in a trash can and Snails in a locker. As they stared after her the two boys snuck away and made it to class on time. The only person she talked to was Wallflower Blush when she asked where the office was and then thanked her for being friendly and helpful. By the time she reached the office she felt she had laid the groundwork for later. The mirror had shown her a lot in the brief few moments she had looked into it. Twilight could have the headache of becoming the princess of 'Friendship' and she had no plans to turn into a demon, ending up in the bottom of a crater, fighting three immortal teenagers, being framed by Anon-a-miss, stopping another Twilight Sparkle from tearing this universe apart, dealing with an overzealous camp counselor and a film student with super powers, and getting mind wiped by a girl with a magic rock. It only took a minute to grab a few registration and placement packets for someone who had been homeschooled to fill out and bring back in a few days. The fact that there were people who raised their kids 'Off-The-Grid' actually had helped the bad girl version of herself and would help her now. She quickly went over everything she would need to do before starting school next monday and smiled at the thought that it took 'bad girl' Sunset Shimmer 3 months to do half of what she planned to do. As she walked down the now empty hall she frowned as she considered what she was about to do about this world's Sunset Shimmer. It be a month before Wallflower Blush found the memory stone and the other Sunset would be dead by the end of the week, so she couldn't just walk in and erase everyone's memories and walk out with her other self. That left only one option, but that was for tomorrow. Pausing at the door for a moment she swung it open and right into Gilda's nose. There was a brief shout from Nurse Redheart and Fluttershy, a scream of pain from Gilda, and a series of thumps down the stairs in front of the school. With a nod to herself that the biggest bully at CHS would be out of commision for a while with a broken nose, twisted knee and ankle, several broken fingers, and a story about a magically appearing steamer trunk to ludicrous to believe that everyone involved would just think it was a series of unfortunate accidents. With that she helped them get Gilda into the school before grabbing her trunk and leaving at exactly 13 and 1/2 minutes after she entered the school.