• Published 17th Jun 2018
  • 814 Views, 16 Comments

Mama's Coming... - MorbidTheBrony

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Christmas Eve

December 24th
Christmas Eve

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Pinkie rubbed her eyes and glanced to the other side of her room. She saw Tattletail sitting on her dresser. She groaned and buried her face in her pillow.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Pinkie hurled her pillow at Tattletail, hoping it would just shut up and let her sleep. That, sadly, wasn't going to happen. Pinkie accepted that she would have another night of horror and stepped out of bed for the fifth time in a row. She walked over and took her flashlight along with Tattletail.

"You're up! We're having a party for Mama," it announced. "Come help us!"

Never before had Pinkie heard Tattletail speak in such perfect English. Also, a party for Mama? Sure, Pinkie was the queen of throwing parties but she definitely didn't want to do so for a monster such as Mama. Something that confused her the most was Tattletail's mention of 'we'. Was that other Tattletail from last night back?

Pinkie heard a chorus of laughter. It definitely came from a Tattletail- Actually, it came from two Tattletail, not including hers. That could only mean that there was a third Tattletail in her house. Where they were all coming from was one of Pinkie's main concerns.

Seeing no way out of it, Pinkie took a breath of confidence and did her nightly routine of venturing down into the gloomy basement. However, the basement door wasn't open. She tried pushing the door, but it remained in its frame. What was weirder was that her front door was now open.

If the basement door wasn't going to open, then the entrance outside would have to do. She carried Tattletail outside and towards a door that led into the ground, into the basement. She gave the doors a pull and they both swung open. The laughter from the other Tattletail escaped the basement, they were both very easy to hear now.

Pinkie climbed down the stairs and into the large room. Sitting on cardboard boxes were two more Tattletail: a blue one and a yellow (Possible the same one from last night). Inbetween them sat Tattletail's charging station. Pinkie sat her Tattletail down on the station.

"More! More!" it said.

More what, though? Tattletail didn't specify. Pinkie was very confused until she heard faint laughter coming from back upstairs. She groaned loudly, as she knew what the laughter came from. It came from a fourth Tattletail. Pinkie facepalmed as she has had just about enough of these little devils, but immediately remembered that her life was practically on the line, so she went with it and travelled back out and back into her house.

"Me Tattletail! Me love you!"

Pinkie followed the voice into her living room. In front of the Christmas tree sat a small red box. Inside the box was another yellow Tattletail. She opened the box and scooped out the Tattletail.

Immediately, it began talking, "Brush me! Brush me!"

All of the lights switched off and Pinkie was beginning to panic.

"Brush me!"

She jumped over to the couch, picked up the hairbrush and quickly began brushing Tattletail's fur. Mama was back and Pinkie did not want to face her right now, especially on the night before Christmas.

Pinkie rounded the corner leading back outside but, as she was leaving, the pink girl noticed that the inside basement door was now conveniently open. She looked towards the front door and could see the glimmer of a bright red LED. Pinkie didn't have to think of what the light belonged to, she just started walking down into the basement from the inside. She did keep her guard up though, as she knew that Mama likes to teleport.

As she was walking through the basement, she could practically hear her footsteps echo through the rooms. It was very quiet, too quiet in fact. A drop of sweat began running down her face. Her nerves built up. The fact that it was almost pitch black didn't help with Pinkie's nerves at all.

"Tattletail! That's me!"

Pinkie screamed at threw Tattletail upwards. She quickly saved it from breaking upon impact on the concrete floor. She began panting and hugged Tattletail close to her chest. Not even Mama had scared Pinkie as much as Tattletail had just now.

"Me love you!" Tattletail muffled into her shirt.

Something about that managed to calm Pinkie down a bit. It managed to get Pinkie to regain her sanity and continue her mission. She arrived back into the room with the other Tattletail and placed the new member on the chair beside the other yellow one.

"More! More!" her Tattletail chanted.

Pinkie sighed and made her way back upstairs into the kitchen. She noticed that now her back door was open. Pinkie had a hunch that, because her back door was now open, she had to go back to the garage. It turned out that her hunch was correct, as she found another box with another blue Tattletail sitting inside.

She pulled out the Tattletail and, much like the last one, it had a demand, "Give me a treat!"

Pinkie wasn't surprised to see that the lights were out once more, but she was surprised that many had already appeared very close to Pinkie.

"Mama's looking after you!"

Pinkie silently waited for an opportunity to sprint for the door. She could feel that Mama was moving closer. Pinkie turned around to see where Mama was standing. She was standing at the far end of the back garden, which only just gave Pinkie the perfect amount of room to run without being caught. She wasn't going to let this opportunity be wasted and made it back inside by the skin of her teeth.

"Give me a treat!" Tattletail continued.

Pinkie pulled out a cucumber from her fridge and fed it to Tattletail. It wasn't a treat, but it would do. She blinked and it was already gone.

Pinkie rushed, with Tattletail, back into the basement's largest room and sat the newest Tattletail next to the blue one.

"More! More!" Pinkie's Tattletail once again said.

Pinkie could tell that this was enough party guests, but what this party still needed was cupcakes and decorations. She had an emergency tray of cupcakes and it looked as though that she would have to use them tonight. So with that, she picked up her purple Tattletail and made her way back upstairs to the dining room. Mama wasn't around right now, so hopefully all would go well.

She picked up the small tray of pink frosted cupcakes from the dining room and rushed back downstairs. She made it back to the party with no problems, which Pinkie was very happy for. She placed the cupcakes on the red rug in front of all the Tattletail.

"More! More!"

Which was exactly what Pinkie was thinking. This party still needed some decorations. Sadly though, Pinkie was all out of decorations, so that would mean she would have to improvise. Luckily, it was Christmas time, so she could use the lights on the tree.

Pinkie, once again, walked up the stairs leading into the kitchen. Mama still wasn't around which was nice, but how long would would that last until she came back?

She arrived in her living room, put Tattletail down on the couch and started taking down the lights off of the Christmas tree. She wrapped them around her arm, picked Tattletail back up and journeyed back down into the basement.

The lights flickered off again, Mama has shown herself once more. As Pinkie reached the bottom of the stairs and rounded the corner into the downstairs hall, she saw Mama's eyes staring back at her from the end. She was blocking Pinkie's way. Pinkie was now forced to travel back the other way.

She shook her flashlight again and travelled into the basement from the outside door. Mama wasn't in the basement this time. At least, Pinkie couldn't see her, it was possible that she was following Pinkie from behind.

Pinkie rounded the corner into the larger room and saw Mama sitting near the Tattletail.

"Mama's looking after you!" she said.

Pinkie hid behind the corner and would catch a glance inside to see if Mama was still there or not. Everytime she looked, it was like Mama was always one step closer to her. Pinkie held her breath, shook her flashlight and shined it towards Mama. When she looked one more time, Mama had disappeared.

Pinkie went over to the party and placed the lights beside the cupcakes.

"More! More!"

What could she possibly get now? They had the snacks, they had the decorations, what else is there? She could perhaps somehow create an atmosphere. She did see some candles on the kitchen counter, those should do.

She began travelling back upstairs until the lights flickered off and Mama could be seen peeking out from the dining room. The candles were on the counter, right beside Mama. If Pinkie risked getting the candles now, Mama was sure to catch her. She was just going to have to wait this out.

"Brush me!"

Pinkie's pupils became the size of insects; Tattletail could not have chosen a worser time for this.

"Mama's coming!"

Pinkie smiled nervously at Mama and ran back into the basement. She could lure Mama down in the basement while she collected the candles.

"Give me a treat!"

Tattletail now needed two things, things weren't looking up for Pinkie anymore.

Suddenly, Pinkie's flashlight ran out of light, leaving them both in the dark.

"Aah! It's dark!" Tattletail cried.

Pinkie began sweating nervously. She had no idea where Mama was, Tattletail wouldn't shut up and she was left in the dark! Why did they have to throw a party? Why did this have to happen to Pinkie?!

Pinkie looked back and saw that Mama was indeed following her. Pinkie had only just made it through the front of her house. She had lots to do right now, so she couldn't waste any time, not now, not ever!

Her first priority was getting Tattletail fed. She swung open the fridge and fed it a banana. Next up was brushing the toy. She quickly made her way into the living room and used her twin sister's brush for Tattletail's fur. Pinkie could tell that Mama was close by, she had to be quick. Finally, Pinkie took the candles and rushed back down into the basement. She saw Mama standing at her front door, if she had wasted anymore time, Mama would've gotten her.

Then, there was silence. No grinding from Mama, no noise from Tattletail and the only light was from the larger room of the basement. Pinkie slowly made her way inside and she couldn't believe what her eyes met. She saw the other four Tattletail sitting around a pentagram made from the Christmas lights. In the middle of the circle sat the same tape that Pinkie inserted into her VCR the other night. In front of the Tattletail sat everyone's cupcakes, but they weren't eating them. What they were doing, however, was chanting something...

"No more Mama!"

Pinkie had the sudden realisation. This wasn't a party, it was a ritual to banish Mama! That must mean that she had to place the large candles on top of the cupcakes and that she did. Pinkie then placed her Tattletail on the remaining space.

"Light the candles," it said. After that, Pinkie's Tattletail joined the chant.

"No more Mama! No more Mama!"

Pinkie looked around the room and found a box of matches sitting on Tattletail's charging station. She scratched a match on the side of the box and it lit up. She lit each individual candle and Tattletail gave her the next command.

"Now rewind the tape."

Pinkie followed its command and stepped back. Everything around her began rumbling, the Tattletail's chant only grew louder and the theme song from the advert could be heard.

"No more Mama!" they continued chanting.

Then suddenly, every light switched off, leaving everyone in the darkness. Pinkie shined her flashlight on the seance and saw that all of the candles were gone! Mama had stolen them! Pinkie then noticed that there were vases around that definitely weren't there before. Mama had probably hidden them inside of the vases.

The Tattletail were still chanting away.

Pinkie went over to the first vase she saw and smashed it. She found one of the candles inside. That left four more.

She heard Mama's grinding from behind. "Come to Mama!" she said.

Pinkie found another vase in the back corner of the room and smashed it open. There was no candle inside.

Pinkie's breathing increased dramatically; she was so afraid but she had no choice. If this is for getting rid of that monster, then it will all be worth it in the end. She shined her flashlight at Mama and she disappeared.

Pinkie travelled into the room were she found Mama. There was another vase there. She smashed it and there still wasn't a candle inside. She exited that part of the basement and found another vase on a shelf. Once again, she smashed it and she found a candle inside. Three.

"Mama will look after you!"

Pinkie saw another vase in the room closest to the shelf. Smash. Another candle. Two. She found another where she first met Tattletail. Smash. One more candle to go, she can do this!

Pinkie saw Mama just beyond the ritual.

"Mama's coming!"

Pinkie shook her flashlight confidently and shined it at Mama. She was gone once again, hopefully for the last time.

She decided to look where the washing machine was. There was another vase sitting on the small table just in front of the machine. She smashed it to pieces and there it was, the final candle.

She grabbed it and took them all back to the Tattletail. She lit them once again and stepped back to watch the ritual. She could hear the advert again, but this time, it was playing in reverse.

She could hear everyone's voices.

"Mama will look after you!"

"No more Mama!"

"Mama's looking after you!"

"No more Mama!"

"Mama's coming!"

"No more Mama!"

The VHS rose from the ground and glowed a bright white. The only sound left was coming from the VHS, which was stuck on one word. There was only one thing left to do in order to banish Mama: Pinkie had to destroy the tape. She took a deep breath and brought her hand behind her. She stepped towards the tape and gave it the most powerful punch she had ever thrown in her entire life.

Everything went silent but then there was a loud crash and Pinkie was flung backwards. The lights came back on. Pinkie sat up and rubbed her head. She saw five Christmas presents were the Tattletail originally sat. She looked at each of them and walked towards the box where her Tattletail sat. She smiled and then hugged it. She kept the box within her embrace for a minute before letting go.

Pinkie walked out of the basement, hopefully for the final time. She arrived at her bedroom and climbed back into bed. There were still questions in her head: Did it work? Was Mama finally gone? Pinkie was sure the answer was yes.

With the first good feeling she felt since all of this began, she drifted off to sleep...

December 25th
Christmas Day

Pinkie woke up to a bright and snowy Christmas morning. She slipped out of bed and went into the living room. There sat a white Christmas present with red polka dots and a red ribbon. She tore it open and pulled out what was inside. A red box that read 'Talking Tattletail'.

She opened the flaps and pulled out a purple... thing. It began to speak.

"Presents for you!" it said.

It had a tag attached to it. Pinkie pulled it off and read it. It told Pinkie Tattletail's birth date and where it was made. After reading the tag, a small present appeared in front of her new toy. Pinkie opened Tattletail's present and pulled out a golden flashlight. It was a flashlight. What was special about it was that it would never run out. It had a letter attached to it which she also read.

'Thank you for your help, Pinkie. Me love you!


Pinkie smiled happily and hugged Tattletail. She picked it up and carried it over to her parent's bedroom. She knocked on the door and waited for them to get out of bed.

"Me Tattletail! Me love you!"


Author's Note:

I don't care that Pinkie didn't collect all of the eggs, I just wanted to give her the good ending because why the hell not?

Should I do The Kaleidoscope? Do tell me whether or not you want to see The Kaleidoscope.

Okay, let's take this time to talk about this story. Obviously it was just a rip off the indie-horror game Tattletail, but that doesn't mean that I didn't have to make plans on figuring out how I could make this work.

For example: I had to think about which Equestria girl I should use. Originally I was going to use Twilight but I figured that someone with more of an ecstatic attitude was better, so I tried Pinkie and I think it turned out pretty well.

Did anyone notice that Pinkie did not speak a single word of dialogue throughout this whole story? That was also something I had thought about. I was always a fan of stories of when it was only the narrator speaking and the main characters of the story did speak a single word. I wanted to try that for myself and see how that would go, and what better way of trying out the silent treatment than with Tattletail, where the only talking characters are the demon toys?

Sorry this chapter took a little longer. I began working on two other stories. Anyway, thanks for reading and let me know if you want to see The Kaleidoscope.

Comments ( 2 )
Comment posted by elizabethgaming deleted Aug 13th, 2018
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