• Published 17th Jun 2018
  • 813 Views, 16 Comments

Mama's Coming... - MorbidTheBrony

  • ...

Five Days Before Christmas

December 20th
Five days before Christmas

With only days until Christmas Morning, little Pinkie Pie couldn't be more excited. She would keep on wondering on what her parents might have gotten her. Maybe a cake? Or perhaps rainbow cookies? Or maybe even a rainbow cookie cake! The possibilities were endless to the little girl. Christmas Day was one of her favourite days of the year - other than her birthday. She was just so excited!

And perhaps a little too excited...

One night, Pinkie was just so ecstatic that she couldn't sleep. All she could think of was that delicious rainbow cookie cake that her parents had (probably) gotten her.

She climbed out of bed and tip-toed her way through the corridor, as to not wake her parents or her sisters while they slept.

Pinkie passed each of their bedrooms with ease and arrived in the kitchen with almost no noise at all. To the left of her refrigerator stood a tall door. She carefully opened it and peered down at the now revealed dark and gloomy basement.

Each step was another creak from the floorboards but not enough noise to, thankfully, wake her family.

The concrete basement floor was very cold on her bare feet. She should've put on her slippers before coming down. But it was too late to turn back though. She had a mission to complete and there was nothing that was going to take her away from her goal.

Pinkie walked down the dark floors, keeping her arms out as to not bump into anything or knock anything over. However, she wasn't the most careful as she stubbed her toe on the corner of a filled box. She gasped and held her breath until the pain eventually faded away.

She peered behind her, listening for either an opening door or footsteps. Thankfully, it was still completely silent.

She rounded a corner and there was a large room with a lamp, a couch and an old rug. Unfortunately, Pinkie's parents had remembered to turn the lamp off so she wasn't given any help here.

There was another room on the other side of where Pinkie stood. No doubt that that was where Pinkie's parents were keeping her presents because she knew this basement like the back of her hand but her father had always told her to stay away from that room, even when it came around Christmas time. Obviously to hide her presents from her.

She pressed on through the large room, tip-toeing with every step she took, and rounded the final corner. A table sat at the far corner of the room, with a large present wrapped in white wrapping paper with red polka dots, a red ribbon and had a tag attached to it. It read, "Merry Christmas, Pinkamena Diane Pie. From Santa Claus."

Pinkie smiled with glee and immediately, but carefully, unwrapped the present. Under the paper was a large red box with a little purple... thing inside of it. It had large ears, purple fur, rosy cheeks, a love heart for a nose on it's muzzle and a large smile.

'Talking Tattletail!' the box read. 'I really eat!' 'I really lay eggs!'

Pinkie opened the box's flaps and lifted the toy out. She switched it on from underneath and Tattletail immediately came to life.

"Me Tattletail! Me love you!" Tattletail said with a high pitched voice.

Pinkie smiled in awe and hugged it tightly. Never before had her parents gotten her something so extraordinary and so cute.

She stared deeply into Tattletail's bright blue eyes before his mouth spat out more words. "Give me a treat! Give me a treat!"

Tattletail repeated those same words and Pinkie didn't know what to do. She looked around the box, hoping that there was a carrot toy or something she could feed this thing. She then remembered that the box said that he really eats.

"Give me a treat!" it continued to say as Pinkie took it back to her refrigerator. "Give me a treat!"

Pinkie tried shushing him but nothing would stop him from talking. She even tried switching it off then back on again but it kept repeating the same words.

She opened the fridge and looked through its contents. There was half of a cookie with a note attached to it saying, "No Pinkies allowed! -Limestone Pie." Pinkie ignored the note and gave Tattletail her sister's cookie. She halved the already half cookie and gave her gift one half while she ate the other. Before she knew it, Tattletail's cookie was gone. Never before had Pinkie seen anyone eat a cookie faster than her.

Once Pinkie ate her half, she decided that fun time was over for one night and just as she was about to take Tattletail back down into the cold, dark basement...

"Brush me!"

Already Pinkie was finding this thing kind of annoying but she still loved it nonetheless.

She took him into her living room where stood a large Christmas tree with golden tinsel, colourful lights and a bright star sitting on top. On the blue couch just beside the tree sat a blue hairbrush which belonged to Pinkie's twin sister, Marble Pie.

She brushed Tattletail's shiny and mint purple fur until it was... well, still shiny and mint.

Eventually, the purple motor-mouth was silent once more. Pinkie decided that it was time for bed for both of them. She carried Tattletail back down into the basement, wrapped him back up in this box and headed back to her bedroom. She was beginning to get very tired so getting back to bed would be a delight for her.

Pinkie began walking back through the kitchen when the house phone began ringing. Pinkie was always told to let the grown ups pick up the phone, so she walked over to her parent's bedroom door and knocked on it.

No response.

She knocked on the door again.


She couldn't leave the phone ringing like that, but she would be going against her parent's house rules so she left it to stop ringing.

She silently walked back over to her bedroom and closed her door very gently. It was way past her bedtime and the last thing she wanted was to get into trouble, this close to Christmas and all.

She climbed back into bed and her eyes began to gently close, slowly falling into slumber.

She will be back to play with Tattletail again tomorrow night.

Author's Note:

This chapter may seem cute, but a darkness lingers...

...only to reveal herself within the remaining nights...