• Published 17th Jun 2018
  • 814 Views, 16 Comments

Mama's Coming... - MorbidTheBrony

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Three Days Before Christmas

December 22nd
Three Days Before Christmas

Much like the previous night, Pinkie Pie was awoken by a loud noise. This time, the noise being what sounded like grinding. Once again, coming from the basement. What was Tattletail doing this time? It definitely wasn't in the washing machine again, Pinkie knew that just from the sound. The new noise sounded like a broken VCR.

Pinkie slipped into her slippers once again and picked up the old flashlight which she kept from last night.

She walked down the dark hall and stepped towards the basement. She give the flashlight a good shake before journeying back down.

The grinding only worsened the longer it went on for and that itself would drive someone as annoying and as energetic as Pinkie Pie crazy.

She peered around each corner, hoping to find whatever what making that noise, but then the light from her flashlight found a little easter egg. It was yellow and had a nice little red ribbon tied around it. Pinkie stepped towards it and then noticed that there was another egg beyond it, and another. It was a trail of eggs. She followed the eggs, opening each one as she went along. One had an old french fry that didn't actually taste so bad. Another one had a dead beetle... and another one had... toenail clippings?!

Pinkie gagged and threw the egg across the basement. Those toy makers must have been on some strong stuff if they would include something as disgusting as an old and large toenail clipping.

But alas, Pinkie managed to maintain her composure (and stopped the likelihood of throwing up) and continued following the egg trail. They led into the one room Pinkie was yet to explore during her and Tattletail's adventures. The trail carried on until they reached the far corner of the room.

Pinkie looked up and gazed upon what looked like a much larger version of Tattletail. It had brown fur, a hat of some kind and a tape player in the centre of its chest. This just so happened to be the source of the grinding.

Its eyes were closed so it clearly wasn't on but why was it making such a horrible noise? Pinkie investigated the tape player and there was nothing inside of it. Why was it making that noise? Pinkie looked around in search of the tape. She found it inside of the mini-fridge sitting directly beside this larger Tattletail. She carefully inserted it into the thingy's chest and listened closely as to what might end up playing.

The large Tattletail came to life with its head spinning while playing soft music. It also began to speak in a calm voice.

"The children though that Mama would never find them as long as she couldn't see them."

Was this that Mama thing that Tattletail had brought up just last night?

"Turn the page.

"But Mama could still hear the children, the pitter-patter of their little feet led Mama right to them. Turn the page.

"Then Mama found the children, every last one, and put them right back to bed." Mama's eyes closed and the tape stopped.

Pinkie couldn't help but feel extremely uncomfortable with what she had just witnessed and heard. This thing wasn't adorable, but it wasn't really scary either. Maybe Tattletail was exaggerating?


Speak of the devil and he may come. Pinkie followed the sounds of Tattletail's laughter which led her back upstairs into her living room. She found Tattletail surrounded by a mess of papercrafts. Apparently Tattletail was very artsy. Smiling at its antics, she picked up Tattletail.

"Tattletail, that's me!" it said cheerfully.

Pinkie was about to put it aside so she could clean Tattletail's mess until, "Show me Mama!"

Pinkie looked back at Tattletail, unsure whether she wanted to see that thing again. She nervously made her way back to the basement stairs and gave her flashlight another good shake. She walked back over to where Mama sat, at the furthest corner of the basement's back room.

But she was gone...

"Where's Mama?" Tattletail asked.

Pinkie looked all over the room. Mama had disappeared and she could literally be anywhere right now, Pinkie just hoped that anywhere wasn't here. She sighed in relief as she realised that Tattletail and her were alone.

Tattletail yawned, "Me tired."

She quickly nodded and took Tattletail back over to its box. She wrapped it up nicely and headed back up to the living room to clean up her toy's mess.

Pinkie reached the top of the basement's stairs when all of the lights began to flicker, even Pinkie's flashlight had flickered off. She tried shaking it again but it wouldn't work.

Pinkie had to make her way into the living room in the dark just so she could clean up Tattletail's mess. She beard her surroundings incase she really wasn't alone right now. She managed to enter the living room and tidy the mess with ease. It was what happened after that turned this entire situation around.

The grinding noise started again. Pinkie turned around to see that the glowing red eyes had returned, staring deeply at her. Her heart began racing and she was stuck in place staring back at the eyes.

"Mama's looking after you..." the eyes said.

She was right, that was Mama she saw last night. But what does she want? Why is she here?

Her breathing turned into soft whimpers as she stood there. What was she to do? Mama was closer to the door than Pinkie was, she would definitely catch Pinkie if she were to step closer. She just stood there, making as little noise as possible.

"Mama will look after you!" Mama said.

Pinkie slowly shook her head as tears began to form in her eyes.

Eventually, the eyes disappeared and the grinding noise stopped. Was she gone? Pinkie tried shaking her light again. It worked this time and yes, Mama was finally gone. That may not last forever though and Pinkie didn't want to waste her chances, so she quickly made her way into her bedroom and climbed into bed.

Something was definitely going on. Something very bad. This Mama Tattletail thing was now loose in her house and Pinkie had no way of stopping it. She didn't even think she wanted to stay up like this anymore. Hell, she didn't even know if she even still wants Tattletail or not, seeing as its brung a physical embodiment of nightmares into her home.

Tomorrow, is another night...

Author's Note:

I'm going to have to change this to an E rated horror seeing how not scary it is right now and how not scary it might become.