• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 1,736 Views, 23 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Special Friends - smirker

Pinkie Pie looks back on several ponies she has helped in the past who had problems that normal ponies did not have.

  • ...

The Abandoned Filly

Pinkie Pie was working in Sugarcube Corner and Rock Candy's son and daughter, Star Pony, Treasure Hunter, Flower Viola, Rose, Pink Diamond, Gilmore, Purple Grace, Tulip, Angelique, Emerald, Haute Coture, Tempo, Aquarius, Taco Bell, Butterfly Azalea, Weight Lifter, Melon Farmer, and Banana Tree were helping her bake the day's confectioneries, they heard walking and Pinkie Pie gasped with surprise,

"Woodwind! Fancy seeing you here!" Pinkie Pie chirped,

"I'm on summer vacation right now, thought I'd come to see you." Woodwind responded,

"I appreciate that, and if you could, I can use an extra hoof around here." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sure." Woodwind replied, and she helped the others. Tulip struggled to move and twitched a few times and Pink Diamond and Weight Lifter held her and helped her move, Star Pony grunted while struggling to stand and Angelique and Taco Bell held him up and carried him forward, they continued helping Pinkie Pie while Woodwind watched the other foals, she remembered what Pinkie Pie taught her and finished her tasks pretty quickly,

"Wow, she learns fast." Tulip stated,

"She used to work for me." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh, no wonder why she knows what to do." Gilmore said,

"Come on, Gilmore, this pie we're making won't make itself, let's finish it, you too, Purple Grace." Pink Diamond spoke, they nodded and helped her. The foals finished baking and then helped Pinkie Pie clean the shop, Star Pony sat and rested while Tulip worked as slowly as she could and Rose assisted her, they finished and Pinkie Pie got specifically made ice cream favors for them,

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie, you always do know us well." Weight Lifter spoke,

"It's easy to see when you've been doing this as long as I have." Pinkie Pie stated,

"You ever going to travel again?" Treasure Hunter asked,

"I still do, just with people this time." Pinkie Pie answered,

"So... why did you settle down in Ponyville for?" Angelique questioned,

"Because I like it here, the ponies are usually nice here, too." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Are you planning to live here the rest of your life?" Melon Farmer asked,

"Probably." Pinkie Pie said,

"Will you revisit any of us at our homes?" Banana Tree questioned,

"If I have the time." Pinkie Pie responded, they heard walking and saw skinny looking earth pony filly come in, she had a white coat, long grayish-white mane and tail, blue eyes, and her cutie mark was a snowflake,

"Snowflake!" Pinkie Pie hollered,

"Hello, Pinkie Pie." Snowflake said in a somewhat weak voice,

"Hold on, I'll go get the others." Pinkie Pie stated, and she dashed out, she returned with Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack, they looked on with surprise and trotted to Snowflake,

"Snowflake, it is you." Twilight Sparkle spoke,

"Hello, everypony." Snowflake said,

"Wow, you sure look healthier than we first found you." Rainbow Dash remarked,

"I've been better ever since I began living at my new home." Snowflake responded, the others smiled,

"Oh, Tulip, I didn't see you here at first, how have you been?" Fluttershy asked and hugged her,

"I'm still having trouble moving and twitching a bit, but I'm doing better than before." Tulip answered,

"So, what brings you back here, darling?" Rarity questioned,

"I just wanted to meet everypony again." Snowflake chirped,

"Sure, sugar cube, mah family and I are always happy to meet ol' friends and honorary family members again." Applejack spoke,

"That's great, I'd like to meet everypony in this town again." Snowflake remarked,

"I still remember when we first met." Pinkie Pie said, and they began to remember.

Pinkie Pie was in Ponyville one winter and everybody was getting ready for Hearth's Warming, she hopped around and saw everything was going smoothly. She walked around while the snow fell and everybody wore their winter clothes, she ice skated and sang while everybody was happy and some of the foals joined her, they skated until the sun was high in the sky and Pinkie Pie went back to Sugarcube Corner. She baked holiday themed snacks and desserts very quickly and she was sold out almost immediately, she pulled another batch of snacks and desserts out from under her booth and everybody bought them quickly, she counted the bits and made a lot, Mr. and Mrs. Cake smiled at seeing how much money she made. Pinkie Pie hopped outside through the snow and enjoyed the imagery of nature while everybody got ready for the winter and Pinkie Pie decided to travel out of Ponyville and go a short distance, she hopped several feet away from the town but stopped when she heard something, she listened and it sounded like somebody shivering, her jaw dropped for a short time and she ran and arrived at a small hole dug in the snow,

"Hello?" Pinkie Pie said as she looked in and saw a filly in it and shivering,

"*gasp* What are you doing out here?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"M... m... my family abandoned me." the filly responded while her teeth clattered,

"How long have you been here?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"T... twenty minutes." the filly answered, Pinkie Pie was stunned with silence for a few seconds,

"What's your name?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"Snowflake." the filly responded,

"Hold on, I'll get help, there's a town close to here." Pinkie Pie said, Snowflake nodded and Pinkie Pie put her jacket, hat, and shoes on her and ran back. She arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and saw Applejack and Big Macintosh working on the farm while Apple Bloom and Granny Smith cooked and made decorations in the house,

"Applejack, Big Mac, I found an abandoned filly near here." Pinkie Pie hollered,

"What?" Applejack exclaimed while she and her family looked at her,

"It's true, she's just about ten minutes north of here." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Well, Ah'll be, come on, y'all, let's go get her before she freezes." Applejack spoke, and they got one of their wagons and loaded it with warm food and clothes and Applejack and Big Macintosh ran while Granny Smith and Apple Bloom rode in it. Pinkie Pie led them to where she found Snowflake and the Apple family's jaws' dropped when they saw her,

"Quick, get her in the wagon and give her the warm food and clothes." Granny Smith ordered,

"Hang on, sugar cube." Applejack said, and she and Big Macintosh put her in the wagon and Apple Bloom bundled her up in warm clothes and blankets while Granny Smith gave her warm food, they and Pinkie Pie then ran back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Pinkie Pie looked on with Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle while Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith gave Snowflake extra clothes and food and lit the fireplace in front of them,

"You said her family left and abandoned her in the snow, Pinkie?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"That's what Snowflake told me." Pinkie Pie responded,

"How can somepony leave their own child in weather like this?" Fluttershy lamented,

"Only parents with no hearts would abandon their child in this cold, let alone a foal." Rarity answered,

"What do we do with her?" Scootaloo asked,

"Take care of her and befriend her." Sweetie Belle answered,

"Mah family and I will handle her nutritional needs, y'all are welcome to bring her sweets and candies." Granny Smith responded,

"I... haven't eaten anything in nearly four days until I was put in the wagon." Snowflake stated, everybody's jaws' dropped,

"Hmm, you sure are abnormally skinny for a filly, you don't look like you have much energy either." Applejack observed,

"I'm tired." Snowflake replied,

"Come on, let's get you nursed back to health." Apple Bloom spoke,

"You guys will?" Snowflake questioned,

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh responded,

"You'll have to work here though, this place is always busy, and us four can't do every little thing by ourselves here." Applejack stated,

"Okay, as long as it's not hard work or I have to move heavy stuff." Snowflake said,

"Don't worry, you can help me and Apple Bloom round the house, Big Mac and Applejack will handle the heavy liftin'." Granny Smith replied,

"Alright, in case I have to work in the kitchen, I can't cook." Snowflake informed,

"It's fine, Ah'll handle it most of the time." Granny Smith spoke,

"Alright, Ah think everythin's fine so far, y'all, Ah'll go ahead and take her around town and introduce her to everypony." Applejack said, and everybody introduced themselves to Snowflake and Applejack took her outside to meet the others while the others went to their homes.

Pinkie Pie worked in Sugarcube Corner and baked confectioneries for Hearth's Warming and Applejack and Snowflake came in a little later,

"This is Sugarcube Corner, that's Carrot Cake and Cup Cake over there, they own the place, and Pinkie Pie's right there, she's their employee, and over there is Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, Mr. and Mrs. Cake's son and daughter." Applejack spoke,

"Wait a minute, if they're earth ponies, why are their kids a unicorn and a Pegasus?" Snowflake questioned,

"My wife and I have distant relatives in our family trees who are unicorns and Pegasi." Mr. Cake explained,

"Oh, I see. Oh, that reminds me." Snowflake replied, and she trotted to Pinkie Pie and gave her winter clothes back,

"Thank you for lending these to me." Snowflake spoke,

"You're welcome." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Come on now, Snowflake, there's still a lot more ponies to introduce." Applejack stated, and they left. Pinkie Pie continued baking and watched for any customers but none came at the moment, Mr. and Mrs. Cake finished putting Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake to bed and they helped her bake the sweets, they made a lot in order to get ready for the next few days and they stored them and slept. The next morning came and customers flooded the store, Mr. and Mrs. Cake got overwhelmed while Pinkie Pie handled them easily, the customers left and only Apple Bloom and Snowflake remained,

"Go on, Snowflake, pick yer favorite." Apple Bloom encouraged,

"Um..." Snowflake said as she looked around,

"Take your time, Snowflake, I promise all of them are super yummy to the tummy." Pinkie Pie reassured, Snowflake continued looking but could not decide,

"What did your family buy for you were you were a really young filly?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They never bought me any treats." Snowflake replied sadly while looking down,

"*gasp* No treats or candies?" Pinkie Pie inquired, Snowflake shook her head,

"Tell you what, Snowflake, let's try something almost every foal likes, bubblegum, chew and blow." Pinkie Pie instructed and Apple Bloom bought it for her. Snowflake chewed slowly while tasting the very sweet gum, it was hard at first but began to soften,

"Alright, that should be good, go ahead and try to blow a bubble, Snowflake." Apple Bloom instructed, and she tried but could not, she kept trying while Pinkie Pie and Apple Bloom showed her how to move her tongue, she blew again and got a very small bubble,

"There ya go, keep blowin' till you can make it as big as ya can till it pops." Apple Bloom said, and Snowflake tried and only barely got it bigger and her jaw began to ache, she rested for a minute and blew a little more, the bubble got slightly bigger and popped,

"*laugh* Good job for first time, Snowflake, keep practicing, and you'll be able to blow big bubbles one day." Pinkie Pie said,

"Can I see you blow one?" Snowflake asked,

"Come on outside." Pinkie Pie replied, and they went. They arrived outside and Pinkie Pie chewed bubblegum while the foals cheered her on, she blew and a huge bubble appeared, she floated into the sky while Snowflake's jaw dropped in surprise and awe, she moved through the sky while everybody watched and the bubble she blew kept getting bigger, the bubble soon burst and pink bubblegum covered the entire town. Pinkie Pie dashed around the entire town and ate all of the bubblegum and let out a huge burp, Snowflake chuckled while Apple Bloom smiled a bit,

"Come on now, Snowflake, we gotta work back on the farm." Apple Bloom said, and they walked back. Pinkie Pie trotted around and helped others get ready for Hearth's Warming by putting up lights, building snowmen, making reindeer costumes for the foals, having foals practice singing carols, and putting a big tree in the center of Ponyville while others helped her, she saw Snowflake watching her from Sweet Apple Acres and looked on with sorrow, Apple Bloom tugged her a little and they did easy tasks on the ranch while Applejack and Big Macintosh did the hard and heavy work. Pinkie Pie and the others finished getting ready for the holiday and she noticed Twilight Sparkle was busy trying to find information on Snowflake,

"What'cha doin', Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I'm trying to find Snowflake's family and where they live." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"Um, Twilight, I don't think that's a good idea." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Well, somepony has to adopt her and take her in." Twilight Sparkle remarked,

"Give her time to settle down here, I think she needs to rest after what happened." Pinkie Pie said,

"True, I'll ask her later." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they trotted their separate ways.

A few days passed and Snowflake hung out with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle while they would come visit Pinkie Pie often to buy treats and candies after school along with the other foals, Pinkie Pie knew what every foal wanted and gave it to them while Snowflake watched with surprise, she finished and the foals left until the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Snowflake were the only ones left,

"What would you like today, Snowflake?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Um, there's so much variety, I don't know what to get, I'm also surprised you know what every foal wants." Snowflake responded,

"It all boils down to experience and knowing your customers, remember that I've been doing this for a long, long time, too." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"Okay, um... that mango hard candy there looks good." Snowflake remarked, and Pinkie Pie gave it to her and Sweetie Belle paid for it, Snowflake tried it but had trouble chewing it, so she rolled it around in her mouth and waited for the candy to soften, she smiled at its sweet taste and she began chewing it,

"You want another one?" Scootaloo asked,

"No, I'm fine, thanks." Snowflake replied, and all four of them left. Pinkie Pie's break came and she left Sugarcube Corner, she looked for Snowflake to see how she was doing and saw her at Fluttershy's home and admiring the animals, she enjoyed the cats the most and the calm and quiet animals, she declined getting a pet and left, she then went to go see the others and took an interest in Rarity's outfits and job, she looked at her clothes while Sweetie Belle explained Rarity's job and Rarity smiled at Snowflake taking a notice, Pinkie Pie could not hear them from where she was from but can tell from their lip movements that Rarity asked Snowflake which outfit was her favorite and she could not decide, she pointed at the blue and white outfits while Rarity smiled, Snowflake also smiled at seeing the long-sleeve dresses and also loved the ones with flower designs, Rarity smiled and then went back in and Snowflake left while Sweetie Belle waved bye to her. Snowflake met with everybody in Ponyville and took a particular interest in the flower shops, she smiled at the view and then went back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Two days passed and Snowflake got along with everybody in Ponyville while working at Sweet Apple Acres and helped Apple Bloom and Granny Smith, she looked on wistfully from afar whenever the family played and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle joined them, Pinkie Pie suddenly showed up and walked up to her from behind and watched with her, they watched together and Twilight Sparkle flew down to them,

"Excuse me, Snowflake, I've been wanting to ask for a while, but what was your family like?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"I don't wanna talk about it." Snowflake replied,

"Can you describe them in a brief sentence or one word?" Twilight Sparkle requested,

"Mean." Snowflake responded,

"Twilight, Snowflake's tightening her body's muscles right now." Pinkie Pie warned, Twilight Sparkle noticed Snowflake glaring and her muscles clenching,

"I'll stop here, Snowflake, just wanted to get an idea what your past life was like." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I never want to go back to reliving it." Snowflake spoke,

"Can you at least tell me where you were before ending up near Ponyville?" Twilight Sparkle requested,

"Why?" Snowflake inquired,

"So I can get an idea on how easy or hard your life was by what your surroundings were like." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"Oh, it's to the southwest of here, I never learned the name of the place I lived." Snowflake answered,

"Southwest? There's quite a bit of woods and forests down that way." Twilight Sparkle remarked,

"I lived in one, I lived in a wooden house with no neighbors around." Snowflake replied,

"I see, thank you for your info." Twilight Sparkle said, and she flew to her castle,

"What is she planning?" Snowflake asked,

"If Twilight is like usual Twilight, then it's possible she's going to try to visit your family." Pinkie Pie answered,

"What? She better not bring them here." Snowflake exclaimed,

"I don't think so, it's likely she's going to go to their home and scold them for leaving you behind." Pinkie Pie deduced,

"I don't wanna see them again." Snowflake spoke,

"I'll go with you if she takes you to them." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Thank you." Snowflake replied, and Pinkie Pie walked back to Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie Pie baked in Sugarcube Corner and the Cutie Mark Crusaders came in to help her, she instructed them carefully on what to do and would laugh with them whenever they made a mistake, they finished and went outside and saw Rainbow Dash with Snowflake and showed her the games the town's natives play, she tried throwing horseshoes on a small pole in the ground and she had fun while Applejack showed her how to throw better, she competed with Apple Bloom, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo and they had fun while Sweetie Belle cheered them on, Big Macintosh joined and threw one horseshoe and the pole broke and flew out of the acres while Snowflake's jaw dropped, Big Macintosh smiled and walked away,

"Wow!" Snowflake exclaimed,

"That's how we do it here, sugar cube." Applejack replied,

"Come on now, Snowflake, Granny and I need yer help in the kitchen today." Apple Bloom spoke, and they went in while Applejack and Big Macintosh worked outside. Pinkie Pie got a bad feeling and went to go check on Twilight Sparkle in her castle, she and Spike were working together to piece together Snowflake's background and find where she was from, she had official papers on Snowflake laying on her table and Pinkie Pie noticed they were her birth certificate and official documentations of her parents' residence,

"Where did you get these, Twilight?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"As a princess of Equestria and one of the country's rulers, I have access to everypony's personal info, birth certificates and histories of where they lived included." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"Does that include criminal records?" Pinkie Pie asked, Twilight Sparkle nodded,

"We normally don't do this, but Twilight has been wondering if Snowflake came from a less than ideal family and wondered if they could be involved in criminal activity or have criminal connections." Spike explained,

"What kind of criminal connections or activities?" Pinkie Pie inquired,

"Well, since it seems Snowflake is from a poor family, possibly robbery and thievery if this is a typical poor Equestrian criminal family, I hope they're not involved in anything violent or more serious, or I'll have to order them to be arrested." Twilight Sparkle spoke,

"So, what are you going to do?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I'm going to pay Snowflake's family a visit and get their side of their story on why they left her." Twilight Sparkle answered,

"I'm not getting a good feeling about this, I'm thinking they're going to be rude and unfriendly." Spike added,

"Can you and our other friends come with me and Spike in case things get ugly, Pinkie Pie?" Twilight Sparkle requested,

"Of course." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Thank you, Snowflake has a mother, a father, and an older brother, they seem to be living in a wooden cabin in the woods to the southwest of here." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they gathered their four other friends and went there.

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Spike arrived at a wooden cabin in a forest and Twilight Sparkle knocked on the door, it opened and three earth ponies came out, the stallion had a dark white coat, short dark gray mane and tail, white eyes, and his cutie mark was a trail of sleet, the mare had a bright white coat, long white mane and tail, sky blue eyes, and her cutie mark was a covering of gray fog, and the teenage colt had a dark white coat, long white mane and tail, blue eyes, and his cutie mark was a piece of hail,

"What do you want?" the stallion asked sternly,

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship..." Twilight Sparkle said,

"We don't care who you are, get to the point." the mare snapped,

"Are you two Snowflake's parents?" Twilight Sparkle inquired in an annoyed tone, the three ponies eyes' widened for a second and they glared at them afterwards,

"Where did you find that waste of space?" the colt inquired, the mares' and Spike's jaws dropped,

"She was found in the wilderness very close to our town." Applejack answered,

"What? See, son, this is why I told you leaving her where we left her was a bad idea." the stallion spoke,

"How was I supposed to know there was another settlement nearby?" the colt questioned,

"Uh-huh! So you all did abandon her!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she pointed to them,

"Keep that useless food stealer out of our lives!" the mare demanded,

"I just want you guys' side of the story." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"Y'all better not lie either." Applejack added,

"Fine, we raised her to help us with creating snow sculptures but she was inferior to us and her brother here, so she ended up just being another mouth to feed, she basically began changing into a food dumpster as she got older, so we decided we have to get rid of her." the stallion explained,

"That's it?! That's your reason?!" Rainbow Dash snapped,

"Do we need any more?" the mare asked,

"You two didn't try to train her?" Fluttershy inquired,

"Why? It is in our blood to know how to make art with snow from birth." the stallion replied,

"Know from birth?! What kind of logic is that?!" Rarity fumed,

"Weren't you guys and that colt there trained by others?" Rainbow Dash inquired,

"Yes, but we showed much more potential in doing great in that craft than she did." the colt spoke,

"So you all chose to abandon her and leave her homeless with no food or clothing in the winter?" Twilight Sparkle questioned,

"What is wrong with that?" the mare asked in an emotionless tone, the mares' and Spike's jaw dropped,

"She could've starved or froze to death!" Twilight Sparkle fumed while raising her voice,

"That's her problem!" the stallion retorted,

"You all didn't feed her, did you?!" Pinkie Pie thundered,

"Why should we waste our food on a foal who can't do well in our family's traditional crafts?" the mare questioned,

"Didn't it ever occur to y'all she could've been a late bloomer?" Applejack asked,

"Late bloomer is too late." the mare replied,

"So I guess you all aren't taking Snowflake back then." Rainbow Dash remarked,

"Why do you even have her, she was supposed to be dead by now." the colt said, the mares and Spike had angry expressions,

"You all nearly committed a crime!" Spike fumed,

"So what?! I've been to jail before, and I have no problem going back!" the stallion retorted,

"What is wrong with y'all?!" Applejack thundered,

"There is nothing wrong with us! It's you, now get off of our property before we get violent!" the mare threatened, and they went back in the house and the stallion slammed the door close,

"Oooooh, this family makes me so mad!" Rarity thundered,

"Let's just go, Rarity, there's no reasoning with them." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"So what do we do about them?" Fluttershy asked,

"Let's just leave them, if nothing happens, this will be the end with us dealing with them, let's go." Twilight Sparkle responded, and they left.

Pinkie Pie worked in Sugarcube Corner while thinking about Snowflake's family and it distracted her, she growled while thinking about them and the foals watched worriedly, she glared and seethed while baking and the foals backed away from her slowly, Mr. and Mrs. Cake grabbed Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake and carried them away from her, she screamed with stem coming out of her ears and it almost changed into fire,

"Ooooh, Snowflake's parents make me so mad!" Pinkie Pie fumed,

"Whoa." Truffle said,

"Come on, guys, let's go." Pipsqueak advised, and they left. Pinkie Pie panted and could not focus, Mr. and Mrs. Cake watched worriedly while Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake hid behind them,

"Pinkie Pie, we'll take over from here." Mr. Cake stated in a scared tone, and he and Mrs. Cake did while Pinkie Pie stepped back. Pinkie Pie thought about Snowflake's parents and wondered what her life was like before she found her, she looked outside and saw Snowflake was having fun playing games outside with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle while Granny Smith went over and gave them sweet snacks, she smiled at seeing Snowflake being happy in the town and she was then home schooled by Granny Smith with Cheerilee going over to visit her, Pinkie Pie then laid in her bed and slept.

The next day came and Snowflake was having fun again and helped Mayor Mare and Derpy with their duties, Pinkie Pie met with her other five friends and Spike,

"Okay, everybody, I looked up Snowflake's family, her father's name is Sleet, her mother's name is Winter Fog, and her brother's name is Hailstorm, Hailstorm has a clean record while Sleet and Winter Fog have gotten in trouble with the law in the past, most of it is tax evasion but they have been involved in several assaults as well, they've been involved in robberies and stealing money off of random ponies, too." Twilight Sparkle remarked,

"That father did mention he's been to jail before." Applejack reminded,

"It turns out his wife's been to jail, too." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"So do we report them to the authorities or something?" Fluttershy asked,

"Not yet, I hope they can change their ways this time." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"Yeah, considering the dad said he's okay going back to jail, I doubt they will." Rainbow Dash said,

"What about the son?" Rarity asked,

"I'm thinking about having him do some friendship lessons while seeing if he has any relatives or anypony wanting to adapt him." Twilight Sparkle answered,

"I don't think so, Twilight, he seemed really, really mean." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Let's give it a try, one thing I've noticed is that most foals who act mean at his age is usually due to his environment and influence from his parents and family." Twilight Sparkle remarked,

"What do we do with Snowflake?" Spike asked,

"Let's let her live here for now and hope somepony will adopt her eventually." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"Ah agree, our food's gettin' a little short with an extra member to feed, we'll run out before the crops start growin' again at this rate." Applejack said,

"I can feed her some of my food if you guys run out." Rainbow Dash suggested,

"Ah appreciate that, but we're gonna have to start rationin' food soon if she don't move out soon." Applejack stated,

"I'll start making the posters and filing papers now, this meeting is adjourned." Twilight Sparkle spoke, and they left.

A few days passed and Hearth's Warming was near, everybody got ready for Hearth's Warming Eve while nothing bad happened to anybody or Snowflake, Pinkie Pie helped with the tree in the center of Ponyville and Mayor Mare and Twilight Sparkle put the star on top and lit it and everybody cheered,

"I would like to thank everypony for their efforts in making this year's Hearth's Warming happen, with Hearth's Warming Eve tonight, may we have a happy Hearth's Warming and a smooth Winter Wrap Up this year." Mayor Mare announced, and everybody began singing Hearth's Warming carols together while holding one another's front hooves and swaying side-to-side, Snowflake did not know the lyrics and tried her best to sing and sounded out of place, she went along while Pinkie Pie smiled at watching her and everybody enjoyed Hearth's Warming Eve. Hearth's Warming came the next morning and everybody opened their gifts and enjoyed them, Pinkie Pie trotted to Sweet Apple Acres with a gift for Snowflake and saw Granny Smith giving her one,

"Oh, wow, I thought nopony would give Snowflake a gift." Pinkie Pie said,

"It's the least Ah can do." Granny Smith replied,

"Here you go, Snowflake, happy Hearth's Warming." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Thank you." Snowflake spoke as she took the gift,

"She was so happy to get a gift from Granny since she said her original family never got her any presents ever." Apple Bloom spoke,

"*gasp* No presents?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed,

"Never, my brother got all of the birthday and holiday presents while I got nothing." Snowflake lamented, Pinkie Pie became speechless,

"Well, consider these gifts from yer current family, we put a lot of thought into thinkin' what you would like." Applejack said,

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh added, Snowflake ripped the wrapping paper and threw them everywhere, she gasped when she saw Granny Smith has gotten her a doll while Pinkie Pie has gotten her a box of candies,

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, I'll always treasure these." Snowflake said while hugging her gifts,

"It's still too bad my parents and sisters couldn't come to visit you." Pinkie Pie stated,

"What? You have a family, Pinkie Pie?" Snowflake asked,

"She does, they're far away from here, and accordin' to our family trees, our family and her family are related to one another." Applejack replied,

"Really?" Snowflake questioned, Pinkie Pie and Applejack nodded,

"Wow, I never would've guessed by looking at her and this family." Snowflake stated,

"Ah was surprised, too, Snowflake." Applejack replied,

"Still, thank you." Snowflake spoke, and she began playing with her dolls and eating the chocolate while Apple Bloom joined her, Granny Smith watched them while Applejack and Big Macintosh smiled and then went outside to go check on their animals and Pinkie Pie went back to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie was busy selling things all day due to many customers coming in and there being a discount on all of the holiday themed treats, the foals and adults bought many and Mr. and Mrs. Cake had to help Pinkie Pie tend to the many customers, they finished and the entire shop was empty,

"Phew, that was a rough batch." Carrot Cake said,

"You said it." Cup Cake added,

"There was a lot more customers this year than normal." Pinkie Pie commented, Mr. and Mrs. Cake nodded, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake made baby noises and Mr. and Mrs. Cake trotted to them, she looked out a window and everybody in Ponyville smiling and having a good time today, she smiled and saw Snowflake having fun with everybody in town and played with the other foals, Pinkie Pie finished her shift and joined the others while the Cake family went out to celebrate Hearth's Warming with everybody else later in the evening, everybody had cake for dessert while the foals ate their many chocolates and candies, everybody had fun until the end of the day and they slept.

The next day came and everybody saw Twilight Sparkle put up papers announcing Snowflake was up for adoption, Pinkie Pie and Snowflake read one and noticed Twilight Sparkle was calling for anyone in and out of Ponyville, Derpy then flew around and delivered the papers to every house,

"Isn't she going a bit overboard with it?" Snowflake asked,

"She's always like that." Pinkie Pie replied, Twilight Sparkle then flew up into the sky with her horn lit up and she held a megaphone,

"Attention, ponies of Equestria, there is an orphaned filly here in Ponyville named Snowflake, she is a sweet and friendly foal. The family who is currently nursing her is starting to run short on supplies and will not be able to help sustain her in the long run, so anypony wanting to adopt her will be greatly appreciated, we will do a background check on all of you and make sure you all are living in a safe and healthy environment for the filly while also checking your families' financial situation so she doesn't struggle." Twilight Sparkle spoke into the megaphone with her Royal Canterlot Voice, everybody covered their ears' while they ringed,

"There, hopefully, that will bring in some ponies willing to adopt Snowflake." Twilight Sparkle chirped and she flew to a desk in front of her castle's front door and Spike stood to her right side. Pinkie Pie saw many ponies arrive wanting to adopt Snowflake and they told her their backgrounds, occupations, home lives, where they live, Snowflake also learned about them and went to all of their homes with Twilight Sparkle inspecting them, Pinkie Pie watched from afar each time and Snowflake was dissatisfied with each one and they went back to Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle and Spike got visitors daily and they wanted to adopt Snowflake, they went to their homes and checked them and Snowflake was always dissatisfied,

"You've said no to all possible parents and families you could have, Snowflake, what are you looking for exactly?" Twilight Sparkle inquired,

"While it is nice the ponies want me to grow up happy and have freedom, a lot of their professions look like they would give them little time to actually spend time with me, it doesn't look like I can follow my family's art of carving art with snow in their home environments either." Snowflake explained,

"You still want to follow your family's craft even though they were mean to you?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"I know it didn't come from a good place for me, but the art that can be made from my family's craft is beautiful." Snowflake replied,

"This is the only time of the year there's snow in Equestria, you'll have to go up north near Yakyakistan is you wanna hone your family's craft." Twilight Sparkle explained,

"Do any of them have a snow machine?" Snowflake questioned,

"Your family had one?" Spike asked, Snowflake nodded,

"Sure, I'll go ahead and put it in the papers saying you are eligible for adoption." Twilight Sparkle stated, Snowflake smiled and Twilight Sparkle altered the papers to include the information with her magic. Less ponies wishing to adopt Snowflake came and she had more time to help the Apple family, play with foals, and be home schooled by Granny Smith, she walked just out of Sweet Apple Acres one day and stopped when she saw Sleet, Winter Fog, and Hailstorm in front of her,

"So you're still here and around after all, those adoption papers we found should've been given to us first." Winter Fog remarked,

"N... no." Snowflake muttered as she walked back a few steps slowly,

"To think somepony would actually love you and want to adopt you, you don't deserve any love." Sleet stated,

"I've never been arrested before, if it's because of hurting you, then it's worth it." Hailstorm spoke, Snowflake breathed a little heavily and began to run away,

"Come here!" Sleet yelled and they ran and jumped on Snowflake and began stomping on her while she crawled away and they ran to her, they tried to restrain and attack her but saw Applejack and Big Macintosh running to them, they got ready to fight but stopped when they saw Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash flying to them, their eyes' widened when they saw a pink trail moving to Sweet Apple Acres and Pinkie Pie was coming to them at high speeds and had an enraged expression,

"Oh, shoot!" Sleet exclaimed and he, Winter Fog, and Hailstorm turned around and ran away, they sprinted away and out of Ponyville while Pinkie Pie continued running at extremely high speeds and caught up with them easily, she jumped and knocked Sleet down and he grunted, Applejack and Big Macintosh arrived and tackled Winter Fog and Hailstorm down and Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash arrived and restrained them with Rainbow Dash using her hoofs and Twilight Sparkle using her magic,

"You three would actually come here to harm your daughter when we're trying to find a place for her to live, I'm not letting you three off the hook this time!" Twilight Sparkle said,

"Our useless and talentless daughter doesn't deserve love!" Sleet roared,

"I've heard enough last time, you and your wife are going to jail while your son is going to juvenile hall." Twilight Sparkle remarked,

"What? You can't send me there, they'll eat me alive!" Hailstorm begged,

"You should've thought about that earlier, and besides, you'll be given friendship tests and lessons first, you will only be given a hard time if you refuse to participate and cooperate." Twilight Sparkle replied, Hailstorm growled,

"Y'all could've just left Snowflake and got on with yer lives instead of comin' here and wantin' to beat her." Applejack spoke,

"This dumb foal that taints the world with her lack in our family's craft is something we cannot ignore." Winter Fog retorted,

"I think it's time you three get straightened out." Rainbow Dash stated,

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh spoke firmly, and they were restrained while Twilight Sparkle sent a report with her magic and the royal guards came and arrested them. Everybody went back to Sweet Apple Acres and Snowflake surrounded by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Granny Smith,

"How is she?" Applejack asked,

"She's fine, just a bit angry right now." Apple Bloom reported, Snowflake huffed hard while glaring and showing her teeth,

"There, there, Snowflake, it's all over now." Granny Smith said, she began to calm down,

"I'll stay up to date on how they act while in custody, if they don't improve or change their ways, I'll make sure you don't have to see them ever again." Twilight Sparkle stated, Snowflake nodded,

"I think it's best we let her rest and hope she'll be better tomorrow." Fluttershy suggested, everybody agreed and they left while Snowflake went into the Apple family's home.

Two days passed and nothing happened while Twilight Sparkle was kept up to date on Sleet, Winter Fog, and Hailstorm, Pinkie Pie and the others read the reports and saw the three were not improving on their behavior, they have gotten ruder and more violent and were refusing to cooperate with anybody,

"Ah guess they ain't gonna change after all." Applejack remarked,

"That's fine, they've got juvenile hall and jail waiting for them in that case." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"How goes the adoption process, darling?" Rarity asked,

"Nopony so far, I'm going to wait a bit longer to see if anypony comes." Twilight Sparkle answered,

"Please do, Twilight, mah family and I are extremely short on food and will be out soon." Applejack stated,

"You mean what we're donating still isn't enough?" Rainbow Dash questioned,

"It is, it's just we're goin' through them quickly due to our family now havin' five mouths to feed alongside the farm animals." Applejack responded,

"What will happen if we do run out of food?" Snowflake questioned,

"I'll take you in myself, I can give you all the food you want and could have even though the Apple family won't let me give them." Twilight Sparkle remarked,

"Us Apple family are happy with the time and hard work we put in growing our crops, makes the food tastier and more fulfilling to us." Applejack explained,

"I can understand that." Snowflake commented,

"Let's keep trying for now and hope somepony comes to adopt Snowflake soon." Twilight Sparkle stated, and everybody went to their homes. The next day came and Snowflake was still bothered and did not work much,

"Snowflake?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Give her time, Sweetie Belle, she's still not over what happened." Pinkie Pie explained, Snowflake was quiet and worked slowly while the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Pinkie Pie watched her worriedly, she did her chores while Apple Bloom and Granny Smith walked with her and waited for her while she moved slowly,

"Y'all should get on with yer days, Apple Bloom and I will handle her." Granny Smith stated, and Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Pinkie Pie left. Snowflake walked through Ponyville and looked around without saying anything, Pinkie Pie looked at her face and saw a serene expression, she looked at her surroundings while the other ponies watched her, she went to the other end of Ponyville and then began looking at the snow falling from the sky, she stood in front of the Everfree Forest and looked inside of it while Fluttershy watched her, Applejack and Big Macintosh arrived and tapped her back but she did not respond, she moved around and they guided her back to Sweet Apple Acres while she walked with them, everybody watched her and Snowflake went back to Sweet Apple Acres and did not work, Granny Smith let her rest and the day went on as normal.

Four days passed and Snowflake started to get better, she began communicating again but only for a short time, a unicorn stallion and mare arrived in Ponyville and went to Twilight Sparkle,

"Hello, you two here to adopt Snowflake?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Yes, I'm Refrigeration Unit, and this is my wife, Icebox, we deliver ice into old refrigerators of those who use them." the stallion explained, he had a blue coat, short white mane and tail, blue eyes, and his cutie mark was a white refrigerator, Icebox had a white coat, long blue mane and tail, pale blue eyes, and her cutie mark was a big ice cube,

"Where do you two live?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Between the Crystal Empire and Yakyakistan." Icebox replied,

"Snowflake." Twilight Sparkle called out, she trotted to her and the couple teleported them and they came back about twenty minutes later,

"I like it." Snowflake stated,

"Great, I'll go ahead and start the paperwork." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Can I at least help with Winter Wrap Up and stay until the end of the year?" Snowflake requested,

"Of course, the adoption process is going to take some time." Twilight Sparkle replied, and she got to know her future guardians. The days passed and New Year's came and Snowflake celebrated it with the town while Refrigeration Unit and Icebox came to join, they then did Winter Wrap Up together and she got ready to leave and all of Ponyville was there to see her off,

"Don't forget to write to us, Snowflake." Applejack said,

"Don't worry, I will, thank you all for everything." Snowflake replied, and she boarded and the train and it departed while everybody bid her farewell and she and her new guardians waved at them until they were out of sight.

Everybody stood in Sugarcube Corner while the other foals looked on in surprise,

"Wow, that's quite a story." Angelique remarked,

"Yeah, even though we all had problems of our own." Treasure Hunter stated,

"Who are these guys?" Snowflake asked, and Pinkie Pie introduced all of them,

"Wow, sounds like you had a lot of adventures, Pinkie Pie." Snowflake stated,

"I have." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Well, it's getting a bit late, Refrigeration Unit and Icebox will be here soon, I have to go see everypony now." Snowflake spoke, and she did and the other foals went home. Pinkie Pie watched Snowflake meet everybody in Ponyville again and everybody was happy to see her, they all saw the train arrive and Refrigeration Unit and Icebox come off, Snowflake trotted and got a train ticket from the nearby booth and boarded the train with her guardians, it departed while everybody said bye to them, Pinkie Pie went back to Sugarcube Corner and laid in her bed at the end of the day, she looked at the ceiling and smiled while thinking about Snowflake and slept.

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