• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 1,746 Views, 23 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Special Friends - smirker

Pinkie Pie looks back on several ponies she has helped in the past who had problems that normal ponies did not have.

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Cerebral Palsy

Pinkie Pie was at Sugarcube Corner with Carrot Cake and Cup Cake, they were watching Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake who were both playing with one another,

"Aw, aren't they sweet together?" Cup Cake asked, Carrot Cake and Pinkie Pie smiled, even though Pinkie Pie was uneasy, since she has met several foals in the past that could not move freely like Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Pinkie Pie and the Cakes hear crutches,

"Pinkie Pie?" a male voice asked, they realized it was Merrick, he walks into Sugarcube Corner and looks around,

"Over here, Merrick." Pinkie Pie said, he goes over to them slowly and she and the Cakes hug him,

"What brings you here, Merrick?" Carrot Cake asked,

"Just wanted to see my friends again." Merrick replied, he looks at Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, they smile at seeing him, he smiled back,

"What are you doing now, Merrick?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Staying at a nursery home, they've been taking good care of me." Merrick replied, Pinkie Pie smiled,

"Pinkie... Pie?" a female voice asked from outside, with noticeable strain in her voice, Pinkie Pie recognized it,

"I'm coming, Tulip." Pinkie Pie said as she ran outside, she comes back and they saw a filly with crutches on her front legs, and a wheelchair with a single wheel for her hind legs, Pinkie Pie carried her own, the filly had a light pink coat similar to Pinkie Pie's own color, long slightly light purple mane and tail, and reddish-pink eyes, she did not have a cutie mark, and she was a Pegasus, her wings were open and had rods on them as well that were connected to a black harness she wore,

"Who is this, Pinkie Pie?" Cup Cake asked,

"Tulip, another special friend of mine." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Hi." Tulip said with strain and pain in her voice, her right front leg suddenly twitches to the side and she almost falls, but Pinkie Pie holds her up,

"What's wrong with you?" Carrot Cake asked,

"I have cerebral palsy." Tulip replied, she struggled to speak and her voice was a bit raspy,

"Where are your parents?" Cup Cake asked,

"Away for work, they throw parties." Tulip replied while struggling to make the sentence,

"Who are you staying with?" Cup Cake asked,

"My aunt and uncle." Tulip replied,

"How have Aunt Bright Coat and Uncle Dark Mane been?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Great, they say hi to you." Tulip replied, Pinkie Pie smiled, Tulip looks around and her right front leg and right hind leg twitch to the sides,

"Are you okay, Tulip?" Cup Cake asked,

"Sorry, but the right side of my body is worse than my left." Tulip replied, and she moves forward slowly while Pinkie Pie held her so she did not fall, she went over to Merrick,

"Who is this?" Tulip asked,

"This is Merrick, another special friend of mine." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Hello." Merrick said, Tulip was shocked by Merrick's deformities, the right side of his face was two times bigger than his left, the right side of his nose was swollen, his face was stretched to the sides, his teeth were misaligned, both of his front hooves were proportionately bigger than his front legs, his hind legs were as small as a filly's hind legs, the center of his spine was inwards and made his back curved, his wings were bent and crooked, and thus, he could not fly, and his ears were on the back of his head, he had crutches on his front forelegs, and a wheelchair on his hind legs just like her,

"What happened to you?" Tulip asked,

"I was born this way." Merrick replied,

"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, you okay?" Tulip asked,

"Yes, I have no pain." Merrick replied, Tulip smiled,

"Where are your aunt and uncle at, anyway?" Carrot Cake asked,

"Home, I wanted to come here on my own to show Pinkie Pie how much I've improved." Tulip replied,

"Really? I wanna see." Pinkie Pie said, and Tulip begins walking across the room, but she still had trouble, but she made it, Pinkie Pie clapped,

"Yay! You did improve." Pinkie Pie said,

"Is she one of your older friends, Pinkie?" Cup Cake asked,

"Actually, no, she's kind of recent." Pinkie Pie replied, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake make excited baby noises,

"Oh, you two wanna know?" Pinkie Pie asked, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake nod, Pinkie Pie sat and Carrot Cake, Cup Cake, Merrick, and Tulip joined her, and Pinkie Pie begins to talk about when she first met Tulip.

Pinkie Pie was living in Ponyville and had a job at Sugarcube Corner, she had to head out of town to buy supplies, she was walking to the store but stopped when she saw Tulip in front of her, she was having trouble moving, Pinkie Pie also noticed the wheelchair on her hind legs. Tulip was struggling to walk and was paralyzed in the entire right half of her body due to her cerebral palsy, she was paralyzed in the back of her body as well, she was trying to head home. Tulip moves her front left leg slowly and was careful, every step she took hurt, she keeps walking and has a spasm in her front right leg, she was about to fall, but front hoofs grab her chest and her back, she looks to her right and sees Pinkie Pie,

"Where do you live?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I'll lead the way." Tulip replied, and she heads home while Pinkie Pie held her to support her. Pinkie Pie arrives at Tulip's home, she saw Tulip lived in a wooden house, and was on a farm, but there were no animals,

"Aunt Bright Coat and Uncle Dark Mane, I'm home." Tulip said while just barely able to raise her voice, Pinkie Pie heard strain in her throat, Pinkie Pie hears running and saw Bright Coat and Dark Mane, Bright Coat had a white coat, long bright gold mane and tail, and blue eyes, her cutie mark was a white knight's helmet, Dark Mane had a black coat, long dark purple mane and tail, and red eyes, his cutie mark was a black knight's helmet. Bright Coat and Dark Mane run to Tulip and Pinkie Pie,

"Who is this?" Dark Mane asked,

"I don't know, but she helped me come home today." Tulip replied,

"I'm Pinkie Pie, I was heading to the store to buy baking ingredients, and I saw this pony on the road." Pinkie Pie said,

"Thank you for bringing her home, this is Tulip, our niece." Bright Coat said,

"Huh? Where's her mommy and daddy?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They're at work, they have to leave a lot." Tulip replied,

"What do they do?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They're party hosts, they're always leaving and throwing parties." Tulip replied,

"Ooh, I'm a party thrower, too." Pinkie Pie said,

"Still, it's not fair, I can never attend their parties." Tulip said, Pinkie Pie gasps,

"They leave foals out of their parties?!" Pinkie Pie asked with shock and anger,

"My sister and her husband throw adult parties, they're not appropriate for kids." Bright Coat replied, Pinkie Pie's anger died down,

"Well, I'll be going in, I have homework." Tulip said,

"Okay, I'll make you some cookies later." Bright Coat replied, and she walks slowly into the house and had trouble, her front left hoof twitches and she begins to fall, Pinkie Pie, Bright Coat, and Dark Mane hold her up, they carry her into the home and lay her down,

"I really have to get going, I have supplies to buy, I'll be back another time." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay, thank you for helping me come home." Tulip replied, and Pinkie Pie left to go buy supplies for Sugarcube Corner and headed home for the rest of the day. Tulip wakes up the next morning and has trouble getting out of bed, she struggles until somepony grabs her and helps her up, she looks to her left and saw Pinkie Pie,

"Good morning." Pinkie Pie said,

"How did you get in here?" Tulip asked,

"Your window was unlocked." Pinkie Pie replied, Tulip looks and sees the window to her right was actually locked,

"Where's your aunt and uncle?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"They already left for work, they always leave before I wake up." Tulip replied,

"What do they do?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Aunt Bright Coat and Uncle Dark Mane are merchants, they sell crops." Tulip replied, Pinkie Pie then remembered all of the food growing around the home,

"Well, come on, I have to have breakfast and go to school." Tulip said with sadness in the last part of her sentence, Pinkie Pie noticed it and helped her out of bed and get her crutches, she saw Tulip slept with the wheelchair on her hind legs, the two move together and Tulip gave directions. Tulip sat at a table and had oatmeal for breakfast, she was having a lot of trouble grabbing the spoon, so Pinkie Pie held it in her front left hoof and fed Tulip, she chewed slowly since eating and chewing was painful for her, which Pinkie Pie noticed, and felt bad about it, Tulip continued to have trouble chewing and was in pain, Pinkie Pie could not bear watching any longer and dashed away and came back with icing,

"Here, go ahead and lick these." Pinkie Pie said, Tulip got excited and began licking the icing, which she loved,

"Thank you." Tulip said,

"You're welcome." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Come on, I have to go to school." Tulip said, and she walked to school with Pinkie Pie holding her to support her. Pinkie Pie walked Tulip to school and saw it was actually a little far, the walk was about five minutes, but Tulip's cerebral palsy made it seem much longer, she walks to school with her head down, Pinkie Pie wondered why she was so sad, and decided to watch to find out why.

Pinkie Pie sneaks around the school grounds and sees Tulip entering class, she was having trouble walking to her desk,

"Hurry up." Tulip's teacher said, Tulip was going her fastest to her desk, and she had trouble,

"Tulip the slowpoke." a colt said, the other foals laugh a little while Tulip made it to her desk. Tulip sits and the teacher begins a lecture, Tulip has trouble writing and was falling behind in class, she had to lean down and write with her mouth, which really hurt her, she strained herself as she wrote on her classwork and was in pain, she moves back and pants while sweating,

"Get back to work, Tulip, you're the laziest pony I've ever seen." Tulip's teacher said,

"But..." Tulip said,

"No buts, Tulip, get working, or I'll give you extra work." Tulip's teacher said, Tulip becomes sad and tries to write while her classmates laugh at her. Tulip writes and struggles, she began to grunt and then her neck muscles twitch and she puts a black mark on her paper,

"Again, Tulip? You're such a klutz." Tulip's teacher said, Tulip tries hard to do her work but she could not bend down to write down her answers on the paper, so she uses her front left hoof to move the paper, she writes and finishes, she sighs and sits back,

"You actually finished earlier than usual, Tulip, that's a record." Tulip's teacher said, Tulip felt angry while the students laugh, a few minutes pass and it was time for recess. Tulip was the last one in line and the last one outside, she tries to go play with the other students but they shoo her away, which made her sad, Pinkie Pie felt bad at seeing Tulip sit and look at her class longingly since they would not play with her or spend time with her, she just sat while the others played and she had nothing to do, some of the ponies throw the balls at Tulip and hit her in the face with them, they laughed at her as well, recess ends and they go back into class, they work more and Tulip had trouble since she could just barely read and fell behind again,

"Lunchtime, everypony, and take your work with you, Tulip." Tulip's teacher said, and they all leave. Tulip was in the cafeteria and had trouble carrying her lunch, she could not reach down far enough to eat, and the other ponies take her food before she can eat, she tries to go after them but falls over while the ponies laugh at her and Tulip cried, which made Pinkie Pie feel bad, Tulip did not work during lunch since her body hurt, they go back to class and Tulip still had trouble until the bell rung,

"See you all tomorrow, and Tulip, make sure that assignment is done when you come in tomorrow morning." Tulip's teacher said, and she walks out while upset. Tulip tries to walk home and she sees her classmates run to their parents and were happy, Tulip looks down with sorrow and begins to walk home,

"That's the disabled classmate right there, daddy." a filly said, and he looks at Tulip,

"Don't be friends with ponies like her, they are imperfect and inferior, ponies like her deserve to be bullied." the filly's father said,

"Stay away from foals like that, foals like her only slow you down in life, and they grow up to be weaklings and idiots." a colt's mother said, Tulip had tears come out of her eyes as she walked home, a foal's father pushes her down and she screams as she falls into mud, her classmates and their parents laugh as they head home. Tulip cries in the mud and nopony came to check on her, Pinkie Pie was very sad at seeing what school was like for Tulip, and trotted to her, Pinkie Pie picks up Tulip and hugs her while she cried,

"There, there, Tulip, come on, let's get you home and cleaned up, I got sweets for you." Pinkie Pie said, Tulip stopped crying and headed home while Pinkie Pie held her to support her. Pinkie Pie takes Tulip home and Bright Coat and Dark Mane were not home, so Pinkie Pie decided to help Tulip, she feeds her icing since she did not have to chew it, Tulip liked the taste, and Pinkie Pie helped her with her homework, Tulip gave out the answers while Pinkie Pie wrote down the answers and they finished early,

"Oh, thank you, Pinkie Pie." Tulip said as she cried tears of joy and hugged her with her front left hoof, Pinkie Pie hugged her back and smiled, the two let go,

"I have to go home now, Tulip, I have a shop to run." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay, see you next time." Tulip replied, and Pinkie Pie trotted to Sugarcube Corner for the rest of the day.

The next day comes and Pinkie Pie trotted to Tulip's home, she saw Bright Coat and Dark Mane outside,

"Oh, you again." Bright Coat said,

"Is Tulip home?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, she'll be waking up soon." Dark Mane replied,

"We heard about yesterday, thank you for looking after our niece while we were gone." Bright Coat said,

"You're welcome." Pinkie Pie said,

"Well, we have to go to work, see you later." Dark Mane replied,

"Wait, do you all know how Tulip is treated at school?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, we have tried to get her to attend school elsewhere, but the closest one besides that one is miles away." Bright Coat replied, Pinkie Pie felt bad for Tulip,

"Well, sorry, but we have to get going, see you later." Dark Mane said, and the two fly away, Pinkie Pie enters their home to go see Tulip. Pinkie Pie enters the home and heard Tulip trying to get her crutches on, she soon hears them and saw Tulip walking forward and was having trouble, she has a muscle spasm in her front left hoof and she begins to fall down the stairs,

"Whoa!" Tulip said while Pinkie Pie gasped and ran to her, Pinkie Pie grabs her before she falls, she helps Tulip walk down and she sits. Tulip sat while Pinkie Pie made breakfast for Tulip, she gave her cookie dough while she waited, Pinkie Pie tries to make something for Tulip, but could only come up with mashed fruits, she made mashed bananas, mashed strawberries, mashed blueberries, and mashed grapes, she puts them on the table,

"Sorry, but this is the best I can come up with." Pinkie Pie said,

"It's okay, it looks good." Tulip replied, and Pinkie Pie helps Tulip eat since she was still having trouble, she also drank water, Pinkie Pie held the plastic cup for her,

"Okay, let's head to school." Pinkie Pie said, Tulip looked down in sorrow, Pinkie Pie helps her walk while the two head there. Pinkie Pie takes Tulip to school and saw she had her head down, she heads to class and falls over when she was on school grounds, she gets back up and walks to class while sad, Pinkie Pie saw Tulip in class and turn in her work from yesterday,

"You actually finished, I'm surprised you didn't die from a heart attack." Tulip's teacher said, Tulip's feelings were hurt while her classmates snickered, Tulip sat and continued to struggle, Pinkie Pie watched and saw the day was basically the same as yesterday, Tulip still could not play at recess, her lunch was stolen, she fell behind in work, her classmates bullied her, and her teacher does nothing to help, Tulip walks out of the school and her classmates and their parents throw items at her while laughing at her, Tulip gets away as fast as she could while crying, Pinkie Pie dashed to her and carried her home while the students and their parents continue to throw things at her and laugh at her.

Pinkie Pie tends to the crying Tulip and puts an ice pack on where she was hurt,

"Shhh, it's okay, Tulip, you're home." Pinkie Pie said, Bright Coat and Dark Mane walk over and give Tulip melted ice cream, they feed her while Tulip had a little trouble eating it,

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie, but you should head on home, Tulip has to practice walking again." Bright Coat said,

"No, I wanna watch." Pinkie Pie replied,

"You sure?" Dark Mane asked,

"Yes." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Alright then, let's head outside." Bright Coat said, and they do. Bright Coat and Dark Mane have Tulip walk around the yard slowly while Pinkie Pie watched,

"Come on, Tulip, you can do it." Dark Mane said,

"Go, Tulip!" Bright Coat said to cheer her on, Tulip walks to them slowly and was having trouble, Pinkie Pie smiled at seeing her, and Tulip made it, the two hug her and Tulip smiled,

"You know the next route." Dark Mane said, and Tulip walks across the yard, she went slowly,

"Go, Tulip, go! Go, Tulip, go! Go, Tulip, go!" Pinkie Pie cheered on as Tulip walked, Bright Coat chuckled and Tulip made it to her goal after a long, slow walk, and muscle spasms that made her fall a few times, Pinkie Pie took note of it and became worried, Tulip made it to where she was going and her aunt and uncle cheered, Tulip continues walking around and Pinkie Pie watched, she finished after several hours and Bright Coat and Dark Mane cheered,

"Come on, Tulip, let's have dinner and do your homework." Bright Coat said,

"Oh, I have to go home, I got a shop to run." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Good day, Pinkie Pie." Dark Mane said, and Pinkie Pie dashed home to run Sugarcube Corner, she decided that she will need extra help to help Tulip with her problem, she runs Sugarcube Corner after getting reprimanded by Mr. and Mrs. Cake for being late, and she slept shortly after she finished.

Tulip wakes up the next morning and did not see Pinkie Pie in the room,

"Pinkie Pie?" Tulip asked, she got her crutches and walks down to the kitchen while struggling, she was about to sit to have breakfast, but knocking was heard at the door,

"I'm coming." Tulip said as she walked to it, she opens it by grabbing the knob with her teeth and sees Pinkie Pie,

"Sorry, I'm late, I brought a friend of mine over to help you." Pinkie Pie said, and she steps to her left and Tulip sees Fluttershy,

"Is this the pony, Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked, Pinkie Pie nods,

"Oh my, what happened to you?" Fluttershy asked,

"I was born with cerebral palsy." Tulip replied, Fluttershy was sympathetic,

"This is Fluttershy, Tulip, she's going to help me and you today." Pinkie Pie said,

"Really?" Tulip asked,

"Yes, Pinkie Pie called me to help you with your walks." Fluttershy replied,

"Oh, thank you." Tulip said,

"You're welcome, now come on, let's make you some breakfast." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two enter. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy make mashed fruits for Tulip to eat and she did, there were hard chunks in them this time, and Tulip grunted with pain when she had to chew,

"Oh, dear." Fluttershy said as she watched, Pinkie Pie watched with worry as well, but Tulip managed to finish breakfast,

"Okay, we've got plenty of time before school, let's get started." Pinkie Pie said, and the three go outside.

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Tulip were outside and Tulip begins walking around in the yard,

"No, Tulip, use your other hoofs, too." Pinkie Pie said,

"But I can't move my hind hooves at all." Tulip replied,

"That's okay, use your front right hoof, too." Pinkie Pie said, and Tulip tried. Tulip lifts up her front right leg slowly and groans with pain, she has a muscle spasm in her leg, which made a cracking sound and Tulip screamed as she began to fall. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy go to her and Pinkie Pie held her up while in front of her and Fluttershy held her up while flying above her, Tulip continued to scream in pain while having tears flow from her eyes,

"Oh, this is bad." Fluttershy said, Pinkie Pie reaches into her mane and pulls out an ice pack and presses it against Tulip's front right leg, she begins to stop crying and was panting,

"You okay?" Pinkie Pie asked, Tulip shook her head, Pinkie Pie looks at the sun and becomes distressed at seeing the fact that Tulip now had to go to school,

"Let's keep you home today." Pinkie Pie said,

"I wish I could stay home, but I have to go to school so I don't miss a day, my teacher will fail me for the entire year if I even miss one day." Tulip replied with tears in her eyes, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy become shocked, and she begins to walk to school while crying,

"Are the students mean to her?" Fluttershy asked, Pinkie Pie nods, the two decide to follow her.

Tulip walks to school while in tears and there were three unicorns standing in front of the school, the colt had an azure coat, short white mane and tail, and blue eyes, he did not have a cutie mark, the stallion had a dark royal blue coat, long dirty white mane and tail with pale blue streaks in them, and dark green eyes, his cutie mark was a black tome, and the mare had a light cerulean coat, long white mane and tail, and purple eyes, her cutie mark was a white lab coat,

"Is this my new school?" the colt asked,

"That's right, you'll be going here from now on." the mare replied,

"Is that a student over there?" the stallion asked, they look and see Tulip coming,

"Excuse me, are you a student here?" the colt asked, Tulip nodded,

"What's wrong with you?" the mare asked,

"I have cerebral palsy." Tulip replied, the three become sympathetic,

"I'm Rainstorm, that's White Mage, my mom, and that's Thunderstorm, my dad. What's your name?" the colt asked,

"Tulip." Tulip replied,

"Well, hello, Tulip, we have to go now, though, have a good day at school." White Mage said, and she and Thunderstorm head home while Rainstorm headed to school and Tulip looked on sadly, she walks to the school and starts the day. Tulip goes into class and saw Rainstorm was in her class,

"Alright class, we have a new student today, his name is Rainstorm, go on and introduce yourself." Tulip's teacher said, and Rainstorm did, he sat and the day goes on. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy see Tulip having trouble working and could not keep up, a student walks by Tulip's desk and takes her pencil away,

"HEY!!" Tulip yelled,

"No talking during class, Tulip." Tulip's teacher said,

"But he took my pencil." Tulip replied,

"Well, boo-hoo, you'll just have to do your classwork as homework, then." Tulip's teacher said, Tulip looks down with sadness while her classmates laugh at her, Rainstorm becomes shocked at seeing how his classmates treated Tulip, he goes over and gives her one of his pencils,

"No sharing, Rainstorm." Tulip's teacher said,

"What?" Rainstorm asked,

"You can share your supplies with the other students, but you are forbidden to share things with her." Tulip's teacher replied,

"Why?" Rainstorm asked,

"Because she is an imperfect pony who can't even do the simplest things, she deserves the hardships." Tulip's teacher replied, Rainstorm looks at her with disbelief while the students laugh, Rainstorm throws a pencil into Tulip's lap and she manages to pick it up after having trouble bending down. Tulip writes with the pencil in her mouth and manages to finish her morning work, the teacher takes the paper and rips it apart, she gives Tulip a new one and the pencil back to Rainstorm,

"No lunch and recess for you today, Tulip." Tulip's teacher said, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy watch with shock while Tulip cried and the students except for Rainstorm laugh at her, the day goes on and Tulip is constantly picked on by the other students, the day ends and Tulip had to do all of her work from school at home today. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy see Thunderstorm and White Mage come back to pick up Rainstorm, they begin to leave and they see a crying Tulip coming, Thunderstorm and White Mage become uncomfortable at seeing Tulip, they see Rainstorm trot to them and Tulip was in front of them,

"Is she one of your classmates?" Thunderstorm asked,

"Yeah, the students and teacher are picking on her." Rainstorm replied,

"What? They're not offering her any support?" White Mage asked,

"No, I tried to give her my pencil and the teacher said not to." Rainstorm replied, Thunderstorm and White Mage look at Tulip. Tulip walks home slowly and the parents of her classmates begin throwing rocks at her, Tulip screams while Thunderstorm and White Mage use telekinesis on her to bring her to them, they both had sky blue auras, Thunderstorm holds the rocks back while White Mage covered Tulip with her body and made a shield appear around her and herself, Thunderstorm throws the rocks back at the parents of Tulip's and Rainstorm's classmates, they scream and run away. Pinkie Pie runs to Tulip while Fluttershy flies to her, the two take her,

"Are you two her guardians?" White Mage asked,

"No, I'm just a visitor, this is my friend." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Oh." White Mage said,

"Come on, Tulip, let's get you home." Fluttershy said, and they take Tulip home and hold her up to support her. Fluttershy comforted the crying Tulip while Pinkie Pie got ice packs ready and made her lunch,

"You poor, poor filly, they do nothing to help you, well, it's okay now, try to relax, Tulip, Pinkie Pie and I are here." Fluttershy said, Pinkie Pie finishes making the meal and gives it to Tulip, she eats and drinks a lot since she did not have lunch. Knocking was heard at the door and Pinkie Pie opened it, she saw Rainstorm and White Mage,

"Is Tulip here?" Rainstorm asked, Tulip walks to the door slowly and arrives,

"Good, you're here, let me see." White Mage said as she examined Tulip,

"What is she doing?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"My mom's a doctor." Rainstorm replied,

"Oh." Pinkie Pie said, and White Mage finishes examining Tulip,

"Where are her guardians?" White Mage asked,

"They're usually home by now." Tulip replied,

"What do you two do?" White Mage asked,

"I throw parties all over Equestria, I run a store in Ponyville now." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I take care of animals in Ponyville." Fluttershy said,

"Ooh, I love animals, we see them here a lot in the summer and spring." Tulip replied,

"That's wonderful, maybe you'll like my cottage, then." Fluttershy said,

"Well, I brought medicine for Tulip, it should numb the pain of her cerebral palsy." White Mage replied, and she hands them over,

"Don't you have any healing magic?" Tulip asked,

"Sorry, but I don't have a spell to heal what you have." White Mage replied, Tulip groans with disappointment and looks down,

"I'll come by to check on her every now and then, I have to help my son with his homework." White Mage said,

"Okay, bye." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Goodbye." Fluttershy said, and Rainstorm and White Mage head home, Pinkie Pie saw the medicines were painkillers and baclofen, she has Tulip take them, she continues to eat and stopped after thirty minutes,

"Hey, the pain is gone." Tulip said,

"Really?!" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes." Tulip replied,

"The medicine's working!" Pinkie Pie said happily,

"Come on, Tulip, let's try walking again." Fluttershy said, and the three head outside. Tulip walks around while Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy stood in front of her and watched,

"Remember, Tulip, use your front right hoof, too." Pinkie Pie said,

"Come on, Tulip, you can do it." Fluttershy said, and Tulip walks. Tulip walks slowly and still had trouble moving her front right leg, but there was no pain this time, she walks with her front right leg as well while moving her front left leg, she had muscle spasms while walking but did not fall, she walks slowly and arrived at Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy,

"Yes, you did it!" Pinkie Pie said happily while Fluttershy just smiled,

"Come on, Tulip, let's practice a little more." Pinkie Pie said, and they do. Tulip continues to walk around the yard while Pinkie Pie stood to her left and Fluttershy flew above her, the two hold her up whenever she was about to fall, Tulip moves her front right leg and it was still hard for her, they hear flying and see Bright Coat and Dark Mane coming home,

"Who is this?" Bright Coat asked,

"Fluttershy, a friend of mine." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Um... hello." Fluttershy said in a barely audible voice,

"How was school today?" Dark Mane asked,

"A little better than usual." Tulip replied,

"How so?" Bright Coat asked,

"I have a new student in my class, his name is Rainstorm, he's actually really nice and friendly, his mom's a doctor, she gave me medicine to help me with my cerebral palsy." Tulip replied,

"Wait, what kind of medicine?" Bright Coat asked,

"I'll show you, it's in the house." Tulip replied,

"Well, I'll be heading home now, I have to run the shop now." Pinkie Pie said,

"Me too, the animals at my cottage are waiting for me." Fluttershy said,

"Okay, good day to you two." Dark Mane replied, and the two head home while Tulip went into her house.

Pinkie Pie was in Ponyville the next day and running Sugarcube Corner, she watches for customers and sees Tulip, Bright Coat, and Dark Mane come in, which surprised her,

"What are you three doing here?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I heard you sell candy, and my birthday is near." Tulip replied, Pinkie Pie gasps,

"Really?!" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Mommy and daddy are coming to visit me, too." Tulip replied, Pinkie Pie becomes happy,

"When is your birthday?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Tomorrow." Tulip replied,

"I'll be there." Pinkie Pie said, Tulip smiled,

"I must say, this is a nice place to work." Bright Coat said,

"Thank you." Pinkie Pie replied,

"What would you like, Tulip?" Dark Mane asked,

"Um..." Tulip said as she looked around, Pinkie Pie hands her a lollipop,

"Here you go, you don't even have to chew these, just let it melt on your tongue." Pinkie Pie said, Tulip smiled and Dark Mane took it while Bright Coat paid for it,

"Thank you." Tulip said,

"You're welcome, please come again." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Come on, let's go see Fluttershy now." Bright Coat said, and they leave, Pinkie Pie stayed at Sugarcube Corner for the day.

Pinkie Pie went to Tulip's home the next day and threw a party, Bright Coat and Dark Mane were there, Pinkie Pie threw the party while Tulip had a lot of fun, knocking is heard at the door and Bright Coat flew there, she opens it and sees two Pegasi, the male Pegasus had a pale red coat, short dark pink mane and tail, and blue eyes, his cutie mark was a cake covered in white icing, the female Pegasus had a dark pink coat, long light orange mane and tail, and pink eyes, her cutie mark was a bowl of ice cream. The two enter and Tulip become excited,

"Mommy! Daddy!" Tulip said, the two walk inside,

"Hope we're not late, happy birthday, Tulip." Tulip's mother said,

"Not at all, Pinkie Pie here kept her entertained." Dark Mane replied,

"Wait, Pinkie Pie?" Tulip's father asked,

"Yes?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"It's honor to meet you, I'm Cake Cream, and this is my wife, Aroma, we've heard about your many parties throughout Equestria." Tulip's father said,

"Thank you, but where have you two been?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Work, we have almost no time to spend with Tulip, we were actually supposed to throw another party and work today." Aroma replied, much to Tulip's sorrow,

"Well, we got you a party set up, Tulip, and presents." Cake Cream said,

"Yay!" Tulip replied, and the throw their own party for Tulip and brought her cake and ice cream, Tulip's presents were mostly more candy, which she liked, Pinkie Pie celebrates Tulip's birthday and heads back home at the end of the day while Cake Cream and Aroma left to throw their next party.

The next day comes and Pinkie Pie went to go see Tulip, she arrived at her home and saw White Mage was there and checking on Tulip, she had Tulip walk a little and examined her a bit,

"Are the painkillers working?" White Mage asked,

"Yes, I can speak and chew with no problem." Tulip replied,

"Good, the other medicine should come in effect in about five days." White Mage said, Tulip smiled,

"Go ahead and stretch a bit, Tulip." White Mage said, and she did,

"Okay, good." White Mage said as she watched Tulip, she uses telekinesis to take the wheelchair off of her hind legs,

"Try to move your hind legs." White Mage said, Tulip could not, Pinkie Pie trotted over and tried moving Tulip's hind legs around,

"I don't feel a thing." Tulip said, Pinkie Pie looks at Tulip with surprise,

"I see, put the wheelchair back on her, Pinkie Pie." White Mage said, and Pinkie Pie did,

"That's all I can do this morning, I have to head to work." White Mage said,

"Bye, White Mage." Tulip said as White Mage left. Pinkie Pie was about to help Tulip get to school until she saw Fluttershy flying around and feeding the animals around the area, she finishes and flies to Tulip,

"I have free time right now, Tulip, I was wondering if you can fly." Fluttershy said,

"Well, I haven't been able to fly all of my life." Tulip replied,

"Try it." Fluttershy said, and Tulip tried to fly, the rods bent along with her wings, she got off the ground for a few seconds before falling back down,

"What was flying like before you started taking your medicine?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Just simply moving my wings would hurt." Tulip replied, surprising Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy,

"Has school been any better for you?" Fluttershy asked,

"Little bit, Rainstorm's staying with me at all times now." Tulip replied,

"Well, come on, let's have you walk a bit more." Pinkie Pie said, and Tulip did, she was walking with her front right leg and improving, which made Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy smile,

"I have to go to school now." Tulip said, and she begins to walk there, they see Rainstorm come and the two go together. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy went back home and returned later that afternoon, they see Tulip was home and walking on her own, they saw Tulip was covered in fruits, she arrives home and Fluttershy cleans her,

"How was school?" Bright Coat asked,

"It's getting better, I can walk with my other front leg now, and I'm not having spasms recently." Tulip replied,

"How are the students and teacher treating you?" Dark Mane asked,

"Still the same." Tulip replied, Pinkie Pie felt bad and gave her a lollipop to make her feel better, Tulip licked it,

"Would you like to have a pet, Tulip?" Fluttershy asked,

"Nope, we don't have the time to take care of them, Tulip has to train herself." Dark Mane replied,

"We could at least get Tulip a dog." Bright Coat said,

"Tulip's not blind, Bright Coat, she doesn't need one." Dark Mane replied,

"But it could make her happier." Bright Coat said,

"Did mommy and daddy let you have pets, Tulip?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No." Tulip replied,

"Do you want a pet, though?" Fluttershy asked,

"Well, I always did want a kitten." Tulip replied,

"No way, Tulip, cats destroy the home." Bright Coat said, Tulip groans with disappointment while looking down, Pinkie Pie gave her another lollipop, which made her happy again and she licked it with her tongue,

"We'll be leaving now, Tulip, Pinkie Pie and I got work to do back at home." Fluttershy said, and the two leave while Tulip said bye to them.

The next day comes and Tulip was practicing walking again with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy helping her, Tulip was improving and walking faster, she had less muscle spasms as well, but she was still walking the same distance, the two tried to have her walk a little farther than usual, but she fell from exhaustion when walking the usual amount, the two pick her up and help her walk a little more than usual, it was hard for Tulip,

"Thanks, you two, but I have to go to school now." Tulip said,

"Huh? But it's a weekend." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Schools are only out on Sundays around here." Tulip said, and she heads to school, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy become worried and follow her to school. Tulip arrives at school and was doing better in class, she finishes on time and the students glare at her. Recess was earlier today and Tulip tried to play with Rainstorm, she could not catch the ball or keep up, the classmates throw dodge balls at Tulip and hit her in the head with each ball, Tulip screams while the other students laugh at her, Rainstorm uses his telekinesis to hold the dodge balls back and he carries Tulip away, who was whimpering in fear. Fluttershy glares at seeing the ponies bully Tulip, she communicates with the animals around the area and they go into the playground, the animals latch themselves onto Tulip's classmates and they exclaim and scream with fear while the animals jumped onto them, and recess had to end early.

The day ends two hours early and Tulip begins to head home, her classmates' parents throw empty cans at her, which made her uneasy as she headed home, one of her classmates' father goes to her and hits her in her front right leg with a baseball bat, Tulip screamed loudly in pain while Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy become horrified and run to her. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy look at Tulip, who was crying and on the ground, the two look and see her classmates and their parents were smiling,

"Why?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"She can't do the things the rest of us can, that is why she deserves to be picked on." one father replied,

"But she was getting better!" Pinkie Pie said,

"She doesn't deserve it, she should stay that way." one mother replied,

"Her front right leg was improving!" Pinkie Pie said angrily,

"Then the leg shall be broken." the father who hit her replied while smiling, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had very shocked faces,

"Tulip!" Bright Coat said as she and Dark Mane flew and came to her, they see Tulip's injured leg,

"No, what have you all done?!" Bright Coat asked,

"Stop your complaining, Bright Coat, ponies like her should be killed, not raised." Tulip's teacher said, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy gasp at what she said,

"What? Don't agree with me? Then you two should be broken with her." Tulip's teacher said with a smile on her face, Tulip's classmates and their parents smile as well, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were still looking on with shock at how the ponies treated Tulip. The ponies run towards them and were ready to attack them, Bright Coat and Dark Mane try their best to hold off the ponies, Rainstorm, Thunderstorm, and White Mage cast magic to hold them back while the animals ran to them to protect Fluttershy, White Mage casts a sleeping spell and makes the ponies sleep while she and the others take Tulip home.

Tulip laid on the floor and cried while White Mage put a cast on her front right leg,

"How is it?" Fluttershy asked,

"Broken, it's going to take a while for it to fully heal." White Mage replied, Tulip was in tears while the others did the best to comfort her,

"Can you still walk, Tulip?" Bright Coat asked, Tulip tries and saw she could not,

"She's going to have to rest, you all will have to carry her." White Mage said,

"What about her classmates and the adults?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I'm calling the royal guards on them, I have never seen such cruel ponies in my life." Thunderstorm replied,

"Who would do stuff like this, father?" Rainstorm asked,

"Ponies who have no hearts." Thunderstorm replied,

"We'll be staying here tonight, I'll keep an eye on Tulip." White Mage said,

"Thank you, you two should head home." Dark Mane replied, and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy head home.

The next day comes and Pinkie Pie arrived early, she helps Tulip move around and knocking was soon heard at the door, Pinkie Pie opens it and saw Fluttershy with a potion,

"Is Tulip still here?" Fluttershy asked, she sees her and walks to her,

"Here, drink this, it's supposed to make you heal faster." Fluttershy said, and Tulip did, the two carry her around and take her outside to see if she could walk, she could not move her front right leg, which made her cry, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy carry her and heard a commotion, they go over and see the royal guards arrest the parents of her classmates, and the foals were complaining,

"We saw the filly who was injured, why do you all behave that way?" a male royal guard asked,

"Our parents told us to." a colt replied, the other foals nod,

"Do you all feel good about the pain you cause to that disabled filly?" a second male royal guard asked,

"Yes." the foals replied, the royal guards glare at them, they see Tulip's teacher was being arrested as well,

"TULIP!!" Tulip's teacher yelled as she ran to her and was about to strangle her, but the royal guards hold her back while Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy stood in front of Tulip and were ready to defend her,

"This is injustice! You all would fire me over a disabled and imperfect foal! This is injustice, I tell you, injustice!" Tulip's teacher said angrily, the royal guards restrain her. Thunderstorm walks by and gives crutches and wheelchairs to Tulip's classmates, he casts a spell to make them paralyzed in their hind hooves, and their muscles less responsive, the foals exclaim,

"I don't have an exact spell, but it is close enough to what Tulip has, you all will spend the day just like her to see how hard she has it." Thunderstorm said,

"But what about our parents?" a filly asked,

"My parents are never home." Tulip replied, surprising the foals,

"You all will be like her today, and see how hard this foal you all pick on really has it, I'll revert you back to normal at the end of the day, now go." Thunderstorm said, and the foals do, they did not know how to use crutches and fell over, but they got back up and went home. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy take Tulip home and help her walk more, she could not move her injured leg,

"What was in that potion, Fluttershy?" Tulip asked,

"A bunch of leaves and plants from the forest behind my home." Fluttershy replied, and Tulip continues, she feels her leg healing already, but she still could not move it, she continues walking and called it a day after she fell. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy carry her inside and Pinkie Pie gave her regular fruits since the painkillers got rid of the pain she felt when she chewed, Tulip was happy to eat regularly, they finish and Tulip stayed home for the rest of the day, Pinkie Pie played a board game with Tulip until Bright Coat and Dark Mane came back home, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy left when they came home.

Pinkie Pie goes back the next day and saw Tulip was home and walking, her front right leg was moving again, she trots to her and Tulip smiled,

"How's your leg?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Still injured, but I can walk with it again." Tulip replied,

"Why are you so happy?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"My classmates moved away, they had to leave to live with their aunts and uncles while their parents serve time in jail." Tulip replied,

"Did Thunderstorm heal them?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yes, but unfortunately, it didn't work, they continued to harass me after he fixed them, they said it's because they found bullying me to be fun." Tulip replied, Pinkie Pie frowned more,

"So... what are you doing for an education now?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"It's okay, I'm going to be home schooled now, Rainstorm's parents are going to help." Tulip replied, Pinkie Pie becomes surprised,

"Really?!" Pinkie Pie asked with a smile, Tulip nodded with a smile,

"Hold on, I'll go get the snacks." Pinkie Pie said, and she dashed home. Pinkie Pie arrived back and was in the house with Tulip, Rainstorm, Thunderstorm, and White Mage, Pinkie Pie handed out sweets while Thunderstorm and White Mage tutored them, Bright Coat and Dark Mane arrive home and go over to help, they all have fun and Pinkie Pie left after a while to run Sugarcube Corner.

A few weeks pass and Tulip was no longer having muscle spasms from the medicine, her front right leg fully healed, and she was walking again, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy help her, they had Tulip try to fly a few times, but she always fell,

"Maybe we should try flying later." Fluttershy said, and the two continue to help Tulip move around, she begins to improve and Tulip no longer needed painkillers to move her front right leg, she keeps walking and was faster and better than before, but she continued to have a few muscle spasms, she walks short distances and improved,

"Very good, Tulip, I think your mommy and daddy would be proud." Fluttershy said,

"That reminds me, we're writing to one another now." Tulip replied,

"Really? That's wonderful." Fluttershy said, Tulip smiled. Bright Coat and Dark Mane arrive home and fly to them,

"Thank you both, Tulip has greatly improved with her motor skills, I don't think she'll need help from you two anymore." Bright Coat said,

"But I like having them here." Tulip replied,

"I'm sorry, Tulip, but I got a store to run, and my bosses are going to fire me if I keep leaving in the afternoon like this." Pinkie Pie said,

"I have animals to take care of, they're missing their feeding times." Fluttershy said, Tulip looked down,

"It's alright, you two, we'll take it from here." White Mage replied as she, Thunderstorm, and Rainstorm walked to them,

"You two should head home and do your jobs, thanks for everything." Dark Mane said, and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy say bye, the six ponies say bye back to them and wave at them while the two walk back home.

Pinkie Pie was in Sugarcube Corner with Carrot Cake, Cup Cake, Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake, Merrick, and Tulip,

"So that's why Pinkie Pie kept leaving early, I always wondered about that." Carrot Cake said,

"Yeah, sorry about that." Tulip replied while straining her voice,

"Did you take your medication today?" Cup Cake asked,

"Yes, but the effects wore off when I was on the train." Tulip replied,

"How are things at home?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Still the same, Rainstorm and I are hanging out now." Tulip replied, Pinkie Pie smiled,

"You're actually a better flyer than me." Merrick said,

"I still can't fly for long, though." Tulip replied,

"Has your flying improved?" Pinkie Pie asked, Tulip shook her head,

"I have to leave for the train soon, I'd like to Fluttershy before I have to go." Tulip said,

"Sure, let's go." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two head outside. Pinkie Pie and Tulip head outside and Pinkie Pie stood to Tulip's left, she was about to walk down the steps, but she has a muscle spasm in her front right leg and it twitches, she begins to fall,

"Whoa." Tulip said as she began to fall, but front hoofs appear in front of Tulip and hold her up, she and Pinkie Pie look and see Fluttershy,

"Are you alright, Tulip?" Fluttershy asked,

"Yes, I was about to see you, Fluttershy." Tulip replied, Fluttershy chuckles,

"Why, thank you, come on, I'll show you my new cottage." Fluttershy said, and the two leave while Pinkie Pie smiled and went back into Sugarcube Corner. An hour passes and Pinkie Pie went to the train station to say bye to Tulip, they wave bye at her while she waved bye at them while smiling and the train left, the two smiled and go back home since they were happy that Tulip's cerebral palsy has improved greatly, and they hope that she will continue to improve and be able to fly one day.