• Published 25th Mar 2018
  • 3,767 Views, 23 Comments

Princess Twilight Gets Cucked - TheNewYorkBrony

Princess Twilight catches Sunset with her other world counterpart.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Princess Twilight couldn’t wait to see her girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer. They had been dating for a while now. At first, Sunset was a little unsure if things would work out being that they both lived in different worlds, but Twilight assured her that according to her calculations, distance wasn’t exactly a factor, and that they weren’t that far away. Just a hop through the portal and they could do all the restricted things they wanted.

They had decided that it would be best for their schedules if they alternated every week. Sunset would come to Equestria one week, Twilight would come to the human world the next.

This week it was Twilight’s turn to come though, and she had their weekend all planned. First, they were going to go to the observatory in the city, then they were going to have a nice romantic picnic in Whitetail Park, and then they were going to take a stroll through the park, and maybe smooch here and there. But that was up to Sunset, Twilight didn’t really want to push that sort of thing on her.

Not that they never did anything like that, they did, it was just Sunset was a lot more shy about it. Especially when they were in Equestria, where Sunset wasn’t so used to her pony form anymore. Her kissing was clumsy and awkward there, and they had decided that if they were going to do anything, they’d do it in the other world, where Sunset was more comfortable and could take the lead.

Checking her backpack filled with supplies for their romantic getaway one last time as the portal glowed to life, she stepped through, a megawatt smile on her face.

Sunset slammed down the rest of the bottle of cider before gesturing to Applejack to give her another. She grinned at her fellow guitarist when Rainbow pouted across from her. “Give up, Dash,” She slurred. “You can’t out drink me. Horses can’t throw up,” she said as she took a long swig of the full bottle in her hand.

The girls were all at Sunset’s place hanging out. Rainbow had bet Sunset that she could out drink her, but it seemed like she was losing that one.

“You’re not a horse,” Rainbow told her, motioning for Applejack to do the same for her.

But the farmgirl shook her head. “Sugarcube, Sunset’s drank you under the table. Anymore and you’ll be sicker than Applebloom the time Granny Smith told her where babies come from.” She patted Rainbow on the back.

“Time to call it quits and admit defeat, dear,” Rarity told her, agreeing with Applejack.

“Fine, take your stupid dollar,” Rainbow muttered, placing the bill in Sunset’s awaiting hand. She stood up and stretched.“It’s getting late anyway, I should probably get home.” she turned to Applejack. “Hey, give me a ride, AJ?”

Applejack nodded. “Sure thing. Long as you don’t play that trash you call music,” she mumbled, picking up her car keys off of Sunset’s coffee table.

Rainbow made an offended sound. “It’s not trash! You just think everything that isn’t country is terrible!”

Their argument continued into the night, with the other girls following out behind them.

Sunset jokingly nudged Twilight Sparkle as the door closed. “Hey, what do you say me and you go and get some ice cream?”

Twilight pushed her glasses up on her nose and giggled. “Sunset, it’s like eleven at night. I’m pretty sure Sugarcube Corner is closed.” she sighed. “Thanks for letting me stay over tonight, Sunset. I was a little afraid of sleeping at my house by myself since my parents are away for the weekend.”

Sunset waved her off. “Hey, it’s no problem Twilight. I’m happy to help.” she leaned down to pick up the cider bottle beside her but Twilight stopped her.

“I think you’ve had enough.” She told her. “You may not be able to throw up, but Equestrian magic doesn’t protect you from a hangover.”

Sunset nodded, starting to feel dizzy. She burped, groaning as she leaned her head back against the couch. “Yup, I should probably quit while I’m ahead.”

Twilight giggled, pulling her friend to her feet. “C’mon, I’ll help you into bed.” she put Sunset’s arm around her shoulder and assisted the inebriated girl up the stairs to her bed, turning off the light as she went.

On the final step, Sunset tripped, and Twilight moved to catch her, but ended up falling herself. Somehow with the way that they fell, Sunset had landed on top of her.

In the dark, Twilight couldn’t see anything but she knew she was blushing and her glasses were fogging up. “S-Sunset?” she squeaked, barely able to see her face. “C-Could you get off me?”

“I know how you feel, Twilight.” Sunset told her.

“W-What?” Twilight blurted.

“I can see the way you look at me,” Sunset said, Twilight didn’t need to see her face to know she was smirking.

“Well I-I mean—” Sunset clumsy put a finger over Twilight’s lips.

“Shh. It’s okay.” she whispered. “I like you too.” she slurred, before leaning down to kiss Twilight.

Princess Twilight had a little extra pep in her step as she climbed the steps to Sunset’s apartment. She didn’t tell Sunset when she’d be coming, but she was sure her girlfriend would be happy to see her anyway. Checking under the mat, she found the spare key to the apartment and opened the door.

It was dark, and the sound of light snoring could be heard. She smiled. Sunset must be sleeping. That was okay. She could crawl into bed with her and snuggle. She took her shoes off and was about to climb the stairs when she saw Sunset sitting on the couch on her phone.


“T-Twilight?! What are you doing here?” Sunset asked, her eyes wide with panic.

Twilight looked perplexed. “I’m here to see you, remember? It’s...It’s your weekend.”

All the color seemed to drain from Sunset’s face. “Oh right. It is. I forgot. I was hanging out with the girls and—”

A loud snore cut her off.

Princess Twilight’s eyebrows furrowed. “I thought that was you sleeping.”
“Ah no, I woke up to check my phone and stuff.” Sunset said, running a hand through her hair. “You know, couldn’t go back to sleep and all.”

“Then who’s that?” Princess Twilight asked, starting to walk towards the stairs again.

“Uh, the other you. She’s just spending the night. Yeah, her parents are out of town and she didn’t want to be in her big old house alone.” Sunset explained way too quickly. “She’s sleeping, so why don’t we just stay down here, huh?”

“O...Okay...” Twilight conceded, sitting down on the couch.

Sunset relaxed on the couch next to her, visibly relaxing before tensing right back up again when she heard a yawn.

“Hey, Sunset are you coming back to bed?” Twilight Sparkle called from the top of the stairs. “Actually, I think I need some water,” she added, more to herself than Sunset, and started making her way down.

That’s when Princess Twilight saw that her otherworldly counterpart was clad in a sheet.
Nothing but a sheet.

Twilight Sparkle jumped when she saw the other Twilight. “Oh! Oh no. I think, I think I’m just gonna go back to bed. Nevermind.” her footsteps could be heard as she bounded up the stairs.

Sunset silently cursed and turned back to her girlfriend who’s glare could have killed a man, laughing dryly. “Ooops?”

Author's Note:

This is an inside joke between me and a few of my new friends. Don't think too much into it. It's supposed to be just a funny thing. Anyway please support me on ko-fi or donate to my paypal to help my family! We are in dire need of help right now because of my moms cancer! and it'd be much appreciated! Anyway I hope you guys liked this and I'll see you next time!

Comments ( 23 )

i hate that word so much people use it all the damn time and have no idea what it means

Princess Twilight: Really Sunset? I expected more from you...
Sunset: Look Twilight I'm really sorry-
Princess Twilight: if you wanted to sleep with the other me, you should have let me joined in!
Sci Twi: I'm not comfortable with that....
Sunset: Too late. It's happening! C'mon let's go!
Sci Twi: Princess you can't be serious!?
Princess Twilight: Oh but I am. Now like Sunset said, let's go!

One of the few situations in which getting caught cheating might end up really well for the cheater.

If you're caught cheating, but you're inebriated and it's with another version of your partner, is it still cheating?

"Cucked"? First I've heard of it.

This story is missing an ending. You introduced us to a situation (sunset gets drunk and cheats), have the reveal (sunsets girlfriend finds out) but thats it. There isn't any confrontation or payoff. The story asks the question, "what would happen if sunset cheated on pony twi with human twi?" but never answers it. When you wrote "It doesn't end well." in the description I thought you meant for sunset, not the actual story.

Basically a new word people thought up for cheating on someone.



Little different, cucked today means a man whose wife, with his permission, is sleeping with other men. It's a term of emasculation.

I want to see a sequel/series of this so badly! The end was so hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

Hey now there could always be a chapter two.

Yeah I think twilight thinks so


Then you should mark it incomplete.

You should write a story where PT doesn't know what "cucked" means, but Rainbow says the only recourse it to "cuck" Sunset back, and then something funny happens as a result.

Get the name differentia.

It comes from ‘cuckold’, a very old insult derived from the cuckoo bird which lays its eggs in the nests of other species forcing them to raise its chicks as their own. Thus, a cuckold was classically a man unknowingly raising another man’s child (due to the infidelity of his wife.) The name was coopted into various kinks involving men enjoying watching their female partners having sex with other men. And somehow this all led to ‘cuck’ becoming the rallying cry of acephallic misogynists on the Internet about four or five years ago.

Write a part 2 and I'll be happy and if twilight is mad than she should know the meaning of cucked and now there shall be a reckoning.

I'm not gonna lie, I clicked on this mainly because of the picture.

Y'know, from the title and picture I was expecting more of a deliberate cucking on Sci-Twi's part.

The appropriate response from Sunset would be, "Threesome?" with a really sheepish grin

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