• Published 14th Feb 2018
  • 1,147 Views, 24 Comments

MLP Movie: Equestria's side of the story - tzening

A tale that focuses on the rest of Equestria during the three fateful days of the Storm King's invasion.

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Bonus 2: Epilogue (Extended cut)

Author's Note:

Looking back I felt that there wasn't enough closure for the HUGE cast and the ending felt very rushed. So I came up with these interactions that would take place around or after the original ending.

EDIT: Added a line where Spitfire lampshades that Lightning Dust's behaviour came about because the former kept encouraging it and acknowledged the fault.

The royal couple looked to the star-lit sky in awe of the fireworks. Shining Armour held to his wife even harder than usual, not that it escaped the latter's notice.

"Honey, you can let go now. The war's over."

"No, I turned my back for one second and you are already captured. Once we go home, I'm going to commission extra sets for you and the other princesses to use. Now that I'm not the next big bad guy's future stepping stone anymore, maybe I can finally be of use to Twily and friends. Besides, judging from the accounts, I'm surprised you wouldn't have the same idea as me."

"Believe me, I know being constantly helpless in times of crisis is no doubt infuriating beyond measure time and time again. However, there is more to being royalty than being a soldier. I know old habits from your military life are hard to break since you are pretty much a "General-turned-ruler" stallion. Still, I'm more concerned whether or not the armour makes my flanks look big..."

"Knew you would agree with me, love. I would get your measurements for fitting once we go home."

"You have done enough, now is the time to rest. Besides, after all this gloomy colouring, I can't wait to see the bright Crystal Palace again."

Alarm bells soon rang in the prince's head when the realization that said palace is currently standing on the most fragile of foundations. While he had left the local builders to keep the place standing, even after three days it would still resemble the Changeling Hive. That is the last thing his wife needs to see.

"Yeah....our own bright palace..."

This slurred response definitely didn't escape his wife's notice.

"Shining? Did something happen during Flurry's flu?"

The Wonderbolts have sent their armour back to Cloudsdale for repair and maintenance. After their performance, they are now resting in their arranged stand. After congratulating and dismissing the crew both old and new, drafted and veterans, Spitfire decided to handle a few loose ends.

"Lightning Dust and Wind Rider, come with me."

The loose cannon and the spiteful veteran came to her attention immediately.

"The two of you have displayed extraordinarily in combat, I will give you that. But both of you know very well that there is more to being a Wonderbolt that just being fast and powerful, both of you lacked core traits that got both of you kicked out."

Spitfire walked up to Lightning Dust.

"Your problem is that you are basically an over-brash Rainbow Dash. A selfish mare that only cares about the getting the best benefits for oneself even if it causes collateral. That's why I kicked you out on that fateful day in the academy. You seem to have mellowed out after all this time. I like that. Not to mention in hindsight, my constant encouraging without actually asking how you did it was no doubt the reason you're in this mess, so we're both in the wrong here. I want to make it up to you at least on that aspect. Fix your attitude, especially the whole "talking back to your drill sergeant" part and I'll consider future applications."

"Wait, you mean..." Hope rose in the green pegasus's heart for the first time in a long while.

"Show me that selfless spirit you displayed in the past three days in the tryouts and I might let you back in. Still up for being a Wonderbolt?"

"Ohmygosh!!Ohmygosh!!Ohmygosh!!Ohmygosh!! Thank you for giving me a second chance!! I won't let you down. I promise!!"

With that, Lightning Dust flew off in happiness.

With one loose end tied up, now it's time for the other one.

"Wind Rider. You are the perfect example of the "glory day chasing veteran". You know? The whole "my generation is better than yours" nonsense? However, what you did in the past three days is still admirable and was what landed you as a celebrated veteran in the first place. You will still be remembered as the stallion who tried to get a pony fired over a record, but I will add this note to your historical files so that it won't be all bad. Also, you might get your pension back if I can pull enough favours from Celestia. But don't count on the latter happening anytime soon."

"I wouldn't expect anything less."

After he flew off, Spitfire turned around an alley and cried out to it.

"Rainbow Dash, I know you've been listening. You aren't the kind that screams "stealthy"."

"Aw man. Thought I nailed my camouflage courses."

The titular rainbow-maned pegasus soon stepped out of the shadows.

"So what do you think? You think I made the right choice? Or are you going to chew me out and say they should go buck themselves?"

"Nah. I wouldn't say anything like that. After hearing about what you guys did, I was finally reminded why I idolised you all even after all the times you all act like the biggest jerks in world."

As Rainbow Dash looked to the firework lit sky, she left to join her friends. But not before leaving with a parting line.

"We save lives occasionally. You guys save lives everyday. While looking cool of course. That's why I wanted to join you."

Dragon Lord Ember was currently the reigning champion of toss the rock, until Maud made her eat humble gem pie.

"I didn't know it's possible to throw a rock and make it fly over the horizon. And then make it explode. You win this one."

She soon noticed a certain armoured dark orange pegasus. She soon wasted no time walking up to him.

"Wait a minute, I know you. You're that orange jerk Dad kept talking about!"

Flash Magnus was soon taken aback.

"What are you talking about, Dragon Lord? When did I piss off your father? I would have certainly known that."

"Aside from the obvious issue as to how you are still alive after a thousand years, maybe this will jog your memory. A dark-green male dragon with tusks at the side of his face. Caught a few of your fellow soldiers. Ring any bells?"

After a moment's recollection, he soon remembered the details of his legend that was spread around campfires.

"What? That ugly mug was your DAD?" He soon backpedalled when he remembered who was he talking to. "I mean, what a small world we live in, don't we? Hehehehe..." He laughed nervously as he may had unintentionally burned any bridges Equestria had with the dragons with his presence.

"It's a story he told me when he was younger. He ran into some pegasi along with a friend of his and got lured into a thunder cloud many times bigger than him by a braggart with a fireproof shield. Apparently, they were accusing him of kidnapping some of their fellow soldiers and it was a rescue mission on their part. Now I want to hear your side of the story."

Flash Magnus was stunned. The daughter of the infamous dragon in his legend that made him a legend is now standing before him as the current Dragon Lord. He would have to pick his next words carefully to avoid starting a war.

"Your Majesty. Here's what happened. Your dad and another one captured some of my friends. Everything that you said, luring them both into a thundercloud acting as bait while my friends saved the ones you captured, is true. I only have one question. Why did your father capture my friends in the first place? I thought dragons only ate gems. Please don't tell me they eat ponies now."

"Well, according to him when I asked about that aspect, the reason was..."

In another area of the city, Trixie and Starlight sat on a giant rocket.

"Now for our finale, FLY ME TO THE MOON!!"

The giant rocket lifted off to the sky with the duo riding on it.

"Wait a minute, don't rockets explode-"

Thankfully for everyone, no idiots were harmed in the explosion.

"I can't believe this. You are letting me keep the sword and armor?"

Prince Blueblood was stunned at his aunt's supposed reward for him.

"Yes, you heard correctly. I was told by fellow ponies that a flaming stallion hurling the light of the sun ran around in the streets of Canterlot singlehandedly blocking entry to the castle and was among the few that fought back in the initial invasion. I know that pony was you the moment I saw that armour and sword on you. You ancestor will be so proud of you. I will let you keep it on one condition."

The prince groaned. Of course there is going to be a drawback.

"You are to be scheduled for sword fighting training affective immediately. Considering that aside from being an ambassador and diplomat, you were always complaining about being bored out of your mind in the castle. Shining Armour could use some more reliable help and since the two of you got acquainted during a previous diplomatic visit to Yakyakistan, I think you will be the perfect hidden ace. After all, who ever pays attention to the spoiled prince in background? So are you in? If you refuse, I can just return them to the vault and you can return to your normal life like this never happened. I can wait for a more willing recipient."

Blueblood is now stuck in between the crossroads. He can pick the easy way or the hard way. Equestria always needs heroes and after what happened in the past three days he came to a decision.

"Just tell me I get to live my life as per normal outside sword fighting training while doing not over around twenty hours per week, three hours per day and you got yourself a deal."

"Splendid!! Your training begins next week. Feel free to get used to Galatine while you're waiting. I once fireproofed the castle long ago thanks to Philomena. Just don't hit anyone ok?"

"Yes, Auntie."

After restoring the sword back to it's original tachi form and returning it to the Canterlot Museum, Moondancer was greeted by her friends, including a certain Princess of Friendship. Twilight soon stepped forward while asking to speak to her in private.

"Moondancer, I heard about your bravery and attempted sacrifice from Starlight. No words can properly convey what I want to tell you. I mean, posing as me so that the Storm King think he has won while I get the Hippogriffs? That's beyond reckless!! What if his staff didn't activate since there are only three alicorns the whole time? I would never forgive myself if I lost you just because you wanted to protect me."

"Don't worry about me doing anymore crazy stunts. This is a one-time thing. I'm no soldier. I'm simply a clueless mare out of touch with reality playing hero. Fighting Tempest Shadow was the most nerve-wrecking part of my life."

"But do you want to protect your friends and not be helpless again?"


"I know I haven't really visited you much after my attempt at amending fences. But after watching what happened to my friends in Canterlot, I realised that I still can't truly save everyone. Not all at once at least. So I want to know that among you five, there is someone that can be the protector of the group. I heard about your swordsmanship. It's great. I mean, actually fighting Tempest in a magnificent display of combat? You are literally the only mortal that every reached close to defeating her the conventional way, something that not even me and my Ponyville friends can boast."

"Oh that, I was just mimicking the instructions. Being constantly on the defensive and getting a demolished ribcage isn't exactly something to be proud of or walk off. Besides, I still lost."

"To be honest. If you trained anymore, you might have cut me in half."

Mondancer turned to see Tempest Shadow who stood before her as she had been listening on the conversation while on the way to speak to Twilight.

"Your skills while unpolished, was the only thing that stopped me from losing my legs. You truly are a worthy opponent. I will be honoured to fight you once more. On friendlier terms of course. A wise pony once said: What we call power is simply a measure of one's raw strength. Without how to properly apply it, it has no real meaning. However, denying power that you already possess, you are only shortchanging yourself."

Moondancer was stunned at the words from her former archenemy.

"Even if military life is not an option, denying the chance to protect what's dear to you without a proper reason is the pinnacle of naivety. Friendship is a two-way street. You need to know that your friends can count on you just as you can count on them. Something that I should have known a long time ago." Twilight spoke to her friend. "I heard about what was the style of swordsmanship you were using. I'm getting you your own sakaboto for your personal use. Consider it a gift from me at least. Being a princess has it's advantages."

"Wow, that's a nice gift. I guess you want me to start hitting the manual once more?"

"That and also, if you're interested, I can read around and see if there are still any living masters of this style. You can train from them."

"Yeah, good luck with that. The name of the manual was a bit faded but I think it says "Eight Leaves, One Sword". I don't think there are any masters alive. The author himself was an archivist."

"It's your choice. I'm not forcing you to learn the art of combat. This isn't a fantasy tale after all. One doesn't simply get used to live combat, if you do then I should be worried."

As she looked to her happy friends, Lyra Heartstrings, Lemon Hearts, Twinkle Shine, Minuette. She wanted to protect those smiles.

"I guess I'll start swinging my sword around in the near future. Send me a message when you find a master."

"Excellent!! I start the commission for the sakaboto right away! Thank you, Moondancer. Counting on you to protect our Canterlot friends was the right choice."

"On two conditions."

"Huh, what would they be?"

"One, just because you assigned me to be their bodyguard doesn't mean you can skip out on us. Visit us more often, ok? Be it in Ponyville or Canterlot. Two, if you find a master and I train under him or her, I want a rematch with Tempest after I finished training."

"I will be more than happy to fight you once more in the future." The former rogue unicorn smiled at the prospect.

"Now that it's settled. Let's go introduce you to my other friends. Ok? Not to mention, I also have a proposal for the other races..."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Tempest barely got her question out before being whisked away against her will.

Countless stories begin and end. Each has a hero and villain.
And under the sky lit up by a violet rogue, new doors open for every future.
Now it is time to live the next chapter of their lives, for each new story is a new beginning.

Comments ( 2 )

And that was a fun epilogue. I would love to see more adventures of Moondancer, the samurai!

Congratulations on finishing.

CLOUDSDALE RISE! Do you remember when, the Storm King forced his reign on Equestria.

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